Fire Department and Major Biloxi fires
Fire Department and Major Biloxi fires
Felix Charles Borries (1860-1937)
[Courtesy of Janice Hughey Hogan-September 2013]
Frederick H. McCaleb [1846-1909]
[from Find A]
City of Biloxi organized its first fire company [Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company No. 1] on September 3rd at the Montross Hotel. F.W. Elmer, pres.; Will C. Grant, v. pres.; P.J. Montross, treas.; Phil McCabe, foreman; Thomas P. Bachino, 1st assist.; and Frank Greveniing, 2nd assist. Others involved: Leon Bertoli; Joe Tucei; John B. Bachino; N. Petrie; Albert Deck; Thomas McCabe; Daniel Bachino; J.M. Ritch; M.J. Grady; George H. Schrieber and N. Sullivan.(The Daily Picayune, September 6, 1883, p. 1)
The Mississippi Hook & Ladder Fire Company No. 1 was chartered on February 21, 1890 by the following: August Barthes, E. Beaucoudray, Joseph Bellande, Peter Bellande, Newt Bellande, E.B. Chambers, J. Clark, M. Clark, William Collins, Thomas Collins, P. Dalton, A.B. DeLamarre, Percy L. Elmer, A. Giron, W.P. Henley, Lee Kelty, J.C. Laage, J.B. Lemon, Phil Lestrade, William Master, Dan McCarthy, Y. Petrie, R. Price, Alex Redon Jr., T. Rachford, Phil Wagner.(The Biloxi Herald, April 12, 1890, p. 2)
The Biloxi fire companies [Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Hook and Ladder Fire Company No. 1 and Mechanics Steam Fire Company No. 2] met in May and decided that September 19th would be the day of their annual parade since that was the day that the Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company was organized. The Biloxi Herald nominated Phil McCabe as Chief of the fire department.(The Biloxi Herald, May 24, 1890, p. 4)
The engine room of the Barataria Canning Company burned in early September 1891. Damage was estimated at $1000 and the plant was disabled for a few days.(The Biloxi Herald, September 12, 1891, p. 4)
On March 18th, a fire of incendiary origin destroyed the sash, door and blind factory of M.L. Vazquez north of the railorad. Loss estimated at $2000 with $1000 insurance by Phoenix. A small house valued at $400 and owned by Collier also lost.(The Biloxi Herald, March 19, 1892, p. 4)
The Biloxi Herald, February 17, 1894, p. 8.
June 1909 Sanborn Map-Sheet 6
The Biloxi Herald, June 9, 1894, p. 8.
On October 12th, Biloxi's Commercial District was inflicted losses of about $75,000 when a large fire commenced in the two-story, J.W. Swetman Building on Pass Christian Street. Big losers were: S. Picard-$25,000; J.W. Swetman-$8000; G.E. Ohr Sr.-$5000; W.K.M. Dukate-$4500; and the pottery of G.E. Ohr Jr. (1857-1918)-$3000.(The Biloxi Herald, October 13, 1894, p. 8)

On August 18th, F.W. Elmer was elected Fire Chief of Biloxi by delegates from the various fire companies of the city. Felix Borries was elected 1st assistant and Gus Barthes, 2nd assistant. The annual Firemen's Day Parade, which had been neglected for a few years, was planned for September 19th with Isidore Heidenheim elected Grand Marshal of the parade.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 19, 1898, p. 8)
On November 9th, the Great Biloxi Fire started in the rear of Kennedy's Saloon near the L&N Depot on Reynoir Street Hotel and devastated about ninety commercial and residential structures south to the beach. Damages estimated at about $600,000.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 9, 1900, p. 1)
The City of Biloxi passed an ordinance in May that subsidized the two local fire companies to provide fire protection for Biloxi. Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 received $250 per year while Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 was given $125 annually for thier support. In addition, Biloxi was to furnish the following: ladders and buckets on hook and ladder trucks; three hose reels to be purchased with 250-feet of hose each and to be located outside markets; Mississippi Volunteer Company No. 1 firemen were to remunerated as follows: engineer-$5 per fire, fireman-$2.50 per fire, pipe men, not to exceed 2 per lead hose-$3.00 per fire, team that hauls an engine to fire to get $10.00 and team that hauls hook and ladder truck to be paid $5.00.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, may 4, 1904, p. 1)
The East End Hose Company No. 1 was organized on October 5, 1904 at Sterne’s Store 0n Point Cadet with 37 men present. Officers of the Company were: Peter C. Ott, pres.; John S. Wentzel, vice-pres.; W.T. Sterne, sec.; W.G. Manuel, treas.; John Ott Sr., foreman; Alexander Ewing, 1st assistant foreman; Charles Wentzel, 2nd assistant foreman; and Joseph Arguelles, assistant aid to the fire chief. Dues were set at 50 cents for three months. By October 8th, the company was fully equipped with a hose carriage and ancillary equipment. The fire company’s equipment was stored in the East End market house. The Company’s first Mask Ball was held on December 22, 1904.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 6, 1904, p. 5; October 8, 1905, p. 5; December 22, 1904, p. 1; and September 19, 1907, p. 4)
The Back Bay Hose Company was organized on November 11, 1904 in a small shed owned by Nick Voivedich on Fayard Street. There were 20 charter members with a hose drawn reel. William Gorenflo and Edward C. Joullian were generous supporters of this organization in tis primal years. The company named its two horses, Joullian and Reynoir. Original officers of Back bay Hose Company were: J.B. Reynoir, president; William Thompson, v-pres.; Nick Voivecich, foreman; George Duvic, 1st assistant; and Arthur Richard, 2nd assistant.(The Daily Herald, September 20, 1915, p. 2)
Philip McCabe (1837-1904), native of New Orleans and first chief engineer of the Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company, expired in mid-December. In their youth, Ed Glennan and Charles Redding both worked for Mr. McCabe at NOLA when he had a stove business on Camp Street in NOLA. McCabe also was the first tin can manufacturer on the Coast making fruit, oyster, and vegetable cans.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 28, 1881, p. 3 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 16, 1904, p. 5)
Alderman T.J. Rosell, chairman of the water works committee, tested the water-fire pressure at Fayard Street and Howard Avenue with a 1 1/8 inch nozzle and it threw a stream of water 67 feet high or as high as the clock in the Nativity BVM Catholic Church. The City has two water tanks.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 27, 1905, p. 2)
Two new LaFrance chemical fire engines arrived in late March and after being readied for service would be used by the Back Bay and West End fire companies.[The Biloxi Herald, March 30, 1906, p. 1]
In late April 1910, a fire on east Division Street destroyed three, wood-framed cottages. They were owned by Frank Cook-value $1000; Mrs. John Entrekin-value $1000 and insured for $500; Mrs. Martha Parker-value $400.(The Daily Herald, April 26, 1910,p. 4)
Henry Eikel [1905-1976] and Vera Elmer [1902-1982] [m. Hugh A. Brown] ride on the Cornucopia float of the Hook and Ladder Fire Company on 19 September 1910 at the Biloxi Firmen's Day Parade.
Percy Lee Elmer [1873-1949], her father, was the last living charter member of the Mississippi Hook and Ladder Fire Co., and was one of its officers for years. Mr. Elmer was city alderman for six years and formerly was city treasurer and in former years was prominently identified with local civic affairs.
The Noblin House, owned by Mrs. Ace Noblin of Edwards, Mississippi, situated on West Beach and used as a boarding house, caught fire in early August. Mrs. L.D. Rodon and Mrs. W.P. Davis both escaped death by jumping from the upper story. They were injured and treated by Dr. H.M. Folkes and Dr. W.G. Carroll who were both called to the conflagration. It was occupied by Mrs. Rodon for the summer months. The structure was formerly utilized as a santarium by Dr. W.R. Card. The Volunteer Fire Company, The Hook and Ladder Company and the West End Fire Company fought the blaze. E.L. Castanera, water works superintendent, related that this fire was the first to test the new electrical fire pump at the local pumping station. The pump maintained a pressure of 125# throughout the battle to save the Noblin House.(The Daily Herald, August 7, 1913, p. 1 and August 8, 1913, p. 8)
The City had the following fire protection beginning the year: Central Station-B. Mattina and Joseph Emile; Mississippi Hook & Ladder Company-Charles Sentell; West End Fire Company-Joseph Peppard; Back Bay Fire Company-Harvey Chinn; East End Fire Company-Fred Knox; and W.F. Clark, relief fireman.(The Daily Herald, January 15, 1921, p. 1)
An $800, house inhabited by employees of the Biloxi Fisherman's Packing Company on Point Cadet was destroyed by fire on February 23rd. The structure was located in an alley just back of Dave Ahern's grocery store. Other cottages in the area caught fire, but were saved by firemen from the East End, Mississippi Hook and Ladder and the Volunteer Fire Companies of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, February 23, 1922, p. 3)
The DeJean Packing Company on Biloxi’s East Beach situated between Dunbar-Dukate and the Seafood Packing Company, was entirely destroyed by fire on 21 August. The building owned by Mrs. J.T. Maybury was valued at $1000. The packing company lost fresh and canned shrimp and machinery valued at $5000. There was no insurance. In addition, three moored schooners were damaged by the flames. The place was known as the old Greiner Packing Company.[The Daily Herald, August 22, 1922, p. 1]
On May 15th, a large fire destroyed one-half of the 3rd floor of the main building of the Riviera Hotel [formerly Montross] on Beach Boulevard and Lameuse Street. Damage estimated at $20,000.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1922, p. 1)
After its gasoline engine back-fired, the Hilda S. , owned by Martin Fountain and sailed by George Smith, and moored at the Seafood Company pier on East Beach received slight damage. The blaze was controlled with only slight damage as the crew used its pyrine extinguisher.(The Daily Herald, August 21, 1922, p. 3)
On December 16th, a fire at Beauvoir destroyed Dormitory No. 3 which was situated west of the old hospital. Two Confederate veterans perished in the conflagration, J.T. Hunter (1844-1924) and F.M. Sharp (1846-1924). They entered the Soldier's Home fro, Laurel and Columbus respectively.[The Daily Herald, December 17, 1924, p. 1]
Hook and Ladder Fire Company No. 1 celebrated its 35th anniversary on February 23rd at its station on Fayard Street. Officers of the organization at this time were: Jake Lechner (1872-1930), president; Thomas E. Collins (1864-1937), v. pres.; Henry Eikel (1869-1952), secretary-treasurer; August Tremmel (1873-1942), foreman; Will Kornmann, 1st assist.; Anthony V. Ragusin (1902-1997), 2nd assist.; Charles Sentell, housekeeper; and Frank Bennett, flag bearer.(The Daily Herald, February 24, 1925, p. 1)
On May 23rd, A large fire on West Howard Avenue destroyed the Yerger Building which housed the Variety Store, Electrik Maid Bakery, Newman Furniture Company, and Biloxi Mercantile Company. Losses were estimated between $75,000-$100,000.(The Biloxi News, May 23, 1926, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, May 24, 1926, p. 1)
The bungalow of Mrs. K.C. Roswell 1130 West Beach between Gill Avenue amd Porter caught fire in the early morning of September 4th. Three policemen, Evon Swetman (1902-1976), Richard Grady and Jake Stanovich, of the night patrol discovered the blaze and awoke the tenant, Mrs. Albert Madding. Units from West End No. 1, Central No. 1 and Hook & Ladder No. 1 arrived on the scene and quickly arrested the incipient conflagration limiting damage and the loss of the structure. The five City firemen were aided by volunteers.(The Daily Herald, September 4, 1926, p. 1)
The Elmer Packing Company on Back Bay was destroyed by fire on January 31st. It was leased to Louis A. Lundy of Ocean Springs at the time of the large conflagration.(The Daily Herald, January 31, 1928, p. 2)
The Jennie Johnson, an auxiliary schooner, owned by Louis O. Johnson received fire damage amounting to $150 on April 20, 1930. Captain Hub Terrell was burned on his arm and torso from the fire which emanated from the ignition of gasoline vapors in the vessel’s cabin when Terrell lit a match. The Jennie Johnson had just returned from the outside oyster reefs with a hold laden with mollusks and was moored at the Johnson Canning Company wharf. Biloxi firemen were called to the vessel and performed admirably saving the boat and its cargo. The cabin was burned as well as some of the decking and the mainsail was badly damaged by the conflagration. (The Daily Herald, April 21 1930, p. 2)
Sunkist, the Popp home, was destroyed by fire on 31 May. The origin of the conflagration was unknown.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1931, p. 2)
The warehouse of Frank P. Corso on Caillavet Street near the L&N Railroad burned on October 11, 1933. He suffered a heavy loss of about $6000 from fire and water damage. Mr. Corso will move to the warehouse formerly occupied buy the Southern Grocery.(The Daily Herald, October 11, 1933, p. 1 and October 14, 1933, p. 2)
In April 1934, a bulkhead and pumping stand were erected near the [Ramsay Springs Road] highway and 500 feet from Five Points in North Biloxi. Chief Sentell, A.V. Ragusin and Walter Nixon visited the site.(The Daily Herald, April 27, 1934, p. 7)
The W.F. McDonnell home, a wood-framed structure of eight rooms and situated on McDonnell Avenue just off West Beach at Biloxi, was destroyed by fire on April 23, 1936. About $500 in musical instruments was lost and the house was valued at $7000. Mrs. McDonnell was ill at the time of the conflagration and was taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiltz, her neighbor.(The Daily Herald, April 23, 1936, p. 3)
On December 4th, ground was broken for the new Back Bay Fire Station on Elder Street. The 116 foot by 200 foot lot was acquired from the Elder Estate. John T. Collins was the architrect for the $5000 colonial-style structure.(The Daily Herald, December 4, 1936, p. 9)
In February, several homes on Deer Island were spared damage from the recent fire.(The Daily Herald, February 4, 1937, p. 5)
The new West End Fire Station was dedicated on July 8th. John T. Collins was project architect and Robert Conway built the fire engine. Mayor Louis Braun reminded the audience that 15 months prior while a candidate for Mayor, he promised that he would make improvements to Biloxi's Fire Department if elected.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1937, p. 1)
The new Back Bay Fire Station was dedicated on July 20th during the annual Picnic and Bazaar of the Fourth Ward Regulars. John T. Collins was architect and Robert Conway had built the company's fire engine which had an 85 HP motor and 850 feet of regular hose. It was the 5th fire apparatus for the Back Bay Fire Company since its 1904 organization.(The Daily Herald, June 21, 1937, p. 1)
The S.H. Kress store on West Howard Avenue sustained $2000 in damages from a fire in mid-November. Three alarm event and O.W. Trawick was the store manager.(The Daily Herald, November 13, 1942, p. 2)
Earl F. Cook (1907-1999), now attached to the Central Fire Station, was appointed assistant Fire Chief in December 1942. Earl joined the BFD on May 1, 1935. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook.(The December 23, 1942, p. 15)
On October 27, 1944, a fire in the old Peoples' Bank Building on the corner of Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street caused an estimated $13,000 damage exclusive of fixtures and merchandise. The Collins were hired to replace the roof and perform structural work.(The Daily Herald, October 28, 1944, p. 1 and October 31, 1944, p. 5.
The Hick's Battery Manufacturing Company on Back Bay near Lee Street burned on April 6, 1949. Damage was estimated at $50,000. All five Biloxi Fire Department trucks and two fire engines from Keesler Field answeredthe fire call. Fourteen firemen and several volunteers assisted in containing the conflagration.(The Daily Herald, April 7, 1949, p. 1)
Charles Henry Sentell (1884-1951) former Biloxi Fire Chief [1933-1942] died on 25 January.[The Daily Herald, January 26, 1951, p. 12]
The laundry at the Buena Vista Hotel caught fire on the afternoon of March 14, 1951 resulting in $50,000 in damages to the structure which was situated behind the hotel. The fire was fed by linens and cleaning fluid. Unfortunately, Anthony 'Tony' Bernard Rousseau (1908-1951), a Biloxi volunteer fireman, was killed while attempting to board the fire truck of the Central Fire Station. He slipped, fell and was run over by the rear wheels of the vehicle.(The Daily Herald, March 14, 1951, p. 1)
Bruce Carsen Howe (1951-1952) died on 12 March from burns received in a fire on Carter Avenue in West Biloxi. The child was rolling a jar of gasoline on the floor which exploded when near a heater in the home. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe, whose father was Donald Witter Howe (1891-1952), founder of Seafoam Company, which manufactured food and pralines at their establishment on Carter Avenue. Damage to the Howe home was estimated at $1500.[The Daily Herald, March 13, 1952, p. 1]
Biloxi ordered four, new fire trucks costing about $63,000 from the Four Wheel Drive Company of Clintonville, Wisconsin. Two were high pressure pumpers 750-gallon pumper and two were standard-750 gallon pumpers. The equipment was expected in the first week of September. (The Daily Herald, June 7, 1952, p.3)
An old canning factory at Main Street and Back Bay, formerly the Braun Canning Company, was destroyed by fire on 24 September. The building [150 feet by 65 feet] was owned by Madames E.A. Braun and Lomax Burdine.[The Daily Herald, September 25, 1952, p. 1 with photo]
A new, $30,000 fire station for Biloxi's West End on Jeff Davis Avenue and the L&N RR was proposed from the $999,000 bond issue passed by Biloxi denizens in October.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1952, p. 10)
Walter Clark (1900-1961) and Frank Hecht (1901-1981) were appoined Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief, respectively, of the Biloxi Fire Department by incoming Mayor Laz Quave (1910-1985) .(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1953, p. 17)
Herman Creel (1908-1976) was named as assistant fire chief in February 1954. William Knox retired.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1954, p. 6)
In the early morning of November 2, 1954, a devastating conflagration which commenced in Poor Richard’s Lounge of the Sun ‘N Sand Restaurant and Lounge. Damage to the structure was estimated at $80,000 to $100,000. An apartment above the housed the A.H. Bailey family and their two young children. Units from the West End and Back Bay fire stations with assistance from KAFB first responders were called to the scene.[The Daily Herald, November 2, 1954, p. 1]
In April, the Grove Club on West Beach was destroyed by fire. Owners, Louis Uchello (1909-1996) and Guy Uchello (1895-1962) valued the 1940 structure and a 1946 addition at $75,000. They averred that $10,000 was left in the safe. (The Daily Herald, April 11, 1955, p. 1)
The Barthes-Sentell Fire Station No. 5, a $25,000 structure situated on Father Ryan Avenue, was dedicated on December 18th. It was named in honor of Frederick Auguste Barthes (1864-1948) and Charles Henry Sentell (1884-1951), former Biloxi Fire Chiefs.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1956, p. 21 and December 19, 1956, p. 1)
In 1959, fire damage at Biloxi was estimated at $270,489. William Gilmer, age 60, was the only fire victim. Gilmer was a former patient at the Biloxi VA Center and burned to death in his Pass Road trailer on February 20, 1959. The fire at Ohr's Junk Yard which occurred on December 27, 1959 was estimated to result in about $100,000 in damages. Antique automobiles were among the treasured items lost. The A&P Super Market fire resulted in about $75,000 in damages. Other notable conflagrations in 1959 were the $25,000 Blue Note Cafe fire on Main Street which occurred in March and a $20,000 fire in an apartment building on West Water Street in June.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1960, p. 5)
On August 25th, the A&P Super Market on West Howard Avenue was severely harmed by fire with damage estimated at over $100,000. The building was erected in 1945 by Sam Mitchell and remodeled in 1950. All Biloxi fire units ledby Chief Walter Clark with assistance by the LeMoyne Volunteer Fire Company fought the blaze for 45 minutes.(The Daily Herald, August 26, 1959, p. 1 )
On 21 May, Noel 'Little Jimmie' James Skrmetta Jr. (1957-1960) burned to death in a fire at the home of his parents, Noel 'Jimmie' James Skrmetta and Bobbie Jean Maumus Skrmetta, at 5135 Southern Avenue in Biloxi. Martin Skrmetta, an older brother, received mild burns from the gasoline fire. The Skrmetta home damage was estimated at $2000 and was valued at $12,000.(The Daily Herald, May 21, 1960, p. 1)
Captain Patrick D. Quave (1935-1960), Biloxi fireman at the East End Fire Station, was killed on Dukate Curve in a traffic accident on December 26, 1960. His spouse, Ramona Darrington Quave, was seriously injured.(The Daily Herald, December 27, 1960, p. 1.
Bayview Lanes, formerly the Bayview Theatre building, was destroyed in a great conflagration on November 29th. Loss to structure and equipment was estimated at $450,000. Douglas I. Smith (1901-1979) opened a theatre, flower shop and drug store here in 1946. In 1959, the building was remodeled into a 20-lane bowling alley when owned by Ernest V. Landaiche (1895-1966).(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1962, p. 1)
The Bernard T., a fishing vessel owned by Jane Taltavull Smith, sustained about $700 in damages when it caught fire at the Taltavull Company wharf on West Bay View Avenue. Batallion Chief Frank Hecht said that a shortage in the boat's electrical system was responsible for the fire damage to the cabin of the vessel.(The Daily Herald, January 28, 1963, p. 2)
The new $54,000 East End Fire Station was dedicated on September 12th completing the first phase of Mayor Guice's 4-point modernization program. The W.L. Easterling Company of Ocean Springs erected the 3984 square-ft. structure on the site of the old fire station. The building was designed by H.F. Fountain Jr. & Associates.(The Daily Herald, September 3, 1964, p. 5, September 11, 1964, p. 9, and September 14, 1964, p. 1)
The old Crystal Ice Company building, situated between Lameuse Street and Delauney Street, burned for 32 hours in mid-December. Damages estimated at $182,000.(The Daily Herald, December 10, 1964, p. 1 and December 11, 1964, p. 2)
The Folkes Building, southeast corner of West Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street, burned in late December 1964. Losses estimated at $230,000 to Kent's Men Store, Royal Credit Jewelers, Acme Photo, et al. Frank Gabrich was BFD Chief.(The Daily Herald, December 26, 1964, p. 1)
The Biloxi Fire Department fought two large fires in 1964. The $55,000 East End Fire Station was completed and two, new, diesel fire trucks each costing $27,000 were acquired.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1965, p. 1)
The Buck Theatre, Laughran Building and Collins Building situated on the west side of Lameuse Street between Jackson and Howard Avenue burned on Mardi Gras eve, February 22, 1966, while the Mardi Gras parade was in progress. Firemen from four other cities and KAFB fought the conflagration and two Biloxi firemen, Guy Green and George Emile, suffered smoke inhalation while battling the burning buildings. Damages were estimated to be as much as $50,000.(The Daily Herald, February 23, 1961, p. 1)
The fifth floor of the Buena Vista Hotel's East Wing caught fire at 5:45 p.m.on July 20th. 125 rooms were burned resulting in damages estimated at $150,000. All 360 rooms of the luxury hotel were in use as the Alabama Farm Bureau Federation was holding its annual meeting. Local fireman extinguished the blaze in about three hours. The Buena Vista reopened for business on July 21st.(The Times-Picayune, July 21, 1966, p. 1)
Richard Harvey Chinn [1890-1966]
Richard Harvey Chinn, retired chief of Keesler AFB fire department, died at 7 a. m. today at Howard Memorial Hospital, Biloxi. Mr. Chinn, who resided at 411 Copp St., was a native of Woolmarket and a lifelong resident of the Mississippi Coast. He began his career as a fireman in 1918 at the old Back Bay fire hall and became a fireman at Keesler in 1941. He was appointed chief at Keesler Field in 1944 and retired in 1959. In 1946 and 1947, Mr. Chinn assisted in reorganizing the Ocean Springs fire department and for his work he was made an honorary member......
[The Daily Herald, August 28, 1966)
The Vapors, a large night club on Biloxi's West Beach Strip east of the Broadwater Beach Hotel, was destroyed by fire on the morning of May 20th. 1971. Richard Head owner of the structure estimated damages at $120,000. It had been destroyed by Hurricane Camille in August 1969 and rebuilt.(The Daily Herald, May 20, 1971, p. 1)
The Accomo Hotel and Restauant, formerly the Paradise Gardens at 744 Main Street, was gutted by fire on November 22, 1972. A post-WW II, negro night club was once the venue for entertainers such as: Antoine "Fats" Domino [1928-2017]; Guitar Slim [Eddie Jones (1926-1959)]; Chuck Willis [1928-1958]; and Johnny Otis [1921-2012]. Damage to the structure was estimated at $30,000. It was owned by Joseph T. Hathorn and William E. Jones. The fire was discovered while BFD firemen were fighting another blaze at the Auction City Furniture building 445 East Division. Fire Chief Gabrich estimated that W.M. Krohn and Ronnie Krohn, owners, loss at $5000 to their $10,000 structure.[The Daily Herald, November 22, 1972, p. 2]
The Gorenflo publc school on Lameuse Street caught fire on April ? The conflagration originated in the cafeteria and destroyed the cafeteria, library, auditorium, teachers' lounge, principal's office, and four class rooms in the main school building. Damages were estimated at $1 million dollars.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Repairs to the fire-damaged Gorenflo school were 40 per cent completed. The 508 students in grades 1-6 were attending classes in 19 classrooms with 20 teachers.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Evon Emery Swetman (1902-1976), former assistant Biloxi Fire Chief, expired at Long Beach on March 15th. He was the son of the late J.W. Swetman and Sofey P. Schumann. (The Daily Herald, March 16, 1976, p. A2)
In the late afternoon and evening of August 16th, Domicilliary No. 1, a three-story, 45-year old building, housing 142 elderly and disabled patients at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Biloxi, was heavily damaged by a large conflagration. More than 100 firemen from Biloxi, Gulfport, D'Iberville and Keesler AFB fought the blaze which appeared to have commenced in the attic of the dormitory and destroyed most of the building's third floor. No lives were lost, but William B. Sheppard (1916-1976), director of the VA facility, died of a heart attack in his office around 6:00 p.m. during the height of the fire.(The Daily Herald, August 17, 1976, p. A-1)
Joan Marie Manning Johnston (1960-1980), Gerald Guy Ross Jr. (1960-1980) and George W. Johnson (1957-1980) died in a duplex fire at 917 Central Beach Boulevard on January 19, 1980. Damage to the structure was estimated at $15,000. The corporal remains of the deceased were interred at the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, January 20, 1980)
In the early morning of November 8th, 28 people died and more than 30 injured in a fire in the Harrison County jail on Delauney Street and McElroy Street in Biloxi. Robert Eugene Pates (b. 1951) was charged with 28 counts of capital murder when he was named the alleged conspirator of the conflagration. Pates was sent ot Parchman immediatley.(The Daily Herald, November 8, 1982, p. A1 and November 9, 1982, p. A2)
A warehouse adjacent to Melvin Supply Company at 613 East Howard Avenue was damaged by fire on February 6th. Damage was estmated in the $350,000 to $400,000 range, in early May. The struture was owned by Ernest Melvin, Beat 1 Harrison County Supervisor and Biloxi Mayoral candidate.(The Daily Herald, February 6, 1981)
The Shalimar Lounge at 806 Main Street was destroyed by fire on March 8th. The building was valued at $150,000.(The Daily Herald, March 9, 1983, p. B-6)
On 7 January, Harold Windom replaced Guy Bernard Roberts as Biloxi's fire chief. Chief Roberts' health was in decline but he agreed to replace Windom until his position could be filled.[The Daily Herald, Janaury 8, 1985, p. B-1]
On October 20th, Carl Ohr Jr. (1952-1986) and Edwin Kurt Jacquet (1956-1986), BFD employees, were killed battling a fire in Biloxi.(The Times-Picayune, October 21, 1986, p. 1)
On June 25th, the Buena Vista Hotel was severely damaged by fire and Steve Moore, Biloxi Fire Chief, estimated that the fire resulted resulted in damages of "hundreds of thousands of dollars and a total loss."(The Sun Herald, June 26, 1991, p. A-1)
Retired Fire Chief Guy B. Roberts (1926-2009) expired at Biloxi on February 24th. He was with the Biloxi Fire Department for 32 years and retired as Fire Chief in 1988. Guy was a former Deputy for the Harrison County Sheriff's Office; a charter member of the Moose Lodge; member of the Back Bay Volunteer Fire Department; and served in the National Guard. Chief Roberts was married to the former Iris Dubaz (1929-2014).
David Roberts retired as Fire Chief on March 2013, after 14 years in this position.
Joseph Boney-confirmed as Fire Chief by City Council on July 9, 2013. Mark Dronet named assistant chief on July 11, 2013.(The Sun Herald, July 10, 2013, p. A2 and July 12, 2013, p. A2)
Arbor View Fire [D'Iberville, Mississippi-image from The Sun Herald]
Conflagration on March 4, 2014 at the Arbor View Apartments at D'Iberville destroyed all 20 apartments in Building 400 of the apartment complex. Biloxi units assisted in this large fire. Krystal Dannielle Gonzalez (b. 1989) of D'Iberville was arrested and charged with on a charge of 1st degree arson.(The Sun Herald, March 13, 2014, p. A1)
Philip McCabe
Philip McCabe (1837-1905), native of New Orleans and first chief engineer of the Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company, expired in mid-December. McCabe had married
In their youth, Ed Glennan and Charles Redding both worked for Mr. McCabe at NOLA when he had a stove business on Camp Street in NOLA. McCabe also was the first tin can manufacturer on the Coast making fruit, oyster, and vegetable cans.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 28, 1881, p. 3 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 16, 1904, p. 5)
pre-August 1897
A.O. Bourdon Sr.
Arsene O. Bourdon Sr. [1845-1901]
Dan Markey
Daniel Joseph Markey [1855-1900] was elected Fire Chief on August 5, 1897 by two of Biloxi's fire companies. The Mechanics Steam Fire Company No. 2 did not send a representative of the election meeting. Chief Bourdon retired.(The Biloxi Herald, August 7, 1897, p. 1)
Frederick Auguste Barthes
[from The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 19, 1907]
Frederick A. Barthes (1864-1948) was the son of F.A. Barthes Sr. (18-1898) and Margaret Alexandrine Binet (d. 1877). Became Fire Chief in 1896 and retiring in 1933.
Charles H. Sentell
Charles Henry Sentell Jr. (1885-1951) was born at New Orleans on 14 December 1885 to Charles H. Sentell Sr. (1844-1910) and Johanna Aligrate (1860-1930), who married in Orleans Parish, Louisiana on 23 February 1884. Charles entered the municipal fire service at Biloxi on 7 December 1907 with Volunteer Fire Company, and transferred to the Hook and Ladder Company 15 August 1909. In May 1920, he was appointed assistant to Fire Chief Barthes and became Biloxi's Fire Chief on 1 October 1933.[The Daily Herald, January 26, 1951, p. 12]
Chief H. Sentell Jr. married Ursiline Milles, also a New orleans native, in Harrison County, Mississippi. Their children were: Russell Joseph Sentel (1927-1948); Charles Sentell; and Olivia Sentell.
Lee Chinn
Lee Chinn (1888-1971), age 82 years, died at Howard Memorial Hospital on Thursday night, March 11, 1971, He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William David Chinn and was born at Vandalia, Missouri in March 1888 and came to Biloxi in 1890 with his family. As a youngster, Lee worked for a railroad company at Gulfport and at age 14 became a flagman for the L&N Railroad at the railroad Street crossing in Biloxi. He became a fireman in 1907 and was stationed at the Back Bay fire station. Lee was one of the first drivers of horse-drawn, fire engines at Biloxi. He was also one of the first to drive motor-powered firetrucks when introduce in Biloxi in 1918.
Lee Chinn was named Biloxi's fire chief in January 1942. He was released following the summer elections of 1942 and William 'Willie' Knox appointed fire chief.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. )
In 1968 a new Biloxi fire station was named for him. Among the large Biloxi fires that Mr. Chinn assisted in fighting were: the Yerger Building on West Howard Avenue; the Avelez Hotel on West Howard Avenue; the Union Hotel; the Peoples Bank; and the Hicks Battery Company on Back Bay.
R. Harvey Chinn (1890-1966), Lee's late brother, had been fire chief of the Keesler AFB fire department. Lee Chinn retired from the BFD in 1953 and was caretaker at BSA Camp Wilkes for about four years.
Lee Chinn married Lou Ethel Fortner (1898-1971) in Harrison County, Mississippi on July 3, 1915.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 27, p. 359)
Mr. Chinn was survived by his spouse; three sisters: Mrs. W.J. Currie and Mrs. Harry Currie, Shreveport, Louisiana; and Mildred Chinn Olster of NOLA; and many nieces and nephews.
Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home of Biloxi directed the Chinn funeral. Lee was a member of the First Methodist Church and his corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery at Biloxi.
Lee Chinn
Lee Chinn (1888-1971) was appointed Biloxi's fire chief in January 1943 by Mayor Chester Delacruz. William Knox who had replaced Chinn, became his assistant.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. )

Walter F. Clark
Walter Francis Clark (1900-1961) was appointed Fire Chief by Mayor Laz Quave (1910-1985) in July 1953. Mr. Clark joined the BFD in 1919.
Frank L. Gabrich
Frank Lawrence Gabrich (1913-1986), son of John Gabrich (1864-1928) and Aeoline Pavolini (1867-1946), was born 30 March 1913. He attended Sacred Heart Academy and during WWII, he served with the 79th Infantry Division in Europe and was awarded the Purple Heart, five campaign medals and the German occupation medal. Frank made Sergeant on 1 July 1944 and was hit by shrapnel in his right arm five days later near Cherbourg, France.[The Daily Herald, September 19, 1944, p. 3]
In March 1952, Frank L. Gabrich married Elmere Rita Barras (1923-1987) in Harrison County, Mississippi. Their only child, Rachel Louise Gabrich m. Chevis Roy Hatten. Mrs. Elmere R. Gabrich was the mother of Leah Rae Vuyovich m. Gray Slay.[Harrison County, Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 89, p. 95]
Frank tranferred from the Biloxi Police Department which he joined October 19, 1937 to its Fire Department February 1, 1938. He retired as a Captain in 1958 and joined F&F Distributing Company. With the retirement of Chief Walter Clark on 1 July 1961, Gabrich was appointed Fire Chief by Mayor Danny Guice. At this time there were 39 firemen in the Biloxi force.[The Daily Herald, July 3, 1961, p. 1 and p. 2]
Fire Chief Frank Gabrich resigned 4 June.[The Daily Herald, June 8, 1973, p. 1]
John T. Poulos
John Thomas Poulos Sr. [1914-2002] retired as acting Fire Chief effective May 1, 1974. He joined the BFD on September 16, 1945 and had a career that spanned over 28 years. John
John T. Poulos Sr., 87, retired Biloxi Fire Chief, died Wednesday, March 20, 2002, in Biloxi. Chief Poulos was a native and lifelong resident of Biloxi. He retired from the Biloxi Fire Department after 29 years of service. He served as fire chief for two years, prior to his retirement. He was a member of the International Association of Firefighters. He served with the Mississippi Army National Guard Artillery from 1932-1940. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church. Survived by his wife of 61 years, Lucille Toncrey Poulos of Biloxi; three daughters and sons-in-law, Sheila Foster and husband, Larry, Lucille P. Strayham and husband Andrew, Crystal Ann DeLano and husband, Russell, all of Biloxi; four sons and daughters-in-law, John T. Poulos Jr. and wife, Joy of Slidell, James Poulos and wife, Darleen of Biloxi, David A. Poulos and wife, Donnet of Biloxi and Daniel P. Poulos and wife Cindy of D'Iberville; a sister, Helen Newman and husband, Paul of Biloxi; 17 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Services will be at 4:30 p.m. Friday at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi, where friends may call from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Burial will be in Biloxi City Cemetery. The family prefers memorials be made to the Biloxi Firefighters Museum, 1052 Howard Avenue, Biloxi, Mississippi.[The Sun Herald, March 22, 2002]
Fletcher Dumas Fest [1927-1991] was born January 22, 1927. He married Winifred Cecile Thornton (1927-2008). Children: Fletcher D. Fest Jr. [1952-2011] and M. Charles Fest. Fletcher joined the BFD in 1956 and made Captain in 1960. He was named acting assistant Fire Chief in 1973. With the announced retirement of John T. Poulos Sr. he became Fire Chief in late March 1974. Chief Fest retired November 10, 1976 from his $13,300 a year position with a remuneration of $550 per month from the Biloxi Police and Fire and Disability Relief Fund. Fest related that conflict with the Biloxi Civil Service Commission was a factor in his early retirement. His age, health, and family were salient reasons as well.[The Daily Herald, March 30, 1974, p. 2 and October 28, 1976, p. A-3]
Gabriel Lehman Jr.
Gabriel 'Gabe' Lehman Jr. (1937-2010) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 9, 1937 to Gabriel Lehman Sr. (1912-1984) and Cecile Albert (1917-1984). He quit school in the , but later acquired a degree from Mississippi GCCC. Gabe married Florence Aline McCaleb in Harrison County, Mississippi in May 1958.
Gabriel Lehman, Jr., a retired fire chief with the Biloxi, Mississippi Fire Department and a resident of Baker, Louisiana, died Monday, Sept. 20, 2010, in Baton Rouge. He was 73, a native of Biloxi and a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by a daughter, Erin Lehman Smith and husband Charles, of Biloxi;son, Kevin M. Lehman and wife Gina, of Biloxi; sister, Myrna Williams and husband Terry, of Vancleave, Miss.; brother, Albert "Bucky" Lehman, of Biloxi; three grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Preceded in death by his wife, Janet Martin Lehman; parents, Gabriel Lehman Sr. and Cecile Albert Lehman; sisters, Lucille Allen, Evelyn Wilk, Lorraine Allen and Charlotte Franklin; and brother, John "Johnny Boy" Lehman.[The [Baton Rouge] Advocate on September 21, 2010]
Guy B. Roberts
Guy Bernard Roberts, Biloxi native and the son of Anthony Roberts (1903-1982) and BerniceFergonis (1907-1999), was appointed Fire Chief on 30 October 1978 by Mayor Jerry O'Keefe. Major Conrad Kennedy was named assistant to Chief Roberts. Guy suceeded Gabe Lehman who retired after 20 years of service to the citizens of Biloxi. Chief Roberts joined the department in 1950.[The Daily Herald, October 31, 1978, p. A-8]
Chief Roberts had open heart surgery in December 1982 and his health continued to decline. He retired in January 1985 and was replace by Harold A. Windom.[The Daily Herald, January 8,1985, p. B-1]
Guy B. Roberts, Sr., 82, of Biloxi died Tuesday, February 24, 2009 in Biloxi. Mr. Roberts was a member of Blessed Seelos Catholic Church where he served as a Eucharistic Minister, a member of Knights of Columbus Council # 1244, he was with the Biloxi Fire Department for 32 years and retired as Fire Chief in 1988, he was a former Deputy for the Harrison County Sheriff's Office, a charter member of the Moose Lodge, he was a member of the Back Bay Volunteer Fire Department and he served in the National Guard. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony "Tony" Bernice (Fegonis) Roberts, brothers, Paul Roberts and Riley "Cotton" Roberts. two granchildren, Jessica Rose and Stephen Iachino, son-in-law, Mark Landry. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Iris Dubaz Roberts, of D'Iberville, his children, Guy B. Roberts, Jr. and his wife Barbara, of Biloxi, Charmaine Landry of D'Iberville, David Roberts and his wife, Linda of Latimer, Darnell Iachino and her husband, Ronnie of Ocean Springs, Robin Mullen and her husband, Phillip of Latimer, Laurie Pinette and her husband, Richard of Biloxi, grandchildren, Amanda, Rhett, Ashley, Micha, Mandy, Milton, Clement, Stacey, Charnell, Markie, Shane, David Jr., Billy, Jeff, Marisa, Glenn, Brandy, Mindy, Cory, Phillip, Brandon, Jonathan, 27 great-grandchildren and numerous other family and friends.
Visitation is Thursday, February 26, 2009 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes. Mass of Christian Burial, Friday, February 27, 2009, 11:00 a.m. at Blessed Seelos (St.John's) Catholic Church where friends may visit one hour prior to Mass. Interment is in Biloxi National Cemetery with full Biloxi Fire Department honors.[The Sun Herald, February 26, 2009]
Harold A. Windom
Harold August Windom was born circa 1941 at Biloxi, Mississippi to August Windom (1904-1974) and Marie Hebert (1909-1992). he graduated from Biloxi High School in May 1959. Harold married Deanna Fayard (1943-2008), the daughter of Fayard and Ibele.
Harold was named Biloxi Fire Chief with the retirement of Guy B.Roberts in January 1985.
Floyd J. Thibodeaux
Floyd John Thibodeaux married Josephine Sophie Rosetti at NBVM at Biloxi in November 1959.
David Roberts
David Roberts began his tenure as Biloxi fire chief in 1999 to March 2013. Mark Dronet named acting Fire Chief.
Joseph Boney-confirmed as Fire Chief by City Council on July 9, 2013. Mark Dronet named assistant chief on July 11, 2013.(The Sun Herald, July 10, 2013, p. A2 and July 12, 2013, p. A2)
In mid-July 2021, Chief Joseph Boney considers retirement as he believes that the Biloxi Council is not 100% in favor of his reappointment by Mayor Gilich.
On July 20, 2021 the Biloxi City Council voted not to reconfirm Boney [4-3 vote], which gave the Mayor 90 days to nominate a new fire chief. This came after a report that Boney and a supervisor at the fire department were investigated by the state auditor.
Nicholaus Geiser
Mayor Andrew “FoFo” Gilich had 90 days from July 20 to nominate a new fire chief, but he’ll submit a candidate to the Biloxi City Council on Tuesday..
Nicholaus Geiser, a 17-year veteran of the Biloxi Fire Department, is the mayor’s choice, according to the agenda for the Aug. 3 meeting. If he is approved by the council, his salary would be $85,000.
Geiser, age 41, was promoted to captain five years ago in 2016. A Biloxi native, he completed his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and business management at University of Southern Mississippi and has been deputy chief of training and city emergency manager.
Gilich also announced that Jason Earl Davis will become the department’s assistant chief. That position was held by Mark Dronet before he retired earlier this year. Davis is deputy chief for training,
On July 6, Chief Joe Boney announced his plan to retire at the end of the year after he learned that some of the council members were planning to remove him as chief. On July 20, the council voted not to reconfirm Boney, which gave the mayor 90 days to nominate a new fire chief. This came after a report that Boney and a supervisor at the fire departmentwere investigated by the state auditor.
Gilich has since notified the city that his last day on the job will be Aug. 5The council can either approve Geiser as chief, or vote against his appointment and ask the mayor to submit another candidate.
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “East End Hose Company”, October 6, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “East End”, October 8, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Prominent citizen [Philip McCabe] dead”, December 16, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Mask Ball”, December 22, 1904.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Prominent citizen [Philip McCabe]dead”, December 16, 1905.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “East End Hose Company No. 1”, September 19, 1907.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “Three Biloxi Cottages destroyed by fire”, April 26, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Back Bay Company started in 1904 grow steadily”, September 20, 1915.
The Daily Herald, “$98,000 Fire in Biloxi early Sunday morning”, May 24, 1926.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Mayor talks on Fire”, May 29, 1926.
The Daily Herald, “Sentell with City 30 years”, December 7, 1937.
The Daily Herald, “$2000 fire damage to Kress Co. store”, November 13, 1942.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Officials”, January 4, 1943.
The Daily Herald, “With Coast Men, Women in Armed Service”, September 19, 1944.
The Daily Herald, “Heavy water damage results from Biloxi fire”, October 28, 1944.
The Daily Herald, “Start repairing Biloxi fire loss”, October 31, 1944.
The Daily Herald, “New Fire Chief”, July 6, 1953.
The Daily Herald, “Assistant Fire Chief”, July 6, 1953.
The Daily Herald, “Lehman-McCaleb”, May 3, 1958.
The Daily Herald, “Three Captain promotions for Biloxi firemen”, September 27, 1958.
The Daily Herald, “Fire breaks out at Biloxi A&P; Damage is heavy”, August 26, 1959, p. 1.
The Daily Herald, “Gabrich Chief of Biloxi Fire Department”, July 3, 1961.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi names [Harold] Windom to head Fire Department", January 8, 1985.
The Daily Picayune, “”,
The Daily Picayune, “Burnt Biloxi”, June 6, 1889.
The Daily Picayune, “”,
The Daily Picayune, “”,
The Daily Picayune, “”,
The New Orleans Item, "Sunday Runaway", September 19, 1910.
The Sun Herald, “John T. Poulos Sr.”, March 22, 2002.
The Sun Herald, “Guy B. Roberts Sr.”, February 26, 2009.
The Sun Herald, “Gabriel Lehman, Jr.”, September 22, 2010.
The Sun Herald, “Fire chief’s [Joseph Boney] first emergency call at meeting confirming him”, July 10, 2013, p. A2.
The Sun Herald, “Dronet named Biloxi’s assistant fire chief”, July 12, 2013, p. A2.
The Sun Herald, “”,