Jewish Community
Jewish Community
Time Line
September 1853- Frederick A. Renoir sold for $50 to the Congregation of the Hebrew Society of NOLA a tract of land on the west side of Reynoir Street. It was to be used as a Jewish Cemetery. Trustees for the Jewish Cemetery were: Leopold Klopman (1810-1873) and Adolph S. Marks (1791-1867) of New Orleans and Samuel Friedlander (1813-1886) of Biloxi.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 6, p. 518)
April 1885-The Barataria Canning Company was chartered to operate in the State of Mississippi on April 4, 1885. The incorporators were: Simon Gumble(1832-1909), Isidore Heidenheim(1852-1918), William H. Lengsfield(1851-1925), Isidore Hechinger (1857-1927), and Harry Edwards(1860-1929).(Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Chattel Deed Book 20, p. 462)
September 1915-On 8 September, Jewish retailers, Picard & Gillen and Mrs. Harry Cahn, closed thier respective businesses for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1915, p. 4)
September 1918-I.P. Rau, chairman of the drive being made in Harrison County to aid Jewish people suffering in the European war zone, stated that 'contributions are coming in satsfactorily and give indications that Harrison County will subscribe the amount expected from it'. (The Daily Herald, September 24, 1918, p. 1)
December 1925-Rabbi Alfred S. Moses of Mobile, who was at the Gulport Naval Station in WW I, met with Biloxi Jews to organize the Jewish Coast Society. Phillip Levine, pres.; I.B. Rau, vice-pres.; and Miss Sophie Schwartz, sec.(The Daily Herald, December 2, 1925, p. 2)
October 1929-Biloxi's Jewish families observed Rosh Hashana beginning 4 October. The following merchants closed their stores the next day: Hartstein & Company; Oasis; Gabriel Jewelery; Morrison's Economy Store; Phillip W. Levine; Columbia Tea and Coffee Company; and Handleman's. These businesses will also close on the Day of Atonement, which is eight days later.(The Daily Herald, October 4, 1919)
August 1942-Morris Hyman, of the B'Nai Brith Lodge of NOLA and Dr. David Fichman representing the Touro Synagogue of NOLA, loaned the Jewish enlisted men stationed at Keesler Field a Torah containing the five books of Moses. (The Daily Herald, August 10, 1942, p. 10)
May 1943-Fred Grossman of NYC arrived in Biloxi to commence his duties as Director of the Jewish Welfare Board and Associate Director of the Beach USO. Mr. Grossman was a garduate of the College of the City of New York. Mrs. Grossman and children, Richard, age 5 years, and Joanna, age 10 months, will come to Biloxi when suitable quarters are found.(The Daily Herald, May 17, 1943, p. 7)
April 1944-Over 800 Jewish servicemen, officers and their families celebrated the Passover Seder at Keesler Field in April. Chaplain Sidney Ballon assited by Sgt. Abraham Mashioff conducted the service.(The Daily Herald, April 11, 1944, p. 7)
April 1945-Staff Sergeant Miriam Zauberman of the Israeli Defense Army Air Force was the first WAF from a foreign country to enroll in the school of electronic as Keesler AFB.(The Daily Herald, April 5, 1945, p. 9)
September 1947-Since Keesler Field had no Jewish Chaplin, in order to celebrate the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur in September 1947, Jewish soldiers stationed at Keesler Field had the option of traveling to the Orthodox Synagogue at Mobile, 557 Conti Street, and observing religious services with Rabbi Bernard Gelbart or to the Reform Government Street Temple with Rabbi Samuel Gup also at Mobile, Alabama.(The Daily Herald, September 13, 1947, p. 8)
August 1953-A chapter of B'nai B'rith was organized on the Mississippe Coast in August 1953 with David Rosenblum as it first president. A 'Charter Night' dinner dance was held at the Broadwater Beach Hotel in mid-August with Label A. Katz (1918-1975) of New Orleans as the guest speaker.(The Daily Herald, August 15, 1953, p. 2)
March 1954-B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 1957 met in the East Clubroom of the Broadwater Beach Hotel and welcomed two new members, Aaron Scherme of Edgewater Park and Chaplain Philip Pincus of KAFB. President David Rosenblum appointed Abe Herman as the organiztions represented to the Biloxi USO Committee.(The Daily Herald, March 16, 1954 p. 6)
December 1957-Sol Frank (1889-1957) owner of several stores, including a clothing store at Biloxi, died December 8, 1957 in San Antonio, Texas. Ralph Hirsch, manager of the local store, attended the funeral.(The Daily Herald, December 10, 1957, p. 2)
August 1958-dedication of the Beth Israel Community Center on the corner of Camellia and Southern Avenue in the Greater Biloxi Subdivision occurred on August 31, 1958. It was the first synagogue and community center on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Officers of the congregation were: Abraham H. Silver (1919-1997), president; Rubin Goldin (1893-1989), v.p.; Gerald Piltz, treasurer; and Bernard Horn sec. Trustees were: George Altbach (1902-1986); James Rosenblum; Zondel Katz; and Earl Friedman (1908-1966).(The Daily Herald, August 30, 1958,p. 8)
December 1974-On December 2nd, Arthur Weinberger (1896-1974), Biloxi merchant and the proprietor of Art's Levis on Howard Avenue, was distracted by Willie Reddix in order that Larry 'Catfish' Jones, Reddix's companion on that day, could sneak up behind Mr. Weinberger and kill him with repeated blows from a wrench. Reddix and Jones then took money and clothes from the store and fled.(The Daily Herald, December 3, 1974, p. A2 and December 4, 1974, p. A2)
August 2005-Hurrcane Katrina destroys original Biloxi synagogue.
May 2009-Completed new Beth Israel synagogue and community center at 12277 Three Rivers Road in Gulfport.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Of religious interest”, September 12, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Jewish New Year”, December 21, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Shebuoth”, May 19, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Personal”, May 23, 1907.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish Passover”, April 16, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish New Year will be ushered in this evening”, October 1, 1913.
The Daily Herald, “Stone County”, October 13, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish services at the Elks Club by Rabbi Moses”, July 20, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “25 Jewish sailors Dr. Moses guests”, September 7, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Chairman I.B. Rau pleased with contributions for Jewish relief”, September 24, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Collecting for Jewish Relief”, September 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Dr. and Mrs. Moses return to Biloxi”, September 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish Welfare board may send man home’, January 6, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Moses elected Rabbi”, February 10, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Bay St. Louis postmaster visits Biloxi”, March 29, 1920.
The Daily Herald, “Meeting being arranged [for the Jewish Coast Society]”, December 2, 1925, p. 2.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish feast”, March 6, 1944, p. 7.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish Purim Festival observed at Keesler”, March 9, 1944, p. 7.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish soldiers observed Passover Seder at Field”, April 11, 1944, p. 7.
The Daily Herald, “Israel WAF is Keesler student”, April 5, 1945, p. 9.
The Daily Herald, “Plan Jewish Holy Days [Keesler Field]”, April 11, 1947, p. 8.
The Daily Herald, "Coast B'Nai Brith Charter Night Sunday", August 15, 1953, p. 2.
The Daily Herald, “Plan dedication of Synagogue in Biloxi Sunday”, August 30, 1958, p. 8.
The Daily Herald, “Arthur Weinberger”, December 3, 1974.
The Sun Herald, “Beth Israel is tight-knit family”, July 17, 2010, p. A9.
The Sun Herald, “”,
The Sun Herald, “”,
The Times-Picayune, “New Saenger Theater is vast beyond belief and incredibly beautiful”, February 5, 1927.
The Times-Picayune, “Theater is seen as realization of years of work”, February 5, 1927.
The Times-Picayune, “Society”, December 20, 1930.
The Times-Picayune, “Julian H. Saenger stricken, dies on way to hospital”, February 7, 1932.
Biography of Biloxi’s Jewish Community
Harry Bennett (
Harry Cahn (1869-1910)
Abe Frey (1910-)
Earl B. Friedman (1908-1966)
Rose F. Friedman (1909-1990)
Samuel Friedlander (1812-1886)
I. Daniel Gehr (1895-1959)
Moody Grishman (1913-2008)
Henry Gumble (1869-1950?)
Isidore Hechinger (1857-1927)
Isidore Heidenheim (1857-1918)
Ralph Hersh (1913-1985)
Vivian Hersh (1917-1996)
Morris Jacobs
Maurice Moise Levy (1840-1913)
Samuel Levy (1864-1935)
Victor Levy (1853-1935)
Phillip W. Levine (1889-1940)
William Henry Lengsfield (1851-1925)
Nellie Solomon (d. 5-9-1940)
Arthur J. Mix (1923-1996)
Alfred G. Moses (1878-1930+)
Bernard Picard (1853-1896)
Samuel Picard (1883-1964)
Abraham Rosenberg (1940)
David Rosenblum (1912-1957)
Louis Rosenthal (1851-1942)
Julian H. Saenger (1873-1932)
Henry I. Singer (1869-1920+)
Adrian Weill (1903-1971)
Arthur Weinberger (1896-1974)
William Weinberger (1893-1976)
Rosa D. Weissenburger (1829-1910)
Harry Bennett
Harry Bennett (1902-1967), age 65 years, was murdered in front of the east entrance of the Gallery Apartments, 4900 Southern Avenue, in the early morning of Saturday, December 16, 1967. At the Bennett murder scene, police counted eight bullet holes in the body and eight .32 caliber cartridges from an automatic weapon within 20 feet of Mr. Bennett's body. The FBI had identified Mr. Bennett as a gambler and bookmaker.
Mr. Bennett was in Federal Court on December 14th and December 15th, 1967 where he was one of eight defendants under indictment on charges for conspiracy and interstate transportation in aid of racketeering. The accused were charged with transporting a 'juice joint'-an electrical device for crooked dice games-from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Harrison County, Mississippi and also used the US Postal System in a check cashing agency.
Harry Bennett was born at Opelousas, Louisiana to Bernard Bennett, an Englishman, and Fanny Bohrer [1881-1981], a native of Austria. He was survived by Ora Cormier Bennett (1914-1990), his wife; two sons, Robert Bennett [1940-2014] and Bernard J. Bennett (1925-2000); two brothers, Noah Bennett m. Gertrude Bernstein, Biloxi; and Arnold Jerome Bennett [1918-2016] m. Teal Freedman [1923-2004] NOLA; four sisters, Miss Evelyn Bennett, Covington, Louisiana; Ruth Bennett [1908-2006] m. Nathan Katz [1899-1974]; Lillian Bennett (1912-2005) m. Sydney E. Morais (1909-1992), and Miss Sadie Bennett [1900-1984]; all of NOLA; his mother, Mrs. Bernard Bennett, NOLA; and four grandchildren.
In August 1924, Harry became engaged to Rebecca Bernstein [1905-1939], the Russian born daughter of Solomon Bernstein [1877-1942] and Pauline Bremer Bernstein [1880-1935], also Russian immigrants. They had a son, Bernard J. Bennett (1925-2000).[The Times-Picayune August 24 , 1924, p. 11]
Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home of Biloxi with Rabbi M.B. Eisenstat officiating, directed the funeral of Mr. Bennett. Internment was in Southern Memorial Park.
Mrs Bennett expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 10, 1990. She was born October 11, 1914.
The Daily Herald, 'Bullet-riddled body of Harry Bennett found', December 16, 1967, p. 1.
The Daily Herald, 'Bennett rites, December 18, 1967, p. 2.
The Sun Herald, 'Ora C. Bennett', May 12?, 1990.
The Times-Picayune, 'Social and Personal’, August 24, 1924.
The Times-Picayune, 'Bernard J. Bennett', September 25, 2000, p. 4.
The Times-Picayune, '[Lillian Bennett] Morais', December 14, 2005.
Harry Cahn (1869-1910) was born at Greenville, Washington County, Mississippi, the son of Bonhomme Cahn (1831-1885) and Julia Hirsch (1846-1908), natives of Lorraine, France. His siblings were: Selig Cahn (1868-1936) m. Yetta Cahn; Josephine Cahn (1871-1943+) m. Leon Bloch; Julius Cahn (1873-1943) m. Florence Baer; Joseph Cahn (1876-1936+); Henry Cahn (1877-1936+); Mose Cahn (1879-1936) m. Bertha Goldberg; and Barney Cahn (1880-1936+).
In October 1903, Harry Cahn married Hettye Levy (1880-1952), the daughter of Judge Samuel Levy (1854-1932) and Brunette Levy (1852-1936) of 335 Slidell Street at Algiers, Louisiana.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 19, 1903, p. 8)
Cahn & Singer
In September 1903, Harry Cahn and Henry Ivan Singer (1868-1938) opened their dry goods and mercantile store in Biloxi. It was situated on West Howard Avenue in the Bolton Building opposite the Dukate Theatre.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 7, 1903, p. 8)
In October 1901, P. J. Gillen and Bert C. Gillen, contractors, from Birmingham, Alabama began erecting the Bolton Building at 138 West Howard Avenue for Dr. Walter T. Bolton. Dr. Bolton had his offices and residence here until about 1920 when the family relocated to West Beach and Porter Avenue. By May 1902, the Gillens had returned to Alabama.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 28, 1901, p. 8, March 20, 1902, p. 8 and May 9, 1902, p. 8)
The original facade of the Bolton building has long disappeared from the streetscape of West Howard Avenue. Mrs. W.T. Bolton, after she became a widow, sold the structure to Phillip W. Levine, a Russian Jewish immigrant, in January 1924 for $15,000. Through the years, the building has been utilized a Woolsworth variety store, a hardware store, and other commercial enterprises.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1940, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Trust Deed Bk. 35, p. 187 and Bk. 55, p. 445)
In May 1981, the Bolton Building, known as 759 Vieux Marche at this, was acquired by Biloxi attorneys, Lyle M. Page [30%], Fred Manino [30%], Ronald G. Peresich [30%] and Paul J. Delcambre Jr. [10%] from Nathaniel B. Rosenberg and A. Charles Rosenberg. Mr. Delcambre sold his 10% interest to the other principals in January 1989.( 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 114, 235, and 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 205, p. 483)
They advertised as follows:
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishings Goods, Hats, and Shoes
(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 7, 1903, p. 8)
Singer sells
In May 1909, H.I Singer sold his interest in Cahn & Singer to Harry Cahn, his partner. Cahn continued in the mercantile business in the Bolton Building and was shortly joined by Julius Cahn, his brother, and former proprietor of a gentlemen's store on Dryades Street at New Orleans.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1909, p. 4 and May 17, 1909, p. 4)
Mr. Singer would marry Dorothy Hebard (1898-1991) and have three children: Henry I. Singer jr. (1918-2008) m. Audrey Talbot (1915-2012); Robert Linfield Singer (1921-1997) m. Alice Hart Phillips (1898-1991); and Dorothy F. Singer. Leaving Biloxi, he would establish himself in business at Shreveport, Louisiana and in 1928 retired to Baton Rouge where he died on August 9, 1938. Most of this family is interned in the Roselawn Cemetery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.(The Morning Advocate, August 10, 1938, p. 7 and 1930 East Baton Rouge Parish. Louisiana Federal Census R792, p. 6B, ED 24)
Harry Cahn expired at his residence 437 East Howard Avenue at Biloxi on August 29, 1910. He had been in poor health for about a year. Mr. Cahn’s corporal remains were sent to New Orleans for interment in the Hebrew Rest Cemetery No. 2.(The Daily Herald, August 29 1910, p. 8)
In 1911, after the death of her spouse, Mrs. Harry Cahn hired T. Sparkes Vignes (1885-1942) to manage her Biloxi dry goods store. Mr. Vignes was a native of New Roads, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. He was educated at the Poydras Academy in New Roads, LSU, and Soule's Business College in the Crescent City. Sparks and Emma Hebert (1889-1939), his wife, came from NOLA to Biloxi where Thomas Sparks Vignes Jr. was born in 1909.(The Daily Herald, April 3, 1942, p. 1)
Sells out and relocates
Sparks Vignes resigned from his position with Hattie Levy Cahn in August 1914. He joined with Henry I. Singer at this time to open a new dry goods business in the McKee Building at West Howard Avenue and Delauney Street. They called their business the Specialty Store. Sparkes Vignes acquired the business interest of Mr. Singer in 1919.(The Daily Herald, August 5, 1914, p. 1 and April 4, 1942, p. 1)
In the winter of 1916, Hettye Cahn who had been in Biloxi since 1904 and in the mercantile business, which was situated in the Bolton Building on West Howard, decided to retire permanently. In late January 1916, she sold all of her merchandise to the Samuel Brothers of Gretna, Louisiana. Mrs. Cahn left Biloxi in mid-February 1916 for New Orleans to reside with Judge and Mrs. Levy, her parents. Hettye Cahn had many friends in Biloxi who regretted her decision to leave. She planned to visit her sister in New York.(The Daily Herald, February 3, 1916, p. 4 and February 19, 1916, p. 2)
Hettye Levy Cahn expired at New Orleans on October 17, 1952. Her burial was in Hebrew Rest Cemetery No. 2 at New Orleans.(The Times-Picayune, October 18, 1952, p. 2)
The Morning Advocate (Baton Rouge), “Funeral service to be held today for Henry I. Singer”, August 10, 1938.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Among Herald’s Advertisers”, June 6, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Among Herald’s Advertisers”, October 7, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Cahn & Singer [advertisement]”, October 7, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Cahn-Levy”, October 19, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Cahn & Singer [advertisement]”, January 2, 1905.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Cahn & Singer dissolve partnership”, May 15, 1909.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, May 17, 1909.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Personals”, May 28, 1909.
The Daily Herald, “Harry Cahn”, August 29, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Harry Cahn [advertisement]”, April 3, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Vignes and Singer to open store in McKee Building on Howard”, August 5, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Bolton Building front work plan’, September 24, 1914, p. 8.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Cahn retired from business”, February 3, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Cahn goes to New Orleans to reside”, February 19, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Sparks Vignes, merchant of Biloxi, dies”, April 3, 1942.
The Daily Picayune, “Mrs. Julia Hirsch Cahn”, May 13, 1908.
The Times Picayune, “Selig Cahn”, January 19, 1936.
The Times Picayune, “Mose Cahn”, July 5, 1936.
The Times Picayune, “Julius Cahn”, March 27, 1943.
The Times Picayune, “[Hettye Levy] Cahn”, October 18, 1952.
Abraham 'Abe' Frey was born December 25, 1910 at Louisville, Kentucky. Came to Winona, Mississippi to work in retail sales with an uncle. Stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi but discharged from military duty because of a punctured ear drum. Found himself as an artist.(South Mississippi Living, March 2012, pp. 29-31)
South Mississippi Living, 'Young at Art', March 2012.
[The Daily Picayune, March 26, 1886, p. 4]
Samuel Friedlander (1813-1886) was born in Wurtemburg, Germany and educated in Heidelberg. He arrived in the United States in 1840 and settled in Mississippi where he was active in commercial ventures. In 1850, Mr. Friedlander relocated to New Orleans and established himself as a commission’s merchants. His business acumen allowed him to accumulate a large fortune in the next thirty years. He was (The Daily Picayune, March 26, 1886, p. 4)
He resided at New Orleans at 197 Girod Street with his Lena Friedlander (1819-1881), his Oberndorf, Germany born spouse. Samuel and Lena were the parents of eight children-three son and five daughters. The following are known: Henry Friedlander (1848-1902); Emma Friedlander (1854-1927); Nathan Friedlander (1856-1880+) m. Mariam Friedman; Ida I. Friedlander (1858-1900+) m. Benjamin Hart (1842-1900+); Sophia Freidlander (1860-1882+) married William Winter; and Julius Friedlander (1862-1925) m. Ophe Kendall.
Biloxi house
In January 1851, the Daniel Goos (1815-1917) family sold their Biloxi residence at present day 138 Magnolia Street to Samuel Friedlander of New Orleans and moved to Ocean Springs. The selling price at this time was $5000. It would appear the Biloxi home was built by Mr. Goos and sold to Mr. Friedlander. Basis for this postulation is the doubling of the property value and that Kendall brick was used in its construction. The Kendall Brickyard existed from 1849-1854 at Back Bay, now D’Iberville.(Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 5, pp. 480-481)
On February 27, 1850, the Goos family had acquired their Biloxi residence from Louise Alexandrine Leocade Hatrel Fourchy (1812-1886) and Alexandre Fourchy (1787-1854) of New Orleans for $2500. Mr. Fourchy was a lawyer and native of France. The Creole Cottage now situated here is known as Mary Mahoney’s Old French House, an utilized as a restaurant.(Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 5, p. 256 and 1850 Orleans Parish, Louisiana Federal Census M432_235, p. 139)
Biloxi’s Jewish Cemetery
In September, Frederick A. Renoir sold for $50 to the Congregation of the Hebrew Society of NOLA a tract of land on the west side of Reynoir Street. It was to be used as a Jewish Cemetery. Trustees for the Jewish Cemetery were: Leopold Klopman (1810-1873) and Adolph S. Marks (1791-1867) of New Orleans and Samuel Friedlander (1813-1886) of Biloxi.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 6, p. 518)
Death and estate
Lena Friedlander died at her Girod Street home on September 28, 1881. Like her husband she Samuel Friedlander expired at NOLA on March 25, 1886. His heirs
A mid-April 1888, auction at New Orleans of Mr. Friedlander’s property resulted in about $5000 in sales for his estate. In Biloxi, all of his furniture and household belongings in the Friedlander home on the corner of Magnolia Street and Water Street were sold on April 30th.(The Biloxi Herald, April 14, 1888, p. 8 and April 28, 1888, p. 8)
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, April 14, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, April 28, 1888.
The Daily City Item, “Factors’ and Traders’ Insurance Company”, November 8, 1878.
The Daily Picayune, “Died [Mrs. Samuel Friedlander]”, September 29, 1881.
The Daily Picayune, “Samuel Friedlander”, March 26, 1886.
The Daily Picayune, “The Great Sale Today”, April 16, 1887.
The, “City News”, April 28, 1888.
The , “City News”, April 28, 1888.
Earl Benjamin Friedman (1908-1966) was born September 5, 1908, the son of Jacob Simon Friedman (1878-1937) and Mamie Klein (1887-1973). In the 1940s, he married Rose Frohlich (1909-1990), the daughter of Koppell Frohlich and Fanni Sporheim. Their children were: Jeffrey Kent Friedman (b. 1944) m. Barbara Lynn Robins in July 1965 and Dr. Ann R. Lorentson in October 1992, both in Houston, Texas; and Shirley Marlene Friedman m. Gary Martin Ericksen in Harrison County, Mississippi in July 1970.
Before he enlisted in the US Army in February 1943, Earl B. Friedman had made his livelihood in the Port Arthur, Texas area southeast of Houston, Texas as a floorman and floor manager of stores. He finished high school at Port Artur and had graduated from Columbia University. During WWII, Earl served in the ETO with the tank destroyers. The Friedman family relocated from Texas to Biloxi, Mississippi in 1946 and settled at 2230 West Beach Boulevard. At Biloxi, Mr. Friedman operated Morrison's Mens Shop until 1950 when he commenced Kent's Men's Store in the old Folkes Building on the SE/C of West Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street. When the building was damaged by fire on Christmas Eve 1964, Earl B. Friedman did not reopen.(The Daily Herald, April 14, 1966, p. 1)
Rose F. Friedman was a member of the Biloxi School Board from 1967-1975. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter of the American Red Cross; Selective Service Board; and the Biloxi American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Both she and Earl B. Friedman were renown for their philanthropic, civic and volunteer activities. Mrs. Friedman was a charter member of the Temple Beth Israel Congregation and first president of the Sisterhood of Beth Israel.(The Sun Herald, March 22, 1990, p. C2)
Earl B. Friedman expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on April 14, 1966. Rose Frohlich Friedman passed on March 21, 1990. Their corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery at Biloxi, Mississippi.
The Daily Herald, “[Earl B.] Friedman stricken, dies today”, April 14, 1966.
The Sun Herald, “Mrs. Rose F. Friedman”, March 22, 1990.
The Sun Herald, “”,
I. Daniel Gehr (1895-1959) was born at Alexandria, Louisiana on July 19, 1895 to Gustave Carl Gehr (1858-1945), a German immigrant grocer, and Sarah Rosenthal (1868-1945). I. Daniel Gehr was a contractor at Alexandria in 1917 and arrived at Biloxi, Mississippi before 1930. He was a graduate of Tulane University. In 1930, Mr. Gehr resided on West Water Street as a tenant of Mrs. Cousins and remained single. In 1954, he was domiciled in the Earle Hotel [Avelez] and had an office in the old People's Bank Building.(1900 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Federal Census T623_577, p. 16B, ED 124 and 1930 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census R1146, p. 12B, ED 3)
At Biloxi in the 1940s, I. Daniel Gehr designed homes in Bay Terrace and planned the Biloxi Cash Store of Peter Cerinich (1894-1951) and Alena Sekul Cerinich (1908-2002) on West Howard Avenue and Seal Avenue. In 1941, I. Daniel Gehr supervised the construction of the warehouse, fabricating buiulding, loft and drafting buildings, general offices, and work sheds for the Westergard Boat Works on Back Bay. He was credited with planning the 1959 Negro High School (Nicholls?); the West End Elementary School and its 1959 addition; and an addition to the Perkins Negro School. John T. Collins (1904-1985), Biloxi architect, took over Mr. Gehr's school projects after his July 1959 demise.(The Daily Herald, April 27, 1940, p. 3, April 29, 1940, p. 2, September 20, 1941, p. 3, and July 22, 1959, p. 2)
I. Daniel Gehr expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on July 22, 1959. His corporal remains were interred in the Jewish Cemetery at Pineville, Rapides Parish, Louisiana. He was survivied by two sisters, Bella Gehr (1890-1983) m. Eugene Levy; Rose Gehr (1887-1975) m. Harry Simon; and Miles Carl Gehr (1904-1993), a brother. All lived in Alexandria, Louisiana.(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1959, p. 2)
The Daily Herald, “Modern plant built by Biloxi Port Commission”, September 20, 1941.
Moody Grishman (1913-2008) was born at Houston, Texas on October 20, 1913. His parents were Benjamin Grishman and Annie Grishman. He married Elizabeth Cowan (1914-2002) on March 20, 1942. She was the daughter of Decatur Douglas ‘D.D.’ Cowan (1850-1929) and Mary Hermina Jonte (18-19), the daughter of Joseph H. Jonte (1844-1935) and Mary Harriett Delmas (1848-1906) of Pascagoula, Mississippi.(The History of Jackson Co., Mississippi, 1989, p. 174)
Moody Grishman and Elizabeth Cowan met in the romantic Vieux Carre' at New Orleans where she had gone to complete her training as a nurse anesthetist. Her prior education had been at Mississippi City High School and Perkinston Junior College. Shortly after their wedding, the young couple relocated to the Mississippi Coast where Moody established Moody's Tradewinds Restaurant at Mississippi City. The September 1947 Hurricane destroyed his business which led his entree into real estate and insurance at Biloxi. Here four Grishman children were reared: Melanie Hermina Grishman m. Nedro G. Parker and Herman J. Flax; David Benjamin Grishman m. Kay Ellen Kulman; Naomi Grishman; and Milton Charles Grishman m. Roberta Jean Avila.(The Sun Herald, March 22, 2002, p. A7 and January 8, 2008, p. A4)
Hurricane Camille in 1969 led Moody Grishman to focus his resources on real estate brokerage opportunities and abandon insurance. As proprietor of Moody Grishman Agency, Incorporated, he earned the respect of his clients and the community for his integrity and service. Mr. Grishman seved as president of the Mississippi Association of Realtors in 1967-1968; named Realtor Emeritus by the National Association of Realtors for his fifty years of service; served as president of the Biloxi-Ocean Springs Board of realtors from 1956-1961; and served on the Biloxi Planning Commission from 1966-1977.(The Sun Herald, January 8, 2008, p. A4)
Moody and Elizabeth C. Grishman were fouding members of the Congregation Beth Israel where Mrs. Grishman served as president of the Sisterhood. Moody served on the first building committee and was later selected as president of the Congregation.(The Sun Herald, March 22, 2002, p. A7 and January 8, 2008, p. A4)
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, “Cowan Family”,(Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1989).
The Sun Herald, “Elizabeth Cowan Grishman”, March 22, 2002.
The Sun Herald, “Moody Grishman”, January 8, 2008.
The Sun Herald, “Grishman leaves legacy of synagogue, green beer”, January 8, 2008.
Isidore Heidenheim (1857-1918) was born at New Orleans, Louisiana on December 2, 1857 to Moses Heidenheim (1825-1907) and Babette Fertel (1830-1900). His parents were immigrants from Hesse-Denmark in 1847 and 1849 respectively. Moses Heidenheim made his livelihood in the 10th Ward at New Orleans as a retain dry goods merchant. By 1900, Moses and Babette had relocated to Jackson Avenue and he continued in the sale of notions. Here he and Babette reared a large family: Carolina ‘Carrie’ Heidenheim (1851-1913) m. Cerf Sampson (1839-1900+); Josephine Heidenheim (1853-1929) m. Heymann; Celestine Heidenheim (1855-1932); Isidore Heidenheim (1857-1918); August Heidenheim (1860-1914) m. Sarah Marks; Simon Heidenheim (1864-1934); Daniel Heidenheim (1865-pre 1870); Emmanuel Heidenheim (1866-1927); and Sarah ‘Selma’ Heidenheim (1871-1916) m. Emmanuel Levy (1861-1900+).(
Home and Family
Isidore Heidenheim married Anna Eve Riego (1874-1931) in Harrison County, Mississippi in August 1907. She was a school teacher and the daughter of Pedro Riego (1846-1895), a Spanish immigrant, and Anna C. Ortiz (1848-1922) of New Orleans. Miss Riego was reared on Spain Street in the Crescent City where her family made and classified tobacco and cigars.(Harrison Co., Mississippi MRB 19, p. 174, The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 15, 1907, p. 1)
Isidore Heidenheim was elected to Biloxi’s city government
[from Along The Gulf-ca 1895]
Barataria Canning Company
Jewish Principals
The Barataria Canning Company was chartered to operate in the State of Mississippi on April 4, 1885. The incorporators were: Simon Gumble (1832-1909), Isidore Heidenheim (1852-1918), William H. Lengsfield (1851-1925), Isidore Hechinger (1857-1927), and Harry Edwards (1860-1929).(Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Chattel Deed Book 20, p. 462)
In April 1915, the charter of the company was amended as the capital stock was set at $100,000 and preferred stock at $125,000. 7% dividend paid to preferred stock holders? At this time, Daniel J. Gay (1870-1949) was president and Lazaro J. Lopez (1877-1918) the secretary-treasurer of the Barataria Canning Company.(Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Chattel Deed Book 15, p. 181)
Simon Gumble had been born in April 1834 in Bavaria and immigrated to the United States in 1848. By 1860, he was a merchant at Livonia, Pointe Coupee, Parish, Louisiana and holding real estate valued at $9000. Relocating to New Orleans, he married Sophia Lengsfield in
In 1895, Charles L. Dyer wrote Along The Gulf for the L&N Railroad. While at Biloxi, Mississippi, he wrote the following about the Barataria Canning Company: This company was organized about ten years ago by New Orleans parties, the officers being H.R. Gogreve, president; I. Hechinger, vice-president; H. Bentz, treasurer; I. Heidenheim, secretary, and H. Edwards, manager. Of these, only the two later gentlemen reside in Biloxi Mr. Edwards having the active management of the operating department of the business, while Mr. Heidenheim has charge of the office in addition to that of already stated of secretary. To this company Biloxi is indebted for many ideas regarding the profitable up-building of the canning industry. The Barataria Canning Company makes a specialty of shipping raw oysters in lots to suit to all parts of the United States, and also handle large quantities of picked shrimp. They are also packers of oysters and shrimp, putting up many brands which are favorably known throughout the country and portions of Europe. One of those brands of pickled shrimp known as “ready Lunch” is a departure from the old methods of canning shrimps dry, these being put in a liquid of delicious flavor and making them very popular both for table use and for picnics, lunch, parties, etc. Another brand called “Pride of the Gulf”, put up dry in the muslin bag has a large sale also, these being used primarily for salads, mayonnaise, etc. The pickled shrimps are prepared by a process entirely their own. In addition to this the company cans special and private brands of oysters. During the busy season this factory employs about 400 hands, 200 of which are employed upon the boats, handling the raw products while 200are kept busy in the factory. Many of these people are brought from Baltimore and are returned to their homes at the close of the season should they wish it, at the expense of the company. The Barataria Company however, has built a large house capable of accommodating 35 families or 175 persons, when the workmen wish to remain in Biloxi between seasons, they are given rooms rent free. Many families, as a matter of course avail themselves of their privilege. The Barataria Canning Company were the first to introduce shell culture for the propagation of oysters in this part of the country and have been successful in their venture, which affords fresh stock for raw trade. This company has an oyster plant under cultivation in this manner of about 100,000 barrels and it is from this plant that the major portion of their supplies are drawn. In the oyster department of this business alone, this factory has a capacity for handling 800 to 1000 barrels per day, and as their pay roll runs from $3000 to $4000 a week during the greater portion of the year, some idea of the magnitude of the business done may be obtained as well as from the picture of the plant taken by our artist.
1891 New Factory
1891 fire
The engine room of the Barataria Canning Company burned in early September 1891. Damage was estimated at $1000 and the plant was disabled for a few days.(The Biloxi Herald, September 12, 1891, p. 4)
Baltimore labor
In late October 1892, Harry Edwards and W.K.M. Dukate of Lopez, Dunbar’s Sons & Company left Biloxi for Baltimore. They were seeking migrant workers for the coming canning season. Edwards and Dukate anticipated some three hundred workers to return with them.(The Biloxi Herald, October 22, 1892, p. 4)
This is one of the largest industries on the Gulf Coast, and its product has a worldwide reputation. The company’s plant is 200x1500 feet, the buildings covering 30,000 feet of ground space. This company employs 400 to 500 people, and have ample room for every business purpose. They are large shippers of raw oysters and pickled shrimp, their oyster capacity being 150,000 cans per day. The following are the brands of oysters they pack and ship. “Barataria”; “Favorite”; “Eureka”; “Excelsior”; and the “Pride of the Gulf” shrimp. The product of this company is handled by the principal jobbing firms of the United States, and they guarantee all of their goods to be equal to any in every way.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men,1902, pp. 21-22)
Coast Concrete Construction Company
The Coast Concrete Construction Company was incorporated in June 1906 by I. Heidenheim, pres.; G.M. Tappan.(The Biloxi Daily Herlad, June 23, 1906, p. 2)
Figs Wanted
In July 1906, the Barataria Canning Company had the following Biloxi merchants acquiring figs for their summer canning operation: E. Glennan; J.S. Wentzell; Tony Raymond; W.H. Gilder; Walter Gillen; Henry Diaz; and John Skinner; Peter Lepre was their buyer in North Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 4, 1906, p. 4)
In mid-June 1910, Henry R. Gogreve (1853-1910), vice-president of the Barataria Canning Company expired at New Orleans. Isidore Heidenheim (1852-1918) left Biloxi to attended his unreal which was held in the Crescent City, on June 18, 1910.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1910, p. 8)
Seafood Company of Biloxi
Isidore Heidenheim resigned as manager of the Barataria Canning Company in September 1912. He planned to remain in Biloxi and as a manufacturer’s agent, commercial adjuster, and realty and insurance agent. With Henry E. Gumbel (1869-1950?) of New Orleans as president, Edward Glennan (1854-1933), vice president, and Louis Goldman (1883-1920+), attorney, both of Biloxi, Isidore Heidenheim founded the Sea Food Company of Biloxi in May 1913. Mr. Heidenheim served as manger and secretary of the new cannery which was located on the Point of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, September 19, 1912, p. 1 and May 26, 1913, p. 1)
Henry Champlin
Almost immediately after the resignation of Mr. Heidenheim, Henry C. Champlin was hired as the accounting manager of the packing company. Mr. Champlin had The Daily Herald, “Izard at Handsboro.(The Daily Herald, October 16, 1912, p. 8)
In July 1913, the Barataria Canning Company advertised for figs. They offered to pay the “highest market price”.(The Daily Herald, July 3,1913, p. 8)
Louisiana labor
In July 1914, the Barataria Canning Company made a radical change in the migrant labor practices of Biloxi by bringing in a small group of Louisiana strawberry pickers, primarily of French ancestry, to labor in their plant on Point Cadet. Seasonal workers were normally brought to Biloxi from the Baltimore area. The newcomers were domiciled in the Barataria factory camps.(The Daily Herald, July 25, 1914, p. 2)
The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men, ‘Barataria Canning Company’, (The Biloxi Daily Herald: Biloxi, Mississippi-1902).
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, (Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971. Originally published in 1895).
The Biloxi Herald, “Court Notes”, January 11, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Circuit Court”, May 31, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Warning”, June 7, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Barataria Canning Co.”, July 11, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, “New Officers”, February 18, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, “Chancery Summons No. 799”, December 5, 1896.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Ott Bothers win”, February 9, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Heidenheim-Riego”, August 15, 1907.
The Daily Herald, “Second cannery for Alabama”,
The Daily Herald, “Barataria Company desires no law suit”, November 15, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “The new administration of the City of Biloxi”, January 4, 1911.
The Daily Herald, “Heidenheim resigns as manager of the Barataria Canning Company”, September 19, 1912.
The Daily Herald, “Henry Champlin at the Barataria”, October 16, 1912.
The Daily Herald, “Orleanian dies [August Heidenheim]; prominent in insurance field”, February 26, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Known in Biloxi [Joseph E. Generelly]”, December 9, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi loses well known canner”, October 28, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Funeral [Anna C. Riego] held this morning”, August 9, 1922.
The Daily Picayune, “Personal and general notes”, April 4, 1889.
Ralph Hersh (1913-1985) owned and operated the Sol Frank Company, a clothing and shoe store, on West Howard Avenue. He married Vivian ? (1917-1996) and they resided at 146 Iberville in Biloxi, Mississippi with their children: Iris Hersh (b. 1943) m. Mr. Stansfield and Seth Hersh (b. 1945). Ralph Hersh was born February 19, 1913 and Vivian Hersh May 26, 1917. Vivian Hersh was credit manager for the Sol Frank Company and later worked for Mary Mahoney's Old French Restaurant. Ralph Hersh expired at Biloxi on February 29, 1985 while Vivian lived until July 10, 1996. They both worshiped at Temple Beth Israel and their corporal remains were interred in the South Memorial Park cemetery in Biloxi, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, July 11, 1996, p. C2)
Iris Hersh graduated from Biloxi High School in May 1961 and matriculated to Trinity University at San Antonio, Texas. Her business career with the exception of a year with the Pan American Oil Company in Texas was in government service. After eighteen months with the FBI, Iris attended the Foreign Service Institute at Washington, D.C. in February 1967. After graduation in July 1967, she was assigned to the American Embassy in Paraguay. She married Mr. Stansfield and they later resided in Springfield, Virginia. No further information.(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1967, p. 10)
Seth Hersh, also attended Biloxi High School, and in 1970 graduated from the University of Alabama in Petroleum Engineeering where he was president of the Engineering School. Seth was employed with the Atlantic Richfield Company in Djakarta, Indonesia in the early 1970s. Here he acquired an extensive holding of rare Indonesian textiles from the late 19th century to the 1940s and marketed it as Batikat. After his career in the petroleum industry closed, Seth relocated to the greater New York City region and became involved with large-scale database and website design working with Ghiek and Insight Out of Chaos. No further information.
The Daily Herald, “Sol Frank”, December 8, 1957.
The Daily Herald, “New secretary for embassy in Paraguay”, July 15, 1967.
The Sun Herald, “Vivian Hersh”, Julu 11, 1996.
The Sun Herald, “”,
Phillip William Levine (1889-1940) came to the United States from East Prussia, now a part of Russia, arriving at NYC in June 1900 from Hamburg, Germany. He married Jeanette Alexander (1892-1940+) at NOLA in August 1912. They were the parents of Arthur Levine (1913-1940+); Norman Levine (1917-1985) m. Imogene Clifton (1930-2006); Freeda B. Levine (1919-2002) m. Erwin Crabtree (1914-1986); Louis Levine (1920-1975); Leonard Levine (1920-1981); and Bellman Levine (1925-1972).
Phillip W. Levine came to Biloxi about 1912 as a peddler and by 1917 had settled at 123 Washington Avenue and was in the junk business. Arthur Levine, his eldest son was born in the Crescent City. By the fall of 1919, Mr. Levine had two shoe stores operating on the Mississippi Gulf Coast at Biloxi and Gulfport. His slogan was ‘we do not believe in profiteering’. Levine’s entrepreneurship continued unabated as by February 1930, he had stores at Biloxi, Bay St. Louis, Poplarville, and Magee, Mississippi. The Magee store was his latest addition as he acquired the stock of the D.F. Hilburn General Merchandising Store. Ernest Henley (1908-1984) of his Biloxi store was sent to Magee to manage that enterprise.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1940, p. 1, October 3, 1919, p. 2 and February 5, 1930, p. 2)
Bolton Building
In October 1901, P. J. Gillen and Bert C. Gillen, contractors, from Birmingham, Alabama began erecting the Bolton Building at 138 West Howard Avenue for Dr. Walter T. Bolton. Dr. Bolton had his offices and residence here until about 1920 when the family relocated to West Beach and Porter Avenue. By May 1902, the Gillens had returned to Alabama.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 28, 1901, p. 8, March 20, 1902, p. 8 and May 9, 1902, p. 8)
The original facade of the Bolton building has long disappeared from the streetscape of West Howard Avenue. Mrs. W.T. Bolton, after she became a widow, sold the structure to Phillip W. Levine, a Russian Jewish immigrant, in January 1924 for $15,000. Through the years, the building has been utilized a Woolsworth variety store, a hardware store, and other commercial enterprises.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1940, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Trust Deed Bk. 35, p. 187 and Bk. 55, p. 445)
In May 1981, the Bolton Building, known as 759 Vieux Marche at this, was acquired by Biloxi attorneys, Lyle M. Page [30%], Fred Manino [30%], Ronald G. Peresich [30%] and Paul J. Delcambre Jr. [10%] from Nathaniel B. Rosenberg and A. Charles Rosenberg. Mr. Delcambre sold his 10% interest to the other principals in January 1989.( 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 114, 235, and 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 205, p. 483)
Phillip W. Levine also acquired commercial real estate in Biloxi and Gulfport. At one time, he was a partner in the Hotel Biloxi ownership. Eventually, the Levine proprietorship had retail stores at Pascagoula, Moss Point, Woodville, Centerville, Greenwood and Hammond and Independence in Louisiana. At the time of his demise on February 15, 1940, Mr. Levine was in business in Bay St. Louis and was involved with fur and pecan enterprises. Rabbi Alfred Moses of Mobile, Alabama held services for Mr. Levine and Magnolia Lodge of Masons also conducted graveside services in 6th Addition at the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1940, p. 1)
The Daily Herald, “Phillip W. Levine [advertisement]”, October 3, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Levine buys Magee store”, February 5, 1930.
The Daily Herald, “Levine succumbs to short illness”, February 16, 1940.
Maurice Moise Levy (1840-1913) was born at Nancy, France on June 2, 1840. He came to America in 1865 settling at Louisville, Kentucky. Relocating to NOLA, Mr. Levy worked as clerk and in June 1888 married Zelia Lopez-Silva (1859-1926), a Louisiana native. Maurice and Zelia were the parents of four daughters: Dephine Levy (1890-1926+) m. Emmanuel Steeg (1882-1926+); Clely Levy (1892-1926+); Alice Lervin Levy (1894-1926+) m. Marx Cohen (1894-1926+); and Louise Levy (1899-1926+).(The Daily Picayune, May 5, 1913, p. 6 and 1910 Harrison Co., Mississippi T624_740, p. 3A, ED 35)
Red Star Store-Biloxi
As early as March 1900,Maurice M. Levy began advertising The Red Star Store in The Biloxi Daily Herald. It appears that the Levy family came to Biloxi in early 1900 and opened their Red Star Store on West Howard Avenue next to Dukate’s Theatre. He was the agent for the new home sewing machine. By the fall of 1903, its stock had grown to include: clothing, furnishing goods and a complete line of dry goods. During the brief yellow fever scare in the summer of 1905, Mr. Levy sold mosquito bars ranging in price from 50 cents to $3.98.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 7, 1905, p. 1)
Maurice M. Levy moved his store location at Biloxi in January 1910. It is assumed that the Red Star Store went from its site on West Howard Avenue next to Dukate’s Theatre to its new home on West Howard and Delaunay Street. There was more floor space at this locale. This building may have been the Tucei Building, which was occupied by the Morgan Furniture Company in May 1913.(The Daily Herald, January 24, 1910. P. 8 and May 5, 1913, p. 4)
Close out sale
In January 1911, Maurice M. Levy’s health began to fail and he advertised to sell his business including the entire stock, shelving, and silent show cases at a bargain for a ‘quick’ sale. The Levys retired to the Crescent City with their children and settled at 2707 Carondelet Street.
Maurice M. Levy passed on May 4, 1913 at NOLA. He was remembered at Biloxi as an active member of the Commercial Club and a Mason. Mrs. Levy lived to September 22, 1926 and died at her home on Carondelet Street. Their corporal remains were interred in the Dispersed of Judah Cemetery at New Orleans.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1913, p. 5, The Daily Picayune May 5, 1913, and The Times Picayune, September 23, 1926, p. 2)
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “The Red Star Store”, March 31, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Among Herald Advertisers”, October 6, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “The Red Star Store”, September 7, 1905.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi News Paragraphs of Interest”, January 24, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “A Good Business opportunity”, January 25, 1911.
The Daily Herald, “Former Biloxi Merchant dies”, May 5, 1913.
The Daily Picayune, “Maurice M. Levy”, May 5, 1913.
The Times Picayune, “[Zelia] Levy”, September 23, 1926.
Samuel ‘Sam’ Levy (1864-1935) was born at NOLA in October 1864. He married Theresa Levy (1865-1941?), also a native of the Crescent City in February 1887.
In April 1903, Sam was employed as a salesman with Kahn, Weil Company of New Orleans and came to Biloxi to take orders and make sales.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 22, 1903, p. 8)
Children: Carrie Levy (1889-1973) m. Jake Marks; Leo Levy (1889-1965); Lazar Levy (1892-1976); and Selma Levy Laser (1897-1976)
The Daily Herald, “”, , .
The Daily Herald, “”, , .
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, April 22, 1903.
Victor Levy married Pauline Rosenthal (1853-1935), a native of Paris, France. Father Gates Rosenthal, former world chess champion. Children: Albert Levy, Wolfe Levy, Leon Levy, Alex Levy, Josephine Levy Green, and Bertha Levy m. Dr. Leon Block. Buried Orthodox Cemetery at NOLA services by Rabbi Goldberg.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Victor Levy dies”, February 28, 1935.
The Daily Herald, “Leon Levy”, July 4, 1976.
In late March 1949, Austin H. Moritz (1917-1991) and John R. Moritz (1921-2008), two brothers born in rural Nebraska, established Austin's-a ladies, infanys, boys and girls apparel store at 212 West Howard Avenue. Austin Moritz had managed the Rosenblum Store for the past 2 1/2 years. John Moritz had established Tot's and Teen's at 212 West Howard in 1948 and this store was remodeled and opened as Austin's on March 31, 1949.(The Daily Herald, March 29, 1949, p. 8)
The Daily Herald, “New store [Austin's] to open Thursday”, March 29, 1949.
The Daily Herald, “”, , .
Alfred G. Moses (1878-1930+) was a rabbi located at Mobile, Alabama with Congregation Shaari Shumayim. He served the Jewish Community of the Mississippi Gulf Coast for many years.
The Daily Herald, “Stone County”, October 13, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish services at the Elks Club by Rabbi Moses”, July 20, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “25 Jewish sailors Dr. Moses guests”, September 7, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Collecting for Jewish Relief”, September 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Dr. and Mrs. Moses return to Biloxi”, September 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Jewish Welfare board may send man home’, January 6, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Moses elected Rabbi”, February 10, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Bay St. Louis postmaster visits Biloxi”, March 29, 1920.
Bernard Picard (1853-1896) was born in the Alsace-Lorraine region of northeastern France. He immigrated to Louisiana and in March 1878 at New Orleans, Bernard married Sarah Levy (1859-1927). She was born May 25, 1859, at New Orleans, the daughter of Moses Levy (1809-1897) and Henriette Oury (1828-1907), both French immigrants.
The Bernard Picard family came to Biloxi circa 1889. Here Mr. Picard opened his first store, Picard’s Cheap Cash Store, vending clothing for men, women and children, as well as hats and notions.(The Biloxi Herald, December 21, 1889, p. 4)
By 1892, Mr. Bernard had named his mercantile enterprise ‘The Mammoth Store’. In April 1892, Mr. Picard planned a three month business venture to Europe. He had aspirations of acquiring items and goods that would be of utility and interest to his Biloxi clientele. Mrs. Picard would operate the Biloxi business in his absence.(The Biloxi Herald, April 23, 1892, p. 8)
1893-Gulf Hills
The Felix Rodrigues Place
In March 1893, Felix Rodriguez (1842-1897) sold his two acres in present day Gulf Hills to Sarah Picard (1859-1927) and relocated to New Orleans where he passed on January 15, 1897. After her husband passed, Mrs. Picard conveyed this tract to in March 1904 to Eugene Lonlier.(Jackson County, Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 15, p. 18 and Deed Bk. 27, pp. 588-589)
1894 Fire
The October Fire of 1894 resulted in the complete destruction of the Picard store and merchandise. Bless Tucei allowed the Picards to utilize one-half of his large store space on West Howard until they rebuilt on their former store site. Mr. S. Picard had left for NOLA to acquire new stock for the temporary quarters.(The Biloxi Herald, October 20, 1894, p. 8)
In 1895, Sam Picard opened another dry goods store at Gulfport and was alternating his time between the two cities. The Gulfport store opened in early October 1895. Picard by this time had established Picard's Emporium, a dry goods store, located in the Eistetter Building on Howard Avenue at Magnolia Street.(The Biloxi Herald, December 14, 1895, p. 8)
Bernard Picard was aggressive and active in investing his profits in other business ventures.A branch of the American Building, Loan, and Tontine Savings Association of Memphis opened at Biloxi in 1890. Sam Picard was president and on the board of directors of the Biloxi branch. Serving with him on the board were: Al Pilsbury, sec.-treas.; Antoine Bellande (1829-1918); Peter Dejean; and E. DeLamarre. John L. Henley was the attorney and Thomas H. Gleason served as vice-president.(The Biloxi Herald, June 21, 1890, p. 4).
In March 1896, just before his demise, Bernard Picard was a charter member of the People’s Bank of Biloxi. Mr. Picard expired on May 23, 1896, of stomach cancer at his 128 Main Street residence. His remains were interred at New Orleans.(The Biloxi Herald, May 23, 1896, p. 8)
Picard’s Emporium
Picard's Emporium, a dry goods store, was located in the Eistetter Building on Howard Avenue at Magnolia.
128 Main Street
The Picard family established their Biloxi residence on the east side of Main Street between Front Street [Beach Boulevard] and Water Street inJanuary 1894. At this time, Sarah L. Picard acquired from John Wesley Treloar (1846-1897) and Marie Josephine Devaille Treloar (1852-1928), the daughter of Aristede Devaille and Adele Aline Quere (1814-1900), a lot and improvements with thirty-seven feet on Main Street and running east to Grand Jack Alley or Elmer Street, which today is called Dukate Street. The consideration was $1400.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 29, p. 558)
In November 1894, Mrs. Picard acquired from the Treloar family another lot and improvements on Main Street south of her January 1894 acquisition. This tract had seventy-three feet on Main Street and ran east to Elmer Street. It would become known as 128 Main Street and the Picard residence. Mrs. Picard’s paid $2500 for this property.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 32, p. 28)
[128 Main Street- Biloxi, Mississippi. Courtesy of Larry Cosper and Kathleen Scholtes Cosper]
New house
From the difference in the 1893 and 1898 Sanborn Maps of this area of Biloxi, it appears that a new house was erected at 128 Main Street during this time interval.
Sarah L. Picard-retirement and demise
Sarah Levy Picard managed the Picard commercial enterprises until her retirement in August 1918. For thirty years, the Picard family business had been considered one of Biloxi’s most profitable. She died at the French Hospital at new Orleans on March 7, 1927. Mrs. Picard was lauded for excellence in commere by the Biloxi press as "the mercantile business in Biloxi known as one of the most profitable of the Howard Avenue enterprises". Her corporal remians were interred in the Gates of Prayer Cemetery No. 2 on Joseph Street at New Orleans with those of her spouse.(The Daily Herald, March 8, 1927, p. 1)
Sarah’s Will
On January 8, 1927, Sarah Levy Picard executed her will at Biloxi, Mississippi as follows: To Julius M. Picard Fernandez (1916-1983),a grandson, $6000 to be kept in trust until his 24th year. To Reine Picard and Ruby Picard her home and a small cottage in Biloxi known as 128 and 124 Main Street respectively. To Gertrude Picard Newman and Ruby Picard her jewelry. To granddaughters, Freda A. Schwartz and Hermine Levy, each $200 to purchase jewelry. To Bernard M. Picard, a grandson, $200. To Reine Picard all furnishings, fixtures, linens, draperies, silverware, constituting the furnishings of my home in Biloxi. The remainder of my estate is to be divided equally between Sam Picard, my executor, Gertrude Newman, Blanche Levy, and Sophie Schwartz.
At the time of her demise, Mrs. Picard possessed eight tracts of land, primarily in Biloxi. She also owned seven shares of the Biloxi B & Loans Co.; five shares of Reliance Homestead Association of New Orleans; and one share of Bethlehem Steel.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Will Bk. 6, p. 23)
Picard children
Bernard and Sarah Levy Picard were the parents of seven children. Reine Picard (1879-1943); Sophie Picard (1881-1979) m. Kassel Schwartz (1862-1921); Gertrude Picard (1885-1949) m. Jacob ‘Jack’ Newman; and Blanche Picard (1887-1975) m. Simon E. Levy (1882-pre-1927), were born in Louisiana. Their only son, Samuel Picard (1883-1964) m. Minnie Meyer (1883-1974), was born in France. It appears that the Picards resided in France for several years before returning to Louisiana by February 1885. Two daughters, Florence ‘Flossie’ Picard (1891-1916) m. Dr. Julius Raymond Fernandez of NOLA and Thibodeaux, Louisiana and Ruby Picard (1893-1984) were born in Biloxi. A niece of French birth, Sarah Black (1878-1900+), resided with the Picards in 1900. (1900 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T623_808, p. 5A, ED 30).
Reine or Rene Picard
Reine Picard (1879-1943) was born at New Orleans on March 16, 1879. She expired at Thibodeaux, Louisiana in late August 1943 while under the care of Dr. Julius M. Fernandez (1916-1983), her nephew. At this time, her siblings were situated as follows: Sam Picard and Sophie P. Schwartz were at Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. Jack Newman and Mrs. Sol Levy were domiciled at Philadelphia and Ruby Picard was at Biloxi managing the Gulf View Inn on East Beach.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1943, p. 8).
Sophia Picard
Sophia P. ‘Sophie’ Schwartz (1881-1979), a New Orleans native, was the daughter of Bernard Picard (1853-1896) and Sarah Levy Picard (1859-1927). She married Kassel Schwartz (1862-1921) of St. Martinville, Louisiana on March 10, 1903, at her mother's 128 Main Street residence. Dr. Max Heller of New Orleans officiated. After a wedding trip to Pensacola and other Florida points, the newly weds resided at St. Martinville were Mr. Schwartz was a leading merchant.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 11, 1903, p. 6).
Kassel Schwartz was born October 18, 1862 at Jarostan, Austria. He immigrated to the United States in 1880 and had settled on Main Street in St. Martinville, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana in 1888 where he made his livelihood as a retail dry goods merchant. Two children, Freda Schwartz (1907-1981) m. Hyman Rosenberg (1903-1988) and Bernard Schwartz (1911-1930+), were born of this union. Kassel Schwartz passed at St. Martinville on August 19, 1921.(1920 St. Martin Parish, Louisiana T625_631, p. 2B, ED 60)
After the death of her spouse at St. Martinville, Sophie P. Schwartz returned to Biloxi, Mississippi. In March 1923, she acquired for $8500 from Mary E. Watt, the widow of John C. Watt (d.1922), a retired Presbyterian minister, the Everett-Blessey House, once popularly called the Fabacher House, and known today as Chateau Blessey. (HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 41, p. 694).
The Everett-Blessey House is located at 1012 West Beach Boulevard on a .39 acre lot (68 feet by 250 feet), which is situated east of the Biloxi Lighthouse in Section 32, T7S-R9W. This lot was originally part of the N.M. Benachi tract. Nicolas Marino Benachi was the Greek Consul at New Orleans. His summer home, which was destroyed by Hurricane Camille, was located a few lots east of the Robinson-Maloney House, also known as the Dantzler House.
In March 21, 1925, Sophie Picard Schwartz sold her home, which fronted on the Mississippi Sound, to Lawrence B. Fabacher for $13,500.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk.32, pp. 727-728).
This event was chronicled in Biloxi’s local journals as: Mrs. S.P. Schwartz, who has been making her home at 948 West Beach, this week closed a deal whereby Lawrence Fabacher of New Orleans becomes the owner and he and his families have moved back to Biloxi to reside. This is an eight room modern home which will be improved by Mr. Fabacher and is located in one of the best residential sections of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, March 11, 1925, p. 3)
Walter J. Blessey IV and Katherine Tarzana Blessey, his spouse, purchase the Everitt-Blessey House in June 1987. The structure was damaged by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. In December 2007, Walter and Catherine T. Blessey announced that they would be opening a bed and breakfast in their newly remodeled home in the summer of 2008. The Blesseys now have three suites to let.(Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 185, p. 392 and The Sun Herald, December 16, 2007, p. G1)
Gadsden, Alabama
It appears that Mrs. Schwartz relocated from Biloxi to Gadsden, Alabama to reside with Bernard Schwartz, her son, who was employed as bookkeeper and assistant manager with the Hersberg-Loveman Company, the largest department store in that city. Freda Schwartz, her daughter and the spouse of Hyman Rosenburg, also lived at Gadsden with their baby daughter. Mrs. Sophie Schwart returned to Biloxi circa 1929 to live indefinitely.
After 1934, it appears that Sophia P. Schwartz left Biloxi again for Gadsden, Alabama where Freda Schwartz Rosenberg (1907-1981), her daughter was domiciled with her family. Freda had married Hyman Rosenberg (1903-1988), a Pennsylvania native of Jewish Russian parentage. Hyman was a salesman in a shoe store. He and Freda had one child born at Gadsden, Alabama before 1930, called Jeanne Rosenberg (1929-1930+). Kay Ellen Rosenberg (b. 1934), another daughter, was born at Gadsden, Alabama circa June 18, 1934. Sophie’s son, Bernard Schwartz (1911-1930+), was also in the Rosenberg household in 1930 working as a salesman for a mercantile store.(1930 Etowah Co., Alabama Federal Census R16, P. 1A, ED 7 and The Daily Herald, June 25, 1934, p. 6)
Sophia Picard Schwartz appears to have passed at Gadsden, Alabama in December 1979. Hyman and Freda Rosenberg also died at Gadsden, Alabama.
Sam Picard
Sam Picard was born August 25, 1883 in France, the only child of Samuel Picard and Sarah Levy born out of the country. The 1900 Federal Census indicates that he entered America in 1885. At Biloxi in 1900, Sarah Block (1878-1900+), a niece of Mrs. Sarah Picard was domiciled in their home on Main Street.(1900 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T623_808, p. 5A, ED 30)
In his youth, Sam Picard attended Miss Austin’s School with Sophie Picard, his sister. The children of the Lopez, Bradford, Gorenflo, Harkness, Champlin, Carraway, and Desporte families were also in attendance. In 1905, in real estate business as Biloxi as Sam Picard & Company and situated at 155 West Howard Avenue.(The Biloxi Herald, September 7, 1905, p. 1)
By September 1899, Sam Picard was a student at Mississippi A&M in Starkville, Mississippi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 9, 1899, p. 8)
Gertrude Picard
Gertrude Picard (1885-1949) was born on February 17, 1885 at New Orleans. She attended Biloxi High School and won a scholarship to Elizabeth College at Charlotte, North Carolina. Gertrude left Biloxi in September 1903 to commence her university studies. She graduated from Elizabeth College in May 1905 completing the AB course. Miss Picard returned to Biloxi and is known to have worked in December 1909, as a reporter for The Daily Herald. Gertrude reported on Biloxi society and personal happenings.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 15, 1903, p. 6, May 3, 1905, p. 5, and The Daily Herald, December 2, 1909, p. 8)
Gertrude Picard married Jacob 'Jack' Newman and they had two sons: Julian Newman and Ralph Newman. She passed on at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 3, 1949.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1949, p. 7)
Blanche Picard
Blanche Picard [1887-1975], a native of New Orleans, graduated from Biloxi High School in May 1904 and Elizabeth College, Charlotte, North Carolina. She married Solomon Edward ‘Sollie’ Levy (1882-1927), a native of Newborn, Georgia, at Biloxi on August 27, 1908 in the Presbyterian Church, Rabbi Mose Bergman of New Orleans performed their nuptials. Phil Riser of Demopolis, Alabama and Florence Picard, sister of the bride, were Best Man and Maid of Honor respectively in their wedding. Sollie E. Levy was a successful traveling salesman. The couple made their home in or near St. Louis, Missouri.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 31, 1904, August 14, 1908, p. 1 and August 27, 1908, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi MRB 21, p. 38)
Blanche Picard was selected as the first Queen of the Biloxi Mardi Gras, which was held in March 1908. Her King, Bienville I, was John Carraway (1873-1931). Mr. Carraway came to Biloxi in 1893. He was born at Jackson, Mississippi the son of John C. Carraway (1843-1901) and Arcola Carraway (1848-1933), natives of the Magnolia State. In 1900, he and Mae Litel Carroway (1878-1930+), his spouse, a native of Albany, Wisconsin were domiciled on Front Street at Biloxi, where he made his livelihood as cashier for the Bank of Biloxi. Mr. Carraway matriculated to the University of Mississippi. At Biloxi, he was active in the Elk, Odd fellow, Woodman of the World, and Masonic Lodge. John was the first president of the BYC. His parents and Tennie Carraway Moreland (1880-1905+), his Texan born cousin, were also domiciled on Front Street at this time.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, (1902), p. 51; 1900 Harrison County, Mississippi Federal Census T623 808, p. 1A, ED 31, and The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 29, 1907, p. 2)
Blanche Picard married Solomon Edward ‘Sollie’ Levy (1882-1927). Sollie E. Levy was born at Newborn, Alabama. At Biloxi on August 27, 1908 in the Presbyterian Church, Rabbi Moses Bergman of New Orleans performed their nuptials. Phil Riser of Demopolis, Alabama and Florence Picard, sister of the bride, were Best Man and Maid of Honor respectively in their wedding. Sollie E. Levy was a successful traveling salesman. The newlyweds home was at or near St. Louis, Missouri.(The Biloxi Herald, August 14, 1908, p. 1 and August 27, 1908, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi MRB 21, p. 38)
World War I
Sollie E. Levy went to officers training at Fort Logan H. Root at North Little Rock, Arkansas. In May 1917, The Daily Herald related that: "Mrs. S .E. Levy of this city will go to New Orleans to visit her mother Mrs. S. Picard before going to Little Rock to join her husband at Camp Fort Logan H. Root."(The Daily Herald, May 31, 1917, p. 3)
In July 1918, he was stationed at Waco, Texas. At this time, Sol E. Levy also lost a brother, H. Levy, a resident of Uniontown, Alabama.(The Daily Herald, July 18, 1918, p. 3)
[The Philadelphia Jewish Exponent, March 21, 1975, p. 60]
Hermine Levy Greenberg
Florence Picard
Florence ‘Flossie’ Picard (1891-1916) was born in June 1891 at Biloxi, Mississippi. She attended Biloxi High School and the University of Mississippi. Flossie Picard taught school at Biloxi before she married Dr. Julius Raymond Fernandez (1890-1963) of New Orleans. Dr. Fernandez had also attended Ole Miss and was a 1913 graduate of Tulane University. Their nuptials occurred on December 7, 1915 at the home of her mother at 128 Main Street. Rabbi Moses of Mobile officiated at the ceremony. The couple lived in the Crescent City where Dr. Fernandez was an associate of Dr. Bell. He became an accomplished ENT specialist.(The Daily Herald, December 8, 1915, p. 8 and January 7, 1949, p. 2)
Flossie P. Fernandez expired at Hotel Dieu on November 17, 1916 in the Crescent City. She had given birth to a son, Julius M. Fernandez (1916-1983), on November 16, 1916. Mrs. Fernandez’s funeral was held at the home of Mrs. J. McDermott at 4901 Daneel Place. Her corporal remains were interred in the Jewish Cemetery at New Orleans next to those of Bernard Picard, her father.(The Daily Herald, November 18, 1916, p. 1 and The New Orleans States, November 16, 1916, p. 10)
Dr. J.R. Fernandez married Agnes Eulalie Pedeaux (1890-1976) and relocated to Edgard, St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. He had several children with her. Julius M. Fernandez, his son with Florence Picard, became a doctor and lived at Franklin, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. Ralph Fernandez, his son with Agnes E. Pedeaux, also became a physician and was a resident of Lafayette, Louisiana. Dr. Julius R. Fernandez was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives and served three terms from 1940-1953. He had also been a Police Juror and Coroner when he lived in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Dr. J.R. Fernandez expired at Edgard, Louisiana on December 31, 1963.(The Times-Picayune, January 2, 1964, p. 6)
Biloxi Clinic
On January 10, 1949, Dr. Julius M. Fernandez opened a medical clinic at Biloxi in the Picard Buuilding, a two-story structure on East Beach and Kuhn Street. Dr. Fernandez, like his father was a Tulane graduate, Class of 1940. He had practiced medicine in Lafayette, Lousiana before coming to Biloxi. Miss Ruby Picard, his aunt and a registered nurse, worked in the clinic.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2 and January 10, 1949, p. 2)
Ruby Picard
Ruby Picard was born in June 1893 at Biloxi, Mississippi. She became a nurse after training at the Jewish Hospital at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In July 1926, Miss Picard was appointed a nurse superintendent at the French Hotel in New Orleans. Sheexpired at Biloxi on November 29, 1984.(The Daily Herald, July 2, 1926, p. 2 and December 2, 1984, p. A-2)
Hard Times-Picard homes sold
The Great Depression of the 1930s resulted in the loss of the Picard family homes at 124 and 128 Main Street. The smaller dwelling, 124 Main Street, was lost by default when Ruby Picard et al failed to pay notes on a mortgage valued at $1818. In November 1935, Eustis McManus, Special Commissioner, vended this property to the Homeowner’s Loan Corporation for $1600. It was acquired by Kos J. Jackson and Jessie M. Jackson in March 1938 for $2000.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 207, p. 307, Bk. 207, p. 571, and Bk. 219, p. 597)
The Picard family residence, 128 Main Street, was also lost. Ruby Picard, Reine Picard, Gertrude Picard Newman, and Sam Picard defaulted on their loan made in October 1934 and A.J. McLaurin, trustee, sold the Picard home to the Homeowner’s Loan Corporation in June 1936, for $4400. They in turn conveyed the property to Dr. William D. Hooper (1887-1949), a North Carolina native and chiropractor, and Alva Witt Hooper (1894-1949+), his spouse, for $3750 in July 1938. Mrs. Hooper was born to the Reverend Robert F. Witt (1853-1920+) and Emma R. Witt (1861-1920+) in Mississippi, probably Claiborne County.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed of Trust Bk. 89, p. 469 and Land Deed Bk. 210, p. 269 and Bk. 221, p. 204 and 1930 Pike Co., Mississippi Federal Census R 1162, p. 10B, ED 14 and Lauderdale Co., Mississippi T625-882, p. 2A, ED 45)
The Picard home remained in the Hooper’s possession until William J. Collins and George J. Collins acquired it from Basil F. Witt (1888-1975), Lynn E. Witt (1893-1953+), and Ava Lee Witt Ansardi (1890-1985), the heirs of Alva Witt Hooper, in December 1953 for $12,500. Dr. Hooper had died at Biloxi on October 28, 1949.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 376, p. 503)
Leo L. ‘Joe’ Scholtes, noted photographer and local historian, acquired the Picard home from the Collins in 19 . He demolished the old edifice as it was in ill-repair. Mr. Scholtes erected a brick home on this site.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. , p. )
The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men, (The Biloxi Daily Herald: Biloxi, Mississippi-1902).
The Buildings of Biloxi: An Architectural Survey, (The City of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1976), p. 119.
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 10277, “Sam Picard, executor of the Estate of Sarah Picard v. Julius M. Picard Fernandez et al”-September 1927.
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 14242, “Homeowner’s Loan Corporation v. Ruby Picard et al”-September 1935.
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Will Book 6, “Will of Sarah Picard, January 1927.
The Biloxi Herald, “Picard’s Cheap Cash Store”, December 21, 1889.
The Biloxi Herald, “City Council”, April 12, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, June 21, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Picard’s Cheap Cash Store”, July 19, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings", April 23, 1892.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings", October 20, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald, “Picard’s Emporium”, December 14, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald, “Charter of Incorporation of the People’s Bank of Biloxi”, March 21, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, “Mrs. Austin’s School”, April 25, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, “Death of Bernard Picard”, May 23, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, “Latest City News”, June 13, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local and Personal”, September 9, 1896.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Schwartz-Picard”, March 11, 1899.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Schwartz-Picard”, March 11, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, September 15, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Commencement exercises”, May 31, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City Paragraphs", May 3, 1905.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Sam Picard & Company”, September 7, 1905.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Among the Candidates”, July 29, 1907.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Biloxi first Carnival a success beyond expectations”, March 4, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Story of the Big Parade”, March 4, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, August 14, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Levy-Picard”, August 27, 1908.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Society and Personal Items”, December 2, 1909.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Society and Personal Items”, June 3, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Gulfport News Paragraphs”, July 1, 1911.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Society and Personal Items”, April 23, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Mr. [Lazar] Schwartz dead”, December 3, 1915.
The Daily Herald, “Picard-Fernandez nuptials are held”, December 8, 1915.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Fernandez dies in New Orleans”, November 18, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Levy Leaves”, May 31, 1917.
The Daily Herald, “Picard & Gillen”, March 24, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Capt. Sol Levy in Biloxi”, July 18, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Picard & Son”, August 9, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Local News Paragraphs”, August 16, 1918.
The Daily Herald, "Schartz Home Sold”, March 11, 1925.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. S. Picard Passes away”, March 18, 1927.
The Daily Herald,“Biloxi News Paragraphs”, May 24, 1929.
The Daily Herald,“Biloxi News Paragraphs”, June 25, 1934.
The Daily Herald, “Miss Rene Picard dies”, August 25, 1943.
The Sun Herald, “B & Bs: Back in business-Boutique lodging making a comeback”, December 16, 2007, p. G1.
The Biloxi Herald, “Death of Bernard Picard”, May 23, 1896.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Schwartz-Picard”, March 11, 1903.
The Daily Herald, “Mr. [Lazar] Schwartz dead”, December 3, 1915.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Levy Leaves”, May 31, 1917.
The Daily Herald, “Schwartz Home Sold”, March 11, 1925.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. S. Picard Passes away”, March 18, 1927.
The Daily Herald, “[Ruby Picard] Superintendent at French Hospital”, July 2, 1926.
The Daily Herald,“Biloxi News Paragraphs”,May 24, 1929.
The Daily Herald, “Miss Rene Picard dies”, August 25, 1943.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. [Gertrude Picard] Newman dies”,
The Daily Herald, “J.M. Fernandez to open Biloxi clinic in Picard Building”, January 7. 1949.
The Daily Herald, "Dr. J.M. Fernandez [photo]”,
The Daily Herald, “Miss Ruby Picard", December 2, 1984, p. A-2.
Daily Picayune, “Mardi Gras at Biloxi”, March 4, 1908.
The New Orleans-State, “Florence Fernandez”, November 18, 1916.
The Times Picayune,“Sarah Levy Picard", March 9, 1927.
The Times Picayune,“Ex-legislator funeral today”, January 2, 1964.
Abraham Rosenberg (1870-1940) was born at NOLA, the son of Benjamin Rosenberg (1833-1917) and Rachel Woolf (1844-1911). In 1851 Benjamin arrived in New York City from his native Preusnitz, Russian Poland. After a short tenure in San Francisco, he came to NOLA via the Isthmus of Panama. In the Crescent City he sold shoes on Poydras Street until 1865. Benjamin Rosenberg then went into the wholesale shoe business as B. Rosenberg & Sons at 215 Decatur Street and erected one of the first Southern shoe factories, the Rex Shoe Factory at Bienville and Burgundy. Before becoming a reformed Jew, he supported the Chelbra Thilim Orthodox Congregation at NOLA and donated the money for its brick synagogue at 822 Lafayette Street.
Circa 1863, Benjamin Rosenberg married Rachel Woolf, an English lady. They were domiciled at 805 Pine Street and reared the following children: Adele Rosenberg (1864-1917+) m. Arthur Abrams and Samuel Rubin; Edward Rosenberg (1867-1912) m. Hattye Goetz; Ephraim Rosenberg (1868-1942); Benjamin Rosenberg (1870-1970) m. Claretta Mayer (1880-1985); Nathan Rosenberg (1874-1916) m. Josephine Coleman; and Lydia Rosenberg (1875-1940+) m. Samuel Cahn.
Abraham Rosenberg married Claretta Mayer (1880-1985), a native of Louisville, Kentucky. She was the daughter of Nathan Mayer (1837-1907), an 1843 German immigrant and Frances Godchaux (1847-1926), a native of Kentucky. Children: Nathaniel B. Rosenberg (1908-1991) and Abraham Charles Rosenberg (1910-1985).
Abraham Rosenberg died intestate on December 9, 1940 near Montgomery, Alabama on a train while returning from a business affair at Martinsville, Indiana on December 9, 1940.
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court, Cause No. 17996, ‘Mrs. Claretta Mayer Rosenberg v. the Heirs of Abraham Rosenberg deceased’, September-1941.(Deed Bk. 243, p. 531)
Orleans Parish, Louisiana Civil District Court Cause No. 237870, ‘The Succession of Abraham Rosenberg’-December 1941.
The Times Picayune, “From Peddler to Wholesaler-Benj. Rosenberg is dead, aged 83”, November 12, 1917.
The Times Picayune, “Make charitable bequests, 70, funeral is today”, November 22, 1917.
The Times Picayune, “A. Rosenberg, 70, funeral is today”, December 11, 1940.
The Times Picayune, “100-years-old woman [Claretta Mayer Rosenberg] still maintains her zest for life”, January 14, 1980.
Hillel Rosenblum
Hillel or Hile Rosenblum (1875-1948) was born September 15, 1875 at Minsk, Russia. He arrived at New York City on January 10, 1906.[Declaration of Intention No. 24, Southern District-South Mississippi-October 17, 1917]
Charles Rosemblum
Charles Rosenblum (1902-1963) was born in Germany the son of Hillel Rosenblum (1875-1948) and Leah Rosenblum. His parents immigrated to the United States in 1906, coming from Minsk, Russia via Belgium to Ellis Island. The elder Rosenblum was an itinerant Jewish peddler who lived at McHenry, Mississippi and Pascagoula, Mississippi. In addition to Charles, there were four other sons and two daughters. After his business career was over, Hillel retired to New Orleans.
Charles Rosenblum married Rachel Rosemblum (1906-1930+), a native of England and 1906 immigrant. They had two sons, Sidney Rosenblum (b. 1927) and Alvin Rosenblum. Sidney Rosenblum attended the Gulf Coast Military Academy from 1939 to 1944. Charles Rosenblum lived at Hammond, Louisiana where he was a merchant and operated Rosenblum's Department Store at 314 East Thomas Street. The building is now rented by the Rosenblum family to the parish government and serves as the Hammond Branch of the Tangipahoa Parish Library system.(Sidney Rosenblum-December-1997)
Prior to locating at Biloxi, Mississippi, the Charles Rosenblum family lived in Alabama and at Picayune, Mississippi. In 1930, he was the proprietor of a dry goods store in Picayune.(1930 Pearl River Co., Mississippi Federal Census R1159, p. 3B, ED 7)
Fabacher House
The Fabacher home at 1012 West Beach in Biloxi was acquired by Charles Rosenblum from Lawrence Fabacher on June 4, 1941. Mr. Rosenblum paid $10,000 for the home. In January 1942, he sold it to Margaret K. Colby for $11,600.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 240, pp. 247-248 and Bk. 246, p. 204-205)
At Biloxi, Charles Rosenblum was in the jewelry business and other commercial ventures with his younger brother David Rosenblum, a well known merchant in that city. Charles Rosenblum expired on February 23, 1963, at Hammond, Louisiana.(Sidney Rosenblum-December-1997)
David Rosenblum
In September 1947, David Rosenblum acquired the Guarantee Shoe Store from James Oatis Coleman (1886-1961). Mr. Coleman had married Mary Lawrence (1894-1953), the daughter of Joseph V. Lawrence (1967-1952) and Tucei. Mr. Lawrence had hired his son-in-law after his return from WW I with the A.E.F. in Europe. Coleman acquired the business circa 1935. Mr. Rosenblum owned 18 stores in four Southern States.(The Daily Herald, September 29, 1947, p 5)
David's Building
The David's Building on West Howard Avenue had a $2000 face lift in January 1949. A new, modern front raised the display window three feet and made deeper improving visiblity and display room by 50%,(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1949, p. 2)
The Daily Herald, 'Rosenblum buys Guarantee Store', September 29, 1947.
The Daily Herald, 'David's at Biloxi to have new front', January 5, 1949.
Louis Rosenthal (1851-1942) was born in Prussia. He immigrated to the United States in 1853.
Louis Rosenthal married Brunette Levy (1868-1956) at New Orleans on February 19, 1888. They were the parents of seven children and six sons survived to adulthood: Seligman T. Rosenthal (1889-1973); Leon Rosenthal (1890-1920+) m. Fannie Heymann; Aaron Rosenthal (1893-1917+); Jacob Rosenthal (1895-1972); Marcus Rosenthal (1902-1970); and Ezra Rosenthal (1904-1994)
The Biloxi Blizzard
Louis Rosenthal commenced The Biloxi Blizzard in February 1893. From comments about his newspaper in The Biloxi Herald, it appears that it’s early months were difficult and there were times when The Biloxi Blizzard was not published. The Biloxi Herald, a competitor, wrote in April 1894, that after a suspension of several months, The Biloxi Blizzard made an appearance on April 1st. L. Rosenthal appears on the masthead as editor and proprietor. It is neatly printed as a seven column newspaper.
The Biloxi Blizzard advertised in 1893 as follows:
Published every Wednesday by the Biloxi Publishing Company
Louis Rosenthal, Editor and Manager
Subscription $1.50 per year
(T.H. Glenn, 1893, advertisement)
Louis Rosenthal sold the Biloxi Blizzard to Austin M. Dahlgren (1856-1906), collector of the port, in late January 1895. The conveyance occurred without consultation from Monsieurs Edward Glennan (1854-1933) and Charles Redding (1857-1926). These gentlemen owned the physical assets of Rosenthal’s late journal.(The Biloxi Herald, January 26, 1895, p. 8)
The Mandeville Wave
The Rosenthal family left Biloxi for Mandeville, Louisiana before 1900. Here Louis found employment with The Mandeville Wave, a small journal, as a journalist.
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, (Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971. Originally published in 1895).
T.H. Glenn, The Mexican Gulf Coast on Mobile Bay & Mississippi Sound Illustrated, (Graham-Delchamps: Mobile, Alabama-1893).
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, February 4, 1893.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, April 7, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”, January 26, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald, “Local Happenings”
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, March 3, 1903.
Julian Henri Saenger (1873-1932) was born in Norfolk, Virginia to Rabbi Israel Saenger (1841-1900+), an 1866 immigrant from Germany, and Mrs. Saenger (d. pre-1900) also a German immigrant. Julian graduated from Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore, Maryland after completing their pharmacy school. Before 1900, the Saenger family relocated from Macon, Georgia to Shreveport, Louisiana where he was a retail pharmacist and proprietor of the Saenger Drug Company with Abe D. Saenger (1876-1932+), his brother.(1900 Caddo Parish, Louisiana Federal Census T623_560, p. 4B, ED 40)
The Saenger Brothers
In 1911, Julian H. Saenger joined with Levi Maurice Ash (1880-1971), who had married Florence Saenger Ash (1886-1932+), his sister, and Abraham 'Abe' D. Saenger, his brother, to organized the Saenger Amusement Company. They opened their first movie house in Shreveport, also in 1911. In 1917, the company had built the Strand Theatre at New Orleans and in November 1926. With their two hundred movies houses in fifty Southern cities, in eleven Southern states, and Central America and Cuba, Saenger Theatres, Inc. was integrated into Publix Theaters Corporation, the premier American movie house proprietor, whose crown jewel was the seven million dollar Paramont Theater on Broadway. The two and one-half million dollar Saenger Theatre opened in the Crescent City on February 4, 1927. It was designed by Emile Weil.
Julian H. Saenger married Marjorie Kent Weston at Gretna, Louisiana in December 1930. They were domiciled at 831 Bourbon Street. Julian was stricken by a heart attack on February 6, 1932. He expired in an ambulance rushing him to a New Orleans hospital.(The Times Picayune, December 20, 1930, p. 20 and February 6, 1932, p. 1)
Biloxi's Saenger Theatre
The Times-Picayune, “New Saenger Theater is vast beyond belief and incredibly beautiful”, February 5, 1927.
The Times-Picayune, “Theater is seen as realization of years of work”, February 5, 1927.
The Times-Picayune, “Society”, December 20, 1930.
The Times-Picayune, “Julian H. Saenger stricken, dies on way to hospital”, February 7. 1932.
Henry Ivan Singer (1868-1930+) was born at Rodney, Jefferson County, Mississippi in October 1868 to George Singer (1820-1880+) and Margret Singer (1829-1880+), German immigrants. George Singer was from Saxony while Margret Singer was a native of Wurttemberg. Henry had two brothers, Albert Singer and William Singer (1862-1880+) and (1859-1880+).
Henry I. Singer left Rodney, Mississippi after 1900 to join Harry Cahn at Biloxi, Mississippi. At Rodney, he had been a merchandise salesman and associated with Daniel E. Moran (1879-1900+) and Henry L. Mackie (1879-1900+).(1900 Jefferson County, Mississippi T623_812, p. 1B, ED 89)
Henry I. Singer remained a bachelor until at the age of forty-nine when he married Dorothy Hebard (1899-1930+) on October 25, 1917 in Harrison County, Mississippi.
The Advocate [Baton Rouge, Louisiana], “Robert L. Singer”, July 31, 1997.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Charter of Incorporation of the Harrison County Bank”, June 10, 1905.
The Daily Herald, “”, .
The Daily Herald, “The Specialty Store [advertisement]”, June 14, 1917.
Sol Stein (1855-1921+), an 1873 German immigrant, came to Biloxi before 1920 to manage the New Park Hotel on Reynoir Street north of the Saenger Theatre. He and spouse, Emma E. Stein (1876-1921+), a Missouri native of Swiss parentage, had one son, Sol Stein II. During WW I, young Sol Stein served seventeen months in the U.S. Army in France with the New York engineers. He returned to New York after the conflict to continue his livelihood in sales in New York and New England.(1920 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T626_876, p. 28A, ED 41 and The Daily Herald, May 17, 1921, p. 2)
Sol and Emma E. Stein had left the New Park Hotel and Biloxi in the winter of 1921. They spent it at St. Petersburg, Florida and returned to Biloxi in May 1921 to visit friends. Initially they had decided to relocate to NOLA, but by June 1921, they were back in the hotel business at Point Chautauqua south of Buffalo, New York.(The Daily Herald, May 12, 1921, p. 4 and June 16, 1921, p. 3)
The Daily Herald, “Sol Stein in Biloxi”, May 17, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Here on visit”, May 12, 1921.
The Daily Herald, “Located in New York”, June 16, 1921.
Adrian Weill (1903-1971) was born August 18, 1903 in Osthaffen, Lorraine, France, the son of Leon Weill (1870-1903+) and Hermine Weill. Leon Weill had come to the United States in 1886. By 1900, he was the proprietor of a general merchandising store in Ascension Parish, Louisiana. It appears that he returned circa 1902 to Alsace-Lorraine, married and had two sons, Adrian Weill and Roger Weill (1902-1988). The Weill brothers immigrated to America in 1920 settling near Lutcher, St. James Parish, Louisiana with Jonas Weill (1877-1963), their uncle and a retail merchant. Jonas Weill had immigrated to Louisiana in 1896.(1900 Ascension Parish, La. Federal Census T623 557, p. 4A, ED 8 and 1920 St. James Parish, La. Federal Census R815, p. 19A, ED 10)
In 1930 Adrian Weill relocated to Biloxi, Mississippi and opened a retail shoe store on Lameuse Street. Shortly, he acquired the building that his leased space was situated, which led to his life long vocation of acquiring and selling rental property. Adrian initiated the first drive-in restaurant, Ferdinand’s, at Biloxi, which was located on West Beach. He also constructed Biloxi’s first shopping center, Weill’s Shopping Center, also on West Beach.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1971, p. 1)
Before 1943, Adrian Weill met and married Jeannette L. Dees (1916-2002), who was born northeast of Mobile at Repton, Conecuh County, Alabama. Donna Mae Long Dees McMillan (1898-1930+), her mother, once served as Postmaster of Repton, Alabama. Adrian and Jeannette D. Weill were the parents of Adrian Michael ‘Mike’ Weill (1943-1976); Jolene W. Manuel Aultman; Donna Lynn W. Minton Green Ludlow (1953-2012); and Jacqueline W. Glascow Bernstein (d. pre 2002).(The Sun He 5A, ED 17)
Avelez Hotel Company
The Avelez Hotel Company was chartered in June 1946 by Adrian Weill (1903-1971), Uriah S. Joachim (1888-1977),Richard R. Guice, and Albert Sydney Johnston Jr.(Harrison County, Ms. Charter Bk. 93, p. 162)
Wilhelmina ‘Billie’ Sewell Roberts Sherrill Morse (1886-1982) vended the Riviera Hotel at Biloxi to the Avelez Hotel Company in December 1955. The old resort on the east side of Lameuse Street and Beach Boulevard had survived many hurricanes in its long history. During the September Storm of 1947, the storm surge at Biloxi was measured at thirteen feet in the vicinity of the Riviera Hotel. Hurricane Camille of August 1969 severely damage the structure and its derelict remains were removed and the lot sold. The Board of Directors of the Avelez Hotel held a special meeting on March 18, 1970 and unanimously vote to sell their old Montross-Riviera Hotel lot. Two days later the Avelez Hotel Corporation for $260,000 conveyed the lot to the Housing Authority of Biloxi.(Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 403, p. 171 and 2nd JD Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 8, p. 473)
In December 1986, Jacqueline W. Bernstein, Jolene W. Aultman, and Donna W. Green, Conservators and daughters of Jeanette Dees Weill, sold the former Allman tract to Loris C. Bridges.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 649, p. 454 and Bk. 875, p. 475 and p. 478)
The Daily Herald, “Adrian Weill taken by death”, February 22, 1971.
The Sun Herald, “Adrian Michael Weill”, April 18, 1976, p. A2.
The Sun Herald, “Biloxian found dead outside apartments”, April 18, 1976, p. A2.
The Sun Herald, “Jeanette Dees Weill”, April 21, 2002, p. A8.
The Sun Herald, “Donna Lynn Weill”, April 22, 2012, p. A13.
The Times-Picayune, “Adrian Weill’s funeral is set”, February 23, 1971, p. 3.
Arthur 'Art' Weinberger (1896-1974) was born on May 11, 1896 at Chicago, Illinois to Adolph Weinberger (1868-pre 1910), an 1876 Hungarian immigrant and Chicago variety store merchant, and Lena Rottenberg (1872-1930+), an 1885 Hungarian immigrant. Adolph had married and been a widower before he married Lena Rottenberger circa 1892. His children with his first wife were: Henry Weinberger (b. 1885); George A. Weinberger (b. 1888); Rae Weinberger (1890-1975) m. Joseph Shanberg (1882-1920+); and Louis Weinberger (b. 1891). Adolph and Lena R. Weinberger were the parents of: William Weinberger (1893-1976); Arthur Weinberger (1896-1974) m. Amy Rush (1907-1991); Emil G. Weinberger (1899-1986); and Richard Weinberger (1907-1982).(1900 Cook Co., Illinois Federal Census R 258, p. 14B, ED 330, 1910 and Cook Co., Illinois Federal Census T624_262, p. 7B, ED 871)
During WWI, both Art and William Weinberger served in the US Army. Art was a clerk at Butler Brothers in Chicago before joining the US Army in September 1917. He was discharged January 13, 1919. By 1920, Art and William Weinberger were domiciled at Savannah, Georgia where they retail clothes salesmen at Savannah, Georgia. By 1930, both men were in Chicago where Art was head of the household with his mother, and brothers, William, Emil, George and George A. Weinberger Jr. residing at 207 Winthrop. Art listed his occupation as an 'out of business merchant'.(1920 Chatham Co., Georgia Federal Censusu T625_241, p. 2A, ED 74 and 1930 Cook Co., Illinois Federal Census R494, p. 2A, ED 1881)
In September 1949, Art and Amy Weinberger acquired Lot 5-Block 2 of the Bienville Subdivision on Biloxi's West Beach Boulevard from L.C. Hicks. He later moved to the Gulf Towers near the Buena Vista Hotel.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Land deed Bk. 325, p. 24)
In August 1952, Art Weinberger took a sub-lease from Genevieve Lynn Dyer on a building situated on the SW/C of West Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street. The consideration was $4000 and Mrs. Victor B. Pringle was the lessor. Here he, Ronald Weinberger, his stepson?, and William Weinberger (1893-1976), his brother, operated and managed several businesses: Art's Army Store, William's Sportswear, Allan's Mens Store, and the Howard Clothing Company.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Land Deed Bk. 357, pp. 418-419).
On December 2, 1974, Art Weinberger, the proprietor of Art's Levis on Howard Avenue, was distracted by John 'Willie' Durengo Reddix (b. 1954) in order that Larry 'Catfish' Jones (b. 1954), Reddix's companion on that day, could sneak up behind Mr. Weinberger and kill him by striking him repeatedly with blows from a wrench. Reddix and Jones then took money and clothes from the Weinberger store and fled. Larry Jones was convicted of murder and incarcerated at Parchman Prison and of March 2012 is continuing to serve a life sentence for this heinous crime.(The Daily Herald, December 3, 1974, p.A 2, December 4, 1974, p. A2 and December 16, 1974, p. A-2)
The corporal remains of Art Weinberger were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery at Biloxi. Mississippi. He was survivied by Amy Rush Weinberger, Mrs. Donald Friedman, a daughter, of Chicago, and Ronald Winters, a son, at Atlanta, Georgia. Art had been a charter member of SunKist Country Club, a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner and has formerly owned chain stores in the Midwest.(The Daily Herald, December 3, 1974, p. A2)
William Weingerger (1893-1976) was born on June 6, 1893 at Chicago, Illinois. He was a veteran of WWI and settled at Biloxi, Mississippi where he was a merchant operating as William's Sportswear and Howard Clothing Company. He also resided at Gulf Towers and died at Biloxi, Mississipp in May 1976. Mr. Weinberger's corporal remains were also interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery.(The Daily Herald, May 1976, p. 2)
The Daily Herald, “Arthur Weinberger”, December 3, 1974.
The Daily Herald, “Young Biloxi man charged in murder of store owner”, December 4, 1974.
The Daily Herald, “Third man arrested in Biloxi murder”, December 16, 1974.
The Daily Herald, “William Weinberger”, May , 1976.
The Times-Picayune, “Release of death row inmate halted”, January 30, 1983.
Rosa D. Weissenburger (1829-1910), nee Doller, was born at Landau, Germany. She married Charles E. Weissenburger, probably Alsatian, who died before 1880. They were the parents of Rose Weissenburger (1852-1910+) m. Charles E. Latten (1851-1880+) and Caroline Weiseenburger (1859-1880+).(1880 Orleans Parish, Louisiana Federal Census R 462, p. 3, ED 52, 7th Ward)
Before 1888, Mrs. Weissenburger opened in Biloxi, Mississippi a ladies clothing store on Pass Christian Road, now Howard Avenue, near Delauney Street. She had an eccletic stock of millinery, ladies' fancy goods, and notions. In September 1888, Rosa Weissenburger advertised as follows:
Rosa Weissenberger
Dealer in Millinery, Notions, Ladies' Fancy Goods
Pass Christian Street near Delauney
(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 29, 1888, p. 8)
In March 1891, Mrs. Weissenburger returned to Biloxi from a buying trip with the latest styles in ladie's and children's bonnets and hats. She also had acquired the latest in ribbons, trimmings, embroderies, and notions.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 14, 1891, p. 4)
Rosa Weissenburger expired at 5950 Magazine Street in the Crescent City on December 17, 1910. She had been living with Rose W. Latten, her daughter, Gertrude Arendt (1889-1910+), a realtive, and Alden Latten (1884-1910+), her grandson and a medical doctor.(The Daily Picayune, December 18, 1910, p. 8 and 1910 Orleans Parish, Louisiana Federal Census T624_524, p. 11B, ED 219)
The Biloxi Herald, “Local News”, June 23, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, March 14, 1891.
The Daily Picayune, "Weissenburger", December 18, 1910.