On May 18th, the Sandy Point, a 163-foot menhaden fishing boat, working for Omega Protein, Moss Point, Mississippi sank in 25-feet of water off the west end of Ship Island after colliding with the Eurus London, a 660-foot container ship en route to Freeport, Texas. Three seamen from the fishing vessel were missing after the tragedy and later found dead. The bow section of the vessel was raised in mid-June and by June 20th the complete vessel had been salvaged and brought ashore at Gulfport, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, May 20, 2011, p. A1, June 13, 2011, p. A1, June 21, 2011, p. A9, April 21, 2012, p. A4)
Victor Mavar Sr., Shrimp King, and Mallory Gilson, Shrimp Queen, ruled over the annual Blessing of the Fleet on June 5th.(The Sun Herald, May 29, 2011, p. F4, June 12, 2011, p. F3 and June 19, 2011, p. F4)
Henry Francis 'H.F.' "Buddy" Fountain (1924-2011), architectural engineer, expired on June 5th. Buddy was a 1951 LSU graduate, US Navy WWII veteran, and began his career as a professional architect in 1955. His design work was responsible for: Mississippi Coast Coliseum; Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church; the 1961 BHS; the Biloxi Public Safety Complex; and many more.(The Sun Herald, June 7, 2011, p. A4)
On June 14th, Arthur McMillan was hired for three years at $139,000 per year to replace Paul Tisdale as the Superintendent of the Biloxi School System. He comes to Biloxi from the Enterprise School District, Clarke County, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, June 15, 2011, p. A11)
In June 2011, Larry Echo Hawk, assistant secretary for the Bureau Indian Affairs rescinded the 2008 moratorium issued during the Bush presidential administration which blocked an attempt by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians to open a casino on their lands in Jackson County, Mississippi. Mr. Hawk stated. "The 2008 guidance memorandum was unnecessary and was issued without the benefit of tribal consultation. We will proceed to process off-reservation gaming applications in a transparent manner, consistent with exisiting law."(The Sun Herald, June 18, 2011, p. A1)
Vancleave icon, Clifton 'Kipp' Malachi Dees (1927-2011), creator of the Vancleave Special, a crabmeat po-boy with cheese that was first made at Rosetti's on the Point in Biloxi, expired in Gulfport on June 16th.(The Sun Herald, June 19, 2011, p. A12)
On June 17th, Final Fantasy, a 54-foot, sports fisherman caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Mexico about 150 miles off of Biloxi and 7 miles north of the Ursa oil platform. Ursa Field is located in Mississippi Canyou Block 854 at N 28.154 latitude and W 89.103 longitude in about 4000 feet of water and is operated by Shell Oil from a tension-legged platform. Edison Chouest Offshore Company rescued Jamie Sablich, his two sons, and Jordy Pitalo and his son.(The Sun Herald, June 20, 2011, p. A4)
On June 19th, Rory McElroy (b. 1989), Northern Ireland, won the US Open at Congressional in Bethesda, Maryland with a record setting 16 under par. Lane Pippin won his second straight Coast Amateur Championship at the Grand Bear Golf Club.(The Sun Herald, June 20, 2011, p. B1)
The Gaslog Singapore delivered the first shipment of liquefied natural gas from Algeria to Gulf LNG at Pascagoula on June 18th. El Paso Natural Gas operates the $1.1 billion facility.(The Sun Herald, June 21, 2011, p. A5)
Dr. Malcolm L. Latour (1933-2011), a Louisiana native, resident of Gulf Hills and Coast psychiatrist since 1977, and former chief of staff at the Biloxi Hospital, expired on June 28, 2011.(The Sun Herald, June 30, 2011, p. A4 and July 1, 2011, p. A3)
Phyliss J. Anderson was the first woman elected a Chief of the Mississippi Band of Choctaws defeating Mingo Beasley Denson with 55% of the vote on July 5, 2011 in the run-off election. Unofficial returns had Anderson with 1741 votes and Denson garnering 1408. On July 8, 2011, the Mississippi Choctaw Tribal Council voted to hold another election after Chief Beasley Denson lot to Phyliss J. Anderson. Voting line and timing irregularities of a prior election were cited as the reason for another election.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2011, p. A5 and July 9, 2011, p. A3)
Elizabeth 'Betty' Ann Bloomer Ford (1918-2011), former First Lady and widow of Gerald R, Ford (1913-2006), 38th US President, died on July 8th.(The Sun Herald, July 9, 2011, p. B1)
The Biloxi Lighthouse Visitors Center and the Biloxi Civic Center and Public Library, representing $31 million dollars in new post-Katrina construction, were dedicated on July 14th.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2011, p. A1)
David Perkes (b. 1957), architect and associate professor at Mississippi State University and founding director of the Gulf Coast Community Studio Design, was invited to the White House to be recognized through the Champion of Champions program for his efforts to lead 13 designers, post-Katrina in planning and designing affordable and sustainable housing initiatives in Biloxi while working with local, State, and Federal partnerships.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2011, p. A2)
Lyle Page (1932-2011), senior partner of Page, Mannino, Peresich and McDermott, a Biloxi law firm, expired on July 22nd. Lyle was Biloxi's City Procecuting Attorney from 1961-1971 and was active in the banking, civic and social affairs of Biloxi. The Lighthouse and Visitors Center was designed by Dale Partners Architects to resemble the Robinson-Dantzler House, which formerly occupied the same site.(The Sun Herald, July 24, 2011 and July 27, 2011, p. A9)
Maritime Industry and Seafood Industry Museum [Edgewater Mall]
[image by Ray L. Bellande-August 18, 2011]
Edmond Boudreaux author of The Seafood Capital of the World-Biloxi's Maritime History (2011) had his book signing at the Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum in the Edgewater Mall on August 18th. Mr. Boudreaux released Legends and Lore of Mississippi's Golden Gulf Coast in February 2013.(The Sun Herald, August 17, 2011, p. C9 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, February 7, 2013)
Joseph F. Baricev (1927-2011), long-time, Biloxi restaurateur, died on August 24th.(The Sun Herald, August 25, 2011, and August 26, 2011, p. A8)
On August 25th, William Wade Guice (1927-1996), former Harrison County, Mississippi Civil Defense Director, was the first person's name placed on the Mississippi Civil Defense-Emegency Management Association's Wall of Remembrance. The Wall of Remembrance is located in Pearl, Mississippi at the MEMA State Emergency Operations Center. Mr. Guice served his fellow citizens from 1961-1996 and is best remembered for his work before and post-Hurricane Camille of August 1969.(The Sun Herald, August 26, 2011, p. A1)
Tropical Storm Lee (TS-Lee) caused widespread flooding and wind damage from Florida to SW Louisiana between September 2-6. Rainfall totals ranged from eight to fourteen inches in the Mississippi coastal counties.
The $11 milion Biloxi Boardwalk Marina and Dry Storage on Back Bay at Point Cadet plans to open in November 2011. It is being developed by Chris Ferrara of Holden, Louisiana.(The Sun Herald, September 3, 2011, p. A1)
The 10th Anniversary of 9/11, the Islamic terrorist destruction of the World Trade Centers at NYC was solemnly and emotionally remembered nationally and locally.
Biloxi's Yankee Stadium dedicated in 1959 on Lee Street was demolished in September 2011 by the Salvation Army.
By September 2011, post-Katrina development at Biloxi saw $311 million in construction projects underway or permitted. Among those in progress were: Walmart's SuperCenter in West Biloxi; Margaritaville Casino in East Biloxi; McElroy's Harbor House at the Small Craft Harbor; Sharkhead's Souvenier Shop; the Beauvoir Library; Biloxi Boardwalk Marina; $24 million Santa Maria senior apartments off Popp's Ferry Road; and the Salvation Army's Kroc Center on Lee Street and Division. A five-story, Comfort Inn and Suites Hotel east of the Lighthouse Visitors Center was under review by City planners.(The Sun Herald, September 15, 2011, p. A1).
The Salvation Army's $16 million, Ray Kroc (1902-1984) and Joan Kroc (1928-2003) Corps Community Center of the Mississippi Gulf Coast opened on September 18, 2011.(The Sun Herald, September 19, 2011, p. A1)
Health Management Associates [HMA] announced that a $132 million medical center will be built in North Biloxi on a 35-acre site at the termination of Tommy Munro Avenue. It will be ajacent to the Cedar Lake Medical Plaza and the Santa Maria del Mar senior housing complex.(The Sun Herald, October 5, 2011, p. A1)
Charles T. Simon (1916-2011), Biloxi businessman and local historian, expired on October 4th.(The Sun Herald, October 6, 2011, p. A4)
Steve Jobs (1955-2011), co-founder of Apple Computer and Chairman of the Board, expired on October 5th.
Bayou Bridges, a new retail center proposed by the Woodmont Company and situated on the SE/C of Lamey's Bridge Road and US Interstate 10, was announced by the City of D'Iberville.(The Sun Herald, October 6, 2011, p. A5)
Libyan dictator, Colonel Moammar Gadhafi (1942-2011), was killed in Sirte, Libya on October 20th by Libyan insurrectionists to culminate a national revolution in the country which commenced in February 2011.(The Sun Herald, October 21, 2011, p. C1)
The John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi celebrated its 50th Anniversary on October 25th.(The Sun Herald, October 23, 2011, p. A1)
Charles Thomas Harrison (1943-2011), Biloxi realtor and civic leader, expired on October 21, 2011.(The Sun Herald, October 23, 2011, p. A11 and October 24, 2011, p. A. 6)
The $53 million Palace Casino expansion was dedicated on November 11th with Mayor A.J. Holloway cutting the ceremonial ribbon. Keith Crosby is the general manager of the casino.(The Sun Herald, Novemebr 12, 2011, p. C6)
In November, Annalyn Swan (b. 1951), a 1969 BHS graduate and 2005 Pulitzer Prize co-winner in Biography for de Kooning: An American Master [Knopf], was named the 19th 'Biloxian Made Good'.(The Sun Herald, November 7, 2011 and November 13, 2011, p. C10)
Gerald H. Blessey (b. 1942), former Biloxi Mayor, State Representative and is currently the Gulf Coast Housing Director, was named the Mississippi Gulf Coast YMCA John R. Blossman Humanitarian Award recipient on November 17th at the annual banquet held in the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino. Mr. Blessey was the 3rd winner of the annual award.(The Sun Herald, November 18, 2011, p. A2)
Former Mississippi Governor (1972-1976), William Lowe Waller (1926-2011), expired at Jackson, Mississippi on November 30th.(The Sun Herald, December 1, 2011, p. A1)
The USS MISSISSIPPI, SSN-782 and a $2 billion, Virginia-Class, fast attack, nuclear submarine, was christened at the General Dynamics Electric Boat yard in Groton, Connecticut on December 3rd. The vessel was planned to be commissioned at Gulfport, Mississippi, but the site was changed for June 2, 2012 at Pascagoula, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, December 3, 2011, p. A1, December 4, 2011, p. A7, and February 2012)
Phase I of Ocean Expo, D'Iberville's marine mammal institute, broke ground on December 9th.(The Sun Herald, December 10, 2011, p. A2)
The new, $14 million, 65,000 sq.-ft. Jackson County, Mississippi Services Complex was deidcated on December 15th.(The Sun Herald, December 16, 2011, p. A2)
The Iraqi War ended on December 15, 2011.(The Sun Herald, December 16, 2011, p. A1)
Phil Bryant (b. 1954) was sworn in as Mississippi's 64th Governor on January 10th. Jonathan Tate Reeves (b. 1974) was the Lt. Governor.(The Sun Herald, January 11, 2012, p.A1)
Biloxi Council approved tax abatement for Golden Nugget, which is investing $100 million to renovate and enlarge the former Isle Casino Biloxi. (The Sun Herald January 17,2012 p.2A)
Coast casinos end year strong with the best December in four years; pushing revenue to just $2 million behind the total for 2011. (The Sun Herald January 25,2012 p.6D)
John McFarland, SunHerald MultiMedia executive and publisher of The Journal of South Mississippi Business et al, was named as the 24th recipient of the Pat Santucci "Spirit of the Coast" Award on February , 2012 by the Mississippi Coast Chamber of Commerce.(The Sun Herald, February 4, 2012, p. A1)
Christina Ann Carter and Mark Donlon Mavar ruled as Queen Ixolib and King d'Iberville on February 21st as The Gulf Coast Carnival Association celebrated Mardi Gras in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, February 19, 2012, p. F1)
The week of March 5th brought exciting casino industry news to the Mississippi Coast as Golden Nugget announced that they were acquiring the Isle Casino Biloxi. Margaritaville Casino held a job fair that attracted about 2000 individuals hoping for the 1000 positions that they were seeking to fill before their May 2012 grand opening. The CanCan Casino, later known as Land Holdings I LLC, was promised by the City of D'Iberville that $24M in tax increment bonds would be issued for infrastruture to assit their locating on Biloxi's Bay Bay. In addition, Rotate Black officals announced a new casino for Gulfport.(The Sun Herald, March 11, 2012 p. A1)
Denise Dunnaway of Gulfport and Leo 'Chipper' McDermott of Long Beach were the Coleen and Grand Marshall of the 34th Annual Hibernia Marching Society parade at Biloxi on March 17th.(The Sun Herald, March 11, 2011, p. F1)
Curtis Lee Davis Sr. (1927-2012), native of Vancleave, Mississippi and first dean of the Jackson County Campus of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College [1964-1991] and long time Mississippi junior college educator [1950-1991], died on March 23rd. Mr. Davis also coached junior college tennis and won many awards for his success in this endeavor. His corporal remains were interred in the Ramsay Cemetery at Vancleave.(The Sun Herald, March 26, 2012, p. A6)
Gary 'Bubba' Watson, Bagdad, Florida won The Masters at August, Georgia on Easter Sunday.
Biloxi's new Super Walmart situated on C.T. Switzer Road west of Eisenhower Drive opened on April 11th.(The Sun Herald, March 15, 2012, p. A and April 11, 2012, p. A1)
The Infinity Science Center on US Highway Interstate 10 in Hancock County, Mississippi opened to the public on April 11th.(The Sun Herald, April 11, 2012, p. A1 and April 12, 2012, p. A2)
Rachel Nuwer, daughter of David Nuwer and Deanne Stephens Nuwer, Phd. and a 2003 graduate of BHS, was listed on the Scientific American Incubator, a blog dedicated identifying future, high potential science, health, and environmental writers. Miss Nuwer earned science and journalism degrees from Loyola (NOLA), University of East Anglia (England), and NYU. She interned at Audubon Magazine, the Scientist Magazine and the NY Times environmental desk. Rachel now writes frrelance articles for: Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Science NOW, and The New York Times.(The Sun Herald, April 22, 2012, p. A2)
Zan L. Skelton (1928-2012), native of Shubata, Clarke County, Mississippi and former BHS English teacher and author, expired on May 15th. Mr. Skelton taught at BHS from 1953 until his retirement in 1986. Zan L. Skelton was a true gentleman and excellent instructor in the English language and its literature.(The Sun Herald, May 20, 2012, p. A13.
128 Rue Magnolia
[Image made June 28, 2012 by Ray L. Bellande]
On June 28th, the Mississippi Craftmen's Guild opened a satellite store in the Henriques-Slay House at 128 Rue Magnolia. The circa 1902 cottage was relocated from Reynoir Street and restored.(The Sun Herald, June 27, 2012, p. A1)
The Biloxi Lions Club announced this year's recipient of the Father of the Year award, newly inducted Lion President Dr. Carl O. Nehlig. He is a proud father of three.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press June 28,2012 p.1)
Matt Stebly, Ocean Springs'l artist, wins Biloxi Seafood Festival poster contest for second consecutive year.(The Sun Herald, July 19, 2012, p. A1)
The Eight Flags displayis back on US 90 at the entrance to Rue Magnolia where it often was photographed before Hurricane Katrina. The city spent about $7,000 for the flagpoles and installation that showcases the flags that have flown over Biloxi since 1699. The flags are the French, English, Spanish, Republic of West Florida, United States, Mississippi State Magnolia, Confederate First National and Mississippi. (The Sun Herald August 4,2012 p.D1)
" White House Hotel deserves a reprieve" Officials with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History are among those who have asked Biloxi officials not to order the demolition of White House Hotel.(The Sun Herald August 4,2012 p.2C)
Biloxi Lighthouse Visitors Center marks first year. It has hosted weddings, business receptions and live radio broadcast. In the first year, 55,994 people came through the doors. (The Sun Herald August 10,2012 p.2A)
"Casino 'Cutie' is 'stable and alert' after accident" Margaritaville Casino & Restaurant(The Sun Herald August 12,2012 p.2A) "Casino's 'Biloxi Beauty' still in hospital" The women's injuries were not life-threatening, but Margaritaville wants to make sure the safety of our employees comes first.(The Sun Herald August 14,2012 p.2A)
The Salvation Army cut the ribbon on the New Yankie Stadium in Biloxi which is also home to the Kroc Community Center.(The Sun Herald August 15,2012 p.3B)
Oscar Russell was awarded France's Legion of Honor medal for his part of the perilous first wave of sailors storming Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. Nearly 70 years later, representatives of the French government has honored Russell, 88, with that country's highest military decoration for his part in liberating France from Nazi tyranny. (The Sun Herald August 16,2012 P.A1)
Bright casinos confuse loggerhead turtle hatchlings; Institute for Marine Mammal Studies steps in to help newly hatched turtles.(The Sun Herald August 17,2012 p.2A)
"Casino could be back on the table today" - Rotate Black MS (The Sun Herald August 16,2012 p.5A)
"After past ventures fail, Rotate Black bets on casino in Gulfport"(The Sun Herald August 16, 2012 p.1A)
"Rotate Black ready to build - Gaming Commission give go-ahead to build Gulfport casino"(The Sun Herald August 17,2012 p.1A)
"Gulfport hails 'magnificent' casino location"(The Sun Herald August 17,2012 p.1A)
"All coast casinos closed - mandatory evacuation ordered due to Hurricane Isaac"(The Sun Herald August 29,2012 p.2A)
"After the storm, Beau Rivage hustles to get reopened"(The Sun Herald September 1,2012 p.8C)
"Margaritaville Casino laying off 200 at end of summer-After May opening, it's been a bumpy three months"(The Sun Herald September 7,2012 p.1A)
David Staehling, principal adviser to Mayor A.J. Holloway will retire at the end of the year. (The Sun Herald, September 14, 2012, p. 2A)
On September 17th, Mayor Holloway ordered that flags at all City buildings be flown at half-mast in respect for the recent deaths of two notable Biloxians-Mark A. Barhanovich (1957-2012) and Sherman V. Canaan (1938-2012).(The Sun Herald, September 18, 2012, p. A2 and p. A4)
University of Southern Mississippi marks 100 years of classes at Hattiesburg, MS campus.( The Sun Herald, September 20, 2012 p. 2A)
"St. Pé saluted at his last Gaming Commission meeting - Wally Carter to replace him as chairman" (The Sun Herald September 21,2012 p.1A)
"Casino gets Planning Commission Approval in D'Iberville"(The Sun Herald September 25,2012 p.9A)
Nearly 90 WWII veterans take Honor Flight to Washington. The group made up the fourth Mississippi Gulf Coast Honor Flight.(The Sun Herald September 26,2012 p.1A)
Biloxi native, Chris LeDoux will get marker on music trail. The second marker on the Country Music Trail will be dedicated at the Biloxi Town Green. The first marker honors Nashville singer/songwriter Paul Overstreet in his hometown of Vancleave. (The Sun Herald September 26,2012 P.2A)
"Silver Slipper become a Full House casino" Sale of Silver Slipper Casino to Full House Resorts was finalized October 1, 2012.(The Sun Herald October 2,2012 p.11A)
Gary Collins, (1938-2012), native of Venice, California and an actor and television personality, died on October 13, 2012 at his Cherokee Street rental in Biloxi. Collins was married to former Miss America (1959), Mary Ann Mobley, from 1967 until his death in 2012; they were separated in 2011,[3] but reconciled and he moved to her home state of Mississippi to be with her in 2012, while she battled breast cancer. They had one child: a daughter, Mary Clancy Collins. Collins was formerly married to Susan Peterson, with whom he had two children: Guy William and Melissa.(The Sun Herald, October 14, 2012, p. A1)
Hard Rock Hotel-April 20, 2013
In October, the Hard Rock Casino began construction on a $32.5 million, 12-story hotel. Target opening December 31, 2013.(The Sun Herald, October 24, 2012, p. B6.
Biloxi Council member, Tom Wall, will not seek 6th term. Paul Tisdale, former Superintendent of Biloxi School District is among the first to announce he intends to run for the Ward 5 seat in the 2013 municipal election. (The Sun Herald, October 24, 2012, p. 2A)
Plans for the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum and Biloxi Waterfront Park need to be scaled back. The City has $8.2 million in combined funding to build but the bids came in $1.5 million over budget.(The Sun Herald November 10,2012 p.1A)
"Works in Progress-Biloxi has $80 million in construction, and more to come"(The Sun Herald November 15,2012 p.1A)
White Pillars owner recognized for tourism efforts. John Mladinich wins Don Jacobs Tourism Award in recognition of more than 40 years in the hospitality industry in South Mississippi.(The Sun Herald November 25,2012 p.2F)
"Biloxi's Isle Casino to become Golden Nugget - $45M Landry's purchase finalized."(The Sun Herald November 30,2012 p.1A)
"Rotate Black finalizes financing for Gulfport casino"(The Sun Herald December 8,2012 p.8B)
The commemorative sign for the Sherman V. Canaan Fishing Dock on the north end of Lee Street on Back Bay was unveiled on the afternoon of December 13, 2012.(The Sun Herald, December 13, 2012, p. A2)
David Nichols will return as Chief Administrative Officer for Mayor AJ Holloway. Nichols was CAO in Biloxi from 1994 to 2001 and Director of Community Development from 1991 to 1993. He also served as CAO to Gulfport Mayor Brent Warr in 2006.( The Sun Herald, December 7, 2012 p.8A ),
David Nichols approved as new Biloxi Chief Administrator Officer.(The Sun Herald, December 12, 2012, p. 2A )
The Bolton property on US 90, across from the Biloxi Lighhouse, will be purchased for $1.7 million. The Mississippi Development Authority will reimburse the city next week with Community Development Block Grant money. (The Sun Herald, December 12, 2012, p.2A)
The Mississppi State Department of Health has approved a certificate of need to build a new medical center in North Biloxi. Harrison health Management Associates, owners of the old Gulf Coast Medical Center were given state approval December 20, 2012. The new hospital will be just off Interstate 10 in North Biloxi and will be known as The Hospital at Cedar Lake. (The Sun Herald, December 21, 2012, p.1A)
"Legal dispute grounds airplane bound for casino - Flight to Beau Rivage back on schedule after stop. (The Sun Herald January 9,2013 p.1A)
Biloxi will host a joint groundbreaking ceremony on February 1st for Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum and Biloxi Waterfront Park. The two projects are side by side on Point Cadet at the eastern tip of the city.(The Sun Herald January 19,2013 p.2A)
"Out with the old, and in with the gold - Golden Nugget gives peek into Isle renovations"(The Sun Herald January 15,2013 AtThe Casino, p.8)
Biloxi City Councilman [Ward 5], Paul Thomas 'Tom' Wall (1937-2013), expired on January 7th. Tom was born at Indianapolis, Indiana and a 22-year USAF veteran. He was the proprietor of the Classy Chassis Car Wash, which had operations in several Coast cities. Arlene Wall, Tom's widow, was appointed to assume his civic duties as Biloxi's Ward 5 Councilman.(The Sun Herald, January 9, 2013, p. C4, January 10, 2013, and January 12, 2013, p. A1 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, January 10, 1973, p. 1 and January 17, 2013, p. 3)
Mayor A.J. Holloway announced he will nominate Arleen Wall to fill the unexpired council term of her late husband, Tom Wall. Tom Wall died January 7, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2012, p.2A)
Dr. William Walker, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, was fired by his governing board on January 15th. Walker had been suspended without pay earlier following internal audits into the spending practices of the organization.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2013, p. A1)
"Rotate Black needs more time to proceed with casino"(The Sun Herald January 16, 2013 p.6B)
Biloxi Council hired Jimmy Gouras, Urban Planning Consulting to ask the federal government to forgive Biloxi's $11 million disaster loan from Hurricane Katrina. Until Katrina, the government never required municipalities to repay such loans.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2012, p.2A)
White Pillars restoration nearly complete; Marketing will begin soon to find restaurant operator.(The Sun Herald February 1,2013 p.6D)
"IP gives $200K to local foundation" IP Casino Resort Spa present a check to Bacot/McCarty Foundation.(The Sun Herald February 5,2013 p.2A)
Maritime and Seafood Museum board members break ground on Point Cadet
[Ray L. Bellande-February 1, 2013 and April 26, 2013]
The Biloxi Maritime and Seafood Museum ground breaking was held at Point Cadet on February 1, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 19, 2013, p. A2 and February 2, 2013, p. A1)
The Gulf Coast Carnival Association announced its royalty for 2013, the organization's 105th year. King d'Iberville is James K. "Jimmy" Wetzel and Queen Ixolib is Analise Brashier. (The Sun Herald February 10,2013 p.F1)
Hattiesburg, Mississippi was hit by a tornado on February 10th damaging some buildings on the USM campus.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 2013, p. A1)
2013 King Iberville
Linda Analise Brashier and James K. 'Jimmy' Wetzel ruled as Queen Ixolib and King d'Iberville as the Gulf Coast Carnival association celebrated its Mardi Gras parading the streets of Biloxi on February 12th.(The Sun Herald, February 10, 2013, p. F1)
The City of D'Iberville celebrated its 25th incorporation anniversary [February 10, 1988] on February 19th.(The Sun Herald, February 16, 2013, p. A2)
Bill Holland, master boat builder, has built over 50 boats in his life. He built his first skiff at age 9 and his first cat boat at age 12. He continues to work on two cat boats whose elegance and craftsmanship draw the admiration of wooden boat aficionados everyone. His work, along with his crew and a few others along with the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum helps preserve the maritime history of Biloxi. (The Sun Herald March 12, 2013 p.7B)
On March 13th, Jorge Bergoglio (b. 1937), Argentine Cardinal, was elected Pope and chose the name Francis.
35th annual Hibernia Marching Society's St. Patricks's Day parade was held March 16, 2013. King Tim C. Holleman andQueen April Leigh Bullock. (The Sun Herald, March 10, 2013, p. F1 and March 17, 2013, p. 2A)
John M. Mladinich (1928-2013) died at Biloxi on March 28th. He was the son of Croatian immigrants and made his livelihood in the restaurant, real estate and entertainment business. John's Fiesta Club, The Hot Stop, and White Pillars Restaurant were very popular for several decades in the mid-late 2oth Century.(The Sun Herald, March 31, 2013, p. A )
Charles E. Voivedich
Charles E. Voivedich (1938-2013), 'Charley V.', died on April 2nd at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Charley V. was one of the Coast's better known musicians and its ambassador singing our 'Coast National Anthem'-"Cherry Pie"!(The Sun Herald, April 7, 2013]
Keesler Air Force Basehas been named Best Air Force Base in the nation. A few examples of Keesler's efforts include expanding the recycling program, renovating dormitories, improving the medical evaluation board case completion time, and reducing errors in deployment out-processing by 20 percent.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press April 11,2013 p.1)
Dr. Harry Johnson Schmidt Jr. (1936-2013), native of NOLA and son of Dr. Harry J. Schmidt (1905-1997) and Margaret Mary Heath Schmidt (1908-1983) died on April 22, 2013 at Ocean Springs. Harry practiced medicine in Biloxi with his father, and two brothers, Dr. Robert J. Schmidt (1937-2000) and Dr. Richard C. Schmidt, at the Schmidt Clinic on Lameuse Street. Ann Baltar Schmidt (1937-2012), Harry's spouse, died at Biloxi on April 22, 2013.(The Sun Herald, April 24, 2013, p. A4 and April 25, 2013, p. A4)
The White House Hotel was acquired by Barrington Development LLC of Ridgeland, Mississippi and they plan a $7 million renovation and restoration of the 48,000 square-foot, historic structure.(The Sun Herald, April 24, 2013, p. A1)
Peter Halat Jr., former Biloxi Mayor, was released from the federal prison at Montogomery, Alabama in March 2012 and from a halfway house at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on April 24th. Mayor Halat was incarcerated for nearly 16 years for his conviction in the 1987 murder plot of Judge Vincent Sherry and his spouse, Margaret Sherry.(The Sun Herald, April 25, 2013, p. A1)
KAFB won a $1 million and a 2013 Commander-in-Chief Award declaring Keesler AFB as America's best. Brigadier General Brad Spacy, Commander of the 81st Training Wing, accepted the award.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2013, p. A1)
The Point Cadet fishing pier was dedicated on April 30th. Mayor Holloway recommended that the new facility be named in honor of Nicholas "Corky" Hire (b. 1922), a local fisherman of Croatian ancestry.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2013, A3 and May 1, 2013, p. A2)
Coast casinos get new amenities and makeovers. Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is adding a 150 room hotel tower that they hope to open by New Year's Eve. The Isle Casino is undergoing a transformation and expansion. When Phase I is complete this summer, the resort will be rebranded by the new owner, as Golden Nugget Biloxi.(The Sun Herald May 5,2013 p.10B)
Officials from William Carey University and state legislators were guest speakers at a press conference to announce a new Health Care Industry Zone in the community of Tradition. (The Sun Herald May 14,2013 p.2A)
Jeanette Cerinich Capuanoreceives the Mother of the Year award from Biloxi Lions Club. A mother of five children. Jeanette Cauano was nominated by her sister, Patricia Powell; daughter, Laurie Erring and grandson, Jason Balius. Laurie Cauano Herring said “My mother is Mother of the Year because of her selflessness and unconditional love for her family, friends and community. She is married to the late Louis E. Capuano. She is employed part time at Sekul, Hornsby, Tuisdale Law Firm. She is an active and practicing member of the Cathedral of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Biloxi. . She is described by her family as someone who always puts other before herself. She followed in her mother’s footsteps and cooks and delivers food to people she knows cannot do so for themselves. She is also the first to deliver her chicken soup and a card to those who are sick. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013 p.1)
Pan American Clipperto celebrate 76th birthday at Wooden Boat Show. The Pan American Clipper is a 1937 65' Biloxi Lugger/Excursion boat built by John Toche, Sr. Included in the show is a 1939 Covacevich built 56' Biloxi Lugger/Chandeleur boat. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013 p.1)
Biloxi High Schoolwill become the first school in Mississippi to become a member of The National Math and Science Initiative, a non-profit organization launched in 2007 to transform math and science education in the U.S. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013 p.1)
Gerald 'Jerry' Piltz (1925-2013), native of Greenwood, Mississippi and Biloxi accountant and civic leader, expired at Biloxi on May 24th. Jerry was King Iberville of the 1976 Mississippi Gulf Coast Mardi Gras Association festivities.(The Sun Herald, May 27, 2013, p. A4)
A year after thousands danced at the May 22, 2012 opening of Margaritville Casino crowds have thinned and management has changed. Now Margaritville is moving aggressively with major additions, the first of which is a hotel and new slot games. (Mississippi Press May 28,2013 p.10M)
State of Mississippi pitches in $15 million for new baseball stadium with BP grant money. (The Sun Herald May 31,2013 p.1A)
AJ Hollowayfaces Jess Kennedy in bid for 6th term Mayor of Biloxi.(The Sun Herald June 1,2013 p.2A)
Richard Gollott and Laura Weems ruled over the Blessing of the Fleet at Biloxi on June 2nd.(The Sun Herald, June 2, 2013, p. A11 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, June 6, 2013, p. 1.)
Mayor A.J. Holloway was re-elected for a 6th term on June 4th easily defeating Jess Kennedy 2280 votes to 804.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2013, p. A10)
Former North Biloxian and Notre Dame High School graduate, Gordon Gollott, was elected Mayor of Gautier, Mississippi garnering 88% of the vote.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2013, p. A10)
Sue Burlesonof Long Beach is the first member from the Paul Lacoste Sports "100-Pound Club" from the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Before she began to lose weight, she weighed 311 pounds. She now weighs 205.(The Sun Herald June 8, 2013 p.2A)
St. Paul United Methodist Churchat 696 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd is celebrating 150 years on the Coast.(The Sun Herald July 13,2013 P.4C)
Coast has history of UFO sightings. Almost 40 years after two men said they were abducted by a UFO over the Pascagoula River, Coast residents still occasionally spot strange objects in the sky.(The Sun Herald July 21, 2013 P.2A)
Matt Stebly became the first person to win the competition for the Biloxi Seafood Festival poster for three consecutive years. (The Sun Herald July 25, 2013 P.3A)
One of the city's most colorful characters, Jean Guilhot, the "Hermit of Deer Island", was buried in an unmarked grave at the Old Biloxi Cemetery when he died in 1959. Five decades later, the Biloxi Bay Chamber has raised the money to erect a tombstone which will be dedicated October 22, 2013, before the Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour.(The Sun Herald August 8,2013 p. 1A)
Silver Slipper Casino Hotel on the way. $17.5M building to have 140 rooms. John Ferrucci, General Manager expects permission to proceed in the next 30 days. Full House Resorts is the parent company.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013 p.1A)
Biloxi Visitors Center marks 2 years. The city is acquiring more property to the east of the Visitors Center to provide outdoor space for special events as well as to the west across Porter Avenue, the city plans to have greenspace and trails and additional parking.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013, p. 2A)
The University of Southern Mississippi in Long Beachsays the completion of five building projects on its Gulf Park campus in Long Beach signifies the return of the beachfront campus from the damage it sustained from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013 p.2A)
Professional baseball team and Caillavet Park planned for downtown Biloxi. Johnson Consulting of Chicago relates that proposed site is one of the best in nation.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press, June 6, 2013, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, June 26, 2013, p. A1 and July 30, 2013, p. A1 and August 21, 2013, p. A1)
Santa Maria del Mar and plaque-[images made June 17, 2013]
The Most Rev. Roger Paul Morin on June 5th blessed the Santa Maria del Mar Retirement Community off of Tommy Munro Drive, which was rebuilt nearly eight years after Hurricane Katrina destroyed it. It is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi and Morin said it is a symbol of the diocese's "ongoing commitment of our service to our community and a testament to care and concern for our sisters and brothers, who long for a place to call home in a residential community designed with them in mind." The new $26 million retirement community was moved from the beach to Medical Park Drive behind the Diocese's Pastoral Center on Popp's Ferry Road. There are 208 units in the twin six-story towers, including 134 studio apartments and 74 one-bedroom apartments. The units are unfurnished but contain a stove and refrigerator. [The Sun Herald, June 6, 2013 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, June 13, 2013, p. 1.]
Paul Delcambre Sr. (1926-2013), native of Choate, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana and Biloxi resident since 1946, expired at Biloxi on June 6th. Delcambre was owner of Del's Seaway Shrimp & Oyster Company and Seaway Freezing Company. He was president of the local American Shrimp Processors and Canners Association and a member of the Mississippi Restaurant Association.(The Sun Herald, June 11, 2013, p. A7)
The Isle-Golden Nugget during its makeover and renovation.[image made mid-June 2013]
Artists Die Best in Black, a Hollywood-type motion picture, with local financing began shooting at Biloxi on June 17th.(The Sun Herald, June 18, 2013, p. A1 and The Ocean Springs Gazette, June 20, 2013, p. 1)
On June 21st, the Golden Nugget Casino, formerly the Isle and Isle of Capri, celebrated its Grand Opening of the completion of its $100 million dollar first improvement stage.(The Sun Herald, June 16, 2013, p. A1 and The Sun Herald, June 22, 2013, p. A1 and The Biloxi D'Iberville Press, June , 2013, p. 1)
Isaiah Canaan, Biloxi native, was selected by the NBA Houston Rockets in the 2nd round [34th overall selection] of the 2013 NBA draft. Canaan prepped at Biloxi High School and averaged 21 ppg and 4 assists per game at Murray State University in Kentucky.(The Sun Herald, June 28, 2013, p. D1)
138 Lameuse Street-August 5, 2013
[view WNW]
In early August, the City of Biloxi demolished their former Annex Building at 138 Lameuse Street. The two-story structure was erected in 1953 by the Lyman C. Bradford Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW] Post No. 2434 at 212-214 Lameuse Street. It was dedicated in late July 1953. The building housed the Southern Life & Insurance Company and Barton, Pile & Wermuth on the first floor while the VFW occupied the second floor. (The Daily Herald, July 9, 1953, p. 8)
Robin Roberts, calling Pass Christian, Mississippi home and Good Morning America [ABC] co-anchors, accepted the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY Awards in Los Angeles on July 17th.(The Sun Herald, July 18, 2013, p. A1)
Julia Marie Cook Guice
Julia Cook Guice (1928-2013), author, 1st Civil Defense Director of the City of Biloxi [1957] and 1st Director of the Harrison County Civil Defense Council [appointed by Dewey Lawrence in September 1960] and Biloxi City Historian, expired on August 5th.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1960, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, August 6, 2013, p. A4)
Harrison County supervisors agreed with Assessor Tal Flurry the Casino Magic tower on the beach has no value. The tower, which was valued at $40 million before Hurricane Katrina. The assessment on it was dropped to $9 million in 2006 and to zero from 2007 on. (The Sun Herald August 28, 2013 p.2A)
2013 Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame inductees: Doug Barber-BHS-1969; Howard 'Dickey' Battle-MC-1990; Peter Roy 'Lee' Elder-BHS-1964;Kenneth Lyons Sr.-BHS-1947; Dennis Malpass-ND-1961; Henry 'Spud' Wieniewitz-MP-1970; and Richard Lew "Wimpy" Winther-BHS-1966.(The Sun Herald, August 25, 2013)
The Breakers Inn on Beach Boulevardwas destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. The City Council voted to rezone the 7-acre site at 2506 Beach Blvd as requested by Anthony Lee and Lee Brothers LLC. They plan to develop the Beach View Apartments and Hotel.(The Sun Herald August 28, 2013 p.2A)
Plans for Oyster Bay Casino are off the table according to the developers, who say they are working to get a casino approved at the Back Bay Site by the end of the year. Pivotal Group Inc. is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the state Department of Environmental Quality to get a permit for the use of the property, the wetlands and drainage.(The Sun Herald August 28, 2013 p.2A)
Charles 'Dixie' Hollis (1928-2013)
Charles 'Dixie' Hollis (1928-2013) expired at Biloxi on September 6th. Dixie was the son of Dr. Daniel L. Hollis (1893-1975) and Vola Elizabeth Cummings Hollis (1897-1994). He graduated from BHS with the Class of 1946 where he played football and ran track. Dixie matriculated to the University of Alabama and graduated from Ole Miss where he lettered in track. Mr. Hollis was active in the civic and social life of Biloxi and was Commodore of the BYC in 1964. He worked for the Veterans Admnistration from 1955 until his retirement in 1992.(The Sun Herald, September 8, 2013, p. A12)
Beau Rivage hires veterans through Boots to Business, a 10 week employment training program. The Beau Rivage is working with American Red Cross to offer the program which currently has 12 veterans employed at other jobs in the area and 60 more veterans are becoming involved in the program. MGM Resorts International, Beau Rivage's parent company, provided a $250,000 grant to expand Boots to Business in Las Vegas and now at other MGM properties.(The Sun Herald September 6, 2013 p.2A)
Phase two of Golden Nuggett's renovations reveals Michael Patrick's Sports Café & Grille and concert venue.(The Sun Herald September 6,2013 p.8D)
Billy Ray Quave (1933-2013), former City Editor of The Daily Herald, expired on September 14th. He was an Army veteran and graduate of Biloxi High School, Perkinston JC, and USM.(The Sun Herald, September 17, 2013)
Developers want to build a $220 million casino west of Interstate 110 on the Back Bay - what many consider "sacred ground" that can't be a casino site. Property owners are requesting a zoning change. (The Sun Herald September 17, 2013 p. 1A)
Edgewater Mall to mark 50 years. In 1963, it was the first mall between Miami and Houston.(The Sun Herald September 19, 2013 p. 1A)
Insurer USAA loses wind vs. water case. Minor family wins $1.56M Katrina verdict.(The Sun Herald September 21, 2013 p. 1A)
The Biloxi City Council voted 5-2 to back a $21 million dollar GO bond issue to fund a minor league baseball stadium on Caillavet and Beach Boulevard. The State of Mississippi will contribute $15 million dollars from a British Petroluem grant for the project.(The Sun Herald, October 9, 2013, p. A1 and A10)
D'Iberville statue back in Biloxi. The statue of explorer Pierre LeMoyne, sieu d'Iberville is back overlooking the water near the Biloxi Lighthouse. The statue, created by local artist Mary Ott Tremmel Davidson, was hoisted into place on its new concrete base on the west side of the Biloxi Visitor Center. The statue was sent off for refurbishment "to get rid of the Katrina scars" and will be dedicated in December.(The Sun Herald November 1, 2013, p. 3A)

The Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce through its Cultural and Heritage Committee re-dedicated the Twelve Palms Memorial on Veteran's Day 2014 in Business Men's Park on Back Bay Forrest Avenue. The original Twelve Palms Memorial was created to honor the twelve Biloxians who lost their lives during World War I. The Biloxi Cleophan Club in March 1919, planted twelve palm trees in the L&N Park on the SW/C of Reynoir and Railroad Street, now called Esters Boulevard.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, November 7, 2013, p. 1 and The Sun Herald November 6, 2013, p. A2)
Logan Skelton (b. 1961), son of Zan L. Skelton (1928-2012), a native of Shubata, Clarke County, Mississippi and former BHS English teacher and author, was named the 21st Biloxian Made Good. Logan graduated from BHS in 1979 and studied at Loyola University. University of Rochester, and the Manhattan School of Music. He has received international acclaim as a pianist, teacher and composer. Logan has worked on the faculties at the Manhattan School of Music, Missouri State University and is presently Proffesor of Piano and Director of Doctoral Studies in Piano Performance at the University of Michigan.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, November 7, 2013, p. 1)
Croatian folk and dance group of Biloxi-circa 1937
[courtesy of the Biloxi Public Library archives]
The Slavic Benevolent Association of St. Nickolai celebrated its 100th anniversary on December 7th at the new Croatian-American Cultural Center at Maple and 3rd Street on Point Cadet, once called 'Little Austria'.(The Sun Herald, December 3, 2013, p. A5)
Father Peter F. Mockler (1948-2014), native of Woodbrook, Newbridge, Ballinasloe, County. Galway, Ireland died on January 30, 2014 at Lizana, Harrison County, Mississippi. He studied at St. Patrick College, Carlow, Ireland and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson on June 10, 1973. He arrived in Mississippi on Aug. 26, 1973.(The Sun Herald, February 1, 2014, p. A-4)
Fabin Joseph Ladnier (1926-2014), Biloxi native and longtime community volunteer and founder of St. Joseph's Community Meal service and who assisted in the development of the Twelve Baskets Food Bank and The Lord Is My Help soup kitchen and St. Vincent de Paul's Pharmacy, died at Ocean Springs on February 12, 2014. Fabin Ladnier day was celebrated at Biloxi on February 10, 2009.(The Sun herald, February 13, 2014, p. A5)
Demolition of the Singing River Mall at Gautier, Mississippi commenced on February 26th. It opened in 1980.(The Sun Herald, April 5, 2014, p. A-1)
Hibernia Marching Society St. Patrick's Day Parade
Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic-March 21-March 23, 2014
[L-R: Jeff Maggert, caddy, Fred Couples and Kenny Perry-image March 22, 2014 at Fallen Oaks CC]
Jeff Maggert [-11] in his first Champions Tour event won the Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic over Billy Andrade [9]; Jay Hass [-8]; Bernard Langer [-8]; and Fred Couples [-6].(The Sun Herald, March 24, 2014, p. A-1 and B-1)
James B. 'JB' Richmond Sr. (1925-2014), local historian, died on March 29, 2014.(The Sun Herald, April 2, 2014, p. A-4)
Emile L. Desporte Jr. (1926-2014), Biloxi retail seafood dealer, expired on March 30, 2014.(The Sun herald, April 1, 2014, p. A-1 and p. A-6)
Doris Cordelia Busch
Doris C. Busch (1906-2014), native of Natchez, expired on April 11, 2014. She received her B.A. in Chemistry from Dilliard University and furthered her studies at Southern University, Atlanta University and Tougaloo College. An outstanding teacher and educator, Miss. Busch taught at Florida Memorial Junior College, Nichols High School and Biloxi Colored High School and was Librarian at Nichols High School and Bay St. Louis High School. Ms. Busch served as Service Club Director for a number of years at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi. Her internment was in Biloxi Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, April 16, 2014, p. A-)
James H. “Jim” Neirynck (1928-2014), native of Bloomington, Illinois, passed on June 2, 2014 in Biloxi. He graduated from Quincy College in Quincy, Illinois, then served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. He was a longtime general contractor who built numerous homes and businesses on the Gulf Coast. Jim was a member of the Biloxi Yacht Club for more than 35 years where he was an avid sailor and served as Commodore for 2 years. Jim was also a member of the Mississippi Home Builders Association, Ocean Springs Rotary and St. Alphonsus Catholic Church.(The Sun Herald, June 11, 2014, p. A-4)

Andrew K. Gilich Sr. (1923-2014) passed away on Friday, June 27, 2014. He was preceded in death by wife of 58 years Jacobina Sekul Wetzel Gilich; his parents Mike Gillich Sr. and Rosa Guich Gillich; his brothers, Joseph Gillich, Rudolph Gillich and Mike Gillich Jr.; his sisters, Anna Mae Gilich and Mary Agnes Gilich; son, Stephen K. Wetzel; and a grandson, Gregory Marco Gilich. Mr. Gilich was survived by sons, Jim Wetzel and Andrew “FoFo” Gilich (Serena); daughters, Andrea “Tot” Gilich Sr. and Jaye Gilich Brice (C.A. “Buddy”); daughter-in-law, Brenda C. Wetzel; sister, Lucille Gilich Barq, all from Biloxi; and sister, Frances Gillich Duke of St. Paul, Minnesota. Andrew was an avid golfer and with his spouse were the proprietors of Foodland Supermarket. He was a truly good father, friend and Biloxian who was proud of his Croatian heritage.(The Sun Herald, June 28, 2014)

[images made November 13, 2014]
The Scarlet Pearl Casino in D'Iberville broke ground on July 13th. Roy Anderson Corporation is erecting the $250 million structure on Central Avenue east of I-110.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2014, p. A-1)
Margaritaville Casino at Point Cadet announced that it would close in September. The casino opened for business on May 22, 2012.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 2014, p. A-1)

Donald Rupert Green (1926-2014)
Donald R. 'Don' Green (1926-2014), native of Sherwood, North Dakota and Coast resident since 1952, expired at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on July 19, 2014. Don was a veteran of the USAF and graduate of Michigan Technical University. He joined Ferson Optical at Ocean Springs after completing his military service and became president of the company in 1962. In 1976, Don and Janet Swan Ferson Green, his spouse, founded PFG Optics, and he retired in 1996. Mr. Green was active in civic affairs at both Biloxi and Ocean Springs. He was a director of the Hancock Bank and the Jackson and George County Salvation Army. Don was a fine athlete and participated in ball room dancing, tennis, golf, and skiing. He won a national ski event, gold medal in 2012 claiming the giant slalom title in his age group. Mr. Green was an aviator and had flown in Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas and Central America.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 2014, p. A-6 and July 23, 2014, p. A-8)

The Biloxi Maritime and Seafood Museum opened very grandly on 2 August. Its ground breaking was held at Point Cadet on February 1, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 19, 2013, p. A2 and February 2, 2013, p. A1)
Dr. Thomas 'Tonk' Ransom Compton (1943-2014), Biloxi native and architect, passed on August 1st. Thomas held degrees from LSU and USM. He was a principal in Compston, Bolton & Associates and an Architect Emeritus with the AIA.(The Sun Herald, August 5, 2014, p. A-6)

Lawrence C. 'Larry' Corban (1929-2014), age 85 years, life-long Biloxi resident and son of Judge Lawrence C. Corbanand Gene Sulivan Corban, died on August 4th. Larry was an attorney educated at the University of Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, August 6, 2014, p. A-)
Dale M. Titler Sr. (1926-2014), author, miltary historian, and Historian at KAFB from 1978-1989, died at Gulfport on August 20th.(The Sun Herald, August 22, 2014, p. A-5)
Margaritaville on Point Cadet closed it doors on September 15, 2014.(The Sun Herald, September 16, 2014, p. A-1 and September 17, 2014, p. A-1.
Jake Mladinich (1926-2014), Biloxi entrepreneur and personality, died on December 18, 2014. Jake and John Mladinich, his brother, were known for their Biloxi buisnesses particularly the Fiesta, Hot Stop, CabanaBeach Motel, Sea-N-Sirloin Restaurant and Trader John's.(The Sun Herald, December 20, 2014, p. A-6)
Katherine T. Blessey, native of Ukraine, was selected by the Biloxi Lions Club as Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 2014. Katherine is the proprietor of Chateau Blessey Bed and Breakfast.(The Sun Herald, March 12, 2015, p. A-3)
G.N. "Nicky" Creel (1929-2015) former Harrrison County Chancery Clerk, expired on January 15, 2015. Nicky served the people of Harrison County as their Chancery Clerk from 1972 until 1996. Creel was an innovator and commenced efforts to computerize county land records and established a system for the Chancery Court to work with the mentally ill. Nicky was the son of J.A. 'Tony' Creel, for Biloxi City Commissioner, and Gladys Ward Creel.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2015, p. A-5)
Chester A. Delacruz II
A true Biloxi talent passed on January 27, 2015 with the death of Chester A. Delacruz II (1934-2015). Chester was a musician, artist and thespian.[The Sun Herald, January 30, 2015, p. A-4 and A-5 ]
Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway checked into an alcohol treatment facility in Hattiesburg on January 29th. Ward 2 Councilman Felix Gines was appointed by Mayor Holloway as acting Mayor. Holloway is expected to return to office within 60 days.(The Sun Herald, January 30, 2015, p. A-1)
David Files Riemann, King d'Iberville, and Alexa Faye Carter, Queen Ixolib, ruled Mardi Gras Day, February 17th, at the Gulf Coast Carnival Association parade in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, February 15, 2015, p. F-1)
In February, Captain Louis Skrmetta, operations manager of Pan Isles Inc.-Ship Island Excursions, announced that Gulf Islands National Seasore had renewed its contract for ferrying passengers to Ship Island for ten more years.(The Sun Herald, February 24, 2015, p. A-6)
Mayor A.J. Holloway and Kenny Glavan
Mayor Andrew Joseph Holloway officially resigned from office on March 10th. At a special election held by the City Council on March 10th, Councilman Kenny Glavan was chosen as interim Mayor until a special election is held in the near future. Councilwoman, Dixie Newman, announced that she would be a candidate to lead Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, March 2015, March 11, 2015, p. A-1, March 2015)
Katherine T. Blessey, native of Ukraine, was selected by the Biloxi Lions Club as Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 2014. Katherine is the proprietor of Chateau Blessey Bed and Breakfast.(The Sun Herald, March 12, 2015, p. A-3 and March 20, 2015, p. A-2)
Sal and Mookie's New York Pizza and Ice Cream Joint , a restaurant at 110 Lameuse Street, opened on April 13th.(TheSun Herald, April 13, 2015)
[L-R: Jane Shambra, Biloxi Public history and genealogy Librarian; Mr. Bellande; and Julia Marks Young, Deputy Coordinator of MHRAB]
On April 16, 2015, Ray L. Bellande was recognized by the Mississippi Historical Records Advisory Board with an Award for Excellence for his historical websites: <biloxihistoricalsociety.org> and <oceanspringarchives.net>.(The Ocean Springs Record, May 5, 2015)
Andrew J. Gilich Jr.
Andrew "FoFo" J. Gilich Jr. and Winfield "Windy" Swetman III received 51 % of the vote in the April 28th Biloxi Mayoral election to replace former Mayor A.J. Holloway. In a runoff will be held on May 12, 2015, Mr. Gilich outpolled Mr. Swetman 4319 votes to 2914 votes and became Biloxi's new Mayor.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2015, p. A-1 and May 13, 2015, p. A-1.)

Sheriff Troy Peterson
Troy Peterson was elected Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi on August 25, 2015. He defeated incumbent and his former boss, Melvin Brisolara, in a runoff election. Sheriff elect Peterson had won the first primary held on August 4, 2015 but did not gain the majority of the 20,491 votes casts. In the runoff, Brisolara garnered only 7237 votes [38%] while Peterson had 11,998 [62%].(The Sun Herald, August 28, 2015, p. A-5)

On August 6th, the Croatian-American Cultural Center, City of Biloxi and Dr. Gilbert Mason Jr were hosts to the Frank "Yankee" Barhanovich, 'The Music Mogul' and the 50th Anniversary of the August 5, 1966 Biloxi Municipal Stadium by James Brown.
In December 2016, the State of Mississippi acquired the 492 acres that British Petroleum had bought from the Boddie family in April 2011. The Federal Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program acquired the tract for $13.7 million and transferred title to the citizens of Mississippi at no cost. The US Army Corps of Engineers planned to commence in February or March 2017 to "renourish" the eastern beach of Cat Island and restore Goose Point to its pre-1998 configuration and adding 40-acres.[The Sun Herald, December 10, 2016, p. A-1]

Former Biloxi Mayor Daniel "Danny" Dicks Guice (1927-2017) expired at his home on 13 April. He attended Ole Miss and Tulane Law School. Guice lead Biloxi through some of its most turbulent times-racial issues and Hurricane Camille. A true gentleman and leader.(The Sun Herald, April 14, 2017, p. 6A and April 15, 2017, p. 6A)
Effective 2 January 2018, The Ocean Springs Record merged with The Ocean Springs Gazette. The new journal became The Ocean Springs Gazette & Record. Bay Corporation, owner of The Ocean Springs Record and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, sold these journals to Campbell Newspapers, LLC, owned by Tommy and Dee Ann Campbell. The Campbells, owners of The Choctaw Sun-Advocate in Butler, Alabama, also acquired The Ocean Springs Gazette from James and Cindy Ricketts.[The Ocean Springs Record, December 28, 2017, p. 1 and The Ocean Springs Gazette & Record, January 4, 2018, p. 4]
Nina and Pinta arrive at Biloxi on 20 February 2020.
[The Sun Herald, June 18, 2020. p. A-1]
Dakia Entertainment Hospitality and Broadwater Development signed a formal letter agreement to develop a $1.2 billion casino music themed-resort on the former Broadwater Hotel property on Biloxi's West Beach. Dakia will manage the resort as a joint venture with the Universal Music Group.[The Sun Herald, June 18, 2020, p. A-1]