Westbrook Family
Westbrook Family ray Wed, 08/06/2014 - 09:08THE EDWIN M. WESTBROOK HOUSE and FAMILY
Edward M. Westbrook (1858-1913)
The Edwin Martin Westbrook House was located on the west side of Washington Avenue between the present day Lovelace Drug Store and the Blossman Building. Older citizens get nostalgic recalling when this lovely Queen Anne cottage was neighbored by the A.C. Gottsche Store and the Bailey Drug Store.
The Westbrook family is certainly one of the oldest at Ocean Springs. John Westbrook, possibly from England, married Felicite LaFontaine, the daughter of Louis Auguste LaFontaine and Catherine Bourgeois, the founding family of Ocean Springs. Some of John Westbrook's progeny were Lucian Westbrook (1842-1896) who married Cecelia Kendall (1848-1913), the daughter of Celestine Ryan (1828-1864+) and Louis Kendall (c. 1830-1894), and Louise Felicite Westbrook (b. circa 1836) who married Rene' Ryan in August 1850.
Edwin Martin Westbrook (1858-1913), who built his home on Washington Avenue, circa 1897, was born at Louisiana, probably New Orleans. His relationship to John Westbrook and Felicity LaFontaine is not presently known to this researcher, but they appear to be disputably unrelated. Information on E.M. Westbrook's father is sparse, but his name is believed to have been John Westbrook. His mother, Caroline Mathieu (1830-1895), a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and a midwife at Ocean Springs, was widowed circa 1870. She remarried Captain Joseph Toche (b. 1848), who was probably born at Dauphin Island, Alabama. Toche's father was a French immigrant. Caroline's children with John Westbrook were: Louis Charles Westbrook (1847-1921)* m. Henrietta Alvarez (1861-1895); William Westbrook*; Martha Westbrook (1851-1919) who married Leonard Fayard (1847-1923); Edwin M. Westbrook (1858-1913); Henry R. Westbrook (1860-1938) who married Francis J. Hadley (b. 1860); and Viola Westbrook (b. 1865) who married John Bourgeois. Her children with Joseph Toche were Adele Toche (b. 1870) and Joseph Toche, Jr. (1873-1960).
* e-mail to Ray L. Bellande from Dawna Graham Westbrook on January 20, 2010:
Louis Charles Westbrook (Aug. 9, 1847 - Nov. 6, 1921). This is my husbands great grandfather. I have a copy of his death certificate showing John and Caroline as his parents. There are numerous newspaper articles mentioning his daughters visiting their cousins (Edwin Westbrook family) in Ocean Springs. He was married 3 times but all of his children were born to his 2nd wife Henrietta Alvarez (1861 - Oct 31, 1895) of New Orleans. As a young man he moved to New Orleans. He eventually moved to Bay St. Louis and then Biloxi. Six of his 8 children died in early adulthood from TB and one daughter from malaria. They are all buried in the Biloxi Cemetery. His only child that lived out a full life was Henrietta (1893 - 1985). Henrietta married Herman Francis Kelly (1888 - 1946). The Westbrook descendants of Louis were through his daughter Theresa (1887- 1919). She had 2 illegitimate children, Margaret (1911 - 1993) and Charles (1913 - 1974). Charles F. "Charlie" Westbrook raised his family first on Elmer St. in Biloxi and then 1607 Porter Ave., OS. Charlie had 7 sons and 1 daughter so our branch of the Westbrook dynasty is strong and expanding. Caroline and John's 2nd child was William. I haven't actually done any research on William and what I've seen of others work looks to be in error. I can only say he existed.
E.M. Westbrook made his livelihood in Ocean Springs as a barber. He was practicing this tonsorial art as early as the age of twenty-two. On December 16, 1880, Westbrook married Harriet Clark (1857-1927), a Mississippian and native of Green County. Her family arrived in Jackson County after the Civil War and her sister married John Ryan. The E.M. Westbrook family probably lived in the Jerome Ryan tract on or near Porter Avenue, before acquiring their Washington Avenue tract in March 1897, from the widow, Josephine Pferffle (1837-1904), an 1840, Bavarian immigrant. Her husband, Rudolph Pferffle (1829-1880+) also Bavarian, was a local house carpenter and building contractor. This is corroborated by The Pascagoula Democrat-Star of June 4, 1897, "our enterprising Alderman Westbrook has moved from his Porter Avenue residence to his new purchase on Washington Avenue adjoining the Post Office". By late June, he was upgrading his newly acquired Washington Avenue lot.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 18, pp. 167-168 and The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, July 2, 1897, p. 3 and The Jackson County Times, April 23, 1927, p. 1.)
E.W. Davis purchased the Westbrook home near Porter for $1700 in April 1897. Mrs. Pferrfle built a cottage on Bienville Avenue in April 1897.
The E.M. Westbrook tract was located in Lot 14 of Block 19 (Culmseig Map of 1854). It was L-shaped and fronted on three streets. The .72 acre lot had a front on Washington Avenue of fifty-four feet, a front on Desoto of two hundred and thirteen feet, and on Jackson Avenue, a front of one hundred feet. At the time of the March 1897 purchase, the Westbrook lot was located between the home of Mayor Thomas W. Grayson (1825-1904) and the U.S. Post Office which was situated on the southwest corner of Washington and Desoto. The large Davis Brothers mercantile store was south of Mayor Grayson. It can be determined with a high degree of certitude from Sanborn insurance maps of 1893 and 1898, that the E.M. Westbrook edifice was erected in the period between these years.
E.M. Westbrook House
[west side of Washington Avenue between Government and Desoto]
The original Queen Anne structure with cross-gabled roof, had a three bay porch featuring turned posts, brackets, and a highly ornamented balustrade. A projecting gabled bay on the north side of the cottage was accentuated by imbricated shingles and ornate barge board in the gable. The windows were shuttered. The Westbrook's' exquisitely landscaped front yard featured a fountain with a small Muse like statuette. The Westbrook cottage had a living area of 1325 square-feet. The front gallery had an area of 120 square-feet and the south side porch consisted of 150 square-feet of operative space.
E.M. and Arthur E. Westbrook Barbershop
[situated on the west side of Washington Avenue south of Desoto. Note the A.C. Gottsche store, which is now the Blossman Gas Company building]
In 1894, E.M. Westbrook also erected a barbershop about ten feet northeast of his house. It was a one-story, wood-framed building of 225 square feet. At this business establishment, Mr. Westbrook was also the agent for the Peerless Steam Laundry of Mobile, and handled cigars and chewing tobacco. His son, Arthur, joined him as a barber about 1898.
In September 1929, the Westbrook barbershop was moved to line up with the other structures on Washington Avenue. Its timbers were generally found to be in good condition. The iron fence, which graced the Westbrook cottage was also relocated at this time.(The Jackson County Times, September 14, 1929, p. 2)
The E.M. Westbrooks reared a large family at Ocean Springs. Their children were: Edmund James Westbrook (1881-1943), Henry Charles Westbrook (1883-1883), Arthur Efferis Westbrook (1884-1945), William Joseph Westbrook (1886-1913), George Lamar Westbrook (1888-1935), Frederick Louis Westbrook (1889-1963), Alonzo Sheldon Westbrook (1892-1919), Harry Ferdinand Westbrook (1894-1933), Hattie Adele Westbrook (1898-1919), and Albert Sidney Westbrook (1900-1980).
The Westbrook boys grew up when the L&N Railroad was an important and prestigious employer at Ocean Springs. It was only natural that they would seek livelihoods in the rail transportation industry. Only Arthur E. Westbrook followed the tonsorial trade of his father. A biographical sketch of the lives of the Westbrook men who pursued careers with the L&N Railroad follows:
Edmund [Edwin?] J. Westbrook (1881-1943) began his career as a telegraph operator with the L&N at Ocean Springs. He met and married Adele M. Krebs (1883-1966) of Pascagoula. She was the daughter of Alfred E. Krebs (1847-1898) and Hanna Herminia Ellison (1852-1938). Her brother-in-law was Willie P. Ramsay (1870-1963) of Vancleave and Latimer who served as Sheriff of Jackson County from 1904-1908. In January 1903, the young couple married at Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Church at Pascagoula. They initially resided at Ocean Springs with Mrs. G.H. Tardy (1840-1917). The E.J. Westbrooks had a daughter, Ione Westbrook (1905-1990). She worked as a clerk in the Jackson County Chancery Court. The Westbrook family later relocated to Pascagoula where they resided at 410 Jackson Avenue adjacent to the Jackson-George Regional public library building. E.J. Westbrook and his family were interred in the Krebs family plot at the Greenwood Cemetery in Pascagoula.
Arthur Efferis Westbrook (1884-1945) and spouse? on Washington Avenue near Old Fort Bayou circa 1924.
[courtesy of J.K. Lemon (1914-1998)]
Arthur E. Westbrook (1884-1945) was born March 14, 1884 at Ocean Springs. he followed his father's vocation and became a barber. E.M. Westbrook had established the business in 1879. Arthur started as apprentice barber with his father circa 1898. Upon Edward M. Westbrook's demise in 1913, he became sole proprietor of what was the best barber shop in the city. It was characterized by cleanliness and high sanitary practices. In addition to his barbering, Arthur E. Westbrook was the local agent for The Times-Picayune of New Orleans and the Ideal Steam Laundry of Pascagoula.(Ocean Springs-1915, p. 29)
On October 16, 1907, Arthur E. Westbrook married Louise A. Ernst (1881-1962) of New Orleans. She was the daughter of Felix Ernst Jr. (1853-1906) and Josephine Faessel (1858-1915). Louise, called Lula, was reared on 3rd Street in the Crescent City where her father was a merchant. She had a brother, Andrew Ernst (1879-1900+).(1900 Orleans Parish, Louisiana Federal Census T623 574, p. 27B, ED 112)
Lula and Arthur E. Westbrook were the parents of two children: Marion Westbrook (1909-1926+) married Burke Poe and Andrew Westbrook (1915-1986). Arthur E. Westbrook was a good story teller and preserved and passed on many anecdotal tales told to him by his father and others who frequented the Westbrook Barbershop on Washington Avenue near Desoto. Arthur expired on February 21, 1945. Louise Ernst Westbrook lived until 1962.(J.K. Lemon (1914-1998)
Leroy Westbrook (1908-pre-1980)
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
William J. Westbrook (1886-1913) was killed in a railroad accident at Grand Bay, Alabama on February 23, 1913. While attempting to catch the caboose of a freight train, young Westbrook lost his footing and fell beneath the rolling wheels of a freight car. He was the L&N station agent at the time of his demise. W.J. Westbrook probably had three children born in Alabama: W.J. Westbrook, Jr., Leroy Westbrook (b. 1908- pre 1980) and Lillian Westbrook (b. 1911). The two younger children lived at Ocean Springs with their grandmother, Hattie Westbrook, in 1920.
In the settlement of Mrs. Harriet Westbrook's Estate, Jackson County Chancery Court Cause No. 4920-April 1927, her sons, Arthur and Fred L. Westbrook, were appointed administrators by the court. By this time, W.J. Westbrook's wife had remarried and was known as Mrs. Mamie E. Fields. She resided with her minor children at 56 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama. Mrs. Fields children as well Alonzo Westbrook, Jr. were inheritors in their grandmother's estate and were compensated through Jackson County Chancery Court Cause No. 5004.
George L. Westbrook (1888-1935)
[G.L. Westbrook with Van Cleave Reid (1899-1972) and Audrey Reid (1900-1914. image made at 528 Jackson Avenue circa 1908)
George L. Westbrook (1888-1935) became associated with the L&N Railroad circa 1905. He was a telegraph operator and ticket agent at the Ocean Springs depot. Circa 1909, G.L. Westbrook married Sarah “Sallie” Van Cleave (1876-1934), the widow of Dunklin Felix Reid (1872-circa 1906). Mrs. Reid was the daughter of Robert A. Van Cleave (1840-1908) and Elizabeth R. Sheppard (1842-1912). She had two children, Van Cleave Reid (1899-1972) and Audrey E. Reid (1900-1914).
On December 15, 1934, George L. Westbrook married Ina Towle Baker (1881-1947) at Gulfport. She was the daughter of of James Towle, a Scotsman, and an Irish lady named Daily. Ina T. Westbrook previously resided at Wausau, Wisconsin. She had two sons, Frederick Otis Baker and William John Baker, from her first marriage to F.W. Baker. Mrs. Westbrook was president of the Ocean Springs Demonstration Club and a recognized landscape authority. She died on September 23, 1947. Her remains were interred at Memphis.
G.L. Westbrook was found dead at his home with acute indigestion on July 26, 1935. Mrs. Ina Westbrook was in Milwaukee visiting relatives at the time.
Frederick L. Westbrook Sr. (1889-1963) and Frederick L. Westbrook Jr. (1919-2001)
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
Frederick L. Westbrook, Sr. (1889-1963) was the day operator for the L&N Railroad at the Biloxi station in 1913. He later worked for the U.S. Postal Service as a mail carrier. Westbrook married Seraphine Tucei (1882-1977) of Biloxi in June 1916. They had one son, Frederick L. Westbrook, Jr. (1919-2001) and resided at 709 Church Street in Ocean Springs.
709 Church Street
[L-R: east elevation and west elevation]
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
In June 1915, Rural Route 2, a new rural postal route was announced by the Ocean Springs Post Office. There were one hundred-fifty families on the circuit with the number soon expected by Postmaster McClure to increase to two hundred. In July 1915, twenty-nine people applied for the Rural Route 2 position at testing sites in Biloxi and Pascagoula. Locals from Vancleave and Ocean Springs who took this postal exam were Charles H. Mr. Bransford (1868-1947), the former Postmaster; John B. Bransford; George T. Rehage (1878-1937); Ralph M. Spaulding (1876-1959); Fred Lewis (1862-1933);Fred L. Westbrook (1889-1963); Tim Regan; Billy Mitchell; John Wadlow; and Paul Bertuccini (b. 1893).( The Ocean Springs News, June 17, 1915, p. 1, July 1, 1915, p. 1, and July 29, 1915, p. 1)
Fred L. Westbrook Sr. won the position scoring 87.1 on the postal examination. His appointment as a carrier on R.F.D. No. 2 was announced publicly in early February 1916. Fred started the job in late January. In the fall of 1917, The Jackson County Times announced that F.L. Westbrook, Route 2 carrier, increased his daily delivery schedule to six days each week. Prior to this, he delivered only three days per week.(The Ocean Springs News, February 3, 1916, p. 1 and The Jackson County Times, October 20, 1917)
Fred L. Westbrook Sr. retired from the US Postal Service on in early December 1959 after 43 years and ten months of service as a rural mail carrier. He related that he traveled over 30,000 miles each year. His longest route was about 95 miles. It began in Ocean Springs went to East Beach, Fontainebleau, Vancleave and thirty-five miles further. This route was split in 1952, but still required seventy miles of driving because of the increased population in rural areas. (The Daily Herald, December 2, 1959, p. 2)
Fred L. Westbrook, Sr. was very active at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church where he served as president of the Holy Name Society and on the building committee. He was a member of the Order of the Alhambra, Knights of Columbus (third and fourth degree), and Sacred Heart League. After Mr. Westbrook's demise, the local Knights of Columbus chapter, which was commenced by his son, Fred, was named the Fred L. Westbrook, Sr. Council No. 5654. Their building is located at 621 Washington Avenue.
Alonzo S. Westbrook (1892-1918) was employed by the L&N Railroad at Biloxi, when he died from tuberculosis at the young age of twenty-six years. He was the cashier at the freight depot. Alonzo Westbrook was probably named for Alonzo D. Sheldon (1832-1904), a native of New York who was the railroad agent at Ocean Springs in 1880.
In 1914, A.S. Westbrook was residing at Mobile where he was a cashier for the L&N. He married Margarite Van Cleave (1895-1977) at Vicksburg, on March 19, 1914. She was a native of Yazoo City and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Van Cleave. Margarite V. Westbrook was also the niece of Mrs. George L. Westbrook, the brother of R.A. Van Cleave (1840-1908). Mr. T.M. Van Cleave was on the police force and a Justice of the Peace at Vicksburg.(The Ocean Springs News, March 28, 1914, p. 1)
Alonzo S. Westbrook Jr. (1915-2002) was born on March 4, 1915, at Ocean Springs. After his father's demise in March 1918, Mrs. Westbrook relocated to Jackson, Mississippi and reared her son there. He was valedictorian of Jackson Central High School and graduated from the University of Mississippi law school in 1939. Alonzo S. Westbrook Jr. practiced law at Jackson until he was employed by the Civil Service at KAFB at Biloxi in 1967. Mr. Westbrook expired at Biloxi on January 12, 2002.
Harry Westbrook (1893-1933)
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
Harry F. Westbrook (1893-1933) joined the L&N Railroad at Biloxi circa 1921, as a telegraph operator. After returning from WW I, having served in the European Theater with the 29th Infantry Division, he had been employed as a moulder in a shipyard. Harry Westbrook also worked at several coast cities during his tenure with the railroad. He was an athlete and excelled at baseball. In 1920, Harry Westbrook played catcher for the Biloxi nine. He was the hero of a game at Biloxi on August 29, 1920, when he cracked a double in the bottom of the ninth and drove in two runs, which beat the New Orleans Lookouts. Westbrook managed the 1928 Ocean Springs team which won the Gulf Coast League championship. Harry Westbrook married Lorraine Whitfield of Gulfport on December 20, 1924. They had a daughter, Betty W. Hampton (b. 1925). Harry F. Westbrook passed on April 26, 1933, at the VA Hospital in Outwood, Kentucky after a long illness which may have been related to his military career.
Albert Westbrook (1900-1980)
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
Albert S. Westbrook (1900-1980) joined the L&N Railroad in 1917. Although his career took him to Biloxi (chief clerk), Pascagoula, and Bay St. Louis, he always resided at Ocean Springs commuting daily to his post by rail. In August 1931, Albert was transferred to Biloxi as Freight Agent as his position in Ocean Springs as freight agent was eliminated. He retired from the L&N in 1963.(The Daily Herald, August 11, 1931, p.2)
In 1923, Albert Westbrook married Lucille Theresa Tonnelier (1901-1973) of Biloxi. They had a daughter, Margie W. Edwards (1927-2008), who married Bruce Edwards (1925-2003), resided at Ocean Springs. Margie expired at Ocean Springs on January 17, 2008. Margie and Bruce had three children: Jeanne Edwards m. Bobbie Lewis; Jan Edwards m. Mr. Roberts; and Bruce Edwards Jr. Her corporal remains were interred in Crestlawn Memorial Park on U.S. Highway 90 in Ocean Springs.(The Sun Herald, March 24, 2003, p. A6 and January 20, 2008, p. A12)
Like his father, Albert Westbrook was involved in local politics. He was elected mayor of Ocean Springs in 1943, and acted in this civic capacity until 1950. Mr. Westbrook was also elected alderman of Ward One several times. He served his constituents faithfully during his years in that office, which were: 1931-1932, 1939-1940, and 1969-1973. Albert Westbrook passed on October 8, 1980. His remains were interred at the Biloxi City Cemetery.
Hattie Westbrook
[L-R: Hattie Westbrook and friend on Washington Avenue circa 1918. L&N Depot on left and Commercial Hotel on right]
[F.L. Westbrook Jr. Collection]
Hattie Westbrook (1898-1919), the only girl, died on August 23, 1919, from tuberculosis. She had attended one year of college at the Industrial Institute & College at Columbus, Mississippi. Anecdotal history relates that Miss Westbrook rode her bicycle to the country school north of Fort Bayou, where she taught.
Edwin M. Westbrook also dealt in real estate. The Progress of July 23, 1904, described him as "our popular real estate agent". On August 27, 1904, he advertised on page four in The Progress as:
Dealer in
General real estate business transacted.
Houses and Lots sold, rented or leased, and a
Your Patronage is Solicited
The Jackson County Land Roll for 1906 indicates that E.M. Westbrook owned four houses in the Iberville Drive area north of the L&N tracks. One of these, the Century21K Realty office, which was erected in 1904, is extant today at 1201 Washington Avenue.
Edwin M. Westbrook was active in the social and political scene at Ocean Springs. He was a member of the Ocean Springs Fire Company No. 1 and officiated as the Grand Marshall of the 1893 Firemen’s Day Parade. Mr. Westbrook served his fellow citizens as alderman of Ward Four in the years of 1895-1898. After E.M. Westbrook's death in September 1913, Arthur Westbrook became the proprietor of the barbershop which was now adjacent to the new A.C. Gottshe grocery store.
Arthur E. Westbrook (1884-1945) married Louise Anna Ernst (1881-1962) of New Orleans in October 1907. They had two children, Marion W. Poe (1909-1962+) and Andrew Westbrook (1915-1962+). Marion had met her husband Burke Poe, in the late 1920s, when he had come to town to pave Washington Avenue and other thoroughfares. The Poes resided at Ponchatoula, Louisiana in 1962. Andrew Westbrook was a Captain in the U.S. Army and served in Italy during WW II. He later resided at Glen Burnie, Maryland.
Arthur Westbrook was a great story teller and passed on to his generation many anecdotal tales that he had learned in his father's barbershop as a child and as a hair dresser. He helped preserve much of our local history through these oral recitations. Westbrook retired from barbering in 1943 due to health reasons.After Mrs. Harriet C. Westbrook died on April 16, 1927, her estate was settled by Commissioner Fred Taylor in a forced heirship suit, Jackson County Chancery Court Cause
No. 5004. In February 1928, Arthur Westbrook paid $18,400 to the court for the Westbrook property.(2) On February 23, 1928, he conveyed an undivided 1/6th interest in these properties to his brothers, Fred, Harry, Edmund, George, and Albert.(3) The Westbrook brothers in turn conveyed the small barbershop tract, 19 feet by 200 feet, to Arthur E. Westbrook in March 1928.(4)
The E.M. Westbrook home was rented intermittently through the years. Minnie Mason who worked at the Ocean Springs High School cafeteria rented the house in the early 1940
In December 1945, the Westbrook heirs, Mrs. Arthur E. Westbrook, Mrs. Harry F. Westbrook, Adele K. Westbrook, Fred L. Westbrook, Albert S. Westbrook, Ione Westbrook, and Ina B. Westbrook sold the house and property on Washington Avenue to Roland Lovelace (1889-1967) for $3500.(5)
Lovelace bought the adjacent Bailey Building (now Lovelace Drug Store) tract from Beryl Bailey Parker Wood (1896-1986) in May 1948, for $5000. It is believed that Roland Lovelace had the E.M. Westbrook home demolished in 1946.
The old Westbrook barbershop was sold by Mrs. Arthur E. Westbrook to Tone and Eleanor Herman in May 1955.(6) Tone Herman conveyed the structure to Eula Quave Noyes for $6000 on August 3, 1959.(7) Mrs. Noyes operated a flower shop here for several years. Blossman Gas Inc. acquired the tract circa 1965. The corporation had previously purchased the old A.C. Gottsche store from A. Lynd Gottsche (1902-1974) in November 1962.(8) The Gottsche building (circa 1913) was refurbished and redesigned by architects, Slaughter & Smith, of Pascagoula.
The corporal remains of E.M. Westbrook and Harriet Clark Westbrook were both interred in the Bellande Cemetery on Dewey Avenue at Ocean Springs.
The old Westbrook barbershop collapsed when it was being moved to another area of the Blossman property, thus terminating the E.M. Westbrook family history in the heart of old Ocean Springs.
A sincere thanks to Margie W. Edwards, Darlene J. Krohn, J.K. Lemon, Mary Bess Welch, and Alonzo S. Westbrook, Jr. for their assistance with this historical essay.
1. Jackson County Land Deed Book 18, pp. 167-168.
2. ------------------------ Book 61, pp. 227-229.
3. ------------------------ Book 61, pp. 231-233.
4. ------------------------ Book 61, pp. 250-251.
5. ------------------------ Book 91, p. 515.
6. ------------------------ Book 148, p. 481.
7. ------------------------ Book 190, pp. 348-350.
8. ------------------------ Book 232, p. 382.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs”, August 11, 1931.
The Daily Herald, "Westbrook ends long career as rural mailman", December 2, 1959, p. 2.
The Daily Herald, "Margarite V. Westbrook", May 2, 1977, p. A-2.
The Jackson County Times, "Alonzo S. Westbrook Obit", March 30, 1918, p. 4.
The Jackson County Times , "Miss Hattie Westbrook Passed Away Saturday", August 30, 1919, p. 5.
The Jackson County Times, "Local News Interest", August 14, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, "Local News Interest", September 4, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, "Mrs. E.M. Westbrook", April 23, 1927, p. 1.
The Jackson County Times, "Local News Interest", September 14, 1929.
The Jackson County Times, "Local and Personal", June 9, 1934.
The Jackson County Times, "Local and Personal", December 15, 1934.
The Jackson County Times, "George L. Westbrook Obit", August 3, 1935.
The Mississippi Press, "No Place on horse for tag, says oldster, new deputy", circa 1961.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", April 2, 1897.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", April 16, 1897.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", May 28, 1897.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", June 4, 1897.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", July 2, 1897.
The Ocean Springs News, "Westbrook-Van Cleave", March 28, 1914, p. 1.
The Sun Herald, "Bruce Edwards Sr.", March 24, 2003.
The Sun Herald, "Edwards had love for critters of all kind", March 24, 2003.
The Sun Herald, "Margie Westbrook Edwards", January 20, 2008.