DuKate Family
DuKate Family
W.K.M. DuKate
William K.M. DuKate (1852-1916) was the son of John DuKate and Elizabeth Hankins and a native of Fredericksburg, Washington County, Indiana. He married Linda Rose Lienhard (1859-1939), the daughter of Peter J. Lienhard (1812-1873), a Swiss immigrant, and Malinda B. Seaman (1826-1890), in her mother’s residence at Biloxi, Mississippi on April 27, 1878. Their children were: William Wallace DuKate (1879-1897); Elbert L. DuKate (1881-1943) m. Corrine Desporte (1882-1973); Eula T. DuKate (1882-1894); Vera L. DuKate (1886-1977) m. Brantley A. Bond (1880-1966) and R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972); Leola May DuKate (1888-1967) m. William L. Ewing (1888-1967) and Harry Warren; Irma DuKate (1890-1974) m. Daniel J. Gorenflo (1888-1965); and Beulah L. DuKate (1900-1983) m. Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972).(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, May 3, 1878, p. 3 and Lepre, 1991, p. 99)
Seafood pioneer
In the 1870s, W.K.M. DuKate came to coastal Mississippi as a telegraph operator for the L&N Railroad. In 1881, he joined with Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903), F. William Elmer (1847-1926), William Gorenflo (1844-1932), and James Maycock (1826-1892) to form the Lopez, Elmer and Company. Their incipient cannery was situated on the Back Bay of Biloxi at the head of Reynoir Street. The initial efforts of The Lopez, Elmer and Company were crude, but ready markets were available and the organization was profitable.(1880 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T9_648, p. 8, ED 139)
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star reported on December 30, 1881, that the company was installing its canning machines in the factory. The proprietors had over one hundred, local, white men and boys on the payroll. They were employed as follows: forty-four openers, forty-five men manning fifteen boats, twenty or more canners and wharf men.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, December 30, 1881, p. 3)
The Lopez, Elmer and Company was dissolved in 1884, and the Biloxi Canning Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Mississippi was chartered on March 23, 1883. In rapid succession, after the dissolution of The Lopez, Elmer and Company, the Barataria Canning Company, William Gorenflo & Company, E.C. Joullian & Company, J.T. Maybury, Lopez & DuKate, and Lopez, Dunbar’s Sons & Company were competing in the seafood packing business at Biloxi. By 1902, the factories of Biloxi ranked second to those of Baltimore, Maryland in canning American oysters.(Twentieth Century Coast Edition of The Biloxi Daily Herald, 1902, p. 20)
Lopez & Dukate Company
Lopez & Dukate cannery
In November 1899, Lopez & Dukate advertised for fifty boats to fish on the oyster banks and pay oystermen 40 cents per barrel of oyster. They would pay for fifty boats to transport oysters from the reef to the factory wharf for 40 to 50 cents per barrel. The factory also sought one hundred oyster shuckers.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 10, 1899, p. 8)
In May 1901, a special train consisting of three coaches and a baggage car and transporting about eighty, Bohemians laborers, who were employed by Lopez & DuKate, left Biloxi for their Maryland homes to work in the seafood industry there in the summer months. Biloxi’s oyster industry was closed until cooler weather in the fall.(The Biloxi Herald, May 5, 1901, p. 8)
In July 1902, L. Lopez & DuKate contracted with Ola (sic) Thompson (1874-1944) to build a large oyster cannery, house, store, warehouse, and Bohemian camp at the Rigolets in southeast Louisiana. T.J. Rosell (1861-1923), Biloxi builder and mill owner, had crews busy at the Rigolets erecting a Catholic Church, which cost $1500, for the workers of the Lopez & Dukate cannery.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 16, 1902, p.8 and November 20, 1905, p. 1)
Houma Plant
1900-Neptune Plant
In early 1900, the Lopez & DuKate Company began erecting a cannery at Neptune, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The cannery and auxiliary structures appear to have been situated on the south shore of Quarantine Bay just below the old Quarantine Station and about ¾ of a mile east of the Mississippi River. The village of Ostrica, Louisiana lies near this site today. The plant was in the vicinity of many commercial oyster reefs and was open to Breton Sound and the Gulf of Mexico. The Quarantine Station was here as early as 1855 and was described at this time as being located on the east bank of the river [Mississippi] and about seventy miles below New Orleans.(The New Orleans Item, January 25, 1907, p. 6 and The Daily Picayune, June 27, 1855, p. 1)
Commencing In February 1900, the Lopez & DuKate Company contracted with Oloff Admon 'Ole' Thompson (1874-1944), a native of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi and domiciled at Biloxi, to erect their factory at Neptune, Louisiana. Mr. Thompson and his labor force erected a 10,000 square-ft., seafood canning factory and a two-story, twelve-room dwelling for the Lopez-Dukate Company.(The Biloxi Daily Herlad, February 25, 1900, p. 8)
1902-Rigolets Plant
In July 1902, L. Lopez & Dukate again contracted with O. A. Thompson (1874-1944) to build a large oyster cannery, house, store, warehouse, and Bohemian camp at the Rigolets in southeast Louisiana. T.J. Rosell (1861-1923), Biloxi builder and mill owner, had crews busy at the Rigolets erecting a Catholic Church, which cost $1500, for the workers of the Lopez & DuKate cannery.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 16, 1902, p.8 and November 20, 1905, p. 1)
1902-Bay St. Louis Plant
In September 1902, Messrs. Lopez and DuKate took an option for a cannery site at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. The tract was situated on Front Street, and known as ‘the Marsh’. The land was owned by Messrs. Dupre and Rochon.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 22, 1902, p. 1)
Laz, Arnaud, and Julius, my sons, to share and share alike: (1) my interest in the canning factory, business, property and assts of every kind in the firm of Lopez & DuKate. (2) my stock in the Neptune Canning Company of Neptune in the State of Louisiana. (3) my stock in the Louisiana Oyster Company of Rigolets in the State of Louisiana. (4) all boats and floating property and undivided interest in any boats or floating property of which I may died possessed and herein specifically bequeathed.
1907-Morgan City Plant
In late June 1907, the Lopez & DuKate Company sent Captain Fred Eaton aboard Tom, a large powerboat to Morgan City, Louisiana to open a canning factory.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 29, 1907, p. 5)
Dunbars, Lopez, & Dukate Company
In September 1908, the Lopez, Dunbar’s Sons & Co. name was amended and chartered as Dunbars, Lopez, & DuKate Company. It was a co-partnership of the following individuals: George H. Dunbar, James V. Dunbar, F. Foucher Dunbar, T. Frank Dunbar, Emerson A. Dunbar, Alice Dunbar, Anna Tourne, William F. Gorenflo, Arnaud Lopez, Julius M. Lopez, Lazaro Lopez, W.K.M. DuKate, Elbert L. DuKate, Sol Brown, Emanuel Samuels, and S.H. Lowenberg. The new company had a capital stock of $1.5 million and was the largest canning company in America. Dunbars, Lopez, & DuKate operated fifteen canneries in coastal Louisiana and Mississippi and owned over 200 boats. The McIlhenny family was excluded.(The New Orleans Item, September 8, 1908, p. 1)
Dunbar, Louisiana; Morgan City, Louisiana; New Orleans; Rigolets, Louisiana; Myrtle Grove, Louisiana; Neptune, Louisiana; Bayou La Batre, Alabama; Biloxi, Mississippi; Pass Christian, Mississippi;
Dunbar Molasses & Syrup Company
The Dunbar Molasses & Syrup Company was chartered at New Orleans in July 1912. George H. Dunbar was president, Emmanuel Samuels, 1st vice-president, William K.M. DuKate, 2nd vice president, Solomon Brown, secretary, George W. Dunbar, treasurer. Board of Directors consisted of the following: Solomon Brown, Elbert L. DuKate, W.K.M. DuKate, George H. Dunbar, James V. Dunbar, Emmerson A. Dunbar, George W. Dunbar, William Gorenflo, Sim? H. Lowenburg, and Emmanuel Samuels.( The Daily Picayune, May 19, 1912 and July 25, 1912)
Dunbar-Dukate Company
In late September 1915, at a meeting of stockholders at 1011 Maison Blanche Building in New Orleans, Louisiana, the name change of Dunbars, Lopez & DuKate Company to Dunbar-Dukate Company was approved. Newly elected company officers were: George H. Dunbar, president; W.K.M. DuKate, vice-president; Elbert L. DuKate, secretary; and James V. Dunbar, treasurer. At this time, Dunbar-DuKate was actively refurbishing their plant and watercraft damaged by the recent hurricane. Its Mississippi plant was anticipated commencing operations for the oyster season to commence about November 1st.(The Daily Herald, October 14, 1915, p. 2)
Pre-1894 Dukate home
On October 12, 1894 Biloxi's Commercial District was inflicted with losses of about $75,000 when a large fire commenced in the two-story, J.W. Swetman Building on Pass Christian Street. Big losers were: S. Picard-$25,000; J.W. Swetman-$8000; G.E. Ohr Sr.-$5000; W.K.M. DuKate residence-$4500; and the pottery of G.E. Ohr Jr.-$3000.(The Biloxi Herald, October 13, 1894, p. 8)
1895 DuKate home
Shortly after the October 1894, the fire-ravaged, Dukate lot on Pass Christian Street [Howard Avenue] and Magnolia Street was cleared to erect another $4500 residence for W.K.M. DuKate and family. J.H. Barnes, the NOLA based architect and contractor, was to start work immediately. By mid-November, carpenters and bricklayers were toiling at the DuKate home. In mid-December, Mr. Barnes came from NOLA to inspect the DuKate house as it was nearing completion. Henry Lienhard painted the DuKate fence in March 1895 framing the handsome structure for all to admire.(The Biloxi Herald, October 20, 1894, p. 8, November 10, 1894, p. 8, December 15, 1894, p. 7 and March 9, 1895, p. 8)
The 1894 DuKate residence on Howard Avenue and Magnolia Street survived what was unarguably the most destructive conflagration to occur in Biloxi’s long history. On November 9, 1900, this fire commenced on the Kennedy property on the east side of Reynoir Street near the L&N Depot and swept primarily south and west towards the beach. When it was brought under control and damages and destruction inspected, it was estimated that the inferno had inflicted $600,000 in damages to the Commercial District of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 9, 1900, p. 1)
In late 1922, Edward L. Brady (1874-1939), Erena Lopez Brady (1885-1940) and Teresa Lopez Folkes (1873-1951) acquired the W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916) residence property situated on the south side of West Howard Avenue bounded by Croesus Street on the west and Magnolia Street on the east. The magnificent Dukate home, which cost $4500 to erect, had been built here in the fall of 1894 with J.F. Barnes, architect and contractor from New Orleans, in charge. The Dukate lot on West Howard Avenue was leveled and prepared for construction in mid-October 1894. By mid-December 1894, the Dukate home was nearing completion. In March 1895, local decorators White & Suter were lauded for the quality of their paper hanging, painting and interior decorating of the Dukate edifice. Henry Lienhard, a relative of Mrs. Linda Dukate, painted the fence surrounding the perimeter of the Dukate place.(The Biloxi Herald,
Avelez Hotel
In December 1922, it was announded that the 1895 DuKate mansion was sold by Beale & Yerger to a sydicate [Brady-Folkes, descendants of Laz Lopez] that had it demolished in June-July 1923 to erect a modern hotel which would be called the Avelez Hotel. In late February 1923, they with Carl Matthes, a well-respected Biloxi architect, had left Biloxi to tour and inspect some of the finer resorts and hotels in Florida with the purpose of generating ideas for their new Biloxi enterprise. A ground breaking was scheduled for mid-July 1923 and Tallavest & Rigar, builders from Jacksonville, Florida, were contracted by the syndicate to erect a five-story, one-hundred room edifice at the cost of $60,000. The hotel was to be the equipped with modern furniture and each hotel room to have a bathroom.(The Daily Herald, December 6, 1922, p. 3, December 28, 1923, p. 1, February 27, 1923, p. 3, and July 10, 1923, p. 3)
E.L. Brady Hotel Company
The Erena L. Brady Hotel Company was chartered in the State of Mississippi in September 1923 by Edward L. Brady, Erena Lopez Brady, and William Lee Guice.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 28, p. 545 and Land Deed Bk. 403, p. 171)
Hotel lot
The Avelez Hotel lot facing north of West Howard Avenue was situated between Croesus Street and Magnolia Street and described as follows: From the point of beginning which is the intersection of the south side of West Howard Avenue and Magnolia Street; thence south 202 ½ feet to a point which is the southeast corner of the hotel lot; then go west for 80 feet; thence south 13 2/12 feet to a point and then go west 70 feet to the southwest corner of the hotel lot; go north along the east side of Croesus for 239 feet to the northwest corner of West Howard Avenue and Croesus Street; thence 163 feet along West Howard Avenue to the point of beginning.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 235, p. 267)
The name Avelez was chosen for the Brady hotel. Lazarus Lopez (1850-1903), the father of Erena Lopez Brady, had been born at Aviles, Asturias Province, north western Spain in October 1850. He left Spain for Cuba in 1863 and arrived in Texas before becoming a denizen of Biloxi, Mississippi circa 1870. Lazaro Lopez expired in Rome, Italy on September 25, 1903 as the result of an acute inflammation of his kidneys and dysentery. Earlier he and Julia Dulion Lopez (1857-1918), his loving spouse, with four of their youngest children, Julius M. Lopez (1886-1958), Erena Lopez, Rowena Lopez (1895-1986), and Noreta Lopez (1896-1960), had departed Biloxi, Mississippi via the L&N Railroad for NYC where they boarded an ocean liner for Europe. Mr. Lopez had been ill at Biloxi before they left for Europe. A telegram from Rome reached Biloxi on September 19, 1903 notifying his family here that he was seriously sick.(The Biloxi Herald, September 19, 1903, p. 8)
Opening-New Year’s Eve-1923
When the Avelez Hotel opened on December 31, 1923, Philip Columbus Caldwell (1892-1951) was its manager. Manager Caldwell had married Rowena Lopez (1895-1986), the sister of Erena Lopez Brady, on January 12, 1917 in a small wedding ceremony at Nativity B.V.M. in Biloxi. Father Alphonse Ketels officiated for their nuptial vows. Mr. Caldwell was manager of was the manager of the Great Southern Hotel at Gulfport, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, January 13, 1917, p. 3)
1905 Dukate home
In November 1905, Mr. DuKate announced that he was erecting a $3000 residence on the corner of Howard Avenue and Benachi Avenue. This structure appears to have been one of several that DuKate built on Benachi to accommodate company personnel and family. This is corroborated somewhat by an announcement in the local journal of April 1906, that Steve Voorhies and family of NOLA will arrive here to reside permanently. They will occupy one of the DuKate cottages on Benachi Avenue. Steve Voorhies (1875-1933) was the husband of Marie Zulma Dunbar (1868-1945), the widow of Ulysse J.P. Laplace (1868-1906), and the daughter of George H. Dunbar (1844-1917), president of Dunbars, Lopez & DuKate, and Marie Emma Pepin (1847-1870).(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 18, 1905, p. 1 and April 6, 1906, p. 4)
In March 1915, possibly with the thought of growing older and in not the best of health, W.K.M. DuKate bought a lot on East Beach adjacent to his son’s residence. He paid Julia K. Hagg $2000 for the tract.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1915, p. 2)
Dukate Theatre
In early November 1898, W.K.M. DuKate signed the building contract for his $40,000 Dukate Theatre with C.H. Owen and E.L. Suter. Building completed on June 15, 1899.
Lopez & DuKate Building
Located on West Howard Avenue and Delauney Street. Plans drawn by Thompson & Eistetter in April 1900.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 6, 1900, p. 8)
Winton touring motor car
In July 1905, Julius Lopez and W.K.M. Dukate received their new Winton touring cars from Winton's Cleveland, Ohio plant. This motor car had a 30 HP engine and could reach a speed between 50 and 60 mph. Mr. Lopez was in Cuba at this time.[The Sea Coast Echo [BSL], July 22, 1905, p. 2]
San Francisco Earthquake of April 1906.
Public Schools
The Back Bay Ward School was donated to the City of Biloxi on September 6, 1898. The land for the Back Bay school was donated by William F. Gorenflo (1844-1932). The building was erected with funds provided by William K.M. DuKate (1852-1916). A school in this section of Biloxi was desperately needed and sincerely appreciated by the Back Bay residents. The facility was located on Bayview Avenue and Main Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 7, 1898, p. 4)
DuKate Tomb-Biloxi Cemetery
[image made October 2013]
W.K.M. DuKate’s Will
W.K.M. DuKate wrote his last will and testament at Biloxi, Mississippi on March 26, 1912. It follows: “This is my will. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Linda R. DuKate, all the property, real and personal and mixed, of which I may die possessed to be used and disposed of by her for the benefit of herself and our children in the manner which is understood by herself and me, being sure that she will carry our my wishes in reference to the property hereby bequeathed.”(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1918, p. 6)
In 1918, Vera DuKate Bond unsuccessfully contested her father’s legacy, which had been appraised at $700,000. She asked for 1/6th of the W.K.M. Dukate Estate.(The Daily Herald, February 25, 1918, p. 1)
The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men, (The Biloxi Daily Herald: Biloxi, Mississippi-1902).
The Daily Herald 50th Golden Jubilee Number Biographical and Historical 1884-1934, (The Daily Herald: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1934).
The Buildings of Biloxi: An Architectural Survey, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-2000)
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, (Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971. Originally published 1895).
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
Chancery Court Causes
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. , “”, June, 1918.
The Biloxi Herald
The Biloxi Herald, “Mrs. Lienhard dies”, January 3, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “The Flames”, October 13, 1894 .
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, October 20, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”,
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, March 9, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald, “A sad death [Eula DuKate]”, November 24, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald, “”, .
The Biloxi Daily Herald
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Local Brevities”, August 20, 1898.
The Biloxi Herald, “Our Oyster Industry [W.K.M. Dukate]”, February 25, 1900.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, February 25, 1900.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, May 6, 1900.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, September 13, 1900.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, , 1900.
The Biloxi Herald, “Swept by flames”, November 9, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”, .
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Bond-DuKate wedding”, October 18, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, June 19, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Oyster Matters”, September 22, 1902.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, October 3, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, November 18, 1905.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”, .
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City Paragraphs”, March 5, 1906.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Personal”, April 6, 1906.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Biloxi will aid sufferers”, April 21, 1906.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”, .
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Strike situation at Dunbar [Louisiana]”, November 23, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Mr. DuKate discredits report”, December 5, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Merger of canneries”, September 12, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Factory owners face Commission”, December 8, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Big gasoline boat burns at sea”, September 10, 1910.
Children of W.K.M. DuKate and Linda Rose Lienhardt
William Wallace DuKate (1879-1879) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 20, 1879. he expired on September 17, 1897. Burial Biloxi Cemetery.
Elbert Lester DuKate (1881-1943) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 17, 1881. He married Corinne J. Desporte (1882-1973), the daughter of Captain Ernest Desporte (1853-1931) and Minnie Schoolcraft (1858-1939). Children: William Kennedy DuKate (1909-1993) m. Marjorie Cousans (1914-2002); Marjorie J. DuKate (1914-2002) m. Norman Holmes (1910-2008); Eula M. DuKate m. Howard Bragg (1913-1983) and Notley Harris; and Elbert L. DuKate II (1919-1986) m. Gwynneth Reader (1920-1990).(Lepre, 1991, p. 99)
In June 1900, E.L. DuKate graduated from Mississippi A.& M. College at Starkville, Mississippi. His parents attended the commencement exercises. He had also studied at Soule College in New Orleans.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 22, 1900, p. 8 and October 11, 1943, p. 8)
In August 1900, Elbert L. Dukate and E.H. McKeon, intelligent, young Biloxians, left NYC aboard the New York, a steamer of the Red Star Line, for Europe and the Paris Exposition. Elbert returned to Biloxi with Arnaud Lopez in early October 1900.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 12, 1900, p. 8 and October 2, 1900, p. 8)
Elbert L. DuKate was an integral part of the public and civic life of his native BIloxi. During his lifetime he had served as president of the Biloxi School Board; president of the Kiwanis Club; very active in the Chamber of Commerce; headed the Watson Insurance Agency and the Biloxi Building and Loan Association; and was president of the Biloxi Library Board at the time of his demise.(The Daily Herald, October 11, 1943, p. 1 and p. 8)
New Orleans
Circa 1938, Elbert L. DuKate and family relocated to New Orleans. They made their home at 313 Madison Street where he was the general manager of the Dunbar-Dukate Company, a seafood canning concern. Like his father, E.L. DuKate was an entrepreneur. In addition to` managing Dunbar-Dukate, he was chairman of the board of the First National Bank of Biloxi; president of the Polar Ice Company; president of the Gulf Coast Warehouse Corporation; vice president of the New Iberia Canning Company and Alabama Canning Company at Bayou La Batre, Alabama, as well as the Pelican Lake Packing Company at Houma, Louisiana.(The Daily Herald, October 11, 1943, p. 1 and p. 8)
Elbert L. DuKate died at New Orleans on October 9, 1943. The news that Lt. Elbert L. DuKate Jr., his son and a USAAF bomber pilot, was missing in action after the infamous Ploesti [Romania] Raid of August 1, 1943, had left him in a state of shock and the resulting illness and depression probably shortened his life. Mr. DuKate's corporal remains were brought to Biloxi for internment in Southern Memorial Park.(The Daily Herald, October 10, 1943, p. 8)
Circa 1963, Corrine J. DuKate relocated to Panama City, Florida where she spent the remainder of her long life with Lester J. DuKate Jr. and his spouse and garndchildren. She expired in Florida on June 22, 1973. Her corporal remains came to Biloxi for burial in Southern Memorial Park.(The Daily Herald, June 23, 1973, p. 2)
William K. DuKate
William 'Bill' Kennedy DuKate (1909-1993) was born at Biloxi on July 14, 1909. Circa 1935, he married Marjorie Cousans (1914-2002), the daughter of Thomas A. Cousans (1875-1969) and Louise Agnes Venus (1879-1918). Children: Marjorie Corrine DuKate (b. 1936) m. [1960] Philip Harvey Lamb and William K. DuKate Jr. (b. 1940) m. [1966] Judy Ann Webb.(The Daily Herald, March 7, 1960, p. 8)
By 1935, Mr. DuKate and family were residents of Memphis, Tennessee where he made his livelihood as a salesman for the Continental Can Company. The two DuKate children were born in Tennessee. The family returned to Biloxi in 1943(1940 Shelby Co., Tennessee Federal Census T627-3963, p. 2B, ED 98-97B and The Sun Herald, March 14, 1993, p. A2)
Bill DuKate was an opinionated man who loved Biloxi and worked diligently even as his health was failing to make it a better place for all to live and work. Marjorie DuKate Lamb, his daughter, related that: "He was pretty well-known statewide, as a man who had the courage of his convictions and he always felt that he should give as much as could to make things better. I know he will be missed."
Mr. DuKate graduated from Springhill College at Mobile, Alabama and earned a master's degree in business administration from Havard University. At Biloxi, he worked with the Desporte Insurance Agency and maintained his equity and other personal investment accounts.
Bill DuKate was a lifelong memebr of Nativity BVM Catholic Church and in recent times attended Our Lady of Fatima Church in west Biloxi. He was past president of the Notre Dame Father's Club.
Mr. DuKate was survived by Marjorie Cousans DuKate, his spouse of 58 years; Marjorie DuKate Lamb, daughter, at long Island, New York; and son, William J. DuKate Jr. of Billoxi; two sisters, Marjorie DuKate Holmes of Corpus Christi, Texas and Eula Dukate Harris of Panaman City, Florida; six grandchildren; and one great grandson.
William Kennedy DuKate expired at Biloxi on March 12, 1993. Marjorie Cousans DuKate followed him in death dying on December 16, 2002. Their corporal remains were interred at Southern Memorial Park in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, March 14, 1993, p. A2 and December 20, 2002)
Marjorie C. DuKate was named Biloxi's Shrimp Queen in July 1956. She was a graduate of Sacred Heart Academy and a junior at Mississippi Southern College majoring in speech therapy and elementary education. Marjorie and Mary Jane McAllister, Shrimp Queen finalist from Gulfport, went to Chicago to promote Biloxi and its seafood. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Mavar Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baricev.(The Times-Picayune, July 29, 1956, p. 8 and September 25, 1956, p.7)
W.K. DuKate Jr. served the City of Biloxi as its finance Commissioner and announced to run for Mayor of Biloxi in 1969 but withdrew his name before the election.(The Daily Herald, April 17, 1969, p. 23)
Marjorie J. DuKate
On January 1, 1933, Marjorie J. DuKate (1914-2002) of Biloxi married Norman C. Holmes (1910-2008), the son of Robert Hays Holmes (1869-1949), a native of New Orleans, and Marybelle Colquahoun (1887-1969) of Canton, Mississippi, under the aupices of the Methodist Church at the Hersey House in Gulf Hills. Marjorie was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert DuKate.
After high school graduation, Marjorie had attended Miss Mason’s School for Girls’ and Young Women, “The Castle”, at Tarrytown, New York. In October 1930, she was a guest with several other young ladies at the United States Military Academy at West Point and attended the military drill and dress parade. They returned to Tarrytown that eveningwhere they took part in the 150th anniversary of the capture of Major Andre-and other stirring events of the American Revolution.(The Daily Herald, October 15, 1930, p. 2)
Marjoire was the Queen of the 1933 Biloxi Mardi Gras and C. Bidwell Adams was her King. Mr. Holmes was in the automobile business, Holmes Motor Company, at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, March 24, 1933, p. 2)
Norman C. Holmes had married Miss Dinkelspiel at New Orleans on March 17, 1928. They resided at New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Holmes, also of New Orleans, were at Biloxi at the time of the nuptials and had been frequent guests of the Buena Vista Hotel.(The Daily Herald, March 26, 1928, p. 2)
Ford Agency
In 1932, Robert H. Holmes and sons acquired the Ford motorcar agency at Biloxi. They incorporated as the Holmes Motor Company in April 1932. Their Ford Agency was relocated from Lameuse Street and the L&N Railroad to the northeast corner of Howard Avenue and Caillavet Street. In October 1933, the Holmes Motor Company had a curious demonstration in their Lameuse Street showroom to demonstrate the chassis and springs strength of their automobiles. One Ford had 3400 pounds of lumber placed on its top.(The Daily Herald, October 10, 1933, p. 3)
In 1935, Mr. Holmes sold the business to the Pringle-Reagan Motor Company. This organization was led by the Pringle brothers, L.V. Pringle Jr. (1902-1974), Robert H. Pringle (1904-1981), Thomas N. Pringle (1906-1970), and Victor B. Pringle (1909-1977). Their other partners were a cousin, Frank Pringle (1909-1957), and Dewey R. Reagan (1897-1969).(Harrison Co., Ms. Charter Bk. 52, p. 123 and The Daily Herald, June 2, 1935, p. 2)
With the Ford Agency sold to the Pringle-Reagan group, Norman and Marjorie Dukate Holmes relocated from their residence at Ocean Springs, Mississippi to Corpus Christi, Texas between 1935 and 1940. Here Norman made his livelihood as secretary-treasurer and superintendent of the Barq’s Root Beer bottling plant. The family lived at 310 Katherine Drive at Corpus Christi.(1940 Nueces Co., Texas Federal Census T627-4116, p. 4A, ED 178-35A)
Norman C. Holmes and Marjorie D. Holmes had two daughters, Robin Holmes and Jennie Holmes. Robin Holmes m. Sam Lightner and they reside in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Jennie Holmes m. William Clement Walker in 1968. They reside in Des Moines, Iowa and are the parents of Wendy Sue Walker who is engaged to Mr. Batcheleder and will wed in May 2008.
Norman C. Holmes died on November 3, 2008. Marjorie expired on . No further information.
Note: Norman Holmes was residing at Sylvialand, near Vickburg, Mississippi at the time of his mother’s death in August 1969. According to his niece, Mary Hays Holmes Hopkins of Vicksburg, Norman is in his nineties and lives in Texas.
Eula M. DuKate
Eula May DuKate (19-) was born at . She attended Sophie Newcomb College at NOLA where she studied art. Here Eula met Howard Bragg (1913-1983), formerly of Little Rock, Arkansas, and in business in the Crescent City. Mr. Bragg was also an artist and his work was displayed in the Rockefeller Center at NYC. The couple married at Biloxi on June 26, 1937.(The Times-Picayune, Junr 27, 1937, p. 18)
[from The Times-Picayune, August 18, 1943, p. 7]
Elbert L. DuKate II
Elbert L. DuKate II (1919-1986) was born at Biloxi June 15, 1919. He graduated from BHS in 1936. He completed his education at Riverside Military Academy and the University of Texas where he studied architecture.(The Daily Herald, October 20, 1942, p. 7)
Elbert L. Dukate Jr. Enlisted in the US Army at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas on December 3, 1941 as a private. In June 1942, he graduated from the US Signal Corps program at Camp Roberts, California and transferred to the US Army Air Force and began cadet flight training in July 1942 and completed fifty hours of solo flying and was promoted to 1st Lieutenant at Ontario, California. Lt. DuKate was awarded his wings on March 10, 1943 at La Junta, Colorado.(The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1943, p. 18 and August 18, 1943, p. 7 with photo)
European Theatre
Lt. DuKate served in Europe and North Africa with the 67th Squadron-44th Bomb Group of the 8th Air Force. He was sent to England in flew missions over Frankfort and Hamburg, Germany before being transferred to Libya in July 1943. (The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1943, p. 18 and August 18, 1943, p. 7 with photo)
Ploesti, Romania
On August 1, 1943, Lt. Dukate, co-pilot of the ‘Available Jones’, a B-24 Liberator bomber, left Libya to attack German held oil refineries in and near Ploesti, Romania. Called Operation Tidal Wave, it became known in American military annals as ‘Black Sunday’. This low-level attack proved very destructive to the USAAF losing 53 aircraft and 660 airmen. (The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1943, p. 18 and August 18, 1943, p. 7 with photo)
Dukate’s plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire and attempted to reach Sicily but crash landed in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Albania. A German submarine observed the survivors but neglected to rescue them. An Italian Red Cross plane later rescued the American airmen and flew them to a hospital at Brindisi, Italy. They were interrogated at Bari, Italy and then incarcerated at an Italian POW camp Chieti, Italy. Lt. DuKate escaped from his captors before the Germans began sending POWs to Germany. He was kept safely by Italian partisans, but was recaptured in Rome on April 18, 1944. On June 3, 1944, DuKate again eluded his captors shortly before Allied Forces liberated Rome. He was sent to England to recover from his ordeal behind enemy lines.(The Times-Picayune, August 15, 1943, p. 18 and August 18, 1943, p. 7 with photo)
67th Sq., #42-40780 H, Jones AVAILABLE JONES MACR #2411 67th Squadron Crew:
JONES, FRED H. Pilot 1st Lt. Century, ASN 0-389988 POW Florida
DUKATE, ELBERT L. Jr. Co-pilot 2nd Lt. New Orleans, ASN 0-739924 POW, escapee, returned to base 31 July 44 Louisiana
SWEET, ADOLPHUS J. Navigator 2nd Lt. East Northport, ASN 0-796622 POW New York
BERNARD, ALBERT F. Bombardier 2nd Lt. Brooklyn, ASN 0-734871 POW New York
SPANN, LEO G. Engineer T/Sgt. Chapman, ASN 34330466 POW Alabama
PAOLILLO, MICHAEL A. Radio Oper. T/Sgt. Corona, L.I., ASN 32403362 POW New York
BECKER, ROBERT H. Asst. Eng. S/Sgt. Lincoln, ASN 17077406 POW, wounded Nebraska
SAVETTIERRE, ANTHONY J. Waist gun S/Sgt. Brooklyn, ASN 32495641 POW, wounded New York
1st Lt. Fred H. Jones’ crew was the second 67th Squadron loss on 1 August 1943.
Ploesti Mission
T/Sgt. Leo Spann, engineer from Chapman, Alabama, described the mission: “We approached the target down the railroad track at a very low altitude of approximately 100 feet. Our target was already on fire as some other Group [the 93rd] had already bombed it. We went through the smoke and fire, dropping our bombs on our designated spot. We then went down on the deck as low as we could, as those picturesque hay stacks opened up and then revealed their guns – and these guns started giving us hell. They shot out the #4 engine and a shell exploded between the two waist gun positions, wounding both gunners in the legs. I was the engineer and operated the top turret and I had a complete view of what was going on. I saw one plane that had gone in with the wheels up in a field and all of that crew was outside of the plane.
“We broke one balloon cable and I was looking directly at it when we collided with it. I saw another B-24 climb straight up until it stalled, and just as it “fell out” I saw one parachute come out and open just before it hit the ground. I talked later to this boy (Bernard Traudt) as he came into the prison camp where I was.
“We lost speed and dropped out of formation, and the fighters jumped us. With the two waist gunners out, they came in so close to us it seemed we could almost touch them. We figured that we had shot down four of them, and they finally left us, but the #4 engine had frozen up and with a flat propeller, it caused a hellava drag. The propeller would not feather!
“We started trying to gain altitude to clear the mountains ahead. Threw out everything that wasn’t tied down – all of the guns, ammunition, equipment, etc. When we finally arrived at the coast, our #3 engine was failing. The oil pressure was almost gone and the temperature was much too high. Lt. Jones asked me how long I thought it would last and I estimated about 30 minutes at the most. We decided to feather #3 engine and see if we could fly with the other two, but they were on the same side! If we couldn’t fly, we were going to ditch it on the beach.
“I feathered the prop, Jones and Dukate got the plane leveled out, but we could not maintain our altitude. So we began making plans to ditch. We flew onward for approximately forty-five minutes before we were forced to ditch – the time was about 1840 – at least that is the time that my watch stopped. We all managed to get out of the plane and into our life rafts, even though the tail gunner and the navigator were slightly injured in the ditching.
“The next morning a German submarine came by, started to help us, changed their minds and took off, leaving us. Then, at approximately 1500 hours, a three-engined Italian seaplane sighted us, landed and picked us up and took us to Brindisi, Italy and to the hospital there. “Later that same night, Jones, Dukate, Bernard, Paolillo and myself were put on a train and sent into the mountains – to an old monastery. Much later, both Sigle and DuKate managed to escape, with Sigle getting back to the States in about two months.” [www.greenharbor.com/ROHPDF/ROHAU43.pdf]
Elbert L. DuKate Jr. returned to New Orleans after World War II and became a radio broadcaster for WYLD, a Times-Picayune owned station. His program was called "Told by DuKate", and he told stories over the airwaves. He also married Gwynneth Reader (1920-1970).(The Times-Picayune, October 25, 1948, p. 30)
Panama City
After 1949, Mr. Dukate and family left New Orleans and settled at Panama City, Florida.
Eula Tison DuKate (1882-1894) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 21, 1882. Prior to Thanksgiving 1894, she was brought to New Orleans to have an abscess removed by a physician. Miss Dukate survived the operation, but died shortly thereafter on November 22, 1894. Her corporal remains were taken to Biloxi for burial.(Lepre, 1991, p. 99 and The Biloxi Herald, November 22, 1894, p. 8)
Vera Linda DuKate (1886-1977) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on April 7, 1886. On October 18, 1904 at the W.K.M. Dukate home in Biloxi, she married Brantley A. Bond. He was the assistance cashier at the Bank of Biloxi at the time of their nuptials. W.H. Buck was his best man. Mr. DuKate gave Vera a new home on Howard Avenue, which was under construction. Her mother and Elbert L. Dukate, her brother, bestowed on her a sizeable sum of money. Articles of silver, cut glass and art were among the wedding gifts.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 3, 1904 and October 18, 1904, p. 5)
Brantley A. Bond
Brantley Alexander Bond (1880-1966) was born in Harrison County, Mississippi on May 4, 1880, the tenth child of Thomas Bond (1835-1880+) and Minnie E. Engmann (1848-1925), a native of New Orleans and the daughter of Peter L. Engmann (1816-1887), a Dane and U.S. Mint employee, and Wilhelmina Carolina Barkhausen (1816-ca 1853), a German immigrant. Thomas Bond and Minnie E. Engmann had married in Harrison County, Mississippi in April 1868.
When Brantley Bond was born the family was domiciled in Beat 2, Harrison County, Mississippi where Thomas Bond was the Justice of the Peace. After the demise of Thomas Bond, Minnie E. Bond married in October 1887, John Arthur (1843-1900+), a mechanical engineer and native of Ireland. They had three children. The Arthur family resided on Commerce Street in Handsboro, Harrison County, Mississippi. She expired at San Antonio, Texas on July 27, 1925.
Bond Home
Mrs. W.K.M. Dukate sold Vera L. Bond a lot on West Howard Avenue in early February 1910. The Bond lot had a front on West Howard Avenue of eighty-two feet and ran south three hundred thirty feet.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 91, p. 566)
Bond family
Vera L. Dukate had two daughters with Brantley A. Bond: Vera Leola Bond (1909-1989) m. Leslie Baltar Grant (1908-1986) and Whillamene Linda Bond (1911-1998) m. Hawthorne Eddy.
Separation and divorce
When deposed on June 8, 1918, Brantley A. Bond stated that he did not want to dissolve his marriage. Vera L. Bond had initiated the separation in late December 1915, when she abandoned him. Mr. Bond averred that her reason for leaving him was that “she did not care for me anymore and did not care to live with me.” By the spring of 1918, he realized that their union would not reunite and he took a position with the Central Trust Company in San Antonio, Texas. Their divorce became final on June 18, 1918.(Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 5617-June, 1918 and WWI Draft Registration Card)
Brantley A. Bond lived the remainder of his life in San Antonio, Texas where he made his livelihood in banking. He expired there on February 6, 1966.
R. Hart Chinn
Lt. Robert Hart Chinn, called Hart, married Mrs. Vera L. Dukate Bond (1886-1977) on November 11, 1918 at Camp Sherman, Ohio. She had two daughters with Brantley A. Bond: Vera 'Bede' Leola Bond (1909-1989) m. Leslie Baltar Grant (1908-1986) and Whillamene Linda Bond Eddy (1911-1998).(The Daily Herald, November 14, 1918)
Vera L. Bond
Vera 'Bede' Leola Bond (1909-1989) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on July 13, 1909. On March 1, 1934, she married Leslie Baltar Grant (1908-1986), the son of William Jesse Grant (1875-1932) married Julia Elizabeth Baltar (1880-1968) Their children were: Vera Elizabeth Grant m. [1952] James Guy Martin; Marguerite Bond Grant m. [1957] Ernest Lee Cox; and Linda Bond Grant m. [1963] James Madison Wells.(Harrison Vo., Mississippi Chancery Court MRB 45, p. 48, Bk. 91, p. 556, Bk. 109, p. 187, and Bk. 125, p. 144)
Leslie Baltar Grant (1908-1986)
Before their marriage, Leslie B. Grant and Vera L. Bond ruled the Les Masque carnival ball at Biloxi in February 1933.(The Daily Herald, February 15, 1933, p. 2)
City Attorney
Leslie Baltar Grant was appointed Biloxi city attorney in September 1941. He was re-appointed to the same position in January 1943. In 1942 and 1943 Mr. Grant was also the city attorney for Ocean Springs, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. 5)
Judge Leslie B. Grant passed on October 5, 1986. His spouse expired on March 21, 1989. Their corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.
Whillamene L. Bond
Whillamene Linda Bond (1911-1998) was born at Biloxi on August 1, 1911. Whillamene L. Bond garduated from Biloxi High School in May 1931 and matriculated to the University of Alabama in September 1931. She married Hawthorne Eddy of New Orleans on October 19, 1931. Hawthorne was a student at Georgia Tech at the time of their nuptials. The couple set up house at Atlanta where he continued is studies.(The Daily Herald, October 30, 1931, p. 2)
Whillamene Bond Eddy expired at Fort Lauderdale, Florida on October 28, 1998.(The South Florida Sun-Sentinel [Broward Metro], November 10, 1998, p. 7B)
Leola May Dukate (1890-), called Ola, was born at Biloxi on January 19, 1890. On October 9, 1907 in Biloxi, she married William L. Ewing, a Missouri native, and the son of Mr. Ewing and Mary Fleming Ewing (1864-1910+), a native of Maryland. After the wedding, Ola and William moved to his mother's farm at Vincennes, Indiana. Their first child, William L. Ewing Jr., was born here in 1909.
Harry Warren
Ola DuKate Ewing married Harry Warren (1892-1920+) of Hibbing, Minnesota in December 1919. Harry was a Michigan native and sold auto supplies at Hibbing.(The Daily Herald, December 30, 1919, p. 3 and St. Louis Co., Minnesota Federal Census T625_860, p. 20B, ED 170)
[Biloxi Cemetery-October 2013]
[Courtesy of Kate Cieutat Penrose]
Maud Irma Dukate (1891-1974), called Irma, was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on November 26, 1891, the daughter of W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916) and Linda Rose Lienhard (1859-1939), married Daniel J Gorenflo on December 27, 1917. W.K.M. Dukate was a pioneer in the Biloxi seafood industry with Daniel J. Gorenflo’s grandfather, William Gorenflo (1842-1932), who founded Biloxi’s first cannery, the Lopez, Elmer and Company. The Lopez, Elmer and Company was organized in 1881, with a capital stock of $8,000 by Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903), F. William Elmer (1847-1926), W.K.M. Dukate (1853-1916), William Gorenflo (1844-1932), and James Maycock (1826-1892).(Lepre, 1991, p. 99)
Daniel and Irma had Linda Dukate Gorenflo (1927-2009) who was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on June 22, 1927. She expired on October 5, 2009 at Nashville, Tennessee.
Daniel J. Gorenflo
[Courtesy of Kate Cieutat Penrose]
Daniel Joseph ‘Dan’ Gorenflo (1887-1965) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on October 15, 1887. Daniel J. Gorenflo was reared as a gentleman and sportsman. As a young man he excelled in the social and political arena of Biloxi. Dan competed in roller rink racing, sailed, fished extensively, and hunted small game with passion. Dan Gorenflo’s advanced education had been at Mississippi A. & M. College, now Mississippi State University. At Mississippi A & M College, he had at least two years of college with some military training.
1911- Chandeleur Island gale and a memorable year
Dan Gorenflo had a very eventful year in 1911. His most exciting adventure occurred in late April, when he went on a fishing and pleasure trip to the Chandeleur Islands aboard the Arapahoe,a Biloxi schooner, owned by Dunbars, Lopez and Dukate. With Captain George Duggan (1868-1916) at the helm and five crewmen aboard they were towing the Choctaw, a launch valued at $1200 and owned by Dunbars, Lopez and Dukate. Bad weather sat in and the winds became so violent that the Arapahoe’s masts were cut out by the crew. The Choctaw was blown away. For three days Gorenflo and his shipwrecked mates waited for rescue while subsisting on boiled shrimp and rain water.(The Daily Herald, April 29, 1911, p. 1)
Captain George Duggan would lose his life in early July 1916, when the Emma Harvey, a schooner, owned by Ulysses (Lel) Desporte (1861-1927), a Biloxi oyster dealer, was capsized in a hurricane while on a shrimp trip to the Chandeleur Islands. The destiny of the vanished Emma Harvey was discovered on August 12, 1916 when the lost schooner was located by two fishing boats from Pensacola. She was found floating bottom side up about twenty five miles from Pensacola (other reports point to a location of seventy five miles). No sign of captain Duggan or any members of his crew were ever found.(The Daily Herald, August 1 , 1916, p. 1, August 11, 1916, p. 1 and August 15, 1916, p. 1)
Early June 1911 saw Daniel F. Gorenflo elected vice-commodore of the Biloxi Yacht Club. He served with Commodore Edward L. Brady (1869-1939); Henry Janin Jr., rear commodore; W.E. Kennedy, fleet captain; Dr. Frank Carroll, fleet surgeon; G.J. Wiltz, sec.-treas.; and Ernest Desporte Sr., official measurer.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1911, p. 1)
When Biloxi Grove No. 2 of the United Ancient Order of Druids was organized at Biloxi in September 1911, Dan was elected Noble Arch. His fellow officers were: W. Lee Guice, Vice Arch; C.M. Elfer, recording secretary; Dr. W.R. Card, financial secretary; Albert Austin, treasurer; Vester Wentzell, conductor. The Biloxi Druids were kindly loaned the use of the Knights of Pythias hall for their meetings. Dan was elected treasurer of the Beavers of Biloxi in December 1911. He resigned as the local Druids’ Noble Arch in January 1912.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1911, p.1, December 22, 1911, p. 12 and January 27, 1912, p. 1)
Biloxi Fish & Oyster Company
Daniel J. Gorenflo was elected with no opposition as Biloxi’s Alderman Ward 4 on December 21, 1915. He replaced J.C. Batton who had resigned the seat to accept a position on the Harrison County Board of Supervisors. Young Gorenflo was described as well-qualified for the office, born and reared at Biloxi and with a large social network. At the time, he was manger of the Biloxi Fish & Oyster Company.(The Daily Herald, December 21, 1915 ,p. 1 and January 4, 1916, p. 2)
Also in December 1915, Daniel F. Gorenflo was invited by Mississippi’s 39th Governor elect, Theodore G. Bilbo (1877-1947), of Pearl River County, Mississippi to be on his staff. Mr. Bilbo, an attorney, after being elected to the State Senate in 1908, had been elected Mississippi’s 11th Lieutenant Governor serving with Governor Earl L. Brewer (1869-1942) from 1912 to 1916. Gorenflo attended the gubernatorial inauguration ceremonies for Governor Bilbo at Jackson, Mississippi in January 1916, with Dr. G.F. Caroll, who had also been appointed to Bilbo’s staff.(The Daily Herald, December 2, 1915, p. 1 and January 21, 1916, p. 2)
R. Hart Chinn
Before he got settled into his alderman’s seat, Daniel F. Gorenflo had an unfriendly encounter with R. Hart Chinn at a store on the corner of Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street in early January 1916. In 1913, he and Chinn with Chester Arthur had been employed in New Orleans. Alderman Gorenflo pleaded guilty to fighting with Chinn and was fined $2.50 by the Biloxi Police Court. It would not be the last altercation for Hart Chinn as he would become a future Mayor of Biloxi make a reputation for himself as a combative politician and fiery competitor.(The Daily Herald, February 17, 1913, p. 8 and January 10, 1916, p. 1)
Marriage and family
Daniel J. Gorenflo married Maud Irma Dukate (1890-1974), the daughter of W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916) and Linda Rose Lienhard (1859-1939), on December 27, 1917. W.K.M. Dukate was a pioneer in the Biloxi seafood industry with Daniel J. Gorenflo’s grandfather, William Gorenflo (1842-1932), who founded Biloxi’s first cannery, the Lopez, Elmer and Company. The Lopez, Elmer and Company was organized in 1881, with a capital stock of $8,000 by Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903), F. William Elmer (1847-1926), W.K.M. Dukate (1853-1916), William Gorenflo (1844-1932), and James Maycock (1826-1892).
Daniel and Irma D. Gorenflo had Linda Dukate Gorenflo Cieutat (1927-2009) who was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on June 22, 1927. Linda was an intelligent young lady who finished her high school education at St. Mary of the Pines, Chatawa, Mississippi. She matriculated to the University of Alabama and acquired her PhD degree from LSU. Linda retired to Zachary, Louisiana in 1988 leaving the East Louisiana State Hospital at Jackson, Louisiana, as its Chief of Psychology. At Zachary, she acted as a consultant in the field of psychology.(The Zachary Plainsman-News, October 2009)
Linda Gorenflo Dukate married Victor J. Cieutat (b. 1932). They were the parents of four girls: Anne C. Williford; Susan C. Shannon; Kate C. Penrose; and Lee-Ann Cieutat. Linda expired on October 5, 2009 at Nashville, Tennessee. Her ashes were distributed at the gravesite of her parents in the Biloxi City Cemetery in July 2010.(The Sun Herald, October 14, 2009 and July 9, 2009, p. A4)
Brunswick, Georgia
In 1914, Daniel J. Gorenflo’s older brother, William F. Gorenflo, had commenced the Brunswick Canning Company at Brunswick, Georgia.
Beulah L. Dukate [child with her sister, Maud Irma Dukate]
circa 1908
[Courtesy of Kate Cieutat Penrose]
Beulah L. Dukate (1900-1983) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on September 27, 1900. She was educated with Josephine and Anna Folkes, the granddaughter of Laz Lopez and the daughter of Theresa Lopez Folkes and Dr. H.M. Folkes. The girls attended St. Mary's Academy at Chatawa, Pike County, Mississippi. When Mrs. Dukate and Mrs. Folkes would visit their daughters at Chatawa, they were driven by Henry Treloar via Picayune and Bogalusa, Louisiana.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 29, 1900, p. 8 ,The Daily Herald, October 12, 1910, p. 3 andJanuary 2, 1917, p. 3)
During World War I, Beula L. Dukate was introduced to Carl Emil Matthes (1896-1972), a native of Chicago, who was born in the Windy City on July 28, 1896. Carl enlisted in the Navy in June 1917 and served until May 1919, with his last duty post at the Gulfport Naval Station. Beula and Carl E. Matthes were married in Harrison County, Mississippi on August 15, 1919. Their nuptial ceremony was held in Gulfport, Mississippi at the residence of the Reverend Spengler.(The Daily Herald, August 16, 1919, p. 2 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 31, p. 238)
Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972)
Carl and Beula Dukate Matthes were the parents of three children: Jane Dukate Matthes (1920-2010) m. Joseph Edward Owen (1915-2001) in November 1946; Carl E. Matthes Jr. (1927-1964) m. Bernice Wadlington (1927-2006) in December 1949; and Lienhard ‘Lynn’ Matthes (1929-2006) m. Samuel M. Browder in August 1950.
Following his marriage to Miss Dukate, Carl E. Matthes relocated to Chicago and returned to Biloxi in 1920 where he worked with various associates until 1937, when he joined with Juan G. Landry (1892-1966) and they opened an office at Hattiesburg, Mississippi. In 1960, Carl Matthes Jr. joined the firm and Carl Matthes Sr. retired in December 1966.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1972, p. 2)
Matthes buildings
In October 1922, Carl E. Matthes was situated in the office of Beale & Yerger, but planned a move to the Gay Building, as J. Dulaney of Jackson had joined him as an associate. Among the contracts that Matthes was working at this time was that of his appointment as landscape gardener of the Methodist Seashore Campground. His duties here were to design and maintain the floral pulchritude of the grounds. In addition, Matthes was charged with the location and design of a $50,000 brick school and $50,000 brick dormitory for the site. The remodeling of the façade and entrance to the Biloxi City Hall when it was on Main Street was also on the books. (The Daily Herald, October 6, 1922, p. 1 and November 23, 1922, p. 3)
During his lifetime, Carl E. Matthes was an active Coast architect. Among his many structures were: Avelez Hotel, Hotel Buena Vista, Tivoli Hotel [Trade Winds], Biloxi City Hospital, Biloxi Public Library, First Methodist Church of Biloxi, Mary L. Michel School, and the Biloxi High School. In addition, Carl worked on many smaller projects such as the Isle of Caprice, the 1922 front entrance remodeling of the City Hall when it was on Main Street, and many others.( The Daily Herald, August 29, 1972, p. 2)
Carl Emil Matthes, age 76 years, died at 9:30 p.m. on Monday, August 28, 1972 at Howard Memorial Hospital in Biloxi, Mississippi. He had designed the hospital in which he expired. Carl had been admitted following a stroke at his home and he passed on shortly thereafter.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1972, p. 2)
Jane D. Matthes
In 1930, Jane Dukate Matthes was a Junior in the School of Interior Decoration at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now Auburn University. In March 1930, she was initiated into the Gamma Delta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta, one of the leading sororities on the campus and ranked with the high national sororities.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1930, p. 10)
Jane Dukate Matthes (1920-2010) m. Joseph Edward Owen (1915-2001) in November 1946.
Jane DuKate Matthes Owen, 90, of Biloxi, Mississippi died on Monday, August 16, 2010.
Mrs. Owen was a native of Biloxi, born on July 6, 1920 in the house of her maternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. W. K. M. DuKate on Howard Ave. where the B.R.M.C. stands today.
Mrs. Owen was a graduate of Biloxi High School and Auburn University where she was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and Décor.
She was honored to be selected Queen Ixolib in 1946, the first Mardi Gras in ten years, after WWII. She became a member of the facility of Dukate Elementary School, named for her grandfather, and taught there until retiring in 1984.
She was a member of the Miramar Garden Club, past president of the Biloxi Council of Garden Clubs. Mrs. Owen was a member of the Church of the Redeemer, Saint Mary's Guild, and directress of the Altar Guild.
Mrs. Owen's parents were the late Beula DuKate and Carl E. Matthes, architect for many of Biloxi's buildings. She is also preceded in death by her sister, Lienhard "Lynn" Browder; brother, Carl E. Matthes.
She is survived by her daughter, Malinda Lienhard Dumal of Biloxi and her son-in-law, Stephen; four nephews and two nieces.
Funeral services will be on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home. Friends may visit from 1:00 p.m. until service time.
Interment will follow in Southern Memorial Park.[The Sun Herald on August 19, 2010]
Carl E. Matthes Jr.
Carl Emil Matthes Jr. (1927-1964) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on July 31, 1927 to Carl E. Matthes Sr. (1896-1972), a native of Chicago, and Beula Dukate (1900-1983). Carl Sr. was born in the Windy City on July 28, 1896. He enlisted in the US Navy in June 1917 and served until May 1919, with his last duty post at the Gulfport Naval Station. Carl E. Matthes Sr. married Beula Dukate (1900-1983), the daughter of William K.M. Dukate (1853-1916) and Linda Rose Lienhard (1859-1939) in Harrison County, Mississippi on August 15, 1919. Their nuptial ceremony was held in Gulfport, Mississippi at the residence of the Reverend Spengler, a Catholic priest.(The Daily Herald, August 16, 1919, p. 2 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 31, p. 238)
Carl E. Matthes Jr. was a graduate of the Gulf Coast Military Academy and matriculated to Mississippi State University where he studied Civil Engineering. Like his father, Carl Jr. became an architect. In 1949, was in the architectural program at Illinois Institute of Technology. From Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, Carl Jr. was conferred two degrees in architecture.(The Daily Herald, December 22, 1949, p. 8 and August 29, 1964, p. 2)
Carl E. Matthes Jr. married Bernice Wadlington (1927-2006), the daughter of Walter J. Wadlington (1898-1989), a Biloxi attorney, and Bernice Taylor Wadlington (1898-1996), in Harrison County, Mississippi on December 21, 1949. Their nuptial ceremony was held in the Wadlington residence at 1626 Oaklawn in Biloxi with the Reverend Thomas A. Carruth, pastor of the First Methodist Church officiating. Miss Wadlington was a June 1949 graduate of Duke University. Out of town guests attending their wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Juan G. Landry of Hattiesburg, Mississippi; Mrs. Joseph Owen of Chicago; Mrs. E.S. Taylor of Gulfport; and Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Shourds and Misses Mary Alice and Dalton Shourds of Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, December 22, 1949, p. 8 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 81, p. 19)
After completing his architectural studies and training, Carl Jr. went to work for Matthes & Landry, an architectural firm, at Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Carl E. Matthes Sr. had retired from Matthes & Landry in December 1966.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1972, p. 2)
Carl E. Matthes Jr. died from leukemia in the Forrest General Hospital at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on August 21, 1964. He was a member of AIA, Mississippi Society of Civil Engineers, Kiwanis Club, and the Presbyterian Church. Carl Jr. had also been a member of Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Chi fraternities.
After Carl’s demise on August Bernice W. Matthes married George King, probably in Forrest County, Mississippi. She expired at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on September 20, 2006. Her corporal remains were interred in the Roseland Park Cemetery at Hattiesburg besides those of Carl E. Matthes Jr.(Roseland Park Cemetery registrar-August 2, 2013)

Samuel Melvin Browder
Knoxville - Samuel Melvin Browder passed away peacefully at his beloved home by the creek on September 23, 2020, at the age of 93. The only child of Joe H. Browder and Lona McCall (McGarr), Sam was born on August 15, 1927 in the Wheat Community of Roane County.
He was preceded in death by his dear wife, Leinhard ("Lynn") Matthes Browder; son, Carl M. Browder; and parents, Joe H. Browder and Lona McCall (McGarr). He was also preceded by his beloved step mother Ruth S. Browder, and special aunt Ruth Plyman.
Survivors include sons, Samuel M. Browder, Jr. and wife, Nancy of Stuart, Florida; Joe H. Browder II and wife, Mary Beth of Knoxville, Tennessee; and John F. Browder and wife, Janene of Knoxville, Tennessee. Grandchildren, Jacqueline Chaffee of Falls Church, Virginia; David Browder of Knoxville, Tennessee; Michael Browder of Denver, Colorado; Laura Browder Krantz of Greensboro, North Carolina; Matthew Browder of Chattanooga, Tennessee; Alex Browder of Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Cayman and Carly Browder of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Great grandchildren, Caroline and Alexandra Chaffee of Falls Church, Virginia.
Born just before the Great Depression and coming of age during World War II, Sam grew up quickly and to enlisted in the Navy at the age of only 17. He bravely served in the Pacific Theater during WWII. Following the war, Sam found himself stationed at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi, where he was lucky enough to meet the absolute love of his life, Lynn Matthes. Knowing that he had found the woman with whom he would spend his life, Sam returned to Tennessee, where he was shortly joined by Lynn, so they could both complete their undergraduate education at UT and begin their lives together.
Sam had an active and colorful career at UT, where he and his best friend (and soon-to-be best man), Howard Baker were both brothers of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Majoring in business, Sam spent his college years honing his skills and making lifelong friends. Sam and Lynn were married in 1950 and they soon began their family. At that time Sam also joined the family business, Harriman Oil Company. Under Sam's industrious leadership, the company grew to become one of the largest Shell Oil distributors in the country. Sam was also engaged in an array of other industries, including banking, automotive dealerships, real estate, and commercial development. He was a staunch believer in the value of education and enthusiastically supported UT. He was also instrumental in the founding of Roane State Community College. Always one for adventure, Sam held his pilot's license for over fifty years and was an avid fisherman and outdoorsman.
Sam and Lynn were inseparable during their almost fifty-six years of marriage. They travelled extensively. They enjoyed weekly rounds of golf together, along with an active social and family life. Sam remained a member of St John's Episcopal Cathedral.
Sam was forever proud of raising four Eagle Scouts and watching his sons grow up and have families of their own. He was a wonderful, devoted husband and a beloved father and grandfather. He loved a perfectly prepared, rare steak, attending Tennessee football games, and taking his grandchildren to breakfast on Saturday mornings. His last years were quiet ones spent at home, where he adored frequent visits from family and friends.
The Browder family would like to thank the dedicated caregivers who were such a part of his life in later years: Carolyn, Irvin, Peggy, Lisa, Alan, Mary and others who made his life more enjoyable.
Due to the complicated current times, the immediate family will will gather for a memorial service.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in memory of Sam to St John's Episcopal Cathedral, 413 Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, TN 37902.
Arrangements by Rose Mortuary Mann Heritage Chapel. www.rosemortuary.com
The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men, (The Biloxi Daily Herald: Biloxi, Mississippi-1902).
The Daily Herald 50th Golden Jubilee Number Biographical and Historical 1884-1934, (The Daily Herald: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1934).
The Buildings of Biloxi: An Architectural Survey, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-2000).
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, (Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971. Originally published 1895).
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
Chancery Court Causes
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The Biloxi Herald
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The Biloxi Herald, “A sad death [Eula Dukate]”, November 24, 1894.
The Biloxi Daily Herald
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The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, June 19, 1900.
The Daily Herald
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The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “”,
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The Sun Herald
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The Sun Herald,
The Sun Herald,
The Times Picayune
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