Time Line

Time Line
osarep Tue, 03/23/2010 - 21:31


Biloxi, Mississippi History

17th, 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st Century Chronology of Biloxi



Commencing with the year 1682 and continuing to  present day, I have subjectively gleaned salient dates and facts relating to our local chronology from journals and other authoritative sources. 

French Colonial Period [1699-1763]

French Colonial Period [1699-1763]
osarep Fri, 04/09/2010 - 12:45




Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1643-1687) reconnoitered the Mississippi River from the Great Lakes locating its deltaic mouth on the Gulf of Mexico in April 1682.  He claimed for France the vast area between the Rocky Mountains and the Alleghenies drained by the Mississippi and all of its tributaries.  We know this territory as Louisiana, i.e. belonging to King Louis XIV of France.  La Salle called the Great River, Colbert, in honor of the French Minister of Marine.



 On February   , Pierre Le Moyne Sieur d'Iberville (1661-1706), French Canadian soldier of fortune, anchored his small exploratory fleet at Ship Island.  Canadian and French soldiers led by Iberville in the service of King Louis XIV of France, commenced the construction of  Fort Maurepas, at present day Ocean Springs, Mississippi, in early April.  Fort Maurepas was named to honor the French Minister of the Marine (Navy), Jerome Phelypeaux de Maurepas, Comte (Earl) de Pontchartrain.  Several locales in North America bear the name Maurepas or Pontchartrain:  Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain in southeastern Louisiana and Point Maurepas on the island of Michipicoten (Ontario) in Lake Superior.  The Fort Maurepas settlement was also called Biloxi for the local Siouxan Indian tribe which lived on the Pascagoula River.

Iberville and fleet departed Ship Island for France in May.  He left a garrison of seventy-six men and ten officers under Sauvolle at Fort Maurepas.





     Iberville ordered Fort Maurepas to be abandoned on December 17, 1701.



Fort Maurepas was abandoned in the early months of 1702, as Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne (1680-1768), Sieur de Bienville removed the French garrison to Dauphin Island. 



     French move Louisiana Colony government to 'Old Biloxi', now Ocean Springs.



     French move Louisiana Colony government to 'New Biloxi', now Biloxi.



     French move Louisiana Colony government to New Orleans on the Mississippi River.



British Colonial Period [1763-1780]

The Treaty of Paris often called the Peace of Paris, or the Treaty of 1763, was signed on February 10, 1763, by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Together with the Treaty of Hubertusburg, it ended the French and Indian War or Seven Years' War.[1] The treaties marked the beginning of an extensive period of British dominance outside of Europe.[2]  While the bulk of conquered territories were restored to their pre-war owners, the British made some substantial overseas gains at the expense of France and, to a lesser extent, Spain.[3] Preferring to keep Guadaloupe, France gave up New France [Canada] and all of its claims to the territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain. Spain ceded Florida to the British, but later received New Orleans and French Louisiana from France; Manila and Cuba were restored to Spain. France retained Saint Pierre and Miquelon and recovered Guadelupe, Martinique, and Saint Lucia in exchange for Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tobago going to the British. In India, the French lost out to the British, receiving back its "factories" (trading posts), but agreeing to support the British client governments, as well as returning Sumatra and agreeing not to base troops in Bengal. The British garrison on the Mediterranean island of Minorca was returned to her control, having been captured by the French at the outbreak of hostilities in Europe.  Britain returned the slave station on the isle of Gorée to the French, but gained the Senegal River and its settlements. Britain agreed to demolish its fortifications in Honduras, but received permission from Spain to keep a logwood-cutting colony there. Britain confirmed in the treaty the rights of its new subjects to practice the Roman Catholic religion[4] and received confirmation of the continuation of the British king's Hanoverian right as a Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire.


British Colonial Period [1763-1780]

British Colonial Period [1763-1780] osarep Fri, 04/09/2010 - 12:55

     The Treaty of Paris often called the Peace of Paris, or the Treaty of 1763, was signed on February 10, 1763, by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Together with the Treaty of Hubertusburg, it ended the French and Indian War or Seven Years' War.[1] The treaties marked the beginning of an extensive period of British dominance outside of Europe.[2]  While the bulk of conquered territories were restored to their pre-war owners, the British made some substantial overseas gains at the expense of France and, to a lesser extent, Spain.[3] Preferring to keep Guadaloupe, France gave up New France [Canada] and all of its claims to the territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain. Spain ceded Florida to the British, but later received New Orleans and French Louisiana from France; Manila and Cuba were restored to Spain. France retained Saint Pierre and Miquelon and recovered Guadelupe, Martinique, and Saint Lucia in exchange for Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tobago going to the British. In India, the French lost out to the British, receiving back its "factories" (trading posts), but agreeing to support the British client governments, as well as returning Sumatra and agreeing not to base troops in Bengal. The British garrison on the Mediterranean island of Minorca was returned to her control, having been captured by the French at the outbreak of hostilities in Europe.  Britain returned the slave station on the isle of Gorée to the French, but gained the Senegal River and its settlements. Britain agreed to demolish its fortifications in Honduras, but received permission from Spain to keep a logwood-cutting colony there. Britain confirmed in the treaty the rights of its new subjects to practice the Roman Catholic religion[4] and received confirmation of the continuation of the British king's Hanoverian right as a Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire.


     In June 1768, George A. Gauld (1732-1782), a Scottish cartographer and surveyor, in the employ of the British Admiralty, made a map of coastal Mississippi.  He was operating from HMS Sir Edward Hawke.  During his reconnaissance and charting of the region, Gauld made many observations about Horn Island.  He discovered that it was some sixteen miles in length, but in width no more than one mile.  Orientation was nearly east-west.  As regards to vegetation, Gauld noted that there were uneven groves of trees on the west end of the island.  The middle was characterized by dense growth, and the eastern end of the sand bar was fairly devoid of tree growth.(Ware, 1982, p.107)    


     On July 4, 1776, the thirteen American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain.


     In June 1779, Spain declared war on Great Britain.  In September, General Bernado de Galvez (1746-1786), Spanish governor of the Louisiana Territory, captured Fort Bute at Manchac, Louisiana; the English garrison at Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and accepted the surrender of Fort Panmure at Natchez.

Spanish Colonial Period [1780-1811]

Spanish Colonial Period [1780-1811] ray Sun, 04/11/2010 - 21:28



On March 14, 1780, General Galvez captured Fort Charlotte and the city of Mobile, Alabama.  The Mississippi Gulf Coast became a part of Spanish West Florida.



  In May 1781, the English at Pensacola, Florida surrendered to Spanish forces led by General Galvez.


land map



American Revolutionary War ends with Great Britain the signing of the Treaty of Paris.  America is now bounded on the north by Canada; east by Atlantic Ocean; south by Spanish West Florida; and west by the Mississippi River.



Jean-Baptiste Carquotte [Carco], settles on Biloxi peninsula.(American State Papers Vol. 3, p. 38)


Louis Fayard; Angelique Ladner Fayard, the Widow Fayard; and Jacques Mathurin Ladner settle Biloxi peninsula.(American State Papers Vol. 3, p. 38)


The Mississippi Territory was organized on April 7, 1798, from territory ceded by Georgia and South Carolina; it was later twice expanded to include disputed territory claimed by both the U.S. and Spain. Land was purchased (generally through unequal treaties) from Native American tribes from 1800 to about 1830.



The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of approximately 530 million acres (828,000 sq mi or 2,100,000 km²) of French territory on April 30, 1803, at the cost of about 3¢ per acre (7¢ per ha); totaling $15 million or 80 million French francs. Including interest, America finally paid $23,213,568 for the Louisiana territory.[1] The land purchased contained all of present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota south of Mississippi River, much of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. (The Oklahoma Panhandle, and southwestern portions of Kansas and Louisiana were still claimed by Spain at the time of the Purchase.) In addition, the Purchase contained small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The land included in the purchase comprises around 23% of the territory of the modern United States.[1] The purchase was an important moment in the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. At the time, it faced domestic opposition as being possibly unconstitutional. Although he felt that the Constitution did not contain any provisions for acquiring territory, Jefferson decided to purchase Louisiana because he felt uneasy about France and Spain having the power to block American traders' access to the port of New Orleans.



 Valentine Dorsette Richard settle on Biloxi peninsula.(American State Papers Vol. 3, p. 38)



The Republic of West Florida was declared independent of Spain in September at St. Francisville, Louisiana.  It lasted only forty-five days.



When Dr. William 'Fat Doctor' Flood, the representative of Governor Claiborne of the Orleans Territory, was dispatched to the Mississippi coast to hoist the flag of the United States in January 1811, he found the population between the Pearl River and Biloxi to be about four hundred people chiefly French and Creoles.  Dr. Flood in his report to Governor Claiborne wrote:  proceeded to the Bay of Biloxi, where I found Mr. Ladnier (Jacques), and gave him the commission (Justice of the Peace).  He is a man of excellent sense, but can neither read or write, nor can any      inhabitants of the bay of Biloxi that I can hear of. They are, all along this beautiful coast, a primitive people, of mixed origin, retaining the gaiety and politeness of the French, blended with the abstemiousness and indolence of the Indian.  They plant a little rice, and a few roots and vegetables, but depend on subsistence chiefly on game and fish.  I left with all these appointees copies of the laws, ordinances, etc.  But few laws will be wanted here.  The people are universally honest.  There are no crimes.  The father of the family or the oldest inhabitant, settles all disputes......A more innocent and inoffensive people may not be found.  They seem to desire only the simple necessities of life, and to be let alone in their tranquility.  I am greatly impressed with the beauty and value of this coast.  The high sandy lands, heavily timbered with pine, and the lovely bays and rivers, from Pearl River to Mobile will furnish New Orleans with a rich commerce, and with a delightful summer resort.  For a cantonment or military post, in consideration of the health of the troops, this whole coast is admirably fitted.

19th Century [1800-1900]]

19th Century [1800-1900]]


The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of approximately 530 million acres (828,000 sq mi or 2,100,000 km²) of French territory on April 30, 1803, at the cost of about 3¢ per acre (7¢ per ha); totaling $15 million or 80 million French francs. Including interest, America finally paid $23,213,568 for the Louisiana territory.[1] The land purchased contained all of present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota south of Mississippi River, much of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, northern Texas, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. (The Oklahoma Panhandle, and southwestern portions of Kansas and Louisiana were still claimed by Spain at the time of the Purchase.) In addition, the Purchase contained small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The land included in the purchase comprises around 23% of the territory of the modern United States.[1] The purchase was an important moment in the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. At the time, it faced domestic opposition as being possibly unconstitutional. Although he felt that the Constitution did not contain any provisions for acquiring territory, Jefferson decided to purchase Louisiana because he felt uneasy about France and Spain having the power to block American traders' access to the port of New Orleans.                                                                       



 Valentine Dorsette Richard settle on the Biloxi peninsula.(American State Papers Vol. 3, p. 38)                


The Republic of West Florida was declared independent of Spain in September at St. Francisville, Louisiana.  It lasted only forty-five days.                                                                         



 When Dr. William 'Fat Doctor' Flood, the representative of Governor Claiborne of the Orleans Territory, was dispatched to the Mississippi coast to hoist the flag of the United States in January 1811, he found the population between the Pearl River and Biloxi to be about four hundred people chiefly French and Creoles.  Dr. Flood in his report to Governor Claiborne wrote:  proceeded to the Bay of Biloxi, where I found Mr. Ladnier (Jacques), and gave him the commission (Justice of the Peace).  He is a man of excellent sense, but can neither read or write, nor can any      inhabitants of the bay of Biloxi that I can hear of. They are, all along this beautiful coast, a primitive people, of mixed origin, retaining the gaiety and politeness of the French, blended with the abstemiousness and indolence of the Indian.  They plant a little rice, and a few roots and vegetables, but depend on subsistence chiefly on game and fish.  I left with all these appointees copies of the laws, ordinances, etc.  But few laws will be wanted here.  The people are universally honest.  There are no crimes.  The father of the family or the oldest inhabitant, settles all disputes......A more innocent and inoffensive people may not be found.  They seem to desire only the simple necessities of life, and to be let alone in their tranquility.  I am greatly impressed with the beauty and value of this coast.  The high sandy lands, heavily timbered with pine, and the lovely bays and rivers, from Pearl River to Mobile will furnish New Orleans with a rich commerce, and with a delightful summer resort.  For a cantonment or military post, in consideration of the health of the troops, this whole coast is admirably fitted.



Jackson County was created on December 12, 1812 as part of the Mississippi Territory.



Mississippi entered the Union on December 10th as the 20th State of the United States of America.




September 1821 Hurricane

[The Daily Mississipian [Jackson], October 5, 1859, p. 2]



Cady [Cadet?] Lafontaine - Died, a few days past, at the Bay of Biluxi [sic], in the State of Mississippi, Cady Lafontaine, at the remarkable age of 137 years. He retained his faculties until the day of his death.[The Louisiana State Gazette, New Orleans, December 18, 1823]


Traveling from Mobile to New Orleans Jun 30, 1832
Farmer’s Cabinet newspaper, Amherst, New Hampshire

"Descriptions of Scenery in the West, from the Correspondent of the Young Men’s Advocate

New Orleans, May 1832. – Messrs Editors – 

On the morning of the 11th, I left Mobile for this place. Our road lay through the pine woods to Pascagoula, and thence through Lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain. This is the great mail route to New Orleans. The mail is carried through daily, at an annual expense of thirty-seven thousand dollars. The distance is about one hundred and sixty or seventy miles. The first six or seven miles of the road is pleasant. After leaving Spring Hill, we entered the pine woods, and left behind us all traces of civilization. There are only four or five log cabins in a distance of forty miles. For the first fifteen or twenty miles, the road appears to have never been worked. The woods are open, and wherever the road is too much cut up, or where it becomes gullied by the rain, it is only necessary to strike a new path. Sometimes a man is sent out with an axe to select the most level course, and to blaze the trees between which the future road is to pass. There is little soil; there is, however, sufficient grass and weeds growing to hide the road. No underbrush hides the view, neither is it obstructed by the branches of the pines. As you ride along, you may see far into the woods on either side. There is a beauty and wildness in the prospect which is at first enchanting; but it becomes somewhat tedious, as you see only a succession of the same objects. 

It was a mild clear morning when we entered the forest. The straggling rays of the sun, which had penetrated the matted covering above, were shining here and there, contrasting finely with the dark surrounding shades. These lights and shades were continually varying as we whirled rapidly along. The driver several times, for our gratification, would sound his hunter’s horn, which was echoed far and wide. After having passed over about twenty miles, we came to what are termed by the Spaniards, lagunes. These are low marshy spots, and sometimes valleys with running streams, the former covered, and the latter skirted, with a thick growth of underwood, which is almost impenetrable. It consists of low soft maple, and of a shrub which resembles our hazel bushes, called, in the language of this country, tight eye. (Think it must have been the titi shrub.) It is at least well named, for, to use a homely and common expression, you may as well look into a mill-stone as look into one of these lagunes. The deer, which abound, run into them to hide themselves, and to escape their pursuers. I did not see any, though I was told that frequently herds of them were seen bounding across the road at other times. There are in this part of the route some inconsiderable prairies, which are covered with a fine growth of grass, and which have a vegetable mold of six or eight inches in depth. They might be cultivated to some advantage, but the land is so much more fertile up the country, which can be purchased of government at the same prices, that few persons are disposed to settle upon this. 

The pine tract runs thirty or forty miles into the interior, and extends along a greater part of the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico. The few persons who live upon it subsist chiefly by raising cattle and hogs. We saw a small herd of cattle feeding upon the prairies.


The planters in the interior of Alabama and Mississippi raise large numbers of cattle. One of them told me that the had several thousand of them ranging through the forest. They cost nothing except a few days’ labor, once or twice a year, in collecting them together. These are exciting periods. Several planters unite, and with their slaves construct a large pen. They then separate, and drive indiscriminately into it all the cattle which they can find. They are mounted upon small, tho’ fleet Indian ponies, and can ride through the open woods with great speed. In their hands they carry the cow whip, which is composed of a short stalk, eighteen or twenty inches in length, and a lash as many feet long, terminated with a strip of half tanned deer skin. Those who are skilled in its use throw it forward and with great precision and force, and with a noise as loud as the report of a rifle. The gentlemen who I mentioned above, said that sometimes spent several days in the woods, and encamped at night, when engaged in gathering his cattle. 


Our friend R., left Mobile a few days after our arrival there, and had been spending his time at one of the log cabins in the woods, and at Pascagoula. A residence in the pine woods is considered healthy in the summer, and they are resorted to by those who live in the cities and towns, and on the low grounds. The air is dry and pure, and a journey to the north is saved. This section of pine woods about Pascagoula is becoming a place of resort for the citizens of New Orleans. The Rev. Mr. Flint, who has written a sketch of the valley of the Mississippi, thus closes one of his poetic effusions on leaving the pine woods. They had formed a little settlement, which was nightly illuminated by the blazing torches of the pitch pine. They hunted in the wood and fished in the streams. 


Pascagoula is a small place upon the banks of the bay of the same name. The settlement consists of less than a dozen houses. These are small and neat. Here the steamboat comes up which runs across the lakes (Mississipppi Sound). We went on board about dark, and the next morning found ourselves near the farther shore of Lake Bourn (Borgne). The land, in the immediate vicinity of these lakes, is low and marshy, and covered with tall rank grass. Here and there are seen little rises of ground, with clumps of trees covered with a rich and beautiful foliage. Farther back from the shore the land is somewhat higher, and is inhabited, and is said to be well timbered. We had a flotilla upon Lake Bourn in the last war, which was captured by the British after a gallant defense. Lakes Bourn and Pontchartrain are united by what the French call the Rigolet, which is a narrow, deep steam or channel, extending from one lake to the other, a distance of three or four miles. At the farther extremity of the rigolet, near Lake Pontchartrain, is situated Fort Pike. It occupies a small elevation, and is a neat, respectable fortification, garrisoned with a hundred and fifty or two hundred men. It was a fine clear morning when we entered the rigolet, and the brown walls and white sentry boxes of Fort Pike rose beautifully into view.

We soon saw into Lake Pontchartrain, and about ten o’clock arrived at the termination of the rail road which runs to New Orleans, four miles distant. It runs almost the whole distance through a swamp covered with large cypress. This rail road comes into the lower part of the city. Farther up, and parallel with it, runs the Marigny Canal, which leaves the lake at the bay on St. John, and terminates in a basin in the suburbs of the city. Still farther up is the new canal of the New Orleans Banking and Canal Company, which is not completed, and which will cost not far from half a million dollars. The trade of the lakes must be very considerable to warrant the construction of all these works. An important trade is carried on through the lakes with Mobile, Pascagoula, Mandeville, Pensacola and Apalachicola. The northern shores of the lakes will also furnish fuel and timber for the city. This trade now employs between three and four hundred vessels of the smaller size. In my next I will endeavor to give to you a view of New Orleans. 



The Picayune began publishing it newspaper at 38 Gravier Street at NOLA on January 25, 1837 by Francis A. Lumsden and George Wilkins Kendall (1809-1867).  The four page journal cost 25 cents per week or 6 1/4 cents per issue, the value of a Spanish picayune.  A three months subscription was $2.50.  By early November 1837, the paper became The Daily Picayune.  In 1914, The Daily Picayune merged with The New Orleans Times-Democrat to become The Times-Picayune.


The Alert, a steam packet based in NOLA, was stopping at Biloxi as early as July 1837.(The Picayune July 23, 1837, p. 3)


The Diocese of Natchez was established by the Roman Catholic Church on July 28, 1837.(The Mississippi Register, August 3, 1962)



In July, politicians at NOLA who overheated in the recent elections were advised to relax and enjoy a sojourn to Pass Christian or Biloxi on the Isabella.(The Daily Picayune, July 4, 1838, p. 2)


The Rene' Lameuse [1788-1883] hotel [probably the Shady Grove] at Biloxi

[The Courier [NOLA], July 23, 1838, p.3]

The above advertisement in French appeared in the captioned New Orleans journal in July 1838 and can be translated as follows: 

Public House at Biloxi

The undersigned has opened a home for the reception of those people who want to spend some time in Biloxi.  It is never neglected to render his relaxation in a nicer place on the Lake. Entertaining games and other amusements are available for people who want to visit the hotel; all is available for their convenience.  For this reason, the undersigned recommends the beautiful new house of [Rene] Lameuse.  The price will be very reasonable.

6 July                                                                   F. Fizane




Earnest H. Ogden, Esquire, member of the Natchez bar died of Yellow Fever on the 7th of October at Biloxi.  He had been to Mobile on a pleasure excursion and caught fever.  Mr. Ogden was a native of New Jersey.(The Newark Daily Advertiser, October 15, 1839)





[The Macon Intelligencer, March 21, 1840, p. 2.]


A German at Biloxi cut his throat with a razor on Sunday morning severing the wind pipe.  No physician being immediately at hand the wound was sewed up by a gentleman entirely unaquainted with surgery and it is thought that it will not prove fatal.  The cause of the intended suicide is said to be Love.(The Daily Picayune, August 25, 1840, p. 2)



Harrison County, Mississippi was formed from Hancock and Jackson County, Mississippi on February 5, 1841.


Mississippi City was established on July 21, 1841, as the Harrison County seat of government.  Biloxi's first voting precinct was in the home of Jacob Elmer. [Minutes Harrison County Board of Police 1, July 27, 1841, p. 5]


Rene Lameuse was the first Supervisor of Beat 1 representing Biloxi.  Lameuse promoted a night patrol at Biloxi which became effective on August 1, 1841.  The night patrol was headed by Peter Flanagan and his local recruits.  The night patrol was committed to preserve the peace in the village of Biloxi and to arrest free negroes and slaves that violated the 9 p.m. curfew, unless they had written permission from their master, mistress or overseer.  The curfew violators were to be punished as directed by the law. [Minutes Harrison County Board of Police Book 1, July 27, 1841, p. 5]



The road from Pt. Caddy to Henderson Pt. on the Bay of St. Louis was declared a Public RoadCharles Bellman was appointed overseer of this road from Pt. Caddy to the west line of the 1st Police [Beat] District.[Minutes Harrison County Board of Police, Book 1, March 14, 1842, p. 18]


Benjamin Holley appointed Captain of the police patrol at Biloxi.[Minutes Harrison County Board of Police, July 4, 1842, p. 26]



The American Hotel was in operation by Edward Milford of Mobile at Biloxi near Elmore's Wharf (probably Jacob Elmer's).  It was two-story edifice with a dining hall, superior cook, and good wines.(The Daily Picayune, June 9, 1843, p. 1)


In August 1843, Annette 'Manette' Fayard Leader (1791-1853) sold for $200 a lot on Pass Christian Road [1/2 acre, east and west] and 150 feet deep to the Catholic Diocese of Natchez, which would become the site of the Nativity B.V.M. Catholic Church.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 1, p. 355)



Batchelor's Hall, a tourist residence, J.B. Currie, proprietor, had a ten-pin alley attached to the building.(The Daily Picayune, July 2, 1845, p. 4)



Peter Flanagan, early Biloxi hotelier, died in 1846 at Biloxi.
In October, John Crusius (1806-1866) conveyed a lot with 1/2 arpent on the Gulf and running north for 640 feet to John Hahn (1806-1847) with provisions to cut timber on his lands to the north and to establish roads north and east of this tract.  The consideration was $2400.  The Magnolia Hotel would open here before 1850 under the proprietorship of Elizabeth Hahn (1812-1904).  Mr. Crusius from NOLA had acquired 20 arpents here in July 1845 from Mistress Cecelia Saralde? for $325.  Charles Dantonet (1806-1874), also from NOLA, had sold her this parcel in May 1836.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 3, p. 267 and Bk.   )
In October, Frederick A. Reynoir and Louise Hugon Renoir (1801-1891) sold for $40 a lot on Reynoir Street to the 1st Baptist Church of Biloxi.  Trustees for the church were: Alexander Bookton; C. Taylor; John Herrington; and J.C. Woolworth.  The Baptist Church lot had 80-feet on Reynoir Street and ran 88-feet to the west.  It was bounded on the north by the L&N Railroad.  John C. Bradford acquired this property in July 1885 for $275 and conveyed it to Pauline Trenchard Querens on NOLA in October 1885 for $450.  The Biloxi City Park was situated on this lot for many years.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 3, p. 270, Bk. 21, p. 18 and Bk. 21, p. 30)




 John Hahn (1806-1847), proprietor of the Magnolia Hotel died.


On June 22nd, John Fayard sold the Federal Government a tract of land at Biloxi to build a lighthouse.  The consideration was $600.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 3, p. 392)





[The Mississippian [Jackson], February 28, 1848, p. 5]



[The Charleston [SC] Courier, August 3, 1848, p. 2]


John W. Nixon (1782?-1849), Irish immigrant and veteran of the War of 1812, was operating the Biloxi House, a tourist home or inn, on East Beach west of Bellman Street.(The Daily Picayune, September 7, 1848, p. 1)




John McGuire who lived and operated a grist mill on the north side of the Pass Christian Road-Point Caddy Road [Howard Avenue] west of Lameuse Street died.  Mary McGuire, his widow, petitioned the Harrison County Chancery Court to sell their Biloxi property and was granted her wish in April 1849.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Minute Bk. 1, p. 179)


Madame Pradat's Live Oak Hotel was operating on Biloxi's East Beach road.


John W. Nixon (1782?-1849) died at Biloxi on June 17th.





Biloxi was incorporated on February 18, 1850.


[The Trenton [NJ] State Gazette, February 21, 1850, p. 2]


Biloxi had at least four hotels operating in the summer of 1850: The Shady Grove, proprietor John Coates; The Green Oaks of Madame Pradat; The Biloxi House operated by Adeline Copp Nixon and The Magnolia Hotel leased to Mrs. C.M. Hunt.(The Daily Picayune, June 8, 1850, p. 8 and August 1, 1850, p. 8)



First America's Cup race sailed at the Isle of Wight on August 22nd.


The Daily Picayune reminded readers that it was cheaper to vacation at Pass Christian, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Mobile Bay, and Point Clear and other nearby resorts rather than traveling North.  The following inns were available: the Pass Christian Hotel by Montogomery, at Pass Christian; Biloxi House by Nixon, Biloxi; Green Oaks Hotel, by Mrs. Pradat, Biloxi; Magnolia Hotel by Mrs.Hunt, Biloxi; Shady Grove by Coates, Biloxi; East Pascagoula Hotel by Boyd & Simpson; Point Clear Hotel, Baldwin County, Alabama; Daphne House, eastern shore of Mobile Bay; and also Cooper's Well in Mississippi.(The Daily Picayune, May 27, 1851, p. 2) 




[The Daily Picayune, February 4, 1852, p. 2]


Twenty tracts of land each having one arpent on the Gulf and being between 12 or 15 arpents deep were for sale at Biloxi.(The Daily Alabama Journal, April 26, 1852, p. 2)


Captain Fry of the steamboat, D.J. Day, will make regular semi-monthly trips between Wetumpka, Alabama and New Orleans with stops at Pascagoula, Biloxi, Pass Christian and Bay St. Louis.(The Daily Alabama Journal, May 28, 1852, p. 2)


Benjamin L.C. Wailes (1797-1852), State Geologist of Mississippi, viewed the village of Back Bay, present day D'Iberville, from Biloxi on August 27, 1852, and observed the following:  Rode in the morning, after a call from Judge Smith, to Back Bay 2 miles, which is the extension of the Bay of Baluxi (sic).  Found a steam ferry running across where it seems to be a mile in width.  The extensive brick yard of Mr. Kendall, where bricks are made on a very extensive scale from dry compressed earth by steam power, was in sight of the opposite side, about two miles distant.  A number of small craft were in the Bay, and several along the shore were undergoing repairs.  Several steam mills, which are very numerous on the Bay, for sawing pine timber, were also in view.(Wailes, 1854)



[The Cincinnati Daily Gazette, September 2, 1852, p. 2.



[The Alabama Planter, September 4, 1852, p. 6]




Batchelor's Hall, an inn, run by Sol Mills (b. 1818) was operating, at Biloxi.(The Daily Picayune, June 9, 1843, p. 1)


Yellow Fever struck Biloxi on June 29th, when it was brought to Biloxi by someone from New Orleans.  Dr. Andreas Byrenheidt (1768-1858) reported following the crisis that there were  533 cases of Yellow Fever in Biloxi, which resulted in 111 deaths.  He estimated that the population at this time was 5500 people, which included summer tourists and those fleeing the epidemic at New Orleans.(Testimony of Dr. A. Byrenheidt, M.D. in Report of the Sanitary Commission of NOLA on the Yellow Fever of 1853, 1854, p. 540)




[The Daily Picayune, August 23, 1853, p. 1]



The 1853 Yellow Fever epidemic at New Orleans killed about 10,000 of the 30,000 persons infected with the mosquito borne virus.  It earned the Crescent City the epithet "Necropolis of the South". 


In September, Frederick A. Renoir sold for $50 to the Congregation of the Hebrew Society of NOLA a tract of land on the west side of Reynoir Street.  It was to be used as a Jewish Cemetery.  Trustees for the Jewish Cemetery were: Leopold Klopman (1810-1873) and Adolph S. Marks (1791-1867) of New Orleans and Samuel Friedlander (1813-1886) of Biloxi.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 6, p. 518)



[The Daily Picayune, October 11, 1853, p. 2]




Mrs. Adeline Copp Nixon (1798-1878) gave John Moore of NOLA a one year lease for $200 on the east end of  Batchelor's Hall , a long building attached to the Biloxi Hotel.  Mr. Moore had use of the billiard table and liquors in the bar and all the furniture.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 7, p. 496)


The Hurricane of 1855 of September 15th-16th hit near Bay St. Louis, and destroyed bath houses, piers and many houses at Biloxi between its three miles of waterfront development from west of the Biloxi Lighthouse to Point Cadet.(The New Orleans Daily Picayune, September 20, 1855, p. 1 and Sullivan, p. 135)



 The Last Islands [Isles Dernieres] Hurricane mauls this seaside resort off of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana on August 11th and kills about 200 people.  According to modern estimates by the NOAA the storm was probably a Category 4 hurricane with central pressure of around 934 mb. It tied with Hurricane Hugo as the 10th most intense hurricane to hit the mainland United States.



Pierre Pascal Hugonin (1801-1857), native of France and Justice of the Peace at Biloxi, died on September 7, 1857.  He was replaced  by William H. Norberg (1829-1860+), native of Massachusetts.



Dr. Andreas Byrenheidt (1786-1858), Biloxi physician and native of France, expired on March 4th


T.H. Jenks, late of the East Pascagoula Hotel, and N.B. Cook, recently of the Biloxi House, have leased the Live Oak Hotel, formerly Nixon's Hotel.(The Daily Picayune, September 10, 1858, p. 3)



In 1859, Joseph H. Bellande (1813-1907) sold to Bishop William H. Elder of the Diocese of Natchez a lot measuring 192 x 100 feet for the first site of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Ocean Springs on Porter Avenue  for $100.


John Lynch, proprietor of the Woodbine Cottage, had space for $25.00 month-children and servants half price-table furnished with best that NOLA and Biloxi markets can provide.(The Daily Picayune, September 10, 1859, p. 3)



A reporter for the NOLA Daily Crescent aboard the steamer, Alabama, related that the wharves at it’s regular stops along the entire Mississippi coast had been destroyed by the storm of September 15, 1860.  At Biloxi, a popular citizen shared the following:  The gale yesterday was more severe than that of 1819; severe damages and real estate losses were estimated as follows: Jacob Elmer, $12,000; John Brown, $7,000; Jacob Wetzel, $5000; Rene’ Lameuse, $2,000; Gabriel Marzeau, $2000; A. Bernard, (Henley), $10,000; S. Frilonder [sic]; Mrs. Hohn [sic], $1,000; Mr. Garonza, $2000; Sol. Mills, $2000; John Colley, $2000; Mrs. Holley, $500; and Mrs. A.C. Nixon, $500.  Estimates of total losses at Biloxi were placed at no less than $30,000.  No moorings remained and the shore was a collage of ruins: homes, stores, driftwood and dry goods.[The New Orleans Daily Crescent, September 18, 1860, p. 2]


John B. Toulme (1795-1860), native of Saint Domingue, now Haiti, expired at Bay St. Louis, on August 17th.  He was a pioneer settler of this village and assisted General Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) with information on the British invasion forces in this area during the War of 1812.(The Daily Picayune, August 25, 1860, p. 2)



 The War of the Rebellion or American Civil War commences on April 12, 1861 in South Carolina.   


“The Biloxi Rifles”, Company E, 3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment, C.S.A., were sworn into State military service on May 21, 1861 and mustered in Confederate service on October 5, 1861.(Howell, To Live and Die in Dixie, 1991, p. 565)



 'The Capture of Biloxi during the War Between the States'-published October 10, 1885 and written by Major W.T. Walthall.[see reprint in The Daily Herald, June 4, 1941, p. 5]



The Civil War ends on April 9, 1865 in Virginia.



U. Cousine of Biloxi won a silver medal at the Lousiana State Fair for the best display of lemons.(The Daily Picayune, November 25, 1866, p. 2)



Captain Charles N. Walker (1821-1870), age 49 years and steamboat captain who worked between NOLA and Mobile, died at Ocean Springs on January 15, 1870.(The New Orleans Times, January 18,1870, p.6)


On October 29, 1870, the New Orleans, Mobile, & Chattanooga Railroad (Chartered 1866) completed the rail line between Mobile and New Orleans.  Rail service commenced on November 21, 1870.



The N.O.M. & C. was reorganized on April 18, 1871 and became the New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad.



 The New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad was foreclosed upon in the U.S. Circuit Court [Henry J. Gardner and Peter B. Butler v. N.O.M. & T.] for default of payment of interest on its $4 million in indebtedness to its bondholders.  The road missed interest payments due in October 1872 and April 1873.  It was ordered sold at auction in six months.(The New York Times, April 15, 1873, p. 1)



[The Weekly Clarion [Jackson, Mississippi], July 16, 1874, p. 1]


Joseph Santini (1817-1874), native of Trieste, Italy, expired on August 11, 1874 at St. Christian, Basse Pyrenees, France.  His corporal remians were interred in the St. Louis Cemetery No. 3 at NOLA in October 1874.(The Daily Picayune, August 12, 1874, p. 4 and October 17, 1874, p. 4)


[The NOLA Bulletin, November 27, 1874, p. 6]



 On January 13th, Arthur Reynoir and spouse sold Mother Mary Austin Carrole representing St. Alphonsus Convent of Mercy for $1000, a lot on the west side of Reynoir Street with buildings and improvements.  The lot had 200 feet on Reynoir Street and was 85 feet deep.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 14, p. 320)


An editorial in The Star of Pascagoula blasted the New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad as "nothing more that or less than a gang of highway robbers, entitled to as little consideration from the people as so many bandits who rob and plunder the weak and defenseless in defiance of the law.  The only remedy for these wrongs is the sale of the road.  Refuse to patronize the road, even if undergo inconvenience in doing so."(The Star of Pascagoula, May 22, 1875, p. 2)


In June, D.B. Seal, District Attorney of Hancock County filed litigation against the New Orleans, Mobile, & Chattanooga Railroad (sic?).  The plaintiffs were asking that the railroad build a draw bridge across the Pearl River.  The present bridge was blocking the East Pearl River channel, which was needed for the lumber trade.(The Star of Pascagoula, June 12, 1875, p. 3)


Peter J. Montross (1841-1897), native of Cuba, was the proprietor of the Bossell House.(The Daily Picayune, June 13, 1875, p. )


In the summer of 1875, the Shady Grove Hotel was managed by Urbain Rambaut (1832-1889), a native of France.  The hostelry was in the process of renovation and refurbishment.  Professor Knapp, a local guide with a horse and buggy, was available for fishing in Back Bay or leading local history tours.(The Star of Pascagoula, June 26, 1875, p. 1.)




[The New Orleans Republican, March 26, 1876, p. 6]



The 1st Baptist Church of Biloxi [Colored] began in 1877.  The Reverend Pleasant Gill, an ante-bellum preacher, held their first church service in an old shack near the L&N Railroad depot.(The Daily Herald, April 22, 1940, p. 5)


Captain T. Frederick Nehls (1811-1877), Prussian immigrant mariner and mail carrier, expired on March 7, 1877.


On April 1st, the New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad almost doubled it fare to $.05 per mile.  Before the passenger rate increase the cost of a round trip ticket to New Orleans from Pascagoula was $5 and to Mobile $2.  After increase, the New Orleans fare was $10 and that to Mobile $4.10.(The Star of Pascagoula, April 6, 1877, p. 1)



John Brill (1802-1878), native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvanisa and first Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi expired on June 24th at Pass Christian.  Mr. Brill was active in creating Harrison County from Hancock County and served th enew county in various political offices.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, June 28, 1878, p. 3)    


W.K.M. Dukate of Wheatland, Indiana married Linda Lienhard of Biloxi on April 27th in Biloxi.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, May 3, 1878, p. 3)      


Adeline Copp Nixon (1798-1878), native of Dover, New Hampshire, retired Biloxi hotel proprietor and widow of John W. Nixon (1782?-1849), Irish immigrant and NOLA attorney, died on June 28th.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, July 7,1878, p. 3)


James Fewell (1808-1878) native of Virginia and Postmaster at Biloxi from October 1852 until December 1853 expired on December 13, 1878.  Dr. Theruber of new Orleans acquired the Fewell place on Back Bay in October 1880.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, December 13,1878, p. 2 and October 22, 1880, p. 3)



(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 7, 1879, p. 3)


(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 7, 1879, p. 3)


Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) acquired the orange orchard of Mrs. S.A. Dorsey at Beauvoir for $5000.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 28, 1879)


The new railroad bridge will soon be finished.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, September 12, 1879)


Professor D.D. Cowan opened the Public School on 1 September.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, September 12, 1879)



In January, the residence of Dr. J.Y. Hollingsworth, near Beauvoir, was destoyed by fire.  The fire  began when a spark from the chimney fell on the roof.  Shortly the house and kitchen were burning.  Dr. Hollingswoth salvaged very little of his domiciles contents.(The Pascagoula-Democrat Star, January 30, 1880, p. 3)        


On Saturday, January 3rd, there was launched at Point Caddie a fine schooner, built by Marsh Ridgeway for Messrs. Lopez & Co., and is intended to be used in the oyster business.  She is a fine craft, and the builder deserves credit for the workmanship manner in which the craft is built.  Wine flowed freely and the launch will long be remembered.(The Pascagoula-Democrat-Star, "Biloxi Items", January 30, 1880, p. 3)


Biloxi was nearly deserted on Mardi Gras day.  The Camelia carried nearly seventy-five passengers to NOLA.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 20, 1880, p. 3)


Federal employees were removing the Biloxi Lighthouse dwelling because of its dilapidated condition.  It will be placed by a neat residence.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, March 5, 1880, p. 3)


F.W. Elmer is building a structure on the beach in front of his saloon.  It is intended for a restaurant.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, March 26, 1880, p. 3)


Biloxi's streets have been throughly repaired, a shell road has been built along  the beach, the facilities to procure, fish, oysters and meat are ample, and in fact almost anything that may be desired can be procured at moderate rates.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, March 26, 1880, p. 3)


A duel was fought near Biloxi between Captain Cain and Captain Sambola of New Orleans.  Colt pistols were used, but after an exchange of  gunfire with no one hit, the friends of the combatants succeeded in finding an amicable settle- ment and the dispute ended with a reconciliation between the warring parties.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, April 9, 1880, p. 3)


The L&N Railroad leased the property of the N.O.M. & T. Railroad on May 8, 1880. 


Messrs. Lopez & Co. have their new schooner, the Castelaro, employed in bringing oysters from outside and planting them on their bedding grounds.  These gentlemen intend to keep well supplied with oysters, and be ready to meet the demand when the trade opens again.[The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, 'Biloxi Items' May 21, 1880, p. 3]


In May 1880, Theodore M. Scheffer (1849-1884), a Prussian immigrant, opened his establishment, the Scheffer House, for guests.  It had been placed in first class condition for the season.(1880 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T9_648, p. 9, ED 139 and The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, May 28, 1880, p. 3)


Margaret Henley (1813-1880), wife of John Henley Sr. died on August 1st.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, August 20, 1880, p. 2)



In April 1881, Father Francis Janssens (1843-1897), Dutch born missionary Catholic priest, was appointed the fourth Bishop of the Diocese of Natchez.


William Gorenflo, James Mayfield, and J.D. Mayer were appointed by the Board of Supervisors to form a committee to draft an ordinance to regulate the harvesting and cultivating of oysters in Harrison County, Mississippi.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, May 20, 1881, p. 3)


On October 5, 1881, the L&N Railroad purchased all the assets of the reorganized New Orleans, Mobile, & Texas Railroad for $6,000,000.  This acquisition included the Ponchartrain Railroad which ran seven mile from New Orleans to Milneburg on Lake Ponchartrain, and the one hundred forty-one miles of track, depots, the creosote plant at West Pascagoula (Gautier), stations, station houses, section houses, rolling stock, etc. between Mobile and New Orleans. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 5, p. 299)



City of Biloxi organized its fire company on September 3rd at the Montross Hotel.  F.W. Elmer, pres.; Will C. Grant, v. pres.; P.J. Montross, treas.; Phil McCabe, foreman; Thomas P. Bachino, 1st assist.; and Frank Greveniing, 2nd assist.  Others involved: Leon Bertoli; Joe Tucei; John B. Bachino; N. Petrie; Albert Deck; Thomas McCabe; Daniel Bachino; J.M. Ritch; M.J. Grady; George H. Schrieber and N. Sullivan.(The Daily Picayune, September 6, 1883, p. 1)


Raymond Caillavet (1838-1898), Commissioner of Streets, started a work gang to open a road from Porter west to the city limits to connect with the Beach Road to Mississippi City.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 5, 1883, p. 3)



The Gulf Coast Advertiser reports that Biloxi appears to be the favorite place for Louisiana politicians.(The Daily Picayune, September 6, 1884, p. 2)


George Washington Wilkes (1854-1915) and M.B. Richmond commenced The Biloxi Herald.  Every Coast now had a newspaper except Ocean Springs and Mississippi City.  Inland there were weekly journals at Handsboro and Stonewall.(The Daily Picayune September 6, 1884, p. 2)


The Gulf Coast College was incorporated and established at Handsboro, Mississippi in September 1884.(The Daily Picayune, September 29, 1884, p. 6)



The Barataria Canning Company was founded.


Charles Turner Howard (1832-1885), father of Biloxi philanthropist, Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) and proprietor of the Louisiana State Lottery at NOLA, died on May 31st.


Mayor Jean Alphonse Bousquet (1845-1908) was elected to the Harrison County, Mississippi Board of Supervisors to fill the vacancy of John E. Morrison (1838-1911) who resigned.(The Daily Picayune August 31, 1885, p. 3)


John C. Bradford acquired the Baptist Church and lot on Reynoir Street opposite the L&N Depot in July 1885 for $275 from C. Taylor, Oscar D. Bowen, George W. Andrews and S.T. Elder, Trustees of the Baptist Church. He conveyed it to Pauline Jeanne Trenchard Querens (1861-1928) on NOLA in October 1885 for $450.  The Biloxi City Park was situated on this lot for many years.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 21, p. 18 and Bk. 21, p. 30)



The Mayor planned to veto the action of the Town Council in reducing the cost of a bar room license from $125 to $50 unless the bar keepers agree to pay $20 each towards the expenses of the Police department.(The Daily Telegraph [Monroe, Louisiana], April 28, 1886)


In the fall, Biloxi was under quarantine due to suspected cases of Yellow Fever.  No mail or freight was permitted to stop and Ocean Springs maintained 'the strickest shotgun quarantine against Biloxi'.  Mayor Jean A. Bousquet (1845-1908) left for NOLA and remained there so long that Phil McCabe was elected by the Town Council as Mayor Pro TemThe quarantine at Biloxi shut down the seafood industry here.  The Biloxi Canning Company closed its doors on 22 October and released its approximately 70 employees.  These laborers were entirely dependent upon the factory for their subsistence.(The Daily Picayune, September 4, 1886, p. 8 and October 21, 1886, p. 1, and The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 22, 1886, p. 2)


The British steamer Harbinger was the first steamship to load Mississippi yellow pine lumber at Ship Island anchorage.  By 1894, this insular port was averaging twelve landings each year to export yellow pine to South America and Europe.(The Biloxi Herald, October 6, 1894, p. 8)


Nicholas M. Benachi (1812-1886), Greek immigrant and cotton broker at NOLA died intestate on February 8, 1886, at New Orleans.  He left the following lands at Biloxi with an estimated value of $15,000.  Bounded South by the front bay or Gulf of Mexico.  East by property now owned by John Cleary.  North by Section line and West by the estate of Jacques Fayard having a front on said front bay or Gulf of Mexico of three hundred and twenty two feet-six inches running back due North between parallel lines to said section line a distance of 40 arpents more or less.  Also one lot bounded South by lands of Henry Miller.  West by property now owned by Dr. Maloney.  North by the property of Charles Fayard.  East by above described lot measuring North and South eight hundred feet, East and West.(Harrison County Chancery Court Cause No. 676, August 1894) 



The Jeff Davis Light Artillery Company was formed at Biloxi in July 1887.  Carey Holleman (1860-1935) as named Captain and 24 men were enrolled.(The Daily Picayune July 13, 1887, p. 2) 


screen shot

[TDP, July 16, 1887, p. 1]



In January, Dr. R.D. Murray was ordered by the US Marine Hospital Service at Key West, as his service at Ship Island quarantine station had expired.(The Biloxi Herald, January 21, 1888, p. 8)


The Colored Teacher's institute met in the Handsboro school house on January 14th.  The work of the 3rd institute was assigned as follows: W.A. Howard-spelling and reading; L.C. Henry-geography and history; W.P. Locker-arithemetic and grammar; J.H. Dale-natural philosophy and physiolgy. Pass Christian was selected as the next meeting place.(The Biloxi Herald, January 25, 1888, p. 8)


In February, the Mississippi House passed a bill authorizing the removal of the Ship Island Quarantine station.  It had passed the Senate earlier.  $45, 000 was appropriated for the removal project.(The Biloxi Herald, February 25, 1888, p. 8)


In January, the new Quarantine Station in the Chandeleur Islands was completed by carpenters and laborers from Biloxi and the doctor and his baggage were relocated from Ship Island to the new station.  The move resulted from the general feeling that the Ship Island quarantine station was a constant menace and cause for alarm to those living at a distance and deterred them from visiting the Mississippi coast in the summer vacation months.(The Biloxi Herald, February 15, 1888, p. 8) 


In February, Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) and Genevieve Cottraux ruled Carnival at NOLA.(The Times Picayune, February 20, 1966, p. 117) 


In March 1888, Biloxi was described as follows: Standing on the front gallery of the Montross Hotel one looking to the Gulf would see the line of unsightly bath and oyster houses, dilapidated wharves, and high piles of oyster shelves.  If the bath and oyster houses are to remain in cannot they be made neat and handsome and the large oyster piles-are they to remain and offend the eyes and noses of the denizens and visitors?  The 'passenger depot' at this place of the L&N RR is a disgrace to the town and the road.(The Biloxi Herald, March 17, 1888, p. 8)


In February, Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), Captain of the Jeff Davis Light Artillery, was been promoted to Major, 1st Battalion of the Mississippi National Guard.  Constantine Olivari (1841-1894) was elected Captain of the Jeff Davis Light Artillery in March to replace Captain Howard.  Captain Olivari received his commission from Governor Lowry in late May.(The Biloxi Herald, February 14, 1888, p. 8, March 10, 1888, p. 8 and June 2, 1888, p. 8)


The Lamar Guards, a military company of heavy artillery, was organized at Biloxi in January.  Officers were: Henry J. Meaut (1842-1934), Captain; Carey Holliman (1860-1935) 1st Lieutenant; Thomas D. Bachino (1861-1891), 2nd Lieutenant; Joseph Ott (1855-1932), Sgt.-at-Arms; and Dan MCDonald, secretary.  The officers were commissioned by Governor Robert Lowry (1831-1910) in March.  Some of the Springfield Rifles and cartridges for the Lamar Guards arrived in February.  Other founding members were: Dan Markey (1855-1900); Peter Gillen (1859-1898) M.J. Grady (1841-1898); Oscar Meaut (1859-1935); Joseph Arguelles (1865-1944); Sam Shaw; and John W. Henley (d. 1918).(The Biloxi Herald, January 21, 1888, p. 1, February 11, 1888, p. 8 and March 3, 1888, p. 8)


Raymond Caillavet (1838-1898), contractor, built a large storage house for the Biloxi Artesian Ice Manufacturing Company.(The Biloxi Herald, February 18, 1888, p. 8)


The City of Biloxi enacted a new city charter, which was approved by the State legislature in early February.(The Biloxi Herald, January 14, 1888, p. 8, February 11, 1888, p. 1 and March 11, 1888, p. 9)


The Republican Executive Committee of Harrison County, Mississippi met at Mississippi City on March 3rd.  John Lyons was the executive committee chairman.(The Biloxi Herald, February 25, 1888, p. 8)


John Walker was elected Mayor of Biloxi over William. P. Murray (1868-1895), Emile Laudner (1841-1890), and Raymond Caillavet (1838-1898).(The Biloxi Herald, March 11, 1888, p. 9)


The Biloxi Artesian Ice Manufacturing Company is now prepared to take ice orders from all along the Coast.(The Biloxi Herald, March 31, 1888, p. 8) 


In January John A. Aniello (1848-1901), Italian immigrant from Corsica and inventor, was granted a patent on a life boat by the US Patent Ofice.  In March while at New Orleans, he was advertising his patented life boat in Biloxi.  In 1900, Aniello won the gold medal, a diploma, and $20,000 for his life boat at the World's Exposition in Paris competing with over 110 over boats.  Mr. Aniello died in September 1901 at Havre, France.  He had returned to France to defend his victory after it had been challenged by his competition.(The Biloxi Herald, February 4, 1888, p. 8, March 17, 1888, p. 8 and The Daily Picayune, January 5, 1901, p. 3 and October 4, 1901, and The NOLA Item, March 6, 1913,p. 1)


The Gulf View Hotel was leased by P.J. Montross (1841-1897) of the Montross Hotel.(The Biloxi Herald, April 7, 1888, p. 8)


Hugh McCallum, watchmaker and jeweler, will occupy will occupy the new building being built by J. R. Harkness for Dr. James J. Lemon on the south part of his drugstore lot.(The Biloxi Herald, April 14, 1888, p. 8)


Nielsen's Photo Gallery which was built in March opened on Reynoir Street near the L&N Depot.  Professor Fitch, an experienced photographer, will be in charge.(The Biloxi Herald, March 17, 1888, p. 8 and April 14, 1888, p. 8)


In April, W.T. Walthall (1820-1899), Biloxi resident and veteran newspaperman, lecturer, yellow fever volunteer, who assisted  Jefferson Davis with The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, was named Consul to Demerara, now a part of Guyana in South America, by President Cleveland.  His salary was $3000 per annum. Mr. Walthall expired on May 20, 1899 in Vicksburg, Mississippi.(The Biloxi Herald, April 21, 1888, p. 1 and The Daily Picayune, May 21, 1899, p. 12)      


L&N RR erecting a freight depot and refurbishing the old building for passenger traffic with separate waiting rooms for male and female transients.(The Biloxi Herald, May 12, 1888, p. 8)


The Scheffer House has been repaired and in first class condition to receive guests.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, May 28, 1880, p. 3)


Achille J. Chiapella (1862-1936) sold his Four Seasons Hotel to the Wilkinson Brothers.  It opened on June 2nd as the Wilkinson Hotel.(The Biloxi Herald, May 26 and June 2, 1888, p. 8)


Jefferson Davis returned to Beauvoir from his cotton plantation at Briarfield.(The Biloxi Herald, June 30, 1888, p. 8)


Charles Gayarre, prominent Louisiana historian, was in Biloxi to visit the Reverend Doctor Hinsdale.(The Biloxi Herald, July 28, 1888, p. 8)


The Biloxi and Ocean Springs Yacht Club was organized through the relentless efforts of Colonel W.A. Fonda.  John D. Bachino, commodore; W.A. Fonda, vice-commodore; and T.K. Reed, secretary.(The Biloxi Herald, August 11, 1888, p. 1)


The Dunbar & Company cannery at Bay St. Louis is at a dead standstill like the Mississippi City cannery.  Biloxi canneries run and prosper.  Why can't the others?(The Biloxi Herald, November 3, 1888, p. 8)


Howard Memorial School

[Gift of Frank T. Howard (1855-1911 and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) which was built and designed by John R. Harkness & Son in 1888 for $10,000]


John R. Harkness has taken contract to build the new public school building, which was donated by the Howard family.(The Biloxi Herald, August 4, 1888, p. 8)


The Biloxi and Ocean Springs Yacht Club was organized in August.  John D. Bachino, commodore; W.A. Fonda, vice-commodore; and T.K. Reed, secretary.(The Biloxi Herald, August 11, 1888, p. 1) 


C.F. Theobald, secretary of the School Board, announced the following teachers and salaries for the 1888-1889 school year: Charles Dunbar Lancaster (1841-1922), principal-$60 per month; Mrs. Sehnhora Dodd Booth, 1st assistant-$35 per month; Miss. F.H. Walthall-$30 per month; Miss Edna Holley-$30 per month; Miss Molie T. Rodenberg-$25 per month.(The Biloxi Herald, October 6, 1888, p. 8)


New building erected between Delauney [G.E. Ohr] and Magnolia on Pass Christian Street [Howard Avenue] by John R. Harkness will be open next month as a clothing and notion store.(The Biloxi Herald, October 27, 1888, p. 8)


George G. Day, former manager of the Gulf View Hotel, left for Florida.(The Biloxi Herald, November 3, 1888, p. 8)


L&N RR with J.T. Harahan, General Manager, and an inspection party aboard made the run between Beauvoir and Biloxi at the rate of 65 1/2 miles per hour.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1888, p. 8)


Sixteen Biloxi carpenters and laborers were employed to erect the new Quarantine Station on the Chandeleur Islands.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1888, p. 8)


John Henry Keller (1830-1908), NOLA soap merchant and Biloxi real estate investor, married Martha 'Mattie Washington Silk (1853-1913)  at NOLA on November 15, 1888.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1888, p. 8)


Total enrollment in the Biloxi Public School for the year to date in 202 students.  Average attendance is 137 students.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1888, p. 8)


The Ocean View Hotel of C.F. Theobald was leased to H. Edwards and plans to open January 1, 1889.(The Biloxi Herald, December 1, 1888, p. 8)


The Tegarden Hotel at Mississippi City burned to the ground on November 26th.  It had been recently leased to Mrs. Alexander.(The Biloxi Herald, December 1, 1888, p. 8)


F.W. Elmer requested from the US Secretary of the Treasury that Biloxi be made a Port of Entry.(The Biloxi Herald, December 15, 1888, p. 8)


Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) was in town and took several photographic images of the new school house.(The Biloxi Herald, December 15, 1888, p. 8)



The Reverend Robert H. Hinsdale expired on January 9th.  He was at the Church of the Redeemer from 1883 until his demise.  On his death bed, Reverend Hinsdale requested that Harry T. Howard erect a new Episcopal Church on the beach at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1913, p. 1)


The new, modern Howard Memorial public school building on Main Streeta gift from of Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) to the citizenry of Biloxi, was dedicated on March 22nd.   It was built and designed by John R. Harkness & Son in 1888 for $10,000.(The Daily Picayune, March 22, 1889, p. 8)


Biloxi had a large fire occur in the Central Business District on June 5th.  Damage estimated at $75,000. The fire started in the Herald Building.  Major losses suffered by: Mrs. C.M. Rugge who lost two-story residence valued at $9000; Constantine Olivari (1841-1894) who lost his two-story residence, ship chandlry business, dry goods and groceries on the corner of Lameuse Street and Pass Christian Street valued at $8000; Dr. James J. Lemon lost his drug store and home worth $7500.  The Post Office building of Louis Holley was also destroyed.  Mobile, Alabama sent two fire engines on a special train, but they arrived after Biloxi firemen had the conflagration extinguished.(The Daily Picayune, June 6, 1889, p. 1)


John W. Treloar (1846-1897), described as 'boss fisherman of the Coast', and in the employ of Paul Gelpi & Sons of NOLA, candy manufacturers, left Biloxi on an extended trip to the Northwest in the interests of his employer, Paul J. Gelpi (1848-1920).(The Daily Picayune, August 19, 1889, p. 8)


Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) died at New Orleans on December 6th.  His remains were interred in the Metairie Cemetery.  His corporal remains were later interred on May 31, 1893 at Richmond, Virginia.




Emile Laudner [Ladner] (1840-1890) died at his home on Pass Christian Street, now Howard Avenue, on February 26th.  Two term Biloxi Mayor [1883-1884 and 1887-1888].  Pioneer in the seafood industry at Biloxi and founder of the Deer Island Oyster and Fish Company.  In the seafood business as early as September 1876.(The Biloxi Herald, March 1, 1890, p. 1 and The Biloxi Mirror September 9, 1876, p. 3)


Joseph C. DeLamarre (1855-1931), Town Marshal and Sanitary Inspector, began his sanitary inspections on May 1st as required by law and advised all Biloxi property owners to have their yards and closets clean to "avoid trouble". (The Biloxi Herald, April 24, 1890, p. 4)


The Knights of the Golden Eagle organized a castle at Biloxi in May with 32 members.  Judge Anthony Sambola (1836-1903) and Fred Holyland (1834-1894)  of NOLA were the officers that assited in the formation of the Biloxi chapter, the first in Mississippi.  Judge A.B. DeLamarre was appointed Deputy Supreme Chief of the State of Mississippi.(The Biloxi Herald, May 24, 1890, p. 4)


In May, the Biloxi fire companies met and decided that the annual Firemen's Parade at Biloxi would be held on September 19th, the day that the Biloxi Fire Company No. 1 was officially organized in 1883.  The Biloxi Herald nominated Phil McCabe as Biloxi's first fire chief.(The Biloxi Herald, May 24, 1890, p. 4)


The framework for the new Opera House is going up and when completed it will be the largest building in Biloxi. John R. Harkness is working rapidly for its completion.  The building contract called for the Opera House to cost $5000 when finished and furnished.(The Biloxi Herald, June 7, 1890, p. 4 and June 19, 1890, p. 4)


American Fire Company No. 3 [colored] entertained at the Baptist Church for the benefit of the relief fund.(The Biloxi Herald, June 28, 1890, p. 4)


Aleck Horn and Aleck Redon went to Pass Christian in June and persuaded 160 people to sign their pettion asking that the Customs House be removed from Bay St. Louis to Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald, June 28, 1890, p. 4)


The Howard Guards military ball and second competitive drill was held in November and was well attended.  Captain H.C. Meaut judged that Sgt. William Harkness deserved the gold medal.(The Biloxi Herald, November 22, 1890, p. 4)



The New Orleans Loan, Building and Savings Association opened a branch in Biloxi.  John Walker, pres.;  P.J. Montross, v.p.; Ernest Desporte, sec.-treas.(The Biloxi Herald, May 10, 1891, p. 2)


Lopez, Dunbar's Sons & Company advertising to buy figs.  Had agents at Grand Bay, Alabama, Scranton [Pascagoula], and Ocean Springs. (The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, June 19, 1891, p. 2)


The new plant of the Barataria Canning Company was completed in July.  H.R. Gogreve, president; Isidore Hechinger, vice pres.; H. Bentz, treasurer; Isidore Heidenheim, secretary; and H. Edwards Jr., superintendent.(The Biloxi Herald, July 11, 1891, p. 4)


The Public School had an enrollment of 264 students.  J.L. Ladd, principal; Faculty: Miss Josie Santini; Miss Melancon; and Miss Edna Holley.(The Biloxi Herald, December 26, 1891, p. 8)



The old Bellande building near the L&N depot has been demolished and the foundation is being laid for a new two-story edifice.(The Biloxi Herald, January 9, 1892, p. 8)


Weather reports at Biloxi were posted on the outside door of the US Post Office after arriving on the morning L&N train.(The Biloxi Herald, January 16, 1892, p. 4)


On March 18th, a fire of incendiary origin destroyed the sash, door and blind factory of M.L. Vazquez north of the railorad.  Loss estimated at $2000 with $1000 insurance by Phoenix. A small house valued at $400 and owned by Collier also lost.(The Biloxi Herald, March 19, 1892, p. 4)


The Biloxi Public School had an enrollment of 271 students and average attendance since December 1891 was 197 students.  J.L. Ladd, principal; Faculty: Miss Ladd, Miss Josie Santini; Miss Melancon; and Miss Edna Holley.(The Biloxi Herald, April 9, 1892, p. 2)  


On May 18, 1892, the new Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at Biloxi was consecrated to the memory of the Reverend R.G. Hinsdale by Bishop Thompson of Mississippi and Bishop Sessums of Louisiana.  Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) donated the land and building.(The Biloxi Herald, May 21, 1892, p. 1)


Another Baptist church has been organized in Biloxi and will be known as the Washington Street Baptist Church and led by the Reverend R.M. Guy.  The old ME Church building has been acquired and will be used for worship services.(The Biloxi Herald, July 9, 1892, p. 4)   


On July 26,1892, the great New Orleans philanthropist, John Henry Keller (1830-1908), himself not a Presbyterian, donated Lot 1 (50 feet by 150 feet)-Block 6 of Keller's tract to the Biloxi Presbyterian Church.  The church was located on East Howard Avenue east of the old Biloxi Public High School.  W.L. Covel (1836-1926) was contracted to erect the 'small and modest building" of the newly organized congregation. The deacons and elders of the Biloxi Presbyterian Church, among them Bemis O. Bailey (1898-1969), an Ocean Springs native, sold their property to the City of Biloxi in late December 1940, for $3659.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 28, p. 205 and The Biloxi Herald, July 2, 1892, p. 1 and July 16, 1892, p. 4)


The Biloxi baseball boys whipped the Ocean Springs Browns 24 to 1 at the Depot Green in Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald, August 27, 1892)


By September 1892, Biloxi had three fire companies:  Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, the oldest, led by F.W. Elmer; Mechanics Steam Fire Co. No. 2, led by Dr. J.J. Lemon; and the Mississippi Hook & Ladder Fire Company No. 1 under H.V Lizana.(The Daily Picayune, September 20, 1892, p. 9)


H. Eugene Tiblier Jr. (1866-1936), found a sunken French vessel in the Back Bay of Biloxi beneath the shallow water over the family oyster lease, near the L&N Railroad bridge.  Captain Tiblier hired Joseph "Pep" Suarez (1840-1912), who owned the schooner, Maggie, to assist in the salvage of artifacts from the hold of the sunken ship.  His sons, Albert Tiblier and Vital Tiblier, dove on the oyster bank during the salvage operations.  According to a report of The Pascagoula Democrat-Star of September 23, 1892, the Tiblier family recovered four cannons, swords and scabbards, some muskets, cannon balls, wooden sheaves, fire brick, iron braces, and rock ballast.


Patrick Kennedy (1845-1913) began shipping raw oysters in November as P. Kennedy & Company.(The Biloxi Herald, November 12, 1892, p. 1)


On December 23rd, Edward J. Buck, former cashier of the Manufacturers' National Bank of Pittsburg, Kansas met at the Montross Hotel with affluent Biloxians to organize the Bank of Biloxi.  $18,000 of capital stock was soon raised.  Officers of the Bank of Biloxi were: C.F. Theobald, pres; Laz Lopez, v. pres; and E.J. Buck, cashier.  Board of Directors: John Walker; W.K. M. Dukate; Nicholas Voivedich; Charles edding; O.M. Nielson; Isidore Heidenheim; Edward Glennan; and Sam Picard.[The Biloxi Herald, December 17, 1892 and December 24, 1892 and January 21, 1893, p. 4]




John Eistetter (1856-1904) began laying the foundation for a two-story building for Mr. Herbelin on the corner of Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street.  J.R. Harkness was the contractor.(The Biloxi Herald, January 21, 1893, p. 8)  


Louis Rosenthal (1851-1942), native of Prussia and editor and manager, commenced The Biloxi Blizzard in February.  Published by Biloxi Publishing Company and cost $1.50 per year.(The Biloxi Herald, February 4, 1893, p. 10)


The Bank of Biloxi was chartered on February 21st.(Harrison Co., Ms. Charter Bk. 2, p. 69)


In April, John R. Harkness (1830-1903) was contracted by Lopez, Dunbar's Sons & Co. to construct a new, five thousand dollar, 18,000 square-ft.. cannery on the former site of the old one.  Two-story, mansard towers on each end functioned as office space.(The Biloxi Herald, April 15, 1893, p. 1) 



In April, the Biloxi Milling Company, commenced operations making flour and meal.  It was founded by Missourians, Edward G. Burklin (1860-1920+), James B. 'Buck' Chinn (1857-1912), R.D. Chinn, and Mr. Brewton.(The Biloxi Herald, January 7, 1893, p. 8 and April 22, 1893, p. 1)


In April J.R. Harkness & Sons announced plans to build a steam planning and milling plant in the rear of the Opera House on Pass Christian Street and Magnolia Street.(The Biloxi Herald, April 22, 1893, p. 1)


In April, J.R. Harkness & Sons relocated the Episcopal Church from Pass Christian Street to the Beach.(The Biloxi Herald, April 22, 1893, p. 1)




[The Mississippi Leader [Brookhaven], May 16, 1893, p. 3]


In late May, the corporal remains of Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) were sent from New Orleans by a L&N funeral car to Richmond, Virginia for burial on May 31st in the Hollywood Cemetery.(The Biloxi Herald, May 29, 1893, p. 1)


The Seashore Academy, a boy's boarding school, opened with Dr. G.S. Roudebush, school master.  It was located about 1500 feet west of the Biloxi Lighthouse.(The Biloxi Herald, July 1, 1893, p. 8)


The Mexican Gulf Coast Illustrated written by T.H. Glenn of Ocean Springs is complete and being bound.(The Biloxi Herald, July 8, 1893, p. 8)


In July 1893, Jacob Elmer and William Gorenflo donated land east of Main Street on Back Bay to the Mayor and City of Biloxi for a street called ‘North Biloxi Street’.  This 40-foot thoroughfare ran 1250 feet south of Bay Street [Bayview Avenue] and turned west for about 300 feet until it intersected Main Street.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 29, p. 340)


The Columbian Exposition Edition, an eight page and eight column journal, was published by The Biloxi Herald in July.  G.W. Wilkes, publisher, and W.L. Gilbert were responsible for this splendid publication.(The Biloxi Herald, July 22, 1893, p. 1 and July 29, 1893, p. 1)


The Biloxi Canning Company is having two large barges built at the shipyard of Francis Codina at Pascagoula.(The Biloxi Herald, July 29, 1893, p. 8)


In late July, The Beach House, a new hotel on the beach, was completed for occupancy by J.R. Harkness, contractor, for Mrs. M.E. Drysdale, the owner.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 29, 1893, p. 8)


The Blizzard, a weekly newspaper, was edited and managed by Louis Rosenthal.  Cost $1.50 per year.


E.G. Burklin (1860-1931) of Vandalia, Missouri agreed to install 45 street lights of 32 candle power to the City of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald, September 30, 1893, p. 1)


The October Storm or Cheniere Caminada Storm hits near Grand Isle, Louisiana on October 1st.


The white Public school opened on October 16th with 85 boys and 75 girls.  Faculty composed of: C.D. Lancaster, principal; Miss Josie Santini, Miss Mollie Rodenberg; Miss Edna Holley, Mrs. S. Booth, and Miss Rosa Andrews.  Salaries set for teachers as follows: C.D. Lancaster-$85 per month; Josie Santini-$45 per month; and Mollie Rodenberg, Rosa Andrews, and Mrs. S. Booth $40 per month.(The Biloxi Herald, October 14, 1893, p. 1 and October 21, 1893, p. 8)


The Colored Public school was to open on the first Monday in November.(The Biloxi Herald, October 14, 1893, p. 1)


Casimir J. Harvey (1845-1904) of Back Bay [D'Iberville] commenced his ferry operation across Back Bay to Biloxi on December 2nd.  His vessel was called ‘the Shrimp’.  Captain Ed Richards took over the rope or skiff ferry and handled the oars.(The Biloxi Herald, December 2, 1893, p. 1)


The Montross Hotel installed electric lights in December.(The Biloxi Herald, December 9, 1893, p. 8)



Joseph Thomas 'J.T." Maybury [1840-1894), native of Baltimore and prominent Biloxi seafood canner, died at Biloxi on 6 January.  His internment was in the Magnolia Cemetery at Mobile, Alabama.  Mr. Maybury founded at Pascagoula, Mississippi in late October 1880, the Mexican Gulf Canning Company, which was chartered at Mobile, Alabama.  After its liquidation, he founded Maybury & Foster, another seafood cannery also located in Pascagoula.[The Biloxi Herald, January 6, 1894, p. 1]


The City Council appointed Aldermen Gleason, Dulion, and Louge to meet with land owners on Front Beach between Lameuse Street and Porter Avenue to secure 40 feet of land to build a road.(The Biloxi Herald, January 6, 1894, p. 1)


The City Council refused the petition of Casimer J. Harvey to have the exclusive privelege of a landing at the foot of Reynoir Street on Back Bay.(The Biloxi Herald, January 6, 1894, p. 1)


W.K.M. Dukate returned from Baltimore with fifty Bohemians to work the remainder of the seafood season at the Lopez, Dunbar's Sons & Co. factory.  Harry Edwards of the Barataria Canning Co. left this week also for Baltimore on business to employ about fifty people.(The Biloxi Herald, January 20, 1894, p. 8)


The Columbia, Lumberton & Gulf Railroad was recently chartered.  The railroad will tap for ninety miles some of the finest pine lands in the State.  Plans to connect with the Gulf & Ship Island RR.  at Lumberton, Mississippi.(The Biloxi Herald, January 20, 1894, p. 8)



Edward G. Burklin


The Biloxi Electric Light Company was chartered on February 3rd by Edward G. Burklin (1860-1931), Ed Glennan (1854-1933), J.W. Swetman (1863-1937), J.J. Lemon (1825-1915), Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903) , John C. Bradford (1855-1928), et al.(Harrison Co., Ms. Charter Bk. 2, p. 116)


Constantine Olivari (1841-1894), Italian immigrant merchant, civic and military leader, expired on February 2nd.(The Biloxi Herald, February 10, 1894, p. 8)


The Biloxi and Back Bay Bridge Company was incorporated on June 2, 1894. It was organized to erect and maintain a  bridge across the Back Bay of Biloxi. Incorporators: Edward Glennan; William Gorenflo; J.A. Bousquet; D.M. Mayers; W.A. White; R.V. Krohn; J.A. McCrary; C.E. Theobald; Jeff Mullholland; Laz Lopez; F.W. Elmer; S. Picard; A.M. Dahlgren; W.K.M. Dukate; J.W. Swetman; O.S. Williams; I. Heidenheim; E.G. Burklin; Frank Voivedich; H.T. Howard; J.L. Gill; J.R. Harkness; and E.W. Morrill.[The Biloxi Herald, June 2, 1894, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Ms. Charter Bk. 2, p. 186]


In late April, Chrutti's Shipyard on Back Bay launched a double-hull, ferry boat [66 feet with a beam of 26 feet] to be used to cross the Back Bay of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald, April 28, 1894, p. 8)


In May 1894, the Hygeia Ice Works, built for $35,000 and owned by the De La Vergne Manufacturing Machine Company of New York, was operating at Biloxi west of the railroad depot. The plant had the capacity to make 15 tons of ice each day with Charles McCormack was their local representative.(The Biloxi Herald, May 19, 1894, p. 8)  


The Biloxi and Back Bay Bridge Company was incorporated in June 1894. It was organized to erect and maintain a  bridge across the Back Bay of Biloxi. Incorporators: Edward Glennan; William Gorenflo; J.A. Bousquet; D.M. Mayers; W.A. White; R.V. Krohn; J.A. McCrary; C.E. Theobald; Jeff Mullholland; Laz Lopez; F.W. Elmer; S. Picard; A.M. Dahlgren; W.K.M. Dukate; J.W. Swetman; O.S. Williams; I. Heidenheim; E.G. Burklin; Frank Voivedich; H.T. Howard; J.L. Gill; J.R. Harkness; and E.W. Morrill.[The Biloxi Herald, June 2, 1894, p. 1]


President Grover Cleveland has signed the bill to approve the construction of a bridge  across the Back Bay of Biloxi.[The Biloxi Herald, September 1, 1894, p. 1]


In September, Dr. James J. Lemon (1825-1915), physician and pharmacist, was named the British vice-consul at Biloxi.  His duties were to represent the commercial and personal interest of the British Crown.  In October, he was presented the British flag in a ceremony at Ship Island by Captain Maddrell of the English steamship County of York.  A.M. Dahlgren (1856-1906), collector of customs and Dr. G.M. Guiteras, Marine Hospital surgeon were also present at the ceremony.(The Biloxi Herald, October 6, 1894, p. 8)


On October 12th,  Biloxi's Commercial District was inflicted  losses of about $75,000 when a large fire commenced in the two-story, J.W. Swetman Building on Pass Christian Street.  Big losers were: S. Picard-$25,000; J.W. Swetman-$8000; G.E. Ohr Sr.-$5000; W.K.M. Dukate-$4500; and the pottery of G.E. Ohr Jr. (1857-1918)-$3000.(The Biloxi Herald, October 13, 1894, p. 8)


In late November, Lyman Bradford opened a general merchandising store on Back Bay at the corner of Lameuse Street.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1894, p. 8)


Sumner W. Rose (1858-1947), Socialist and leader of the National Industrial Colony arrived at Handsboro with families from Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa to engage in truck farming, manufacturing and publishing.(The Biloxi Herald, November 24, 1894, p. 8)



Louis Rosenthal (1851-1942) sold The Biloxi Blizzard to Austin M. Dahlgren (1856-1906), collector of the port, in late January 1895.  The conveyance occurred without consultation from Monsieurs Edward Glennan (1854-1933) and Charles Redding (1857-1926).  These gentlemen owned the physical assets of Rosenthal’s late journal.(The Biloxi Herald, January 26, 1895, p. 8)

Mardi Gras was celebrated at Biloxi with a fancy dress and masquerade ball at the Firemen's Hall on Mardi Gras night. The Iroquois Club Club sponsored the event.(The Biloxi Herald, January 26, 1895, p. 8)  


City Ordinance No. 76 created the Biloxi Cemetery Association on February 4th.  It was composed of G. Edward Parks, pres.; E.W. Morrill, treas.; I. Heidemheim, sec.; and B.R. Clemens. Charles Berger was hired as sexton.(The Biloxi Herald, February 16, 1895, p. 4)


In February, Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Lydia Fairchild ruled Carnival at NOLA.(The Times Picayune, February 20, 1966, p. 117) 


Former City Marshal, assessor and tax collector, William P. Murray (1868-1895), spouse of Emma R. Caillavet (1871-1955), died on February 26th.(The Biloxi Herald, March 2, 1895, p. 8)     


In late February, work commenced by the G.C. Taylor & Company on the new City Hall on Main Street. When excavation began on the foundation, Mr. Taylor had difficulty finding local labor and went to Meridian and returned with eleven laborers, as only five Biloxians would work for $1 per day, the unskilled labor rate.  Most Biloxi day laborers expected to be paid $1.25 to $1.50 per day.(The Biloxi Herald, March 2, 1895, p. 8)


The Biloxi Banner, a local journal was established by W.E. Champlin (1866-1895+) at Biloxi on March 16th.  In 1892, Mr. Champlin had commenced The Mentor at Handsboro, Mississippi.(Dyer, 1895, 'Biloxi')



The Biloxi Railway was established by Dr. J.J. Lemon, president; J.C. Bradford, vice-pres.; E.G. Burklin, general mgr. and superintendent; Col. E.W. Morill, sec.-treas.; and W.H. Maybin, gen. attorney.  Laying of track was to commence shortly as cars, rails, ties, etc. had been acquired.  $8000 worth of company stock had been sold.(The Biloxi Herald, March 30, 1895, p. 8) 


'The Westbrooks', local baseball club of Ocean Springs, lost to the 'Lemons' of Biloxi 29 to 7 at Ocean Springs.  The battery for Ocean Springs was Fayard, Seeman (sic), and Katchardt (sic).  Biloxi's battery was Clark and Henley.  Clark struck out ten Westbrooks, while Seeman (sic) fanned only two 'Lemons'.(The Biloxi Herald, May 11, 1895, p. 8)


The L&N Railroad completed two new railroad stations on the east and west end of Biloxi.  The Coast train and Excursion trains on Wednesday and Sunday will stop at both places.  The L&N has named these stations as the Oak Street Station (east) and the Gill Avenue Station (west).  Local citizens suggested the names Summerville (east) and Oakmere (west), but they were rejected by the railroad.(The Biloxi Herald, May 11, 1895, p. 8)


Morris and Eaton have leased the Arcade House on the Beach and will conduct a first class hotel.(The Biloxi Herald, May 11, 1895, p. 8)


The Mississippi State Press Convention was held at Biloxi in late June.  The visiting journalists were impressed with the hospitalty of Biloxians and were taken to Ship Island, the G.E. Ohr Pottery, a terrapin farm, canneries, and Beauvoir. Additonal entertainment was provided by the Iroquois Club and the Business Men's League and a fireworks display.(The Biloxi Herald, June 25, 1895, p. 5)


Henry Fleger, manager of the Biloxi Broom factory, related that broom corn grown on Back Bay was superior in many ways to Tennessee broom corn.  He had an exhibit of brooms made with the locally grown corn.(The Biloxi Herald, August 24, 1895, p. 8)


Horse drawn street cars began running on Reynoir Street to the Back Bay in early September.(The Biloxi Herald, September 7, 1895, p. 8)


Harriet A. Rodenberg (1822-1895), widow of John N. Rodenberg (1821-pre 1870), expired in early Ocotber.(The Biloxi Herald, October 5, 1895, p. 8)


Nicholas Voivedich (1821-1895) was born at Mahon on the Spanish isle of Menorca and died on November 10th. Voivedich had married Clementine Carco (1820-1916) and became a well-known Biloxi businessman and real estate owner.  His most prized real estate in Biloxi was the block bounded by West Howard, Reynoir Street, Fayard Street and the Sisters of Mercy Convent-all south of West Howard Avenue.  He also owned a large tract of land with 188 feet on Back Bay and running south to Division Street which was acquired in August 1856.  It was adjacent to what became Back Bay Park.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 855-1895 and Land Deed Bk. 7, p. 729)  



In January, Governor Anselm J. McLaurin (1848-1909) began his four year term as Mississippi’s chief executive.  His term ended January 1900.



Florian Seal (1853-1927) opened the Gulf Coast Real Estate Agency in the Biloxi Herald building in March.(The Biloxi Herald, March 7, 1896, p. 8)


The Back Bay School ended its four month term in February with an enrollment of fifty-seven students.  Average attendance was thirty-three because the 3rd Reader Class was transferred to the Central School.  Senhora D. Booth, principal.(The Biloxi Herald, March 7, 1896, p. 8)


Marshal Joseph C. DeLamarre (1855-1931) resigned his post effective March 15th.(The Biloxi Herald, March 7, 1896, p. 8)


Peoples' Bank of Biloxi established in March.  C.F. Theobald, pres.; Ed Glennan, vice pres.; and C.E. Theobald, cashier.   Mosler Company will supply the safe.(The Biloxi Herald, March 7, 1896, p. 8)



       Captain John H. Miller 

Captain John H. Miller (1847-1928) assumed editorial control of The Biloxi Herald on October 31, 1896 from George W. Wilkes (1854-1915).  Captain Miller left the journal on May 1, 1898 when the co-partnership, G.W. Wilkes & Company, was dissolved leaving G.W. Wiles sole owner of The Biloxi Herald.(The Biloxi Herald, June 11, 1898, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, April 23, 1928, p. 2)


New City Hall dedicated in late April.(The Biloxi Herald, April 25, 1896, p. 1)


Bernard Picard (1853-1896), Jewish merchant, native of Alsace and proprietor of Picard's Emporium, died on May 23rd.(The Biloxi Herald, May 23, 1896, p. 8)


Construction on Pass Christian Street [Howard Avenue] was well underway by mid-year.  The Lazaro Lopez residence is almost complete, John Eistetter's new brick building is rapidly under construction; on 24 July, Mechanics Fire Company No. 2 will dedicate their new firehouse; Dr. Saucier is completing his wood-framed structure and the Herbelin warehouse in its final stages; the McCabe Building on the NW/C of Lameuse and Pass Christian Street will be removed for the erection of the new, two-story, Roman brick of the Peoples Bank.[The Biloxi Herald, July 18, 1896, p 1]

The City of Biloxi changed the name of Pass Christian Road to Howard Avenue by Ordinance No. 98, passed on August 5, 1896.(The Biloxi Herald, August 8, 1896, p. 1)


W.T. Harkness [1869-1941] was awarded the contract to build the new Peoples Bank Building on the N/W corner of Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street.  The winning Harkness' bid was $6725 beating John Eistetter by a several dollars.(The Biloxi Herald, August 22, 1896, p. 8)


Eistetter & Kelly were awarded the contract to build a home for C.F. Theobald on the Beach and Main Street.  Cost was to be about $5000.(The Biloxi Herald, August 22, 1896, p. 8)


On September 9, 1896, Lazaro Lopez, William Gorenflo, Daniel A. Nash, John C. Bradford, Raymond Caillavet and J.B. Lemon, Aldermen of the City of Biloxi, filed a libel suit in the Circuit Court of Harrison County, Mississippi against H.S. Evans, editor of the Biloxi Review and local correspondent for the Daily Picayune, and the following stockholders of the journal: Edward Glennan, Louis E. Gill, Charles Redding, W.P. Henley, and E.C. Joullian.  The litagation alleged that an editorial by Mr. Evans damaged the character of these well known Biloxi citizens.  The plaintiffs were seeking $20,000 in damages from the defendants.(The Biloxi Herald, September 12, 1896, p. 1) 


R.D. Lamont, two-month, employee of The Biloxi Review, published by H.S. Evans, severed his relationship with the journal and returned to Montgomery, Alabama.(The Biloxi Herald, September 12, 1896, p. 8)


A.O. Burdin Sr. (1845-1901), ice dealer, was appointed by Governor Anselm J. McLaurin (1848-1909) as Alderman 2nd Ward replacing George W. Wilkes (1854-1915) who resigned before moving from the ward.(The Biloxi Herald, September 26, 1896 ,p. 3)


CSA Brigadier General Joseph Robert Davis (1825-1896), nephew of CSA President Jefferson Davis died at Biloxi on September 15, 1896.  His corporal remains interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery.  Margaret Green Davis (d. 1939), his spouse and Biloxi US Postmaster from March 1889 until 1897 died on January 15, 1939.(The Biloxi Herald, September 19, 1896, p. 1)


John A. Sutter, water well engineer, found a porous aquifer at 470 feet while digging a water well for Monsieurs White, Neville, Parsons, Venus, Carraway, Nash, Miller, and others.  The well tested at the rate of 75 gallons per minute through a 2 1/2 inch pipe on the lot of Mr. White.(The Biloxi Herald, November 7, 1896, p. 8)


In November, the Back Bay Artesian Water Company was chartered by John Bradford, Arthur Reynoir, Mrs. A Richards, and Sam D. Shaw.(The Biloxi Herald, November 28, 1896, p. 8)


Captain John H. Miller mortally wounded Jules Soule, editor of The Biloxi Review on December 7th.(The Biloxi Herald, December 12, 1896, p. 8)


The People's Telephone Company of Biloxi was chartered in December by W.K.M. Dukate, Ernest L. Doyle, J.D. McKie, W. A. White, John Walker, and Ed Glennan.(The Biloxi Herald, December 5, 1896, p. 8 and The Daily Herald, November 17, 1948, p. 7)


On Christmas Day, the first horse races were held at the Gulf View Baseball Park and Race Track. The race track was built 40 feet wide and not to interfere with the baseball field.  It was 1/3 of a mile plus 40 feet in length with the finish in front of the grandstand whether the race was 1/4 mile or 1/3 mile.  It could also be adapted fro bicycle racing.(The Biloxi Herald, December 5, 1896, p. 8 and December 26, 1896, p. 8)



The People’s Telephone Exchange held its organizational meeting at Biloxi on January 6, 1897.  The company expected to be stringing lines and operating shortly.  Officers elected were: John Walker, pres.; John Carraway, sec.-treas.; and Ernest L. Doyle, general manager.  Board of Directors: Ernest L. Doyle; John Walker; Daniel A. Nash; W.K.M. Dukate; J.B. Chinn; J.C. Clower; J.D. McKie; W.H. Murphy; and John F. McCormick.(The Biloxi Herald, January 9, 1897, p. 1)


Dr. Anthony P. Champlin (1839-1897) died at Biloxi in early March.  He had been a quarantine physician for several years and at the time of his demise was in charge of the Cat Island Quarantine Station.(The Biloxi Herald, March 15, 1897)


Peter Joseph Montross (1841-1897), proprietor of the Montross Hotel died at Biloxi on March 27, 1897.  His corporal remains were sent to New Orleans for internment in the vault belonging to the Army of the Tennessee.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 3, 1897, p. 8)


John R. Harkness (1827-1903) has the contract to erect the residence of John C. Carraway (1873-1931) and William P. Burke (1858-1924) will build the house of Dr. Daniel A. Nash (1858-1904).  Both structures are on the beach.(The Biloxi Herald, April 3, 1897, p. 1)


The Iroquois Club, a men's social was organized in April with Phil McCabe, president; J.J. Kennedy, secretary; and Louis E. Gill, treasurer.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1897, p. 8)


The Biloxi Business League was created on April 21st.  W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916), president; E.W. Morrill, vice president; J.P. Chinn, treasurer; and William F. Gray, secretary.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1897, p. 8)


Dr. Hyman McMacken Folkes (1871-1926) came to Biloxi to from Jackson to accept the post of Quarantine Officer at Ship Island.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1897, p. 8)


William C. Morgan and son leased the Montross Hotel in early May.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 8, 1897, p. 8)


John H. Miller (1847-1928), editor of The Biloxi Herald, was found not guilty in the manslaughter of Jules Soule.(The Biloxi Herald, July 3, 1897, p. 1)


Dan Markey replaced Arsene O. Bourdon Sr. as Biloxi's Fire Chief.(The Biloxi Herald, August 7, 1897, p. 1)


There were four new cases of Yellow Fever reported at Biloxi with no deaths.  Dr. Juan Guiteras (1852-1925), government Yellow Fever expert, examined twenty-eight fever cases at Ocean Springs and reported that twenty-five were dengue fever and that he was unsure of the cause of the three others.(The Daily Picayune, September 9, 1897, p. 1) 


John Stevenson Parkhurst (1829-1897) and Caroline Boardman Parkhurst (1832-1897), spouse, were murdered at their Back Bay Biloxi residence 'Parkhurst' on October 21st.  'Parkhurst' consisted of 120.81 acres comprising Section 20, T7S-R9W.  It was acquired in September 1882 from Jacob Elmer and sold for $1600 to T.P. Dulion in August 1899 by Stephen L. Parkhurst and Emma McMeekin, sole heirs of John S. Parkhurst.(The Biloxi Herald, October 23, 1897, p. 1, October 30, 1897, p. 8, January 15, 1898, p. 5 and Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 19, p. 88 and Bk. 42,pp. 516-517)



The Gulf View Baseball Park has been dismantled and is now a thing of the past.(The Biloxi Herald, January 15, 1898, p.8)


Raymond Caillavet (1838-1898), former Mayor, treasurer, councilman, and street commissioner, expired on February 16th.(The Biloxi Herald, February 19, 1898, p. 5)


The Spanish American War began on April 21st.


Harry G. Gibson (1870-1898), probably a native of New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, was indicted on January 17, 1898 by a grand jury of the Circuit Court of Harrison County, Mississippi.  He was was hanged at Mississippi City on July 16, 1898 for the murder of John S. Parkhurst (1827-1897) and Caroline F. ‘Carrie’ Boardman Parkhurst (1832-1897).  He was the first person ever legally killed for a crime in Harrison County, Mississippi.(The Biloxi Herald,  January 22, 1898 and July 16, 1898)


Laz Lopez (1850-1903) has a new residence on East Howard Avenue that is a conspicuous ornament.(The Biloxi Herald, May 18, 1898, p. 8)


Captain John H. Miller (1847-1928) left the journal on May 1, 1898 when the co-partnership, G.W. Wilkes & Company, was dissolved leaving G.W. Wilkes sole owner of The Biloxi Herald.(The Biloxi Herald, June 11, 1898, p. 1)


Mr. Saucier's mare beat Fannie, the mare of T.P. Dulion, by half a neck at the race track.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 25, 1898, p. 8)


The Quarantine Board of Mobile County were visitors  to Scranton [Pascagoula] to inspect the quarantine plant at Cat Island, and found it suitable, to make arrangements for its removal to Mobile Bay.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 16, 1898, p. 8)


The Biloxi Herald became a daily newspaper on August 16, 1898 and called The Biloxi Daily Herald.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 16, 1898, p. 1)


John C. Krohn Jr. resident of North Biloxi harvested 4000 pounds of upland rice from three acres.  His production and shipping cost of the grain was $27 and he calculated a profit of $63 from his three acres.  Krohn related that perhaps a hundred or more farmers north of Back Bay might grow rice, if the Biloxi Roller Mill Company managed by J.B. Chinn would install a cleaner.  Chinn avered that the mill would install a cleaner if a sufficient rice crop was grown by local rice growers.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 7, 1898, p. 4)


The City of Biloxi received three new public school buildings on September 6th.  The Forest Park School on Porter Avenue was given by Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903) and Julia Dulion Lopez (1857-1918).  The Back Bay Ward School was donated by W.K.M. Dukate and William Gorenflo.  It was situated on Main Street and Back Bay.  Mayor Harry T. Howard gave the City a primary school building on the corner of Main Street and Water Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 10, 1898, p. 4)


The Telephone Company at Biloxi had its central office connected with Ship Island on September 26th.  Messages were received at Ship Island by Captain Dan McCall and delivered to the appropriate party.  The cost was $.50 to call a vessel in the Ship Island anchorage and $1.00 to contact a person at the Quarantine Station.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 27, 1898, p. 4)



The Cemetery Association decided on January 4th, to remove the bridge between the old and new cemetery and lay tiling, fill in with shell and make a good roadway where the bridge now stands. The ground recently purchased by the Cemetery Association has been laid off into lots and the plat was presented to the Association last night.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 5, 1899, p. 8)


Marshal Mosley and Officer McKinley captured 10 white crap shooters at Point Cadet yesterday.They pleaded guilty in court and were fined $5 and court costs.  Marshall Mosely had started to break up gambling in Biloxi without regards to who indulges in it.  Stir clear of alluring cards and fascinating bones, if you do not want to appear in city court.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 17, 1899, p. 8)

T.J. Rosell of the firm of Gill, Rosell & Company purchased the entire plant of the Biloxi Manufacturing Company.  Mr. Rosell stated he is authorized to receive all accounts due the firm of Gill, Rossell & Company.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 11, 1899, p. 1) 


Captain John Johnson of Ocean Springs was probably the heaviest loser of anyone in town from the cold.  A few days previous he had purchased 700 barrels of oysters at fancy prices, all of which froze, entailing a loss of nearly $800.  To make matters worse, orders for oysters have been pouring in all week which cannot be filled.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 21, 1899, p. 8)


Mary A. Andrews (1848-1900+), a widow, planned to open the new Breslow  Hotel on June 1st.  The commodious structure was built by John Eistetter.  Mrs. Andrew planned to furnish the modern Breslow Hotel with new furniture.  She had operated the Bay View Cottage for many years.  Mrs. Andrews was an excellent caterer.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 25, 1899, p. 8)


Florence Crofton Duncan (1871-1952) of Biloxi left NOLA aboard the steamer, Aransas, for Havana, Cuba with eight women, three from Long Beach, Mississippi, to care for the sick in U.S. Government hospitals there.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 15, 1899, p. 8)


Mayor Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) resigned his office in early September and was replaced by Dr. Daniel A. Nash (1858-1904), Alderman Ward III, who was appointed to the office by Governor McLaurin on September 5th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 1, 1899, p. 8 and September 9, 1899, p. 1).


Enrollment in the Biloxi Public white schools for 1898-1899 was 553 students [300 females and 253 males] and 100 students [61 females and 39 males] for the colored school.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 9, 1899, p. 1)


Jackson Herndon Owings was named Biloxi Public School superintendent and principal with a salary of $120/month.  J.A. Burns headed up the colored school and paid $40/month.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 9, 1899, p. 1)


The Gulf View Park was active with horse racing as the steeds of A.M. Dulion, Felix Borries, John and William Kennedy, Bud Holliman, Joe Aiken, and Mr. Henley competed.(The Biloxi Herald, November 10, 1899, p. 8)


In November 1899, Lopez & Dukate advertised for fifty boats to fish on the oyster banks and pay oystermen 40 cents per barrel of oyster.  They would pay for fifty boats to transport oysters from the reef to the factory wharf for 40 to 50 cents per barrel. The factory also sought one hundred oyster shuckers.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 10, 1899, p. 8)


The Biloxi Benevolent Association was founded on January 11th.      
The L&N Railroad bridge at Pascagoula was out of service.  Passengers, mail and express were transferred, but not freight.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 27, 1900, p. 8)
The incipient 'Biloxi Yacht Club' held a regatta on August 17th and August 18th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 21, 1900, p. 8)
John Eistteter, contractor, related that the new fountain to be set up in front of City Hall has arrived and will be built in a few days.  The ornamental fountain to be erected at Lameuse Street and Howard has not been received.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 4, 1900, p. 8)
After many delays, paving contractor, Charles D. Budd [1864-1930] of St. Louis, began brick paving Reynoir Street  from the L&N Railroad to Howard Avenue and eastward toward Nixon Street.(The Biloxi Herald, September 4, 1900, p. 8)
Captain Ernest Desporte collected $110.15 to be sent to the Mayor of Galveston, Texas  for the relief of hurricane victims in the September 1900 Galveston Hurricane.(The Biloxi Herald, September 14, 1900, p. 8)
Thompson & Eistetter, architects and builders, awarded $10,000 contract to erect a new Gothic-style, Baptist Church of brick and stone at Lameuse and Jackson.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 5 , 1900, p. 8)
Mayor Daniel A. Nash (1858-1904) announced that $17,435.48 had been deposited in The Bank of Biloxi for the new bridge across Back Bay.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 5 and October 6, 1900, p. 8)
Joseph W. Swetman (1863-1937), president of the Bryan and Stevenson Club of Biloxi returned from the National Association of Democratic Clubs at Indianapolis.(The Biloxi Daily Herald,  October 6, 1900, p. 8)
The Biloxi Daily Herald noted that, "one of the greatest needs of Biloxi is a new school house for Colored children."  It recommended that the city government build an adequate school house to cost about $300 on a tract owned by the Colored community of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 30, 1900, p. 8)       
Bradford's 'Bus', which made regular trips from City Hall to Joullian's Factory via Reynoir Street commenced on November 1st.  Fare five cents.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 9, 1900, p. 1)      
On November 9th, the Great Biloxi Fire started in the rear of Kennedy's Saloon near the L&N Depot on Reynoir Street.   The large conflagration devastated about ninety commercial and residential structures south of the Kennedy Hotel to the front beach.  Damages estimated at about $600,000.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 9, 1900, p. 1)
Joseph W. Swetman (1863-1937), defeated F.W. Elmer (1847-1926) for Mayor of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 12, 1900, p. 1)
The 1900 population of Biloxi taken by the US Federal Census was announced as 5467 people.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 16, 1900, p. 1)

[The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 7, 1900, p. 5]

ray Fri, 04/09/2010 - 15:43

20th Century (1901 - 1950)

20th Century (1901 - 1950)
osarep Mon, 12/31/2012 - 14:09

Biloxi, Mississippi entered the 20th Century with hope and opportunity.  The City was recovering from the Great Fire of November 1900, which particularly devastated Reynoir Street from the L&N Depot to the Front Beach.  By January 1901, construction was pervasive in the blackened area of the City.  As The Biloxi Daily Herald related: "the district between the Railroad and Reynoir Street will soon have done the 'Phoenix' and been redeemed from the 'burnt district.'  The seafood industry was unharmed by the Great Fire and continued to grow as refrigeration and rapid transportation to distant markets improved.  The introduction of the motorized trawler eventually replaced the 'Biloxi Schooner'.

Thompson & Eistetter, architects and builders, were awarded the contract to erect the Kennedy Hotel on Reynoir Street and Railroad.  Their bid for this two-story, brick structure was $8610, the lowest submitted.  The highest submitted bid was $11,314(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 2, 1901, p. 8 and January 3, 1901, p. 8 and )
The new Baptist Church is being built by Thompson & Eistetter, architects and builders.  The Reverend Dr. Searcy is in residence.[editor note: This structure was on Lameuse Street and Washington Street(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 6, 1901, p. 8)
The foundation of the L. Lopez Co. , situated on Reynoir Street and Howard Avenue, commenced on January 10th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 10, 1901, p. 8)
W.H. Maybin has let contract for a $3500 residence on the beach near Porter Avenue.  Mr. Maybin and family moved into their new residence in early May 1901.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 11, 1901, p. 8 and May 5, 1091, p. 8)
In January, a large seafood cannery, was commenced at Gulfport.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 12, 1901, p. 8)
Sadie Stilphen Harkness (1873-1951) circulated a petition in Biloxi for organizing a chapter of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 8, 1901, p. 8)
In May, C.S. Jackson of the Detroit Photo Company made color images of Biloxi landmarks: Beauvoir, Light House, and interior of the G.E. Ohr pottery.  Exhibition of these held at the Montross Hotel in February 1902.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 25, 1902, p. 8)
In early April, the erection of the new L&N depot at Biloxi was finished except for decorating and painting and was expected to open in two weeks.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 3, 1901, p. 8)


The new, two-story L. Lopez & Co. building on Reynoir and Howard opened in late April.  Theo Brune (1854-1932), NOLA architect.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 27, 1912, p. 8)

P.J. Gillen and Bert C. Gillen, contractors, left for Birmingham in early May.  They had been in Biloxi since October 1901 erecting the Bolton Building at 138 West Howard Avenue for Dr. Walter T. Bolton (1859-1923).  Dr. Bolton had his offices and residence here until about 1920 when the family relocated to West Beach and Porter Avenue.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 28, 1901, p. 8, March 20, 1902, p. 8 and May 9, 1902, p. 8)      

In June, work was commenced by Contractor Owens on the Biloxi Yacht Club in the front of the Montross Hotel with the demolition of bath houses and other structures.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 12, 1901, p. 1)
The Biloxi Yacht Club was chartered in July.  John Carraway (1873-1931), president; John J. Kennedy (1875-1949), vp; Headley F. Sawford (1858-1930+), sec; Will T. Griffin (1879-1932+), asst. sec; and Byrd Enochs (1875-1940), treasurer.(The Biloxi Herald, July 10, 1901, p. 1)
Sam Braselton started the Gulfport News in late July.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 28, 1901, p. 8)
On July 31, 1901 the Bridge Committee of the City of Biloxi consisting of Percy L. Elmer, James B. Chinn, and Ed Glennan examined the Back Bay Bridge structure and found the workmanship of the Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Company very excellent.  They recommended to Mayor Swetman that the bridge be accepted.  The formal opening of the bridge was August 3, 1901 and marked the termination of the public ferry system across the Back Bay of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, Augsut 1, 1901, p. 1, August 3 and August 4, 1901, p. 1)

Monsieurs Kennedy and Benachi granted the City of Biloxi a deed to Benachi Avenue which ran from Howard Avenue to  West Beach Street. The grantors reserved "the riparian rights on the front and also stipulated that none of the magnificent trees with which the avenue is lined on both sides shalll be injured or destroyed.[The Biloxi Herald, August 5, 1901, p. 2] 


The court awarded Miss Louise Crawford $176,86 for the cutting of four trees.  Additional costs were estimated as high as $75.[The Biloxi Herald, August 5, 1901, p. 2] 
Category II Hurricane strikes Mississippi Coast near Pascagoula, Mississippi on August 15th.(Charles L. Sullivan, 2009, p. 163)
Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910), City marshal, expects to take possession of his new house on Howard Avenue.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 1, 1901, p. 8)
Ole Thompson (1874-1944) was awarded the contract to build a new home on the beach for Mr. Charlton.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 1, 1901, p. 8)
In 1902, the S.S. Bullis Company successfully dredged the channel between Ship Island and the main terminal at Gulfport.  The Trojan, a sailing vessel, was the first ship to dock at the new port on January 6th.  The Hirundo was the first steamship to land here on November 5, 1902. (The Daily Picayune, August 19, 1904, p. 1)
There were 681 students registered in the Biloxi Public schools in January 1902.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 8, 1902, p. 8)
In January, Thomas Bendelow (1868-1936), a Scotsman in the employ of A.G. Spaulding & Sons of Chicago, arrived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and built two golf courses at Pass Christian and one at Biloxi on the J.H. Keller (1830-1908) property between Lee Street and Keller Avenue and north of the L&N Railroad.  The Biloxi course was nine-holes and only 1941 yards long and referred to as Keller's Green.(The Daily Picayune, January 12, 1902, p. 4 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 15. 1902, p. 1 and January 29, 1902, p. 8)
The Bowers Bill, introduced by Eaton J. Bowers (1865-1939) of Bay St. Louis, was crafted for the conservation of the Mississippi oyster industry, passed in the State Legislature.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 6, 1902, p. 1)
Contract for the NBVM Catholic Church was let to J.F. Barnes & Co. of Greenville and Biloxi for $15,558.  Brick structure 132 feet by 55 feet, 60 feet tall, and bell tower 140 feet tall.  Architect Theo Brune (1854-1932) of NOLA.  Bid did not include: overhead ceiling, plastering, and wainscoting.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 7, 1902, p. 1)
In May 1901, C.S. Jackson of the Detroit Photo Company made color images of Biloxi landmarks: Beauvoir, Light House, and interior of the G.E. Ohr pottery.  Exhibition of these images held at the Montross Hotel in February 1902.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 25, 1902, p. 8)
The $125,000 Federal Building, a post office, customs house, and Federal court, for Biloxi was approved on June 6th.(The Biloxi Herald, March 31, 1908, p. 1)
Joseph E. Combel Hardware Store
[Founded at Biloxi in May 1902 by Joseph E. Combel (1853-1938), native of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, on left in image. Uriah S. Joachim (1888-1977) et al acquired the business on West Howard and Magnolia in March 1918.  Mr. Joachim became sole proprietor in 1948 and renamed the enterprise Combel's Merchandise Mart. Courtesy of Donna Maria Wagner Wallace-Scotia, New York]
Florestile Boullemet Howard (1824-1902), native of England, and mother of Biloxi philanthropist's Frank T. Howard(1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), expired on April 28th.
The Summer Pavilion, a public recreational facility situated in the water between Reynoir and Croesus Street, opened on June 18th.  It was 104 feet by 40 feet with a lofty roof and an awning on its perimeter.  Dances were held on Tuesday and Friday.  Charles M. Wilkes was the manager.(The Biloxi Herald, June 14, 1902, p. 8)
Reverend J.B. Brooks of the Israelite M.E. Church and his committee planned to submit to the Biloxi City Council on July 1st, a petition signed by residents in the vicinity of Main Street and Division Street protesting Sunday baseball games by Black players.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 2, 1902, p. 1)  
TheBiloxi Sanatorium was chartered in June by Dr. H.M. Folkes (1871-1926), Harry Turner Howard (1856-1930), W.K.M. Dukate, (1852-1916), Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903), Dr. M.C. Talbot, and James H. Neville.(The Biloxi Herald, July 5, 1902, p. 2) 
The corner stone was laid on November 27th for a new school building on Point Cadet financed by Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), philanthropist.(The Daily Herald, November 26, 1902, p. 6)
The Mississippi State Oyster Commission was organized on September 1, 1902.  Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910), native of Kemper Co., Mississippi and two term Biloxi Marshal and former policeman at Meridian, was the Chief Oyster Inspector from 1902 until his demise in November 1910.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1910, p. 1)
The Biloxi Electric Street Railway & Power Company was charted on December 17th by J.M. Bell, John Carraway (1873-1931), E.C. Joullian (1863-1931), Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903), W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916), et al.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 5, p. 339)
In February, The Biloxi Review was led by J.D. McKie, editor and publisher.(invoice in Harrison Co., Ms. Chancery Court Cause No. 899)
The Biloxi club football team was called 'the Buffaloes' and had an average weight of 137 pounds.  They played club teams from Pensacola and Mobile.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 10, 1903, p. 8)
Varina Howell Davis (1826-1906) sold Beauvoir to the Sons of Confederate Veterans of Mississippi for $10,000.  The formaltransfer occurred at Jackson, Mississippi on February 1st.  The Daughters of the Confederacy allocated $3000 to furnish the historic home.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 4, 1903, p. 6)
On March 11th, Reverend William C. Lindsay, Presbyterian minister, departed Biloxi for a new pastorate at Ocala, Florida.  He had come to Biloxi circa 1901 and was active with the local golf club and football squad..(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 10, 1903, p. 6)
By mid-March, the Gill Avenue railroad station was under construction by T.J. Rosell.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 16, 1903, p. 6)
Charles Owens began erecting a residence for J. Barker Harrison of NOLA on Bienville, west of the Seashore Campground.(The Biloxi Herald, April 1, 1903, p. 6) 
Nativity B.V.M. the Catholic church, got electric lights in early April.(The Biloxi Herald, April 2, 1903, P. 6)
Contracts were let by the Biloxi Electric Street Railroad Company for six miles of track, rolling stock and rails, and for the power house to be erected on Lameuse Street.  J.Z. George of NOLA surveyed the route in early April.(The Biloxi Herald, April 15, 1903, p. 6 and April 3, 1903, p. 6)
The first baseball game of the season was arranged between the Biloxi nine and that of Bond, Mississippi.  The winner got $50 and the gate receipts.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 8, 1903, p. 6)
George W. Dunbar of NOLA was in town to inspect the Olga, a 65-foot, pleasure and working schooner, built for him at Johnson's Shipyard.(The Biloxi Herald, April 16, 1903, p. 6)
On April 15th, a$70,000 fire at NOLA's West End destroyed houses, hotels, barrooms, expensive yachts and the boat house of the Southern Yacht Club.(The Biloxi Herald, April 15, 1903, p. 1)
Charles F. Theobald (1839-1903), native of Sieberbach, Germany and 1859 immigrant, expired in mid-May.  C.F. Theobald came to Biloxi in 1871 and was a merchant.  He also was the first president of the Bank of Biloxi and the Peoples Bank as well as engaged in seafood canning with the Biloxi Canning Company.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 16, 1903, p. 8)
Dr. Ethan Allen Riggs (1861-1903) who formerly practiced medicine at Ocean Springs and Biloxi expired at New Orleans on May 28th.  He was educated at the University of Mississippi and Tulane.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 29, 1903, p. 1)
John Rankin Harkness (1860-1903), native of Massachusettsand Biloxi architect and contractor, died on June 11th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 12, 1903, p. 8)
In mid-June, the USPO moved to larger quarters one door west of their former location in the Dukate Theatre Building on West Howard Avenue.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 13, 1903, p. 8)
John Caillavet, A. Fayard, U. Fayard, J. Sidule and William Young, retuned from Horn Island with 1000 turtle eggs and two turtles-one being one of the largest ever captured on that island.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 1, 1903, p. 6) 
In July, the Biloxi Electric Railway and Power Company began construction of their power house at the corner of Lameuse Street and Railroad.  300,000 bricks were ordered from the Biloxi Brick Company at $8 per thousand.(The Biloxi Herald, July 3, 1903, p. 6) 
In early July reconstruction began at the L&N Railroad creosote plant in West Pascagoula, now Gautier.  
Fire had destroyed the original plant on June 30th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 6, 2003, p. 7 and June 30, 1903, p. 1.)
On August 13th, Walter A. White (1854-1942) drove the spike commencing construction of the Biloxi Electric Railway Company line on Bayview Avenue near Main Street and Joullian's Factory.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 13, 1903, p. 6)
An artesian well was completed for $2980 in the Cityflowing 850 gallons per minute at the depth of 928 feet.  Water stood in the casing 50 feet above ground level.(The Biloxi Herald, August 17, 1903, p. 8)
During the first week of September, Cahn & Singer, clothing merchants,opened in the Bolton Building on West Howard Avenue, opposite Dukate's Theatre.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 22, 1903, p. 8)
Factory ice boats were offering fishermen $4 per barrel for their shrimp catch at the Louisiana marsh.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 10, 1903, p. 6)
Lazarus Lopez (1850-1903), native of Spain and Biloxi seafood magnate and merchant, expired at Rome, Italy on September 25th.  His corporal remains were sent from Europe and interred in the Biloxi Cemetery on October 19th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 26, 1903, p. 1 and October 19, 1903, p. 1)
On September 26th, Captain John Foster (1827-1903),resident of Pascagoula, died.  He was the father of Charles B. Foster (1877-1931), W. Henry Foster (1875-1928+), Alfred Foster (1878-1903+), Belle Foster (1887-1958), Eva Foster (1884-1959), Ophelia F. Joullian (1865-1924), andMary F. Ford (1870-1936), all of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald, September 26, 1903, p. 1) 
In late October, 650 Bohemian laborers were employed at Biloxi's seafood plants with 250 more expected. (The Biloxi Herald, October 24, 1903, p. 8)
Biloxi's boat carpenters built 21 large vessels in 1903.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 17, 1903, p. 6)
'The Little Biloxi', a 5 cent cigar advertised as "Cuban hand made", was advertised by The Belle of the Coast Cigar Factory situated at Front [East Beach] and Cedar Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 19, 1903, p. 6)
The Barataria Mission School, also known as the Sabbath or Mission School, was a charitable.educational facility to educate children in the cannery camps on Point Cadet.  It was overseen by Belle Gordon (1862-1925) and Maggie Bowman Gordon Mass,(1834-1907), her mother and a native of NOLA.  The site for the school was provided by the Barataria Canning Company.  The facility also taught night classes in reading, writing and arithmetic twice each week.  In December 1903, the building needed a new roof, electric lights, and one volunteer to assist Miss Gordon.  Mrs. Mass died at 1128 East Bayview Avenue, her home, in July 1907.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 3, 1903, p. 6 and July 18, 1907, p. 1)
Henry Brasher (1867-1960) launched his new schooner, The New Design, at his North Biloxi shipyard in mid-December.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 16, 1903, p. 6)
City Judge James H. Neville moved to Gulfport from Biloxi to become counsel for the Gulf & Ship Island Railroad.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 16, 1904, p. 8)
The Biloxi Electric Railway Company commenced operations on March 24th.  Three cars carried passengers to the Seashore Campground; Point Cadet; and Back Bay.  Another car soon to be placed in service would run from Point Cadet to the Seashore Campground.  2374 fares were sold for $119 and fifteen freight cars were hauled to and from the seafood factories for $5 each.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 25, 1904, p. 6)
Dr. Daniel Arthur Nash (1859-1904), a dentist and native of Livingston, Sumter County, Alabama, husband of Lizzie Carraway Nash Lowd (1869-1935), andMayor of Biloxi 1899-1900, wasinadvertently shot and expired in late March.(The Ocean Springs Progress, April 2, 1904, p. 4)
John Eistetter (1856-1904), Biloxi masonry contractor and NOLA native, expired on April 13th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 14, 1914, p. 1)  
The Picayune Item was commenced on June 8th at Picayune, Mississippi by E.F. Tate.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 11, 1904, p.4)
On August 11th, an Italian steamship delivered to the Port of Gulfport the first imported cargo in a foreign vessel, 8300 tons of iron pyrite, for the Gulfport Fertilizer factory. Joseph T. Jones and about 2000 guest celebrated the event at the Great Southern Hotel with many dignitaries including Governor Vardaman andW.H. Hardy.(The Daily Picayune, August 19, 1904, p. 1)
Archie Ebenezer Perkins (1876-1946) of McComb was elected principal of the Biloxi Colored School.  Mr. Perkins was born in June 1876, at Smithdale, Mississippi near McComb.  In 1900, he was teaching school at McComb and in the household of George Currie (b. May 1842), his step-father.[The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 11, 1904, p. 4] 
The East End Hose Company No. 1 was organized on October 5, 1904 at Sterne’s Store 0n Point Cadet with 38 men participating.  W.T. Sterne was the primary motivator of the organization commencement and Peter C. Ott (1878-1940) was its first president.   Dues were 50 cents for 3 months.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 6, 1904, p. 5; October 8, 1905, p. 5; December 22, 1904, p. 1; and September 19, 1907, p. 4)
Shrimp from the Louisiana marsh were selling for $2.50 per barrel [200 pounds to the barrel].(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 3, 1904, p. 1)
First shipment of oysters from Alabama waters [900 barrels] was sent to a cannery at Mississippi City.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 20, 1904, p. 1)
Mayor F.W. Elmer (1847-1926) contracted with J.E. Greene to build a home on Magnolia and Front Beach for between $3000 and $4000.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 20, 1904, p. 5)
Annie Howard Parrott (1864-1904), sister of Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), died at her home in London, England.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 21, 1904, p. 5 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 22, 1904, p. 8)
Martha Terry Tracy (18-1904), spouse of Professor Samuel M. Tracy (1847-1920) of North Biloxi died in late October.  She was a graduate of Elmira College in New York and was one of the first women to receive an A.M. degree.  Mrs. Tracy was a writer of note, and a frequent contributor to The Commercial Appeal (Memphis) composing articles concerning home life and domestic affairs. (The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 29, 1904, p. 5)
Mayor F.W. Elmer (1847-1926) was notified by the Department of Commerce and Labor that the Chandeleur Islands including Errol, North and New Harbor Islands were made bird sanctuaries.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1904, p. 6)
The Biloxi Sanatarium of Dr. Hyman M. Folkes (1871-1926) was opened on November 24th.  The Laz Lopez medical and surgical clinic for the poor would be maintained here.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1904, p. 5)
J.E. Selman's residence on Front Beach is nearing completion.  It is one of Mr. Greene's 'flowers'.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 3, 1904, p. 5)
Peter Eskald (1856-1944) is erecting a residence on Seal Avenue.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 6, 1904, p. 5)
The status of the Jewish Cemetery on Reynoir Street was discussed at the City Council meeting.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 7, 1904, p. 1)
John C. Bradford (1855-1928) was elected Mayor of Biloxi on December 13th, as he ran unopposed.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 14, 1904, p. 5)
Philip McCabe (1837-1905), native of New Orleans and first chief engineer of the Biloxi Volunteer Fire Company, expired in mid-December.  In their youth, Ed Glennan and Charles Redding both worked for Mr. McCabe at NOLA when he had a stove business on Camp Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 16, 1904, p. 5)
The $12,500 Chiapella Hotel on Reynoir Street was under construction.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 1904 and December 20, 1904, p. 1)
George E. Ohr (1857-1918) returned from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and Centennial at St. Louis in late December.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 26, 1904, p. 5)
The Biloxi public school system had white 867 pupils in it schools.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 14, 1905, p. 8)
A.O. Bourdon initiated the Biloxi Tarpon Club.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 17, 1905, p. 5)
Elizabeth Maycock Elmer (1850-1905). wife of F.W. Elmer (1847-1926) died on January 21st.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 21, 1905, p. 5)
E.C. Joullian (1864-1931) announced that he was going to operate a cannery on the Mississippi River near the mouth of the Lake Borgne Canal.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 31, 1905, p. 5)
Standard Construction Company of Chicago was awarded the contract to erect the Federal Building on Lameuse Street at Biloxi [City Hall in 2008].  The winning bid was $90,770.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 2, 1905, p. 6)
According to Isidore Heidenheim of the Barataria Canning Company, Biloxi in 1905, led the nation in the value of its oyster production with $1,340,942.  Maryland's value was $548,646 and that of Louisiana $507,373.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 20, 1907, p. 1)
The S.S. Vueltabasso sailed from Gulfport to Frontera, Mexico with passengers from Chicago.  Probably first ship to carry tourist from Gulfport to a foreign port.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 21, 1905, p. 5)
The title of Juan de Cuevas to Cat Island was confirmed.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 24, 1905, p. 6)
Gay & Ellarbee, [Daniel J. Gay (1870-1949) and Charles B. Elarbee (1870-1949)], let a contract to T.J. Rosell for four rental homes on Benachi Avenue with J.E. Hebert, architect.(The Biloxi Herald, March 1, 1905, p. 8)
The City of Biloxi gave the Biloxi Electric Railroad and Power Company led by W.K.M. Dukate the right to build a railway on Reynoir Street from the L&N RR to Howard Avenue and from Howard Avenue east to Main Street.  This privilege had been granted to E.C. Jouillian (1864-1931)  in August 1902.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 67, p. 247)
The Olivari Brothers planned to build a two-story structure on Howard Avenue near Lameuse Street where the St. Amant barbershop stands.(The Biloxi Herald, March 6, 1905, p. 6)
US Senator John H. Reagan (1905) of Texas and former CSA Postmaster General and the only cabinet member captured with Jefferson Davis died. at Palestine, Texas on March 6th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 6, 1905, p. 3)
In late May 1905, many of Biloxi’s merchants cognizant of the coming summer heat and humidity agreed to close their establishments at 6:30 p.m. on weekdays in order to give their clerks a break.  Joseph E. Combel (1853-1938) with S. Joseph, Mary Arguelles, E.S. Balthrope, Charles Redding, Edward Glennan, E.M. McCrary, L. Lopez & Company, T.P. Dulion & Company, Wachenfeld & Company, Gorenflo, David Levy, L.M. Coleman, J.P. Hagan, Moseley & Devitt, Sam Picard, Maurice M. Levy, John R. Young, and Cahn & Singer were among those to make this pact.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 18, 1905, p. 5)
In June, the Biloxi Real Estate Company [I. Heidenheim, Charles Redding, Ed Glennan, L.R. Bowen, Louis E. Gill, and A.B. Austin] for $4500 acquired 124 acres of the large, J.H. Keller tract between the L&N RR and Back Bay east of the H.T. Howard parcel and west of J.H. Keller tract.  Here the Biloxi Real Estate Addition subdivision was platted.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land deed Bk. 67, p. 62 and Bk. 69, p. 88)
The Harrison County State Bank was founded in August by Daniel J. Gay; George W. Grayson; Louis A. Lundy; Charles B. Elarbee; R.M. Davis; Thomas H. Gleason; W.W. Sutcliffe; and David J. Venus.  Located on Lameuse Street in bank formerly occupied by the Bank of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 4, 1905, p. 4)


On August 16th, the Biloxi City Council adopted a stringent Yellow Fever quarantine against NOLA and the territory with a six miles radius of Mississippi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 17, 1905, p. 4)
The Biloxi Electric Street Railway & Power Company was acquired by Joseph T. Jones and the the Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Company for $1 million on September 15th.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 70, p. 109)
The Back Bay Hose [Fire] Company was organized on November 11th in a shed on Back Bay owned by Nick Voivedich (1850-1937).  John B. Reynoir (1874-1931) was its first president.(The Daily Herald, September 20, 1915)
The residence of Dr. W.O. Talbot, local dentist, was nearing completion on the corner of Seal and Howard Avenue.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 16, 1905, p. 4)
W.F. Gorenflo sold a cottage on Seal Avenue to Mrs. Mollie McPike of Vandalia, Missouri for $2000.  In December Mr. Goreflo let a contract to Ed Wetzell to build an eight-room cottage on the adjoining lot.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 16, 1905, p. 4 and December 28, 1905, p. 1)
The T.J. Rosell Manufacturing Company was on a construction bonanza with over $40,000 in completed or contracts for houses and buildings at Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 20, 1905, p. 1)
Benachi Avenue, from Howard Avenue to the beach, was ordered graded and shelled by Mayor John C. Bradford (1855-1928) and the aldermen of Biloxi.  This was good new to those living on that beautiful “Avenue of Oaks”.  When completed it created one of the most beautiful thoroughfares in the South or anywhere else.  Benachi Avenue was originally the path for ingress-egress from the Nicholas M. Benachi (1812-1886) beachfront home to Pass Christian Road (now Howard Avenue).(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 6, 1905, p. 1)
Frederick W. Elmer (1883-1948) won a special election for Harrison County Beat 1 Supervisor defeating F.H. McCaleb and Raymond Quave.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 20, 1905, p. 4)
The first Tung oil tree in Mississippi was planted by Aristede Hopkins in 1906 on Hopkins Boulevard.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1933, p. 1)    
The West End Hose Company met on January 3rd in their new fire house.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 4, 1906, p. 1)
Evon M. Barber (1858-1920+), State Representative from Harrison County and attorney for the Oystermen's Association, introduced a bill in the House to amend the Bower's Bill of 1900.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January
5, 1906, p. 4)
Eaton J. Bowers (1865-1939), Mississippi Congressional Representative, introduced a bill on January 4th to appropriate $50,000 to dredge a ship channel to be 26 feet deep and 300 feet wide from Ship Island to Gulfport.  A separate bill was proposed by Bowers to survey a ship channel from Ship Island to Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 5, 1906, p. 4)
The East End Hose Company let a contract to Hubbell & Sheldon to build the shell of a meeting hall and engine house for $700.  The facility would be completed after more funds were raised.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 8, 1906, p. 4)
In early January 1906, seven, large, stain glass windows arrived at Biloxi from Germany to tbe placed in the sanctuary of the Nativity B.V.M. Catholic Church.  Julia Dulion Lopez (1857-1918) had donated these windows described as 'equal to anything in the South' in memory of Lazaro Lopez, (1850-1903), her late husband.  Frederick Thornley of New York was employed to install the windows designed and built by Reis and Reis of Munich, Germany.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 6, 1906, p. 4 and  January 9, 1906, p. 1)
Ann Hyde Grayson (1832-1906), widow of Thomas W. Grayson (1825-1904), former Mayor of Ocean Springs, died at Biloxi on January 7th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 8, 1906, p. 4)
On March 1st, J.C. Tyler (1872-1913+) replaced John F. Williams (1847-1906) as Postmaster at Biloxi.  Mr. Tyler came to Biloxi in 1903 from Columbia, Mississippi as US Deputy Marshall.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1913, p. 1)
Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller (1833-1910) of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 5th ruled in favor of Louisiana on the water boundary dispute between Louisiana and Mississippi.  Case called Louisiana v. Mississippi US 58 (1906).(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 6, 1906, p. 1)
On May 11th, President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) granted to the City of Biloxi the Naval Reserve Park on Back Bay, which consisted of 377.21 acres for a public park and cemetery.
(The Biloxi News, March 21, 1926, p. 11) 



Charles F. Greiner of Scranton was here yesterday making final preparations for opening up a roller skating rink in this city.  The old DeJean & Mitchell store on the beach has been purchased by Greiner & Co., and work will begin at once on enlarging it an placing in a skating floor.  These parties will spare no efforts or money to make the rink an attractive and up-to date place.(The Pascagoula Chronicle, May 4, 1906) 


In September 1906, Laz Lopez, Arnaud Lopez, John J. Kennedy, Jess Diaz, Rudolph Abbley, M. Hunt and  B. Voivedich were arrested for playing baseball in Biloxi on Sunday.  They were fined $2.50 each in the Circuit Court of Harrison County, Mississippi in September 1906.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 12, 1906, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court Miniute Bk. 8, p. 63)

A Category IV hurricane hit Pascagoula, Mississippi on September 26th.(Charles L. Sullivan, 2009, p. 163.
Varina Howell Davis (1826-1906), widow of Jefferson Davis, 
died at NYC on October 26, 1906.
Biloxi reduced its water rents to citizens from $7.50 per year to $6.50 per year.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 28, 1906, p. 1)
The intermittent beach road between Biloxi to Pass Christian was surveyed in three motorcars by public officials to ascertain the viability of shelling and completing a continous thoroughfare between the two towns.(The Daily Herald, January 25, 1907, p. 1)
Theodore Paul Dulion (1861-1907), Biloxi merchant and yachting enthusiasts, expired on February 20th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 20, 1907, p. 1)
Andrew Joseph Meynier (1856-1907), former steamboat captain at St. Martinville, Louisiana and Biloxi Marshal expired on April 12th.  Clara Meynier (1879-1907), his spouse, died at Biloxi in June 1907.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 12, 1907, p. 1 and June 14, 1907, p. 1)
The rates for The Biloxi Daily Herald were $.10 per week; $.45 per month; out-of town Wednesday and Saturday editions $1.50 per year or $.90 for six months.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1907, p. 1)
The Beauvoir Soldier's Home Hospital opened in late March.  The twenty-four patient bed infirmary was built for $7500 on the west end of the property.  Dr. Hyman M. Folkes (1871-1926) was the house surgeon and nurses were Mrs. M.C. Ansley and Annie Anderson.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1907, p. 1)
Jackson Herndon Owings (1869-1921), Biloxi Public School superintendent for the past ten years [1897] resigned in May 1907.  He informed the Board of School Trustees that he would not be an applicant for election for the 1907-1908 school session.  Professor Owings would leave Biloxi for Natchez, Adams Couty, Mississippi where he was the Public School superintendent until 1920, when he became the Adams County Superintendent of Education.  J.H. Owings expired at Natchez, Mississippi on March 22, 1921.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, March 24, 1921, p. 3)
Captain John C. Walker (1834-1907), steamboat man, Confederate Naval veteran, former Mayor of Biloxi, and Lameuse Street merchant, killed himselfand Mary P. Lowery Walker (1854-1907), his wife, on June 8th.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 8, 1907, p. 1)
Captain Fred Eaton left Biloxi in late June aboard Tom, a large power boat, to open a new canning factory for Lopez and Dukate at Morgan City, Louisiana.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 29, 1907, p. 5)
Henry Krohn, overseer, commenced work on a new road from the Tchoutacabouffa River south to the Back Bay Bridge in September.  It became known as the Lamey's Bridge Road.(The Daily Herald, September 22, 1907 and September 22, 1947, p. 1)
A violent storm in late September hit the Louisiana marsh with winds from the northeast of up to 80 mph and inflicted damage on some of the Biloxi fishing fleet operating here.  The Dauntless owned by Louis Gorenflo and captained by James Ryan went aground in the marshland with the Dorenza of Henry Diaz and under the commande of James Lamey and the William Coates owned and sailed by Tony Rosetti.  Boats either cutting or losing masts were the Elbert D of Lopez & Dukate and Jolly Traveller owned by Willie Bullock and under contract to the Barataria Canning Company.  Barataria's other boats in the marsh, Henry M., Nels Johnson, and Indian Girl, were slighly damaged.  Lopez & Dukate had its Wilda L. run aground on Martin Island while their Ola D. and Noreta L. were relatively unscathed by the tempest.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 30, 1907, p. 1)
The Daily Herald Band made its first appearance on September 26th when it marched  from the Herald office to the Jewel Theatorium on Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street where they played. 
Joseph Dowling was the director with the following musicians: Tom Suter, cornet; Charles Wilkes, cornet; Louis Braun, tenor; Frank Mallerich, tenor; Walter Hunt, snare drum; Oscar Borries, base drum; Charles Blomberg, cornet; Eugene Wilkes, baritone; C.W. Upp, slide trombone; Walter G. Wilkes, tuba; Charles Jones, slide trombone; Jacob Tremmel, alto; Bert Kern, alto; and Joe Dowling, cornet.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 27, 1907, p. 2)
In October 1907, Miss Minnie Boykin, Christian Missionary from Ellisville, Mississippi, was working with the poor people of Biloxi under the aegis of the Women's Home Missionary of the Methodist Conference.  She established a clinic on Oak Street near Howard Avenue and a Sunday School at 1015 Anglado Alley near the Biloxi  Canning Company on Back Bay.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 28, 1907, p. 1 and February 13, 1908, p .1)
Harrison County Board of Supervisor announced that Morris' Ferry across the Tchoutacabouffa River at Cedar Lake would be replace by a bridge.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 13, 1907, p. 1)
The Biloxi City Council passed a raw milk inspection ordinance.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 10, 1908, p. 1)


The Biloxi Charity Hospital, Biloxi's first public hospital, was founded February 28, 1908 in a cottage at 1212 East Howard Avenue.  It was rented and temporarily converted into Biloxi’s first public hospital.  Officers of the organization were: Mrs. C.F. Carroll, president; Miss Rena Picard, vice-pres.; Mrs. E.C. Tonsmeire, recording secretary; Charles W. Wachenfeld, treasurer; and Dr. H.M. Folkes, officer in general.  Board of Directors: Julia Dulion Lopez, chairman; Mrs. Lyman Bradford; Mrs. P. Yurgensen; Miss Florence Crofton; Miss Ada Swan; C.W. Wachenfeld. W.O. Talbot; Elbert L. Dukate; and D.L. Mitchel.  Charter members: Julia Dulion Lopez; H.M. Folkes; E.C. Tonsmeire; Henry Eikel; G.F. Carroll; W.O. Talbot; W.S. McIntyre; P. Yurgensen; Joseph Ott; A. Yancey; R.L. Hoover; Lyman Bradford; J.E. Greene; E.J. Mitchel; A.E. Smith; Joe Cousins; Amelia Cousins; L.S. Jackson; E. Barry; O.G. Swetman; T. Hoxie; E.T. Iler; Maloney; and Youngblood; Miss Ada Swan; Miss Ada Wallace; Miss Belle Gordon; Miss Josephine Folkes; Miss Anna Folkes; Elsie Maxwell; Miss Alma McKinley; Miss Minnie Boykin; E. Jordan; Miss Inez Hall; Reverend M.L. Burton; Reverend J.W. Dawson; H.M. Folkes; C.W. Wachenfeld; G.F. Carroll; W.F. Swan; Edward Glennan; J.C. Clower; O.G. Swetman; Lopez & Dukate; W.J. Grant; Joseph Rusk; D.L. Mitchel; E.C. Tonsmeire; W.O. Talbot; Elbert L. Dukate; John J. Kennedy; Edward C. Joullian; D.A. Baltar; Henry Eikel Jr.; Brantley A. Bond; Victor Simonich; L. Gill; Mr. and Mrs. Julius M. Lopez;  Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brady; E.C. Emanuel; George Swan; W.W. Baltar; J.A. D’Aquin; J.B. Chinn; Federal Café; J.W. Swetman; E.W. McCrary; T.P. McCrary; B.E. Pfeiffer; J.B. Combel; Corso Brothers & Company; J.G. Cohoe; and D’Aquin & Prieur.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 28, 1908, p. 1 and October 25, 1919, p. 8)


    Blanche Picard (1887-1930+), first Mardi Gras Queen
Blanche Picard (1887-1930+), daughter of Bernard Picard (1853-1896) and Sarah Meyer (1859-1927) and John Carraway (1873-1931), King Bienville, ruled the first Mardi Gras celebration in Biloxi on March 4th.  The parade consisted of seventeen floats led by Louis Staehling (1866-1938), police chief, and went from City Hall down Howard Avenue to Reynoir Street(The Daily Herald, February 29, 1908, p. 1, March 4, 1908, p. 1, and February 17, 1931, p. 1)
Mary McNeil Hopkins, spouse of Aristide Hopkins, died at Biloxi on March 13, 1908.(The Daily Herald, March 13, 1908, p. 1)
In March the Mississippi Legislature passed House Bill N. 286-1908 that allowed municipalities to create a Commission form of government.(The Daily Herald, March 26, 1908, p. 1)
OurLady of Good Counsel Catholic Church on Cedar Street at Point Cadet was dedicated on March 29th.  More than 1000 people particpated in the ceremony conducted by Father Alphonse Ketels who lauded Frederick Henry McCaleb (1846-1909) who donated the land for the church.(The Daily Herald, March 30, 1908, p. )
Fishermen were getting $3.50 for a barrel of shrimp.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 31, 1908, p. 1)
On April 1st, Postmaster J.C. Tyler (1872-1913+) moved the US Post Office from the Dukate Theatre Building on Howard Avenue to the first floor of the incomplete Federal Building situated on Lameuse Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 31, 1908, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, September 1, 1913, p. 1)
Lt. General CSA Alexander P. Stewart (1821-1908) expired on August 30th at the Santini Cottage situated  at 854 West Beach in Biloxi, Mississippi.  His corporal remains were sent to St. Louis, Missouri for internment in the Bellefontaine Cemetery.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, August 31, 1908, p. 1 and The Times Picayune, August 31, 1908, p. 1)
John Henry Keller (1830-1908), native of Zurich, Switzerland and soap merchant and large land owner at Biloxi expired at NOLA on November 5, 1908.  Mr. Keller was a philanthropist and an integral part of the Methodist  Seashore Campground.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 6, 1908, p. 2 and The Daily Picayune, November 6, 1908, p. 3)
Harrison County Chancery Court ordered the Dunbars, Lopez, and Dukate Company to pay $10,000 fine and
dissolve limited partnership because of anti-trust violations.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1912, p. 1, November 7, 1912, p. 1, and p. 8)
The Black community held a rally to protest poor conditions at the Colored School on Main Street.  There complaints were: over crowding; no playground; and poor sanitation.  Principal A.E. Perkins..(The Daily Herald, November 23, 1908, p. 1)
In mid December, John Alphonse Bousquet (1846-1908), former Mayor of Biloxi, politican and merchant, expired at the home of Edgar C. Bousquet (b. 1875), his son, at NOLA.  His corporal remains were sent to Biloxi for internment.
Presbyterian Reverend William Megginson coming from Enda, Texas was in the pulpit on the first Sunday of April.(The Daily Herald, March 20, 1909, p. 8)
The Airdome, an outdoor theater managed by Fred Abbley (1882-1941) and situated on Howard Avenue and Fayard Street on the Lopez property, opened on April 19th.  The venue could seat over 1200 people.  The Daily Herald Band was present for the celebration.(The Daily Herald, April 13, 1909 and April 20, 1909, p. 2)
'Beach Home',  a boarding house on West Beach, was leased to Henry Handley by Miss Knoblin.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1909, p. 8)
The oyster season was a dismal failure at New Orleans.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1909, p. 8)
A. 'Toy' Catchot acquired the Central Market Stand on Lameuse and Howard.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 24, 1909, p. 8)      
Dr. T.B. Harrison, formerly of Charleston, Mississippi opened 'The Harrison Sanitarium' for the treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse, cigarette and tobacco habits.  The facility was situated at East Beach and Kuhn Street.  The Herald Printery printed a twelve page booklet describing Dr. Harrison's clinic.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 8, 1909, p. 8)
The graduating Class of 1909 Biloxi High School was: Minnie Briggs; Ruby Barbara Dacey; Bert Oran Gunn; Alys Claire Hattlestad; Florence Picard; Mary Alma Ritch (1890-1964); and Charles Aurelius Roper.  Valedictorian-Florence Picard and Minnie Briggs, Salutatorian.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 9, 1909, p. 1)
On June 25th, the voters of Biloxi rejected the Commission form of government 299 votes to 119 votes.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1910, p. 1)
In late July, Elizabeth Herbst Maloney (1849-1909), spouse of Dr. James H. Maloney (1842-1909+) died at her home at 1018 West Beach.(The Daily Herald, July 26, 1909, p. 2)
In late August, a 1500 burial plot cemetery for the Naval Reserve Park was planned by the City.  A bid of $825 for the timber to be cut from the proposed cemetery tract was awarded to H.E. Latimer & Son.  A plat for the cemetery was made by Fred Voak.(The Daily Herald, August 27, 1913, p. 8)
The Amateur Tennis Club was founded in September by W.O. Clark, pres.; Dr. Grace Bullas, v.p.; Miss Lucy Greaves, sec.; and W.G. Grayson, treas.  The tennis courts were situated on Howard Avenue near Seal.(The Daily Herald, October 1, 1909, p. 4)
Category IV Hurricane struck Grand Isle, Louisiana on Septemebr 20th and did serious damage to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  No piers remained at Biloxi on East Beach from Main Street to Point Cadet and boats and piers were piled high(Charles L. Sullivan, 2009, p. 163 and The Daily Herald, September 21, 1909, p. 1 and September 24, 1909, p. 1)
The September 1909 Hurricane destroyed seven schooners and three men drowned at Bay St. Louis when the watercraft were driven by strong winds and trapped against the L&N RR Bridge and smashed.  Reported lost were: Clementine running for U. Desporte with Charles Lanston at the helm and Adam Kosczky drowned; running for Lopez & Dukate; J.J. Cowart owned by Bernard Taltavull lost with two negro crewmen; Faultless owned by Mrs. Dulion; Margaret Kennedy owned by Kennedy & Kennedy with Captain J. Christ and working for Desporte; Sidonis, L.D. Byrd owner, and sailed by Cook Seymour;Fannie ?, V. Simonich, owner, running for Desporte, and the Champion working for Charles Torch proprietor of the Peerless Seafood factory at Bay St. Louis which was severely damaged.(The Daily Herald, September 24, 1909, p. 3)
August Dorries, (1841-1909), native of Prussia. 1855 immigrant, and former merchant, hotelier, and saloon operator on Decatur Street in NOLA, died on October 21st in his residence at 879 East Beach.  In  his retirement, Louise Johnson Dorries (1873-1953), his spouse, ran the Dorries Cottage at 853 East Beach.(The Daily Biloxi Daily Herald, October 22, 1909. p. 5)
In November 1909, the City of Biloxi began acquiring a seventy-five foot strip for a street and bulkhead purposes from the landowners between the Biloxi Lighthouse and the town to the east area.  The name of the throughway was to be West Beach Street or Front Street.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 40, p. 205)
Four hundred skiff oyster permits were sold in 1909.(The Daily Herald, December 10, 1909, p. 1)
Dr. Walter J. Greaves and the Christian Science Society commenced the first sidewalks on West Howard Avenue in front of their properties.  The Richardson Cement Company laid the 153 feet of walkway.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 15, 1909, p. 8)
Joseph Husley, charcoal burner and dealer sold 1700 barrels of charcoal in NOLA to the schooner barge Elba for 22 cents a barrel.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, Decemebr 15, 1909, p. 8)
In February, the Back Bay Fishermen's Association was charted by Raymond Fournier; Philip Trochessett; Leonard Fountain; Henry Cannette; and Joseph Cannette.  This North Biloxi association provided memebers with weekjly sick benefits and provided $20 towards the funeral of a deceased member.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 1910, p. 8)   
In late February, Edward W. Morrill [1839-1910], native of Portsmouth, Virginia and Biloxi insurance agent and former Surveyor of Jackson County, expired at Sarasota, Florida.[The Daily Herald, Febuary 24, 1910, p. 3]
In late May, the voters of Biloxi rejected the Commission form of government 315 to 225 votes.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1910, p. 1)
The Biloxi Yacht Club became a member of the American Power Boat Association.  Power boats were raced for the first time on July 13th, 1910 at the BYC Regatta.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1910, p. 6) 
In mid-June 1910, Henry R. Gogreve (1853-1910), vice-president of the Barataria Canning Company expired at New Orleans.  Isidore Heidenheim (1852-1918) left Biloxi to attend his funeral which was held in the Crescent City, on June 18, 1910.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1910, p. 8)
Daniel Judson Gay (1869-1949) built the Gay Building on the southeast corner of Lameuse and Howard Avenue in 1910.  The Jett Brothers of Mobile made the lowest construction bid of $18,274.  The Harrison County Bank occupied the ground floor. The Peoples Bank acquired the Gay Building and occupied it in 1924.(The Daily Herald, August 2, 1910, p. 4)
The Wesley House, a mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church South on Point Cadet, was established in 1909 when a lease was made with the Bailey Estate for the use of its home on the corner of Cedar Street and Beach Road.  In October 1910, the Reverend W.T. Griffin opened the doors.(The Daily Herald, April 1, 1914, p. 1)
Liberty-Brush Car
In early October 1910, Paul Treloar (1887-1950) drove Joe Venus (1883-1948), RFD Route No. 2 mail carrier, on his route.  They traveled in a Liberty-Brush car.  The mail service was deemed so successful that the post office planned to buy the vehicle and use in permanently.(The Daily Herald, October 11, 1910, p. 8)


Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910), Chief Oyster Inspector and former City Marshal, expired at Biloxi on November 21, 1910.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1910, p. 1)


The Lutheran community of Biloxi met in the Presbyterian Church and were led by Martin Haas, president, F. Greve, treasurer, and Miss Gertrude Ott, secretary.  They were planning to erect a $3000 church building an acquire a lot.  The Reverend George Schlisser of Pascagoula was to be the pastor of the Biloxi Lutheran Church.(The Daily Herald, December 28, 1910, p. 1)


The Biloxi girl's basketball team [not high school] consisted of: Ruby Picard and Noreta Lopez-forwards; Flossie Picard and Irma Dukate-guards; Anna Bass-center; Katie Eikel and Nina Moran-side centers.  They played at the Firemen's Hall and admission was 15 cents.(The Daily Herald, December 28, 1910, p. 8)

The Biloxi Automobile Company opened in the spring of 1911 under the management of Henry A. Janin (18-1951). Albert B. Austin (1876-1951) may have been an original investor. The company was a sub-agency of the Ford Motor Company for Harrison County and a portion of Jackson County.  Biloxi Automotive Company was located on Lameuse Street near the USPO.  Daniel J. Gay (1869-1949), Biloxi entrepreneur, acquired a Hudson 37 from H.A. Janin in November 1912.(The Daily Herald, March 31, 1911, p. 8 and November 11, 1912, p. 8 and June 2, 1935, p. 2)
On May 11th, the City of Biloxi for the rent of $1 dollar per annum took a ten-year lease from the L&N Railroad for a City Park.  The new park had 164 feet on Fayard Street and 188 feet on Reynoir Street and was south of the L&N Depot.[Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 97, p. 377]
R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972), who would become Mayor of Biloxi in the 1930s and 1950s, and Leo E. Ohr (1890-1970), Biloxi’s master mechanic, were caught speeding on Ohr’s motorcycle and charged with a violating the bicycle law.  They appeared at the City court and were discharged by the judge because the City had no ordinances applicable to motorcycles.(The Daily Herald, June 12, 1911, p. 8)  
Socialist candidate, Sumner W. Rose (1858-1947) of Biloxi, was nominated by his party as a candidate for the Governor of Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1911, p. 8)     
Last night, Joseph W. Swetman, Oscar Johnson, and 'Boy' Bennett visited Ship Island in quest of turtle eggs and returned this morning with a monster turtle weighing between 450 and 500 pounds and 1050 eggs.  This find of eggs is the largest that has ever been brought to Biloxi.  The turtle, which is of the green variety and the choicest of its kind, will be butchered tonight and distributed among the friends of the gentleman named above.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1911, p. 8)
Ernest Leigh Doyle (1866-1911), native of Virginia and stockholder and manager of the People’s Telephone Company, Biloxi’s first telephone exchange, expired at Richmond, Virginia on August 11, 1911.  Mr. Doyle came to Biloxi with the Postal Telegraph Company in 1893 and in 1897 organized the People’s Telephone Company at Biloxi.  He had married Miss Cecile M. Swetman (1875-1968) of Handsboro, Mississippi.
In September, Grove No. 2 United Ancient Order of Druids was founded at Biloxi with Dan Gorenflo, Archdruid; W. Lee Guice, vice-Archdruid; Dr. W.R. Card, financial Secretary; Albert B. Austin, treasurer; and Vester Wetzell, coord.(The Daily Herald, September 11, 1911, p. 1)
Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley (1839-1911) died at NYC on October 2nd.  The Schley pecan was named for him.(The Daily Herald, October 3, 1911, p. 1) 
In the fall, Dr. Hyman M. Folkes, his spouse, and Norita Lopez, sister-in-law, visited Costa Rica and the Panama Canal, which was under construction.(The Daily Herald, October 12, 1911, p. 1)


On May 11, 1911, Frank T. Howard bequeathed $5000 to the public schools of Biloxi for repairs and general improvements.(Harrison Co., Mississippi, Chancery Court Will Bk. 3, p. 309)

Frank Turner Howard (1855-1911), native of New York, banker and broker, and NOLA and Biloxi philanthropist, died on October 24, 1911 at NYC.(The Daily Picayune, October 25, 1911, p. 1)
A fire in the Bless Tucei building on West Howard near Dukate's Theatre damaged the Elk's Club, which was situated on the second floor.(The Daily Herald, November 2, 1911, p. 1)  
John E. Morrison (1838-1911), native of NOLA, and former Harrison Co. Beat 1 Supervisor, expired on December 26th at his home on 131 Morison Avenue.(The Daily Herald,December 26, 1911, p. 8) 
R.G. Fowler land his Wright Flyer B at Biloxi on 5 January 1912
Robert Grant Fowler [1884-1966], a competitor in America’s first transcontinental air race, which was sponsored by William Randolph Hearst [1863-1951] the San Francisco newspaper magnate. Hearst would reward the winning pilot $50,000 [about $1.4 million today], if the reached New York or San Francisco within a month.    R.G. Fowler was one of only four daredevils who participated in the Hearst sponsored air race. He was the only pilot to depart the West Coast leaving San Francisco on 10 September 1911 in an aircraft called the Cole Flyer, a Wright Flyer B-Model EX, bi-plane, with two-propellers and constructed from spruce was built in August 1912 at Dayton, Ohio.  The aircraft was powered with a Cole 60-HP engine.  The eight-cylinder engine was the first automobile engine used in an aircraft.  The Cole Flyer arrived at Biloxi in the afternoon of 5 January 1912. It had flown from Pass Christian, Mississippi via NOLA and was expected to land at Biloxi’s Pelican Green where many curious spectators had gathered to greet Aviator Fowler. Fowler instead set down on the old golf course known as the Keller Green situated between Lee Street and Keller Avenue and north of the L&N Railroad.[The Daily Herald, January 6, 1912, p. 4]
James Chester Elmer (1883-1920) assumed the office of Sheriff of Harrison County in January.(The Daily Herald, December 12, 1911)
The Harrison County Board of Supervisors ordered that a bridge be built built over the Biloxi River at the Lorraine Ferry.(The Daily Herald, February 9, 1912, p. 1)
In February, the first Mardi Gras celebration since 1908 was held in Biloxi.  Jules A. D’Aquin (1877-1936) was King Argius I and Ellen J. Joullian [m. Byron P. Lyons] reined as Queen Ixolib I.(The Daily Herald, February 21, 1912, p. 1)
Harvey Jackson Perkins (1829-1912), Biloxi winter photographer, who lived at Waupaca, Wisconsin, died at Biloxi in late February.(The Daily Herald, February 26, 1912, p. 1)
The voters of northern Harrison County, Forrest, Perry, and George Counties went to the polls on March 19th to decide whether to create Stone County, Mississippi from portions of their lands.(The Daily Herald, March 19, 1912, p. 1 and March 20, 1912, p. 1)

The new Federal Building on Lameuse Street was inspected and deemed completed by H.G Ritche, construction superintendent of the US Treasury Department.  Curbing and new sidewalks were in place.[The Daily Herald, April 15, 1912, p. 8]


The Petrous Manufacturing Company was chartered by Daniel G. Zeigler, [1866-1928] St. Matthews, South Carolina and Biloxians: L.D. Byrd, W.K.M. Dukate, William Gorenflo, A.B. Austin, L.A. Witter, H.F. Sawford, and G.J. Wiltz.  The company was to manufacture turpentine cups, telephone poles, fence posts, roofings, floor tilings, ceilings, and coffins from a patented artificial building material composed of a plastic compound to be used as a substitute for wood, terra cotta and other materials….[The Daily Herald, August 9, 1912, p. 6]



Andrew J. Bourdon (1873-1912) native of New Orleans, electrician and retail ice merchant, expired on April 10th.(The Daily Herald, April 10, 1912, p. 1)
The graduating Class of 1912 Biloxi High School was: Lily Bowen; Ruth Campbell; Gardiner Champlin; Clarence Campbell; Ione Dulion; Caroine Gilbert; Jessie Gunn; Maude Joullian; Alecia Staed; John Toler; and Stella Walker.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1912, p. 4)
A petition was circulated at Biloxi requesting that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen give the citizens of Biloxi the right to vote for a commission form of government.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1912, p. 1)
The Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that Louisiana Act 189 of 1910, a law which made it a misdemeanor to transport oysters from Louisiana for canning purposes, was declared unconstitutional.  The case was State of Louisiana v. L.J. Ferrandou.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1912, p. 1.)
James Buchanan 'Buck' Chinn (1857-1912), expired on June 6th.  He was  in the feed and drayage business and was a founder of the Biloxi Milling Company.  Mr. Chinn was the father of Roy Chinn, Mayor R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972), Gill Chinn, and Mary Chinn.(The Daily Herald, June 6, 1912, p. 1)
The T.H. Kimbrough home on East Beach near Lee Street was sold to Colonel T.H. Warren in June.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1912, p. 1)
W.T. Nolan, NOLA architect, who designed the new Biloxi High School on East Howard Avenue, was in Biloxi with S.E. Dupree, building contractor, to conduct soil tests for the foundation of the structure.(The Daily Herald, July 5, 1912, p. 8)


The Petrous Manufacturing Company was chartered by Daniel G. Zeigler, [1866-1928] St. Matthews, South Carolina and Biloxians: L.D. Byrd, W.K.M. Dukate, William Gorenflo, A.B. Austin, L.A. Witter, H.F. Sawford, and G.J. Wiltz.  The company was to manufacture turpentine cups, telephone poles, fence posts, roofings, floor tilings, ceilings, and coffins from a patented artificial building material composed of a plastic compound to be used as a substitute for wood, terra cotta and other materials….[The Daily Herald, August 9, 1912, p. 6]   [This venture was a total failure.   Moved to Hattiesburg and became insolvent in 1914]

The Gulf Coast Military Academy was chartered in August by James Chappell Hardy (1875-1924), Leonard D. Hardy, and John N. Pigg (1883-1960) of Columbia, Tennessee and Robert B. McGehee (1884-1939) of Gulfport, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, August 9, 1912, p. 6 and August 26, 1912, p. 3)
On September 18th, Sister Mary Aloysius Cook, president of the Sisters of Mercy St. Alphonsus Council of NOLA conveyed for $2500 two lots, one north and one south of their Convent, and situated on the west side of Reynoir Street and south of West Howard Avenue to the Catholic Diocese of Natchez.(The Daily Herald, September 27, 1912, p. 1 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 102, p. 123)
Engineers with the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company took measurements for the laying of a marine telephone cable across the Back Bay of Biloxi to have the capacity to serve the area for the next 5-10 years.(The Daily Herald, October 15, 1912, p. 8)
The Petrous Manufacturing Company was founded in 1912, to manufacture turpentine cups.  The facility was located in Biloxi, Mississippi on Lee Street near the L&N Railroad.(The Daily Herald, October 16, 1912, p. 8) 
The Biloxi Emancipation Association, Adam Jackson, president and M.L. Webb, secretary, celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Emancipation on New Year's Night.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1913, p. 8)
William A. Gordon (1858-1913), owner of the Biloxi Canning Company, died at New Orleans on January 9th.(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1913, p. 1)
The new Elks Club building on Lameuse Street was dedicated on the 13th.
Patrick Kennedy (1843-1913), Irish immigrant and father of John J. Kennedy (1875-1949) and William P. Kennedy (d. December 26, 1951), expired on March 10th.(The Daily Herald, March 10,1913, p.1)

Mattie Forrest White (1876-1913), Principal of the Central School, died on May 7th.  Her corporal remains were sent to Clinton, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana for internment in the Rosehill Cemetery.  Miss White lived at the Kennedy Hotel. She became ill and was taken to the Biloxi Sanatarium and expired there.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1913, p. 1)    

Isidore Heidenheim resigned as manager of the Barataria Canning Company in September 1912.  With Henry E. Gumbel (1869-1950?) of New Orleans as president, Edward Glennan (1854-1933), vice president, and Louis Goldman (1882-1925), attorney, both of Biloxi, he founded the Sea Food Company of Biloxi in May 1913.  Heidenheim served as manger and secretary of the new cannery which was located on the Point.(The Daily Herald, September 19, 1912, p. 1 and May 26, 1913, p. 1)
The Hahn Building, a two-story, brick structure [44 feet by 72 feet] of local shoe merchant, Louis Hahn [1876-1937], was completed by contractor-achitect O.E. Thompson and G.A. Harkness, foreman, in early June.  The Hahn Building was located on the NW/C of West Howard Avenue and Magnolia Street.  The old Hahn frame building was moved to the rear of the lot by Adam Schaad [1849-1931] and was planned to be used as a tenement.  Mr. Hahn's Parlor Shoe Store and Miss Mattye Myhand's [1892-1937]millinery shop occiupied the first floor while the Cumberland Telephone Company was situated on the second floor.  They took a ten year lease and  planned to install a new flashlight exchange.  After Thanksgiving, Maud Parish, traveling instructor for Cumberland Telephone, was in Biloxi giving instructions to operators of the Biloxi exchange in the flashlight system soon to be installed here.(The Daily Herald, January 13, 1913, p. 1, April 10, 1913, p. 8, June 6, 1913, p. 1 and p. 8, and November 29, 1913, p. 8)
In early September 1913, Helen G. Yerger replaced Mattie Forrest White (1876-1913) as principal of the Biloxi Central School.  Mrs. Yerger was educated in the public schools of Nashville, Tennessee and at the Peabody Normal College.  She had completed advanced studies at the University of Chicago.  Mrs. Yerger intially stayed with Emma Hyatt Bragg (1868-1968) at 545 East Howard Avenue.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1913, p.1)


Daniel Judson Gay (1870-1949) built the Gay Building on the southeast corner of Lameuse Street and Howard Avenue in 1913-1914.  O.E. Thompson of Biloxi was the general contractor for the $20,000, two-story, brick edifice and laid its foundation on November 11, 1913.  When completed in March-April 1914, the Harrison County Bank and Picard & Gillen occupied the ground floor.  The Sky Dome, an open air theatre, was demolished from the site in October 1913 to erect the structure.(The Daily Herald, October 28, 1913, p. 1, November 11, 1913, p. 4, December 18, 1913, and April 9, 1914, p. 2)  

In July 1913, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors let a $6300 contract to the Austin Brothers of Atlanta, Georgia to erect a structure across the Tchoutacabouffa River to replace the Lamey Ferry.  In November 1913, board member, F.W. Elmer Sr., was appointed to oversee construction of the bridge.(HARCO, Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 10, p. 274 and p. 391)
R. Hart Chinn and Gill Chinn opened a new auto garage in Biloxi.  They were agents for several high standard cars and sold supplies and accessories for automobiles.(The Daily Herald, September 29, 1913, p. 8)
[President T. Woodrow Wilson and family vacationed at Pass Christian, Mississippi over Christmas and New Years of 1913-1914 in this home owned by Marie Louise Ayer of Chicago.  It was leased to Mary Alice Herndon (1863-1923) at the time of the President's holiday.]     
The Austrian Benevolent Association was founded in late December by: Ivan [John] Budinich (1876-1951); Ivan Gabrich; Ivan Letich; Blas Mijan; Marko Mulat; Tony Rosetti (1870-1935); Victor Simonich (1862-1916); Nikola Skeremetti (sic) (1855-1918); Jake Stanovich (1891-1927); and Philip Williams.  Jake Stanovich (1891-1927) was the first president of this social group which was organized to assist those of Slavic descent.  Sick benefits of $10 per week and assistance with funeral expenses of $150 was available to members.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1913, p. 7 and December 30, 1913, p. 2) 
President T. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) and family arrived by rail at Pass Christian on Christmas Day to spend 19 days at the Herndon Cottage, then owned by Marie Louise Ayer (1855-1921+) of Chicago and leased to Mary Alice Herndon (1863-1923).  President Wilson and Dr. Carey T. Grayson (1878-1938) USN, his medical attendant, played many rounds of golf at the Mississippi Coast Country Club in Mississippi City, now Great Southern Golf Club, at Gulfport.
The Biloxi public schools were invited to send their art made under the supervision of Miss Ethel Dismukes (1870-1952) to Leipzig, Germany in May 1914.  Two years prior the students had an exhibit at Dresden, Germany, which Miss Dismukes attended.(The Daily Herald, December 29, 1913, p.3)
The road from Popp's Ferry to Pass Christian Road was shelled.  H.E. Latimer was the contractor for this important and well utilized artery.(The Daily Herald, January 14, 1914, p. 2)
At its April 1914 meeting, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors accepted the completed work and paid the Austin Brothers for the Tchoutacabouffa River bridge.  Philip Lamey was appointed bridge keeper for one year and paid $30 per month for his services.(HARCO, Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 11, p. 6 and p. 10) 
The stage and dressing rooms of the Airdome theater on Reynoir Street between Howard Avenue and the L&N Depot caught fire and burned.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1914, p. 1)
In June, H.E. Latimer & Son, contractor, with a crew of eight men and mule teams were building 'Glennan Avenue' from Pass Christian Road north to the proposed cemetery in Naval Reserve Park.(The Daily Herald, June 2, 1914)
Police Chief Staehling issued instructions to his patrolmen, R.M. Randolpn, Zudie Hightower, nee Julius Sablich, and Nat Bolton, to arrest proprietors of liquor joints and bootleggers.  Public and private houses were also banned of alcohol. Staehling said, "there will be no favoritiism played."  ? Hunt was arrested on Main Street with more than 300 quarts of beer and some whiskey. He was fined $50 by Police Judge Z.T. Champlin.  Sheriff J.C. Elmer related that as many as 60 blind tigers and bootleggers in the area.(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1914, p. 1)
In July 1914, the Barataria Canning Company made a radical change in the migrant labor practices of Biloxi by bringing in a small group of Louisiana strawberry pickers, primarily of French ancestry, to labor in their plant on Point Cadet.  Seasonal workers were normally brought to Biloxi from the Baltimore area.  The newcomers were domiciled in the Barataria factory camps.(The Daily Herald, July 25, 1914, p. 2)  
John W. Apperson, E.T. Apperson,and George W. Grayson (1870-1943) chartered the Apperson Hotel Company in July.(Harrison Co., Ms. Chancery Court Charter Bk. 15, p. 7)
WW I commenced in Europe when Germany declared war on Russian and France in early August.
The Panama Canal formally opened on August 15th with the passage of the SS Ancon, a freighter.
The New Orleans Times-Picayune was created in 1914 when The Daily Picayune merged with The Times-Democrat.
Mayor F.W. Elmer was notified by the Department of Commerce and Labor that Chandeleur, Heron, North and New Harbor Islands were made bird sanctuaries.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1914, p. 5)
The Gulf Coast College building which also housed the Handsboro, Mississippi town hall was destroyed by fire on January 8th.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1915, p. 9)
James J. Lemon (1825-1915), native of England and an 1841 immigrant who came to Biloxi before 1880 after living in Louisiana, expired on February 11th.  Mr. Lemon operated a grocer store, drug store and was the British Vice-Consul representing English sailors and shipping interests in the area.(The Daily Herald, February 12, 1915, p. 1)
Ulysse Desporte (1861-1927) was King Arguis IV and Katherine L. Henley [McColl] was Queen Ixolib of the Biloxi Mardi Gras on February 16th.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1915, p. 1 and February 17, 1915, p. 1)
In February, Ernest Lee Jahncke, Biloxi annual summer visitor, and Sadie S. Downman ruled the Carnival at NOLA. 
Salvatore Pizatti (1839-1915), Biloxi and NOLA philanthropist, expired at NOLA on December 30, 1915.  He had acquired the L.H. Doty home on West Beach in the summer of 1914.(The Daily Herald, February 18, 1915, p. 1)
The Mississippi Coast Amateur Baseball League was organized in February with teams from Biloxi, DeLisle, Gulfport, and Ocean Springs participating.  The following officers were elected: James Lynch of Gulfport- president; T.W. Dabney of Ocean Springs-vice president; O.A. Porter of Gulfport-secretary-treasurer.  The Biloxi team was manned by: Ryan, catcher; Moran, pitcher; Barnard, Summerlin, Hightower, infielders; Schaffer, shortstop; and Chinn, Summerlin, and Voivedich-outfielders.  In their first game, Biloxi won by a forfeit over Gulfport, when the Ocean Springs' team left the field in the 7th inning because Biloxi fans would not move away from the sidelines.  Biloxi led 5 to 4.(The Gulfport Advocate, February 20, 1915, p. 4, March 6, 1915, p. 4, and April 10, 1915, p. 7)
In early March, Ethel Wilson clad in a bearskin and with radiant hair arrived at Biloxi via the L&N RR to promote Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1915, p. 1
Newspaperman, George W. Wilkes (1854-1915), founder of The Biloxi Herald in 1884 expired on March 29th.(The Daily Herald, March 30, 1915, p. 1)
Meyer Eiseman (1882-1940) of NOLA of the Deer Island Improvement Company with Biloxian, George W. Grayson (1870-1943), were selling beach lots on Deer Island for $350.(The Daily Herald, April 24, 1915, p. 13)
In late April 1915, D.B. Lemon, an experienced mill man, planned to harvest timber from Cat Island.  Estimated reserves at 3,500,000 board feet.  Mill could process 7,000 board feet each day.  Lumber shipped to Gulfport for domestic and export utilization.(The Daily Herald, April 28, 1915, p. 7)
In May, Louis Holley(1884-1973) had contract to build a one-story frame building for Ernest Desporte on Front Street just west of Lameuse Street.  Henry Agregaard and son will open an oyster house and short order lunch house when complete.(The Daily Herald, May 12,1915, p. 2)
Captain F.P. Barry arrived in Biloxi from Tampa to take charge of the Deer Island Ferry service.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1915, p. 2, May 24, 1915, p. 2, and May 30, 1915, p. 4)
In June, A.B. Lemons of Gulfport commenced his sawmill on Cat Island and planned to cut 10000 board-feet per day.  The lumber has been sold to a NOLA interest.  Estimates are that he will cut 4 million board feet in 400 working days.(The Gulfport Advocate, June 5, 1915, p. 4)

Salvatore Pizatti (1839-1915), pioneer fruit importer of NOLA, gave Biloxi $1000 to erect a dance pavilion, the Pizatti Pavilion, in City Park.  Hugh H. Roof (1878-1969), secretary of the Commercial Club and architect, designed the structure, which was dedicated on June 18, 1915.  In November 1915, L.H. Manuel was awarded the contract by Biloxi to enclose the building in order that the Biloxi Tourist Club might use it for their winter meetings.  Mr. Pizzati expired at NOLA on December 30, 1915.(The Daily Herald, February 18, 1915, p. 1, June 8, 1915, p. 1, June 18, 1915, p. 1 and November 13, 1915, p. 1)


The Deer Island Island Development Company formally dedicated their Deer Island amusement center on June 23rd.  Meyer Eiseman of the DIDC;  George W. Grayson of the Biloxi Commercial Club; Mayor Glennan of Biloxi; Mayor Foote of Gulfport; and Mayor Saucier of Pass Christian spoke at the ceremony.  Ocean Springs beat Biloxi 5-2 in the baseball game.(The Gulfport Advocate, June 26, 1915, p. 1)

Visitors to Deer Island to celebrate Independence Day 1915 were treated to a baseball game, a fancy skating exhibition by 'Marvelous' Davis.  Dancing and fireworks capped the evening festivities as crowds lingered until midnight on the sandy grounds.  The Barn Dance, particularly enjoyed by the rural crowd,  was a novelty.(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1915, p. 2)


A hurricane struck Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast on September 29th.      

Sam Strange (sic)  (1886-1967) leased part of the Olivari Building on Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street and will open a grocery store.  He recently commenced the French Market Grocery at Gulfport.(The Gulfport Advocate, July 10, 1915, p. 8)
In late June, the First Evangelical Lutheran Church congregation meeting in the First Baptist Church of Biloxi awarded a $2500 contract to Harry Haise and Eric Johansen to erect a Bungalow style chapel [28 feet by 47 feet] at Jackson and Thomas Streets.  The completed chapel valued at $3500 was dedicated on September 26, 1915.  The Reverend E.C.Brink of Illinois came to Biloxi in 1914 to take charge of the newly developing congregation, which had about 35 members at this time.(The Daily Herald, July 2, 1915, p. 2 and September 27, 1915, p. 1)
A hurricane struck Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast on September 29th.      
Theodore G. Bilbo was inaugurated Governor of Mississippi on January 18th.  He planned to establish a summer home at Biloxi in June 1916.(The Daily Herald, June 12, 1916, p. 1) 
William K.M. Dukate (1852-1916), native of Fredericksburg, Indiana and Biloxi seafood magnate and entrepreneur, expired at his Biloxi home on March 29th.(The Daily Herald, March 29,1916, p. 1)
On May 8th, Harrison County Beat 4 and Beat 5 voted 428 for and 329 against to establish Stone County, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, May 9, 1916, p. 1)
Mayor Edward Glennan (1854-1933) was re-elected Mayor of Biloxi on June 27th defeating Frank E. Pringle (1872-1925) by 259 votes.(The Daily Herald, June 28, 1916, p. 1)
The new Biloxi Yacht Club to replace the one destroyed by the September 1915 as erected by Christian A. Thompson and O.E. Thompson.(The Jackson County Times, July 29, 1916, p. 1)
The C.B. Foster Company Packing Company was chartered in August 1916 at Biloxi and Violet, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Charter Bk. 16, p. 284)
St. Mary's Catholic School of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish was dedicated on September 6th.  Father Carl F. Schappert, S.S.J., the pastor, will operate the school for Black children of which more than one hundred will be in attendance.(The Daily Herald, September 7, 1916, p. 3) 
On November 1st, the L&N Railroad and City of Biloxi renewed their lease agreement on Biloxi's City Park, south of the L&N Depot.  Superintendent Charles Marshall of the L&N Railroad insisted that Biloxi reduce the railroad's taxes.[Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 119, p. 45 and The Daily Herald, October 28, 1916, p. 1]
 The shell and gravel Beach Road connecting Biloxi and Gulfport was finished in January 1917.  Grading of this road commenced in early July 1915 and was completed from Biloxi to Pass Christian for $40,000.  The Beach Road had been closed since the damage caused by the September 1915 hurricane.(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1917, p. 1)
Brigadier General Samuel Wragg Ferguson (1834-1917), native of Charleston, S.C. and former Biloxi city engineer, expired at Jackson, Mississippi in early February.  In 1908, General Ferguson completed the first detailed city map of Biloxi.  It took 19 months to survey and cost about $2500.  The map was 15 1/2 feet long and almost 6 feet in width.  When the Union surrendered Fort Sumpter in April 1861, Ferguson accepted the keys Major Anderson and later presented them to General P.G.T. Beauregard (1818-1893).(The Daily Herald, April 11, 1908, p. 1. February 2, 1912, p. 5, and February 6, 1917, p. 6) 
James Knox Henley (1856-1917), former L&N agent at Mississippi City and Biloxi, died on February 17th.(The Daily Herald, February 17, 1917, p. 1)
George Quint (1886-1967), King Arguis VI, and Mary Chinn (1891-1958) [who later m. John F. Eistetter (1881-1953)], Queen Ixolib, ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras on February 20th.  There were six floats in this night parade designed by N. Salvadore Navarro (1869-1953).
Mayor Edward Glennan (1854-1933) was president of the Biloxi Mardi Gras Association.(The Daily Herald, January 13, 1917, p. 1 and February 21, 1917, p. 1)
The United States declared war on Germany on April 6th.
John Harry Portman (1878-1917), former G.E. Ohr pottery assistant and lighthouse keeper at Round Island and Sand Island, expired on June 13, 1917 at the Marine Hospital in Mobile.  Corporal remains interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, June 14, 1917, p. 3)
Captain John Meunier (1880-1944), Biloxi Postmaster, lead US Army Biloxi Troop B to Camp Jackson, Mississippi on August 30, 1917 for training in preparation to fight in WWI.  A reception and dance was held for the soldiers at the Pizatti Pavilion the evening before departure.  The Biloxi Red Cross dispensed 'kits' and Mr. Keife of the Log Cabin Grocery on Porter gave away cigars.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1917, p. 1) 
Biloxi's boat carpenters built 21 large vessels in 1903.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1903, p. 6)
The citizens of Biloxi voted on December 31, 1917 to change their city government to the Commission Form by a vote of 340 for and only 43 against.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1918, p. 1)

Mayor Edward Glennan (1854-1933) started his final year as Mayor of Biloxi with turmoil in the Police Department.  In January 1918, when it was time to reappoint patrolmen, Walter H. Hunt (1887-1961), 1st Ward Alderman, opposed that Frank J. ‘Zudie’ [Sablich] Hightower (1890-1976), Peter Bellande (1871-1933), and John W. Mabry (1873-1940) continue with the force.  The Board of Aldermen appointed Joseph Mattina (1889-1969), a barber; Willie Ryan (1876-1958), Biloxi Yacht Club keeper; and Martin Green Jr. (1875-1951), a boat dealer, to replace the three men.  None of the City Council’s new policemen had any law enforcement experience and they had to be trained by Chief R.M. Randolph.  Chief Randolph further stated that he was greatly surprised and was unwilling to part with Officer Bellande.  He declares that Officer Peter Bellande has always proven himself a very efficient Police Officer.  Officer Bellande also has a large number of friends in the city administration as well as among citizens who are nor connected with the city.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1918, p.  1)

Miss Maud White and Mrs. M.C. McGuire bought the Bohn property at 710 West beach for $5000.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1918, p. 3)
Lee V. Pringle (1866-1938) was elected president of the Turpentine and Resin Association of New Orleans in January 1918.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1918, p. 3)
The Biloxi Golf Club was chartered on May 22nd.  Construction had begun in March with Jack Daray (1881-1958), a professional golf superintendent domiciled at Grand Rapids, Michigan, in charge of the operation.(Harrison Co., Ms. Charter Bk. 18, p. 254 and The Daily Herald, March 23, 1918, p. 1)
George E. Ohr Jr. (1857-1918), Biloxi's 'Mad Potter', expired on April 7th.
The band from the Naval Station in Gulfport played for a flag raising ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic colored school on Reynoir Street.  Father Schappert, J.C. Elmer and Edgar Beale spoke at the occasion.(The Daily Herald, June 29, 1918, p. 3)
John F. Popp (1835-1918), Danish immigrant and successful lumber merchant and ferry operator, expired at NOLAon September 13th.(The Daily Herald, September 14, 1918, p. 3)
Thomas J. Grayson (1897-1962), First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F. Date of Action: October 2 - 3, 1918-General Orders No. No. 16, W.D., 1920 Citation: The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas J. Grayson, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action near Exermont, France, October 2 - 3, 1918.
Foucher Dunbar (1880-1918) former bookeeper for the Dunbar-Dukate Company died at NOLA in mid-October.(The Daily Herald, October 14, 1918, p. 3)     
World War I ends in November 1918.
In the November election, John J. Kennedy, Biloxi businessman, won the Mayoral race over incumbent Edward Glennan by two ballots.  W.H. 'Skeet' Hunt and M.L. 'Slow' Michel were elected City Commissioners, the first to serve under the commission for of municipal government.(The Daily Herald, November 21, 1918, p. 1)
Prohibition was instituted with ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution on January 16, 1919, which prohibited the "...manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States..." Congress passed the "Volstead Act" on October 28, 1919, to enforce the law, but most large cities were uninterested in enforcing the legislation, leaving an understaffed federal service to go after bootleggers. 
In January 1919, the Biloxi City government changed to the Commission format with city officials elected every four years.  John J. Kennedy (1875-1949) was the first Mayor elected to this new scheme defeating Edward Glennan (1854-1933) 273 votes to 271 votes.  This election was decided by the State Supreme Court in March 1919.(The Daily Herald, November 21, 1918, p. 1 and March 4, 1919, p. 2)
On January 19th, forty-five soldiers of Troop B, Biloxi Cavalry led by Captain John R. Meunier (1880-1944) returned from WWI.  Ninety-five troopers left Biloxi on August 17, 1917 for Camp Beauregard near Alexandria, Louisiana for training.  They were transferred  to a caisson company of the 114th Ammunition Train and arrived at Brest, France on September 12, 1918.(The Daily Herald, January 20, 1919, p. 1)
Mayor John J. Kennedy declared January 28th as 'Welcome Home Day' for American serviceman.  A parade with marching bands was held in the city.(The Daily Herald, January 27, 1919, p. 1)
In March, the Cleophan Club planted twelve palm trees in City Park as living memorials for twelve Biloxi soldiers lost during WWI.  These brave men were: Sgt. Charles L. Baudry (1891-1918); William Haenns; Chester Wesley Hayes; Clarence Avner Nelson; Sgt. Charles Nicovich(1892-1918); John J. Price; Pvt. Walter N. Quave (d. 1917); Pvt. James Roberts (18-1918); Alfred James Rutherford; George C. Ryan; Edwin Wein; and Henry C.T. Wurdemann (1889-1918).(The Daily Herald, March 17, 1919, p. 1)
The Commercial Club became the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce on May 5th.  It also became affiliated with the US Chamber of Commerce and a new charter was applied for from the State.  Officers at this time were:  John W. Apperson, pres.; George W. Grayson, vice-pres.; G.J. Wiltz, 2nd vice-pres.; A. Swanzy, 3rd vice-pres.; O.G. Swetman, treasurer; and John E. Breaux Jr., secretary.(The Daily Herald, May 6, 1919, p. 1)


In June 1919, Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) sold the former Nixon Hotel lot and more acreage to the Biloxi Hospital Association for $15,000.  The lot had 222 feet on the Gulf and ran north to Water Street.  Excepted was a lot 79 feet by 128 feet in the northeast corner of the tract.   Mr. Howard acquired the Nixon Hotel lot in September 1886 for $4000 from the Nixon heirs.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 124, p. 14 and Bk. 21, p. 492)  

The first ELK-PAT [Elks Pull All Together] celebration was held on July 4th.  The event was a fundraiser for the Biloxi City Hospital Association and sponsored by the Biloxi Elks Lodge No.  606.  Dr. Byron Holley was presented a check by the Elks for $1600. (The Daily Herald, July 1, 1919, p. 1 and July 23, 1919, p. 1)
J.B. Lemon (1862-1919), former proprietor of Lemon's Drug Store in Biloxi expired on August 6th at Ocean Springs where he had been in the pharmacy business since March 1918.  Pansy Belle Robarts (d. 1943), his widow, was the sister of  Adele Robarts Arndt (1875-1945), the wife of George E. Arndt (1857-1945), prominent Ocean Springs businessman.(The Daily Herald, August 7, 1919, p. 4)
During the past six months, Biloxi added the following new businesses: The Myrtice Shop; Queen City Tire Works; Hosford Motor Company; Barker Bakeries; Southern Automotive and Equipment Company; Lopez Canning Company; Elmer & Spottswood Canning Company; Fishermen's Packing Company; Collins Brothers Automobile Business; Southern Fish & Shrimp Company; Biloxi Fisheries Inc.; and  Harrison County Sales Company.(The Daily Herald, September 23, 1919, p. 3)
On November 3rd, fifty veteran soldiers and sailors met at the Maccabbee Hall on West Howard Avenue and formed the Charles L. Baudry American Legion Post in Biloxi..  Sgt. Charles L. Baudry (1891-1918) was the only Biloxi soldier killed in WWI.  He died in France on October 4, 1918.(The Daily Herald, November 4, 1919, p. 1)
On November 27th, Charles L. Lanius led a parade in downtown Biloxi composed of members of the Baudry American Legion Post, Spanish American War veterans, Condederate veterans, Gulf Coast Military Academy cadets, and a detachment from the Gulfport Naval Training Station.(The Daily Herald, November 25, 1919, p. 1)
Dejean Packing Company founded by Charles DeJean (1879-1961), Frank G. Bosarge (1878-1932), and Elmer Williams (1898-1985).
George Petro (1882-1920+), Biloxi photographer, 1893 Syrian immigrant and husband of Clemence Mickoul (1897-1920+), sold his business to C.F. Gilligan (1861-1943) of Akron, Ohio, and relocated to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to manage a large studio.(The Daily Herald, January 19, 1920, p. 3)
The Biloxi Athletic Club was founded at 409 West Howard Avenue in March to promote boxing, swimming, baseball, football and other sporting endeavors for its membership.  Founding officers were: William O'Brien, president; Calvin A. Davidson, v. pres.,; Jesse Smith Jr., treas.; and Chester H. Rose, sec.  Those at the seminal meeting were: E. St. Amant; Hugh Latimer; P. Lamarque; Roy Kennedy; Edwin Catchot; Evan Swetman; William O'Brien; Augustine Marie; R. Bourgeios; W. Barthes; Otto Emile; D. Santa Cruz; Calvin A. Davidson; Noel Staehling; L. Hilderbrand; W. Caillavet; Jessie Smith Jr.; C. Gutierrez; Louis Cazeau; Marks Burdine; Nassie George; Chester H. Rose; Ralph Mattina; Joseph Bataya; Otto Emile; and Magell [Miguel] Acevedo.(The Daily Herald, March 17, 1920, p. 1)
John J. Kennedy, Biloxi Mayor and other Coast officials, were aggrevated by last summer's women's one-piece, silk bathing suits and planned to pass regulations to ban them from the seashore.  Kennedy thought that"the bathing suits of last year went the limit and must be curtailed this year."(The Daily Herald, March 22, 1920, p. 3)
The D.A.R. dedicated a monument on April 8th on the shore of Back Bay in North Biloxi commemorating the landing of Iberville in 1699.(The Daily Herald, April 9, 1920, p. 1)
James C. 'J.C.' Elmer (1883-1920), died at NOLA on April 30th.  He was a former Biloxi City Judge, Harrison County Sheriff and District Attorney.(The Daily Herald, April 29, 1920, p. 1 and May 1, 1920, p. 3)
Martin F. Hass (1903-1990), 1920 BHS graduate, entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York with 598 other plebes.(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1920, p. 4)
The 19th Amendment was ratified in August 1920 granting women the right to vote in America.
Boy Scouts of America Troop 2 was organized by the Biloxi Knights of Columbus at its West Howard Avenue hall with Charles L. Rushing as Scoutmaster.  Troop 2 had 48 boys and was organized into 6 patrols of 8 scouts.(The Daily Herald, September 15, 1920, p. 3 and September 30, 1920, p. 3)
Fifty-one, Biloxi women had registered to vote in future elections.  Katherine Sharp age 80 years was the eldest.[The Times-Picayune, October 20, 1920, p. 14]
Edward H. Benedict (1868-1920), a printer associated with the Biloxi Review and Herald Printery and a politician and active in the civic and social affairs of Biloxi, expired on December 17th.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1920, p. 1)
The population of Biloxi was 10,937 people.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1926, p. 1)
Edward Herbert Wolcott (1894-1918), who passed from pneumonia at Flanders Field Base Hospital No. 47 at Beaune, France on October 23, 1918, was buried on January 15, 1921 in the Biloxi Cemetery. Services were conducted under the auspices of the Catholic Church and pallbearers were selected from the Charles Baudry American Legion Post. A firing squad of eight men and a bugler under the command of a petty officer from the Gulfport Naval Station accompanied the body to its final resting place.The deceased was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wolcott; five brothers, Oliver C. Wolcott; Ralph Wolcutt; Harold Wolcutt; Frank Wolcutt; and Payne Wolcutt; and one sister, Miss Lee Vicie. Edward was reared in Biloxi and resided here prior to enlisting inthe 1st Alabama Infantry at Mobile.(The Daily Herald, January 25, 1921, p. 2)
The Daily Herald had a circulation of 3005 subscribers.(The Daily Herald, January 28, 1921, p. 1)
Williard L. Via (1855-1921), resident of Mobile, and former Biloxi businessman, politician, and BYC Commodore expired on January 26, 1921.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1921, p. 4)
In March, the Reverend Henry W. VanHook, president of the Seashore Camp Ground School, organized a company of Boy Scouts with a membership of forty youngsters.  Meetings held in the 1st Methodist Church.(The Daily Herald, March 10, 1921, p. 4)
In late May, Commissioner Hunt related that Lameuse Street would be paved from Howard Avenue to the Beach.(The Daily Herald, May 26, 1921, p. 3)
James V. Hagan (1874-1929), former City Clerk, built 'Hagan's Pier' at the foot of Reynoir Street and opened for business in June.  He rented bathing suits, sold refreshments, and held dances under the large pavilion.(The Daily Herald, June 10, 1921, p.6 and June 18, 1921, p. 8)
Michel John Louge (1847-1921), spouse of Mary E. Fayard (1847-1891) and former City Alderman, bailiff, and house carpenter, died on July 12th.  In the 19th Century. M.J. Louge owned the NW/C of Lameuse and Howard Avenue, which became the site of the 1896 People's Bank Building.(The Daily Herald, July 13, 1921, p.3)
The Biloxi Rotary Club was founded on August 5th at the Riviera Hotel with Edgar S. Beale (1882-1950), president; Louis J. Braun, vice-president; George Barrow Cousins, secretary; M.R. Williamson, treasurer; and F.R. Gifford, sgt.-at-arms.(The Daily Herald, August 6, 1921, p. 1) 
The Slavonian Benevolent Association of St. Nikolai was chartered by Peter Pavlov (1882-1951), Toney M. Pitalo, Peter J. Radich (1875-1954), Luka Kuljis, Steve M. Sekul, and Frank Bohanovich in August.(The Daily Herald, August 19, 1921, p. 2)
The Daily Herald increased its circulation from 2631 to 3499 customers between October 1920 and October 1921.(The Daily Herald, October 18, 1921, p.1)
Francois Sartre (1854-1921), native of Bordeaux, France, and restaurateur at NOLA and Biloxi, expired at NOLA on October 26, 1921 at 938 Esplanade, his domicile.  Francois came to Biloxi in 1895 and established Francois' Restaurant.Jeanne L' Hospice Sartre (1854-1897), his spouse, died at Biloxi and here remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.  Monsieur Sartre's corporal remains were entombed in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 and brought to Biloxi in in late June 1922 for burial besides his wife.(The Times Picayune, Ocotber 27, 1921, p. 6 and The Daily Herald, October 27, 1921, p. 3 and June 29, 1922, p. 2)
With the completion of a graded and gravel road from the Chef Menteur to the Rigolets, the 100 mile trip by car from the Mississippi Coast to NOLA was reduced to about five hours.  One left Henderson Point, west of Pass Christian and took a ferry across the Bay of St. Louis and then drove to Logtown and Howe's Point on the Pearl River.  A ferry was boarded for the journey to the Rigolets and then by car for nine miles to the Chef Menteur where after a short ferry ride, the final twenty miles to New Olreans on a gravel road.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1921, p. 1 and November 22, 1922, p. 1)                                                                   
All Biloxi resident males between 18 and 55 years of age, not exempt by law, were notified that theywere required to work on the streets, avenues, and alleys of Biloxi for a period of six, ten-hour days each year.  In lieu of this service, one could pay the City Clerk $3 no later than March 5th.  After that date, an additional 1$ was added to the fee.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1922, p. 4)
In late March, Joseph Mattina (1889-1969), a Biloxi policeman, shot and killed Adolph Hunt (1884-1922) in downtown Biloxi.  The incident was ruled as self-defense.(The Daily Herald, March 28, 1922, p. 1)
The Gulfport & Mississippi Coast Traction Company was active in the Back Bay section of Biloxi.  On Reynoir Street, workers were relocating track to the center of the street in order to have a double driveway.  A sidetrack was being built on the Back Bay to the R.B. Dacey Lumber Company [near Heidenheim and Bayview Avenue] and workers were  replacing older rail ties from the Bay to the L&N station. When completed there will be a new trolley wire from Back Bay to the Riviera Hotel [corner of East Beach Boulevard and Lameuse Street].(The Daily Herald, April 25, 1922, p. 1)
Randolph D. Peets (1889-1985), native of Copiah Co., Mississippi and Principal of the Biloxi Central High Schoolresigned in early May after only one year as principal.  He moved to Jackson, Mississippi where he died in 1985.(The Daily Herald, May 10, 1922, p. 4)
In mid-May,Charles Dunbar Lancaster (1841-1922), native of Woodville, Mississippi, died at his farm on the Wolf River at Cuevas, Harrison Co. Mississippi.  Professor Lancaster was a former school teacher, Harrison Co., Mississippi Superintendent of Education, and principal of the Biloxi Public school in the late 1880s.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1922 and May 20, 1922)
Naval Reserve Park was having a baseball field built under the supervision of Louis Mangin and William Dalzell.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1923, p. 3)
In early June, the 'new' Wachenfeld Pavilion was dedicated.  Both the pier and pavilion were enlarged considerably.  The diving tower at the end of the new pier is a new feature.  Charles W. Wachenfeld (1868-1936) was the owner.(The Daily Herald, June 8, 1922, p. 3)
Miss Sarah Hardiman won Biloxi's First Annual Bathing Revue on July 4th.(The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1922, p. 25)
Biloxi women voted for the first time as Mayor John J. Kennedy (1875-1949) was re-elected on July 6th.  1529 ballots were cast in the Democratic primary.  Kennedy received 771 votes defeating Edward Glennan [376 votes], George W. Grayson [367 votes], and Dr. Anthony Ferrer [6 votes].(The Daily Herald, July 7, 1922, p. 1 and The Times-Picayune, July 6, 1922, p. 5)
On July 31, 1922, the Biloxi Artesian Ice Manufacturing Company took a 10 year lease from Robert E. ‘Lee’ Elder (1865-1931) on tract north designated as No. 135 West Back Bay - Chartres Street, now East Bay View Avenue.  William Gorenflo, was president and E.L. Dukate, secretary, of the company.(HARCO, Ms. Land  Deed Bk. 135, p. 244)
Dejean Packing Company was destroyed by fire in August 1922 and rebuilt in nineteen days.  It was chartered in November 1922 by Charles DeJean (1879-1961), Frank G. Bosarge (1878-1932), and Elmer Williams (1898-1985).(The Daily Herald, September 13, 1922, p. 3 and Harrison County, Ms. Charter Bk. 7, p. 425)
George A. Swan (1878-1922), native of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Biloxi insurance executive and fruit farmer, expired at Baltimore, Maryland on November 16th.(The Daily Herald, November 16, 1922, p. 1 and November 18, 1922, p. 1)
In November, the BHS football team and fans traveled to Pascagoula for a football game via motorboats.  Biloxi was leading the game 12-0 in the third quarter when a donnybrook broke out on the field with Pascagoula fans joining the melee.  The referee from Gulfport stopped the contest and declared Biloxi the winner by forfeit.(The Daily Herald, Novemebr 20, 1922, p. 1)
The Biloxi Dam of Beavers with a charter membership of fifty-five was organized on November 21st. The organization expected about one hundred members to eventually complete the group.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1922, p. 3)
Jens Nielson (1847-1923), jeweler and watchmaker whose business and photo studio was on Reynoir Street near the L&N Depot, died on January 31st.(The Daily Herald, February 3, 1923)
The Reverend C.T. Stamps, colored clergyman  and involved in church and educational improvements for his race, was appoined a delegate by Governor L.M. Russell to attend the Inter-Racial Conference at Washington D.C.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 1923, p. 6)
Robert B. Dacey (1864-1923), native of Grove Hill, Alabama and Biloxi lumberman and building materials proprietor,expired on March 15th.(The Daily Herald, March 15, 1923, p. 1)
Charles Latham Rushing (1881-1923), Biloxi attorney and native of Madison, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, expired on May 21st.  Mr. Rushing had come to Biloxi in 1908 and had represented Harrison County in the State Legislature.  He served as Circuit Judge for Harrison County after the demise of Judge James H. Neville. Mr. Rushing was a principal with the firm of Rushing & Guice and had been City Attorney and the Mississippi Oyster Commision since its inception.  He was survivied by his spouse, Clara G. Rushing.(The Daily Herald, May 22, 1923, p. 1) 
The O'Keefe Funeral Service opened its funeral parlor at 601 West Howard Avenue on June 4th.  Jeremiah J. 'Ben' O'Keefe II (1895-1954) and Joseph H. 'Jody' O'Keefe (1897-1932) were the proprietors.(The Daily Herald, June 4, 1948, p. 9)
Two carloads of A-1 brick arrived at Biloxi last week and were unloaded on West Beach.  After the waterworks are reconfigured and storm drain work is finished, the Front Beach roadway from Point Cadet to Porter Avenue will be started.(The Daily Herald, July 31, 1923, p. 3)
The July 1923 BYC Regatta was featured in Rudder and Boating, two national magazines. The articles written by Anthony V. Ragusin (1902-1997) of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce with images by Southland Studios.(The Daily Herald, August 20, 1923, p. 3)
In August, Julius M. Lopez (1886-1958), Edward Brady (1874-1939), Dr. George F. Carroll, and John D. Minor (1876-1937) of the Biloxi Gun Club participated in the North American Handicap at Chicago. Mr. Lopez shot his way to the Grand American prize for Class C by breaking 194 out of 200 birds.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1923, p. 3)
In late August 1923, the Morgan Paving Company was contracted to pave a section of the West Beach Road from Heartsease Park to Beauvoir.  Morgan subcontracted the work to local contractors, Ahern and Guiterrez, but continued to supervise the project.  Funds for the work was provided by the Federal government and the State Highway Commission.  The scheme called for a roadway with a six-inch, concrete base covered with a thick asphalt layer.(The Daily Herald, August 27, 1923, p. 3) 
Dr. Walter Tetford Bolton (1859-1923), native of Hickory, Newton County, Mississippi, died at Biloxi on August 28th.  He arrived at Biloxi in 1888 coming from Perkinston, Mississippi where he was also the US Postmaster.  Dr. Bolton served as Biloxi's City Health Officer for fifteen years.(The Daily Herald, August 28, 1923, p. 1)
The clubhouse of the Biloxi Golf Club, designed by Carl Matthes and built by T.J. Rossell, was completed.(The Daily Herald, August 30, 1923, p. 1)
In September, contract for erection of the Buena Vista Hotel was awarded to the Underwood Construction Company of NOLA.  The modern, 105-room, Spanish Colonial Revival building was designed by Carl Matthes for the Buena Vista Hotel Company of John W. Apperson, pres.; Milton J. Anderson of Memphis, v. pres.; and Robert Hays Holmes (1896-1949), sec.-treas.(The Daily Herald, September 7, 1923, p. 1)
L&N Fast Train No. 1 collided and sideswiped the L&N Piedmont Special near Lee Street on the eveing of October 4th.  Wiley Lauzon, Mobile resident and engineer of Fast Train No. 1, was killed and his fireman, Sylvester Anthony, was severely injuried.  Several passengers were taken to the Biloxi Hospital.(The Daily Herald, October 5, 1923, p. 1)
Trustees of the Confederates Home [Beauvoir] let a contract to W.T. Beckelheimer of Jackson for the erection of a $38,000,two-story, brick hospital.(The Daily Herald, October 19, 1923, p. 1 and October 22, 1923, p. 1) 
Margaret Covacevich and sister opened up a sewing parlor in their home at 902 East Howard Avenue. The sisters were expert dressmakers and pleaters.  The Covacevich sisters offered 24-hour service to their clientele.(The Daily Herald, October 13, 1923, p. 3)
On November 22nd, Julius Croncich (1904-1923), son of John F. Croncich (1868-1927) and Frances Hightower (1878-1963), fell from the schooner Anais off Gulfport, Mississippi and drowned.  His body was found on December 9, 1923 on the east end of Horn Island.  After burial on the island, his corporal remains were brought to Biloxi for internment on December 14, 1923 in the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Times-Picayune, November 26, 1923, p. 6, December 12, 1923, p. 20 and December 14, 1923, p. 4 and Bradford-O’Keefe Burial Book 12, p. 266)  
The Strand Theatre was built in the Lopez Building on West Howard Avenue in the winter of 1923.  It opened in early January 1924 with a feature picture, comedy, and high class vaudeville act and orchestra.  It was a modern theater with seating capacity of six-hundred fifty.  Its interior featured a modern finish with lighting appropriate for projection and illumination of the building.  The Strand also was equipped with a modern projector.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1924, p. 1)
"The Magnolia Route", an organization to promote the highway between the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Chicago, was incorporated by Mr. Jagoe, Gulfport; N.L. McGlathery, Pass Chrisitan; Dr. H.B. Powell, Ocean Springs; E.C. Tonsmeire, Biloxi; and J.L. Taylor, Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1924, p. 1)
The Avelez Hotel on West Howard Avenue opened on January 1st.(The Daily Herald, January   , 1924, p. 1)
The Strand Theatre in the Lopez building opened on January 5th.  The theater sat 650 people and was formatted for moving pictures and vaudeville shows.(The Daily Herald, January 24, 1924, p. 1) 
On January 22, 1924, Pearl Bradford, Sherwood Bradford et al and R.E. “Lee” Elder (1865-1931) conveyed for $3500 to the City of Biloxi, a lot 92 feet fronting on Back Bay to the north, south 768 feet to Elder Street.  Here the City of Biloxi created the Back Bay City Park.  Here in December 1925, the City planned to move and remodel as a Community House and Club, the home formerly owned by John C. Bradford (1855-1928).(HARCO, Ms. Land  Deed Bk. 139, 292-293 and Bk. 140, p. 371 and The Daily Herald, December 16, 1925, p. 2) 
The American Legion pavilion on Back Bay and Reynoir Street opened on June 3rd.  Seating capacity between 2000 and 2500 people.(The Daily Herald, June 4, 1924, p. 3)
The Mississippi Coast Hotel Keepers' Association was organized on June 2nd at the Avelez Hotel.  Officers elected were: Walter L. Read, Hotel Belmar, pres.; H.C. Babcock, Hotel Weston of Bay St. Louis, vp; George D, Stannus, Hotel Biloxi, sec.;  andDr. Henry B. Powell, Bayou Inn, Ocean Springs, treas.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1924, p. 1)
The J.C. Penny Company department store opened at Biloxi on August 30th in the Peoples Bank Building.  The five year lease was taken in late December 1923 from Daniel J. Gay, bank president, which cost the company $208.33 per month.  The store carried a large stock of high class merchandise.(The Jackson County Times, August 30, 1924, p. 5 and Harrison Co. Mississippi land Deed Bk. 140, p. 380)
In September, George W. Ditto (1895-1975), Alabama native and educator, arrived at Biloxi to assume his duties as Principal of the Biloxi Central High School.(The Daily Herald, September 2, 1924, p. 3)
The Buena Vista Hotel opened on July 3rd.
In 1923-1924, the Gorenflo School was designed by architect Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972) and erected.  It was originally called the Back Bay Elementary School.  Its area of educational responsibility included: All north of the L&N Railroad from Caillavet to Lee Street, including the east side of Caillavet and the west side of Lee; north of Division bounded by Caillavet and Seal. 
The Gulf and Ship Island Railroad merged with the Illinois Central Railroad. 
The Henry M. Piaggio $300,000 Italian Villa at Gulfport, Mississippi was acquired by Charles Glenn Collins of New Orleans.  He planned to convert it into the Gulf Coast Sanitarium for utilization by Louisiana and Mississippi physicians.  Henry M. Piaggio (1874-1921), a native of Genoa, Italy, was one of the founders of the International Shipbuilding Corporation at Pascagoula.  Mr. Piaggio built the Merry Mansion, but died before it was completed.(The Jackson County Times, 1924, p. 1 and The History of JXCO, Ms., 1989, pp. 25-26)
Three new Biloxi public schools were dedicated between November 18th and 20th in this order: Dukate School on East Howard Avenue; Gorenflo School on Lameuse Street; and the Lopez School beween Benachi Avenue and Porter Avenue.  The latter was being completed by A.C. Samford, contractor, Gulfport and Montgomery.[The Daily Herald, November 14, 1924, p. 1 and 2]
James Joseph 'Gene' Tunney (1897-1978), champion light weight pugilist, was in Billoxi training for his December 8, 1924 fight at NOLA with Jeff Smith.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1924, p. 2)
Frederick W. Elmer (1847-1924), entrepreneur, former Biloxi Mayor, high school principal and County School Superintendent, member of the Board of Supervisors and former State legislature, died at his home on Beach Street and Magnolia on December 23rd.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1924, p. 1)
The Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Company was acquired by the Mississippi Power Company in late December.(The Daily Herald, December 29, 1924, p. 1)
The Peoples' Theatre Building on Point Cadet and owned by D.M. Schneider of Bogalusa, Louisiana, was gutted by fire on January 13th.  The building housed a dance hall and several small enterprises.  Damaged was estimated at $1000.(The Daily Herald, January 13,1925, p. 1)
The Harrison County seawall, the largest construction project ever planned for Mississippi, to commence in June.(The Chronicle-Star, January 30, 1925, p. 1)
Louis Goldman (1882-1925), former Biloxi City Attorney, expired at New Orleans on March 11th.  He practiced law in New York.(The Jackson County Times, March 14, 1925, p. 5)
In late April, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors approved construction of a 14-mile, concrete, reenforced Seawall.  H.D. Shaw of Gulfport and Arthur Shaw of NOLA were engineers for the project.   Bids were opened in late May at Gulfport.  The McDougal Construction Co. of Atlanta was the low bidder at $1, 956,000.(The Daily Herald, April 28, 1925, p. 1 and The Jackson County Times, May 30, 1925, p. 1)
Jitney Jungle, a Jackson, Mississippi based company, opened their first food store in Biloxi at the Avelez Hotel building on 23 May.  Proprietors were: C.J. Hart, P.G. Allen and A.N. Brannan.(The Daily Herald, May 23, 1925, p. 3)
In June, Melvin G. Ness (1897-1975), an Iowan, begin his Ness Ice Cream Factory, an ice cream plant, in the former Baptist Church on Lameuse and Washington Street.(The Daily Herald, June 9, 1925, p. 3) 
New Orleans native, Aristede Hopkins (1839-1925), NOLA and Biloxi realtor, expired in late June at his summer home on West Beach Boulevard at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, June 29, 1925, p. 3)
In early June 1925, an inspection trip aboard the Jolly Jack, to the Isle of Caprice was made by Walter H. Hunt (1887-1960), called Skeet, Colonel John W. Apperson (1862-1939), Architect Carl Matthes (1896-1972), and Eric Johansen (1899-1947), contractor.  Piling for the pier had been set and other projects on the site had been commenced.  Manager Hunt related that concessionaire applications were being received.(The Jackson County Times, June 6, 1925, p. 1)
On the eve of July 5, 1925, the Isle of Caprice resort opened for business.   Fun seeking tourists departed for the resort from landings at theBiloxi Yacht Club, White House, Riviera Pavilion, and Wachenfeld’s Pier.  The Silver Moon, commanded by Ed L. Moran (1888-1951), the brother of A.P. ‘Fred’ Moran (1897-1967) of Ocean Springs, Jolly Jack, Charles Redding, and Margaret  provided transportation.  In the new pavilion, music was made by the Buena Vista Orchestra.(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1925, p. 3)
The Biloxi Chevrolet Company was incorporated by John A. Matiniere-Shubuta, Mississippi; and E.L. Martin and W.G. Gerard-Biloxi in July. Messrs. Matiniere and Martin with Benjamin Harrison of Pass Christian had acquired the Adams Motor Company at Pascagoula in February and renamed it the Utility Motor Company.(The Daily Herlad, July 31, 1925, p. 8 and February 27, 1925, p. 5)
In early August, the contract let to A.M. Blodgett, Inc. for new $326,000 concrete bridge across Back Bay between North Biloxi and Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 8, 1925, p. 2)
Coach T.L. Gaddy (1894-1975) became head football coach at Biloxi High.   He came to the Biloxi High Yellow Jackets from the Gulf Coast Military Academy team at Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, September 1925, p.  )
Rabbi Alfred S. Moses of Mobile, who was at the Gulport Naval Station in WW I, met in early December with Biloxi Jews to organize the Jewish Coast Society.  Phillip Levine, pres.; I.B. Rau, vice-pres.; and Miss Sophie Schwartz, sec.(The Daily Herald, December 2, 1925, p. 2)
Laura F. Hinsdale (1845-1925) ,widow of Rev. Dr. Robert G. Hinsdale, former rector of the Church of the Redeemer, died on December 11th.  Mrs. Hinsdale wrote Legends and Lyrics of the Gulf Coast (1896) among others.
Coach Tranny Lee Gaddy(1894-1975) was the first Coach of the Biloxi 'Warriors'.  Gaddy directed his Biloxi football team to mythical State Championship in 1926.
George Soule (1834-1926), native of Barrington, New York andfounder of Soule's Business College at NOLA, died in the Crescent City on January 26th.(The Daily Herald, January 27, 1926, p. 1)
Mississippi Power Company planned a forty-six mile power line from the Miss.-Ala. state line to Gulfport where a large step-down transforming station will be built.  Power for the line will come from hydro-electric plants on the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers in Alabama.  With no difficulties, hydro-electric power should be available on the Mississippi Gulf Coast by January 1, 1927.(The Biloxi News, March 28, 1926, p. 19)
In February, Mathilda Drewes Donaldson (1870-1931) et al petitioned the County to open Rodenberg Avenue from the L&N Railroad to Pass Christian Road.(Harrison Co., Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 19, p. 506)
The $350,000 Biloxi-D'Iberville bridge was dedicated on 9 March.[The Daily Herald, March 10, 1926, p. 1]
The $1.4 million dollar bond issue to complete the 9 1/2 mile long seawall between Biloxi and Gulfport was overwhelmingly approved by Harrison County voters on 9 March.[The Daily Herald, March 10, 1926, p. 1]
The Edgewater Hotel, a $2,000,000, 400-room hotel on Biloxi beach, was under construction, as well as the Edgewater Golf Club located north of the hotel.  Harry J. Collis, architect of the Floosmoor Country Club and Olympia Fields at Chicago, had seventy-five men and eight tractors at work on the course.(The Biloxi News, March 21, 1926, p. 1 and April 25, 1926, p. 3)
Edgewater Park, a sixty-seven acre and 195 lot, highly restricted and exclusive residential development, was formally opened in March.  J.F. Cornelius & Company were the exclusive agents for the development with R.M. Nelson, their local agent.  This Edgewater Park Subdivision was platted on March 12, 1926 by two gentlemen from NOLA, James W. Billingsley, pres., and Sidney W. Souers, vice pres., of the Edgewater Park Company.  The three parcels for this housing development cost $300,000 when acquired in November 1925, from the Edgewater Development Company, S.L. McGlatheny, pres.(The Biloxi News, March 28, 1926, p. 16, Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 155, p. 183, and Harrison Co. Mississippi 2nd JD Chancery Court Plat Bk. 11, p. 29)
The Biloxi News, a weekly thirty-two page local journal, began publication in March.  E.T. O'Connell was the editor and publisher; Ligon Smith Forbes, advertising mgr.; Earline White, business mgr.  Miss Irma Dukate wrote a 'Society' column and Bob Lyle penned the fishing news.(The Biloxi News, March 28, 1926, p. 16)
In March 1926, the Mississippi Power Company announced that a hydro-electric line paralleling the Coast would be included in its $70 million development plan.  The companies hydro-electric plants were situated on the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers in Alabama and a 110,000 volt line would be built from the Alabama-Mississippi state line to a step-down transformer station at Gulfport.  Permission had been granted to the company to construct power lines on the bridge across the Back Bay of Biloxi from D’Iberville.(The Biloxi News, March 28, 1926, p. 1)
W.L. Covel (1836-1926), native of New York and Biloxi resident since 1886, expired on April 13th.  Mr. Covel was a watchmaker, civil engineer, and entrepreneur.  He ran for Mayor in 1890 and was preceded in death by Jane Hall Covel (18-1923), his spouse.  Mr. Covel lived at 327 Main Street with Mamie Reese Covel, his second wife.(The Daily Herald, April 13, 1926, p. 1)   
The Biloxi Boys Band was organized in April by the Chamber of Commerce with Professor Charles D. Carnovale (1896-1966) in charge.  Bands members were: Woodrow James; Loren Bosarge; Brooks Higdon; Charles Hopkins; John Mavar; Louis Tremmel (1908-1987); Glen Collins; Harold Collins; Edward Bridges; A. McAllister; Carl Welch; Henry Janin; Tony Corso; Bowman H. Broadnax (1907-1991); Martin Stanovich; Earl Master; Joe Dellinger; Vincent Morice; J.T. Tremmel; M.L. Michel; Keith Hester; Walter Wentzell; Fenton Bosarge; Floyd Balius; Connie Collins; John Dubaz; J. Beaudreaux; Fred Newroth; F. Williams; Red, The Drummer, J.J. Stanovich; and Bill Master.(the Biloxi News, May 2, 1926, 19) 
James Walker Elder (1852-1926), founder of the Elder & Bradford mill on Back Bay, expired at Biloxi on May 1st.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1926, p. 2) 
Hyman M. Folkes (1871-1926)
[courtesy of Elmer E. 'Eddie'  Lemien (1925-2009)
Dr. Hyman M. Folkes (1871-1926) expired at Biloxi on May 1st.(The Biloxi News, May 2, 1926, p. 1) 
Paul Skrmetti announced Biloxi's newest Subdivision, called Lamar Beach.  it was situated on Back Bay between the Back Bay Bridge and Bay Terrace.  Lamar Beach has 14 lots and the small tracts will be sold through Skermetti Realty.(The Daily Herald, May 21, 1926, p. 3)
On May 23rd, A large fire on West Howard Avenue destroyed the Yerger Building which housed the Variety Store, Electrik Maid Bakery, Newman Furniture Company, and Biloxi Mercantile Company.  Losses were estimated between $75,000-$100,000.(The Biloxi News, May 23, 1926, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, May 24, 1926, p. 1)
The Tivoli Hotel on East Beach began construction on June 14th.  Louis J. Braun,(1890-1951), Karl R. Dorries (1898-1927+) and Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972) are the proprietors of the Dorries Hotel Company, promoters of the $500,000, 124 room, structure designed by Carl E. Matthes in the Spanish Mission style.(The Biloxi News, May 23, 1926, p. 1 and June 13, 1926, p. 11)
Edgar Pipes Guice (1898-1970), manager of the Mississippi Ice and Utilities, opened a drive-in retail ice dispensing system at the companies two Biloxi outlets on Lameuse and Railroad and Porter and Howard,  Another drive-in ice station is planned for East Biloxi.(The Biloxi News, June 27, 1926, p. 13)
Aerial Photographic Service of Chicago completed in early July an aerial topographic survey [1 inch representing 500 feet] of the Mississippi Gulf Coast from Point Cadet to Henderson Point.(The Biloxi News, June 27, 1926, p. 1)

The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company changed its name to the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company.(The Daily Herald, July 3, 1926, p. 2)

The Biloxi Chevrolet Company founded by John A. Matiniere (1877-1947) in 1925 on Howard Avenue and Main Street changed its name to Dees Chevrolet in June when owned by Mr. Martiniere's brother-in-laws, Clifton L. Dees (1886-1963) of Vancleave and Mendum H. Dees (1884-1949) of Biloxi, who were president and sec.-treasurer respectively of the new enterprise.(The Daily Herald, July 16, 1926, p. 2)
Bessie Hunt Dantzler (1870-1926), wife of Lorenzo N. Dantzler (1866-1943), expired at Asheville in late May.  Her corporal remains were sent to Vicksburg for internment.(The Daily Herald, June 28, 1926, July 16, 1926, p. 5)   
D.H. Holmes, a NOLA department store, planned to hold their annual picnic in August on the grounds of the White House Hotel.  Two entire trains would be used to bring the 1200 employees to Biloxi for the gala event.(The Biloxi News, July 11, 1926, p. 1)
The Hertz Drivurself System opened a branch at Biloxi when they acquired the U Drive It Car Company owned by George Ahern (1886-1939) on Reynoir Street.  The Hertz System is owned by the Yellow Cab & Coach Company, a subsidiary of the General Motors Corporation.  Tom McCaleb (1871-1932), manager of the Checker Cab Company, will bein charge of Hertz operation on Reynoir Street.  He will contine to operate his Checker Cab business.(The Daily Herald, August 8, 1926, p. 2)
The Wachenfeld Apartments of August Wachenfeld, a modern two-story, stucco, eight-unit, apartment building on the northwest corner of Water and Croesus Street was completed in mid-August.  The Collins Brothers of Biloxi were the contractors and commenced work on the structure in March 1926.(The Biloxi News, March 21, 1926, p. 29 and Daily Herald, August 16, 1926)
In late August, the dredge Bisso of NOLA and owned by the Bisso Towboat Company began pumping fill behind the seawall.  (The Daily Herald, August 30, 1926, p. 1) 
The construction of the Edgewater Gulf Hotel, a $2 million dollar edifice, was on schedule and its formal opening anticipated in early January 1927. Arthur Clement was the managing director for the hotel company and Benjamin Marshall, architect.(The Daily Herald, September 11, 1926, p. 1)
In the fall of 1926, Biloxi High School changed it moniker from the "Yellow Jackets" to the "Redskins".  The new School colors became maroon and white replacing the former black and gold. Coach Tranny L. Gaddy (1894-1975) was responsible for the change.(The Daily Herald, September    1926, p.  )
Moose Lodge was formed at Biloxi led by Mayor John J. Kennedy.(The Daily Herald, October  18, 1926, p. 1)
Under the advisement of the Biloxi Lions Club, the City of Biloxi obtained its first traffic light.  It was made operational at Howard Avenue and Lameuse Street on November 12, 1926.  The light was made by the Essco Manufacturing Company and installed under the supervision of A.L. Mangin for City Commissioner John Swanzy who directed Biloxi Public Works.  The second traffic light went on in late December 1926, at Caillavet Street and Division.(The Daily Herald, October 21, 1926, p. 1, October 29, 1926, p. 2, November 13, 1926, p. 2. and December 23, 1926)
The Biloxi High School football squad was crowned State gridiron champions, having tied the undefeated Sunflower County Agricultural High School from Moorehead at Greenville, Mississippi on December 6, 1926, by a score of 7-7.  The game went five quarters, although the Indians were outweighed 24-pounds per man.  Coach Tranny Lee Gaddy (1894-1975), Mississippi A&M College, 3-sport letterman, led the team.  Coach Gaddy died at Jackson, Mississippi on October 12, 1975.(The Daily Herald, December 7, 1926 and October 13, 1975, p. A-2)

The Pine Hills Hotel on the north shore of Bay St. Louis opened on December 20th.(The Times Picayune, February 6, 1927, Section I-B, p. 5)

The 1927 population of Biloxi was estimated at 16,506.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1926, p. 1)
The Edgewater Gulf Hotel opened on January 10th.(The Jackson County Times, January 10, 1927, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, February 6, 1927, p. 1))
The Markham Hotel at Gulfport opened on January 31st.(The Times Picayune, February 6, 1927, Section I-B, p. 5)
The Tivoli Hotel a five-story, apartment hotel costing $750,000 and built by the Kaucher-Hodges Company of Memphis on East Beach opened on February 10th.  Harry Compton was the first manager.(The Times Picayune, February 6, 1927, Section I-B, p. 5)
              1927 Back Bay Bridge
             [Circa 1926 under construction.  Note 1901 wooden bridge in background.]
The Biloxi-North Biloxi [D'Iberville] Bridge was dedicated on January 12th.  Two parades, the largest barbecue ever staged in this area, public speaking, and an amusement show were part of the ceremony.  Mayor William E. Dever (1862-1929) of Chicago was invited to speak.(The Daily Herald, December 30, 1926, p. 1 and January 6, 1927, p. 1)
Ground was broken on January 15th, for the Edgewater Park L&N passenger station north of the Edgewater Hotel.  The station will have an 800-foot train shed.  Dismantled in 1925.(The Jackson County Times, January 10, 1927, p. 1)  
[from The Daily Herald, May 1929]
 In March, The Collins Brothers, William D. Collins (1891-1979) and James E. Collins (1888-1974), acquired a lot on Caillavet Street for $10,000 situated between Howard Avenue and the L&N RR.  Here they built a two-story, frame building [40 feet by 70 feet] with rock-face, brick siding.  The structure served as a garage and office.  Here the Collins Brothers sold the Hupmobile and repaired and serviced motor cars.  The Collins blacksmith shop, located on West Howard and Caillavet continued to perform general mechanical repairs, shoe horses as well as build oyster dredges and oyster cars. (The Daily Herald, March 18, 1927, p. 8 and September 2, 1929, p. 2) 
Men from the U.S. Coast Guard base at Biloxi began building a rifle range on Horn Island in late March.(The Daily Herald, April 2, 1927, p. 2)
The Seabird, a 28-foot vessel with a 9-foot beam, yawl rigged, cabin sloop, built by Martin Fountain for Francis G. Collins and G.E. Moore joined the BYC sailing and motorboat fleet.  It was launched in April 1927.(The Daily Herald, April 9, 1927, p. 8 and June 27, 1927, p. 2)
The Kress Company began demolition of two buildings on their Howard Avenue property in April in preparation to erect a two-story, modern structure.  The Meyer Eiseman building and other structure was demolished by Louis Braun.
The City Commissioners heard objections to 'white way' and curb and gutter improvements in Biloxi.  There was only one objection to the 'white way', similar to that on Beach Boulevard, which will be laid on Howard Avenue from Nixon Street to Fayard Street; Lameuse Street from Beach Boulevard to Howard Avenue; and Reynoir Street from Howard Avenue to the L&N RR.  Concrete curb and guttters will be placed on Bass Street from Washington to Howard Avenue and on Thelma Street from Seal Avenue to Iroquois.(The Daily Herald, April 23, 1927, p. 1)
Ground broke on the new Kress Building on June 22nd.(The Daily Herald, April 6, 1927, p. 2 and June 22, 1927, p. 1)
The Gulf Coast Dairy Products Company of O.F. Schleef of Loranger, Louisiana and situated on the corner of Howard Avenue and Fayard Street was preparing to open a 1500 gallons a day milk and ice cream plant.  This will be Biloxi's second ice cream plant.(The Daily Herald, April 6, 1927, p. 2)
On 26 April, Hart Chinn, Biloxi canner, sent a telegram to the Governor of Louisiana accepting with regret that he was going to have the Mississippi River levee at Poydras, Louisiana destroyed to save the City of New Orleans from flooding.  The fresh water overflow would severely damage or destroy oyster reefs in both states. The following Biloxi canners signed the telegram: Anticich Packing Company; William Cruso; Deer Island Fish and Oyster Company; DeJean Packing Company; Desporte Packing Company; Elmer Packing Company; Gussie Fountain Packing Company; Martin Fountain Packing Company; C.B. Foster Packing Company; Foster-Fountain; Kennedy Packing Company; and Terry Packing Company.(The Daily Herald, April 27, 1927, p. 1)
In early May, the Collins Brothers Contracting Company owned by William J. Collins (1886-1962) and George Collins (1891-1968) of Biloxi were awarded a $285,000 contract to erect the New Biloxi Hotel on the site of Dr. H.M. Folkes Hotel Biloxi which they had just torn down.  The Biloxi Plumbing and Heating Company headed by Henry L. Schwan (1889-1956) and Grover W. Graham (1893-1964) of Biloxi received the $46,300 contract for plumbing and heating the building while the electrical work to cost about $10,000 was given to the J.M. Johnson & Company of Dallas, Texas.  The Eagle Lumber Company locally managed by W.H. Latimer supplied a large volume of building materials for the edifice.  The New Biloxi Hotel was estimated to cost between $600,000 and $650,000.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1927, p. 2 and May 11, 1927, p. 1)
 Vessels led by Captain S.P. Edmonds from Coast Guard Base 15 at Biloxi were some of the first to go to the Mississippi Delta and last to leave as they assisted flood victims of the disastrous spring flood of the Mississippi River.  Biloxi's civilian seamen sent over 400 boats to the inundated region that equipped life saving parties with boats, motors, and supplies.  These first responders carried food, shoes, and clothing to the stricken while rescuing victims from trees and house tops stranded by the Great Flood.  Steve Gorenflo of Biloxi was one for the first releif workers to reach the Delta with Lyle Raymond, T.J. Fountain, Charles Rousseau, L. Crofton, Captain Moran and Voyle F. Moran (1905-1997), his son.  Other known Biloxians assisting in the flood zone were: John Dacey, Cleveland Huggins, and Walter White.  North Biloxians going to the Delta were: George Mitchel, Thomas Fountain, Paul Trochesett, Benny Yerger, Farrell Bosarge, Walt Walton, and Jules Santa Cruz, et al. (The Daily Herald, May 5, 1927, p 2, May 16, 1927, p.1, June 6, 1927, p. 2, and March 29, 1928, p. 3)

Captains Jake Rosetti, Tony Cvitanovich, and Frank J. Barhonovich formed a committee to collect money for the relief of flood victims in southeast Louisiana after the Mississippi River was breached in an action called the Poydras Crevasse.  Croatian families donated $176.50 which was given to The Daily Herald for distribution.[The Daily Herald, May 6, 1927, p. 1]

The Biloxi Amusement Association was formed to raise funds and erect a new baseball park at Naval Reserve Park.  The new facility was expected to attract a Major League baseball franchise for their spring training.(The Daily Herald, June 18, 1927, p. 1)
Edna Mae Johnson Longinotti (1891-1927), daughter of John E. Johnson and Ella Pons Johnson, was murdered by Davis in Biloxi on August 15th.(The Daily Herald, August 15, 1927, p. 1 and August 16, 1927, p. 2)
The Louisiana Shrimp Conservation Act went into effect on August 16, 1927.  The law was passed by the Louisiana State Legislature and prevented non-residents from catching saltwater shrimp and sending them to canning or packing factories outside the State of Louisiana.  An injuction was to be filed in the US District Court to prevent Louisiana from enforcing this law.(The Daily Herald, August 16, 1927, p. 1)    
In late August, the Biloxi to Isle of Caprice Marathon Racewas won by 'Mobile' Bill Jackson (b. 1903), a professional swimmer from Mobile.(The Daily Herald, August 24, p. 1 and August 25, 1927, p. 1)
Phyliss Hunt [Graham] (1909-2003), Miss Biloxi, left Biloxi for Atlantic City, New Jersey on September 4, 1927 for the National Beauty Contest.  She was accompanied by her mother and Miss Gladys Moore, Miss New Orleans.  The Biloxi Boy's Band played for the occaision at the L&N Depot.(The Daily Herald, September 5, 1927, p. 2)
Jitney Jungle, a Jackson, Mississippi based company, opened their second food store in Biloxi a Caldwell building in November. E.C. Allen was manager.(The Daily Herald, November 11, 1927, p. 3)
C.W. Johnson, builder, was awarded contracts for the East End Fire Station for $5734 and an addition to the new Community House for $1380.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1927, p. 3)
Florian Seal (1852-1939), prominent Biloxi businessman and politician who was five time Harrison County Sheriff and eight time Harrison County Tax Assessor expired on December 11th.(The Daily Herald, December 12, 1927, p. 1)
The petition for an injunction by the Foster-Fountain Company et al against the Louisiana Shrimp Packing Act was denied.  An appeal to the US Supreme Court was planned by the plaintiffs.The Daily Herald, December 30, 1927, p. 1 and December 31, 1927, p. 1)
City Commissioner Michel issued about 227 building permits for Biloxi and vicinity totaling $1,932,939 million dollars for 1927.   The major projects included the New Biloxi HotelKress Buildinglocal seawall sectionCedar Lake highwayimprovements at Oak Park; sidewalk constructon; and the paving of several streets including East Howard Avenue.  Home construction was particularly active north of the L&N Railroad and on the East End.(The Daily Herald, February  16, 1928, p. 1)
Bennett J. Doty, (1900-1937+), Biloxi WW I Army veteran, Marine, and adventurer, published Legion of the Damned , a biographical account of his life in the French Foreign Legion in the 1920s.
The New Biloxi Hotel opened on January 12th by Harold R. Bechtel (1894-1987), proprietor and bond broker of Davenport, Iowa. Building converted to Chateau Le Grand in 1981 by George J. Sliman (1934-1997).(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1928, p. 1 and The Gulf Coast Times, December 7, 1981, p. 1)
Six houses costing about $50,000 were to be built in the Briarfield Subdivision situated between the Edgewater Hotel and Beauvoir.(The Daily Herald, January 12, 1928, p. 18) 
The Elmer Packing Company on Back Bay was destroyed by fire on January 31st.  It was leased to Louis A. Lundy of Ocean Springs at the time of the large conflagration.(The Daily Herald, January 31, 1928, p. 2)
The ‘new’ Nonpariel  was built by the Frentz Brothers Shipyard on Back Bay.  It was nearing completion in February 1928.(The Daily Herald, January 31, 1928, p. 2)
The last ninety feet of the Harrison County Seawall was poured near Oak Street at Biloxi by the C.F. Lytle Construction Company on February 8, 1928.(The Daily Herald, February 8, 1928, p. 2)
Police Chief George Bills (1867-1945) added two new men to the BPD force, Felix Mattina (1886-1946) and Frank Hecht.  The night patrol is manned by: Charles Lowd, Omer Graves (1886-1933), Evon Swetman, Richard Grady (1891-1958), and Lawrence Stockton (1893-1956).  Chief Bills and Alonzo Gabrich, city detective, form the day force.  The hiring of the two new officers fills the vacancy created by the recent death of Jake Stanovich (1891-1927).(The Daily Herald, February 8, 1928, p. 2)
The Biloxi Laundry was incorporated by John W. Apperson, John A.W. O'Keefe (1891-1985), George J. Collins, Eugene Dowling (1880-1944); and W.L. Guice (1887-1971).(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1928, p. 2)
Harrison County seawall to be completed on May 5 th.(The Jackson County Times, March 31, 1928, p. 1)
The Pascagoula River Bridge and Escatawpa River Bridge in Jackson County were dedicated on April 14th.  The completion of the Pascagoula River Bridge completed the last gap of the Old Spanish Trail [US Highway 90] on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.(The Daily Herald, April 13, 1928, p. 1)
The first span across Popp's Ferry was completed in mid-April.  The new bridge cost about $70,000 and was 700-feet long and 18-feet wide.  It was constructed from creosoted timber and pilings.  Before the new Popp's Ferry Bridge opened for traffic, it was severely damaged by floodwaters in early June 1928.  Alonzo B. Desporte repaired the damaged structure in August and September at a cost of about $6400.(The Daily Herald, April 18, 1928, p. 1 and June 7, 1928, p. 1)  
Johnny Weissmuller (1904-1984), Olympic champion swimmer and later the movie "Tarzan", and Ulise J. 'Pete' Desjardins (1907-1985), Olympic diving champion, were invited to the Harrison County seawall dedication held on May 10th.  It cost $3.4 million dollars and was designed by Hobart D. Shaw (1908-1973) of Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, May 11, 1928, p. 1 and The Jackson County Times, May 5, 1928, p. 1)
The initial bridge to span Biloxi Bay at Popp's Ferry opened for traffic in late December.  Walter Nixon Sr. (1895-1960) was Beat 1 Supervisor for the $60,000 structure.(The Jackson County Times, December 22, 1928, p. 1)
Catherine Lee Ferguson (1841-1928), widow of Brigadier General Samuel Wragg Ferguson (1834-1917),CSA, died May 27th at Mississippi City.  Her corporal remians were interred in the Beauvoir Cemetery at Biloxi, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1928, p. 2)
The Biloxi Milks Products Company opened in early June in its new home on Caillavet Street.  Officers of the company were: R.G. Irby of NOLA, president, and Oglesby Allen and Lyndia Allen, secretary and treasurer.  The Allens formerly operated the Woodlawn Dairy.  Ice cream, milk, cream cheese, buttermilk and cream will be processed by the company.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1928, p. 2)
An addition to the White House Hotel began on August 13th with Senator Pat Harrison at the ground breaking.(The Jackson County Times, August 11, 1928, p. 3)
In 1928, the largest buildings started or completed at Biloxi were: Back Bay Bridge; White House Hotel addition; Saenger Theatre; City Hospital; Howard No. 2 School; and the Biloxi High School Gymnasium.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1929, p. 2)
Former Mayor John Comstock Bradford (1855-1928) died at Biloxi on December 31st.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1929, p. 1)
Edgewater Park Subdivision opened on January 1st with H.S. McLeod as sales director.  Financial interest from New Orleans and Chicago developed the new subdivision.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1929, p. 6) 
The Biloxi Kennel Club, greyhound racing track, owned by Biloxi Amusements, Inc. opened on Pass Road on January 12th.  Biloxi Amusements, Inc. was incorporated in Mississippi on December 8, 1928 by Thomas Hobin, William Connors, and John H. Adams.(The Daily Herald, January 14, 1929, p. 3)
[The Daily Herald, January 14, 1929, p. 1]
The $200,000 Biloxi Saenger Theatre opened on Reynoir Street in mid-January by Saenger Theatres Inc.  Harold S. Orr was the local manager and E.V. Richards, V.P. and General Manager of the Shreveport, Louisiana based organization.  A.H. Percy was the building contractor; Roy A. Benjamin, architect; and Ray Dilschneider, construction foreman..(The Daily Herald, January 14, 1929, p. 1)
In early February, Street Commissioner, John Swanzy, had men and machines opening opening Elder Street from Lameuse to Main Street.  It was graded and shelled through the former E.C. Joullian property acquired by the City.(The Daily Herald, February 7, 1929)
Pearl Lee Atkinson [married later to Louis Gutierrez] and Anthony J. Catchot (1864-1954), Mayor of Ocean Springs ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras.(The Daily Herald, February 13, 1929, p. 1)
The Mississippi Coast Amateur [baseball] League was organized in February.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1929, p. 3)


Governor Bilbo appointed Mayor John J. Kennedy as Mississippi's official represented to the Boulder dedication ceremony at St. Augustine, Florida.  This historic event marked the completion of the "Old Spanish Trail" from San Diego to the east Florida Coast.(The Daily Herald, March 18, 1929, p. 1)

In March, Don Hamilton of the Chicago's Olympia Field Country Club beat Don Armstrong, defending champion from Aurora, Illinois, 1 up after 37 holes for the Gulf States Golf Championship at the Biloxi Golf Club.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1929, p. 8 and March 23, 1929, p. 3)
In early April, the U.S. Coast Guard Base, Base No. 15, on Back Bay in Naval Reserve Park was dedicated by Rear Admiral F.C. Billiard (1873-1932), Commandant of the USCG.  Captain Samuel P. Edmonds (1867-1943) was in charge of the base until his retirement in 1931.(The Daily Herald, April 8, 1929, p. 1)
Two monkeys, a brush deer, a sugar bear, and a flamingo were added to the Naval Reserve Park Zoo in early April.  Also Walter M. Lampton donated the funds to build a large fish pond for the park.(The Daily Herald, April 8, 1929, p. 2)      
The $125,000 sixty-bed, Biloxi Hospital on Front Beach was dedicated July 3rd.  It was designed by Carl Matthes and built by the Collins Brothers of Biloxi with A.L. Mangin, electrical contractor and Biloxi Plumbing and Heating.  The old hospital was demolished in late May and sold to George Seidule.(The Daily Herald, May 17, 1929, p. 1., May 28, 1929, p. 2)
Dorothy Dell Goff (1914-1934) receivied the Miss Biloxi award from Mayor John J. Kennedy (1875-1949) on the 4th of July.  She would go to Hollywood and become 'Dorothy Dell' and makethree movies in 1934.  Dorothy Dell was killed on June 8, 1934 in an auto-train accident in Pasadena, California.  Her corporal remains were intered in the Metairie Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, July 5, 1929, p. 1 and June 14, 1934, p. 1.)
Audrey Wilkes was named Miss Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1930, p. 2)
The Curtiss Flying Service of Chicago was considering Biloxi as a winter aviation base.  The planes to be used were amphibian and would land in Back Bay.(The Daily Herald, November 4, 1929, p. 1)
The Jugo-Slavian Society dedicated their new home on East Howard Avenue on December 26th.  The organization was started circa 1914 with Jake Stanovich (1891-1927), as president, and Phillip Williams, sec.-treasurer. (The Daily Herald, December 27, 1929, p. 1)
U.S. Post Office was established at the Edgewater Hotel on December 27th.  Thomas Burns, hotel manager, was named postmaster of the station known as Edgewater Park.(The Daily Herald, December 27, 1929, p. 1)
Ness Creameries, Washington and Lameuse Street, announced a slight increase in the price of their product.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1929, p. 2)
The Buena Midget 18 hole putting course opened on West Beach and Hopkins in late December.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1929, p. 2)
In January, Robert White bought the Caldwell property at West Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street including the W.V. Joyce Company store building, the five stores in the Caldwell Building, and the lot adjoining the two Howard Avenue properties with a frontage on Reynoir Street.(The Daily Herald, April 23, 1930, p. 12)  


Josiah 'J.C.' Coger Clower (1859-1930) expired on January 30th.  He was a native of Scott County, Mississippi and came to the Mississippi Coast circa 1894 and established popular furniture stores in Biloxi and Gulfport.  Mr. Clower was an entrepreneur an active in banking, syrup making, and many other enterprises in South Mississippi.


The Back Bay Lumber Co. is removing the derrick and salvaging lumber at a site near the Sunkist Place on Back Bay where the Dalton Oil Company had planned to dig an exploratory oil well.(The Daily Herald,  February 5, 1930, p. 2)


Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), native and former Mayor and Biloxi philanthropist, expired at New Orleans on February 19th.  Internment at the Metairie Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1930, p. 1)

In April, Robert White and Fred D.P. Snelling of Chicago have taken possession of the H.H. Roof property at 618 West Beach Boulevard.  W.E. Beasley of the Watson Agency made the $9000 sale.  Mr. Snelling is the owner of another West Beach Boulevard lot which he acquired several years ago.(The Daily Herald, April 23, 1930, p. 12) 
The City of Biloxi passed it first zoning ordinance in late April.  The order regulated the the erection of structures ib District 1, that land lying south of Beach Boulevard from Couevas Street west to the city limits.  The ordinance was passed to prevent the obstruction of wind or of the view from any street running north and south into the beach area within District 1.  In addition, the architecture of structures located within District 1 was to be compatible with builings lying north of the zoned area.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1930, p. 1)
The Harrison County, Mississippi Board of Supervisors authorized the acquistion of 1200 acres at Ship Island in May 1930 for $17,837.50.(The Daily Herald, May 6, 1930, p. 1)
The impressive new Biloxi-Ocean Springs Bridge was dedicated on June 3, 1930 and named The War Memorial Bridge to honor the men and women of Harrison and Jackson County, Mississippi who had served during WW I.  The scenario of the day was Army and Navy airplanes flying overhead; the fishing fleeting and Coast Guard cruising Biloxi Bay;parading by Confederate veterans here for their 40th Reunion and the Coast Guard Patrol, and American Legionnaires with music by the U.S. Marine Band.  Lois Murphy, daughter of Thomas M. Murphy, Commander of the American Legion Post at Ocean Springs and Jack Tardy, son of E.H. Tardy, American Legion adjutant of Biloxi, cut a silk ribbon officially opening the Biloxi Bay span.  The War Memorial Bridge was christened with a bottle of artesian water broken on the span's safety railing by Sara H. Lemon Anderson (1910-2007).  She is the daughter of J.K. Lemon and Sarah George McIntosh Lemon (1884-1939).  The dedication ceremonies concluded with speeches by Dan W. Spurlock, national committeeman of the American Legion, and Rear Admiral Thomas P. Magruder (1867-1938).(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1930, p. 1)
Dr. Daniel Lester Hollis (1893-1975), physician and surgeon and native of Sulligent, Alabama,opened his office in the Yerger Building [Barq's Building] in July.  Dr. Hollis moved Vola C. Hollis (1897-1994), his wife, and two sons, Daniel L. Hollis II (1924-2000) and Charles Dixie Hollis (1931-2002) from Tampico, Mexico where he had been the surgeon for Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum Company.(The Daily Herlald, July 31, 1930, p. 2)
Bobbie McManus and John McManus of 316 Gill Avenue in the 'Royal High Oak' were attempting to set a new world record for endurance 'tree-sitting'.  In late July they had been in their tree for 336 hours.(The Daily Herald, July 31, 1930, p. 2)
Gloria Keller was named Miss Biloxi in late August.  Miss Evelyn Gass was runnerup(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1930, p. 1)
On August 24th, the Avelez Hotel on West Howard Avenue was severely burned and inflicted about $60,000 in damages.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1930, p. 1)
The new Fernwood School opened for students in early September.  The buildingcost $25,000 and had an auditorium with stage that could accommodate an audience of 270 people.  The new school opened with five teachers to supervise and instruct grades one through ten.  All 11th and 12th grade pupils attended Biloxi High School.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1930, p. 1)
 The Reverend John Campbell (1863-1937), pastor of the Presbyterian Church planned to retire soon.  He was a native of Glascow, Scotland and an 1892 graduate of Princeton College (NJ).  Reverend Campbell had been in Biloxi since 1914.  He expired  on November 22, 1937.(The Daily Herald, September 10, 1930, p. 2)
J.W. Mitchell of the Sanborn Map Company is at Biloxi making a new insurance map of the City, which will include an outline of every building in the Biloxi, details of the streets, fire plugs, and other fire information.  Mr. Mitchell has been here two weeks and will remain for another week.  His office is in Atlanta and he will go to Opelousas, Louisiana after completing his work here.  New Sanborn maps are made about every five years.(The Daily Herald, September 16, 1930, p. 2)
In September 1930, Professor William Woodward was named to 'Who's Who in America'.  He was the first Mississipp artist to be honored and the second Biloxi resident.  Dr. Robert Sharp (1851-1931), former president of Tulane University [1912-1918], had been named earlier.(The Daily Herald, September 24, 1930, p. 2)
Biloxi High School played Mississippi's first night football game on September 26, 1930 defeating the Lamar County Aggies 58-0 before a crowd of about 2000 spectattors who came from all Coast points to seee this inaugral sporting event.  Captain Chester Juanico led the Indians.  Walter H. Hunt, Eddie Janin and Arnold Davidson headed the committte to erect the lighting scheme.  The  26 lights were placed on seven forty-foot poles were placed five feet from the field on each side of the playing surface.  The 1500-watt globes produced about 56,000 candles of light.(The Daily Herald, September 22, 1930, p. 3 and September 27, 1930, p. 3) 
Curtis Ellzey is completing a new bakery building at 1327 East Howard Avenue.  It is a modern bakery of concrete and frame construction and will replace the present bakery on Oak Street.  The ovens are being built by Johnnie Guilder.  Mr. Ellzey has been in Biloxi for about 15 years and in the bakery business for 8 years.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1930, p. 2)
The W.W. Baltar (1870-1928) home on West Beach and Benachi was heavilty damaged by fire in January.  The edifice suffered $6000 in fire related damages and Miss Juanita Baltar (1912-1986) and John Baltar were present during the conflagration. The house was planned to be rebuilt.(The Daily Herald, January 22, 1931, p. 2)
Biloxi resident, Dr. Robert Sharp (1851-1931), president of Tulane from 1912-1918 and native of Lawrenceville, Virginia, expired at New Orleans on January 23rd.  Burial Metairie Cemetery.(The Times-Picayune, January 24, 1931)
In March, Dr. William J. Mayo (1861-1939) of the renown Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota was in Biloxi en route to Louisiana to join his large yacht and return it up the Mississippi River to Minnesota.  He visited with Dr. J.T. Detweiler while staying at the Buena Vista Hotel.(The Daily Herald, March 12, 1931, p. 1)
The old Arthur Reynoir House on Back Bay west of the Biloxi-North Biloxi Bridge burned to the ground on March 13th.  At this time, it wasvalued at $11,000 andowned by Joseph A. Lawrence (1867-1952).(The Daily Herald, March 13, 1931, p. 1)
Marcel 'Mickey' Bellande (1909-1982), shortstop for the Springhill College [Mobile] Badgers had three hits including a dinger against the Washington Nationals of the American Association in an exhibition game at the Biloxi Stadium.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1931, p. 3) 
Nathan Bedford Forrest II (1872-1931), grandson of Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877), CSA general and founder of the KKK, expired in White Springs, Florida on March 11th.  He was a resident of Biloxi in 1922 before his relocation to Atlanta.(The Daily Herald, March 12, 1931, p. 1)
In April, eighteen local dairies were supplying Grade A milk to the Biloxi were: Bienville Dairy; Bellew Brothers; Barthes Dairy; Cruthirds Dairy; F. Frentz; Holland [sic] Grantham; Jack Kornman; Jake Kornman; Keegan's Dairy; John Lundy; T.C. Peters; Charles Rushing; Rodenberg Dairy; Arnot Smith; Imperial Dairy; Mack Taylor; L.H. Scarborough; Ed Burt; and Ness Creameries, which had pasteurized Grade A milk.   E.E. Moore was the public health officer for Biloxi. (The Daily Herald, April 18, 1931, p. 2)
Joseph C. DeLamarre (1851-1931), former Biloxi City marshal, superintendent of the Naval Reserve Park, and employee of Great Southern Golf Club at Gulfport, expired on May 4th.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1931, p. 8)
An informal meeting of the Mississippi Coast Historical Society was held at Biloxi City Hall on May 10th to consider the desirability of restoring the old house on Porter Avenue and naming it "The Old Louis Fasier Home".  All members and others interested and especially everyone old and young of the Fayard blood were urged to attend.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1931, p. 2)
"Sunkist Place", the old John F. Popp place on Big Lake near the confluence of the Tchutacabuffa River, burned in late May.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1931) 

The Biloxi Charter of Incorporation of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers [IBEW] was completed on June 3rd.  Elected officers were: E.L. James, pres.; Clemment [sic] Dellinger [sic] (1909-2001), vice pres.; C.A. Davidson, sec.; and George L. Quigley (1913-1976), treas.  Charter membership as follows: Emile Demorelle [sic] (1906-1992); E.E. Burt; Gabriel Kasovich (1909-1975); C. Middleton (1885-1960); Albert Mangin; W.L. Scara; J.A. Stafford; and A.J. Illing.(The Daily Herald, June 4, 1931, p. 2)

Edward Carey Joullian (1863-1931), Biloxi packer and spouse of Ophelia Lillian Foster (1865-1924), died on June 4th.
Charles B. Foster (1877-1931), husband of Mary Caillavet (1877-1951) and Biloxi seafood pioneer and entrepreneur, expired on June 7th.     
The Biloxi Boys' Band was organized in early June with Professor Charles Carnevale (1896-1966), director; Louis Carron, president; Keith Hester, vp; Edward McDonnell, sec.; Francis Bulber, treasurer; and Bowman Brodnax, business manager.  The directors were: Snow Wetzell; Dominic Fallo (1911-1996); Connie Collins; Floyd Balius; and Oswald Bernich.  The band planned to raise money to attend the 1932 Confederate Reunion at Richmond, Virginia, which was held June 21-June 24, 1932.(The Daily Herald, June 10, 1931, p. 2) 
Margareth Muller Santini (1828-1931), native of Gutenberg, Bavaria and widow of Joseph Santini (1817-1874), died at 860 West Beach on June 12th.  She had celebrated her 103rd natal anniversary on May 28th.  Her corporal remains were sent to NOLA for internment in St. Louis Cemetery No. 3.(The Daily Herld, June 12, 1931, p. 1 and The Times-Picayune, June 13, 1931, p. 2)
On August 7th, C.A. Delacruz. Bernard Taltavull and Carroll Williams Jr. chartered the Boatmen's Co-Operative.  They were in business to buy and sell petroleum products and operate storage tanks for petroleum products.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Bk. 50,p. 549)
Coach Tranny Lee Gaddy (1894-1975), former Biloxi head coach, was head football coach at Millsaps College.  Curtis Galle, Lloyd Caillavet, Snow Wentzell, and Hyman Schneider were expected to join him at Jackson, Mississippi where Chester Juanico, last year's captain of the Biloxi High team was playing football.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1931, p. 2)      
Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton (1845-1931), Scottish entrepreneur and yachtsman, died on October 2nd.  He lost five challenges to win the America's Cup between 1899 and 1930.
In late October, Joseph Henry Lamas (1897-1931), keeper of the Naval Reserve Park zoo, was mauled by a bear on October 29th while in the bear's cage at the zoo.  His wife shot and killed the bear.  Mr. Lamas died shortly after the incident.(The Daily Herald, October 29, 1931, p. 1 and October 30, 1929, p. 1) 
William Franklin Swan (1848-1932) was named Biloxi's 'Outstanding Citizen' of 1931 by the Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1932, p. 2)
Martin Sennett 'Mike' Connor (1891-1950) was inaugurated Governor of Mississippi on January 19th.(The Daily Herald, January 18, 1932, p. 1)
Virginia Theobald [married later to John William Lockett] and Hermes Gautier (18-19), ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras.(The Daily Herald, February 10, 1932, p. 1 and p. 2)             
William Gorenflo (1842-1932), native of Bay St. Louis and pioneer seafood canner and Biloxi entrepreneur, died on February 16th.(The Daily Herald, February 17, 1932, p. 1) 
John E. Beggs, jeweler, and Dr. C.S. McAllister, optometrist, took over the Gabriel Jewelry Company at 200 West Howard Avenue.  Mr. and Mrs. Heyman Gabriel returned to their home at Mobile.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1932, p. 2)
Theo Brune (1854-1932), Hanover, Germany born, immigrant architect of NOLA, who designed many buildings at Biloxi, expired in the Crescent City on March 8th.  His corporal remains were interred at St. Joseph's Abbey at Covington, Louisiana, which he also designed.  The Mater Dolorosa Church at New Orleans was another creation from his drafting table. (The Times-Picayune, March 9, 1932, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, March  9, 1932, p. )       


In mid-March, the Mayo brothers, Dr. W.J. Mayo (1861-1939) and Dr. C.H. Mayo (1865-1939), were in Biloxi with their large yacht, which had been stored at Lockport, Louisiana for the winter, and moored at the Deweiler Pier on East Beach for a one week sojoun.  They entertained the following doctors and spouses and nurses from the medical community with a trip up Back Bay: Dr. J.F. Detweiler; Dr. P.E. Werlein; Dr. D.L. Hollis; Dr. B.Z. Welch; Dr. G.F. Carroll; Dr. E.A. Trudeau; Dr. W.W. Eley; Dr.C.G. McEachern; Inez Ramsay; Cora Westbrook; Katherine White-Spunner; Doris Trochesset; Hazel O'Regan; and Jeanne DuRocher.  The Mayo brothers were enroute to Flordia.(The Daily Herald, March 16, 1932, p. 2)

The USS Constitution, 'Old Ironsides', was moored at Gulfport in late March and visited by many thousands.  On March 27th, at a ceremony in Gulfport, Mayor John J. Kennedy of Biloxi greeted visitors and especially welcomed those on behalf of Coast residents to the multiple events on that day.  The Washington Senators were playing Baltimore and an air circus was being held at Gulfport's Municipal Airport.(The Daily Herald, March 28, 1932, p. 1)
Melvin G. Ness (1897-1975) began constructing the Ness Building on the northwest corner of Howard Avenue and Caillavet Street.  Currie and Corley of Raleigh, Mississippi were the contractors.  In later years Borden's, a milk company, occupied this space, now home to Josette's, a costume rental agency.  The Ness Creameries plant was expected to be completed in mid-June.(The Daily Herald, April 5, 1932, p. 2, and May 6, 1932, p. 2)
On 22 June, Thomas J. Grayson (1897-1962) was appointed Adjutant General of Mississippi by Governor Sennett Connor.  Grayson served in France with the 28th Infantry's 1st Division.  He was awared the DSC, Croix de Guerre and two Purple Hearts for his efforts in WW I.  Grayson also commanded General Pershings honor guard for a period.[The Daily Herald, June 22, 1932, p. 1]
E.E. Moore, City Health Officer, reported in  late July that Biloxians were receiving healthful milk from the following dairies: Barthes; Bellew; Bienville; E. Burt; Cruthirds; F. Frentz; Grantham; Keegan; Jack Kornman; Jake Kornman; John Lunday; Albert Meaut; Ness; T.O. Peters; Rodenberg; C. Rushing; L. Scarborough; Imperial; A. Smith; and M. Taylor.  Only three of these dairies show an average bacteria count of 25,000 or more.  Since the milk ordiannce went into effect about a year ago, the quality has greatly improved and all of it is being handled under the aegis of strict sanitary regulations.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1932, p. 2)
The J.F. Imbs Milling Co.  of Belleville, Illinois shipped about 1800 sacks of flour to Biloxi for the Red Cross to distribute to needy families.(The Daily Herald, August 2, 1932, p. 2)

Two hundred-fifty seafood workers led by Roy Hepler [1894-1980] met at City Hall to demonstrate their outrage at the $3 per barrel for shrimp proposed by local factory men. Fishermen related that with the recent increase in the price of gasoline it was near impossible to make a profit.[The Daily Herald, August 16, 1932, p. 1]

Joe Ragusin [1914-1978] was shot by Victor "Big Boy" Ellis (1897-1957), colored fisherman.  Ragusin and several white men attempted to detain Ellis and his colored crew, Julius Reed, Eddie Parker and Edgar Dedeaux, from leaving the C.B. Foster factory on Back Bay to shrimp until Biloxi packers had agreed to meet the price schedule demanded by Biloxi's fishermen of $4 per barrel.  Ellis was charged with attempted murder while Joe Ragusin and Armand Lepre were charged with trespassing.  Also, Julius Reed, colored fisherman, was charged with assault and battery while attempting to kill Antoine Prevost.[The Daily Herald, August 15, 1932, p. 1, August 16, 1932, p. 2, August 24, 1932, p. 1 and August 27, 1932, p. 5)

 In late August, about 700-800 of the striking, Biloxi fishermen community, met on Lameuse Street and elected the following officers to represent them:  Niels K. Nelson (1900-1965), pres.; Matre Pitalo (1898-1981), vice-pres.; Roy Hepler (1894-1980), sec.-treas.; and Willie Williams, Amos Ross (1885-1965), Frank Crawford, M. Newman, Tony Filipich, R. Creel (1889-1979), Charles Palmer, Paul A. Songe (1887-1940) and Frank Dismukes as their committee men.(The Daily Herald, August 30, 1932, p. 1)

 By early September, the 1500 Biloxi fishermen and factory owners were still disputing over the price per barrel of shrimp.  The factory men balked at the demand by local shrimpers to be paid $4 and $5 per barrel plus the cost of ice to preserve the crustaceans. A relief fund for the fishermen was created by Red Cross and Mayor Kennedy contributed $100 to their aid since nearly the entire fleet was not employed.  Bill Cruso of C.C. Canning Company had met the fishermen’s price and had boats catching shrimp until his bond was cancelled leaving the sixteen plus factories and workers in a stalemate until an amicable agreement could be concluded.  Father Hillebrand of St. Michael's Parish asked the feuding parties to come to a truce for the sake of Biloxi's economy and their families.[The Daily Herald, September 7, 1932, p. 1]

 On 12 or 13 September, Seafood strikers opened the seacocks on four auxiliary schooners, Bride, Veznia, Winnie Davisand Charles F. Pehaney, sinking them at their Biloxi Canning Company moorings in Biloxi’s Back Bay. Francis Taltavull, company employee, related that the watercraft had recently been refurbished and caulked at a local shipyard.  The schooners had sunk in shallow water and shortly were easily refloated.[The Daily Herald, September 14, 1932, p. 1]

The Pass Christian Oystermen’s Protective Association was instituted in mid-September with Captain John T. McDonald, pres. and Robert Peralta, sec.-treas.  Members of the Biloxi organization assisted in the action. All agreed that better relations with factory owners and more disciplined observance of laws concerning fishing, measurement, and culling were necessary.  In addition, a price for raw stock oysters was set at of $1 per gallon for selects and $1.25 per gallon for plants.  Colored fishermen were invited to join the association.[The Daily Herald, September 14, 1932, p. 1]

1500 Biloxi fishermen entered their 7th week of striking against local packers over a $1 per barrel increase in the price of shrimp.  Tony Cvitanovich (1888-1964), a packer and officer of the Sanitary Fish and Oyster Co., asked for a federal injunction against the fishermen who had threatened him with violent acts.(The Daily Herald, September 21, 1932, p. 8)

 The 9 week Biloxi fishermen's strike ended on October 7th.  A parade was held from the Red Triangle, their headquarters at Point Cadet, to downtown Biloxi and back.  Nearly 1000 fishermen paticipated in the celebratory walk led by Joseph Randazzo and Alec Ewing of the Biloxi Police Department, Roy Hepler, chairman of the organized fishermen's, committee members, and the Biloxi High School band.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1932, p. 1)

The Gulf Coast Shrimpers and Oystermens Association received its State charter on October 10th.  The purpose of this organization was to 'work together for the improvement and betterment of ourselves and our community and to have a legally contitutional and authorized medium by and through we may take better take up and discuss with those for who we work the matter of securing better prices for our catches, and better working conditions for ourselves and co-workers.'  Thefounding members were: Nels K. Nelson (1900-1965), Matre Pitalo, Roy W. Hepler, Martin Newman, and Frank Dismukes.  Joseph Ragusin, a striking fisherman, was wounded in the arm when attempting to stop four Black fisherman from leaving to break the strike.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 52, p. 507)


The Southern Memorial Park cemetery was founded December 27, 1932 by Robert Hays Holmes (1869-1949).   

Building permits at Biloxi in 1932 totaled $46925.  The new Ness Creameries accounted for $35,475 of the total building permits.(The Daily Herald,  December 31, 1932, p. 8)

In late December 1932, Laz Lopez (1907-1968) and Jack [John] Lopez (1915-1970) discovered an Indian mound on their West Beach property.  Joseph Paulos [Poulos?], an amateur archaeologist, and local Historian, Anthony V. Ragusin, examined the find which consisted of human bones and pottery.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1932, p. 1)

Total fire loss at Biloxi less than $12,000 for 1932.  In January the W.G. Gorenflo home on Joyner Avenue- loss estimated at $5000;  house on Bohn Street in February loss about $4000; Zingle home on Pine Street burned in March loss $2000; and in July, Tremmel store on Couevas Street loss $1000.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1932, p. 8)
Edward Everette 'E.E.' Moore (1879-1947) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1933, p. 1)                         
Prominent Biloxi citizens to die in 1932 were: David Joseph Venus Sr. (1877-1932).
Cleveland Pol Huggins (1885-1933), Harrison County Sheriff, expired from pneumonia on January 25th. Governor Martin Sennett 'Mike' Connor (1891-1950) appointed his spouse, Virginia Greaves Huggins (1890-1974), as the first woman Sheriff of the County until a special election was held in March.  She lost to Oscar L. Meador (1880-1973) of Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1933, p. 1, March 19, 1933, p.1 and March 13, 1933)       
Florence Friedhoff  (1906-1933+) began her tenure as head of the Biloxi Public Library in February.(The Daily Herald, January 27, 1933, p. 2)   
The Biloxi Public Library was visited by almost 28,000 patrons who borrowed 33,380 books in 1933.(The Daily Herald, February 17, 1934, p. 2)
The Washington Nationals of the American League arrived at Biloxi on February 21st.  Their baseball training camp opened on February 24th.  The 3rd annual 'Baseball Night' in honor of Clark Griffith and Joe Cronin and the team was held at the Saenger Theatre on March 22nd.(The Daily Herald, February 21, 1933, p. 2, February 24, 1933, p. 10, and March 20, 1933, p. 2)
In April 1933, as a child, Mary Margaret Truman Daniel (1924-2008) and her parents, the future President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) and Elizabeth 'Bess' Virginia Wallace Truman (1885-1982), stayed with Willis A. Luxich (1890-1963) and Thelma Gutierrez Luxich (1898-1986) at Biloxi.  Margaret was prescribed the 'easy Coast climate' and she and Mrs. Truman planned to stay with the Luxich family on West Beach, east of Holmhaven, until June.   In October 1960, Thelma traveled by bus to Baton Rouge to visit the Trumans who were on the campaign trail for JFK in south Louisiana.(The Daily Herald, April 11, 1933, p. 2 and The Morning Advocate, October 23, 1960, p. 8-B)
The U.S. Coast Guard begin closing its base at Biloxi.  By late June 1933, only three Coast Guard vessels remained in Biloxi.(the Daily Herald, June 2, 1933, p. 9)
Robert W. Jacobs, Sedalia, Missouri, has leased The Biloxi News from Clayton Rand and is now publisher of the journal.  Mr. Jacobs worked for The San Angelo Times in advertising and was business manager for The Herald at Big Springs, Texas.  He attended the University of Missouri.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1933, p. 5)
The Biloxi Boys' Band planned to attend the 1933 Chicago World Fair.  Louis Carron (1910-1998), president; Oswald L. Bernich (1915-1942), vice-president; John E. Dacey (1916-1991), secretary; Edward McDonnell (1912-1986), treasurer; Bowman Brodnax (1907-1991), business mananger; Rames Khayat (1913-1972), drum major; and Professor Charles D. Carnavale (1892-1966), band director.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1933, p. 5)
In early June, at a public meeting in City Hall, City Commissioners Michel and Swanzy decided that the Biloxi public bus system become permanent and replace the street car system.  On May 15th, the Gulfport & Mississippi Coast Traction Company had asked permission to abandon the use of the street cars in Biloxi and operate busses in place of the street cars.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1933, p. 1 and Minutes of the City of Biloxi, Minute Book 15, p. 52)
Jules Sablich, aka Zudie Hightower,was accused of murdering Frank Anderson (1881-1933) on April 15th.  He was found not guilty in the Circuit Court of Harrison County, Mississippi in June 1934.(The Daily Herald, June 15, 1933, p. 1 and June 23, 1934, p. 1)
Mississippi National Guard Battery F, 114th Field Artillery located at Biloxi was organized on April 30th.  Captain Hayes Holmes is in command.(The Daily Herald,  May 1, 1935, p. 2) 
The Club Royale, formerly the Gulf Nite Club, opened on July 1st with Louis Prima (1910-1978) and his Movieland Orchestra.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1933, p. 2)     
Mayor John J. Kennedy (1875-1949) resigned from office on July 1st to become Comptroller of Customs at NOLA.  He was appointed to the position by President Franklin D. Roosevelt through the political actions of Byron 'Pat' Harrison (1881-1941),Senator (D-MS).(The Daily Herald, June 13, 1933, p. 1 and July 3, 1933, p. 1)     
Evelyn Ruth Gass [Husley] (1919-2003) was named Miss Elk-Pat for 1933.(The Daily Herald, July 5, 1933, p. 1)     
The Biloxi Veterans Administration home at Biloxi opened on August 10th.(The Daily Herald, July 31, 1933, p. 3)     
Alonzo Gabrich (1894-1948) Police Chief; Arnold 'Skinny' Davidson, City Electrician; and W. Lee Guice, City Attorney, resigned from office.  Chief Gabrich was replaced by George Bills and Mr. Guiceby Walter Wadlington.  Julius M. Lopez became water works superintendent and Frederick Auguste Barthes (1864-1948), fire chief for thirty-three years retired and was replaced by Charles Sentell. (The Daily Herald, August 18, 1933, p. 1 and January 1, 1934, p. 2, and January 2, 1948, p. 1)     
R. Hart Chinn was elected Biloxi's Mayor in late August defeating Dr. G.F. Carroll.(The Daily Herald, August   1933, p. 1)
Joe L. Graham American Legion Post 119 of Gulfport acquired Ship Island for $15,000 from the Federal government on September 15th.  The island was about 1260 acres at this time.Ship Island, then about 674 acres,was sold in December 1972 to the Federal government by the Joe L. Graham Post 119 for $102,000.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 119, p. 197 and  2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 34, p. 117)
The new $40,000 Sacred Heart Academy was completed in September.(The Daily Herald, September  1933, p. )
Frank P. Corso lost his warehouse and goods on Caillavet Street and valued at $6000 to a fire on October 11th.
In late 1933, Marco Skrmetti or Skrmetta planned to moved his packing operations to Bayou LaBatre, Alabama to to avoid conflict with the seafood worker's union, but the Biloxi union leaders organized the fishermen there and claim to have approximately 115 members.  Jake Rosetti will probably operate the Deer Island Fish and Oyster Company at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, November 6, 1933, p. 1 and July 27, 1934, p. 1)
The U.S. Coast Guard awarded B.L. Knost of Pass Christian the contract to erect an airplane hanger for $44,500 at its site on Point Cadet.(The Jackson County Times, November 18, 1933, p. 1)
The Repeal of Prohibition in the United States was accomplished with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 5, 1933. 
Former Mayor and merchant, Edward Glennan (1854-1933), expired at his West Beach Biloxi home on December 16, 1933.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1933, p. 1)
Tom Mix (1880-1940), 'King of the Cowboys', a cinema Western star, appeared at the Saenger Theatre on December 22nd.  He came in his $10,000 Rolls Royce.  Mix's entourage consisted of:  a stage band, trucks, and automobiles.(The Daily Herald, December 22, 1922, p. 2) 
The Pastime Cafe was incorporated in early December by James Vlahos (1885-1973), Nick Vlahos (1897-1987), and Angeline Vlahos (1893-1985).(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 54, p. 26)
Paul W. Brielmaier (1868-1933), native of Canton, Ohio and Biloxi millwright, died on December 24th.(The Daily Herald, December 26, 1922, p. 2)
Walter G. Wilkes was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Prominent Biloxi citizens to die in 1933 were: Peter Bellande (1871-1933), policeman; Fred Bleur (1870-1933)-jeweler and watchmaker; John Schwenck; Sheriff Cleveland Pol Huggins (1885-1933); Edward Glennan (1854-1933) former Mayor and merchant; and Paul W. Brielmaier.(1868-1933) glass works.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1934, p. 2)
The $4,000,000 Shushan Airport [now Lake Front Airport]at NOLA on Lake Ponchartrain was dedicated on 9 January.  It was named for Abraham Lazar Shushan (1894-1966), president of the Orleans Parish Levee Board.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1934, p. 1)
The Zulu Parade, a Negro Mardi Gras festivity, rolled on February 13th.(The Daily Herald, February 13, 1934, p. 1)
Evelyn Ramsay of Ocean Springs and John McDonald of Bay St. Louis ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 1934, p. 1)
Mardi Gras was celebrated in North Biloxi with Mary Blanche Greenwell (b. 1908) and John J. Kennedy ruling the Carnival Ball.(The Daily Herald, February 17, 1934, p. 2)
John A. Swanzy  (1881-1965), City Commissioner, was in charge ofconstruction of the new Biloxi Airport.  Swanzy had about 40 FERA men hauling dirt and removing stumps.  Joe Tucci, foreman, had four city truck and two private trucks on the job.  The City aspired to complete the work by summer's end.(The Daily Herald, April 27, 1934, p. 1)
The Fleur de Lis Society was founded in the home of Clarence Boudin in 1934.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1958, p. 4)
Fritz Salmen (1854-1934), founder of the Salmen Brick & Lumber Company of NOLA and Slidell in 1884, expired in May.  In November 1882, he had married Rose Liddle of Handsboro, Harrison County, Mississippi.  Mr. Salmen's corporal remans were interred at Slidell, Louisiana.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1934, p. 3)
Rudolph Anthony Lesso (1921-1990), student at Howard No. 2 Public School and under the tutelage of Miss Annie Lang [Strayham], was marble shooting champion of South Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, June 22, 1934 and June 23, 1924)
Thomas Burns, manager of the Edgewater Hotel since its opening, will become the manager of the Jung Hotel in NOLA.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1934, p. 2) 
United Novelty, State appointeddistributor of the Wurlitzer auto phonograph, Pace penny weighing scales, Balley marble tables and contact marble tables, planned to open an office in Jackson.  William C. Caillavet was Biloxi manager andJ.P. Howard, the new Jackson manager. J.J. Bertucci would divide his time between the two offices.(The Daily Herald, June 27, 1934, p. 5)
In June, George Seidule has acquired the old Pablo home on East Beach and started demolition today.  The building is a landmark that has been here for years, but is now in a dilapidated condition.(The Daily Herald, June 28, 1934, p. 5)
In late June, O.E. Thompson (1874-1944) made extensive improvements to the Hahn Building on West Howard Avenue amd Magnolia Street.  Louis Hahn will move his Parlor Shoe Store to the east side of the building and J.E. Eliot Jewelery and Millinery Store will occupy the west half.(The Daily Herald, June 29, 1934, p. 8)
Over 500 boats and 5000 workers were engaged in the seafood industry at Biloxi when the shrimp season opened on August 15th.  On July 26th, the Seacoast Packing Company opened its remodeled packing room designed to meet the requirements of the pure food and drugs administration and the recommendations of the National Cannery Association.(The Daily Herald, July 27, 1934, p. 1)
Brother Isaiah, nee John Cudney (1847-1934), healer and miracle worker, who lived in the St. Martin area of Jackson County in the early 1920s, passed on at Oroville, California in late July 1934, breaking the pledge to his faithful cult that he would never die!(The Jackson County Times, July 28, 1934, p. 2)
Thomas J. Grayson, Adjutant General of Mississippi, announced in late August 1934 that a new CCC camp [P-63] would be located north of Biloxi at the former Camp McClellan erected in 1926 for the summer training of the Mississippi National Guard.[The Daily Herald, August 24, 1934, p. 1]  
Local seafood packers endorsed and supported the 1st   'Oyster Festival' sponsored by the Lodge of the Biloxi Elks Club.  Miss Violet Magas representing the Anticich Packing Company won the eventMiss Elizabeth Misko representing the DeJean Packing was second and Miss Josephine Tremontana place third.  Other ladies particpating were: Eva Taliancich-Kuluz brothers Packing Company; Yvonne Blanchard-Dorgan-McPhillips Packing Company; Floris Kullivan-Mavar Fish & Oyster Compnay; and Evelyn Melerine-C.C. [Cruso Canning] Company(The Daily Herald, August 28, 1934, p. 1, August 30, 1934, p. 1, and September 3, 1934, p. 1)
Arthur E. Scruggs was elected principal of the Biloxi High School replacing George Ditto who was named Biloxi School Superintendent by the local school board.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1934, p. 1)
Henry Joseph Meaut (1842-1934), long time Biloxi public servant and Civil War veteran, expired on September 30, 1934.(The Daily Herald, October 3, 1934, p. 1)
Mayor R. Hart Chinn was bound over to the Grand Jury for striking City Commissioner John A. Swanzy on August 22nd.(The Daily Herald, October 3, 1934, p. 1)
Anthony V. Ragusin (1902-1997), Secretary of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1934 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1935, p. 1 and and January 4, 1935, p. 2)
In early January, former Mayor R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972)refused to leave City Hall and Mayor elect, John A. O'Keefe (1891-1985), with three deputy sheriff, a constable, Alonzo L. Gabrich (1894-1948), former Chief of Police, and an armed force of loyal supporters took City Hall by force and occupied it until Chinn's issues were resolved by the law.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1935, p. 1, Janaury 7, 1935, p. 1, January 8, 1935, p. 1, January 19, 1935, p. 1 and January 24, 1935, p. 1)
The Carnival Association elected not to have a Mardi Gras parade held in 1935.
Francis Delmas 'Peter' Moran (1853-1935), oldest native Biloxian and former Ship Island bar pilot, died at his Back Bay residence on January 26th.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1935, p. 1)
Washington Senators arrive at Biloxi
[L-R: Mayor John A. O'Keefe (1891-1985); Frederick A. Tucei (1889-1954), City Commissioner; Clark C. Griffith (1869-1955), owner Washington Senators; John A. Swanzy (1881-1965), City Commissioner. Image by A.V. Ragusin (1902-1997) from the Ray L. Bellande Historical Imagery Archives]
Clark C. Griffith (1869-1955), owner of the Washington Senators, arrived at Biloxi in mid-February to complete arrangements for the opening of the 1935 Baseball spring training session.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1935, p. 6)
Mona Khayat Terretta, formerly of Biloxi and now of Hollywood, California, had a minor role in "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer", a 1935 movie production, about British  soldiers defending the borders of India from nomadic raiders.  It starred Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, Richard Cromwell, and others.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1935, p. 2) 
Southern Memorial Park cemetery on Front Beach owned by Robert Hayes Holmes (1869-1949) officially opened on April 21, 1935.  Some fo the earliest internments were Maude Dell Easterling Lewis (1878-1935), Laura Bagley Gay (1905-1935), Sarah M. Wentworth (1842-1935).  By September 2014, more than 5500 burial had been recorded.(The Daily Herald,  April 20, 1935, p. 5)
Mississippi National Guard Battery F, 114th Field Artillery located at Biloxi was organized on April 30th.  Captain Hayes Holmes in command.(The Daily Herald,  May 1, 1935, p. 2)
On May 6, 1935, the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) was created to help provide economic relief to the citizens of the United States who were suffering through the Great Depression.
 W.H. Bouslog (1851-1935), native of Indiana and resident of Gulfport, Mississippi since 1903, died on May 23rd at Gulfport.  He was elected Mayor of Gulfport in 1912, but was reknown for his development of the agricultural and horticultural resources; real estate and commercial ventures; and entrepreneurship on the Mississippi coast.(The Daily Herald, May 23, 1935. p. 1)
The Holmes Motor Company of Robert Hays Holmes (1869-1949) and sons, the local Ford agency, was acquired by brothers,L.V. Pringle Jr.(1902-1974); Robert H. Pringle (1904-1981); Thomas N. Pringle (1906-1970); and Victor B. Pringle (1909-1977); cousin, Frank E. Pringle Jr. (1909-1957); and Dewey R. Reagan (1897-1969).  The business, the Pringle-Reagan Company, was situated on the northeast corner of Caillavet and West Howard.  The new agency opened late June with personnel that included: E. Jacquot and John Stojich; T.N. Lightsey and J.W. Watts-salesmen; and George Wilson, Robert Illsley, Dudley Powell, and H. Campbell-shop force.  By June 1940, the company had 18 employesss and a payroll of $19,224.(The Daily Herald, June 2, 1935, p. 2, July 1, 1935, p. 2)
Frances Pavlov, age 19, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Peter Pavlov was named Oyster Queen at the Elks Frolic on Labor Day.  The court was composed of Katherine Lepoma; Agnes Langlinais; Camelia Ryan; Inez Brousssard; Eleanor Groue; and Joan Moore.  Miss Pavlov was sponsored by Captain Steve Sekul, plant manger of the the Seacoast Packing Company.(The Daily Herald, August 14, 1935, p. 1 and September 2, 1935, and September 3, 1935, p. 2)
Oil leases in Jackson, Harrison, Hancock, Stone, Pearl River, George, Greene, Perry, Forrest, Lamar, and Marion Counties in south Mississippi were held by Sun Oil, Gulf Refining Company, Standard Oil, Texas Company, Humble Oil & Refining, Pelican, Magnolia Petroleum, and United Gas.  Acreage under lease totaled 2,500,000 acres.  Gulf Refining held about 1,250,000 acres in the region.  F.P. Benjamin in June 1935 leased 125,000 acres mostly in Harrison County.(The Daily Herald, September 4, 1935, p. 1)
In mid-September, the Wesson Oil Company through the Southern Shell Fish Company, its subsidiary, acquired the former C.B. Foster Canning Company on Back Bay from the Peoples' Bank.  The plant had been idle for about two years.  Chester A. Delacruz was named plant manager.(The Jackson County Times, September 14, 1935, p. 1)
Peter Cerenich, John Sekul, Matre Pitalo, Matt Trebotich and Tony Barhonovich left Biloxi on 12 September for Baton Rouge to attend the funeral of Louisiana's assaininated governnor, Huey P. Long Jr. (1893-1935).(The Daily Herald, September 12, 1935, p. 4)
      Thomas Henry Gleason(1857-1935)
Thomas H. Gleason (1857-1935), resident of Biloxi since 1895, died on October 1st.  Judge Gleason was an active Mason, commercial photographer, successful politician, coroner, and one time undertaker.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1935, p. 2)
Eugene P. Wilkes (1885-1980), co-publisher and managing editor of The Daily Herald, was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1935 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1936, p. 1)
The Billikens, a carnival club of seventy-five maids and matrons, was organized at Biloxi on January 3, 1936.  The initial officers were: Myrtis B. Whetstone [Cline] captain; Eleanor G. Youska Baker, secretary; Annie Lang [Strayham], treasurer; Avis Linnelle Welch [Vignes]; Ada Moore, and Mrs. John Gryder, board members.  The Billikens held their first masked dance on February 7, 1936.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1936, p. 2)

General John W.A. O’Keefe
Mayor John A. O'Keefe of Biloxi became Adjutant General of Mississippi on January 22, 1936.  Hugh Lawson White (1881-1965), the Mississippi Governor-elect, had promised O’Keefe this position in his administration for the Mayor’s influence and political support during his campaign for the office to lead Mississippi. Mayor O’Keefe’s announced to his constituency that he would resign as Biloxi’s Mayor on February 10, 1936 to lead the State’s 2000 National Guardsmen. The salary was $2700 per year.  Mayor O’Keefe succeeded Thomas Grayson, also from Biloxi, and an appointee of Governor Martin Sennett ‘Mike’ Connor (1891-1950).
Hugh Lawson White (1881-1965) was inaugurated Governor of Mississippi on January 25th.
Captain Bob Ward, Hollywood stuntman and daredevil driver, came to Biloxi as the guest of Dees Chevrolet to perform.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1936, p. 5)
Peter Quave (1856-1936), North Biloxi businessman, expired on January 10th.(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1936, p. 1)
Josephine Gorenflo [married Lewis E. Curtis Jr.] and John A. Swanzy  (1881-1965), City Commissioner of Biloxi ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras.(The Daily Herald, February 13, 1936, p. 1)
Walter Hagen (1892-1969), professional golfer and Joe Kirkwood Sr. (1897-1970), Australian golf pro and golf trick shot artist, were at the Biloxi Country Club on February 26th for an exhibition match with local golfers.(The Daily Herald, February 26, 1936, p. 8)   
Factory owners and fishermen agreed on the price for shrimp between $5 and $6 per barrel depending on size.  Factory owners also paid $1.50 per barrel for freight and furnished ice.  A $.50 increase per barrel would commence after October 1st.(The Daily Herald, April 8, 1936, p. 1)


On May 24, 1936, Albert B. Austin (1876-1951), Biloxi realtor and entrepreneur, departed New Orleans with a tour group for San Francisco where he sailed on May 29th on board the SS President Pierce of the Dollar Line for Honolulu, Hawaii and Manila, Philippines.  The ship reached Japan on 15 June and Albert visited the interior of the country departing on 26 June for Bombay, India.  He spent from 23 July to 7 August in India.  The SS President Harrison embarked for Alexandria, Egypt from Bombay and arrived there on 18 August.  On 1 September, Albert left Egypt on the SS President Hayes for Marseille, France and had avoided visiting Palestine.   He landed on French soil on 9 September where the tour ended.  In France, Mr. Austin continued his extended holiday independently.  He spent two weeks in France visiting its principal cities with excursions to battlefields and chateaus of former royalty.  A month was enjoyed in the United Kingdom touring England, Ireland and Scotland.  Albert then went to Holland and Germany for two weeks.  He remained ten days in Switzerland reveling in the beauty of the Swiss Alps.  Austin’s three weeks in Italy were highlighted by an audience with Pope Pius XII, seeing Mussolini, the benevolent dictator, and a visit to the Isle of Capri.  Mr. Austin sailed from Marseille, France on November 19, 1936.  The ship went west and was in range of the Spanish coast and eased past Gibraltar headed for the Azores.  A.B. Austin arrived at New York City and returned to Biloxi in the first week of December.((The Daily Herald, May 24, 1936, p.5) and December 14, 1936, p. 4)    

The Biloxi Pilot Club received its charter on May 22, 1936 at the White House Hotel.  Elected officers for the newly chartered civic group were: Louise Mallard, pres.; Edna Schewrich, v. pres.; Kate Peppard, 2nd v. pres.; Cary F. Goodman, rec. secretary; and Ruth Holleman, treasurer.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1936, p. 5)
The Mississippi National Guard commenced the Medical Department Detachment of the 106th Quartermaster Regiment with Lt. Eldon L. Bolton, MD in command.  The unit consisted of the following soldiers: Kelly Weems; E.J. Bellman; H.F. Besse; Ralph Diaz; E.H. Fountain; E.W Gibson; Frank J. Malpass; P. Omas; M.C. Russell; and John P. Wolcott.  Meetings were held at Biloxi in the National Guard Armory of Battery F, 114th Field Artillery. [The Daily Herald, June 2, 1936, p. 1]
Bessie Hunt Dantzler (1879-1936), spouse of L.N. Dantzler Sr. (1866-1943), expired at Asheville, North Carolina on June 28th.  Her corporal remains were interred at Vicksburg, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, July 2, 1936, p. 5)   
The Biloxi Sports Carnival began on July 3rd. The Marathon swim was won by Freddie Anderson of Memphis.  Edward J. Brou (1921-2004) of Ocean Springs was second and Rene Trochesset (1914-1985) of Biloxi placed third.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1936, p. 1 and July 3, 1936, p. 8)   
Governor Hugh L. White (1881-1965) was named honorary Commodore of the BYC on July 8th.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1936, p. 1)
Captain Dewey Richard Reagan (1897-1969) led Battery F, 114th Field Artillery to Camp Shelby.(The Daily Herald, July 3, 1936, p. 2)
Amera Court, six, three-room bungalows, were being built at 111 West Water Street behind the Castenara property.(The Daily Herald, July 4, 1936, p. 2)
Eddie Blake found a copper, French Colonial coin dated 1721 on East Beach Boulevard.(The Daily Herald, July 13, 1936, p. 5)
dredge boat operated by the Louisiana Materials Company and supervised by Garner Brothers engineers began building a sand beach at selected sites on Biloxi's Front Beach and Back Bay.(The Daily Herald, July 16, 1936, p. 1)
Colonel Dallas B. Smith (1882-1936), native of Opelika, Alabama and first director of the Biloxi VA died on August 1st.  he was replaced by Major Eugene A. Hiller (1898-1970).  Major E.A. Hiller was born at Ellzey, Calhoun County, Mississippi and a veteran of WWI.(The Daily Herald, January 25, 1970, p. A2) 

August 1936, Adjutant General John A. O’Keefe (1893-1985), formerly of Biloxi, and 2175 officers and troops of the 155th Infantry-Mississippi, the 156th Infantry-Louisiana, the 106th Quartermasters Regiment-Mississippi and other Louisiana National Guard units spent two weeks training at Camp Beauregard near Alexandria, Louisiana.  The medical detachment from Biloxi led by Lt. Eldon L. Bolton (1910-1990), the Quartermasters unit from Ocean Springs in charge of Lt. Walter Holloway, and Company M out of Gulfport with Captain Glenn Rutledge in command were also encamped. (The Daily Herald, August 24, 1936, p. 2)

Camp McClellan, Mississippi National Guard base, located in Jackson County was being dismantled and relocated to Camp Shelby.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1936, p.2)
The Buck Theatre, formerly the Gaiety Theatre, on the northwest corner of Lameuse and Jackson Streets opened in late December.  Arsene O. Bourdon (1868-1959) was the manager of the movie house, with over four hundred seats, which approximately one hundred were in the balcony for Colored folks.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1936, p.1)
Mayor Louis J. Braun (1890-1951), John T. White, Ross L. Fickes, and A.V. Ragusin went to Marianna, Florida to convene on the promotion of tourist travel on The Old Spanish Trail.(The Daily Herald, November 26, 1936, p. 1)
Charles Morrison has commenced work on a new five-room home for Edward Barq adjacent to the new Barq's Bottling Plant on Lameuse Street and the L&N Railroad. The home will be ready for the Barq's occupancy about the middle of January1937.(The Daily Herald, November 2, 1936, p. 5)
Frank E. Bowes (1882-1963), Division Manager for SW Gas and Electric was named Biloxi’s Outstanding Citizen for 1936.(The Daily Herald, 
In February, construction at Biloxi saw the new Frank P. Corso home and warehouse, new Sinclair station, and Veteran's Facility being erected.  Improvement were being made to the new Barq's Root Beer plant.(The Daily Herald, February 3, 1937, p. 2)
Biloxi's new 1 and 1/2 mile sand beach was completed in March.  It cost $80,000 and was built by dredges of the Louisiana Materials Inc, and Jahncke Services Co. Inc. that pumped 70,000 cubic yards of quartz sand onto the south side of the seawall.(The Daily Herald, March 15, 1937, p. 1)
The Pan American Clipper, a $15,000, diesel powered, excursion boat, recently completed by Toche Brothers Shipyard on East Beach, has been operating for several weeks between Biloxi and Ship Island with Captain Peter Martin Skrmetta (1885-1963) at the helm.  The vessel was built for the Mavar Fish and Oyster Company and runs at 12 mph.  The boats runs from her main landing at the foot of Delaunay Street [Baltar Pier?] and makes stops at the Buena Vista, Hotel Biloxi, and White House piers on its regular schedule of three trips daily.(The Daily Herald, March 30, 1937, p. 3, May 29, 1937, p. 6, and June 25, 1938, p. 3)
In April 1937, The Daily Herald reported that "The Camp of the Saints" has located on the M.R. Davis place on the Meunier property in North Biloxi. The followers of the late Brother Isaiah (1847-1934), which numbered about twelve and were primarily men, decided that the Biloxi area was an ideal location. They were seeking a large farm to share crop. The disciples of Brother Isaiah believed in making their livelihood from agriculture, not from donations. They did not plan to practice any form of healing like their deceased leader. The religious cult had disbanded in 1936, in northern California.  The 'Saints' had left Biloxi in 1925 for Fort Meyers, Florida before relocating to Raceland, Louisiana circa 1929.  Their journey had ended in Oroville, California.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1937, p. 10)      


On April 1st, work began on the new Central Fire Station near City Hall between Main and Elmer Streets.  The new station was designed by John T. Collins and is 47 feet by 70 feet with a dormitory for 7 men and a kitchen.  It is taking the place of the Fayard Street fire station and fire apparatus from Mississippi Hook & Ladder Company No. 1 will be utilized.  Christian A. Thompson is superintendent of the 20 man work force erecting the $10,000 structure.  The new station was dedicated on July 1, the birthday of Mayor Louis Braun who is also fire commissioner for the City.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1937, p. 1 and July 1, 1937, p. 1)


The new West End Fire Station was dedicated on July 8th. John T. Collins was project architect and Robert Conway built the fire engine.  Mayor Louis Braun reminded the audience that 15 months prior while a candidate for Mayor, he promised that he would make improvements to Biloxi's Fire Department if elected.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1937, p. 1)


The new Back Bay Fire Station was dedicated on July 20th during the annual Picnic and Bazaar of the Fourth Ward Regulars.  John T. Collins was architect and Robert Conway had built the company's fire engine which had an 85 HP motor and 850 feet of regular hose.  It was the 5th fire apparatus for the Back Bay Fire Company since its 1904 organization.(The Daily Herald, June 21, 1937, p. 1)

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) visited the Mississippi Gulf Coast in late April visiting Beauvoir and the Gulfport VA Hospital.(The Daily herald, April 30, 1937, p. 11) 
Eurilda Glavan (1915-2002) entered the St. Joseph's Academy in NOLA on March 19, 1937 as a novice in the Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph.(The Daily Herald, March 20, 1937, p. 2)
Joseph W. Swetman (1863-1937), native of Handsboro and former Biloxi Mayor and businessman, expired on May 31st at 433 Delauney Street, his residence.(The Daily Herald, May 31, 1937, p. 1)
W.W. Bergoffen, New Jersey native, was named ranger for the Biloxi District of the Desoto National Forest.  He replaced Max Brown.(The Daily Herald, July 17, 1937, p. 6)
Captain Dewey Regan, 1st Lt. George Stannus, and 2nd Lt. John Joyce led the 114th Regiment to Camp Shelby for two weeks training with their 155mm howitzer.(The Daily Herald, July 17, 1937, p. 6)
James A. Brodie (1855-1937), native of Scotland and horticulturist living in North Biloxi, expired on October 26th.
The new Barq's Root Beer Company plant on Lameuse Street and the L&N Railroad was dedicated in early December.(The Daily Herald, December 8, 1937, p. 3)
Mayor Louis J. Braun (1890-1951) named Biloxi’s Outstanding Citizen for 1937.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1938, p. 1)
The Centennial Anniversary of Biloxi’s city charter was recognized.(The Daily Herald,  January 12, 1938, p. 1)
H.R. Richmond and J.B. Richmond will enter four floats in the Junior Carnival parade on Mardi Gras Day. Every year, the children in their neighborhood have held a juvenile parade.  This year they will form a part of the Coast wide Mardi Gras parade on Mardi Gras Day.(The Daily Herald, February 24, 1938, p. 2)
Madeline Kuljus, 16 year old, daughter of Luka Kuljis (1885-1965), was named Miss Biloxi.  Aline Rae Hennig, age 8 years, was named Little Miss Biloxi.(The Daily Herald,  February 5, 1938, p. 1 and February 11, 1938, p. 8)
Anson Holley beat W.E. ‘Bill’ Beasley to win the Biloxi Country Club championship 3 and 2.(The Daily Herald,  February 23, 1938, p.6)
The Philadelphia Phillies began their spring training camp at Biloxi in late February. (The Daily Herald, February 28, 1938, p. 3)
Claude Passeau (1909-2003), outstanding Gulf Coast athlete and pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, was honored at Biloxi on March 27th by it being proclaimed 'Claude Passeau Day'.  Claude joined the Phillies in 1936.(The Daily Herald, March 26, 1938, p. 7)
Anthony V. 'Tony' Ragusin (1902-1997) entered  26 images in the Mississippi Art Association exhibit with subjects ranging from fishing, fisheries, bridges, and birds.(The Daily Herald, March 31, 1938, p. 6)
On April 18th , the City of Biloxi leased the NE/4 of Naval Reserve Park to Boy Scouts Camp Inc., E.P. Wilkes, president.  The site included 11 buildings, a pier built for scout purposes, and the land was surrounded by a fence.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 221, pp. 566-567 and City of Biloxi Minute Bk. 17, pp. 399-400)
In mid-May, Jack Fayard, Biloxi architect and builder, accepted bids for the Slavonian Lodge building.
John Elmer Dacey (1916-1991), Biloxi native and 1934 BHS Valedictorian, graduated first in the 1938 Class of the US Naval Academy of 439 Midshipmen.  Dacey also received numerous academic awards at the military academy in Annapolis, Maryland.  He died in Florida as a retired Rear Admiral and his corporal remains interred at Arlington Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1938, p. 1)
The Biloxi Tree Association was organized on June 5th under the large Live Oak tree at the Garner Tullis home-953 East Beach Drive.  Edward C. Tonsmeire was elected president; Donald R. FitzRoy, vice-president; and Mrs. W.O. Clark, secretary.  (The Daily Herald, June 6, 1938, p. 8)
Camp Wilkes, the new Boy Scouts of America camp and named for Eugene P. Wilkes (1885-1980), was dedicated in early June.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1938, p. 1)
The new Biloxi Community House [WPA Project 20,814] was approved by the President in June 1938. John T. Collins was the architect of the wood-frame Colonial style structure with an auditorium seating of 850 people and 350 people in the balcony. The new building replaced the old community house and the cost to erect the building was $17,054 of which Biloxi was to fuenish $6,287.(The Daily Herald, June 15, 1938, p. 1) 


Ethel Arguelles (1897-1938), principal of the Howard No. 1 primary school for 13 years, died at the Biloxi Hospital on July 28th. She had graduated from Biloxi High School in 1916 and began as a substitute teacher at the old East End School. Ethel had studied during the summers at Tulane, Peabody College, Loyola, and the State Teachers' College at Hattiesburg. (The Daily Herald, July 28, 1938, p. 1)Frances Kuluz was named Miss Biloxi and Clare Sekul elected Miss Yugoslavia.(The Daily Herald, August 2, 1939, p. 5)


Miss Claire Sekul [Hornsby] (1921-2017) was named Miss Yugoslavia by the Slavonian Benovelent Association.(The Daily Herald, August 8, 1939, p. 5)
The Burns Hotel, formerly the Kennedy Hotel, on the southeast corner of Reynoir and Railroad Street was damaged by fire and water on October 8th.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1938, p. 1)
The new St. Nicholas Slavic Benevolent Society Lodge [Slavonian Lodge] on First Street and Myrtle at Point Cadet was dedicated on November 20th.  The $20,000, two-story structure was erected by the Collins Brothers, general contractors, from a design by Jack Fayard, the architect.  Steve Kuljis was president of the organization at this time and building sponsors were Mary Anticich and Alonzo Gabrich.(The Daily Herald, November 19, 1938, p. 3)
Joseph E. Combel (1853-1938), native of Bay St. Louis and former BIloxi and NOLA hardware merchant, died at Mobile, Alabama on November 24th.  His corporal remains were sent to the Greenwood cemetery in NOLA for internment.(The Times-Picayune, November 25, 1938, p. 2)
The Reverend Edward A. DeMiller (1889-1959), Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, was named Biloxi's Citizen of the Year by the Lion's Club.
The new Beach Community House was dedicated in March?(The Daily Herald, January 11, 1939, and March  1939, p.  )
On May 28th, Mayor Louis J. Braun and his Board organized the Biloxi Housing Authority to create low-cost, public housing in local, blue collar neighborhoods.  The first BHA board consisted of: H.L. Schwan, chairman; Chester A. Delacruz; Dr. Robert F. Smith; C.N. Ellzey Sr.; and W.J. Collins.  Jules A. Schwan was sec.-treas.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1952, p. 2)
On 19 January by a vote of 877 for and 443 against, the citizens of Biloxi effective 1 February approved a salary increase for the Mayor and City Commissioners from $200 to $300 per month.(The Daily Herald, January 20, 1939, p. 1)
The Reverend Byron Holley (1855-1939), native of Rochester, New York and former pastor of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer and president of the Biloxi City Hospital [1917-19210, expired at Burbank, California om 2 May 1939.  His corporal remains were sent to NOLA for interrment in the Masonic Cemetery No. 1.(The Daily Herald, May 9, 1939, p. 1)
The Gulf Coast Examiner, a weekly journal "dedicated to Good Government" and published by the Gulf Coast Publishing Company and located at Lameuse and Washington Streets, published its first issue on June 15th.  E.J. Hosch, formerly assistant publicity director at Mississippi State College was editor and publisher.  Edward Brumfield, formerly of the Mississippi Guide, was advertising manager and superintendent of the mechanical engineering department. Other employees were: Virgil England, fomerly with the Miami, Oklahoma Daily News Record; Samuel Wells; Clyde Campbell; and Mrs. E.J. Hosch.(The Daily Herald, June 15, 1939, p. 3)

Dr. Robert Bruce McGehee (1884-1939), first president of the Gulf Coast Military Academy, died at Troy, Alabama on July 26, 1939.(The Daily Herald, July 27, 1939, p. 1)

Construction commenced in May on the Broadwater Beach Hotel Cottages.  The grand opening was held on 24 August.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1939 and August 20, 1956, p. 1)  
Veronica Anticich Cangemi (1919-1998) was named Miss Yugoslavia garnering 12,450 votes to beat Frances Pavlov who had 2880 votes.(The Daily Herald, August 2, 1939, p. 5)
Florian Seal (1852-1939), prominent Biloxi businessman and politician who was five time Harrison County Sheriff and eight time Harrison County Tax Assessor expired on December 11th.
Louise Andre' McDonnell (1888-1975), Biloxi nurse and social worker, was the first woman to be recognized by the Biloxi Lions Club as it 'Outstanding Citizen' in December 1939.  She was in charge of the Evangelical Lutheran Clinic [formerly known as the Back Bay Mission-in 2011 IP Casino on part of this property] on Back Bay.  Louise died at Biloxi on March 31, 1975.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1940, p. 1)
By the end of 1939, Biloxi with the aid of the WPA had paved 21 miles of its streets.  Four more miles of street remained to be paved, while over 30 miles of Biloxi roads had been paved before the WPA became involved.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1940, p. 1)
Biloxi had 2166 telephones.(The Daily Herald, January 17, 1947, p. 9)
Biloxi like the rest of the nation was still in the Depression as the new decade began.  Economic news improved when the Federal government began the of  construction of Keesler Field in the spring of 1941.  With the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, America became engaged in WWII with the Empire of Japan.  This conflict and the entry into the European Theatre against Germany and Italy in 
E. Dewey Lawrence succeeded Walter Nixon as Beat 1 Supervisor.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1940, p. 1)
R.C. Edwins took the oath of Sheriff to protect the citizens of of Harrison County.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1940, p. 1) 
Calvin E. Dees (1877-1954) took office torepresent Harrison and Stone Counties in the State Senate, while Howard McDonnell became Harrison Counties representative in theState House.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1940, p. 1 and p. 5)
F.A. Tucei, City Commissioner, was ready to commence the $17,000 WPA program for the new athletic field on Lee Street north of the L&N Railroad.  The project included grading, drainage, fencing, construction of a playing field, 1/4 mile track, and three practice fields.  John T. Collins was the project architect.(The Daily Herald, Jnauary 1, 1940, p. 1) 
The Jackson Brewing Company of NOLA celebrated its 50th anniversary.  Cornerstone laid on June 6, 1890 for the new brewery by Lawrence Fabacher (1863-1923).(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1940, p. 4)
The Back Bay of Biloxi froze over on January 27, 1940.  This was the  first time since February 13, 1899, when the mercury fell to one degree Fahrenheit on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.(The Daily Herald, January 27, 1940, p. 1)
Louisiana legislation passed to hurt Coast fishermen.(The Jackson County Times, February 2, 1940, p. 1)
The new Bradford Funeral Home opened in early February.(The Daily Herald, February 3, 1940, p. 3) 
Mardi Gras was celebrated onFebruary 6th with theJunior Carnival parade of 12 floats and nine bands.  W.P. Kennedy III (b. 1926) was King Leo III andHulda Velma Cousins(b. 1927)[married James E. Howell] was his Queen.(The Daily Herald, February 5, 1940, p. 1, February 7, 1940, p. 1 and Febraury 8, 1940, p. 12) 
Odeus Meyers (1884-1968) and Calus C. Meyers (1909-1999), store owners on Division Street who came to Biloxi in 1929 from Erath, Louisiana, announced in February that they would build the Myers Theatre on the southeast corner of Lameuse Street and Division.  The theatre would have 600-seats, cost $11,000 and Jack Fayard of Biloxi was their architect.  The new theatre opened on May 17th.(The Daily Herald, February 10, 1940, p. 1, February 16, 1940, p. 1, April 26, 1940, p. 2, and May 17, 1940, p. 2)
Phillip W. Levine (1890-1940), Biloxi entrepreneur, expired on February 15th.  He was born in Wablenk, Russia and came to the USA in 1900 and Biloxi in 1909.  Mr. Levine became an American in July 1919.(The Daily Herald, July 11, 1919, p. 3 and February 16, 1940, p. 1)
Father J.P. McGlade of St. John's Catholic Church planned to Bless the Fleet on Back Bay on August 5th.(The Daily Herald, July 19, 1945, p. 1)
Byrd Enochs (1875-1940), spouse of Cora Elmer (1878-1962), lumber and building materials entrepreneur and yachting enthusiasts, died on February 29th.
Harriet Waters Baker Aken (1839-1940), Centurian and long time resident of Deer Island, expired on March 21st.  She was the daughter of Harry Waters and Hannah Nickle.(The Daily Herald, September 18, 1939, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, March , 1940, p.  ) 
The 1st Baptist Church [Colored], which began at Biloxi in 1877, celebrated its 63rd anniversary in mid-April.(The Daily Herald, April 22, 1940, p. 5)
A Chicago & Southern Airlines [merged with Delta Airlines in 1953], DC 3 landed at the Biloxi airport in late April.  The $125,000, 21-passenger aircraft had flown 19 businessmen from St. Louis to Biloxi in 4 hours and 8 minutes with 15 minutes stops at Jackson, Mississippi and NOLA.  Mayor Braun and Forrest Runnels, manager of the Buena Vista, met the visitors who were investors and had shown interest in Biloxi's potential as an air tourist destination.(The Daily Herald, April 27, 1940, p. 1)
Mary Lee Tullis Eaves Crutcher (1919-2006), daughter of Garner H. Tullis (1893-1966) and Mary Lee Brown Tullis (1897-1940+) planned anearly June wedding with Norman Eustis Eaves (1917-1995). Malcolm McCulloughTullis (1917-1985), her sister, had married Laurence Moore Barkley (1916-1963) last Ocotober.(The Daily Herald, April 29, 1940, p. 2)   
Beauvoir planned to open on July 1st.  The opening did not happen until June 3, 1941.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1940, p. 1, February 6, 1941, p. 1, February 8, 1941, p. 7 and February 10, 1941, p. 8)
On May 8th, hearing was held at City Hall in regards Biloxi adopting a zoning ordinance.(The Daily Herald, May 9, 1940, p. 1)
Laz Quave, King Raw Stock II, andMaizie Mouton, Queen Pearl, ruled the annual Oyster Festival held in mid-Mayat the Slavonian Lodge.(The Daily Herald, May 13, 1940, p. 3) 
In mid-May, theCanal Bank & Trust Company of NOLA acquired the Avelez Hotel, which was in foreclosure, for $33,000.  John T. Powers had been operating the 88-room facility for the past almost three years and continued in this capapcity.(The Daily Herald, May 14, 1940, p. 1)
Kenneth Lewis Harris (1912-1964), native of Biloxi, was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on May 18th.  He died at New Orleans on June 22, 1964.(The Daily Herald, May 16, 1940, p. 6, May 17, 1940, p. 1, and May 18, 1940, p. 1, and June 22, 1964, p. 1)
John A Sutter (1868-1940),pioneer artesian well digger and pecan farmer of Pass Christian, Mississippi, expired on May 27th.  Mr. Sutter dug two wells on Ship Island.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1940, p. 1)
Meyer Eiseman (1882-1940), NOLA realtor and Deer Island Improvement Company promoter, expired at NOLA on June 6th.
On June 8th, Ingalls Shipbuilding at Pascagoula launched their first ship, Exchequer, an all welded, 18,000 ton vessel.(The Daily Herald, June 8, 1945, p. 1)
Captain Steve Rodolfich (1883-1960) of 116 Maple Street was honored with a silver loving cup for his contributions to the oyster industry by Dunbar-Dukate and the Louisiana Conservation Department for delivering the best oysters to Violet, Louisiana for the 1940 oyster season and for the discovery of oyster reefs in Lake Borgne.(The Daily Herald, June 28, 1940, p. 8)
On September 9, 1940, Sheriff Raleigh C. Edwins (1897-1960) announced a ban in Harrison County on slot machines, liquor, dice and other forms of gambling.  This included bank nights and bingo as well as counter games, like ‘high dice’ or ‘double or nothing’, being held in cigar stands and cafes.(The Daily Herald, September 11, 1940, p. 1)
In September, Biloxi's fisherman struck the local seafood packers wanting $8 per barrel of shrimp rather than $7 per barrel.(The Daily Herald, September 13, 1940, p. 1) 
In September, the Biloxi Housing Authority contracted for $257, 179 with Pittman Brothers of NOLA and Ray V. Pisarich (1905-1988) local plumber and electrician, for the construction of the Bay View Housing projects on Bay View Avenue and Fountain's Alley.  This endeavor consisted of 16 buildings with 96 units designed by Matthes & Landry and John T. Collins, local architects.  This was the first low-rent public housing at Biloxi.  Their next project was the Bayou Auguste Homes for Black people.  At this time, the BHA board consisted of: Chester A. Delacruz, chairman; Mendum H. Dees, vice-chairman; C.N. Ellzey; Victor B. Pringle; and Warren Goodman.(The Daily Herald, September 23, 1940, p. 1) 
The newly created Biloxi Port Commission had its first meeting on September 25th at the Baltar Realty office.  Members were: John E. Swetman; R. Hart Chinn, appointed by Paul B. Johnson, Governor; and Jacinto Baltar, appointee of the Board of Supervisors.(The Daily Herald, September 25, 1940, p. 2) 
The new Mississippi River Bridge at Natchez, Mississippi-Vidalia, Louisiana was dedicated on September 26th.  It was the 5th bridge to span the Mississippi River below Memphis.  The others were at: Greenville, Mississippi; Vicksburg, Mississippi; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and the Huey P. Long Bridge at NOLA.
The 1940 September enrollment for all Biloxi Public schools was 2787 students compared with 2669  students in September 1939.(The Daily Herald, September 30, 1940, p. 8)
Nageeb J. Bittar (1886-1979), native of Syria, was elected head of the Mississippi State V.F.W.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1940, p. 1)
Dr. Presley E. Werlein (1891-1971) was elected president of the newly organized Biloxi hospital board and staff group.  Present at the meeting were: Dr. D.L. Hollis (1893-1975); John J. Kennedy (1875-1949), pres. of the Biloxi hospital board; Dr. Eldon Bolton (1910-1990); Dr. James E. Wallace (1876-1942); Dr. Joseph Kuljis (1908-1988); Dr. Felix J. Harrell (1906-1980); Dr. J.A. Graves; Dr. Ben Martinez; Dr. George W. Wallace (1874-1960+); Dr. Braxton Bragg O'Mara (1896-1969); Dr. Frank E. Schmidt (1902-1975); Dr. R.F. Annis; and Dr. P.E. Werlein.(The Daily Herald, October 4, 1940, p. 6)
In mid-October, William Bond of Gulfport was building an adobe home on Division Street and Porter.  Blocks for the structure were made from local sand and clay mixed with 5% cement.(The Daily Herald, Ocotber 14, 1940, p. 2)

Lewis W. Hines (1874-1940), sociologist and photographer, expired at Dobbs Ferry, New York on 3 November.  He was a crusader against child labor and made dramatic images of children working in the seafood industry in Mississippi and Louisiana circa 1910.

On December 10th, Max N. Tobias for $18,000 sold to the Gulf Coast Shrimpers & Oystermens Association the Burns Hotel [formerly the KennedyHotel] building for their meeting and social affairs.  John Ewing was president of the local union which had 2000 paying Biloxi members, 150 in Pass Christian, 100 in Bay St. Louis and 75 at Ocean Springs.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 236, p. 97 and The Daily Herald, March 4, 1941, p. 10)          
George W. Ditto was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lions Club.                                                  
Camp Shelby, south of Hattiesburg, Forrest Co., Mississippi, was nearing completion with 1300 buildings and a 2000-bed hospital.  The military reservation was built for about $22,500,000.(The Daily Herald, February 8, 1941, p. 10, February 10, 1941, p. 5, February 22, 1941, p. 1, February 26, 1941, p. 1 and February 27, 1941, p. 1)
Alves Romero (1915-1941), native of Lafayette, Louisiana, was killed by Eddie Longon (1906-1941+) at the Mavar factory camp on February 12th.  Mr. Longon claimed that he hit Romero in the skull with a hammer in self-defense.(The Daily Herald, February 13, 1941, p. 1)
Currie & Corley General Contractors of Raleigh, Mississippi, anticpated commencement of the East End Homes, a public housing project on Point Cadet, in late February.  Edward 'Buster' Braun, foreman of thedemolition crew, had removed approximatelytwenty structures from the buidling site.  The Biloxi Housing Authority began taking applications in the fall of 1941 for tenants and by October 1941, 52 of the 96 units had tenants that had been approved and accepted by the agency.(The Daily Herald, February 12, 1941, p. 6 and October 9, 1941, p. 7)
Captain Eddie Ford and the Bonnie Yvonne, a power boat, again brought artifacts from a sunken vessel that he had disocvered fifteen miles south of Bay St. Louis in the St. Joe's Channel. Captain Ford had recovered in his trawl, a musket, 3" cannon balls, and other relics, which he brought to Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, February 12, 1941, p. 8)
Paul Browne (1858-1941), former Biloxi resident of 845 East Beach, now owned by Reed Morse,died at Rhinelander, Wisconsin on February 20th.  Mr. Browne was associated with theRhinelander Paper Company since 1903 and the Browne Insurance Company.  He left Biloxi about five years past.(The Daily Herald, February 20, 1941, p. 14)
Alonzo Parker, King Roxie, and Alice Wells, Queen Isabella, led eight floats with Colored riders through Biloxi's Downtown from Main and Division Streets celebrating Mardi Gras.  The Black paraders also rode horses, cars, and bicycles.  The White communty did not parade in 1941.(The Daily Herald, February 23, 1941, p. 6, February 24, 1941, p. 3 and February 25, 1941, p. 1)
M.C. Sherman, realtor for three Shreveport, Louisiana banks, planned to move to Biloxi in March and share an office with G.J. Wiltz at 204 Lameuse Street.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1941, p. 2) 

Eight men, described as Jehovah's Witnesses, were arrested in downtown Biloxi on March 1st, a Saturday afternoon, and were subsequently released on $10 bond to appear in city court Wednesday night on charges of disturbing the peace.  G.C. Clark, attorney of Waynesboro, Mississippi and representing these seven men, women and several children eight years of age and under related to the press:  The Witnesses are active again throughout the nation.  Their activities here [Biloxi] incited several young men to chase them along streets calling them names and threatening to run them out of town.  No one was hurt, but one Witness shoved a man backwards over a bicycle as he scratched and destroyed a banner bearing these words: 'Abandon religion, serve God and Christ the King.  Read Watchtower, 5c."(The Daily Herald, March 3, 1941, p. 6)

Judge John M. Sekul (1911-1984), after a warning for their own personal safety, dismissed several Jehovah Witnesses from the Latimer Community. The Witnesses had been demonstrating in downtown Biloxi and almost caused a riot when citizens became incensed over their placards-one which read 'Down With Religion'.  They were also distributing pamphlets.(The Daily Herald, March 6, 1941, p. 1)
Corbet Summerlin (1897-1941), native of Theodore, Alabama, and a crewman on the Lillian Holley drowned in Back Bay on March 8th near the Southern Shell Fish Company factory.(The Daily Herald, March 8, 1941, p. 1)
Henry Elisha Latimer (1855-1941), former sawmill owner, lumber and drayage operator, and road contractor expired on March 21st.  Mr. Latimer was also a former Alderman and in the seafood business.  He had married Mary Holley (1856-1942) in December 1884.(The Daily Herald, March 22, 1941, p. 1)
In March, Biloxi was selected as the site for an Army Air Corps school.(The Jackson County Times, March 22, 1941, p. 1)
Cyprian A. Sporl II (1905-1999) donated Cocheco, his $30,000, 76-foot disel yacht, to the USCG in April 1941. He also enlisted in the USCG at this time.  The Cocheco was to be used for patrol duty.   During WWII, the C.A. Sporl family of NOLA allowed their home on East Beach to be used by the Women’s U.S.O. for a small rental fee.(The Times-Picayune, April 21, 1941, p. 5 and The Daily Herald, November 5, 1964)
Hazel Nixon commenced a building designed by Gehr & Corley on East Howard Avenue to be used for the Home Milk Products Company a wholesale and retail dealer of local dairy products.  George A. Cruthirds and Holan Grantham will supply Grade A milk for the plant.[The Daily Herald, March 27, 1941, p. 
In April, the Biloxi Port Commission accepted the $43,322 bid of general contractor, Currie & Corley of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, to erect a steel building [$18,486] to be used as a boat plant at the foot of Lee Street on East Back Bay.  Albert J. Ragusin was awarded the plumbing contract [$3549]; Ray V. Pisarich, electrical [$1522]; and roofing [$1365] to  Biloxi Roofing and Sheet Metal.(The Daily Herald, April 16, 1941, p. 1)
Beauvoir, the Jefferson Davis Shrine at Biloxi,was dedicated on June 3rd.  Governor Paul B. Johnson (1880-1943) cancelled his appearance, but the hiearchy of the UDC and SCV were on hand for the occasion.  F.H. Kimbrough of Biloxi was elected vice commander of the SCV.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1941, p. 1) 
Herbert McDonnell, former BPD city detective,was elected Constable of Beat 1, a newly created office.  He out polled George Mon and Felix Mattina handily.(The Daily Herald, June 11, 1941, p. 1)
Pepsi Cola opened a bottling plant on Caillavet Street in May 1941. N.H. Hatten of Gulfport acquired the plant in November 1946.(The Daily Herald, August 19, 1948)
In May 1941, the City of Biloxi leased the 685-acre Naval Reserve Park to the Federal Government for an aviation school.  In mid-August 1941, 2000 soldiers were living in tents in the Naval Reserve Park.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 241, pp. 119-130 and The Daily Herald, August 14, 1941)
In June 1941, the U.S. Army Air Corps activated Station No. 8, Aviation Mechanics School, at Biloxi, Mississippi.  By late August 1941, this military installation had been dedicated as Keesler Army Airfield, in honor of 2nd Lieutenant Samuel Reeves Keesler (1896-1918), a native of Greenwood, Mississippi.  Lieutenant Keesler had died in France from wounds received while in aerial combat against Germany during the Great War.  Keesler Army Airfield not only became technical training center, but trained basic recruits.  The first contingent of recruits arrived at Biloxi on August 21, 1941.


The Gaynel Land Company was incorporated in the State of Mississippi on June 12, 1941 by Eugene A. Peresich (1895-1960), Mendum H. Dees (1884-1949), both of Biloxi, and Walter J. Gex Jr. (1906-1958) of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.  The purpose of the company was to acquire and subdivide land and to erect houses within their land subdivisions.(The Daily Herald, June 20, 1941,p. 7)


In June 1941, with the construction of Keesler Field announced and in its incipient building phase, Gaynel Land Company began aggressively with the acquisition of 78 lots in the Oak Park Subdivision at Biloxi.  It also took option on two parcels of lots in west Biloxi-one tract had 55 lots and the other 84 lots.  The company planned to erect 217 homes.(The Daily Herald, June 20, 1941, p. 1)

In June, a $10 million dollar contract was awarded to the construction companies of F.T. Newton (Hattiesburg), F.S. Glenn (Hatttiesburg), J.A. Jones and Bernard Knost (Pass Christian) to erect the Army Air Corps school at Biloxi.  Ground was brolen on June 18th.  The contractors expected to have 2000 men working on the base in two weeks and 10000 laborers in a month.
Byron Patton 'Pat' Harrison (1881-1941) of Gulfport, former Congressman (1911-1919) and US Senator (1919-1941) died in Washington D.C. on the 22nd of June.
Lt. Colonel Arthur Brock Jr. was named Commanding Officer of the Biloxi Army Air Corps Technical School in late June.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1941, p. 1)  
In July, the telephone company announced a $70,000 improvement plan at Biloxi to provide permanent telephone facilities at Keesler Field.  A new cable with a 1200 phone line capacity will be laid on the north side of Howard Avenue commencing at Fayard Street to the military base.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1941, p. 1)
TheHarlem Theatre, a movie house for Blacks located on Main Street near Division Street, opened on July 5th. Henry Meyers (1914-2004), owner and manager, of the 40 feet by 105 feet, steel-framed building with a 525 person seating capacity and costing $15,000.(The Daily Herald, July 4, 1941, p. 7)
Eustis McManus (1888-1941), Harrison County Chancery Clerk, died at Gulfport on July 6th.  He was a native of Ellisville, Jones Co., Mississippi and had married Leocadia Fisse.  McManus was elected Chancery Clerk in 1920. On July 8th, Governor Paul B. Johnson appointed Bonnie Clower Darnall to replace Mr. McManus.(The Daily Herald, July 7, 1941, p. 1)
In mid-July, 5809 workers were employed building the air school.(The Jackson County Times, July 19, 1941, p. 1)
On July 22nd, the citizens of Biloxi approved a waterworks bond issue to build a $1,400,000 sewerage system and $209,000 in waterworks improvements.(The Daily Herald, July 24, 1941, p. 1)
By late July, the foundations for 233 buildings had been laid at Keesler Field.  The new military base was 6.4% completed and there were 9877 laborers employed in its construction.(The Daily Herald, July 26, 1941, p. 3)
Anthony 'Tony' V. Ragusin (1902-1997), Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, to enter the Army Air Corps.  Ragusin was assigned to Keesler Field as public relations officer.(The Jackson County Times, July 28 1941, p. 1)
In late July, the City of Biloxi led by Mayor Louis Braun acquired the Lighthouse Keeper's house and tract on West Beach to use as a permanent home for the Chamber of Commerce.  The Chamber was located in the ground floor of the Avelez Hotel at this time.  In late October, Warren Jackson (1886-1972) was elected Secretary of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce to replace Anthony V. Ragusin (1902-1997), who had enlisted in the Army Air Corps. Mrs. Monte Hance had served as acting secretary since Ragusin's departure.(The Daily Herald, August 1, 1941, p. 3 and October 29, 1941, p. 1)  
The Home Milk Products Company was incorporated on 20 March 1941, by George A. Cruthirds [1891-1964], Holen H. Grantham [1892-1964] and Ewell 'Tony' Dore Irwin [1906-1977].(The Daily Herald, March 29, 1941, p. 7]
[The Daily Herald, August 1, 1947, p. 7]
In mid-August,Dan Markotich (1892-1964) sold the French Restaurant to Joseph Baricev (1904-1999). Markotich had operated the restaurant for six years.(The Daily Herald, August 13, 1941, p. 6)
Clyde Dunnaway (1908-1986)of Jackson purchased McAllister's Cafe in mid-August.(The Daily Herald, August 13, 1941, p. 6)
The Bayou Auguste Homes, a $358,000, sixteen-building, public housing project for Biloxi's negro population was opened in August.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1946, p. 4)
James S. Love Jr. was named president and managing director of the Buena Vista and White House Hotels.  George Sturm, resident manager of the White House, will become general manager of the White House and promotional manager of the Buena Vista.  Forrest Runnels, manager of the Buena Vista Hotel since May 1, 1938, was staying at Gulf Hills with his family and would make a public announcment soon as to his future plans.(The Daily Herald, September 3, 1941, p. 1)
In mid-September, the Biloxi Gun Club held its first shoot on its new range at Clay Point in east Biloxi.  F.J. Gautier, Peter L. Martin, Russell Braun, Warner Goodman, Kline Coquet, Dr. Joseph Kuljis, E.B. Noble, and Tom Pringle were active skeet and trap shooters at this time.  The 1942 State Shoot was to be held at the Biloxi Gun Club.(The Daily Herald, September 15, 1941, p. 2)
Irie Letort (1919-1996), Veryl Cannette, Wilbur Cannette (1916-1993), and Joseph Marinovich (1914-1984), Biloxians serving in Battery F at Camp Blanding, Florida, planned to make a musical recording of songs that they have composed.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1941, p. 7)
Westergard Boat Works 
By mid-September, the 16-month efforts of the Biloxi Port Commission and from city officials and leading Biloxi citizens, were nearly realized with the completion of the Westergard Boat Works on Back Bay at the foot of Lee Street.  I. Daniel Gehr (1895-1959), local architect supervised the construction of the warehouse, fabricating buiulding, loft and drafting buildings, general offices, and work sheds.  The larger strutures were of fabricated steel construction with concrete foundations while the smaller buildings were modern, frame structures.  Currie & Corley of Hattiesburg, Mississippi was the general contractor while other employed to erect the shipyard were: Iron Steel Products Company; Albert J. Ragusin-plumbingRay V. Pisarich, electricaland roofing-Biloxi Roofing and Sheet Metal.  The Jackson County dredge built the channel into the boatyard which had a 400-foot frontage on Back Bay.(The Daily Herald, September 20, 1941, p. 3)
The new Biloxi High School football field on Division and Lee Streets was first used in September 1941.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1941, p. 6)
The Biloxi VFW-Lyman C. Bradford Post located at 518 Reynoir Street and operated by theDallas B. Smith VFW Post at the Biloxi VA hospital was open for the use ofsoldiers stationed at Keesler Field.(The Daily Herald, October 7, 1941, p. 7)
The R.P. Farnsworth Company had 250 men working on Harrison Court, a $586,000 defense housing project at Bay Terrace.  The finaldevelopment would consist of eighty-seven buildingsto house 175 families with a completion date of January 1942.(The Daily Herald, October 17, 1941, p. 1)
The Westergard Boat Works laid the keel for a US Navy submarine chaser on October 21st.  The second submarine chaser of the two boat Navy contract wascommenced in early November 1941.  Frederick D. Lawley (1878-1953), Boston naval architect, designed the vessels.(The Daily Herald, October 22, 1941, p. 1 and November 5, 1941, p. 1)
Several buildings were moved by Ojo Ohr to the new site of Camp Wilkes.  Among them were eight cabins, the keeper's house and a warehouse.(The Daily Herald, October 27, 1941, p. 7) 
The L&N Railroad has started work on the passenger shed at its Biloxi depot.  B.R. Keebler, bridge foreman, has a crew of 20 men building the steel, passenger shed from Reynoir Street to the west end of the Express office, a distance of 350 feet.  The project will take three weeks.(The Daily Herald, October 30, 1941, p. 7) 
Anthony G. Osoinach (1873-1941),City Editor for The Daily Herald, expired on October 29th at Gulfport.  He was replace by Charles C. Blackwell in early November 1941(The Jackson County Times, November 1, 1941, p. 1, The Daily Herald, October 29, 1941, p. 1, October 31, 1941, p. 5, and November 4, 1941, p. 1) 
In November,J. Allen Bradford, John T. Collins, Gordon A. Dacey and George Collins Jr. founded Bradford, Collins, Dacey & Collins to provide architectural and engineering services necessary for the completion of the sanitary sewerage system and disposal plant at Biloxi.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Chattel Deed Bk. 79, p. 55)
The bronze memorial to Captain Joseph T. Jones (1842-1916), founder of Gulfport, Mississippi, was reported to have been completed by Charles Keck (1875-1951),New York sculptor.(The Daily Herald, November 3, 1941, p. 3)
Gulfport defeated Biloxi 20-7 at the Gulfport Fairgrounds in their annual Thanksgiving football contest which began in 1920.(The Daily Herald, November 21, 1941, p. 5)   
In November, James A. Mustard (1906-2000), golf professional, was hired by Gulf Hills for the winter season. Mr. Mustard came to the USA from Scotland in 1928 and had formerly worked at the Biloxi Country Club with Edward Rankin. James A. Mustard spent the summer golf season at Janesville, Wisconsin.  Mr. Rankin will join him at Gulf Hills coming from Detroit.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1941, p. 5)
Joseph W. Havens (1881-1941), native of Vancleave, Jackson Co., Mississippi, former Harrison County Tax Assessor; two term Harrison County Sheriff [1920-1924 and 1928-1932]; and Superintendent of the Jefferson Davis Home for Confederate Soldiers-Beauvoir expired on November 24th at Gulfport.  Mr. Havens lived at Nugent eight miles north of Gulfport with Leona Hutto Havens, his wife.(The Daily Herald, November 24, 1941, p. 1)  
Tri-State Construction Company of Atlanta was low bidder at $89, 134 to erect the USO recreation center at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, November 25, 1941, p. 1)
On December 7th, the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands.  America declared war on Japan the next day.  Germany and Italy sign an alliance with Japan and enter the war on December 11th. 
On December 7th, the Biloxi Knights of Columbus All-Stars managed by Frank 'Yankee' Barhanovich (1915-1987) lost 12-0 to Bay St. Louis All Stars in a football game played at Biloxi to support the Biloxi Doll and Toy Fund and the Bay St. Louis Christmas Fund.(The Daily Herald, November 29, 1941, p. 2 and December 8, 1941, p. 3)
In late December, $75,000 was allocated by the Defense Public Works to complete the Biloxi Junior High School building. The WPA had closed down the project several months ago due to a paucity of WPA labor at Biloxi. The WPA had already expended $27, 937 on the school's construction and the land cost was $15,000.  Voter's had also approved $47,000 in funding for the new school. The plant was to have eighteen classrooms, as well as, home economics, science and manual training facilities. Work was anticipated to start in thirty days from a John T. Collins design.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1941, p. 1) 
Mary Belle Beeman (1892-1981), spouse of Joseph Henry Beeman (d. 1961) wasnamed Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club for 1941. She was very active in civic and philanthropic causes on the Coast, and in particular garden clubs, Beauvoir, Red cross, and KAFB.(The Daily Herald, June  , 1981, p. A2)
On January 1st, the Sisters of St. Francis of Glen Riddle, Pennsylvania began operating the Biloxi Hospital.  Miss Celestine Pratt, former superintendent, returned to Mobile, her home.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1941, p. 1) 
Frederick C. Querens Jr.
Frederick C. Querens Jr. (1858-1942), NOLA tobacco executive and Biloxi real estate magnate, died on January 4th in the Crescent City.  Querens Avenue at Biloxi, once perjoratively called 'Hard Shell Alley', was named for him.(The Times-Picayune, January 6, 1942, p. 2 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 19, 1908)
Captain Oswald Lester Bernich (1915-1942) was killed when the B-29 Flying Fortress that he was aboardcrashed twenty miles east of Ardmore, Oklahoma on February 12th.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 1942, p. 5) 
George Barrow Cousins Sr. (1878-1969) became Biloxi's acting Postmaster on February 29th.  He replaced Ernestine G. Meunier.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1944, p. 1)
The United Service Organization [USO] Building was dedicated in March.(The Daily Herald, March 13, 1942, p. 1 and March 16, 1942, p. 1)
n mid-March, the US Weather Bureau [Atlanta, Georgia] removed its record keeping site from the Biloxi Yacht Club to Keesler Field.  J.G. Manuel of the Civil Aeronautics Authority was placed in charge of recording daily weather phenomena.  John Grady had kept the weather data at the BYC.  It was believed that weather conditions with exposure over water were not exactly indicative of the temperature over the city.(The Daily Herald, March 20, 1942, p. 5)
Sparks Vignes Sr. (1885-1942), Biloxi merchant who operated The Specialty Store, expired on April 3rd.(The Daily Herald, April 3, 1942, p. 1)
Bob Hope (1903-2003) made his first visit to Keesler Field to entertain the troops on May 20th.(The Daily Herald, May 20, 1942, p. 12)   
In late May, Vic's Bowling Alley, later Brown's Bowling Alley, on Reynoir Street opposite the Saenger Theatre, opened as Mayor Louis J. Braun (1890-1951) rolled a strike on his first ball at the eight lane facility.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1942, p. 3)
USN Lt. Commander August A. 'Al' Barthes (1916-2007), Biloxi native, rescued USN Naval Aviator Thomas White Ramsay (1918-1942), the son of Inman White Ramsay (1889-1983) and Mary L. Ramsay of Ramsay Springs, Mississippi on June 16, 1942 following the Battle of Midway.  The two men had been classmates at Mississippi State College.  Commander Thomas Ramsay, a naval test pilot, was killed June 25, 1948 when his fighter jet aircraft plunged into Chesapeake Bay off Potuxent, Maryland.  Barthes was honored for his heroism by the US Navy in November 1942 and by the Biloxi Elks also in November 1942.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1948, p. 1, November 13, 1942, p. 2, and November 19, 1942, p. 5)
John E. Breaux (1882-1942), native of NOLA and resident of Biloxi since 1913 and manager of Southern Bell Telephone for past 29 years, died on June 29th.  Mr. Breaux was an active Elk and Rotarian.  He founded the Elkpat Celebration which was held on July 4th for many years andthe Elk Frolic held during Thanksgiving week for the fiancial support of the Biloxi Hospital.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1927, p. 2 and June 29, 1942, p. 1)
Postmaster John R. Meunier retired on June 30th.  Ernestine Gorenflo Meunier, his spouse, became acting Postmaster of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, June 29, 1942, p. 1 and January 11, 1944, p. 1)    
On July 14th, Chester A. Delacruz (1889-1964) was elected Mayor defeating incumbent Mayor Louis J. Braun (1890-1951) 1536 to 1049 votes.  Joseph A. 'Tony' Creel (1901-1992) was elected City Commissioner for the first time defeating Walter H. 'Kenner' Hunt.  (1881-1965) was elected the other City Commissioner.(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1942, p. 1 and July 22, 1942, p. 1)
Katherine Garrison Braun (1892-1983) wife of Mayor Louis Braun (1890-1951), acted as sponsor and Martha Burnett, daughter of Dr. Riley Burnett, as maid of honor, at the launching of the U.S.S. Biloxi [CL-80], a light naval cruiser, on August 1st in Newport News, Virginia.  The USS Biloxi earned nine battle stars for her service in the South Pacific against the Empire of Japan.  She was scrapped in 1962 by a Puget Sound metal recycler situated at or near Port Angeles, Washington.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1942, p. 1)
The Main Street Methodist Church celebrated its 100th anniversary on June 9th.  The church commenced in June 1842 with 5 members and had 980 parishioners in June 1942.  The present sanctuary was built in 1904-1905 when Reverend Henry Ware Van Hook (1866-1947) was pastor.  The present pastor is Clyde H. Gunn (1902-1980) with William C. Fulgham as his assistant.  Both men were Millsaps graduates.(The Daily Herald, June 9, 1942, p. 5 and November 23,1942, p. 1)
In September, the corporal remains of Samuel Emory Davis (1756-1824), father of Jefferson Davis, were removed from the Hurricane Plantation cemetery in Warren County, Mississippi and interred in the Confederate Cemetery at Beauvoir, the Davis home at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1942, p. 6)
C.A. Thompson, Biloxi contractor, was awarded the $66,274 contract  to erect the Inner Harbor at the foot of Main Street.  The facility will include docks and piers and be available to Key Field of Meridian and Keesler Field for mooring crash boats used by the Army Air Corps for air-sea rescue.(The Daily Herald, November 11, 1942, p. 1)
A practice Black-Out for the Mississippi coast was held in early November by Civil Defense units.(The Daily Herald, November 11, 1942, p. 1)
 The S.H. Kress store on West Howard Avenue sustained $2000 in damages from a fire in mid-November.  O.W. Trawick was store manager.(The Daily Herald, November 13, 1942, p. 2)
On November 22, 1942, the Biloxi All-Stars played the Moss Point All-Stars in the second annual charity football game that would become known as the Shrimp Bowl.   Elbert E. Manuel (1914-1989) coached the Biloxi squad made up of the following players: backfield-Joe Mattina; Jimmy Wallace; Blaine Alleman (1920-1995); George Budinich (1914-1957); Louis Demourelle (1910-1983); Arnold Entrekin (1918-2010); and Gerald Entringer (1923-1998).  Linemen-Dalton Mattina (1922-2005); Thomas Esposito; Albert Lamas (1924-1978); Noley Dunn (1920-2001); George Purcell; Walter Ewing; Elbert Kostmayer (1919-2010); Fred Dick (1915-1969); and Frank Barhanovich (1915-1987).  On a Sunday night in a light rain, a small group of spectators watched the two squads fight to a 0-0 game score.(The Daily Herald, November 11, 1942, p. 2 and November 23, 1942, p. 2)
BHS beat Gulfport 26-0 in football on Thanksgiving Day.(The Daily Herald, November 27, 1942, p. 2) 
In late November, the 1st National Bank of Biloxi for $4000 sold lands in Section 14 and Section 23, T7S-R10W, on the north shore of the Bay of Biloxi to the Boy Scouts of America.(Harrison Co., Ms. Land Deed Bk. 252, p. 284)
On December 1, 1942, the Westergard Boat Works was recognized again for its excellence in building boats and barges.  8th District Naval Headquarters awarded the plant with the Navy ‘E’ Pennant with two white stars.  The boatyard was first lauded for its work in February 1942.(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1942, p. 6)
In mid-December, outgoing Mayor Louis J. Braun (1890-1951) was presented a 1941 Plymouth coupe and war bonds by James S. Love Jr., manager of the Buena Vista and White House Hotels,in appreciation for his outstanding service to the City of Biloxi during his recent term.  During Braun's four years as Biloxi's Mayor the citizens saw the following accomplished:  Keesler Field; Biloxi Community House; USO Building; Westergard Boat Works; a two-lane Beach Drive; a new sewer and water works system; and the filling-in of low lands in eastern Biloxi with channel spoil.(The Daily Herald, December 16, 1942, p. 1)
The Biloxi Public School enrollment was 3278 students.  Dukate-424; Gorenflo-366; Lopez-501; BHS-667; Colored School-509.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1942, p. 8)
The two Sugar Bowl opponents, Tulsa (10-0) and Tennessee (8-1-1), trained on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for the New Year's Day contest at NOLA.  Tulsa was situated at Bay St. Louis and the Volunteers at Edgewater Park. Tennessee won 14-7 at Tulane Stadium.(The Daily Herald, December 21, 1942, p. 5)
Earl F. Cook (1907-1999) was appointed assistant Fire Chief in late December.  He had been with the BFD since May 1935.(The Daily Herald, December 23, 1942, p. 15) 
Fenton H. Kimbrough (1874-1952), native of Stanton, Tennessee and Biloxi entrepreneur involved in the banking [First Bank of Biloxi], pharmacy [Kimbrough & Quint], seafood and ice business, was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizenof 1942.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1943, p. 1)
Mayor elect, Chester A. Delacruz (1889-1964), and elected City Commissioners, Joseph A. 'Tony' Creel (1901-1992) and John A. 'Honest John' Swanzy (1881-1965), took office in early January.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1943, p. 1)
Laz Quave (1910-1985) was appoined Police Chief on January 4th, replacing Alonzo L. Gabrich (1894-1948). He had served for nearly four years as a Harrison County, Mississippi Deputy Sheriff.  Alonzo Gabrich retired as Police Chief on January 4, 1943 after 24 years with the BPD.  His tenure as Police Chief totaled 14 years.  Gabrich started with the City of Biloxi working as an office boy for W.G. Henderson and later collected street taxes and drove a fire wagon.  By 1917, he had been the sanitary inspector; pound master; and special police officer.  The Biloxi community in respect and appreciation for his long and faithful sevice to their city, presented Mr. Gabrich with gifts: a belt buckle with three diamonds; cash and bonds; and an Elks diamond ring.[The Daily Herald, August 14, 1917, p. 1 and January 4, 1943, pp. 1 and 5]
The USS Biloxi (CL-80), a light naval cruiser, was launched 23 February 1943, at Newport News, Virginia by Katherine G. Braun (1892-1983), spouse of Biloxi Mayor, Louis E. Braun (1890-1951).  Construction began on 9  July, 1941.     The USS Biloxi earned nine battle stars for her service in the South Pacific against the Empire of Japan.  She was scrapped in 1962 by a Puget Sound metal recycler situated at or near Port Angeles, Washington.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1942, p. 1, February 24, 1943, p. 8, and February 26, 1943, p. 1)



[L-R: Margaret Braun and ? at USS Biloxi launching]

On February 23rd, the Heirs-at-Law of Claudia G. Vick. Dacey (1869-1937) and Marguerite Dacey (1900-1942) , executed a one-year lease with an option to purchase to the principals of the Westergard Shipyard, William P. Kennedy II (1873-1951), Victor B. Pringle (1909-1977), Thomas N. Pringle (1906-1970), James W. Pringle (1914-1971) and W.B. Goodman, a co-partnership, onthree tracts of land situated on Rhodes Point on the Back Bay of Biloxi.  The lease ran from February 20, 1943 to February 20, 1944 and cost $1200 per year.  If the option were executed during the lease period, the Dacey Heirs would sell their three parcels for $8000.(Harrison Co. Chancery Court Land Deed Bk. 255, p. 69)
Lorenzo Nolley Dantzler, Sr. (1866-1943) died on February 27th.(The Daily Herald, March , 1943, p. )
Ray L. Bellande
Ray L. Bellande was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on March 4th.(The Daily Herald, March 5, 1943, p. 3)
Andre Kostelanetz (1901-1980) was scheduled to conduct the Keesler Field concert orchestra and band on April 14th.
The Braun Canning Company and shell crushing plant has been closed and the property leased  to the Westergard Boat Works.  The company moved to another location on Back Bay.[The Daily Herald, May4, 1943, p. 2]


Edward C, Barq (1871-1943), expanded the Biloxi Artesian Bottling Works into Barq's Beverages and developed the regional favorite carbonated drink-Barq's Root Beer, died on May 22nd.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1943, p. 1)
The BYC won the Mobile Regatta held in late May.  The Biloxi team of Alf DantzlerRobert Brodie, and G.E. Moorefinished ahead of: Gulfport; Mobile; Pensacola and Buccaneer [tied]; Southern; and Pass Christian was last.  Ed Moore of Biloxi won the 2nd race.(The Daily Herald, May 31, 1943, p. 2)
Dr. Calvin H. Grainger (1882-1943), husband of Corrie Haney and a native of Franklin, Kentucky and an osteopath who practiced in North Carolina, Kentucky, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Gulfport and Biloxi,  died on June 5th at his residence at 1053 West Howard Avenue.  His corporal remains were sent to Hatteisburg, Mississippi for internment.
Police Chief Laz Quave announced that parking meters would become operational on June 7th.  Robert Costello of the Biloxi Police force was named traffic officer and collected revenue from the 375 parking meters in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, May 27, 1943, p. 2 and June 5, 1943, p. 1)
In late May, ground was broken for an $84,000 addition to the Biloxi Hospital.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1943, p. 7)
On June 18th, Westergard Shipyard launched its 2nd, composite oil barge.  The $2,000,000 contract called for the construction of thirty oil barges to haul petroleum products from Texas-Louisiana to Jacksonville, Florida via the Intracoastal Waterway.  The hydrocarbons were off-loaded to other barges for shipment to cities on the Atlantic Seaboard.  The barges were 160 feet long, 34 feet wide, and 10 1/2 feet deep with the capacity for 6000 barrels. James W. Pringle was superintendent of the boatyard and Connie Collins supervised construction.(The Daily Herald, June 19, 1943, p. 1)
Captain Samuel Preston Edmonds (1867-1943), native of Miami, Missouri, USNA graduate, and former commandant of the Biloxi U.S. Coast Guard Base died at the Biloxi VA Hospital on June 2oth.  'Bessie' Shorey Allen Edmonds (1871-1961), his spouse and native of Baltimore, Maryland, died at Tallahassee, Florida on september 21, 1961.  Their corporal remains rest eternally in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery. (The Daily Herald, June 21, 1943, p. 1 and September 21, 1961, p. 2)
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dantzler donated 550 books to the Biloxi victory book campaign.  They were distributed to the Red Cross Hospital and squadrons at Keesler Field.(The Daily Herald, July 29, 1943, p. 8)
Daniel Hollis Jr. (1924-2000) and Jack Arguelles were appointed to the US Naval Academy.(The Daily Herald, July 29, 1943, p. 8)
The Crawford sisters, Louise H. Crawford (1865-1942), Josephine M. Crawford (1878), Mrs. Hunt [Jeanne] Henderson, and Mrs. J.P. d'Heur, donated 100 books to the USO Club-Women's Division library.(The Daily Herald, July 30, 1943, p. 2)    
On August 25th, an Army Air Force AT-7 trainer from the navigation school at Hondo, Texas crashed three miles southwest of Biloxi into the Mississippi Sound killing the pilot and three air cadets.(The Daily Herald, August 26, 1943, p. 1)
Fred B. Ferson (1897-1969) and Paul Linde with their assistants J.L. McKenzie and J.R. McElroy continued to make range finder prisms and other optical devices in Biloxi for the Frankfort Arsenal as part of the home industrial WW II effort.(The Daily Herald, August 4, 1943, p. 8)
Maxie M. Broadus (1906-1985) defeated Arthur W. Lang (1922-2006), Deputy Sheriff, 4836 votes to 3345 votes for the position of Harrison County, Mississippi Sheriff.(The Daily Herald, August 26, 1943, p. 1)
On September 8th,the newly created Notre Dame High School, a Catholic all boys educational institution, opened at Biloxi with 125 students in the former A.F. Dantzler House at 1028 West Beach Boulevard opposite the Biloxi Lighthouse.  Brother Francis Borgia, CSC, was the first principal and leader of the faculty composed of Brothers of the Holy Cross Society from Notre Dame University at South Bend, Indiana. Reverend Geoffrey O'Connell (1900-1976), Superintendent of the Mississippi Catholic Schools, was in contact withFrank Leahy (1908-1973), football coach at Notre Dame University,in order to hire a suitable football coach for his new high school.(The Daily Herald, July 26, 1943, p. 1 and September 9, 1943, p. 7)
Elbert Lester Dukate (1881-1943), resident of NOLA since 1938 and former manager ofDunbar-Dukate Company, expired in the Crescent City on October 8th.(The Times Picayune, October 10, 1943, p. 8)
Former Mayor Louis E. Braun suffered a stroke in mid-October, which paralyzed his right side.(The Daily Herald, October 15, 1943, p. 5)
George W. Grayson  (1870-1943), former Biloxi realtor expired at Jackson on March 30th.  Mamie Pol (1873-1951), his wife, died at Biloxi in mid-November 1951.(The Daily Herald, April 1, 1943, p. 10 and November 19, 1951, p. 8)      
The 20th Aviation Squadron (Colored) was reviewed at Keesler Field.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1943, p. 2)
Mayor Chester Delacruz and Colonel R.E.M. Goolrick, commanding officer of Keesler Field, attended the opening of the Division Street Colored USO.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1943, p. 2)
On December 3rd, the Biloxi Indians of Coach Dace Davis coming off a Thanksgiving Day victory over Gulfport [7-0], beat the Nicholls' Rebels of the NOLA prep league 14-0 on December 3rd, in what would be called the Shrimp Bowl.(The Daily Herald, December 2, 1943, p. 2 and December 4, 1943, p. 2)
General Samuel Reeves Keesler (1866-1943), native of Rock Hill, North Carolina and father of Samuel Reeves Keesler Jr. (1896-1918), name sake of Keesler Field, expired at Greenwood, Mississippi in late December.  General Keesler served three Mississippi governors as the Adjutant General of Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, December 21, 1943, p. 1)
Governor Paul B. Johnson (1880-1943) died on December 26th at Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Olivia Hill Sones Bolton (1868-1952) was named Biloxi's Most Outstanding Citizen for 1943.  Cornelia Bolton Reagan, her daughter, accepted the award as Mrs. Bolton was in Arizona visiting her son.(The Daily Herald, December 29, 1943, p. 1)
Elizabeth E. 'Betty' Burns launchedthe USS Pehewah, a 110-foot Navyharbor tugboat, at the Westergard Boat Works in late February.(The Daily Herald, February 25, 1944, p. 1)
George B. Cousins Sr. (1883-1969) succeeded Ernestine G. Meunier as acting Biloxi Postmasteron February 29th. He was appointed acting Postmaster by US Representative William M. Colmer (1890-1980) in January 1944.(The Daily Herald, January 11, 1944, p. 1 and February 29, 1944, p. 8)
The Gulfport Open, a PGA golf tournament, was held at the Great Southern Country Club from March 3, 1944 to March 5, 1944.  The prize money was $6000 in war bonds. Harold ‘Jug’ McSpaden (1908-1996) won the 72-hole tournament shooting eight under par defeating Sammy Byrd (1906-1981), runner-up, by six strokes.  Byron Nelson  (1912-2006) placed third.  Freddie Haas (1916-2004), NOLA golfer, was the winning amateur.  McSpaden won a $1000 war bond; Byrd a $750 war bond; and Byron Nelson a $550 war bond.  Ashton Barrett was Club President at this time and Jim Wilson. Club Professional.  Byron Nelson went on to win $37,967 in war bonds in 1944 and lead the PGA money list.  Jug McSpaden was second with $23,855 in war bond winnings.(The Daily Herald, March 1, 1944, p. 2, March 3, 1944, p. 2, and March 6, 1944, p. 2)
PGA golfers, Jug McSpaden, Sammy Byrd and Byron Nelson, went to Keesler Field at Biloxi on March 3, 1944 to demonstrate their links skills to the servicemen.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1944, p. 6)
Dr. William W. Eley(1875-1944), native of Scott County, died on April 5th at his home on 1128 West Beach.(The Daily Herald, April 6, 1944, p. 1) 
John R. Meunier (1880-1944), retired Biloxi Postmaster, died on April 20th.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1944, p. 10)
Henry Diaz Sr. (1872-1944), long time Biloxi grocer and owner of Bayview Packing Company and H. Diaz Oyster Company, expired at his residence on 936 Fayard Street.  Charter member of the Back Bay Fire Company and father of ten children withOlivia Boney Diaz (1874-1945).(The Daily Herald, April 24, 1944, p. 8)
Father Joseph A. Milot (1867-1944), formally at Biloxi, died at Canton, Mississippi on April 23rd.  His corporal remains were interred at Yamachiche, Quebec, Canada.(The Daily Herald, April 25, 1944, p. 5)
101 new homes for rental and war workers and their families are being completed by Biloxi Homes, Inc. andMiramar Homes, Inc.(The Daily Herald, April 25, 1944, p. 8) 
In May, Vincent Kuluz (1898-1987) was elected for the third time to head the Slavonian Benevolent Association.(The Daily Herald, May 19, 1944, p. 5)
BHS graduated 71 studentson May 30th.  Fairie Lynn Carter was Valedictorian;June Lawrence, Salutatorian, andJackie Logan, Class Orator. Doris Cooke was Miss BHS.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1944, p. 8, May 23, 1944, p. 7 and May 31, 1944, p. 1
Henry Eikel (1869-1952), Biloxi tailor residing at 156 Seal Avenue and who came here  from New Orleans in June 1894, celebrated his 75th birthday and 5oth year at Biloxi on June 3rd.  Eikel had married Catherine J. Huth (1870-1935).(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1944, p. 7)
Captain Lars 'Pete' Peter Eskald (1856-1944), Danish immigrant and maritime trader, died on June 21st.(The Daily Herald, June 21, 1944, p. 1)
Henry H. Leggett (1892-1966) who came to the Coast in 1922 and owned the Arcadia-Ness Creamery, which he acquired in 1932 sold it to the Borden Company in 1944.  He lived at Handsboro, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, September 22, 1964, p. 12) 
Lyman Bradford (1863-1944), native of Jackson County, Mississippi and Biloxi entrepreneur, expired on November 21st.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1944, p. 1)
In their 30th renewal, Gulfport beat Biloxi 24-0 at Biloxi on Thanksgiving Day.  Dace Davis was the Indians football coach at this time.  The series was now tied 13-13 with four ties.(The Daily Herald, November 24, 1944, p. 6) 
On December 8th, the Biloxi Knights of Columbus netted $461 for the Biloxi Doll & Toy Fund from the Shrimp Bowl game proceeds.  Istrouma High of Baton Rouge, Louisiana played Moss Point and won 47-7.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1944, p. 6 and December 14, 1944, p. 1)
O.E. Thompson (1874-1944), building contractor who built many of the new structures at Biloxi following the Great Fire of November 1900, expired on December 24th.(The Daily Herald, December 26, 1944, p. 5)
Major Eugene A. Hiller (1898-1970), Biloxi VA director, was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, December  , 1943).  
Edward 'Eddie' E. Lemien (1925-2009), Jehovah Witness, stated in Federal Court at Biloxi that he was an ordained minister since childhood and did not believe in war.  Lemien had failed to report for induction into military service and claimed that he had filed an appeal which he had never gotten a reply.  Judge Sidney C. Mize instructed the jury to find for the defendant.(The Daily Herald, February 21, 1945, p. 1)

1st Lt. J.J. 'Jerry' O'Keefe III, USMC- (b. 1923)

During his first WW II aerial combat mission flown with the 2nd Marine Air Wing over the skies of Okinawa in April 1945, 1st Lieutenant J.J. 'Jerry' O’Keefe III destroyed five Japanese aircraft, which earned him the "ace" designation. Before the Pacific theater hostilities ended in August 1945, Jerry O’Keefe  had been credited with two additional kills. For his valiant military service, he was bestowed the Navy Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, and Gold Star. He received these medals on October 14, 1946, at New Orleans. (The Daily Herald, April 25, 1945, p. 1 and October 15, 1946, p. 5)

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) died on April 12th.  He was suceeded by Harry S. Truman (1884-1972), the vice-president.
Ingalls Shipbuilding at Pascagoula planned to build a railroad locomotive.(The States-Item, April 30, 1945, p. 7-B and The Morning Advocate, October 3, 1945, p. 6-A)
Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945.
The Embassy Club, formerly the Henry Piaggio (1874-1921) home at Gulfport, was acquired by Anthony Ingassia Jr., John L. Cox, and James F. Porter of Gulfport and renamed the Merry Mansion.  They planned to open in June.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1945, p. 9)
Sgt. Julius Boros (1920-1994), who would become an outstanding PGA golfer, was stationedat Keesler AFB in 1945 and was a key player on the successful Keesler golf team.(The Daily Herald, May 23, 1945, p. 7 and May 25, 1945, p. 6)
BHS graduated eighty seniors in late May.  Pattie Beth Corban was valedictorian; Lucille Filipich, salutatorian; and Helen Fayard, class orator.  James Walker was named coach of the Biloxi Indians by Superintendent Gerorge W. Ditto in early June.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1945, p. 6, May 26, 1945, p. 5, and May 30, 1945, p. 1)
In June, the Biloxi Business Men's Club planned to dedicate their new park on Back Bay between Bay Terrace and Oak Park.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1945, p. 2)
Joseph Mattina (1889-1969) and Joseph Ewing of the Biloxi Police seized 30 slot machines after R. Hart Chinn signed an affidavit against the owners and managers of venues with gambling devices.  Among them were: Park Hotel Bar; Cottage Inn; Marietta Cafe; Avelez Hotel; Sports Center; and the Brass Rail.(The Daily Herald, June 9, 1945, p. 3)
Elvas V. Shove was sworn in on July 31st as Biloxi's US Postmaster.  He replaced acting US Postmaster, G.B. Cousins Jr.(The Daily Herald, August 1, 1945, p. 1) 
George E. Bills (1867-1945), Biloxi Police Chief from 1917 to 1934, died on July 18th.(The Daily Herald, July 18, 1945, p. 1) 
Carloss Well Supply Company of Memphis, Tennessee completed a 12-inch well for the City of Biloxi on Main Street flowing 1,500,000 gallons of potable water per day.  They then started digging a 10-inch well to 1000 feet for the Southern Mississippi Ice Company.(The Daily Herald, July 18, 1945, p. 7)
In July 1945, Miss Louise Mallard (1900-1975) was recognized for her workassisting French students at Keesler Field.  She was given a pinfrom the French Student of Aviation Mechanics in America.(The Daily Herald, July 20, 1945, p. 8)
Westergard Boat Works on Back Bay cancelled its lease with the Biloxi Port Commission in mid-August.  Since October 1941, the boat yard had built for the US Navy: two submarine chasers-$300,000; ten mine sweepers-$4,000,000; and four harbor tugs-$1,500,000.  For the US Army, the shipyard had built eighteen oil barges-$1,020,000.  In addition, three, steel, trawlers were erected for the seafood industry-$25,000.  During its almost four years of production, the facility had a payroll exceeding $4,000,000 and employed about 500-700 Biloxians who worked on construction contracts exceeding $7.5 million.  William P. Kennedy II was president of the organization.(The Daily Herald, August 14, 1945, p. 1)
While in the South Pacific in August 1945, Major A.V. 'Tony' Ragusin, US Army Air Corps, with a letter from Mayor Chester A. Delacruz requesting a flag from Captain P.R. Heineman (1896-1979), skipper of "The Busy Bee", USS Biloxi [CL 80], received the battle flag flown by this light cruiser in the Leyte Gulf campaign fought against the Japanese fleet.  The letter also carried an invitation for the entire crew of the USS Biloxi to come to Biloxi after the conflict for a shrimp boil.  Captain Heineman retired from the US Navy as a Rear Admiral in 1949.[The Daily Herald, August 20, 1945, p. 2]
The East End Methodist Church was organized in September.  Their sanctuary at 1013 East Howard Avenue was built in 1947 and the first worship service was held in the new church in March 1947.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2) 
Trebotich Brothers
Michelina Trebotich (1891-1978), native of Croatia and widow of George Trebotich, had six sons serving in the US armed forces: Steve Trebotich (1916-2010)-US Coast Guard; Joseph M. Trebotich (1917-1996)-USN; George Trebotich-US Army Air Corps; John L. Trebotich (1920-2003)-US Army; Louis J. Trebotich (1923-2004)-USN; and Peter B. Trebotich (1926-2006)-US Army.  Madeline Trebotich (1924-2006), a daughter, who married Ernest Keenan, was employed at Keesler Field.(The Daily Herald, September 11, 1945, p. 3) 
The OSHS football team beat the Biloxi High 'B' team 18-0 in mid-September.(The Daily Herald, September 15, 1949, p. 2) 
In August, Luther Maples (1890-1971),District Attorney, ordered slot machines be removed from commercial premises.  By late September, the gaming machines were coming back to their former haunts.  Slot machines were still rare to find in local grocery stores and restaurants.(The Daily Herald, September 21, 1945, p. 5)
In September 1945, the American Manufacturing Company of New Orleans established a garment plant at Biloxi on East Back Bay. The machinery was destroyed in the September 1947 Hurricane, but was quickly replaced. By August 1948, the plant employed 40 seamstresses making women's undergarments.  The garments were cut in New Orleans and sent to Biloxi for assembly. Michael Gaglio, production manager, related that the plant made 12,000 panties and 7000 gowns each week.  The women were paid by the piece and earned between $50 and $70 each week. David Rosenblum with the cooperation of the Biloxi Port Commission and the Chamber of Commerce were responsible for this industry at Biloxi.   The plant was closed in the spring of 1949 due to loss of market share.  Four of the employees  were offered positions in the NOLA factory:  Mrs. Geneva Bond; Miss Beulah Jenkins; Miss Ethel Woods; and Miss Julie Price.(The Daily Herald, August 6, 1948, p. 4 and May 11, 1949, p. 4)
In early September Clare Beatrice Sekul [in April 1947 m. Warren Haywood Hornsby (1922-1996)], a law graduate of Ole Miss, commenced her legal practice in the Barq's Building on West Howard Avenue.  She was the 41st woman to be admitted to the Mississippi Bar and is considered to be the first woman to practice law in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1945, p. 7, May 30, 1945, p. 7, and September 4, 1945, p. 8)
St. Michael's Catholic School to cost $224,410 commenced construction in October.  It was the single largest construction project at Biloxi in 1945.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1946, p. 1)
Donald R. FitzRoy
Donald Roy FitzRoy (1875-1966), native of St. Louis, Missouri  and retired Biloxi lumberman [Fitzroy-Harris Lumber Company] and resident of Biloxi since 1928, was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lions Club. FitzRoy resided at 922 West Beach and was a member of the Biloxi Park Board, USO-Armory Committee, and vice-chairman of the Biloxi Red Cross.   Mr. FitzRoy died at Biloxi on December 26, 1966.  His corporal remains were interred besides his spouse, Bernice S. Fitzroy (1885-1946), at Southern Memorial Park.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1946, p.1 and December 27, 1966, p. 2)                                                                   
A tornado  or strong wind event struck East Biloxi and Ocean Springs in early January.  The freak storm resulted in about $10,000 in damage.  The most severe destruction at Biloxi occurred between First Street and the Beach and Pine and Maple Street.  Two rows of tenements houses owned by Mavar on East Beach were damaged loosing roofs, electrical wiring, and trees.  At Ocean Springs, principal damage was $500 to the Purity Seafood Company plant operated by Dudley Lang and the Seymour property, both situated at the foot of Jackson Avenue.  No one in either community was injured.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1946, p. 1)
David Smith (1856-1946), native of Sydney, Australia, died resulting from an automobile accident on January 2nd. He and his spouse, taught the children of Bayou Puerto [Gulf Hills ] their catechism and they was responsible for the construction of St. Joseph's Chapel. David was killed in an automobile accident at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 2, 1946. His wife died on the day that their last Confirmation class received the sacrament from Bishop R.O. Gerow. His corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1946, p. 5)
Warren Jackson, secretary of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, was replaced by Anthony Ragusin on March 1st.  Major Ragusin had held the position and left in Novemebr 1941 to serve in the armed forces.(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1946, p. 1 and February 28, 1946, p. 3)
The Biloxi Freezing Company was organized and charter applied for in early January by Lee Paul Gutierrrez (1903-1979), et al.  The freezing plant was to be built on the site of the old Gutierrez home and coal yard on Bohn Street and the L&N Railroad.  Glenn L. Swetman and other Biloxi businessmen are associated with the venture which was formed to provide additional freezing and storage for the seafood industry.  Construction of the ice plant was expected to commence and be ready by the fall or winter.  Lee Gutierrezhad been with the Southern Mississipi Ice Company since 1926.(The Daily Herald, January 10, 1946, p. 1)
Captain Llewellyn R. Bowen (1866-1946), native of Racine, Wisconsin and retired Ship Island Bar Pilot with over 45 years of service, died on April 29, 1946.  He had been a Mason for over fifty years; an eighteen year member of the Biloxi School Board; memebr of the Perkinston School Board; and a director of the Peoples Bank.(The Daily Herald, April 30, 1946, p. 6)
The Reverend Edward A. DeMiller (1889-19  ) celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary at Biloxi in early July.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1946, p. 2)
A school bond issue to be voted on in December was proposed for a new, $100,000, colored school at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1946, p. 1)
On July 16th, George Barrow Cousins Jr. (1909-1966) defeated R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972) for Mayor of Biloxi.  J.A. 'Tony' Creel (1901-1992), incumbent City Commissioner was reelected and Gordon A. Dacey beat Keener Hunt, John A. Swanzy, Granville Lepre. and Ervin Garec for the other Commissioner post.  R. Hart Chinn challenged the election results but G.B. Cousins was adjudicated Mayor in early October by Judge J.C. Shivers of Poplarville.(The Daily Herald, July 17, 1946, p. 1, August 6, 1946, p. 1 and October 5, 1946, p. 1)
The Avelez Hotel Corporation was chartered in June by Uriah S. Joachim, Richard R. Guice, Adrian Weill, and Albert Sydney Johnston Jr.(Harrison Co., Ms. Chancery Court Charter Bk. 93, p. 162)
Ralph Duncan (1911-1987), Biloxi seafood processor and distributor, made the first air shipment of seafood from Biloxi.  Four thousand pounds of frozen, fresh shrimp aboard a Chicago and Southern Airlines DC-3 was air freighted to Detroit, Michigan in mid-August.  Duncan expected the flight about seven hours.(The Daily Herald, August 13, 1946, p. 1 and August 15, 1946, p. 1)
Former Mississipppi Governor and US Senator Theodore Gilmore Bilbo (1877-1947) expired at NOLA on August 21st.
The Avondale Food Store, Father Ryan and Third Street, opened for business in early October.  Zeno Maloney and Alma Maloney were the proprietors with A.J. Mattina, as the butcher.(The Daily Herald, October 7, 1946, p. 6)
Kennedy-Moran Enterprises Boat Works moved into the abandon Westergard Shipyard on Back Bay in October 1946 and had built 830 boats during its first year of operation. Moran had nine basic boat designs ranging in length from eight to seventeen feet.  The Joseph Moran et al built boats were distributed locally by Bel-Bru Sporting Goods at 112 East Howard Avenue.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1946, p. 7 and September 13, 1947)
The Biloxi Little Theatre had its first performance, Love From A Stranger, on October 15th at the Biloxi Community House. Jane Wood Pringle (1917-1977)  and Louise Mallard (1900-1975) were among the stellar cast.(The Daily Herald, October 16, 1946, p. 7) 
President Harry S. Truman's (1884-1972)order that price controls on livestock, meat and food, and feed products end went into effect on October 15th.(The Daily Herald, October 15, 1946, p. 1)
A new, $460,000, Post Office and Federal Courthouse were recommened for Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, October 19, 1946, p. 1)
Leonetti Motors was erecting a garage and dealership to vend the new Kaiser-Frazer automobile at 803-815 West Howard Avenue.(The Daily Herald, October 21, 1946, p. 3)


George A. Wimberly (1920-1996), a 1941 graduate of the Southwest Louisiana Institute at Lafayette, Louisiana was hired as the BHS Band Director in late October.  Mr. Wimberly replaced Marion Carpenter (1917-1983) who had ressigned in May 1945 and became the first band director of the Sacred Heart Academy all-girls band in late October 1946.(The Daily Herald, October 22, 1946, p. 4 and October 30, 1946, p. 4)


Keesler Field had over 14,000 personnel on base which included 1936 civilian employees.(The Daily Herald, October 30, 1946, p. 4)


George W. Ditto (1895-1975), Biloxi Public School Superintendent, resigned his position in late October to be effective January 1, 1947.  Mr. Ditto had been Biloxi's school superintendent since 1934.  Prior to that he  had been principal of the Central High School coming to Biloxi in 1924.(The Daily Herald, September 2, 1924, p. 3 and October 30, 1946, p. 1)


Wallace Chapman (1903-1982), area manager for theMississippi Power Company, related that Biloxi had about 5500 elecrtric customers at this time compared to 2200 when the company began its operation here in 1925.  Additional power facilities for Biloxi were under construction including two new substations and an approximately, two-mile long, 22,000 volt power line on Division and Oak Streets.(The Daily Herald, October 31, 1946, p. 13)


Bel-Bru Sporting Goods, the partnership of Eddie Bellman (1920-2009) and Edward J. Brou (1921-2004), opened on November 1st at 112 East Howard Avenue.  The business in addition to vending a complete line of athletic goods was the local distributor for the 'Devil' boats manufactured by the Kennedy-Moran Enterprisesat the former Westergard Boat Yard on Back Bay and Lee Street.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1946, p. 7)

The new Bayview Theater on Bayview Avenue and Lameuse Strcet opened on November 30th with Gerard Smith, son of Douglas I. Smith (1901-1979) and Vera Moran Smith (1901-1968), manager.  Kay's Flower Shop which was owned by Kay Carron andlocated in the Smith theatre building opened in mid-October with Miss Florence Wescovich as her assistant.  Mrs. Carron planned to continue as an assocaite buyer with Bay Apparel of Mrs. Mae Henley Hoffman.(The Daily Herald, October 15, 1946, p. 5 and November 28, 1946, p. 1) 
Professor Marion Carpenter's Sacred Heart All-Girls Band played before an audience for the first time on December 17th.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1946, p. 8)
In December, theEarle Hotel Company, a national chain, took along term lease from the Avelez Hotel Corporation.  The Avelez Hotel will be renamed the Earle Hotel and T.R. Brady, manager, will be replaced by H.R. Davern on January 1st.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1946, p. 1)
Biloxi had 4663 telephones.(The Daily Herald, January 23, 1947, p. 9)
Ross Logan Fickes (1886-1979) was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lions Club.                                                     
The Star Theatre, operated  by Henry Meyers [1914-2004] of Biloxi, opened in North Biloxi opened in January.  Mr. Meyers  also ran the Meyers Theatre on Lameuse Street and the Harlem on Main Street.  The Star Theate had 400 seats in the 3000 sq.-ft. building owned by Madeline Quave.  She had previously had a dance hall here and a silent motion picture house.  The Biloxi area now had seven theatres: StarSaenger, Roxy, Bay View, Buck, Harlem, and Meyers.[The Daily Herald, January 18, 1947, p. 4]
The Reverend Henry Ware Van Hook (1867-1947) expired at Biloxi on January 28th.  Van Hook was born at NOLA and was educated at Centenary College and Vanderbilt University.  He was at Biloxi from 1901 to 1909 when the new Main Street Methodist Church was erected.  He retired from the Methodist ministry in 1939 and then taught school at Saucier, North Biloxi, and Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, January 28, 1947, p. 1)
Edward Everette Moore (1879-1947), former owner of the Coast Steam Laundry with W.G. Dalzell, Ward Three Alderman, and Hugo, Oklahoma automobile dealer, expired on May 2nd.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1947, p.  ) 
The Pringle Brothers celebrated their new Ford dealership building situated on West Howard Avenue near Caillavet Street with a formal dedication on May 23rd and May 24th.(The Daily Herald, May 23, 1947, p. 5)
The Lyman C. Bradford Post, VFW began planning for a memorial park between Lameuse and Main Street to honor Biloxians who lost their lives in WWI and WWI.  The memorial was to cost $3500 and will be donated anonymously by a local citizen.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1947, p. 13) 


In July, Jane Vickery [married Thomas M. Kennedy] was named Miss Biloxi in the Kiwanis beauty pageant. (The Times Picayune, July 6, 1948, p. 33)


Dr. Lewis Wade Hood expired on July 24, 1947.


John A. Swanzy(1881-1965), who served the City of Biloxi for thirty seven years as Street Commissioner and Public Works Commissioner, retired on January 1st.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1965, p. 2)

Laz Quave (1910-1985), Biloxi Police Chief, was elected Sheriff of Harrison County in August 1947.  He succeeded Maxie M. Broadus of Gulfport.(The Jackson County Times, August 30, 1947, p. 1)
On 17 September, Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired a lot of land for $5420 on West Howard Avenue from Eugene P. Leonetti and Sue Allen Leonetti.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 291, p. 22)
Hurricane hits Grand Isle, Louisiana on September 3rd-4th and Biloxi on September 18th and 19th.  Thirteen-foot storm surge wrecks havoc on Biloxi waterfront from Point Cadet westward.(The Daily Herald, September 24, 1947, p. 1)
David Rosenblum (1912-1957) acquired the J.O. Coleman Guarantee Shoe Store business, which had been in Biloxi since 1920.  Mr. Rosenblum will remodel and open as David's, a ladies ready to wear.(The Daily Herald, September 29, 1947, p. 5)
Sumner W. Rose (1858-1947), native of Columbus, Ohio, retired printer-publisher and Socialist, who founded Co-opolis on the north shore of the Back Bay of Biloxi in the late 1890s, expired on October 30th at Houston, Texas.(The Daily Herald, November 1, 1947, p. 2) 
Sunshine and Health, official magazine of the American Sunbathers Association, Inc., announced in its December issue that a new nudist organization is planning a nudist colony on Deer Island.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1947, p. 16)
Lewis E. Curtis, Deputy Collector of Customs, announced that 56 boats had been built in Biloxi in 1947 compared to 68 in 1946.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1948, p. 1)
Monsignor Geoffrey T. O'Connell (1900-1976) of N.B.V.M. was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Biloxi Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1948, p. 1)
Laz Quave (1910-1985), former Biloxi Police Chief, was sworn in as the new Harrison County Sheriff in early January.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1948, p. 1)
The new Daily Herald building at 209 West Water Street was almost completed.  Collins & Collins, architects, and Collins Brothers Contracting erected the 37-foot by 50-foot structure.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1948, p. 1)
American Tung Oil Mill-Creosote Road
First Mississippi produced tung oil began to flow in late January at the American Tung Oil Mill at the Landon Community, Harrison County, Mississippi situated four miles north of Gulfport and near US Highway No. 49.  The plant processed nuts from groves in George, Greene, Harrison, Jackson, Hancock, Harrison, Perry, and Stone Counties in Mississippi and Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama.(The Daily Herald, January 29, 1948, p. 1 and June 2, 1949, Sec. II, p. 1)
The $1,000,000 Phillips Milk of Magnesia plant, a divison of Sterling Drugs, at Gulfport was dedicated on January 30th.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1948, p. and January 31, 1948, p. 1)
The Azealean, an L&N Railroad passenger liner, wrecked in a dense fog on the L&N Railroad bridge across Back Bay and the diesel engine almost went into the water.(The Daily Herald, Febraury 6, 1948, p. 1)
Dr. B.Z. Welch, chairman of the Main Street Methodist Church building committee, announced plans for a new sanctuary on Hopkins Boulevard.  Carl Matthes was named architect.(The Daily Herald, March 1, 1948, p. 2)
MDOT began work on the Corso-Simon bridge across the Tchutacabouffa River.(The Daily herald, March 1, 1948, p. 2)
The Crystal Ice Company of Biloxi was founded by Samuel Ross Morgan Jr. (1914-1993), Kathaleen Hobbs Morgan (1917-1996) W.H. White in March 1948.  The Morgans were domiciled at NOLA while Mr. White lived at Gulfport.  The Morgans had founded the Crystal Ice Company of Gulfport with Elbert Ausbon of Amory, Mississippi in August 1947.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Chattel Deed Bk. 103, p. 387 and Bk. 105 ,p. 253)
D.M. Tice, proprietor of Tice's Roller Rink, reopened his newly constructed roller rink on West Beach near Delauney Street on April 5th.  The new building was larger [40 feet by 90 feet] and stronger than that destroyed by the September 1947 Hurricane. Ray Koppleman sold double-dip frozen custard and Al Gobel entertained on the Hammond organ. Mr. Tice has been in the skating business since 1936.(The Daily Herald, April 3, 1948, p. 3, and April 6, 1948, p. 5)
The $50,000, Gulf Coast Drive Inn Theatre situated on Pass Road about  1/2 mile west of the VA and owned by Chester A. Knight planned to open abouy May 1st.(The Daily Herald, April 7, 1948, p. 1)
The Magnolia Motel Cottages of Anson and Lionel Holley and located on West Beach and Magnolia Street opened in April.  There were eight furnished cottages with kitchenettes.(The Daily Herald, April 7, 1948, p. 4)
In April, Wayne T. Sandefur, former BHS coach and graduate of Purdue and Indiana University, succeeded C.L. Barrett as principal of BHS.  Other principal positions in the Biloxi School system announced were:  Mrs. W.G. Grayson, Lopez; Lilly Bowen, Howard I; Delphine Holloway, Howard II; Margaret Spier, Dukate; Alma Ritch, Gorenflo; and Fannie Nichols, colored school.(The Daily Herald, April 9, 1948, p. 1)
Fernwood-by-the-Sea, a 22-unit tourist court, was acquired by R.O. Holt, a native of Memphis.  Mr. Holt came to Biloxi in 1938 and acquired the tourist court fro, F.H. West, the owner since 1936.  R.O. Holt planned to erect a service station in front of the business.(The Daily Herald, April 10, 1948, p. 3)
The Artic Bar on West Beach near Couevas Street will open about 1 June.  A. Herman and Joseph Cleary announced that the new, $10,000 building will be 30-feet by 40-feet and of tile block construction.  The Arctic bar on Lameuse Street south of the Peoples Bank will remain in operation.(The Daily Herald, May 14, 1948, p. 8)
John Treuting of Vacation Village has started construction of a new, $6000 grill on East Beach near Main Street which will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCaughey.  The 19-ft. by 31-foot structure will have 8 inch brick walls and placed on the lot as not to destroy the beautiful oak trees.  John T. Colins and Associates are the architects and engineers and expect to finish work by 4 July.(The Daily Herald, May 18, 1948)
The new $60,000, Gulf Coast Drive-In Theatre, located 1/2 mike west of the Biloxi Veterans' Administration Center, opened on May 18th.  Chester A. Knight, proprietor, who is from Bogalusa, Louisiana was pleased with the opening night attendance.(The Daily Herald, May 19, 1948, p. 1)
Ernest E. Summerlin (1921-1998), recent US Coast Guard serviceman, is clearing lot in the 1600 block of East Howard Avenue to erect a new movie theatre.  The 28-foot by 80-foot, wood frame building with celotex interior will cost $18,000 and seat 300 people.  His brother, Robert Summerlin, will assist in the construction.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1948, p. 6)
J.S. Love Jr., executive vice-president, had been advised by the FCC that WLOX radio station was cleared to begin broadcasting program tests on May 27, 1948 from the Buena Vista Hotel.  In addition to Mr. Love, WLOX Broadcasting Company was owned by Mendum H. Dees, president; Dr. Lel J. Smith (1910-1991), vice pres., Dr. B.B. O'Mara, secretary, and C.S. Wentzell, treasuruer.(The Daily Herald, May 26, 1948, p. 1)
Roy Rosalis (1909-1984) planned to start a $50,000 fish sales company-The Union Fisheries Sales, Inc.  It would be headquartered on Bay View Avenue at the home of the Union Fisheries.  William Lasero, Boston, was to be its sales manager.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1948, p. 7)
A new, $140,000, colored school [Nichols?] situated near Bayou Augustine was under construction. It was to be a brick, two-storied structure with 14 rooms and anauditorium to seat 600 people.  H.J. Koski & Company were the contractors.(The Daily Herald, July 10, 1948, p. 6)
WLOX radio station took a lease from the Buena Vista Hotel for broadcast space on June 15th.(Harrison Co., Ms. Chancery Court Land Deed Bk. 323, p. 50)
Alonzo L. Gabrich (1894-1948), former Police Chief, expired on June 29, 1948Louis E. Anglada (1910-1955), Gabrich's replacement, retired from the position in December 1949, citing disability as the cause.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1951, p. 1)
Baricev's Restaurant planned to open in early July after being destroyed in the September 1947 Hurricane.  The new building was 47 feet by 70 feet and was located on the site of the old Marietta Cafe.  Peter J. Baricev of John T. Collins Construction Company designed the new reaturant.(The Daily Herald, June 30, 1948, p. 1) 
Tommy Munro (1931-2009), son of Mrs. J.C. Munro, and a senior at BHS was named the 'National Safe Driving Champion".  He won a1948 Ford automobile, a week with all expenses to Detroit, trophies, a watch, and luggage. Tommy acquired his skill while  driving a truck for John 'Jack' C. Munro (1894-1954), his father and localShell Oil jobber.(The Daily Herald,  ) 
In July, Doris Roberts (b. 1929), a native of Atlanta, Georgia and student at BHS, was named Miss Biloxi in the Kiwanis beauty pageant.  She lived with C.F. Bonner and spouse, her brother-in-law and sister.  The Bonners were stationed at KAFB.(The Times Picayune, July 6, 1948, p. 33)
In late July, the cornerstone for the new $300,000 Bell South building on West Howard Avenue was laid.  It was made of Indiana limestone as was the base of the structure.  Completion was anticpated about November 1st.(The Daily Herald, July 30, 1948, p. 1)
The Biloxi Lighthouse had its 100th anniversary.  The USCG maintained the structure at this time.(The Daily Herald, August 3, 1948, p. 1)
AT&T Building-West Howard Avenue
The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph new telephone exchange building on West Howard Avenue was under construction. The building was erected to house the new dial system. Biloxi was one of the first cities of its size to receive the new technology. Cost for the project was approximately $916,000.(The Daily Herald, August 4, 1948, p. 4) 
At the New Orleans Country Club in mid-August 1948, Marcel J. "Mickey' Bellande (1909-1980) qualified for the two-hundred and ten man field, US Amateur Golf Championship, which was to be held at Memphis in late August-September.  Gardiner Dickinson of the LSU golf team led the regional qualifiers in the 36-hole format by followed by Bellande, Charles Rosen II, and Junius J. ‘Jay’ Hebert (1923-1997) of Lafayette.  Bellande lost to James G. Jackson of Kirkwood, Missouri in the first round of the match play event. William ‘Willie’ Turnesa (1914-2001) was the eventual winner of the 1948 US Amateur with a 2-1 victory over Raymond E. Barnes.(The Daily Herald, August 19, 1948, p. 2 and August 30, 1948, p. 3)
The Galloping GaelsBiloxi Youth Center's independent football team and coached by Louis E. Presti (1917-1993) was organized in 1948.
West Beach Arms, a 14-unit apartment house situated on West Beach Boulevard and Heartease Park was completed in October.  Construction by Emery Sadler (1899-1959), owner, started in February and cost about $107,000.(The Daily Herald, October 1, 1948, p. 1)
In mid-October, the Teche Greyhound Lines acquired the old Methodist Church property on Main Street behind City Hall from Adrian Weill.  Teche Greyhound Lines was managed locally by Val Lunday and the bus company planned toerect a terminal here.  The Methodist parish house was relocated by Mr. Weill.(The Daily Herald, October 12, 1948, p. 1.)
The new $125,000, concrete football stadium at Gulfport was named for Joseph W. Milner (b. 1892), Mayor since 1925, Coca-Cola distributor and Gulf Coast Military Academy owner.  Milner Stadium had a seating capacity of 7400 fans.(The Daily Herald, November 13, 1948, p. 1)
Prince Charles of England (b. 1948) was born on November 14th to Princess Elizabeth, now Queen, and Prince Philip.(The Daily Herald, November 14, 1948, p. 1)
Anson Holley II (1908-1975) and Lionel J. Holley (1910-1993) opened the new Holley's Triple XXX at 300 West Beach on November 19th.  The old building was built in 1925 and acquired by the Holley family in 1935.  The 1947 Hurricane damaged the structure and a $40,000, 2-story building was erected on the former Triple XXX site. The new 3500 sq.-ft. building with a signature, curved, glass block facade had a lounge, restaurant and private dining room on the 2nd floor.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1948, p. 12)
The new Jitney Jungle Store of Richard Creel (1913-2006), a butcher formerly with the H.G. Hill store and A&P, and Oliver F. Diaz (1915-1958), owner of several Quickway Store, opened in mid-November on the north side of West Beach Boulevard between Reynoir and Fayard Streets.  Sam Mitchell had the concrete structure built.  Mitchell's other tenants were: the Biloxi Pottery and Art Gallery of Duckett and an ice cream parlor owned by Ronald Ladnier.(The Daily Herald, November 17, 1948, p. 6)
Charles E. Hultberg (1874-1948), native of Sweden and retired from American Can Company and resident of Biloxi since 1922, died at his Porter Avenue residence.  Mr. Hultberg, an artist, won the People’s Bank gold medal award for the best oil painting at the 1st GCAA in 1927.(The Daily Herald, February 5, 1927, p. 5 and November 20, 1948, p. 6)
The Reverend Maynard Michael Miller, native of Lock Haven, Pennsylvaniabecame pastor of the Presbyterian Church in late November.(The Daily Herald, November 27, 1948, p. 6)
Dr. F.J. Vlazny (1919-1952+), Illinois trained pediatrician,opened his medical practice in the Lopez Building in late November.  Dr. A.L. Vlazney (1916-2000), his brother, was a Biloxi dentist and also officed in the Lopez Building.(The Daily Herald, November 27, 1948, p. 3)
L. [Lucius] O. Crosby (1869-1948), former Picayune mayor and southwest Mississippi lumber baron, died at NOLA in late November.(The Daily Herald, November 25, 1949, p. 1)
The new $30,000 Standard Oil Station at West Beach and Porter Avenue opened on December 1st.(The Daily Herald, November 27, 1948, p. 2) 
In early December, Miss Mary Evelyn Anglada [married Stanley Dellenger] was crowned Queen of the 9th Annual Shrimp Bowl where the Bulldogs of Baton Rouge High School beat the Bay High Tornado of Panama City, Flordia by the score of 6-0.(The Daily Herald, December 4, 1948, p. 4 and p. 6)
The Wild Duck, a new 65-foot yacht owned by William P. Kennedy II, while on its shake-down cruise exploded and burned east of Ship Island about seven miles off Biloxi in early December.  Mr. Kennedy and wife with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gould of Detroit, Michigan, paddled a skiff from the derelict watercraft to Deer Island and saved themselves.(The Daily Herald, Decemebr 6, 1948, p. 1)
Miss Lillie Theresa Randazzo [married Robert D. Hall] was the 1948 Homecoming Queen for the Galloping Gaels football squad.(The Daily Herald, December 6, 1948, p. 9)
Nathan V. Boddie bought the 75-year old Cat Island Lighthouse from the War Assets Administration for $440.  He planned to tear it down and salvage the lumber.(The Daily Herald, December 8, 1948, p. 11)        
Frank Brooks Royster [1876-1948],  native of Columbia, South Carolina who organize of the Superior Oil Company at Biloxi and an associate of the Liberty Oil Company and Shell Oil, expired at Mobile, Alabama in late December.  He came to Biloxi circa 1933 and move to Mobile about 1946.[The Daily Heraled, Decemebr 27, 1948, p. 7]
Judge Lawrence C. Corban (1900-1989) was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, Janaury 1, 1949, p. 1)                                                        
Police Chief Louis E. Anglada (1910-1955), retired on January 1st because of poor health  Earl F. Wetzel  (1910-1962) was named Police Chief and Henry W. Cook Jr. (1913-1951), assistant Police Chief, on January 13th.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1948, p. 1 and January 14, 1949, p. 1) 
The new$200,000 Methodist Church on Hopkins Boulevard broke ground in early January.  Dr. B.Z. Welch was chairman of the building committee.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2)
The East End Methodist Church at 1013 East Howard Avenuewas dedicated in early Jauary.  Cecil Ryals wasthe pastor.  The church had its first service in March 1947.  Former pastors were: Winston O'Neal; A.M. Ellison; T.L. McCurley; Elmer Kilbourne.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2)
The City accepted bids on January 17th forthe purchase of 109 parking meters.  They were used for ashort time during WWII.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2) 
Dr. Julius M. Fernandez (1916-1983), a 1940 Tulane graduate, opened a medical clinic in the Picard Building, East Beach and Kuhn Street, with Ruby Picard, a registered nurse and his aunt, on January 10th.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1949, p. 2 and January 10, 1949, p. 2)
The new Mississippi Highway No. 55 Bridge [called the Corso Bridge in the 1960s] across the Tchutacabouffa River north of Biloxi was completed in mid-January.  W.R. Fairchild Construction Co. of Hattiesburg erected the span for $73,500 commencing on July 15, 1948.(The Daily Herald, January 14, 1949, p. 1)
Percy L. Elmer (1873-1949), former City alderman and treasurer and husband of Mary Griffin, expired at his home at 236 Bellman Street on January 25th.  Mr. Elmer was a blacksmith and a member of Collins and Elmer, a firm that shoed horses and performed general blacksmithing services.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1949, p. 2)

In February 1949, it was announced that through the efforts of Congressman William Colmer (D)-Mississippi that a rural post office station would open at North Biloxi, referred to as the d'Iberville Community on March 1, 1949.  The North Biloxi postal station was situated in the Quave Brothers Texaco station and was called 'Fletcher's News Stand'.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1949, p. 2)     

Howard McDonnell (1909-1992), Biloxi attorney, and Mary Rose Venus Taconi (1927-1992), ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras celebration on March 1st. Clinton Bolton (1944-1997), King Arguis, andGayden Fritz Purcell, Queen Tevalliac, were monarchs of the Children's Mardi Gras festivities.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1949, p. 1) 
Andrew Gillich (b. 1923) and Jacobina Sekul Wetzel Gillich (1913-2003), proprietors of the City Hall Grocery since 1941, opened their new Food Land Store at 1400 West Howard Avenue onMarch 3rd.  J.P. Starks built the 4500 sq-ft, grocery store building which had an attached three-bedroom apartment. Miss Mary Gillich was theassistant manager.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1949, p. 6)
In mid-March, Southern Bell replaced its 1913 telephone equipment at Biloxi and instituted its new dial telephone system in its new telephone building on West Howard Avenue.  The 18,000 sq-ft, building and dial system conversion cost about $1 million dollars.  Mayor G.B. Cousins made the first dial call to C.M. Morgan, a memeber of the Public Service Commission at Hattiesburg.  Oren H. Longcoy (1905-1972) was the Biloxi group manager having joined Southern Bell in 1927.(The Daily Herald, March 18, 1949, p. 1, March 19, 1949, p. 3 and March 21, 1949, p. 1)
The Russ Murfee Buick Company opened on West Beach onMarch 19th.  Adrian Weill built the new, 7500 sq-ft building for Mr. Murfee's automotive sales business.  The Murfee family was domiciled at 1832 West Beach.(The Daily Herald, March 18, 1949, p. 4)
The Harrison County Board of Supervisors applied to the US Corps of Engineers at Mobile for a double-leaf, basculebridge across Popp's Ferry in West Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, March 18, 1949, p. 7)
John Toler was issued a permit to erect 5 tourist cabins valued at $7500 at the Beach Manor Hotel at West Beach [sic] and Nixon.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1950, p. 8.
Austin Moritz (1917-1991) and John Moritz opened Austin's Apparel Store in the former Tot's and Teen's store at 212 West Howard Avenueon March 31st.  Austin Moritz had managed Rosenblum's for the past 2 1/2 years, while John Moritz had been the proprietor of Tot's and Teen's.(The Daily Herald, March 29, 1949, p. 10) 
The Hick's Battery Manufacturing Company on Back Bay near Lee Street burned on Aprol 6, 1949.  Damage was estimated at $50,000. All five Biloxi Fire Department trucks and two fire engines from Keesler Field answered the fire call.  Fourteen firemen and several volunteers assisted in containing the conflagration.(The Daily Herald, April 7, 1949, p. 1)
The Biloxi Bulletin, a local newspaper, was incorporated in April by Jimmy Box, James D. Hart and Vito J. Cannizaro (1907-1954). Louise Mallard was the clerk of the company.(The Biloxi Bulletin, April 22, 1949)


In the spring, American Manufacturing Company of New Orleans began shuting down its garment plant at Biloxi on East Back.  Loss of market share resulted in the closure.  Four of the employees  were offered positions in the NOLA factory:  Mrs. Geneva Bond; Miss Beulah Jenkins; Miss Ethel Woods; and Miss Julie Price.  At capacity the gament factory had 55 employees and an annual payroll of about $72,000.(The Daily Herald, May 11, 1949, p. 4)


Marshall Franklin Nichols Jr. became the first Mississippi Black to be awarded a fellowship to attend a medical school.  Nichols went to the Mahara Medical School at Nashville and finished in June 1949.  His intership was at the Homer Phillips Hospital in St. Louis.  During the Korean War, Dr. Nichols was sent to Korea.[The Daily Herald, June 10, 1949, p. 7 and August 19, 1952, p. 6]


In July, The Dairy Queen of J.R. Phillips and S.R. Phillips formerly of Laurel, Mississippi, opened on Main Street and East Beach in a 32-foot by 18-foot, concrete block, stucco building which cost $13,000.[The Daily Herald, July 9, 1949, p. 9]


Laura Belle Maynard sponsored by the St. Michael’s Holy Name Society was chosen Shrimp Queen for the annual blessing of the fleet.  Father O’Hanlon blessed over 100 boats.(The Daily Herald, August 8, 1949, p. 1)

John J. Kennedy (1875-1949), former Biloxi Mayor, expired on September 13th at his home at 113 Hopkins Boulevard.  He had been hospitalized in early January 1949 at NOLA in the Eyes, Ears, Nose, & Throat Hospital in the Crscent City.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1949, p. 5 and September 13, 1949, p. 1)
Leo J. 'Joe' Scholtes (1917-1994) was named president of the Kiwanis Club in late October.(The Daily Herald, October 25, 1949, p. 1)
Daniel Judson Gay (1869-1949), native of Emanuel Co., Georgia, teacher, naval stores dealer, banker, real estate magnate at Biloxi and Ocean Springs, died at Tampa, Florida on December 4th.  In 1905, D.J. Gay organized and was president of the Harrison County Bank of Biloxi.  It merged with the Peoples Bank in 1914.  Gay was president of the Peoples Bank for a number of years.(The Daily Herald, December 5, 1949, p. 1)
Boy Scout Troop 211 was organized on December 8th by Ernest F. Desporte (1919-1994), Scout Master.  Sixteen potential scouts were at the initial gathering.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1949, p.11)
Mrs. Jo Wilkes Reicker (1911-1977)was named Citizen of the Year by the Biloxi Lions Club. 
Slot machines began to disappear in Biloxi as Judge Norman Quave renewed his demand for their exit from the city.  He had strong support from the Biloxi Protestant Ministerial Association headed by Reverend Douglass Carroll of the 1st Assembly of God; Reverend G.C. Hodge, 1st Baptist Church of Biloxi; and Reverend Maynard Miller, 1st Presbyterian Church of Biloxi.  Stephen L. Guice, attorney, represented the Protestant church leadership.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1950, p. 1 and March 30, 1950, p. 1)    
Dr. Harry J. Schmidt and Ella Mae Barq ruled the Biloxi Mardi Gras.
The new $125,000 Beach Drive-In Theatre located on West Beach Boulevard near Pat Harrison, now Veterans Boulevard, will open in April.(The Daily Herald, March 22, 1950, p. 10)

In March, Ralph Marion, Biloxi contractor began erecting for Alexander H. Bailey (1906-1991), a native of Atlanta, Georgia and a Philadelphia lumberman, began erecting the Sun ‘N Sand Motel consisting of 32-cottages on the north side of Biloxi’s West Beach just west of the Plaza Club.[The Daily Herald, April 6, 1950, p. 1]


Leo Muller submitted his resignation as principal of the Biloxi Junior High School.(The Daily Herald, May 31, 1950, p. 12)
Devoy Colbet's new Beachwater Cafe opened in early August on West Beach Boulevard and Reynoir Street to replace the one lost in the 1947 Hurricane.   The 5500 square-foot, structure was built for $60,000 by Bernard and Byrd Contractors using Ray V. Pisarich, plumbing and heating; August Tremmel and Son, roofing; and O'Neal Electric.  Robert 'Bob' Mahoney was named general manager.(The Daily Herald, August 3, 1950, p. 2)
The Sun N Sand Motel on West Beach Boulevard opened on September 3rd.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1950.
Martin Sennett 'Mike' Conner (1891-1950), Mississippi Governor from 1932-1936, died at Jackson, Mississippi on September 16th.
The Pringle Building [48 feet by 50 feet] on Jackson and Delauney [now G.E. Ohr Boulevard] was completed in early October.  It was built for Victor B. Pringle by J.P. Starks from a John T. Collins design.  Victor B. Pringle (1909-1977) and Joseph D. Stennis (1900-1958), attorneys, moved to the new structure from the 1st Bank Building.  Rudolph Felson, CPA, was their other tenant.(The Daily Herald, October 3, 1950, p. 8)
In mid-November, Jack Cameron, former manager of the Bay View Theatre, opened a grill and soda shop on Porter Avenue.  It wasformerly called Carron's.  Home Milk Products Company leased the property to Mr. Cameron.  He had come to Biloxi from Bartow, Florida and had been stationed at KAFB during WWII.(The Daily Herald, November 18, 1950, p. 3)
Biloxi voter's approved an increase in salaries effective December 1st for the Mayor and City Commissioners.  The Mayor's salary was raised to $600 and the Commissioner's to $550 from $300.  The vote was 1082 for and 450 against.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1950, p. 1)
In November, the Biloxi Police Department's radio networking was declared obsolete by the FCC and Chief Earl F. Wetzel (1910-1962) had it replaced with a new 3-way radio system at a cost of $3500. It was installed in three patrol cars and had communication with the Gulfport Police station.  Wadlington Radio and Paul Lamey of Lamey Electric installed the system which had the alphameric address of KKD 486, formerly WJJN.(The Daily Herald, November 29, 1950, p. 11)
In late November, the Beach Manor Hotel Cottages on East Beach were sold by John L. Toler to E.R. Newcomb and Bernice C. Newcomb of Alexandria, Louisiana.  The property had 52 units with 21 cottages.  It had been owned by Mr. Toler for 30 years.  The resort was managed by Ed O' Reilly and spouse.(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1950, p. 6)
Notre Dame of Biloxi lost 41-13 to the Neville High School gridsters of Monroe, Louisiana in the 11th Annual Shrimp Bowl.  Gene Lund of the Rebels was their most valuable player in the one sided contest.(The Times-Picayune, December 2, 1950, p. 19)   
In December, the U.S. Corps of Engineers received a bid of $644,046 dollar for the dredging of a sand beach from the Biloxi Lighthouse to DeBuys Road with sewer system and culverts.(The Daily Herald, December 4, 1950, p. 1)
The Sadler Pontiac Company relocated from Main Street to their new quarters on the south side of US Highway 90 opposite the Riviera Hotel near Lameuse Street.  The land was leased from H.V. Sherill and JP Starks was general contractor for the 6800 sq-ft building.  Emery F. Sadler (1899-1959).proprietor, had gone from an automobile salesman at Biloxi to a Pontiac dealership in 1938.  Brielmeir Glass, Compton Electric, and Edgar Crawford, plumber were some of the subcontractors of the Sadler car dealership building.  Opening ceremonies were held December 11th. (The Daily Herald, December 9, 1950, p. 6)
Top ranked and undefeated University of Oklahoma football squad stayed at the Buena Vista Hotel while training for the Sugar Bowl.  They lost to the Wildcats of Kentucky 13-7 at New Orleans on New Years Day.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1951, p. 2)   
Eugene A. Peresich Sr. (1895-1960) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.

20th Century (1951 - 2000)

20th Century (1951 - 2000)
osarep Mon, 12/31/2012 - 14:10
Work started at 8:00 a.m. on January 3rd by the McWilliams Dredging Company [NOLA] on the west side of Pass Christian, Mississippi building a sand beach at the rate of 500 feet per day.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1951, p. 1)
Biloxi's newly elected City Officials, Mayor R. Hart Chinn (1888-1972) and Commissioners J.A. 'Tony' Creel (1901-1992) and R. Gordon Dacey (1896-1953), were sworn in by Judge Lawrence C. Corban (1900-1989).  The following appointments were made: Jacob D. Guice (1915-2009), City Attorney; John M. Sekul (1911-1984), City Judge who succeeded Joseph D. Stennis (1900-1958); Earl F. Wetzel (1910-1962), Police Chief; and Henry W. Cook Jr. (1913-1951), assistant Police Chief.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1951, p. 1 and p. 2)
Ferson Optical Company was chartered in Harrison Co., Mississippi on January 6th by Fred B. Ferson, Mary Swan, and Peter Lenart Jr.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 126, p. 380)
Charles H. Sentell (1884-1951), former Biloxi Fire Chief, expired on January 25th.[The Daily Herald, January 26, 1951, p. 12] 
The West End Pharmacy opened in the new brick building of Nick Eliopolos on the NW.C of Porter and Cemetery Street [Irish Hill Drive].  Owned by Raymond Bass, the pharmacy is managed by Ned Fremin, who was pharmacist at the Avenue Pharmacy for 13 years. The new building is 26 feet wide by 58 feet deep and made from yellow tile and brick.(The Daily Herald, January 23, 1951)  
Two Biloxi ministers, the Reverend Douglass Carroll of the Central Assembly of God and the Reverend Thomas Albert Carruth of the 1st Methodist Church testified before the Kefauver Crime Commission at NOLA in late January 1951 that slot machines were so pervasive at Biloxi that for each thirty-five residents there was one slot machine!  They also related that Black Jack, dice, and other gamblig activities were flourishing.  The ministers also said that the average age of soldiers at Keesler Field is nineteen years, an age at which they have not matured to avoid places of iniquity.(The Times-Picayune, January 27, 1951, p. 8)
Henry A. Janin (18-1951), former Ford automobile dealer, plumber and electrician, expired on February 8th.
The Buena Vista laundry burned on March 13th.  The $50,000 conflagration saw Anthony Bernard (1908-1951), a volunteer fireman from the central Fire Station, loose his life boarding the fire engine.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1952, p. 8)
The new and modern B.F. Goodrich store on East Howard Avenue opened in early March.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1951)
Louis J. Braun (1890-1951), former Biloxi Mayor and entrepreneur, died on March 19th.(The Daily Herald, March 19, 1951, p. 1) 
Lorenzo N. Dantzler III (1898-1951), south Mississippi timber and lumberman, died at Tampa, Florida, in late May.  He had lived at Tampa since 1923.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1951, p. 1)
The Biloxi Optimist Club was chartered on June 2nd in the Hurricane Room of the Buena Vista Hotel. Harold W. Falter, pres.; J. Floyd Bradford and Frank E. Pringle, vice presidents; James C. Duke, sgt.-at-arms; and Alfred G. Howell, sec.-treas.  Board of Governors: Dr. George L. Percy; William Miller; Lt. Bill Lehman; Daniel Guice; James Quint; and Clark Corley.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1951, p. 1)
In early June the USAF took a lease on the Gulf Coast Military Academy consisting of 35-acres and eleven buildings.  The USAF planned to host its Tecnical Training Air Force [TecTAF] school here.(The Daily Herald, June 6, 1951, p. 1)
By July, there had been 187 cases of polio reported in Mississippi as compared to 80 cases in 1951.  Hinds, Warren, Yazoo, Humphries and Washington Counties reported the majority of polio attacks.[The Daily Herald, July 9, 1952, p. 1]
Peter F. Martin (1883-1951), native of Castleberry, Alabama who developed the Broadwater Beach Hotel in 1939 died at Biloxi on July 25th.(The Daily Herald, July 25, 1951, p. 1)    
Camp Graveline at Fontainebleau opened on July 2, 1951 through the efforts of Father Herbert Mullin and Father Geoffrey O'Connell.  Operated by Missionaries of the Most Holy Trinity from Alabama.(The Gulf Coast Times, June 7, 1951, p. 1, June 28, 1951, p. 1 and August 2, 1951, p. 1)
Robert I. Ingalls, founder of Ingalls Shipbuilding died on July 12th.(The Gulf Coast Times, July 12, 1951, p. 1)
Clinton C. Blackwell and (1909-1983) Cosman Eisendrath (1906-1985) became managing co-editors of The Daily Herald in early October.  Blackwell joined the local journal in 1928 and Eisendrath in March 1925.(The Daily Herald, October 5, 1951, p. 1)     
The People's Bank planned to enlarge its space by spending $30,000 to remodel and move into the quarters of the MIssissippi Power Company.  The bank had moved here 1924 and the electricity company will relocate to 524 Lameuse Street.(The Daily Herald, October 10, 1951, p. 1)
Senator Lester C. Hunt (1892-1954) (D-Wyo) precided over a Senate Armed Services committee hearing held at Biloxi on October 22nd.  The Senate  investgators were researching gambling and its effects in the vicinity of military bases.  Biloxians and others who were subpoenaed and called to testify before the committee were: MayorR. Hart ChinnA.J. Creel, City Commissioner; Earl F. Wetzel, police chief; Louis Rosetti, police captain; Laz Quave, Sheriff; Luther Maples, District Attorney; Major General James F. Powell, commander Keesler Field; C.P. GalleGriffin McEachern and Pete Leonetti, pinball machine operators; John BertucciE.C. Tonsmeire, bank president; Val C. Redding, manager of the Greyhound Bus Station; Major Charles R. Alexander, Air Police; and J.P. Coleman, D.A. State of Mississippi.  Mayor R. Hart Chinn and Sheriff Laz Quave testified that they intended to enforce Mississippi's anti-gambling laws and remove all slot machines indefinitely.(The Times-Picayune, October 19, 1951, p. 1 and October 23, 1951, p. 1) 
Robert Walter Schultz (1931-1951), native of New Britain, Connecticut and recently discharged from the military, drowned in Biloxi Bay on November 29th, when his automobile plunged through the draw on the bridge to Ocean Springs.(The Daily Herald, November 29, 1951, p. 1)             
The $6,200,000 Wherry Housing Project for KAFB , named for Senator [Rep.] Kenneth S. Wherry (1892-1951) of Nebraska, and consisting of family 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units was completed in mid-November.  Wilkinson-Snowden-McGeheeConstruction Company of Memphis built the units as part of the $36,675,000 KAFB expansion which included barracks, dining hall, academic buildings, and a motor pool.(The Daily Herald, November 14, 1951, p. 1 and November 29, 1951, p. 1)      
A new arkansas-tile, U-shaped building [173 feet by 92 feet] designed by John T. Collins and Associates of Biloxi, was contracted to Currie and Corley of Raleigh, Mississippi for the St. Martin School in Jackson County. The $64,000 stucture was erected to supplement the exisiting building.(The Daily Herald, November 27, 1951, p. 3)
Major General James F. Powell (1893-1983) announced that Coast gambling was off limits to KAFB personnel.(The Gulf Coast Times, December 6, 1951, p. 1)
Postmaster Elvas V. Shove (1899-1987) related that effective December 1st due to the increase in population in Rural Route 3 of West Biloxi. it would brought into the City Delivery system and two mail carriers would service the area.  Stamps and money orders would not be sold by the carriers and had to be purchased at the Post Office.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1951, p. 1)
Henry W. Cook Jr.  (1913-1951), assistant Police Chief, died on December 17th from injuries acquired in an automobile accident in late November 1951 near Sulphur, Louisiana.  John Chester Manduffie (1914-1951) and Freida Mae Jacobs (1929-1951) were killed in the accident, which H.W. Cook Jr. survivied until December.(The Daily Herald, November 28, 1951, p. 1 and December 18, 1951, p. 1)
Dorothy Dix (1861-1951), nom de plume of Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer and nationally syndicated columnist, died at NOLA on December 16th.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1951, p. 1)
The Clara Foutain, owned by Carey Galle', and Warren Galle, owned by Cecil Galle', both sank in the Chandeleur Islands in mid-December, victims of a strong nortwesterer.  The water pump on the Clara Fountain, which was manned by Carey Galle' and Cecil Galle', broke and the Warren Galle, with Moze Hebert and Nickie Hebert aboard, went to her aid when both vessels got caught in a winter storm and sank in shallow water.  The fishermen were rescued by the Nike, a USCG cutter. (The Daily Herald, December 17, 1951, p. 1)
Albert B. Austin (1876-1951), native of Paris, Illinois, Biloxi entrepreneur, banker and realtor, expired at his home in Ocean Springs on December 14th.(The Gulf Coast Times, December 20, 1951, p. 1)
General James F. Powell (1893-1983) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1952, p. 1)                                                             
The new Bay View Homes Addition, another project of the Biloxi Housing Authority, opened on January 1st when the John Babuchna (1909-1973) family moved into their new quarters.  The addition consisted of six, two-story brick, apartment buildings.  The $310,000, low rent, public housing project was designed and engineered by Landry & Matthes and John T. Collins, local architects.  Stanley W. Newman Company of Mobile, Alabama was the general contractor.  Rents ranged from $11 to $34 per month.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1952, p. 1) 
John Edward 'Eddie' McDonnell (1912-1986) was sworn in as Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi in early January with Dewey Lawrence, Beat 1 supervisor; Frank 'Tater' Hightower, coroner and ranger; Albert Demoran, constable beat 1.(The Daily Herald, January 7, 1952, p. 1)
The new Medical Arts Building at 1145 West Howard Avenue built by Sydney Manuel, designed by John Collins, and owned by Gordon Dacey had two tenants-the pharmacy of George Pitalo and The Children's Clinic of Dr. F.J. Vlazny and Dr. R.D. Hawkins.(The Daily Herald, January 16, 1952, p. 6)
Mary L. Meaut Michel (1887-1952), assistant principal of Biloxi High School, expired at NOLA on February 17th.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1952, p. 1)
Mary Ethel Dismukes (1870-1952), Biloxi public school and private art teacher, expired on February 18th.(The Daily Herald, February 18, 1952, p. 4)


Charles H. Hegwood (1914-2001) succeeded Ted Hoffa as football coach at Notre Dame High School in late May 1952. Hoffa had been at the school for 1 1/2 years and compiled a record of 4 wins, 4 loses, and a tie. Hegwood was a Millsaps graduate and played all sports and coached by T.L. Gaddy, former Biloxi High coach.  Coach Hegwood came to the Coast from Taylorsville High School. Returning lettermen for his 1952 football squad were: George Vuyovich; Aloysius Schneller; Louis Feranda; Ronald Nungesser; and Ray Pisarich.(The Daily Herald, May 21, 1952, p. 10)   

Betty Hebert was selected as Shrimp Queen for the Blessing of the Fleet.
Federal Judge Sidney Mize ordered the destruction of 42 slot machines seized in February.(The Daily Herald, June 19, 1952, p. 1)
Florence Crofton Duncan (1871-1952), native of NOLA, Spanish American War veteran nurse and longtime Biloxi nurse and volunteer died in late June.(The Daily Herald, June 20, 1952, p. 3)
The Mullin-Kille Company of Chillocothe, Ohio arrived in Biloxi and will remain for two months gathering data for the new Biloxi City Directory.  The office was situated at 913 East Howard Avenue and 6 local people were hired to assist the three company employees.(The Daily Herald, June 21, 1952, p. 3)
Olivia H. Sones Bolton (1868-1952), wife of Dr. Walter T. Bolton (1859-1923), died on June 24th.
Gulf Refining Company and Melben Oil were drilling at 7400 feet at Mississippi's first offshore exploratory well.  The wildcat was situated in Grand Island Pass off Point Clear in Hancock County, Mississippi.[The Daily Herald, July 28, 1952, p. 1]
Fenton Hunt Kimbrough (1874-1952), native of Stanton, Tennessee and long time Biloxi druggistexpired on October 1st.  He retired from business in 1940 when partnered with Mr. Quint.  Mr. Kimbrough resided on East Beach and at Cedar Lake.  He was Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen in 1942.  F.H. Kimbrough's first wife, Rae Bonsted (1879-1922), died at Biloxi in April 1922.  He married Ruth Pulliam (1892-1965) in June 1926.  She expired in October 1965.(The Daily Herald, October 1, 1952, p. 1, April 20, 1922, p. 1, and October 4, 1965, p. 2) 
Mississippi produced 43,600 tons of tung nuts valued at $2,834,000-a record harvest.(The Daily Herald, September 5, 1952, p. 17)
In early October, a USAF T-7, twin-engine, transport aircraft crashed upon take off from KAFB.  The plane landed in Back Bay 500 feet south of Brodie Point.  Three servicemen died in the accident.(The Daily Herald, October 10, 1952, p. 1)
A new, $30,000 fire station for Biloxi's West End on Jeff Davis Avenue and the L&N RR was proposed from the $999,000 bond issue passed by Biloxi denizens in October.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1952, p. 10)     
E.H. Tardy was given the VFW award for his outstanding service to veterans.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)
Mrs. Dora F. Gilly was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.               
In early March, the dredge Natchez, owned by McWilliams Dredging Co. of NOLA, commenced dredging sand for Biloxi's Beach as part of the $4.5 million dollar, 28-mile long, man-made beach, hyped as 'The World's Largest Man-Made Beach'.(The Daily Herald, March 7, 1953)
The Popp's Ferry Bridge formally opened in April.(The Gulf Coast Times, April 16, 1953, p.1)
The first Little League games were played at the Lee Street fields at Biloxi on May 8th.  Reverend Edward A. DeMiller (1889-1959) threw out the first baseball to initiate play.  There were two leagues-the Shrimp League and the Oyster League.  In the Shrimp League, Wadlington Appliance beat the Exchange Club 9-4; Shorty's Shell defeated Sumrall's Service 14-4.  Two Oyster League games were also played: Southern Shell beat Mavar Packing 5-4 and DeJean's Packing Company beat the Cruso Canning Company.  James D. Hadaway of the Biloxi Recreation Department oversaw organization of the Little League at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, April 14, 1953, p. 12, May 8, 1953, p. 26, and May 9, 1953, p. 14)
Olivia Mavar [Sliman] (b. 1935) reigned as Queen of the Blessing of the Fleet.  Neva Jane Langley (b. 1933), Miss America 1952, made an apparance at the event.(The Gulf Coast Times, May 14, 1953, p.1 and The Daily Herald, May 11, 1953, p. 1)
Dudley Joseph Andrews and Bonnie Jean Elliott were respectively Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the Class of 1953 BHS.  Pat Pierce, Student Body President, was Class Orator.(The Daily Herald, May 13, 1953, p. 11)
Laz Quave, (1910-1986), former Police Chief and Harrison County Sheriff, defeated R. Hart Chinn, incumbent Mayor, for the office of Mayor of Biloxi.  Carl Short Jr. and A.J. 'Tony' Creel were elected City Commissioners.(The Times-Picayune, May 20, 1953, p. 14)
Douglas T. Watson (1884-1953), former Biloxi insurance agent and yachting enthusiasts, expired at NOLA in mid-May.(The Daily Herald, May 18, 1953, p. 15)
A new, Albatross [UF1G] aircraft for the Biloxi Coast Guard Air Detachment was being flown from the Grumman Air Craft factory at Long Island, New York to Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1953, p. 8)
The Lyman C. Bradford Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW] planned to dedicate their new building at 212-214 Lameuse Street in late July.  The two-story structure had Southern Life & Insurance Company and Barton, Pile & Wermuth on the first floor while the VFW occupied the second floor. (The Daily Herald, July 9, 1953, p. 8)
W.C. McElroy opened his McElroy Nash Company at 510 Caillavet Street in late July in an Adrian Weill built building of 1800 square-ft..  Mr. McElroy was the only Nash auto dealer between NOLA and Mobile.  He hired Robert Mohler as his sales manager.[The Daily Herald, July 29, 1953, p. 6]
At the 1953 Slavonian Benevolent Bazaar, Miss Elmerita Mihojevich was crowned Miss Jugoslavia by Clare Sekul Hornsby.  Miss Hillbilly of Mississippi was Barbara Mae Knebel and her tiara was placed by Mrs. Hank Williams [Billie Jean Jones (b. 1933)].(The Daily Herald, August 3, 1953, p. 6)
Notre Dame High School opened in September in its new $220,000 building with $40,000 residence for it Brother's faculty..  Brother Rex, C.S.C. was principal.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1953, p. 1)
The Irish Hill [postal] Station opened on Bailey Street and West Howard Avenue on 6 October, 1953. It was a yellow-brick structure of 2040 sq.-ft. erected by Collins Building Services and leased to the USPS for ten years.[The Daily Herald, October 3, 1953, p. 1 and October 6, 1953, p. 7]
The Sunkist Country Club formally opened in late October.  William E. Beasley (1881-1963) and Ashton C. Barrett (1901-1990) were the motivators and founders of this private golf club.(The Daily Herald, October 27, 1953, p. 1)
Zona W. Carter (1879-1953), well-known Biloxi boat builder and designer, expired on November 20th.(The Daily Herald, November 20, 1953, p. 7)
John F. Eistetter (1882-1953), former Biloxi Councilman, masonry and building contractor, died on November 27th.  He was survived by Mary Chinn Eistetter (1891-1958) and two children.(The Daily Herald, Novemebr 28, 1953, p. 7)
Dewey Lawrence was given the VFW award for his outstanding service to veterans.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)
Cosman H. Eisendrath (1906-1985) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                                                              
Grego Anticich (1886-1954) was killed in an automobile accident west of Bay St. Louis.  He was the owner of the Anticich Packing Company.(The Daily Herald, February 10, 1954, p. 1)
Harry E. Haise (1854-1954), native of Clinton, Illinois and longtime Biloxi building contractor, expired on February 10th.(see also The Daily Herald, August 3, 1950, p. 2) 
The litigation "United States v. Gulf Coast Shrimpers' and Oystermen's Association" began at Biloxi on February 10th.  The Association and four officers were on trial for alleged violation of the Sherman Act, conspiring to fix prices in restraint of trade.  The trial ended in a mistrial on February 18th.(The Daily Herald, February 10, 1954, p. 1 and February 19, 1954, p. 1)
Tommy Munro (1931-2009), son of Mrs. John C. Munro, was featured in the February 1954 issue of Saturday Evening Post about his driving skills and awards won in state and national truck driving competition since he first competed in 1948 and two second place national awards since that time.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1954, p. 21)
In March with the retirement of William Knox, Herman Creel (1908-1976) was named assistant fire chief.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1954, p. 6)
In April 1954, Mayor Laz Quave and the City of Biloxi sold Harrison County a small tract of land fronting Bayview Avenue.  The County built a Health Center here in 1954.  It was designed by architect John T. Collins.  The HARCO Health Center closed circa 1995 and moved to a new building on Railroad Street.  This structure was torn down in 2000.  A new structure was erected here in ? (HARCO, Ms. Land  Deed Bk. 383, p. 190)
Marshall L. 'Slow' Michel (1886-1954), former Biloxi City Commissioner, died at NOLA on May 15, 1954.  he had retired for his civic duties in 1948.
Margaret V. Pringle [m. Walter W. Flowers Jr.] represented Biloxi in the State Miss Hospitality pageant held in late June.(The Daily Herald, June 13, 1955, p. 1)  
Gordon A. Dacey (1918-1954), former two term [1948-1956] City Commissioner, died July 16th at his home 312 Kensington Drive.(The Daily Herald July 17, 1954, p. 1) 


In late July, Miss Kay Freeman was crowned Biloxi's Shrimp Queen at the 10th annual Shrimp Festival.  Her royal court consisited of: Olivia Sekul; Judy Kay Sekul; Patsy Cerenich; and Genevieve Cecelia Skrmetta [Creel].(The Daily Herald, July 31, 1954, p. 1)
Brigadier General Martin F. Haas (1902-1990) retired from the U.S. Army after thirty years service.  General Haas was well-decorated for his military career which took him to the Canal Zone, Hawaii, and Europe.  Among his foreign honors was the Croix de Guerre with Palm (France) and the Order of the British Empire.(The Daily Herald, August 7, 1954)
Clark Brothers Construction Company of Jackson, Mississippi were awarded the $863,535 contract to build the multi-lane strip of US Highway No. 90 from the Biloxi Lighthouse to Myrtle Street at Point Cadet.  The project consisted of four, 12-foot lanes and two auxiliary lanes 10 1/2 feet wide with sidewalks and a 13-foot neutral [median] ground.(The Daily Herald, August 11, 1954, p. 1 and November 10, 1954, p. 1)
Calvin E. Dees (1877-1954), native of Grand Bay, Alabama and retired Wiggins merchant died on August 24th. He was elected to the Senate to represent Harrison County in 1940; served two terms in the State House; and was elected Stone County District 1 Supervisor.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1954, p. 1)
Jeremiah J. 'Ben' O'Keefe II (1895-1954), native of Ocean Springs, Mississippi and owner of the O'Keefe Funeral Parlors, died on November 19th.   
John 'Jack' C. Munro (1894-1954), president of Munro Paint & Oil Company, passed on November 28th.  He was a native of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. Jack  and his family were residents of Biloxi since 1941 coming from Atlanta after living at NOLA and St. Louis.  Mr. Munro was survivied by spouse,  Lucille F. Munro (1899-1979), and sons: Owen B. Munro (1921-1980); Donald C. Munro (1924-2000) m. Deveaux Walker Baxter (1922-2009); and John 'Tommy' Thomas Munro (1931-2009) m. Elizabeth Falls.   Burial at Southern Memorial Park.(The Daily Herald, November 29, 1954, p. 1)
6 hour old baby boy was left in the hallway of the Biloxi Hospital on November 28th.  An on-duty nurse cut the child's umbilical cord.(The Daily Herald, November 29, 1954, p. 1)
Kay Freeman, Queen of the 1954 Blessing of the Fleet, also presided over the 15th Annual Shrimp Bowl which was played on December 3rd.  Judy Sekul and Olivia Sekul were maids.(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1954, p. 2)
The dedication of the US Highway No. 90 four-lane road spanning Harrison County was held on December 2nd. The roadway left the Biloxi Lighthouse in the median.  Harrison County became Mississippi's only county with a four-lane road running completely through it entirely.(The Daily Herald, Decemebr 2, 1955, p. 1)
Jacob Guice was given the VFW award for his outstanding service to veterans.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)
Kline Coquet (1911-1969 ) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
In mid-January, American Legion Charles L. Baudry Post No. 33 held a kick-off fund raiser for its new $25,000 Legion building.  Dr. George L. Percy was post commander.(The Daily Herald, January 12, 1955, p. 10)
The East Harrison County Lions Club was chartered in mid-January by 25 Biloxians led by Col. E.V. Hughes, Tony Rosetti; Walker Tucei; Louis Gutierrez, Frank Desporte, Joseph Killebrew; James O'Donnell; Curtis Fairley; Col. O.K. Cannon, and Lawrence Semski.(The Daily Herald, January 13, 1955, p. 8)
Captain Larney B. Summerlin (1897-1955) drowned off Biloxi on January 11th, when the Katherine W. carrying about 400 barrels of oyster, capsized in the Biloxi Channel.  Maynard Hall (b. 1929), his son-in-law, escaped the capsized vessel.  Captain Summerlin worked for the Weems Brothers Cannery on Oak Street and Back Bay.(The Daily Herald, January 12, 1955, p. 1)   
In April, the Grove Club on West Beach was destroyed by fire.  Owners, Louis Uchello (1909-1996) and Guy Uchello (1895-1962) valued the 1940 structure and a 1946 addition at $75,000.  They averred that $10,000 was left in the safe. (The Daily Herald, April 11, 1955, p. 1)
The Biloxi School Board planned expansions of the elementary schools.(The Daily Herald, April 26, 1955, p. 1)  
The First Bank of Biloxi became the First National Bank of Biloxi in late April.  It opened on March 1, 1893 on Lameuse and Jackson Street and in 1896 erected a new building on Lameuse and Howard Avenue.  Edward Craft Tonsmeire Jr. (1911-1972) and Albert 'Lynd' Gottsche (1901-1974) were president and vice-president of the bank at this time.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1955, p. 1)
The Central Assembly of God opened its doors to worshipers on May 1st.  The Reverend Douglass Carroll ministered to his congregation.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1955, p. 15)
On May 4th, the Reverend G.C. Hodge resigned his ministry from the 1st Baptist Church.  He came to Biloxi in 1931.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1955, p. 1)
Class of 1955 BHS graduates, Carolyn Bolton, valedictorian; Jean Andrews, salutatorian, and Arthur Richards, class orator, were honored.(The Daily Herald, May 11, 1955, p. 17) 
The Biloxi School Board announced that for the 1955-1956 public school session, teachers with AA certificates would start at $2600 annually while those with an A certificate or less would be remunerated $2000 annually.(The Daily Herald, May 17, 1955, p. 1)

 The new Beach Boulevard [US Highway No. 90] improvements from Gill Avenue to Couevas Street by Clark Brothers opened in mid-June.  Work proceeded eastward towards Main Street.(The Daily Herald, June 9, 1955, p. 16)
Kay Freeman (b. 1936) represented Biloxi in the State Miss Hospitality pageant held in late June.(The Daily Herald, June 13, 1955, p. 1)  
 BSA Camp Tiak, near Wiggins,  was dedicated on June 12th.  L.O. Crosby of Picayune led the efforts to build the $200,000 facility.(The Daily Herald, June 13, 1955, p. 1)
Elvis Presley (1935-1977), Sun Records recording artist and Louisiana Hayride particpant, appeared at the improved Slavonian Lodge on June 26, 1955.  Louis Tremmel & Son had recently installed an air conditioning system making the Lodge the only air conditioned auditorium on the Coast.  Improvements to the structure exceeded $30,000.(The Daily Herald, June 22, 1955, p. 7, June 23, 1955, p. 6, June 25, 1955)
Catherine Ann Baricev (b. 1937), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Baricev, was crowned Biloxi's Shrimp Queen for the 11th Annual celebration in late July.  Patsy Ann Thorton was runner-up.(The Times-Picayune, July 31, 1955, p. 28)
Our Lady of Fatima in west Biloxi had its first Mass offered on September 11th.  Monsignor Geoffrey T. O'Connell (1900-1976) was the celebrant.  J.P. Starks was the buildings' contractor and a formal dedication by Bishop R.O. Gerow was planned at a future date.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1955, p. 10)  
Nativity BVM started the construction of a $200,000 elementary School on September 22nd.  James Starkswas general contractor.(The Daily Herald, September 22, 1955, p. 8)
The Buena Vista Hotel planned a $400,000 development on the south side of US Highway 90.(The Daily Herald, December 22, 1955, p. 1)   
Earl Moore was given the VFW award for his outstanding service to veterans.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)
Dr. D.L. Hollis (1893-1975) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                                                 
In late January, the KAFB Mess Hall and the Tropic Club on Biloxi's West Beach were consumed by fire.(The Daily Herald, January   , 1956, p.   )
The Mississippi National Guard raided the Fiesta Club, west of Biloxi's city limits, destroying gaming devices and alcoholic beverages.(The Daily Herald, May   1956, p.  )
Albert Baldwin Wood (1879-1956), 501 East Beach Biloxi resident and Superintendent of the Sewerage and Water Board for the City of NOLA from 1939 until 1956, died on his beloved Nydia, a sailing sloop, in the Biloxi Channel on May 10th.  The Nydia was enshrined at the Tulane Center at NOLA in July 1975.(The Times Picayune, May 11, 1956, p. 1 and July 6, 1975, p. 72)       
Luka Kuljis (1885-1965) and Marjorie DuKate (b. 1935), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy DuKate, reined as Biloxi's Shrimp King and Shrimp Queen respectively in late July.  In late September, Marjorie DuKate and Mary Jane McAllister, Shrimp Queen runner-up, visited Chicago for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baricev, Mr. and Mrs. John Mavar Jr., and Anthony V. Ragusin secretary of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce.(The Times-Picayune, July 29, 1956, p. 46 and September 25, 1956, p. 7)
The Broadwater Beach Hotel was sold in August by Seaview, Inc., T.W. Richardson, president, and Darby Sere (1899-1967), stockholder from New Orleans, to a syndicate consisting of Phillip J. Liuzza of Pass Christian and James J. Culotta, a hotel resident, for $550,000.  The hostelry occupies 27.5 acres with 1 756-foot front on the Mississippi Sound.(The Daily Herald, August 20, 1956, p. 1)
Hurrican Flossy was a tropical disturbance that moved northward, crossing Guatemala from the eastern Pacific ocean into the northwest Caribbean Sea between September 20 and September 21. It became a tropical cyclone soon after emerging into the Caribbean, and moved across the Yucatan Peninsula as a tropical depression before becoming a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico on September 22 and a hurricane on September 23. It turned sharply east-northeast across the Mouth of the Mississippi river on September 24 as a minor hurricane. The storm continued east-northeast and made landfall in Florida east of Pensacola.  Biloxi had heavy rain and winds to 66 mph.  Only nuisance damage was seen, i.e.:  downed trees, TV antennas, electrical wires and some crop damage.(The Daily Herald, September   1956, p. 1)
The Folkes Building on the SE/C of West Howard and Reynoir had its second floor destroyed by fire in early November.  Damage to the structure was estiamted at $90,000.(The Daily Herald, November   , 1956, p, 1)
Republican Dwight 'Ike' David Eisenhower (1890-1969) was elected to his 2nd term as President of the United States on November   .  2004 Biloxians voted for Adlai E. Stevenson (1900-1965), the Democratic nominee while 1525 cast ballots for President Eisenhower.(The Daily Herald, November   , 1956, p. 1)
Manager Jimmie Love of the Hotel Buena Vista was issued a building permit for a new $370,000, deluxe, 84-room, motel to be located on the beach opposite the hotel.  General contractor was G.E. bass and Company of Jackson.  Compton's Electric Company was awarded the electrical contract and Davis Plumbing of Jackson, the mechanical work.  Project architects were Biggs, Weir and Chandler of Jackson, Mississippi. (The Daily herald, November 9, 1956, p. 1)
The Barthes-Sentell Fire Station No. 5, a $25,000 structure situated on Father Ryan Avenue, was dedicated on December 18th.  It was named in honor of Frederick Auguste Barthes (1864-1948) and Charles Henry Sentell (1884-1951), former Biloxi Fire Chiefs.(The Daily Herald, December 17, 1956, p. 21 and December 19, 1956, p. 1)                
John T. Collins, Biloxi architect, was given the VFW award for his outstanding service to veterans.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)
Frank P. Corso (1898-1986), native of Trapani, Italy and Biloxi businessman since 1924, was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1957, p. 1)                                 
Gollott & Sons Transfer and Storage at 1255 Caillavet Street was chartered in late March by Houston C. Gollott (1911-1988), Ida Quave Gollott, Thomas A. Gollott, Gary F. Gollott, and Tyrone J. Gollott.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Charter Bk. 182, p. 398)
The Irish Hill Postal substation on Pass Christian Road was enlarged by 1200 square-feet.  Collins Building Services contractor.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1957, p. 8)
Mardi Gras-March 5, 1957
Roy P. Bellande, King d'Iberville, and Carolyn Bolton, Queen Ixolib, ruled the City on Mardi Gras Day.(The Daily Herald, March 5, 1957, p. 1)
In early May, Paul S. Bradford (1894-1983) and Ruth Gates Bradford (1899-1986) sold the Bradford Funeral Home with all property, ambulances, etc. located on East Howard Avenue to Jeremiah O. 'Jerry' Keefe III (b. 1923) for $150,000.  The new organization became the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Service.(Harrison Co. Land Deed Bk. 422, pp. 317-326)
David Rosemblum (1912-1975), native of McHenry, Mississippi and Biloxi-Gulfport merchant, expired on May 21st.  He owned David's Department Store, Rosenblum's Department Store, and Kean's in Biloxi and Kean's in Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1957, p. 1)
Captain Martin Fountain and Regina Meadows of Gulfport were King and Queen respectively of the Biloxi Shrimp Festival in early June.  Elizabeth Ann Corso [Joachim] of Biloxi was alternate.(The Times-Picayune, May 30, 1957 and June 9, 1957, Section V, p. 22)
In early July, Governor J.P. Coleman dedicated the new $14 million dollar Mississippi Power Company electrical generating plant [later named Plant Watson for A.J. Watson Jr. who became company president in 1958] on Lorraine Road at Gulfport. Construction began in 1955 (The Daily Herald, July 8, 1957, p. 1)
Montana cowboy, Dale Morris, escaped from the Harrison County Jail on June 6th while awaiting his 4th trial for the murder of Charles Flink (1916-1955) at Bay St. Louis in 1955.  Aden S. Bellew, Preston Bellew, Thomas Bellew and Ruth Johnson were alleged accomplises in Morris' escape.(The Times-Picayune, September 24, 1957, p. 1)
Dr. Rudolph Matas (1860-1957), native of Bonnet Carre, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana and pioneer vascular surgeon, expired at Touro Infirmary at New Orleans on September 23rd.(The Times-Picayune, September 24, 1957, p. 1)
Arthur E. Scruggs (1897-1957), native of Tate County, Mississippi, educator and former BHS principal and Biloxi School Superintendent since 1946, died on October 8th.  Both public and parochial schools in Biloxi closed a half day on October 10, 1957, the day of Mr. Scruggs  internment at the National Cemetery in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1957, p. 1)
Captain J.P. Marchant (1869-1957), the first veteran to be admitted as a patient to the Biloxi VA Center, died on November 28, 1957 at the Biloxi VA Hospital.(The Daily Herald, November 28, 1957, p. 2)  
Dr. B.Z. Welch was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                                        
In April, the Buena Vista Hotel formally opened its new 84-unit motel on four-acres fronting the Gulf across U.S. 90 from the hotel and convention center.(Down South, May-June 1958, p. 25)  
McDonnell Park and playground on Crawford Street was dedicated in early May by Mayor Laz QuaveHoward McDonnell (1909-1992), Biloxi attorney, turned on the lights and Donal Snyder gave a brief history of the park.  Ray Buttefield acted as Master of Ceremonies.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1958, p. 3)
The Fishermen and Allied Workers Union went on strike against DeJean Packing Company.  The disagreement was over trash fish.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1958, p. 12)
In early May, Nancy Carol Ray [m. Williard M. Newman], Kathleen Scholtes [m. Lawrence Cosper] and David Gatto were honored as Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Class Orator of the 1958 BHS graduating class.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1958, p. 14)
In early May, Governor J.P. Coleman (1914-1991) signed three bills for economic development on the Coast.  One bill provided for the creation of a County development commission to promote a proposed seaway between Biloxi Bay and Bay St. Louis.  Another was to allow bonds to be issued for the construction of the new US Highway 90 bridge across Biloxi Bay and the third allowed gasoline tax refund dollars to pay for the seaway and US 90 bridge projects.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1958, p. 1)
Donal M. Snyder (b. 1924), track coach and physical education director at Biloxi High School, replaced James Hadaway as Director of the Biloxi Recreation Department in early August.(The Daily Herald, August 10, 1958, p. 18)
Dedication of the Beth Israel Community Center on the corner of Camellia and Southern Avenue in the Greater Biloxi Subdivision occurred on August 31, 1958.  It was the first Jewish synagogue and community center on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  Officers of the congregation were: Abraham H. Silver (1919-1997), president; Rubin Goldin (1893-1989), v.p.; Gerald Piltz, treasurer; and Bernard Horn sec.  Trustees were: George Altbach (1902-1986); James Rosenblum; Zondel Katz; and Earl Friedman (1908-1966).(The Daily Herald, August 30, 1958, p. 8)
Judge Dan M. Russell (1871-1958), native of Smith County, Mississippi and Chancellor of the 8th Judicial District died in late August.(The Daily Herald, August 31, 1958, p. 1)
Mary Ann Mobley of Brandon named 1959 Miss America. She visited Biloxi and other Coast cities on October 7th.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1958, p. 1)
The Biloxi School Board awarded a $437,370 contract to W.M. Craig of Gulfport to build the Beauvoir Elementary School on Pass Road.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1958, p. 1)
Matthew B. 'Pop' Lytle (1863-1958), native of Higginsville, Illinois and a reporter and member of the editorial staff of The Daily Herald rom 1911 to his retirement on May 3, 1940, died on November 25th.  He made his home in Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, November 26, 1958, p. 1)
On December 8th, the Gulf Coast Shrimpers & Oystermens Association sold the former Kennedy Hotel  building on Reynoir and Railroad Streets to Steve Anthony Braun and Edward R. 'Buster' Braun for $42,000. George Williams was president of the organization with J.B. Ferrill, Howard Galle, and Albert Fountain Jr. and Board members.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 443, p. 212)   
Frotscher R. Steckler (1908-1971) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1958 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1959, p. 1)                                                                          
Lynda Lee Mead of Natchez named 1960 Miss America.
Joe Worlick Brown (1897-1959), native of  Young County, Texas, died at NOLA on February 15th.  He was a successful oil man and realtor in north and south Louisiana.  Joe was the owner of the Broadwater Beach Hotel at Biloxi and possessed a fine racing stable at the Fair Grounds at NOLA.  The corporal remains of Joe and Dorothy Dorsett Brown (1896-1989), his spouse, were placed in the Lake Lawn Park Mausoleum at New Orleans to rest eternally.
Sue's Pharmacy at 460 Reynoir Street closed on March 1st.  Reba McFarland, the owner, acquired the business in 1939 when Flossie Ford and Sam Feinberg were the pharmacists.(The Daily Herald, February 25, 1959, p. 8)
Dr. Gilbert Mason (1928-2006) was arrested on May 14th when he attempted to integrate the beach at Biloxi with a small group of protestors.(The Sun Herald April 27, 2009, p. A-1) 
In late May, The Sun-N-Sand Motel and restaurant were sold by Alexander E. Bailey, builder and native of Pennsylvania, to R.E. Dumas Milner of Jackson, Mississippi.  Milner owned the King Edwards Hotel in Jackson and Beaumont, Texas.[The Daily Herald, May 30, 1959, p. 1]

John R. Guilhot (1877-1959), a native of France and the popular "Hermit of Deer Island", expired in the Latimer Community, Jackson County, Mississippi on May 27th.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1959)


In late May, The Sun-N-Sand Motel and restaurant were sold by Alexander H. Bailey, builder and native of Pennsylvania, to R.E. ‘Dumas’ Milner [1917-1992] of Jackson, Mississippi.  Milner owned the King Edwards Hotel in Jackson and Beaumont, Texas.  At this time, the property had 125-units and an oak leaf shaped swimming pool.[The Daily Herald, May 30, 1959, p. 1]


Emery Farish Sadler (1899-1959), Pontiac dealer at Biloxi, was killed in an automobile accident on May 31st on the Kiln Road near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Mr. Sadler began his association with Pontiac at Biloxi in 1938, but the Depression saw him close the dealership in 1939.  He reopened in 1945 at 227 Couevas Street and in 1947 moved the business to 319 Main Street.  In late 1950, the business relocated to East Beach Boulevard opposite the Riviera Hotel at Lameuse Street and East Beach.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1950, p. 6, and The Times Picayune, May 30, 1959, p. 56) 

Amos Ross and Deanna Gill [later Mrs. Glenn Williams] ruled the Blessing of the Fleet.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1960, p. 1)
I. Daniel Gehr (1895-1959), native of Alexandria, Louisiana, Tulane graduate and Biloxi architect-contractor, expired on July 22nd.(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1959, p. 2)
Brice Building Company of NOLA was awarded a $299,575 contract to erect a Negro High School at Biloxi. 
After I.D. Gehr (1895-1959), project architect died, John T. Collins took his place and also supervised the unfinished portion of the addition to the West End Elementary School, another I. Daniel Gehr project.(The Daily Herald, July 25, 1959, p. 1)
Edward Albert DeMiller (1889-1959), native of Mobile, Alabama and Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer for thirty-eight years, died at Biloxi on August 9th.  Lillian Harrison Fletcher (1892-1978), his spouse, expired in February 1978.(The Daily Herald, August 10, 1959, p. 1)
The d'Iberville Lions Club went on record as favoring the incorporation of d'Iberville as a separate city.  Joe Poulos was appointed a general chairman to investigate the matter.  A gift for the newly organized Lions Club of Vancleave was approved.(The Daily Herald, August 20, 1959, p. 8)
Joyce Halat [m. Ronald Franklin] was Queen of the 1959 Mississippi Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1959, p. 1)
Curtis O. Dedeaux (b. 1921), Gulfport meatpacker, was elected Sheriff of Harrison County in late August.(The Daily Herald, August 26, 1959, p. 1)
The Forrest Avenue Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist Church, celebrated its fourth anniversary on August 23rd.  The Reverend David J. Williams led the 161 congreants.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1959, p. 6)
In late August, Curtis O. Dedeaux (b. 1921), Gulfport meat packer, was elected Sheriff of Harrison County edging former Sheriff, Eddie McDonnell (1912-1986) of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 26, 1959, p. 1)
In August?, the A&P grocery market on West Howard was destroyed in a large conflagration.  The frame building had been built by Sam Mitchell in 1945 and remodeled in 1950.  It was valued at $100,000.  Fire Chief Walter Clark reported that all Biloxi fire units and the LeMoyne Volunteer Fire company extinguished the blazing building in forty-five minutes.(The Daily Herald, August ?, 1959, p. 1)
[L-R: John T. Collins, architect; contractor; Postmaster Shove; and construction supervisor]
The US Post Office opened for business in the  new federal building on Main Street on November 9th.  Postmaster E.V. Shove noted that there were about 700 box holders at this time.(The Daily Herald, November 6, 1959, p. 10)
Billy Blankenship (b. 1942), stage name Billy Blank, released a new recording by Big R Records.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1959, p. 10)
G.E. Bass and Company, Jackson, Mississippi was awarded the $1,455, 363 contract to build a new public high school on Father Ryan in West Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, December 4, 1959, p. 1)
[L-R: West side stands and East side stands.  Image made by Ray L. Bellande in January 2010]
The new Biloxi Municipal Stadium (called Yankee Stadium for Frank 'Yankee' Barhanovich) on Lee Street was formally dedicated  on December 4th with the 20th Annual Shrimp Bowl game.  Claude 'Monk' Simon of NOLA described it as 'one of the finest I've seen in the Deep South'.  Biloxi defeated De La Salle of NOLA 20-12.(The Daily Herald, December 5, 1959, p. 8 and p. 16) 
Frank 'Yankee' Barhanovich (1915-1987) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 1959 by the Biloxi Lion's Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1960, p. 1)
Jack Nelson (1929-2009), Notre Dame of Biloxi graduate and former Daily Herald reporter, was named a 1960 Pulitzer Prize winner in Journalism for his reporting on the condition of mental institutions in Georgia while employed by The Atlanta Constitution.
Judge Sidney C. Mize and a twenty-three person Federal Grand Jury met at Biloxi in early January to determine whether an investigation into the murder of Mack Charles Parker (1936-1959), a negro man from Lumberton, Mississippi who was murdered on April 25, 1959 in Pearl River County, Mississippi by a mob, was warranted.  Mr. Parker was alleged  to have beaten and raped a pregnant white woman near Lumberton, Mississippi.(The Times-Picayune, January 5, 1960, p. 1)
In early January, Edward A. 'Buster' Braun (1906-1990), one of the proprietors of The New Park Hotel, at 444 Reynoir Street was having the old hotel demolished for salvage.(The Daily Herald, January 8, 1960, p. 17)
Ernest V. Landaiche (1895-1966), proprietor of Bayview Lanes, on Lameuse and Bayview Avenue, opened his new bowling alley on January 19, 1960.  It was formally dedicated January 30-31st.(The Daily Herald, January 19, 1960, p. 6 and January 28, 1960, p. 27)
Walter L. Nixon (1895-1960), native of NOLA and former Harrison County Beat I Supervisor, died in February.(The Daily Herald, February  16, 1960. p. 1)
J.B. Michael & Company planned to start construction of the new, $6 million, Biloxi-Ocean Springs Bridge in sixty days.  The Biloxi Concrete Casting Company on Clay Point was ready to commence casting for the new span in early March.(The Daily Herald, March 11, 1960, p. 1)
Frank Warnock, principal of BHS since 1958, announced his resignation in early March to go to Vicksburg.(The Daily Herald, March 15, 1960, p. 1)
J.O. Collins, general contractor, planned to have Biloxi City Hall ready for occupancy by April 2nd. The $40,000 refurbishment of the former Post Office building on Lameuse and Jackson cost about $40,000.(The Daily Herald, March 15, 1960, p. 1)
A $50,000, covered walkway across US Highway No. 90 at the Sun-N-Sand Motel was planned by R.E. Dumas Milner, president of Milner Enterprises.  The two curving sections of the arch, which will rise 80-feet above the roadway, will be of pre-cast concrete.  The arch will connect the new development on the north side of the highway with the present facility on the south side.  General contractor will be the G.E. Bass Company. Completion is anticipated by June 1st.(The Daily Herald, April 18, 1960, p. 1)
Earl Skinner, principal of Picayune High School, was named BHS principal to replace Frank Warnock, who took a position at Greenville, Mississippi.(The Times-Picayune, April 21, 1960, Section IV, p. 10)
John S. Mavar Sr. and Emily Germanis ruled the Blessing of the Fleet.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1960, p. 1)
The merger of the Bradford Funeral and O'Keefe Funeral services was to be completed by July.  The company now called Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes was situated at the former Bradford funeral parlor on East Howard Avenue where improvements and additional parking had been acquired on the north side of the street.  The O'Keefe funeral parlor on West Howard Avenue was demolished and a Goodyear Service Center was built on its former location.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1960, p. 2)
Major General John S. Hardy (1913-2012), native of Logansport, Louisiana, was named the 16th Commander of KAFB.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1960, p. 1)
Eugene P. Wilkes (1885-1980) was named the Mississippi Coast Outstanding Citizen for 1960 and was crowned King Neptune I at the Gulfport Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo.  News commentator and radio personality, Paul Harvey (1918-2009), presented Mr. Wilkes with the trophy.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1960, p. 1)
Fred B. Rounsaville (1911-1996),  and wife, Nora Rushing Rounsaville (1913-1991), a nurse, founded the Biloxi Funeral Chapel at 1077  West Howard Avenue in July.  Mr. Rounsaville was formerly a funeral director and embalmer for Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home. He was a graduate of the School of Mortuary Science at St. Louis.(The Daily Herald, July 16, 1960, p. 6) 
John S. Mavar Sr. (1880-1960), native of Molat, Croatia, and former oysterman and founder of Mavar Fish and Oyster Company with John S. Mavar Jr. (1907-1973) in 1927, died on August 13th.  He was King of the Biloxi Shrimp Festival and Blessing of the Fleet in June 1960.(The Daily Herald, August 15, 1960, p. 2) 
Julia Cook Guice (1928-2013) was appointed in September by Dewey Lawrence of  the Harrison County Board of Supervisors to the position of Director of the Harrison County Civil Defense Council.  Mrs. Guice had served as Biloxi's director of plans and training for the Biloxi Civil Defense unit since 1957.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1960, p. 1)
The new, 6500 sq-ft., Goodyear store building at 601 West Howard Avenue opened in late October. In addition to selling new tire, the enterprise did front end alighnments and wheel balancing,as well as replacing mufflers and tail pipes.`General Electric appliances were sold.(The Daily Herald, November 2, 1960, p. 12)
Gulf Towers
[The Daily Herald, November 5, 1960, p. 1]
Gulf Towers, a ten-story, a $2 million, apartment building at 824 Central Beach Boulevard, was ready to break ground.  Barlow and Plunkett designed the structure for Gulf Towers Inc. lead by  Charles Crisler Jr., Jackson attorney, and Jerry J. O'Keefe, Biloxi businessman.  Howie Construction of Jackson was the contractor.(The Daily Herald, November 5, 1960, p. 1)
Rear Admiral Ernest Lee Jahncke (1877-1960) expired at his Pass Christian residence on November 16th. Admiral Jahncke was an 1899 engineering graduate of Tulane University; Asst. Secretary of the Navy [1929-1933]; 1915 King of Rex; Boston Club; Commodore of the Southern Yacht Club; Special representative of the Bureau of Ships, Gulf area during WWII; and owned a summer home on East Beach at Biloxi from 1924-1932.  Ernest L. Jahncke had married Cora Van Voorhis Stanton (1885-1970) in 1907.  Their daughter, Cora 'CoCo' Jahncke Seemann (1915-1996) was Queen of Carnival in 1936.(The Times-Picayune, November 17, 1960, p. 2) 
Gycelle Tynes (1910-1997) resigned as Biloxi School Superintendent on June 30th.  He died at Clarksdale, Mississippi on November 12, 1997.  Replaced by R.D. Brown.(The Daily Herald, December 4, 1959, p. 1)
In September, R.D. Brown, Superintendent of the Biloxi Public Schools, announced that 7376 students were enrolled in Biloxi city schools.  BHS had 941 students at this time.(The Daily Herald, September 14, 1960, p. 2)
John T. Collins (1904-1985), Biloxi architect and builder, was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1961, p. 1)
Walter H. 'Skeet' Hunt (1887-1961) well-known Biloxian died on January 13th.  Mr. Hunt assisted in organizing the Biloxi Mardi Gras (1908); worked at Washington D.C. in several positions in the U.S. Senate; and was the annual parade chairman for the Biloxi Mardi Gras for most of his life.(The Daily Herald, January 13, 1961, p. 1)
Dedication of the new First Church of the Nazarene took place in mid-January.  This church was organized at Biloxi in July 1944 by the Rev. E.J. Miller.(The Daily Herald, January 19, 1961, p. 19)
The new Biloxi High School commenced classes on March 1st.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1961, p. 2)
On March 4th, a petition to incorporate West Biloxi Beach, a new proposed municipality between the western city limits of Biloxi, then near Rodenburg Avenue, to DeBuys Road, then the eastern boundary of the unincorporated area of Mississippi City, was filed in Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court at Gulfport.  The petition was signed by 700-800 voters in the area and asked the court to designate a Mayor and seven aldermen as follows: Clifford T. Switzer, mayor; James E. Meyers; Adrian Weill; William T. Brady; Pearl M. Walters; John W. Akinson; John R. Evans; and Alfred H. Kruse.  Mayor Laz Quave and the City of Biloxi opposed the incorporation and filed a counter suit in the Chancery Court.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1961, p. 1 and March 10, 1961, p. 1)
In March, contracts of  over $2 million were awarded to erect the new Howard Memorial Hospital. on Back Bay.  Construction is expected to require 600 calendar days.(The Daily Herald, March 10, 1961, p. 1)
Shell Oil Company in its quest to locate hydrocarbons in the Mississippi Sound was making seismograph studies using marine seismic methods over water bottoms that it had leased from the State.  An inspector with the Mississippi Marine Conservation was aboard the shooting boat to monitor the dynamite shots and make sure that oyster reefs were not threaten by the explosions create form the seismic surveys.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1961, p. 24)
The Southern Outboard Championship held on Back Bay on June 10th.(Down South, May-June 1961, p. 8)
In early July, Chris Taranto, pitching ace of Notre Dame High School baseball team, signed a professional baseball contract with the new Houston Colts .45s of the National League.  The Colt .45s became the Houston Astros in 1965.  In the 1961 baseball season, Chris won fifteen games and lost only one.  He threw nine no hit games, two one hit games, four two hit games and one three hit game.  In his three years on the mound for Notre Dame, Taranto won 26 games and lost 2.  He struck out 235 of 435 batters that he faced in 112 innings, walked 81 and gave up 13 runs.(The Daily Herald, July 3, 1961, p. 11)
The Ramsay Springs Hotel was razed in July.(The Clarion-Ledger, July 16, 1961)
Charles DeJean (1879-1961), founder and former president of DeJean Packing Company, expired in mid-October.(The Daily Herald, October 20, 1961, p. 2)
E.V. Shove (1899-1987), Biloxi's US Postmaster since 1945 and postal employee since June 1929, retired on November 1st.(The Daily Herald, September 21, 1961, p. 1 and November  , 1961)
George C. Quint was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1962, p. 1)
NASA began acquiring the 13,000-acre site for a static rocket test stand located in coastal Hancock and Pearl River County, Missisippi.  Another 125,000-aces would be bought as a buffer zone for the facility.[The Times-Picayune, Mach 16, 1962, p. 2]

Former Biloxian, Brigadier General Thomas Jackson Grayson (1897-1962), son of George W. Grayson and Mamie Pol Grayson, died on April 6, 1962.  While a First Lieutenant with the U.S. Army, 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., Grayson was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action near Exermont, France, October 2 - 3, 1918.  His innterment was in Arlington National Cemetery. General Grayson was former Adjutant General of Mississippi, head of the Mississippi State Draft Board and the husband of Elizabeth Dantzler (1901-1946).
Edward Dewey Lawrence Sr. (1898-1962), Harrison County District 1 Supervisor, died in Biloxi on April 25th.(The Daily Herald, April 25, 1962, p. 1)
Biloxi and Ocean Springs were to get direct long distance dialing in August.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1962, p. 1)
William J. Collins Sr. (1887-1962), native of NOLA and associated with Collins Brothers Construction Company for many years, expired in mid-June.  Among some of their erections in Biloxi were: Hotel Biloxi; Gorenflo School; Howard No. 2 School; Barq's Building; and the New Biloxi Hospital [once situated on East Beach Drive between Main and Bellman Streets].(The Daily Herald, June 19, 1962, p. 1)
Janice Murray was named Biloxi's Miss Hospitality in late June.(The Daily Herald, June 25, 1962, p. 1)
Direct dialing telephone service in the Biloxi-Ocean Springs area began on August 12th.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1962, p. 1 and July 31, 1962, p. 1)
The new Popps Ferry Shopping Center located on Pass Road will be finished about mid-September according to W.A. Alexander, owner of Picayune, Mississippi.  The center will house West Brothers, Delchamps, Morgan & Lindsey, Calvert Drugs, Buddie's Barber Shop and French Coin Laundry.  McClendon Building Service of Gulfport contracted the $ 1/2 million dollar project which has over 60,000 square-feet of floor space.  Parking for over 300 automobiles.(The Daily Herald, September 4, 1962, p. 8)
Police Chief Earl Wetzell (1910-1962) expired on September 20, 1962.
Bernard L. Knost (1896-1962), prominent Pass Christian building contractor, yachtsman and founder of the Knost Cup, an annual regatta for Coast women, expired on September 30th.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1962, p. 2) 
Governor Ross Barnett broke ground at the Port of Gulfport for a $2 million dollar banana terminal.(The Daily Herald, October 22, 1962, p. 1)
Jacob D. 'Jackie Jack' Covacevich (1875-1962), native of Pass Christian and former Biloxi councilman and reknown ship carpenter and boat designer, expired on October 28th.  Some of the Biloxi schooners built by Mr. Covacevich were: H.E. Gumbel, I. Heidenheim, Mary Margaret, and Artemise C.  He built the fast power boat, Belle L., for Julius M. Lopez.(The Daily Herald, October 29, 1962, p. 2)
BAYVIEW LANES-December 1962
[images courtesy of Betty Bellande-Toland, November 2011]
Bayview Lanes, formerly the Bayview Theatre building, NW/C corner of Lameuse Street and Bayview Avenue was destroyed in a great conflagration on November 29th. Loss to structure and equipment was estimated at $450,000.  
Douglas I. Smith (1901-1979) opened a theatre, flower shop and drug store here in 1946.  In 1959, the building was remodeled into an 8-lane bowling alley and opened in January 1960 when owned by Ernest V. Landaiche (1895-1966).  The bowling alley was later expanded to 20 lanes.(The Daily Herald, January 19, 1960, p. 6, January 28, 1960, p. 27 and November 30, 1962, p. 1)
The Biloxi Housing Authority lead by Victor Pringle et al contracted for $900,395 with Algernon Blair Inc. of Montgomery, Alabama to build additions to the East End Home and Bayou Auguste Homes, Biloxi public housing projects.  The new construction was designed by John T. Collins and Leonard A. Collins.(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1962, p. 1)
The Indians of BHS won the Big Eight Championship in the Shrimp Bowl on November 30th.  They defeated Vicksburg 26-13 in Yankee Stadium and ended the footbal season with a 10-0-1 record.  Arthur Gill (1945-2004) and Wallace 'Chip' Barnes were named outstanding lineman and offensive back respectively.  Coach W.D. 'Willie' Wiles (1923-1998) was named Coach of the Year and Arthur Gill, Chuck Wilkes, Elbert Troney, Bill Hodges, and Troy Craft, graduating seniors, were awarded football scholarships to USM-Hattiesburg, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1962, p. 16, December 10, 1962, p. 23, and December 13, 1962, p. 34) 
The Bungalow at 613 Central Beach Boulevard was incorporated in early December by Sam Mitchell (1903-1984) and Mae Pringle Mitchell.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1962, p. 1 and December 12, 1962)
Mary Mills, native of Gulfport and outstanding golfer, was named the first Rookie of the Year by the LPGA.(The Daily Herald, December 12, 1962, p. 26)
Mayor Danny D. Guice was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1963, p.1 and The Sun Herald, February 11, 2010, p. A5)
John T. Collins planned to erect a $63,000 building at 912 West Howard Avenue for Universal CIT Credit Corporation. J.O. Collins, contractor, would build the structure designed by Leonard Collins and John T. Collinbs.(The Daily Herald, January 8, 1963, p. 8)

 The $2.5 million dollar Biloxi Memorial Hospital on Back Bay dedicated on March 16th.(The Ocean Springs News, March 21, 1963, p. 3 and The Daily Herald, March 19, 1963, p. 1;  and March 21, 1963)

Charles W. DeVault was promoted to assistant postmaster of Biloxi on April 13, 1963.  He had come to the Coast in October 1941 from Camp Shelby when he was transfrred to Keesler Field as a dispatch clerk with the US Post Office.  Mr. DeVault was a native of Okolona, Mississsippi.(The Daily Herald, April 13,1963, p. 1 and October 8, 1941, p. 8) 
James R. McElroy (1887-1963), native of Laudedale, Mississippi and resident of Biloxi since 1898 expired on July 9, 1963.  He owned and operated the Biloxi Machine and Foundry Company and McElroy's Machine Shop.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1963, p. 2)
The old span of the 1930 Biloxi-Ocean Springs Bridge was removed on August 19th, placed on barges, and towed to the Escatawpa River.  It will replace a span on the bridge that joins Moss Point and Escatawpa, in Jackson County, Mississippi.  Gordon Walker of Pascagoula was the contractor.(The Daily Herald, August 19, 1963, p. 2)
The Bryan Motel on Biloxi's West Beach, owned since May 1949 by Selma L. Bryan and Edna A. Bryan, his spouse was sold to James J. Curro and Associates of NOLA in early November.  There were 48-brick units, a large Olympic size pool, and a restaurant situated on the south side of US Highway 90.(Harrison Co. Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 321, p. 288 and The Daily Herald, November 7, 1963, p. 6) 
Louis J. Rosetti (1915-1971) was appointed Chief of Police by the Biloxi City Commissioners in mid-December 1963.  He had served as acting Police Chief for about a year. F. P. Vincent was appointed to Chief of Detectives and Leslie Montgomery was chosen as Assistant Chief of Detectives.  Chief Rosetti has served on the BPD for 21 years working his way through the ranks.  A native of Biloxi, Louis J. Rosetti resides at 202 Rose Street.(The Daily Herald, December 19, 1963, p. 1)   
In late December, Matthew P. Lyons (1918-1999) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 1963, by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 6, 1964, p. 1)
Marcel J. 'Mickey' Bellande (1909-1982) was named Biloxi's "Man of the Year"by the Junior Chamber of Commerce.(The Ocean Springs News, January 31, 1964, p. 1)
John Edward 'Eddie' McDonnell (1912-1986) was sworn in as Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi on January 6th.(The Daily Herald, January 6, 1964, p. 1)
The poll tax was repealed on January 23rd by the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Queen Ixolib Marie Elizabeth 'Betty' Perusse [m. Charles E. Bundy] of Gulfport and King d'Iberville Alphonse Babin rule Mardi Gras.
Chester A. Delacruz (18-1964), former Mayor and seafood packer, expired at Biloxi on March 8, 1964.(The Daily Herald, March 9, 1964, p. 1)
Mary Alma Ritch (1890-1964), long time Gorenflo Elementary School principal and teacher, died on April 14th .(The Daily Herald, April 14, 1964)
George Misko (1878-1971), 1903 Croatian immigrant from Brac and longtime Biloxi fisherman, was King of the Shrimp Festival.(The Daily Herald, April 22, 1971, p. 2)
On May 2nd at San Francisco, Captain John E. Dacey (1916-1991), USN, took command of the USS Chicago, a guided missile cruiser.  Captain Dacey expired on May 2, 1991.(The Ocean Springs News, April 23, 1964, p. 3)
Marcel J. 'Mickey' Bellande (1909-1982) became the first golfer to win all three Mississippi State golf titles: State Open (1955), State Seniors (1962), and State Amateur (1964), which he won at the Edgewater Park course in his native Biloxi in June 1964.(The Clarion Ledger, June 15, 1964, p. 4)
Father Kenneth Lewis Harris (1912-1964), native of Biloxi and a Roman Catholic priest since May 16, 1940, died at New Orleans on June 22nd.(The Daily Herald, June 22, 1964, p. 1)
General Romulus Wright Puryear (1911-1984)
In July 1964, General Romulus Wright Puryear (1911-1984), native of Hartsville, Tennessee, arrived at Keesler AFB to take command. The General came from RAF Station Northolt, England where he commanded the 3rd US Air Force.  General Puryear replaced Colonel Kenneth A. Cavanah, who had arrived at the Biloxi base in early July 1964 from Chanute AFB, Illinois.  General Puryear retired from the USAF on August 1, 1967.(The Daily Herald, July 1, 1964, p. 1 and July   , 1964, p. )
In early September, an addition to the new Biloxi High School was almost complete.  The addition was in the same style as the original building.  Cafeteria space was increased by 1/3.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1964, p. 1)
As a result of litigation describes as, "Gilbert R. Mason v. The Biloxi Municipal School District", a plan was submitted to Federal authorities to desegregate the 1st grade in Biloxi Public schools for the 1964-1965 school year.  15 Biloxi schools were effected.  The pupil population in the 1963-1964 school year was 8169 students with 1255 students being colored.(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1964, p. 1)
May Darnell Eleuterius (1946-1964) of Biloxi and Joseph L. Zahra (1943-1964), USAF serviceman from Livonia, Michigan, were shot and killed at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on July 6th.(The Daily Herald, July 7, 1964, p. 1 and July 8, 1964, p. 2)
The new L&N Depot, a metal building [120 feet by 32 feet] situated just west of the 60 year old wooden depot, was schedule to be completed in early August.  It was erected by the Marion Brick, Tile, and Cement Company.  The old structure was to be dismantled.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1964, p. 5)
The City of Biloxi proposed to annex an area west of DeBuys Road.(The Daily Herald, July 18, 1964, p. 1)
Construction commenced on the MGCCC Jefferson Davis campus at Gulfport.
Holiday Inn, owned by Gulfshore Inc. & asssociates was commenced in August.  Sherwood Ray Bailey (1921-1989), lumberyard proprietor and home builder who came to Gulfport on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1951, was president of the company.  WOB Construction Company of Memphis was named general contractor.(The Daily Herald, August 12, 1964, p. 1)
Dr. Gilbert R. Mason (1928-2006) was fined $300 and sentenced 10 days by City Judge John Sekul for the alleged assault and battery of William H. Batia (b. 1947), a minor.  The incident took place in the Howard Memorial Hospital cafeteria. Batia testified that he accidently spilled hot coffee on the back of Dr. Mason which led to an altercation and conflict concerning verbal exchange between the two before blows occurred.  Dr. Mason appealed the verdice to the County Court which met in September.(The Daily Herald, August 18, 1964, p. 1)
Mrs. Joe W. Brown, nee Dorothy Dorsett (1896-1989), had her new $100,000, 56-foot long, luxury yacht brought down the Mississippi River to her new $3.5 million Broadwater Marina in late August.  The vessel was built by Roamer Yachts of the Chris-Craft Corporation at Holland, Michigan.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1964, p. 21)
The new St. Michael's Catholic Church was dedicated by Bishop R.O. Gerow of the Natchez-Jackson Diocese on August 25th.  The $500,000, 10,300 square-ft. structure was designed by James T. Canizaro, architect, and erected by McClendon Building Services of Gulfport.  Construction commenced in October 1962.  Father Herbert Mullin was the pastor.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1964, p. 16 and August 26, 1964, p. 1)
Construction began in August on the $418,000 Hickory Hill CC and Golf Course at Gautier.  Earl Stone designed the 7100 yards championship links.(The Ocean Springs News, August 27, 1964)


The 1st Grade at Gorenflo (7), Dukate (4), Lopez (3), and Jeff Davis (2) elementary public schools at Biloxi were integrated on August 31st by 16 negro children-12 girls and 4 boys.  The first day of integration of the Biloxi Public schools were reported by Superintendent R.D. Brown as "no incidents during the first day of school."(The Daily Herald, Augsut 31, 1964, p. 1 and September 1, 1964, p.8)


New fire station
The new $54,000 East End Fire Station was dedicated on September 12th completing the first phase of Mayor Guice's 4-point modernization program. The W.L. Easterling Company of Ocean Springs erected the 3984 square-ft. structure on the site of the old fire station.  The building was designed by H.F. Fountain Jr. & Associates.(The Daily Herald, September 3, 1964, p. 5, September 11, 1964, p. 9, and September 14, 1964, p. 1)


The Pat Harrison Avenue [Veterans Blvd.] branch building of the Gulf National Bank was dedicated on September 12th.  Laz Quave, Beat No. 1 Supervisor, cut the ribbon.(The Daily Herald, September 10, 1964, p. 5 and September 14, 1964, p. 10)


The New Biloxi Hospital Convalescent Facility on East Beach and located in the old Biloxi Hospital was scheduled to open in October.  The $150,000 remodeling and furnishing began in late March. Mrs. Celia Vaughan was the director under the supervision of  S. Earl Grimes, administrator of the Howard Memorial Hospital.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1964, p. 1)
In late August, Biloxi's annexation proposal to annex lands from its city limits west to DeBuys Road was approved by the Harrison County Chancery Court.  The city had adopted an ordinance on May 5, 1962 to proceed with this process.  Final decree of the Chancery Court was issued in late September.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1964, p. 1 and September 25, 1964, p. 1)
On October 13th, Jo Wilkes Reicker (1911-1977) was named publisher of The Daily Herald succeeding Eugene P. Wilkes (1885-1980), her father, who remained editor.(The Ocean Springs News, October 8, 1964, p. 4)
Mary Mahoney's Old French House Restaurant and Slave Quarter Lounge opened in the 1850s, restored Daniel Goss House.(The Ocean Springs News, October 8, 1964, p. 4)
Mary Marinovich was chosen Shrimp Bowl for the 25th Annual football contest.(The Daily Herald, December 5, 1964, p.3)
Plans for the Harrison County 2nd Judicial District Courthouse designed by John T. Collins and Leonard A. Collins of Collins, Baricev, and Collins were submitted.(The Daily Herald, December 5, 1964, p. 1)     


The Red Carpet, a casino-style, gambling venue situated in a former residence on the north side of US Highway No. 90 on Biloxi's West Beach 'Strip', was declared "off-limits" for military personnel.  Buddy's Ranch House on Pass Road and the B&B Blue Room were included in the order.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1964, p. 1)


Beat 1 Harrison County voters approved an initiative to create the 2nd Judicial District at Biloxi by 3164 for and 813 against.  Over 3300 registered voters had signed the petition to put the issue to a referendum.(The Daily Herald, December 9, 1964, p. 1)

In December, the old Crystal Ice Company plant on the NW/C of Lameuse Street and Railroad Street, now Esters Boulevard, was destroyed by fire.  Damage to the approximately sixty year old structure [280 feet by 90 feet] was estimated at $182,000 and was fought for 32 hours by Biloxi and other local firemen.(The Daily Herald, December 10, 1964, p. 1 and December 11, 1964, p. 2)
Emile J. Fallo Jr. was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1964 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, December 24, 1964, p. 1)
The Folkes Building on the SE/C of West Howard Avenue and Reynoir Street was destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve.  Fire Chief Frank Gabrich related that the loss was about $230,000 and affected the following Biloxi businesses: Kent's Men Store, Earl Friedman; Royal Credit Jewelers; and Acme Photo, William T. Dunn.(The Daily Herald, December 26, 1964, p. 1)
In late December, Fred Haise (b. 1933), 1959 Oklahoma University aeronautical engineering graduate and 1951 BHS graduate, completed the aerospace research pilot school at Edwards AFB, California.(The Daily Herald, December 28, 1964, p. 12)          
On New Years Day, Dr. Carl DeForest (1887-1968) was the first tenant to move into the new Seashore Manor, a $1 1/2 million dollar, apartment buiding situated on the Methodist Seashore Assembly Camp Ground.  Also Josie Featherstone Leggett (1876-1968), age 88 years and widow of the Reverend James Thomas Leggett (1865-1949) moved from Jackson, Mississippi into the new building.(The Daily Herald, January 5, 1965, p. 9)
The Roxy Theatre on East Howard Avenue, which had been closed for nearly eight years, burned on January 3, 1965.  A residence and trailer in the rear of the movie house were also destroyed resulting in total losses of about $26,000.  Mrs. Francis C. Smolich (1901-1979) was the owner.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1965, p. 1)
On January 19th, City Hall was ransacked and $5000 in cash and $90,000 in checks were stolen from the vault.(The Morning Advocate [Baton Rouge], January 20, 1965, p, 4A)
In February, Jack Nelson (1929-2009), Notre Dame of Biloxi graduate, was named Southern Bureau Chief for The Los Angeles Times.  Jack had been with The Atlanta Constitution since 1952 and had been awarded a Pulitzer Prize in Journalism in 1960 and a Nieman Fellowship to study Political Science at Harvard University.(The Daily Herald, February 12, 1965, p. 1)
Luka Kuljis (1885-1965), a 1904 Croatian immigrant from Milna, Brac, expired on March 1st.  Luka was Biloxi 1st Shrimp King [1956], 2nd president of 1st Federal Savings & Loan, a fisherman, grocerman, marine oil dealer, and trawl and net maker.  he lived at 1502 East Beach.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1965, p. 2)
Queen Ixolib Linda Dorothy Ingrassia (b. 1943) [m. John Calvin Mozingo II] of Gulfport and a senior at Ole Miss, and King d'Iberville T.M. Dorsett (b. 1915), native of Texas City, Texas and manager of construction and marina at Broadwater Beach Hotel, ruled the Mardi Gras on March 2nd.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1965, p. 1 and March 3, 1965, p. 1)
The wreckage of a single engine aircraft was found on the south side of Cat Island on July 9th by the Sailor Bob, a fishing boat, our of Houma, Louisiana.  Richard B. Rinehart of Rome, Georgia and Berny Whitman of Mobile were killed in the crash which occurred on 4  July 1964.(The Daily Herald, July 10, 1965, p. 1)
Dorothy Dorsett Brown, widow of Joe W. Brown and proprietor of the Broadwater Beach Hotel, sold her 400-acre race track at Las Vegas for $150 million dollars to Marvin Kratter representing investors from New York.(The Ocean Springs News, August 12, 1965, p. 3)
R.D. Brown, Biloxi School Superintendent, announced that this year's public school enrollment reached a record enrollment of 9043 students.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1965, p. 1) 
John A. Swanzy (1881-1965), who served the City of Biloxi for thirty seven years as Street Commissioner and Public Works Commissioner, expired in early September.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1965, p. 2) 
The L&N Edgewater Park Station was dismantled.
Captain Jimmy Skrmetta of the New Pan American Clipper particpated with Captain Felix Dalgo and five seaman in the sealift of about 1500 cuban efugees from the port of Camarloca, Cuba to Florida.[The Daily Herald, November 13, 1965, p. 2]
Mosline Savarro (1899-1967) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1968 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, December , 1965, p. 1)
A sixty-foot section of the Popps Ferry Bridge was taken out on February 10th when struck by a barge towed by the tug, Black Jack. W.R. Fairchild Construction Company of Hattiesburg, Mississipi was low bidder at $49,823 to perform emergency repairs to the span.(The Daily Herald, February 11, 1966, p. 1 and February 22, 1966, p. 8)
Garner Hugh Tullis (1893-1966), native of St. Joseph, Louisiana and insurance and brokerage executive of NOLA, expired on February 18th aboard Windjammer II in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Appalachicola, Florida from an apparent heart attack.(The Times Picayune, February 19, 1966, p. 1 and February 19, 1966, p. 6)

Jo Ellen Kalif

James E. Alexander, MD and Jo Ellen Kalif  ruled Mardi Gras on February 22nd.(The Ocean Springs News, February 24, 1966, p. 1)


The Buck Theatre, Collins and Laughran buildings on Lameuse Street burned on Mardi Gras eve during the parade.[The Daily Herald, February 23, 1966, p. 2]
George Bernard Wink (1888-1966), native of NOLA and Biloxi resident since 1906 expired on March 17th.  Mr. Wink was a former barbershop operator, Beat 1 Justice of the Peace, and deputy clerk and deputy tax collector for the City of Biloxi.  George B. Wink had married Marguerite Stanovich (1894-1983) in 1912 and they were the parents of: Marguerite Wink (1913-2000) m. Sherwood L. 'SL" Fayard (1908-1986); Georgette Wink (1914-1978) m. Lester J. Thompson Sr. (1910-2002); Doris Wink (1920-2007) m. Eugene A. Peresich; and Bernard 'Bernie' Wink (1925-1992) m. Raymond V. Bass (1920-2002).(The Daily Herald, March 18, 1966, p. 2)
The new Sister of Mercy Convent was dedicated on May 8th.(The Daily Herald, May 6, 1966, p. 1)
The fifth floor of the Buena Vista Hotel's East Wing caught fire at 5:45 p.m.on July 20th.  125 rooms were burned resulting in damages estimated at $150,000.  All 360 rooms of the luxury hotel were in use as the Alabama Farm Bureau Federation was holding its annual meeting.  Local fireman extinguished the blaze in about three hours.  The Buena Vista reopened for business on July 21st.(The Times-Picayune, July 21, 1966, p. 1)
The first legal liquor shipment in Mississippi from State warehouses controlled by the Alcohol Beverage Control Division occurred on July 21st.  The Broadwater Beach Hotel at Biloxi was the first venue to be approved to sell spiritous beverages in Mississippi in 58 years.(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1966, p. 1)
Professor Charles D, Carnavale (1892-1966), native of Naples, Italy and renown music teacher and band director, who came to Biloxi in 1925 and formed the Biloxi Boys' Band in 1926, died on October 23rd.  C.D. Carnavale assembled the Biloxi High School Band and taught in the public school system until 1939, when he went into the music business with Marion 'Prof' Carpenter.(The Daily Herald, October 24, 1966, p. 2)    
Julian K. Cook (1908-1994) was hired as Biloxi's first full-time City gardener in December.(The Ocean Springs News, December 27, 1966, p. 1)
Jeremiah J. O'Keefe III (b. 1923) was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, December 28, 1966, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, February 11, 2010, p. A5)
Fred W. Haise Jr. (b. 1934), BHS graduate and former Marine aviator and NASA test pilot, was among nineteen men chosen to report to the NASA Manned Space Center in Texas to begin further training for the Apollo astronaut program.(The Daily Herald, April 4, 1966, p. 1)                                                       
The Popps Ferry Bridge which  was taken out on February 10th when it was hit by a tow barge was struck again on April 14th when the tug, Ed Colle, towing three pulp wood barges rammed into it.  The span was scheduled to reopen to road traffic in two weeks before the latest collision.(The Daily Herald, April 15, 1966, p. 1)  
Dr. William Cecil Guyton of Ocean Springs and Lydia Mary Salloum [Werby] of Gulfport ruled Mardi Gras at Biloxi in February.(The Daily Herald, February 9, 1967, p. 1)
Dr. Riley Wilson Burnett (1891-1973), native of Ackerman, Mississippi, expired in July.                                            
The New Orleans Saints played their first NFL on September 17th in Tulane's Sugar Bowl Stadium against the Los Angeles Rams losing 27-13..(The Daily Herald, September 18, 1967)
On December 16, 1967, Harry Bennett (1902-1967), native of Opelousas, Louisiana and Biloxi gambler, was murdered gang land style outside of his apartment at 4900 Southern Avenue in west Biloxi.  Harold Donald Diddlemeyer (1943-2007) , an escapee from the Mississippi State Penetentiary, was accused of his murder and in 1969 asked the court to take a lie detector test to prove his innocence of this crime.(The Daily Herald, December 16, 1967, p. 1 and April 1, 1969, p. 2)
The 2nd Judicial Harrison County Courthouse which was commenced in 1967 was completed in 1968.  John T. Collins and Leonard A. Collins designed the two-story, masonry structure which was built on the NE/C of Washington and Lameuse Street by Brice Building Company, Inc. of NOLA  Laz Quave represented Beat I during the erection of the new courthouse.            
On December 20, 1967, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company formed South Central Bell Telephone Company to operate in five of its nine states (Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee).
Leo Kempton Crapo (1928-1975) was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1968, p. 1 and March 3, 1975, p. 1)
In late February, Charles C. Moschella (1929-2006), president of Oakwoods Apartments Inc.-Gulfport, announced that a 64-unit, two-story, apartment complex called Chateau Versailles would be erected on the from 500-feet of the former Edgar Monroe tract on Biloxi's West Beach.  The project consisted of eight buildings, a social and laudry building and two swimming pools.  Mr. Moschella was the general contractor working from plans drawn by Biloxi architects, John T. Collins and Leonard A. Collins.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1968, p. 13)
The A & P  Super Market on West Beach Boulevard in Biloxi burned in an early morning fire on February 1st.  Damage was estimated at $100,000.(The Daily Herald, February   , 1968 and February 24, 1968, p. 1)
The 2nd February A & P Super Market conflagration in Biloxi occurred on February 23rd, when the A & P on West Howard Avenue burned in a flash fire.  Battalion Chief Frank Hecht noted that fire trucks had difficulties getting to the blaze due to heavy smoke which dimenished visibility.  Sam Mitchell owned the building that had been erected in 1948 [sic].  The structure had been heavily damaged by fire in 1958 [sic].  Merchiston-Hall Galleries, a furniture store east of the A & P store and owned by Leo Crapo, received about $2000 in damages when large windows and doors shattered due to the extreme heat emanating from the fire.(The Daily Herald, February 24, 1968, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, August 26, 1959, p. 1)
Donald W. Cumbest of Pascagoula and Sandra Hatten of Gulfport ruled  Mardi Gras at Biloxi on February 27th.(The Daily Herald, February 27, 1968, p. 1)
The Popp's Ferry Bridge was damaged on April 10th.
The Blessing of the Fleet was held on June 2nd.  Peter L. Semski (1889-1981) was King and Kay Deloney was Queen.  The Reverend Morgan Kavanagh of St. Michael's Catholic Church was assisted by the Reverend Kevin Bambrick to bless the Biloxi shrimp fleet.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1968, p. 1)
The 1st National Bank of Biloxi and the 1st National Bank of Hattiesburg merged in August to create a $60 million dollar bank.  Edward Craft Tonsmeire Jr. (1911-1972) was Chairman of the Board and Albert Lynd Gottsche (1901-1974) President of the 1st Bank of Biloxi, at this time.  Mr. Gottsche had been elected Cashier of the bank in June 1941.(The Daily Herald, August 21, 1968, p. 1 and June 30, 1941, p. 7) 
The new $500,000, 36,000 square-foot Harrison County 2nd Judicial Court House was scheduled to open August 31st.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1968, p. 1)
Senator Robert F. Kennedy (1925-1968) [D-Mass], former US Attorney General and US Presidential candidate, was assassinated at Los Angeles on June 6th by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.
Dr. Gilbert R. Mason (1928-2006), Biloxi physician and elected caucus member from the 5th Congressional District, was the first Negro chosen to represent Mississippi at a National Democratic Party Convention.  The 1968 convention was held at Chicago.(The Daily Herald, June 11, 1968, p. 1)
Walter L. Nixon Jr. (b. 1929), Biloxi attorney since 1952, was confirmed by the US Senate in mid-June as a Federal judge.  He was the youngest of the four hundred Federal judges in America.(The Daily Herald, June 13, 1968, p. 1)
The intial site work and dredging to build the new $130 million West Bank Shipyard for Ingalls at Pascagoula, Mississippi commenced in June.(The Daily Herald, June 14, 1968, p. 1)
HUD approved an advanced planning grant of $237,223 for the $6,698,000 million Biloxi Downtown Revitalization project.(The Daily Herald, June 14, 1968, p. 1)
The new West Biloxi Public Library on Pass Christian Road was nearing completion.  J.O. Collins was the general contractor for the structure designed as a 10,000 volume library.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1968, p. 6)
Dr. Benton Z. Welch (1878-1968), native of Covington County, Mississippi, expired at Howard Memorial Hospital on July  19th.  Ella Grace Jordan Welch (1878-1974), his spouse, expired on August 27, 1974, also at Howard Memorial, (The Daily Herald, July 20, 1968, p. 1 and August 28, 1974, p. 2)
The old Coca Cola bottling plant, also known as the Hypo Company and situated on Division Street near Caillavet Street, was demolished in December.(The Daily Herald, December 11, 1968, p. 1)
Laz Quave (1910-1985) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1968 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, December 18, 1968, p. 1)                                                                         
John P. McDermott Jr. (1929-1982), native of Mobile, Alabama, was reappointed to a five-year term as administrator of the Howard Memorial Hospital.  Prior to his becoming Howard Memorial Hospital's administrator circa 1966, Mr. McDermott had served the Biloxi Public schools as their business manager.  His wife, Martha Peresich, was a Biloxi native.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 1969, p. 1)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), former two-term, American President expired on March 28th at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
In April, Mississippi Power Company announced plans to double the capacity of its Jack Watson Plant, north of Handsboro, with a $62.8 million building program.  A 500,000 KW steam-electric generation unit will be completed by the spring of 1973 and a $3.3 million 40,000 KW combination turbine generator would be in operation by 1970.  New transmission lines were also being erected.(The Daily Herald, April 14, 1969, p. 1)
Percy Edward Hatch (1908-1969), native of Scott Co., Mississippi and a Methodist pastor and mathematices teacher, died on April 17th.  He was pastor of the Epsworth Methodist Church at Biloxi, but lived and taught in Long Beach, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, April 18th, 1969, p. 2)
In April, a $1 million Ramada Inn was planned for West Beach on the grounds of the old Bryan Motel, which was recently demolished.(The Daily Herald, April  18, 1969, p. 1)
In April, Consolidated Construction Company was awarded the $104,370 contract to erect the West Biloxi Postal Station, a 6300 square-ft., single story, building, at 124 Fernwood Road.  The USPS leased the builing for ten years.(The Daily Herald, April 18, 1969, p. 15)
Lt. General James H. Doolittle (1896-1993) led 38 of the 53 survivors of the April 18, 1942 raid on Tokyo, Japan at its annual reunion held April 17-April 19, 1969 at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel.  By April 2011, only five men of the Doolittle's Raiders were extant for its 69th reunion held in Nebraska.(The Daily Herald, April 18, 1969, p. 1)  
In April, Clarence Day of the Day Companies sold the Trade Winds [formerly Tivoli Hotel] to ROLANE, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia.  At this time, the building had 104 rooms and apartments and its 16 room motel which was built about ten years past.(The Daily Herald, April 19, 1969, p. 1)
Mayor Daniel Guice and Laz Quave, Beat 1 Supervisor, signed contracts for the $1,159,831  Biloxi small craft harbor and marina.  L&A Construction Company and W.R. Fairchild Construction Company were to commence work in forty five days and complete the project in 390 days.(The Daily Herald, April 29, 1969, p. 1)
J.O. Collins was the low base bidder to erect the $289, 395 Sacred Heart Catholic Church in North Biloxi. Father Francis Farrell was pastor and H.F. Fountain Jr. & Associates were architects.(The Daily Herald, April 30, 1969, p. 1)
Daniel Dicks Guice won the Democratic nomination for Biloxi Mayor over Richard Creel and Ernest Melvin. W.K. 'Bill' Dukate, former City Commissioner, dropped out of the Mayor's race in April.  Peter Parker (1908-1985) and Dominic A. Fallo (1911-1996) won the City Commissioners Democratic nominations.(The Daily Herald, April 17, 1969, p. 23, May 14, 1969, p. 1 and May 21, 1969, p. 1)
Dr. Percy P. Haslitt (1880-1969) expired at Biloxi on May 19th.  He was a native of Marshall, Illinois and first came to Biloxi in 1935 with the V.A.  In March 1951, retired from Federal service, he opened an office in Ocean Springs on Washington Avenue.  Martha Gagen (1883-1943), his first wife also from Marshall, Illinois, died at NOLA on February 5, 1943.(The Daily Herald, February 5, 1943, p. 5 and May 20, 1969, p. 2)  
Dr. Braxton Bragg O'Mara (1896-1969), native of Holmesville, Pike Co., Mississippi and pediatrician and internist expired at Biloxi on May 24th.  Lydia B. Bragg (1906-1991), his spouse, died on January 31, 1991.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1969, p. 2)
Major General James C. McGehee and Major General Thomas E. Moore
With the retirement of Major General James C. McGehee (1910-1979) after 35 years in the USAF, he was replaced on August 1, 1969 by Major General Thomas E. Moore (1912-2007).  General Moore came to KAFB form the Alaskan Air Command.(The Ocean Springs Record, July 24, 1969, p. 10)
The merger of the First National Bank of Biloxi and the First National Bank of Hattiesburg became effective on 1 September.  A. Lynn Gottsche was president of the Biloxi banch and Paul W. McMillan of the Hattiesburg bank.  Shareholder and Comptroller of the Currency approval had been completed by mid-July.  The new bank, First Mississippi National Bank, had assets of $70 million dollars.[The Daily Herald, August 21, 1968, p. 1, February 12, 1969, p. 1, and July 18, 1969, p. 1]
Hurricane Camille made an unforgettable visit to the Mississippi Gulf Coast  on August 17th.
In October 1969, a Joe Moran (1915-1999) oil painting of Biloxi shrip trawlers was presented to Spiro T. Agnew, vice president of the United States, for his assistance following Hurricane Camille of August 1969.(The Ocean Springs Record, October 23, 1969, p. 10)
John P. McDermott Jr. was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1961, p. 1)
Astronaut Fred W. Haise
Fred W. Haise (b. 1933), Biloxi native, was lunar module pilot on the ill-fated Apollo XIII Moon Mission, which ran from April 11 to April 17.  Fred  would have been the sixth man to walk on the Moon, if the mission had not been aborted due to mechanical issues.
Major Eugene A. Hiller (1898-1970), native of Calhoun County, Mississippi and retired VA director expired on January 24th .  Major Hiller attened Mississippi State College and served in WWI.  He was survived by Lottie Webb Hiller, his wife, Eugene Webb Hiller, his son.  Major Hiller joined the Biloxi VA in 1936 as assistant director and retired from his post on January 1, 1968.(The Daily Herald, January 25, 1970, p. A2 and The Mobile Press Register, January 28, 1968, p. C-3)
Mayor Daniel D. Guice plans North Biloxi annexation.(The Ocean Springs Record, August 3, 1970, p. 1)
The new Daily Herald $1.8 million printing plant and building on DeBuys Road was dedicated in early December. The Wilkes family had sold the daily newspaper to the State Record Company in 1968.(The Daily Herald, December 12, 1970, p. A1)                                                                  
Walter F. Fountain (1920-2003) was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 19, p. 1)
Adrian Weill (1903-1971), native of Osthaffen, Alsace-Lorraine, expired at Biloxi on February 21st.  He came to America in 1920 and located to Lutcher, Louisiana.  Mr. Weill arrived in Biloxi circa 1930 and made his fortune in real estate and property development.  He built Biloxi's first shopping center, Weill's Shopping Center, on West Beach Boulevard.  Jeanette Dees Weill (1916-2002), his wife, died on April 16, 2002.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1971, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, April 21, 2002, p. A8)
Lyman Bradford Post 2434 VFW awarded a construction contract to H. Gordon Myrick of Gulfport to erect its new hall in East Biloxi.  The $110,000 structure was situated between Holley Street and the Trade Winds Hotel on East Beach.  H.F. 'Buddy' Fountain Jr. & Associates designed the 6500 square-ft. facility.(The Daily Herald, May 20, 1971, Section 4-p. 3]
Frotscher Richard Steckler (1908-1971), native of NOLA, expired at Biloxi in August.  He worked with his father at the Steckler Seed Company and came to Biloxi in 1929 as a horticulturist and landscape architect.  Steckler joined the Biloxi VA circa 1936 and was head gardener retiring about 1961.  He was Biloxi's 1958 Most Outstanding Citizen.  Frotscher had married Doris M. Trochesset (1911-2004) in February 1933 and they had five children.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1959, p. 1 and August 1971, p. 2)   
The USO was dedicated on September 13th.  It occupied the former Dantzler House on West Beach near the Biloxi Lighthouse.(The Daily Herald, September 12, 1971, p. A7) 
The Gulf Hills Hotel near Ocean Springs burned to the ground on Christmas morning.
Reverend David C. Ehrenfeld was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen of 1964 by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, , 1971, p. 1)                                                                           
The Gulf Coast Research Lab at Ocean Springs opened its Environmental Education Center in a metal building at Point Cadet.(The Ocean Springs Record, March 16, 1972, p. 1)
In April, Mayor Daniel D. Guice announced his candidacy for Representative to Congress from Mississippi's 5th Congressional District.(The Ocean Springs Record, April 13, 1972, p. 1)
Antonio 'Tony' Mihojevich  (1902-1982) and Linda Kennedy, ruled the Blessing of the Fleet.(The Daily Herald, June 24, 1973, p. 1)
The 1885 Ship Island lighthouse caught fire on June 27th.  The 73-foot wooden tower was consumed by the conflagration leaving only the concrete foundation.(The Daily Herald, June 28, 1972, p. 2)
Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972), native of Chicago and renown Biloxi architect expired on August 28th.  His most significant works were: Hotel Buena Vista , Tivoli Hotel (Trade Winds), Biloxi City Hospital, Mary L. Michel Junior High School, the 1961 Biloxi High School, and the First United Methodist Church of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1972, p. 2)  
Priscilla Ritch (1893-1972), long time Gorenflo Elementary school teacher, expired on October 18th.(The Daily Herald, October 19, 1972)

The Accomo Hotel and Restauant, formerly the Paradise Gardens at 744 Main Street, was gutted by fire on November 22, 1972.  A post-WW II, negro night club and was once the venue for entertainers such as: Antoine "Fats" Domino [1928-2017]; Guitar Slim [Eddie Jones (1926-1959)]; Chuck Willis [1928-1958]; and Johnny Otis [1921-2012].  Damage to the structure was estimated at $30,000.  It was owned by Joseph T. Hathorn and William E. Jones.  The fire was discovered while BFD firemen were fighting another blaze at the Auction City Furniture building 445 East Division.  Fire Chief Frank Gabrich estimated that W.M. Krohn and Ronnie Krohn, owners, loss at $5000 to their $10,000 structure.[The Daily Herald, November 22, 1972, p. 2]

In December, the Avelez Hotel on West Howard Avenue was being demolished by the Harris Wrecking Company.  The company was paid $25,000 to accomplish the task in one month.(The Daily Herald, December 1, 1972)
Glenn Lyle Swetman (1901-1994) was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Daily Herald, January 2, 1973, p. 1)
John S. Mavar Jr. (1907-1973), Biloxi canner, civic leader, and stalwart Knight of Columbus, died at New Orleans on January 14th.(The Daily Herald, January 15, 1973, p. 2) 
Merritt Brunies (1895-1973), a member of the original New Orleans Five jazz band died on February 5th.  His corporal remians were interred in the Lafayette No. 1 Cemetery at New Orleans.(The Daily Herald, February 6,1973, p. 2)
The Biloxi City Council adopted a new and amended, comprehensive zoning ordinance in early March.  The Comprehensive Zoning Law of 1966-Ordinance No. 1083 was amended.(The Daily Herald, March 7, 1973, p. 1)
Governor William 'Bill' Waller (b. 1926) signed the Coastal Wetlands Protection Act into law in March.  It was authored by Gerald H. Blessey, Harrison County representative to the House.(The Daily Herald, March 23, 1973, p. 1)
Caillavet Street from West Howard Avenue to Beach Boulevard was opened on May 2nd.  Mrs. Anita Caillavet Wetzel (1886-1975) represent the Caillavet family at the ribbon cutting ceremony.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1973, p. 2)
Professor Marion L. Carpenter (1917-1983) was named Biloxi's Musician of the Year.  Others winner of this award had been Johnny Bertucci, Charles Carnovale, Merritt Brunies, Raymond Egers, Vernon Williams, Frank Marchioni and Earl Blessey Sr.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1973, p. 32)
Howard Memorial Hospital's cardio-medical staff were the first to implant pacemakers in Harrison County.(The Daily Herald, May 12, 1973, p. 2)
William V. Joyce Jr. (1911-1973), Biloxi merchant and Deputy Circuit Clerk 2nd JD Harrison County, Mississippi died at Biloxi on June 23rd at Biloxi.  Mr. Joyce graduated from BHS in 1929.  He attended the University of Alabama where he played football and ran track.(The Daily Herald, June 24, 1973, p. A2)
Lynn Pitalo and Laz Quave
[from The Daily Herald, June 24, 1973, p. 1]
Laz Quave (1910-1985), veteran politician, and Lynn Pitalo, daughter of George Pitalo and Hazel Marie Langlinais, ruled the Blessing of the Fleet on June 24th.(The Daily Herald, June 24, 1973, p. 1)
Miss Sue Collins (1894-1973), native of NOLA and former nursing supervisor at the Biloxi Hospital [1933-1940] and graduate of Hotel Dieu Hospital [1919] and Charity Hospital [1935] at NOLA, expired in early September.(The Daily Herald, September 29, 1973, p. 2)        
Construction began on October 12th at the $12.6 million, Biloxi Hilton Hotel by John C. Yemelos, president of Yemco, Inc.(Down South, Vol. 23, No. 6, p. 13) 
There were a number of UFO sighting as Biloxi and Ocean Springs throughout the month of October.(The Sun Herald, October 17, 1973, p. A2)
Mississippi Coast Coliseum [image made October 2011]
F. 'Yankee' Barhanovich and H.F. Fountain Jr. related that site clearing for the Mississippi Coast Coliseum would begin within 30 to 45 days.  Fifteen of the sixteen tracts for the project had been acquired.(The Sun Herald, October 17, 1973, p. A-2)
The Lyman C. Bradford Post 2434 V.F.W. Post building at 844 East Howard Avenue was dedicated  on October  20th.  The old building on Fred Haise Boulevard [Church Street] had been damaged in Hurricane Camille.  
H. Gordon Myrick Inc. of Gulfport were general contractors who erected the structure from plans by H.F. Fountain Jr., Biloxi architect.(The Sun Herald, October 21, 1973, p. A12)
Dr. Harry Johnson Schmidt Sr. (1905-1997) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.

John R. Blossman (1943-2009)

John R. Blossman (1943-2009), King d'Iberville, and Laurie James Turnbough, Queen Ixolib, ruled the Gulf Coast Carnival Association Mardi Gras at Biloxi on February 26, 1974.  The theme was the 250 Anniversary of the Biloxi Bay Colony.(The Ocean Springs Record, February 28, 1974, p. 1)

Ronnie Pierotich was named president of the Biloxi Port Commission in March 1974, replacing Sam Mavar (1912-1993).  Mr. Pierotich was appointed to the commission in 1969 by Governor John Bell Williams (1918-1983).  The Biloxi small craft harbor was dedicated in late March 1974.(The Times Picayune, March 20, 1974, p. 7)
In early April, the Friendship Fountain was dedicated at the International Plaza, which was named that day by O'Keefe for the former US Coast Gurad base on the site.  Various dignities attended the ceremony including Mayor O'Keefe, Mrs. Bill Waller, Jean-Jacques Peyronnet, General Consul of France and Major General Brian M. Shotts, commander KAFB.(The Daily Herald, April 7, 1974, p. A-2)
In April , the City of Biloxi hired Albert Walter Hagan, an engineer who came here from Galveston, Texas.  He was the first 'city engineer' in the history of the city and was paid $16, 600 annually.  Walter resigned  his position on July 31, 1975.(The Daily Herald, July 9, 1975)
The Blessing of the Fleet was held in early June with Reverend John P. Robinson of St. Michael's blessing over two hundred boats.  Leo Eleuterius Sr. (1907-1981) was the Shrimp King and Rachel Gabrich [m. Chevis Roy Hatten III] was his Queen.(The Times Picayune, June 3, 1974, p. 40)
Biloxi Elks Lodge No. 606 sold their lot and building on Lameuse Street to the City of Biloxi for $252,000.  Biloxi planned to use the property as a cultural center.(The Daily Herald, October 3, 1974)
On December 2nd, Art Weinberger (1896-1974), Biloxi merchant and the proprietor of Art's Levis on Howard Avenue, was distracted by John 'Willie' Durengo Reddix (b. 1954) in order that Larry 'Catfish' Jones (b. 1954), Reddix's companion on that day, could sneak up behind Mr. Weinberger and kill him with repeated blows from a wrench. Reddix and Jones then took money and clothes from the store and fled.  Larry Jones was convicted of  murder and is serving a life sentence in Parchman Prison.(The Daily Herald, December 3, 1974, p.A 2 and December 4, 1974, p. A2)
Reverend W.C. Wyatt was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Metropolitan Bank
New bank, Metropolitan Bank,  designed by Guild & Grace of Gulfport planned for Biloxi.(The Ocean Springs Record, January 9, 1975, p. 5)
Louise Josephine Mallard (1900-1975) artist, thespian, school teacher, and bon vivant expired at Biloxi in late January.(The Daily Herald, January 29, 1975, p. A2)
In early February, Marcel J. 'Mickey' Bellande (1909-1982) was inducted into the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame at Jackson, Mississippi. Bellande excelled in football, baseball and golf.  His selection was based on his outstanding record in national, regional and local golf tournaments.  Mickey was the first golfer to win all three State titles-Open (1950), Amateur (1964) and Seniors (1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1973).(The Sun Herald, February 9, 1975, p. B-6) 
Leo Kempton Crapo (1928-1975), native of New Bedford, Massachusetts, and proprietor of Merchiston Hall, a Biloxi furniture and home decorating center, died at Biloxi, on Sunday, March 2, 1975.  Leo was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen in 1967 and lauded for his active community leadership and unselfish devotion to many civic organizations and programs. He was active in the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce; Mississippi Coast Transportation Authority; the Boy Scouts of America; Biloxi Planning Commission; United Way; Air Force Association; and president of the Parish Council at Nativity BVM Catholic Church. In addition Leo was in 1966 the third recipient of the Laurel Wreath Award given by Coast Federal & Savings to the Outstanding Citizen of the Coast.(The Daily Herald, March 3, 1975, p. 1) 
In early March, the City of Biloxi placed the "red caboose" situated on Jackson Street on its pad.  The caboose was acquired from Ruth J. McFalls of Ocean Springs in December 1974 for $3850.  It was utilized by Senior Citizens as a retail outlet for ceramics and other handicrafts.(The Daily Herald, March 6, 1975, p. 2)
In March, Harry Reeks (1920-1982), Ocean Springs sculptor, and Mayor Jerry O'Keefe (b. 1923), presented his proposal for 'The Golden Fisherman', a welded, 12 foot, bronze statue to be electroplated with 14 carat gold, to the Biloxi Planning Commission and Urban Renewal Commission.  The project was expected to cost between $30,000 and $35,000.  Reeks was commissioned to create the Golden Fisherman in mid-April for $34,000.  The sundial was to be replaced by the Golden Fisherman.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1975, p. A2 and April 18, 1975)
Shrimp Queen Tonya Gollott and King Mike Kulivan
Six of 12 Vietnamese refugees who made their home on the Mississippi Coast came to Biloxi in late May from the Eglin AFB Refugee Center.  Vincent and Margaret Sherry sponsored the families and gave the Vinh family temporary shelter in ther home.  The former South Vietnamese airforce officers and pilots and families were: Nguien Quan Vinh, Tuyet, his spouse, and 18-month old daughter, Van Anh, and Hoang Thanh Nha, Yen, his wife, and 7-year old, daughter, Nhi.  Others expected to arrive were Phan Huu Minh and his family(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1975, p. 1)
Tonya Gollott and A. Mike Kulivan (1921-2003) ruled the June Shrimp Festial at Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, June , 1975, p. )
William C. Cruso (1892-1975), Biloxi canner, native of NOLA and resident of Biloxi since 1904, died on May 30, 1975.  He was preceded in death by his spouse, Lillie Toche (1896-1968), who died on November 30, 1968.(The Daily Herald, November 30, 1968, p. 2 and June 1, 1975, p. A2)
William Patrick Kennedy III (1926-1975), son of W.P. Kennedy Jr. and Beatrice Hardisty Kennedy, expired at Biloxi on June 20th.  Mr. Kennedy became president of Kennedy Marine Engine Company at Biloxi in 1967.  He was a graduate of  Biloxi schools and attended Marion Institute [Alabama], the Merchant Marine Academy [King's Point, New York], and General Motors Institute [Detroit, Michigan] and was active in the seafood and boat building industries at Biloxi.  Mr. Kennedy was a member of the BYC and served as Commodore in 1961.(The Daily Herald, June 22, 1975, p. A2)
Althea Harkness Peresich (1897-1975), widow of Eugene A. Peresich Sr. (1895-1960), expired at Biloxi on August 9th .  Mrs. Peresich had been chosen Biloxi's Outstanding Mother of the Year, was a charter member of the Fortnightly Club and had been active in the Biloxi Elks Pats for several years.  She helped organize and operate the Women's USO at Biloxi during WW II.  In addition, Mrs. Peresich had been the owner of the Watson Insurance Agency and Eugene Perersich and Sons Inc., Southland Studios and a major owner of the Biloxi Building Association.(The Daily Herald, August 10, 1975, p. A2)
Melvin George Ness (1897-1975), native of Kenyon, Minnesota, who came to Mississippi in 1925 to establish a milk and ice cream business, died at Biloxi Veterans Administration Hospital on October 8th. Internment was in Southern Memorial Park.(The Daily Herald,October 8, 1975, p. A2)
Coach Tranny Lee 'T.L.' Gaddy (1894-1975), native of Itawamba County, Mississippi, who joined Biloxi High school as head football coach and athletic director in 1926, was honored April 18, 1975 with a "Coach T.L. Gaddy Day" and appointed Honorary Mayor of Biloxi for the day.  A resolution paying tribute to Coach Gaddy was made part of the city records and a copy placed in the Biloxi High School trophy case.  During his years as head coach at Biloxi until 1931, he brought Big 8 championship [sic] and other honors to the school.  Coach Gaddy died at Jackson, Mississippi on October 12, 1975.  He was enshrined in the Mississippi  Sports Hall of Fame and Museum in 1965. (The Daily Herald, October 13, 1975, p. A2)
In early May 1979, descendants of Biloxi seafood pioneers, Lopez, Maycock, and Gorenflo, unveiled a marker on Bayview Avenue at the head of Reynoir Street commemorating the 1881 founding of the Lopez, Elmer & Company.  The ceremony was a part of the Biloxi Heritage Week celebrations of May 6-12, 1979.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1979, p. B-1)
Dr. Daniel Lester Hollis (1893-1975), native of Sulligent, Alabama expired on April 19th.  Dr. Hollis, was a physician and surgeon, former Canal Zone health officer, long time BHS football team physician, former president of the Biloxi school board member, Biloxi Lions Club 1955 Citizen of the Year, former president and secretary of the Biloxi Hospital staff, and a member and leader of many more civic and professional associations.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1975, p. A2) 
William C. Cruso (1892-1975), NOLA native and Biloxi pioneer seafood packer, expired at Biloxi in late May.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1975, p. A2)
U.S. Interstate I-110 Back Bay Bridge between D'Iberville and Biloxi opened on June 22nd.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1975, p. 1)
Gerald H. Blessey, assistant to Mayor Jeremiah J. 'Jerry' O'Keefe III and counsel for Federal grant programs, resigned in September.(The Daily Herald, September 18, 1975.
The Biloxi City Council approved the contract for the sale of the Biloxi City jail to the Harrison County Board of Supervisors.  The City will pay $3 per day to the County to house and feed its prisoners in the contract.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1975, p. B-1)
Plans for the $1 million, pedestrian Howard Mall were presented to the Biloxi Planning Commission and the Biloxi Merchants Association by H.F. “Buddy” Fountain.  He related that the project would take about one year to complete and consist of  “canopied walkways, open spaces, shade trees, park benches, fountains and a comfort station, information center and director’s office.”  No vehicular traffic, exception those of emergency agencies, was to be permitted between Lameuse Street and Reynoir Street.[The Daily Herald, October 17, 1975, p. B-1]
Turnbull & Associates of San Francisco, architects for the proposed Biloxi library-cultural center, began receiving bids on the project.  They ranged from $1,265,000 to $1,686,000.  Holiday Inn Construction Division of Memphis, Tennessee was the low bidder at $1,265,000.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1975 , p. B-1)
In early November, Black students at Biloxi High School demonstrated against school grooming policies.  The activists demanded that the Biloxi school system adopt a policy that would allow Black students to plait thier hair into 'corn rows'.  A disturbance the prior week when a Black student and White student had an altercation on campus resulting in a suspension for the African-American was also a salient feature of the student unrest.(The Daily Herald, November 7, 1975, p. A-2)
In December, The Caboose, a gift from Ocean Springs, was located in the Magnolia Mall, a pedestrian shopping district in downtown Biloxi.  Senior Citizens used the sturcture to vend their handicrafts-needle work, ceramics, metal sculptures, etc.(The Daily Herald, August 11, 1976)
Austin H. Moritz (1917-1991) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.



On 2 February, Gregory Constructors of Gulfport was awarded the $862,000 contract by the city of Biloxi contract to erect the Howard Mall.  The project’s initiation was awaiting the opening of the Washington Loop before construction would commence, which was anticipated in two weeks.[The Daily Herald, February 3, 1976, p. B-1]

Theo Savoy (1903-1983) was Biloxi's Shrimp King.  He died at Biloxi in September 1983.(The Sun Herald, May 23, 1976, p. A1)
A 244 bed acute care center, The Gulf Coast Hospital, which became known as The Gulf Coast Medical Center at 180 DeBuys Road in Biloxi opened in May 1976.
Monsignor Jeffrey T. O'Connell (1900-1976), founder of Notre Dame High School and longtime priest at Nativity BVM expired on May 9, 1976.  His internment was in Dublin, Ireland.
The Mississippi Supreme Court upheld the 1974 ruling by Harrison County Chancery Court that denied the annexation attempt of North Biloxi by Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, May 25, 1976, p. A1)

Police Chief Lester J. Thompson (1941-2010) submitted his resignation in June for medical reason.  Mayor O'Keefe named Edward L. Ryan acting Police Chief effective 5 July.[The Daily Herald, June 12, 1976, p. 1]

Bishop Richard O. Gerow (1895-1976), native of Mobile and retired Catholic Bishop of Natchez from 1924 to 1966, died at Jackson, Mississippi in December.
Jefferson Bank
Newly chartered Jefferson Bank acquired lot on Howard Avenue between Fayard and Reynoir Street from the Biloxi Development Commission for about $50,000.[The Daily Herald, August 9, 1976, p. A-10.
Albert Mangin Sr. (1892-1983) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
In February  1977, the 'Golden Fisherman” of Ocean Springs' sculptor, Harry Reeks (1920-1982) was positioned on the south side of Howard Avenue near the Biloxi Regional Medical Center.  It was relocated to the Point Cadet Plaza in late September 1998, shortly before Hurricane Georges struck the region.  The City of Biloxi has plans to re-erect the statue at a location not yet determined.(The Sun Herald, February 18, 2006, p. A9)
The dedication of the Howard Mall on March 4-5 essentially culminated the urban renewal era of Biloxi.  At this time the integration of the Magnolia Mall and Howard Mall became known collectively as the “Vieux Marche”.  Among the many music, choral and college band venues at the two-day fete were local art and cultural events: the dedication of the Golden Fisherman of Harry Reeks; Yugoslavian folk dancers and singers; square dancers; cast net throwing and oyster shucking; bike decorators; a Fais Dodo, street dance; and mullet fish fry.[The Daily Herald, Mach 4, 1977, p. C-1]
Betty Sekul, spouse of Dr. W. Steve Sekul, was named Biloxi's Mother of the Year by the Lions Club. Tony Rosetti present her the award at its 23rd annual venue.{The Sun Herald, May 8, 1977, p. A-2]

Bishop Howze (1923-2019)

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Biloxi was established on March 1, 1977, when it was split from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jackson.  In ceremonies at Nativity BVM Cathedral. June 6th 1977, Joseph Lawson Howze, D. D., was installed as first Bishop of the Biloxi Diocese.


 In 1977, Save The Fort Inc. was lauded for its preservation efforts at the 11th Annual Military History Conference held at Fort Monroe, Virginia.   M. James Stevens of Biloxi was president of the organization.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1977, p. 2)


Elvis Aron Presley (1935-1977), The King and the most widely recognized entertainer of the 20th Century, expired at Memphis, Tennessee on August 16th.

The Committee appointed by the Biloxi City Council in April to study the Mayor-Council form of municipal governcy voted 11 to 4 in favor of this rule.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi adopted this systerm in 1977 and it has been in place at Jackson and Greenwood, Mississippi.(The South Mississippi Sun, September 21, 1977, p. A1)
Raymond Matthew 'Ray' Thompson (1898-1977), native of Lee Township, Fayette County, Ohio expired at Gulfport, Mississippi on Christmas Day.  In 1940, Mr. Thompson with Ellen Ursula 'Sue' Thompson, his spouse, came South, probably from Youngstown, Ohio where he was the proprietor of an advertising agency.  They resided initially at New Orleans where he began to write about history and travel.  In the early 1950s, they relocated to Biloxi, Mississippi where Ray wrote for Down South, a regional magazine.  In March 1956, he began a long running weekly series of journal articles, Know Your Coast and Know Your State, which were published in The Daily Herald, The Jackson Daily News, and The Clarion-Ledger.  Ray M. Thompson also authored: New Orleans From A to Z, The Land of Lafitte the Pirate, and The Confederate Shrine Beauvoir, the Last Home of Jefferson Davis (1957).  In 1962, he was editor of the Jefferson Parish, Louisiana Yearly Review.(from biographical information provided by Yvonne Arnold of the McCain Archives, University of Southern Mississippi)
John Pettus was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Lillian Harrison Flectcher DeMiller (1892-1978), spouse of Rev. E.A. DeMiller (b. 1889) expired in Biloxi in February.   
Lewis 'Geebe' G. Moore (1900-1978), native of Rankin County, Mississippi and proprietor of Moore Seafood, expired on July 26th.(The Daily Herald, July 27, 1978, p.  A2)
The R.C. Haynie Jr., a menhaden fishing vessel owned by Zapata Haynie of Houston, Texas, sank three miles south of Ship Island on August 7th. One crewman died in the accident.(The Daily Herald, August 9, 1978, p. 1)     
The Mississippi Supreme Court upheld an August 12, 1977 Chancery Court ruling allowing the City of Biloxi to annex land in North Biloxi.  The decision excluded the Pine Crest and Cedar Lake Subdivisions.  The annexed area had a population of about 5100 people in about eight sqaure miles.(The Daily Herald, August 9, 1978, p. 1)
On August 10th, Philip Levine, president of the local union, International Association of Fire Fighters, led a 'walk-out' during a meeting with Mayor Jeremiah J. O'Keefe III, to protest the O'Keefe decision not to allow a Federal mediator to ameliorate differences between the City of Biloxi and the union.  Biloxi Policeman in attendance supported the firemen and walked out of the meeting with them.(The Daily Herald, August 10, 1978, p. 1)
The City of Biloxi received a $2 million Federal Grant.(The Daily Herald, October 5, 1978, p. 1)
William R. 'Billy' Lyons named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                                                                      
J.C. Penny opened its 80, 664 square-ft. store in the Edgewater Mall on January 24th.  Mayor Jeremiah J. O'Keefe III cut the ribbon.(The Ocean Springs Record, January 25, 1979, p. 1)
The Popps Ferry Bridge and Causeway estimated to cost $5.2 million was five months behind schedule.  L&AConstruction of Hattiesburg, Mississippi was the contractor.(The Daily Herald, February 6, 1979, p. 1)
Cheryl Prewitt of Ackerman named 1980 Miss America.

On October 18,1979, the Biloxi Development Commission Urbam Renewal Agency, City of Biloxi, Mississippi conveyed a quitclaim deed to the United Postal Service for a large lot on Main Street between Jackson and Water Streets.[Harrison Co., Mississipp 2nd JD Chancery Court Land Deed Bk. 96, p. 259

Matre Pitalo (1898-1981) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.

James C. Corso (1935-1990) and Lisa Ann Lewis [m. G.W. McAllister], Biloxians, ruled the Mardi Gras of the Gulf Coast Carnival Association.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1980, p. 1
The Harrison County Chancery Court ruled that Biloxi's attempt to annex the Fernwood area was void because they did have the permission of the MGCCC.(The Sun Herald, August 11, 1980, p. A2)
Bruce C. Stewart was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
From data gathered in the 1980 Federal Census, the population of Biloxi was estimated to be 49,311 people making it the second largest city in Mississippi.  Meridian with 46,311 and Hattiesburg with 40,829 people followed.  All were well behind the Capital of Jackson with 202, 895 individuals.(The Daily Herald, April 24, 1981, p. B-1)
State Representative Gerald H. Blessey (b. 1942) was elected Mayor of Biloxi on June 23rd defeating Frank Barhanovich (b. 1943) and garnering 65% of the approximately 7700 ballots cast.  Elected with Blessey as Councilmen were: Laz Quave (1910-1985); Michael Esters; Lewis Langlinais; Mary Carpenter; Roy Mattina; W.C. McManus; and Margaret S. Sherry (d. 1987).(The Daily Herald, June 24, 1981, p. 1 and Sec. II, p. B1)
The 1928 Biloxi Hotel was converted to the $3.6 million, Chateau le Grand, a condominium complex at 1304 West Beach Boulevard. Dedication took place on December 7, 1981.(The Gulf Coast Times, December 7, 1981, p. 1 and The Ocean Springs Record, December 10, 1981, p. 3)
Dr. William Pontius of Ocean Springs was elected Chief of Staff of the Biloxi Regional Medical Center in December.(The Ocean Springs Record, December 10, 1981, p. 3)
Lloyd Moon and L.J. 'Blue' Caillavet were named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizens by the Lion's Club.                                                              
Dudley Charles Andrews (1896-1982), proprietor of the Biloxi Lumber Company, extraordinary human being, and excellent craftsman, died on January 21st.
Marcel J. 'Mickey' Bellande (1909-1982) expired on March 5th.  Bellande was a partner in the Bellande Beverage Company and a star athelete at BHS and Springhill College where he played football and baseball.  He played minor league baseball in the Cleveland Indians farm system. but excelled in golf in his later sporting career.  Bellande was the first Mississippian to win all three State titles-Open (1950), Amateur (1964) and Seniors (1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1973).  He was inducted into the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame in February 1975.(The Sun Herald, February 9, 1975, p. B-6 and March 5, 1982)
In late May, interested and enthusiastic Biloxians met at the East End Fire Station to consider organizing a Biloxi Seafood Museum.  Among those present were: Jerry Bodin, Mayor Gerald Henry Blessey, Anthony V. Ragusin, Houston Gollott, Larry Dubaz, Margaret Sherry, and Tommy Gollott.(The Biloxi Press, June 2, 1982, p. 1)
Wallace Chapman (1903-1982), former Mississippi Power Company local manager and former BYC commodore, expired on September 1st.(The Daily Herald, September 2, 1982, p. A2)
William Connell Gryder Jr. (1900-1982), Mississippi Coast shoe merchant, expired on August 12th.
ETV presented a program on the works of Eunice Lyle "Dusti" Swetman Bonge' (1903-1993), Biloxi artist, on September 30, 1982.(The Ocean Springs Record, October 6, 1982, p. 24)
In the early morning of November 8th, 28 people died and more than 30 injured in a fire in the Harrison County jail on Delauney Street and McElroy Street in Biloxi.  Robert Eugene Pates (b. 1951) was charged with 28 counts of capital murder when he was named the alleged conspirator of the conflagration.  Pates was sent ot Parchman immediately.(The Daily Herald, November 8, 1982, p. A1 and November 9, 1982, p. A2)
The newly chartered Biloxi Seafood Museum, Incorporated elected officers in early December at the Biloxi Community Center.  Jerry Bodin was elected president; Duane Diaz, vice-president; Walter Fountain, secretary; and Chevis Swetman, treasurer.  Board members elected were: Carroll Kovacevich; Charles Weems; Billy Gollott; Thomas Schultz Jr.; Steve Marinovich; Gerald Cochran; Mike Chance; Joe Moran; Della McCaughn; Cheroe Arceneaux; Rosa Martin,; and Charles Bassett.The Biloxi Press, December 8, 1982, p. 1.
Nina M. Schwartzman (1916-1999) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.


On December 31, 1982, the corporate entity known as the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company was officially merged into the Seaboard System Railroad, ending the L&N's 132-year existence under a single name. The Seaboard System quickly lost its own corporate identity as it and the Chessie System became CSX Transportation in 1986.

Alan Bond, of the Royal Perth Yacht Club, defeated Liberty at Newport, Rhode Island to become the first challenger in 132 years to win the America's Cup.
Haroll D. Castle of Ocean Springs and Melissa Jaynell Schloegel [Marion] of Gulfport ruled the 57th Biloxi Mardi Gras.(The Ocean Springs Record, February 17, 1983, p. 1)
Estelle Fortner Wilkes (1911-1983), native of Gulfport and former owner of The Daily Herald, expired on March 1st.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1983, p. 2)
George L. Sumrall (1908-1983), service station operator and Biloxi sports booster, died on March 3rd.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1983, p. A2)
Sheriff Howard Leroy Hobbs (1934-2008) was arrested on June 16, 1983 with David J. Venus III; Chief Deputy Sheriff Craig Monroe; D.J. Venus IV; George Mims Venus; Bill Carroll; Jim Blackwell; John Higgins; and Wayne Ford.    Phillip Baugh was arrested on 20 July in connection with this case which involved cocaine conspiracy.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1983, p. A-2, July 29, 1983, and August 3, 1983)
Professor Marion Carpenter (1917-1983), popular BHS band leader, expired in March. He came to the Biloxi Central High School as Band Director in the early 1940s from the Georgia Teachers' College at Statesboro, Georgia.  Professor Carpenter resigned his position at Biloxi school in May 1945 and was hired by the Sacred Heart Academy of Biloxi to organized an all-girl marching band in October 1946.   George A. Wimberly (1920-1996) replaced Marion Carpenter as the BHS band director in October 1946.(The Daily Herald, October 22, 1946, p. 4 and October 30 1946, p. 4)
Arthur Godfrey (1904-1983), long time radio entertainer, expired on March 16th.
John Bell Williams (1918-1983), Governor of Mississippi from 1968-1972, expired at Brandon, Mississippi on March 25th.
Michael L. Esters
Michael L. Esters, (1952-1983), Biloxi's first Black Councilman, was killed on March 24th in a train-car collision.  He was elected to represent Ward II in 1981.(the Daily Herald, March 24, 1983, p. 1 and March 25, 1983, p. 2)
The new headquarters at the Gulf Islands National Seashore at Ocean Springs was named for US Congressman
William M. Colmer who was instrumental in the 1971 creation of this Federal nature preserve.  The building was dedicated on April 1st.(The Daily Herald, March 21, 1983, p. 2) 
Vincent 'Vici' Joseph Rosetti (1908-1983), proprietor of Rosetti's Restaurant and Lounge, a legendary Biloxi cafe established in 1933, by Jake P. Rosetti (1884-1959), his 1903 Croatian immigrant father, died on May 18th in his native Biloxi.  Vici was elected president of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the Mississippi Restaurant Association in September 1964.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1964, p. 1 and May 19, 1983, p. A2)
Ernest Melvin was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
The Daily Herald began celebrating it Centennial Anniversary in January.  The journal was founded on October 4, 1884 by George Washington Wilkes and M.B. Richmond.  Gulf Publishing Company, a subsidiary of the State Record Company of Columbia, South Carolina, acquired the newspaper in July 1968.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1984, p. A1)
Clark D. Shaughnessy Jr. was elected Commodore of the BYC with Dr. Richard Schmidt, vice-Commodore and William Pittman, rear-Commodore.  The board consisted of: Dallas Burns, Clinton Bolton, W. Gray Slay, Patricia Howell, Eddie Migues, and Harold Catchot.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1984, p. A9)
The Reverend Louis Peyton Sr., native of Grand Bay, Alabama, died on March 27, 1984.  He was associate minister of the First Faith Missionary Baptist Church and had been ordained in January 1965.  Brother Peyton was honored as Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen in 1972 and 1973.  A eastern part of Washington Street was named in his honor in 19??.(The Daily Herald, March 29, 1984, p. A-2)
The J.L. Scott Marine Education Center and Aquarium on Point Cadet was dedicated on June 20th.  It was named for J.L. 'Jake' Scott (1915-2001), a educator and founder of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory at Ocean Springs.  Mr. Scott died at Jackson, Mississippi on April 25, 2001.(The Ocean Springs Record, June 14, 1984, p. 5 and Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, April 25, 2001, p. A7)                                      
Albert J. Misko (1915-2006) and Jennifer Gollott were King and Queen of the Blessing of the Fleet on June 3rd.(The Daily Herald, June 2, 1984, p. A1, June 3, 1984, p. A1 and June 4, 1984, p. A1)
June 16th was Joseph C. Canizaro Day in Biloxi.  Mr. Canizaro was honored for his success as a developer at NOLA.  Some of his accomplishments were: Lykes Center; Canal Place; Texaco Center; Crowne Plaza Hotel; Xerox Center; owner of the NOLA Breakers, a professional football team.  Before 2008, Canizaro would develop The Tradition, a retirement resort community, in Harrison Couny, Mississippi.  He generously donated land from Tradition for two educational institutions: St. Patrick Catholic High School, an amalgamation of St. John's of Gulfport and Mercy Cross, formerly Notre Dame, of Biloxi, and William Carey College, which moved from its location on the seashore at Gulfport following Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Major General Romulus W. Puryear (1911-1984), native of Hartsville, Tennessee, West Point graduate,  WWII combat veteran, and former Commander KAFB (1964-1967) expired on June 16th.   Alice Denning Puryear (1914-2010), his spouse and native of Gallatin, Tennessee, passed on May 8, 2010 at Ocean Springs, Mississippi.  Their corporal remains were interred in the Arlington National Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, June 18, 1984, p. A2 and May 13, 2010, p. A5)
Sam S. Mitchell (1903-1984), Biloxi entrepreneur and native of Hancock County, Mississippi, died at Biloxi in mid-June.  Mr. Mitchell and spouse, Mae Pringle Mitchell, owned the Bungalow, Inc. and Mitchell Associates, Inc.(The Daily Herald, June 18, 1984, p. A2) 
Major General Romulus Wright Puryear (1911-1984), native of Hartsville, Tennessee and former Commander of KAFB [July 1964 to his retirement in July 1967] and one of the founders of Metropolitan National Bankexpired at Ocean Springs in mid-June. His corporal remains were interred at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.  Alice Denning Puryear (1914-2010), his spouse, died on May 8, 2010 at Ocean Springs.(The Daily Herald, June 18, 1984, p. A2 and The Ocean Springs Record, July 27, 1967, p. 1)
Thomas 'Tommy' Gollott was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Elmer Williams (1898-1985), one of the founders of the DeJean Packing Company, expired on January 29, 1985.(The Ocean Springs Record, January 31, 1985, p. 6) 
On May 5th, 76 Inc. [Joseph R. Thornton III and Shirley M. Thornton] leased 1500 East Beach Drive to the Factory Restaurant.  The rent was $1500 per month.  The Thorntons acquired the 90-foot lot on East Beach Drive from the Peoples Bank in May 1976.(Harrison Co., Mississiippi 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 170, p. 446 and Bk. 65, p. 599)
Oduse 'Dago' Trahan (1912-2012) was Biloxi's Shrimp King.
Former Governor Paul B. Johnson Jr. (1916-1985) expired at Hattiesburg on October 14th.
John T. Collins (1904-1985), Biloxi architect, expired on Halloween.(The Sun Herald, November 1, 1985, p. A2)     
Mary Antonia Cvitanovich Mahoney (1924-1985), Biloxi's renown restaurateur, expired on December 29th.            
Robert Francis Mahoney (1923-2005) , her spouse, died on August 24, 2005.(The Sun Herald, December 30, 1985, p. 1)
Laz Quave (1910-1985), former Harrison County Sheriff, Biloxi Mayor, and Ward I City Councilman died on December 20th.   
S.L. Fayard was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
The Seafood Industry Museum opened at Point Cadet in March.  Destroyed by Katrina on August 29, 2005.(The Ocean Springs Record, March 20, 1986, p. 16)
John Edward 'Eddie' McDonnell (1912-1986), former, two term (1952-1956 and 1964-1968) Sheriff of Harrison County, humanitarian, and 'one of the last of the Great Politicians of the Mississippi Gulf Coast', died on June 13th at his home on the Tchoutacabouffa River.(The Sun Herald, June 14, 1986, p. A1 and June 15, 1986, p. A2)                
On 1 September, Tommy Moffet [b. 1950] became Biloxi's first African-American Chief of Police replacing George W. Saxon [1927-2018] who became Public Safety Director.(The Sun Herald, August 14m 1986, p. A-1)
Frank L. Gabrich (1913-1986), retired Biloxi fire chief [1961-1974], died on August 20th.(The Sun Herald, August 21, 1986, p.   )    
Two Biloxi firemen, Carl Ohr Jr. (1952-1986) and Edwin Kurt Jacquet (1956-1986), died while fighting an apartment house fire in Biloxi on October 20th.  The old frame house had been divided into seven apartments with ten residents-all escaped injury. (The Times-Picayune, October 21, 1986, p. 1)                                                 
Joseph J. Duffie Jr. (1927-1994) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
C.F. Gollott (1911-1987), seafood packer and Dixieland Jazz musician, expired on January 19th.(The Sun Herald, January 21, 1987, p. A4)
Frank 'Yankee' J. Barhanovich (1915-1987) died on April 7th.  Unarguably one of Biloxi's greatest ambassadors and promoters.  Mr. Barhanovich won many honors and awards for his untiring efforts for his fellow Croatians; the Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus; Biloxi athletics, especially the Shrimp Bowl and 'Yankee Stadium'; and many social and philanthropic groups, including the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Biloxi Doll and Toy Fund, Girl Scouts, and many more.
Biloxi's attempt to annex D'Iberville and its 14000 denizens and 18 square-miles was denied by Judge Jason Floyd who cited flaws in Biloxi's annexation ordinance that could not be corrected by amendants.(The Sun Herald, May 22, 1987, p. A1)
Captain Breezy [Tony] Gruich (1918-1996) was named Shrimp King.
Vincent J. Sherry (1929-1987), Harrison County Circuit Judge and Margaret J. Smith Sherry (1929-1987), his spouse and former Biloxi Councilman, were murdered on September 14th.(The Sun Herald, September 9, 2007, p. A1)
Sheriff Larkin Smith (1944-1989) was re-elected Sheriff of Harrison on November 3rd.  He garnered 75% of the approximately 24,000 votes cast beating Democrat candidate Perry Ladner.(The Sun Herald, November 4, 1987, p. C1)
Federal Judge Walter L. Nixon (b. 1928) was removed from office by the US Senate on November 3, 1987 after he was impeached by the US House of Representative.(The Sun Herald, March 28, 1990, p. C1)
Europa Star at Biloxi
[image by Ray L. Bellande-ca 1988]
The Europa Star, a 167-foot cruise ship that features dining, entertainment and gambling  commenced operating from Point Cadet Marina on December 20th under a court order.(The Sun Herald, November 14, 1987, p. 1 and February 20, 1988, p. 3)
Olon Ray was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                               
 'Skeet': The Public Life of Walter Henry Hunt, by Murella Hebert Powell was published in 1988 by Phyllis Hunt Graham and Shaughnessy Print Co. of Biloxi.
The City of D'Iberville was incorporated on February 10, 1988.
Ray Boise Butterefield (1923-1988), native of Macomb, Illinois and radio announcer when WLOX when on the air on May 28, 1948 and instrumental in the acquistion of a license for WLOX Broadcasting Company which began TV broadcasting at Biloxi in 1962, died on May 25th at Birmingham, Alabama.(The Sun Herald, May 27, 1988, p. A-3)
Sagasta 'Sang' Langlinais (1911-2001), native of New Iberia, Louisiana, reigned over the 60th Annual Biloxi Blessing of the Fleet.(The Sun Herald, May 29, 1988, p. A-1)
The I-110 connector from US Highway 90 to Interstate Highway 10 was opened in February.(The Sun Herald, February 20, 1988, p. A3)
Ernest Charles Melvin (1919-1988), three term Beat 1 Board of Supervisor [1972-1984], expired on July 21st.(The Sun Herald, July 23, 1988, p. A4)
Margaret S. Speir (1895-1988), retired Dukate Elementary principal and long time Biloxi school educator, died on July 21st.(The Sun Herald, July 23, 1988, p. A4)
Dick E. Wilson was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 2010, p. A5)                                                                              


Biloxi's first Buddhist pagoda opened on December 11, 1988 when Monk Chon Thich greeted fifty people at 1100 East Howard Avenue.[The Hattiesburg American, December 13, 1988, p. 3]


Helen Werby and Tommy Munro ruled a cold Fat Tuesday in early February.  Keely Rochelle Dinero was Queen Venus VIII of the Krewe of Neptune.(The Sun Herald, February 8, 1989, p. A1)
Judge Lawrence C. Corban (1900-1989), native of Fayette, Mississippi and former OS City attorney from 1953-1959, Circuit Court Judge (1939-1953), Jackson County Chancery Court Judge (1959-1975) and outstanding Coast citizen and Mason, expired on April 3rd. 
Kat Bergeron was named Biloxi's Historian of the Year.  Bergeron teaches Mississippi folklore and history at the Elder Hostel Program in Biloxi.  She is a Gulfport East High School graduate and matriculated to Marshall University in West Virgiina to study journalism.  Kat is the author of Gulf Coast Chronicles for The Sun Herald.  She was named Gulfport Jaycees Media Person of the Year in 1989 and received the Gulf Publishing's Eugene P. Wilkes Award.(The Sun Herald, May 19, 1989, p. B-1)
Mayor Jerry Lawrence and his five councilmen, Thomas J. Moore Jr., Linda Davis, A.J. Penrow, Les Barnett Jr., and Oliver Diaz Sr., the first city government of D'Iberville, Mississippi was sworn into office on July 1, 1989.(The Biloxi-'Iberville Press, July 14, 1989, p. 1)
Larkin I. Smith (1944-1989), former Gulfport Police Chief and Harrison County, Mississippi Sheriff and current US Representative 5th Mississippi Congressional District, was killed in Perry County, Mississippi on August 13th, when his airplane crashed.  Gary Eugene 'Gene' Taylor (b. 1953) of Bay St. Louis won his seat in a special election and assumed was sworn into Larkin I. Smith's vacated Congressional seat in October 1989.
Dorothy Dorsett Brown (1896-1989) died at NOLA on October 14th.  She was a native of Texas City, Texas and the spouse of affluent oilman and sportsman, Joe W. Brown (1897-19  ).  The Browns were the owners of the Broadwater Beach Hotel.
Clare Sekul Hornsby was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
James C. Corso (1935-1990), Biloxi businessman and former King D'Iberville of Mardi Gras, expired on February 19th.
The population of Biloxi in 1990 was 46,319 [34,547 white and 8625 black].(The Sun Herald, March 9, 2001, p. A10)
Sie J. Simon (1910-1990), Biloxi businessman, whose Sie's Place on the NW/C of Division and Reynoir Streets was the venue of many outstanding musicians and singers from 1950 to 1971, died on March 18th. Sie had such country stars as, Hank Williams, Ray Price, Johnny Horton 'Lefty Frizell Ernest Tubb, Jerry Lee Lewis, Billy Walker, Elvis A. Presley, and Darla Woods, play his club. Mrs. Simon, Edna Terry (1912-1992), passed in December 1992.(The Sun Herald, March 19, 1990, p. C-1)
The trial of Gerald H. Blessey and Michael Cavanaugh, Biloxi lawyers and business partners from 1979-1983, accused of conspiring to extort 25 per cent of the bond fee paid to Page, Mannino & Peresich, the Biloxi law firm hired by Blessey for the City of Biloxi's legal business when he was Mayor took place in March.  The prosecution avered that Page, Mannino & Peresich which were paid $2.8 million during Blessey's term as Mayor [1981-1989] feared that it would lose the City's business if Mr. Cavanaugh were not paid.  The Government siad that Cavanaugh did no work for the $134,267  he is alleged to have extorted from the law firm.(The Sun Herald, March 20, 1990, p. A-1)
M. James Stevens (1909-1990) was born July 6, 1909 at Elizabeth, New Jersey.  He settled on the Coast in 1948 and owned the Confederate Inn and Restaurant. at Gulfport.  Mr. Stevens became a great Mississippi Gulf Coast Historian and amassed a large archives of documents pertaining to Mississippi Gulf Coast chronology, which are now known collectively as, 'The M. James Stevens Collection'.  He expired at San Antonio, Texas on June 4, 1990.  In March 1990, M. James Stevens became the first to be awarded the Dunbar Rowland Award by the MDAH at its annual meeting in Jackson, Mississippi.  William T. Holland, Biloxi wooden boat buildre was recognized for his preservation crafstmanship construction when build the Glen Swetman, a Biloxi schooner replication.  Charles L. Sullivan, history professor at MGCCC-Perkinston was recognized for the 'Magnolia Series', a series of publications and vidotapes which commenced in 1988.  Sullivan would be awarded the Dunbar Rowland prize in March 2010.(The Sun Herald, March 22, 1990, p. B1 and The Sun Herald, June 12, 1990, p. C1)  
Former Governor (1956-1960), James P. Coleman (1914-1991), native of Ackerman, Choctaw County, Mississippi, died on September 28th. 
Brig. General Martin F. Haas (1902-1990), Biloxi native and 1924 graduate of West Point, died at Biloxi on October 13, 1990).  His corporal remains were interred in the Arlington National Cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.(The Sun Herald, October 16, 1990, p. C2)
'Fiddlin' Peter Lepre (1899-1990), long time resident of D'Iberville and well-known musician, expired on October 15th at Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, October 16, 1990, p. C2)
Dr. Eldon L. Bolton (1910-1990) was born January 11, 1910 at Biloxi and died here on December 25th.  He practiced family medicine at Biloxi for fifty-six years, following his father, Dr. Walter T. Bolton (1859-1923), also a along time Biloxi physician.(The Sun Herald, December 26, 1990)
Joseph "J.J." Wittmann (1911-1990), Harrison County Sheriff (1956-1960) and Mayor of Pass Christian (1968-1974), died on December 3rd at Pass Christian.(The Sun Herald, December 5, 1990, p. C2)                                      
Chevis Swetman was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.          
Russell 'Rusty' C. David was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Captain Lewis Voorhies 'Captain Hooks' Langlinais (1916-2007) served as Shrimp King for the 1991 Shrimp Festival.(The Sun Herald, May 25, 1991, p. A2)

Buena Vista Fire-1991

On June 25th, the Buena Vista Hotel was severely damaged by fire and Steve Moore, Biloxi Fire Chief, estimated that the fire resulted resulted in damages of "hundreds of thousands of dollars and a total loss."  It was leased to the Sea, Air and Space Museum, headed by Anthony Mattina, a Biloxi Councilman.  The structure was owned by South Sea Cruises Inc.-Dewayne Williams, president.(The Sun Herald, June 26, 1991, p. A-1)

Barney M. Giles (1922-1992), Texas native and Biloxi restaurateur, died on January 11, 1992.  Barney came to Biloxi in 1948 and ran Barney's Drive In and the Ship-in-Shore.(The Sun Herald, January 13, 1992, p. A2) 
Howard McDonnell (1909-1992), Biloxi attorney and former State Senator and Floater Representative, expired on February 19th.
Monsignor Eamon Joseph Mullen (1918-1992), native of County Sligo, Ireland who was ordained a Catholic priest at St. Patrick's College, Carlow Ireland in June 1942, expired at Jackson, Mississippi on March 19th.(The Sun Herald, March 22, 1992, p. A2)
The Biloxi Belle Casino, owned by Mississippi Riverboat Amusement Corporation, announced plans for a dockside gaming vessel at Biloxi to open in late summer of early fall.  Operators touted that the enterprise would create 700 new jobs with a yearly payroll of $13 million.(The Sub Herald, May 19, 1992, p. A1)
Leroy Duval (1943-2014) was named Shrimp King.
Mavar Inc. situated at 1140 Beach Boulevard in Biloxi leased their land in Block 1 of the Summerville Addition Subdivision to Grand Casino of Mississippi Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, located at Plymouth, Minnesota.  The 99-year lease began in June 1992.(Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Land deed Bk. 251, p. 588)    
On August 1st, dockside gambling commenced at Biloxi when two riverboat casinos from Iowa, the Diamond Lady and the Emerald Lady, opened for business as The Isle of Capri Casino.(The Biloxi-d’Iberville Press, July 22, 1992, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, July 29, 2007, p. G1)
Bill Holmes was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.

In January, the Mississippi Secretary of State signed a 15 year lease commencing August 1, 1993 and ending July 31, 2008 with Grand Casino of Mississippi.  The annual rental for the 222,475 square-feet of water bottoms was $405,000.(Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Land Deed Bk. 251, p. 616)

Lyle Morse Page (1932-2011) ruled the Mardi Gras as King D'Iberville.  
Hugo L. Rungo (1909-1993), founder of Hugo's, the coast first pizza parlor situated on Division Street and Porter Avenue, expired on  the 9th.  Hugo L. Rungo Jr. (1933-2008) died at Spring Hill, Flordia in early April 2008.(The Sun Herald, April 19, 2008, p. A12)
Edmond Boudreaux Jr. was named Biloxi Historian of the Year.(The Mississippi Press, May 20, 1993)
The Fisherman's Hangout, a landmark pool hall and tavern that operated on Back Bay since 1948 by Lionel 'Nellie' Creel (b. 1918) closed in May.(The Sun Herald, May 23, 1993, p. E1)
Jack Charles Jessup (1916-1993), an affiliate of the Fellowship Revival Association and pioneer, radio minister with offices at 2327 25th Street Gulfport, Mississippi and a sound studio in his home at Biloxi from which he recorded tapes for his religious radio programs which were broadcast from Del Rio, Texas on radio station XERK and radio station XEG at Monterrey, California, died at Gulfport on July 10th.(The Sun Herald, July 11, 1993, p. A-2)
The Buena Vista Hotel was planned to be demolished in November for 800 parking places for the Biloxi Belle Casino.  The Biloxi Belle Casino aspired to build three-story casino to open in the summer of 1994.(The Sun Herald, October 27, 1993, p. D-5)
Eunice Lyle "Dusti" Swetman Bonge' (1903-1993), Biloxi artist, and widow of Archie Bonge', expired on November 23rd.(The Sun Herald, December 2, 1993)
was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Joe Scholtes
[Courtesy of Lawrence Cosper, son-in-law]
Leo J. 'Joe' Scholtes (1917-1994), Biloxi local historian, author, photographer, and excursion boat owner [Sailfish], died on January 13th.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 1994, p. A2)
Lorie Blossman and Frank D. Bertucci ruled the Gulf Coast Carnival Association at Biloxi..(The Ocean Springs Record, February 24, 1994, p. 10)
The Popp's Ferry Public Library was renamed the Margaret Sherry Memorial Library by the Biloxi City Council in an early March meeting.[The Sun Herald, March 2, 1994, p. C-2.]
Glen Lyle Swetman (1901-1994), long time Biloxi banker, expired on April 30th.  Authored Biloxi-A Banker's Day Book (1994) with Glenn Swetman, his son.(The Sun Herald, May 1, 1994, p. A1)
Cosmos Broadcasting of Greenville, South Carolina signed a letter of intentto acquire Love Broadcasting Company, the owner of WLOX-TV 13, an ABC affiliate. James S. Love III and his two sisters were the major share holders in the local TV station.(The Sun Herald, September 2, 1994, p. 1)
Susan 'Sue' Tonsmeire (1909-1995), long time Biloxi educator expired on March 8th.
Tommy Munro (1931-2009) was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
Shannon Suarez, former US Marine and Biloxi native, was inducted into the Louisiana High School Atheletic's Coaches Hall of Fame on January 24th. He coached 17 years at Sulphur High School, Sulphur, Louisiana compiling a record of 144-47-4.  Prior to his career at Sulphur, he coached the Ocean Springs Greyhounds winning 29-11-1 from 1959-1962.(The Sun Herald, January 17, 1996, p. A-1 and The Ocean Springs Record, December 14, 1995, p. 15)
Chester L. Delacruz (1911-1996), native of Violet, Louisiana and former manager of the Southern Shell Fish Co., expired on July 6th.(The Sun Herald, July 8,1996, p. C2)
Louis C. Uchello (1909-1996), a native of Gretna, Louisiana, the son of Italian immigrant farmers, who moved to the Coast more than 60 years ago and became a self-made businessman, died in late July.  Mr. Uchello first opened The Grove nightclub at the corner of DeBuys Road and U.S. 90, and later opened the Harbor Light Restaurant, which was destroyed by Hurricane Camille. He built the Sun Tan Motel, still in operation today on U.S. 90.(The Sun Herald, July 28, 1996)
Albert E. Bessey (1895-1996), "Mr. Biloxi Tennis", expired on September 16, 1996 at 101 years of age.
Liz Corso Joachim, spouse of John 'Jack' Schappert Joachim Jr., was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Sun Herald, January 15, 1997, p. C1 and February 11, 2010, p. A5)
Anthony W. 'Tony Jack' Covacevich (1907-1997), long time Biloxi ship carpenter, expired on February 3rd.  His last wooden boat was the New Florida Girl built before and after Camille in 1969.(The Sun Herald,February  1997, p. )
Randi Carolyn Peresich, Queen Ixolib, and Kind d'Iberville, Alben N. 'Al' Hopkins, ruled the MGCCA Mardi Gras season.  Parades rolled on Mardi Gras Day February 20th.(The Sun Herald, February 20, 1996, p. A1)
Anthony V. 'Tony' Ragusin (1902-1997), 'Mr. Biloxi', expired at Biloxi on March 3rd.  Longtime promoter of Biloxi tourism, history, and photography.(The Sun Herald, March 4, 1997, p. C2)
Billy Joe Clegg (1928-1997), native of Oklahoma and Biloxi resident, died on May 1st.  Mr. Clegg, a Baptist minister, had been a candidate for President of the United States seven times commencing in 1972 when he lost to Richard M. Nixon.  During his 1996 primary campaign for the most prestigious office in the world, Mr. Clegg's name was only ballots in New Hampshire and Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, February 21, 1996, p. A2)
Dr. Harry Johnson Schmidt (1905-1997), native of Ocean Springs and long time Biloxi physician, expired on August 31st.
was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.                                           
Charles R. "Bob" Stein (1920-1998), native of West Virginia, and founder of The North Biloxian (1973) and Biloxi-D'Iberville Press (1975), expired on January 1st.(The Sun Herald, January 3, 1998, p. B2)
Louis Voyle Carron (1910-1998), well-known Biloxi musician and band leader, died on February 15th.  Mr. Carron was employed with Frank P. Corso as a salesman for 43 years.(The Sun Herald, Febraury 16, 1998, p. A9)
W.D. “Willie” Wiles (1923-1998) was born September 23, 1923, at Kosciusko, Mississippi, the son of Dee Wiles and Inez Caldwell.  Coach Wiles graduated from Mississippi Southern College.  He was head football coach at Biloxi High School from 1957-1967?  W.D. Wiles expired at Thibodeaux, Louisiana on February 9, 1998.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 1998, p. A9)
Gus Stevens (1911-1998), native of Chester, Pennsylvania and long time Biloxi restaurateur and night club proprietor, expired at Gulfport on March 10th.(The Sun Herald, March 13, 1998, p. A7)

Iberville statue dedication Beach Boulevard in September
[L-R; Mayor A.J. Holloway and Mary Ott Tremmel Davidson, artist.  Image made September 4, 1998 by Ray L. Bellande]
Annette Saxon O'Keefe (1924-1998), wife of J.J. O'Keefe III (b. 1923), native of Augusta, Georgia, an outstanding pianist and 1942 valedictorian and honor graduate of OSHS, mother of thirteen children, civic leader, supporter of the arts, and philanthropist, died on May 16, 1998.(The Sun Herald, May 18, 1998, p. A7 and The History of Jackson Co., Mississippi 1989, pp. 303)
Brother Jerome Lepre  (1927-1998), Gulf Coast genealogist, author and historian, expired at NOLA on September 19, 1998.  He was named a Fullbright Scholar in May 1968 to the Univeristy of Sophia at Tokyo, Japan.(The Daily Herald, May 13, 1968, p. 5)
The 30 story, $650 million, Beau Rivage Casino opened at Midnight on March 15, 1999.(The Sun Herald, March 15, 1999, p. A1)
Sherwood R. 'Woody' Bailey Jr. and Allison Pemberton ruled the Hibernia Marching Society St. Patrick's Day Parade which ws planned for March 13th.  Rained cancelled the event and it was postponed.(The Sun Herald, March 7, 1999, p. E1 and March 14, 1999, p. A1
Construction of Biloxi's $9 million, three-story, 66,000 sq-ft Public Safety Center commenced on July 24th.  The facility on Porter Avenue was designed by Fountain & Lamas and built by W.G. Yates  & Sons Construction Company.  The structure was erected to house Police and Fire Departments and Municipal Court.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 1999)
was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.
The population of Biloxi in 2000 was 50644 [36177 white and 9643 black].(The Sun Herald, March 9, 2001, p. A10)   

Archbishop Eugene A. Marino (1934-2000), a Biloxi native and America's first Roman Catholic Black Archbishop, expired at New Rochelle, New York on November 11th.  He was selected by Pope John Paul II on March 15, 1988 for this position and installed at Atlanta, Georgia on May 5, 1988.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 1988, p. A7 and November 14, 2000, p. A1 and p. A5)


F. Walker Tucei (1918-2000), retired executive vice-president and fifty-three year employee of People's Bank, expired on November 22, 2000.(The Sun Herald, November 24, 2000, p. A5)


Laurence M. Oden (1918-2000), classical musician and composer, died at Gulfport, Mississippi on December 9th.  His best known works are: 'Parnell', 'Marie Laveau', and 'Ellegy in Gray'.(The Sun Herald, December 11, 2000)


was named Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen by the Lion's Club.

21st Century: 2001-2020

21st Century: 2001-2020
ray Sun, 04/11/2010 - 21:17
21st Century                           
The first decade of the 21st Century at Biloxi was indelibly marked by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005.  The Category Three tempest came ashore in the early morning of August 29th near the Pearl River delta in Hancock County, Mississippi.  Although hurricane force winds lasted along the MIssissippi Gulf Coast for more than ten hours, it was the large storm surge exceeding twenty-five feet in some areas that devastated the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast.  Katrina trailers and later Katrina cottages became the domiciles for those unfortuante ones who lost their homes in the monster tempest.                      
Population at Biloxi in 2000 was 50644 people and by 2010 had decreased to 44,054 people due in a large part to the loss of homes and businesses from Katrina.  With insurance litigation, FEMA, and other onerous issues, rebuilding of the Katrina decimated waterfront at Biloxi proceeded very slowly and by 2010 some notable progress had been made.
The Tradition, a master planned community of 4642 acres situated in T5S-R10W, T5S-R11W and T6S-R10W of Harrison County, Mississippi, was platted by Columbus Communities, LLC in February.  Joseph Canizaro, a Biloxian and New Orleans resident, was the prinipal investor, with Gerald H. Blessey, another Biloxian, involved in the management and ownership of this impressive project.[Harrison Co., Mississippi Chancery Court Land Plat Bk. 43, p. 20A]
William Paul Shelton (1910-2001), local jeweler, who opened his first store at Biloxi in 1945 and Ocean Springs in 1972 expired on February 16, 2001.(The Ocean Springs Record, March 1, 2001, p. 3)
Robert 'Bob' L. Garrison (1931-2001), born August 16, 1931 at Fort Wayne, Indiana and basketball coach at Biloxi High School in the late 1950s and 1960s expired on April 15th at Raymond, Mississippi.  Gaynell Sumrall Garrison (1934-2003), his spouse, expired on September 19, 2003. (The Sun Herald,  April 18, 2001, p. A-7 and September 21, 2003, p. A9)

Thomas L. Rodi was ordained a Bishop and installed as Bishop of Biloxi on July 2, 2001.  Bishop Rodi was appointed Archbishop of Mobile by Pope Benedict XVI on April 2, 2008, and was installed on June 6, 2008.


Charles R. Hegwood (1914-2001), long time Notre Dame High School football coach and athletic director, expired at Houston, Mississippi on July 23, 2001.(The Sun Herald, July 26, 2001, p. A6)

John Lee 'Jake' Scott (1915-2001), Mississippian whose life work was with the State Education system and who was instrumental in creating the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory at Ocean Springs and name sake of the J.L. Scott Marine Education Center and Aquarium at Biloxi, expired at Jackson, Mississippi on April 25th.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, April 25, 2001, p. 7A)
William H. 'Billy' Creel (1943-2001), Biloxi native and 1961 BHS alumni and longtime hotelier, Biloxi tourism promoter, and Isle of Capri Casino, executive expired on November 24th.
Arthur J.M. "Bubba" Oustalet Jr. (1922-2001), Gulfport and Jennings, Louisiana automotive dealer and civic leader, died on November 26th.
Napoleon 'Nap' Cassibry II (1918-2002), Gulfport native and attorney and historian and genealogist, died at Bay St. Louis on March 21st.  Mr. Cassibrey wrote The Ladner Odyssey (1987) and Early Settlers and Land Grants at Biloxi (1986).(The Sun Herald, March 23, 2002)
Ralph L. Engelstad (1930-2002) expired at his Las Vegas home on November 26, 2002 after batting lung cancer. He was born January 28, 1930 and reared in Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Ralph graduated from the University of North Dakota in 1954, where he was a talented hockey goalie. Engelstad moved to Las Vegas in 1959, using the profits from his construction company and real estate investments to buy a Strip motel on the site of what is now the Imperial Palace. Engelstad built and opened the new property in 1979, and the property now has 2,700 hotel rooms and 2,600 employees, the second-largest sole proprietorship hotel in the world. Engelstad opened an Imperial Palace resort in Biloxi, Mississippi in 1997.(The Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 28, 2002. p. 1A and December 4, 2002, p. 1D)

Joseph 'Joe' Elder (1931-2003), native of Little Rock, Arkansas, expired at Biloxi on March 30th.  Joe was an artist who painted historical sites of Biloxi and Ocean Springs.(The Sun Herald, April 1, 2003, p. A5)
Joan Beverly Mansfield Kroc (1928-2003), wife of Ray Kroc (1902-1984), owner of McDonald's, died on October 12th.  Mrs. Kroc became a 'friend of Biloxi' and bequeathed a large sum of money to the Salvation Army.  In September 2011, the Ray Kroc and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center of the Mississippi Gulf Coast opened on Lee Street and Division Street.(The Sun Herald, September 19, 2011, p. A1) 
J. Boyce Holleman (1924-2003), native of Wiggins, Mississippi, and Gulfport attorney, thespian, and bon vivant, expired at Houston, Texas on November 21st.
Walter F. Fountain (1920-2003), journalist, historian, and longtime Chamber of Commerce employee and general manager, expired on December 30th.(The Sun Herald, January 2, 2004, p. A5)

Superintendent Larry Drawdy was verbally attacked by Gerald H. Blessey, newly hired Biloxi School Board attorney, alleging that Mr. Drawdy had mismanaged the school district and had kept salient infomation from school board members.(The Sun Herald March 2, 2004, p. A1)
James R. McElroy Jr. (1917-2004), founder of the local A&W Root Beer which evolved into McElroy's Seafood Restaurant at Biloxi's small craft harbor, died on August 3rd.(The Sun Herald, August 6, 2004)
William “Will” Lyman Denton (1941-2004), Biloxi attorney and native of Brooklyn, Forrest County, Mississippi and the son of William R. Denton (1906-1977) and Virginia Gillis (1916-1992), died at Houston, Texas on December 3, 2004.  Mr. Denton was survivied by his wife, Lucy Kathleen Conner (b. 1946) and four children.(The Sun Herald, December 5, 2004, p. A10)  
On December 26th, a 9.1-9.3 temblor occurred in the Indian Ocean that created a tsunami condition resulting in the deaths of over 230,000 people in Indonesia [primarily Sumatra], Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.     
Purple Heart Memorial at Glennan Park and PFC George J. Higginbotham (1921-2014)
The memorial to local recipients of the Purple Heart was given by George J. Higginbotham (1921-2014), USMC veteran of WW II and wounded at Okinawa in June 1945.  The dedication and parade took place on January 23, 2005.  Mr. Higginbotham did not receive his medal until 1995.(The Sun Herald, July 31, 2014, p. A-6)

Annalyn Swan
In April, Annalyn Swan (b. 1951), daughter of George A. Swan (1907-1991) and Ethelyn Cooper Swan (1921-2011) and a 1969 BHS graduate, was awarded the 2005 Pulitzer Prize in Biography for de Kooning: An American Master (Knopf).  She co-wrote this treatise with Mark Stevens, her husband.(The Sun Herald, November 7. 2011 and November 13, 2011, p. C10)
Hurricane Katrina slamed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on August 29th with storm surge over twenty-feet.

Lt. General Clark Griffith was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.
On June 11, 2006, the “Golden Fisherman” was stolen from Point Cadet Plaza where it had lain since being toppled by Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005.  Mayor A.J. Holloway proposed a $15,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of the object d’art and conviction of the perpetrator of the theft.  Biloxi’s City Council must approve this proposed appropriation.(The Sun Herald, June 12, 2006, p. A1)
The Golden Fisherman was discovered in a field in rural Mobile County, Alabama on June 13, 2006.  An informant, the neighbor of Herman Allen Hicks of Semmes, Alabama, will receive $15,000, if Hicks, the accused thief, is convicted of the crime.  By Mississippi state law, a reward of this nature cannot exceed $2500, but Mayor A.J. Holloway guaranteed $12,000 and others in the community contributed as well.  The Reeks sculpture, made of scrap metal, was cut into seven pieces and the face destroyed by the thief.  It was returned to Biloxi and locked in a storage shed.  Mayor Holloway related that the statue’s condition will be evaluated before a decision is made to restore it for public display.(The Sun Herald, June 14, 2006, p. A1, June 15, 2006, p. A1, and July 9, 2006, p. G1)
Dr. Gilbert R. Mason, Sr. (1928-2006), civil rights and  "wade-in" activist and physician, expired at Biloxi on July 8th.
Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006), 38th American President, died on December 26th.
Judy Toups (1930-2007), Massachusetts native and longtime avian advocate and nature writer for The Sun Herald and 'the mother of bird watching in Mississippi" expired at Decatur, Alabama on February 27th.(The Sun Herald February 28, 2007, p. A5)
The Dukate Room, once a part of the Dukate Theatre erected in 1895 by W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916), and  located on the second floor of the Bancorp South building on West Howard Avenue was dedicated on July 13th.(The Sun Herald, July 14, 2007, p. B8)
St. Patrick's High School located at the Tradition was dedicated on August 11th.(The Sun Herald, August 10, 2007, p. A2)
The Harrah's $700 million dollar, Margaritaville Casino at Point Cadet broke ground on August 13th.(The Sun Herald, August 14, 2007, p. A2)
Tonsie Gaude' (1903-2007), longtime volunteer and icon of the Biloxi Regional Medical Center, died at Biloxi on August 25th, at the age of 104 years.(The Sun Herald, August 28, 2007, p. A4)
Dr. Frank G. Gruich (1920-2007), long time Biloxi OBGYN, expired on September 1st.(The Sun Herald, September 2, 2007 and September 3, 2007, p. A4)
Clement Roy Dellenger Jr. (1942-2007), football coach and star athlete at Tulane University, expired at Saucier, Mississippi on September 16th.  Coach Dellenger was a Notre Dame High [Biloxi] school graduate and coached at MGCCC Perkinston for twenty-five years.(The Sun Herald, September 18, 2007, p. A6 and p. B1)      
The Biloxi City Council voted 4-3 to rezone the Tivoli Hotel tract for casino gaming.  Mayor A.J. Holloway vetoed the proposal.(The Bay Press, September 21, 2007, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, September 28, 2007, p. A1)
The Biloxi-Ocean Springs east bound land opened for traffic across Biloxi Bay on November 1st.(The Sun Herald, November 2, 2007, p. A    )       
The Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art hosted a 'pod party' for the public on December 1st.(The Sun Herald, November 27, 2007, p. A2)
C. Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) announced his retirement from the US Senate on November 26th.  Senator Lott has served Mississippi for thirty-five years in the House and Senate.  U.S. Representative Roger Wicker (R. Ms.) was appointed to replace Senator Lott by Governor Barber until the November 2008 Election.(The Sun Herald, November 27, 2007, p. A1 and January 1, 2008, p. A1)
Richard Scruggs, prominent attorney of Pascagoula and Oxford, Mississippi and three other defendants pleaded not guilty on federal charges of fraud and conspiracy to bribe a North Mississippi judge with $50,000 cash.  A December 15th fund raiser for Hillary Clinton at the Oxford home of Scruggs was subsequently cancelled.  Mr. Scruggs also withdrew his law firm from the Scruggs Katrina Group (SKA), which was representing about 500 law suits in litigation with insurance companies over Hurricane Katrina related storm damages.(The Sun Herald, November 30, 2007, p. A1 and p. A8 and December 5, 2007, p. A1)
Jeremiah J. 'Jody' O'Keefe IV (1946-2007), former State representative and president of the O'Keefe Foundation, expired at Ocean Springs on December 3rd.(The Sun Herald, December 5, 2007, p. A4 and p. A8 and December 6, 2007, p. A8)
Ruth Huls Hunt (1918-2007), long time Biloxi activist and humanitarian, expired on December 12th.(The Sun Herald, December 13, 2007, p. A6 and  December 14, 2007, p. A)
Arlene Canaan was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press, February 7, 2008, p. 1)
Moody Grishman (1913-2008), native of Houston, Texas, and long time Biloxi realtor and founding member of the Beth Israel Congregation of Biloxi expired on January 7th at Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, January 8, 2007, p. A4)
Ron Peresich of Biloxi and Annie Rachel Anderson of Gulfport ruled as King d'Iberville and Queen Ixolib, at the Centennial Mardi Gras fete on February 5th.(The Sun Herald, February 3, 2008, p. F1)
Howard LeRoy Hobbs (1935-2008), former Harrison County Sheriff, expired on March 3rd.(The Sun Herald, March 4, 2008, p. A1 and March 5, 2008, p. A10) 
Brett Favre (b. 1970), former USM and Green Bay Packer football star quarterback, announced his retirement from the NFL on March 4th after seventeen successful seasons.(The Sun Herald, March 5, 2008, p. A1 and p. B1 and March 7, 2008, p. C1)
Ground broken for major addition to the Coast Convention Center on March 10th.(The Sun Herald, March 11, 2008, p. C8)
Super-attorney, Richard 'Dickie' Scruggs, pleaded guilty to judicial bribery charges on March 14th.(The Sun Herald, March 15, 2008, p. A1 and p. A11)
Monsignor James Joseph Hannon (1920-2008), native of Galway County, Ireland, died at Ocean Springs on March 16th.(The Sun Herald, March 18, 2008, p. A2 and P. A4).
Rushing & Guice, a Biloxi-based legal firm named for its founders, Charles Latham Rushing (1881-1923) and William Lee Guice, celebrated their centennial anniversary in March.(The Sun Herald, March 25, 2008, p. C8.)
Thomas J. Rodi, Bishop Diocese of Biloxi, was named Archbishop of Mobile.(The Sun Herald, April 3, 2008, p. A1)
The pedestrian walkway across the new Ocean Springs-Biloxi Bay Bridge opened on April 3rd and all traffic lanes opened on April 7th.(The Sun Herald, April 3, 2008, p. A2)
William Carey University broke ground on its new Gulf Coast Campus at Traditions in Harrison County on April 7th.(The Sun Herald, April 7, 2008, p. A1 and April 8, 2008, p. A2)  
C.F. Gollott & Son Seafood celebrated its 75th anniversary in April.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, April 24th, 2008, p. A1)
Ohr-O'Keefe Museum awarded a $17 million dollar contract to the Roy Anderson Corporation to build Phase 1 of its museum..(The Sun Herald, May 22, 2008, p. A1)  
Ronald J. Baker (b. 1943), native of Deer Island, was named Shrimp King for the 2008 Blessing of the Fleet.(The Sun Herald, May 25, 2008, p. A1)  
Beauvoir opened on June 3rd, the 200th natal anniversary of Jefferson Davis (1808-2008), the first and only president of the CSA.(The Sun Herald, June 4, 2008, p.A1)

2011 BYC [image made October 2011]
The Biloxi Yacht Club broke ground for their new 12,400 sq-ft. edifice on June on June 22nd.  The structure will cost about $4 million dollars.(The Sun Herald, June 21, 2008, p. C1)
Dr. Gilbert R. Mason Sr. (1928-2006), Biloxi physician and civil rights activists, was honored by having a section of U.S. Highway 90 named the 'Dr. Gilbert R. Mason Sr. Memorial Highway', between Porter Avenue and Rodenberg Avenue.(The Bilozi-D'Iberville Press, June 26, 2008, p. A1)
Biloxi celebrated the 100th anniversary on June 30th of its City Hall on Lameuse Street, formerly the Federal Building and U.S. Post Office.(The Sun Herald, July 1, 2008, p. A2)
Lawrence Semski (1926-2008), former City attorney and Harrison County Family Court Judge, expired on July 5th.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2008, p. A4)
The Promenade, a 700,000 sq.-ft. power shopping center, broke ground in D'Iberville.(The Biloxi-D-Iberville Press, July 17, 2008, p. A3)
Hurricane Gustav, a category II cyclone, struck the coast of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana on Labor Day, September 1st.  Storm surge at Biloxi about 3-5 feet.
Denny Mecham, a North Carolina potter and museum director, was named director of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art.  She replaced Marjorie Gowdy who retired in August.  Ms. Mecham begins her tenure on October 15th.(The Sun Herald, September 9, 2008, p. A6)
Hurricane Ike, a category II tempest, struck the Upper Texas Coast near Galveston on September 13th causing catastrophic damage in the billions of dollars.
The replica of the Pleasant Reed House, the original was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, opened on the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum campus on September 29th.(The Sun Herald, 28, 2008, p. F1 and September 30, 2008, p. A2)
The Dow Jones Industrial average fell 778 points to 10,3645 on September 29th.(The Sun Herald, September 30, 2008, p. A1)
Ground was broken for the $1.2 billion dollar LNG terminal at Pascagoula on October 15th.(The Sun Herald, October 16, 2008, p. B10)  
Leo W. Seal II (1924-2008), Mississippi Gulf Coast banker and philanthropist, expired on November 18th.(The Sun Herald, November 18, 2008, p. A1, p. A4, p. A9)
Delmar Robinson was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 2010, p. A5)                                                                             
Joel Richard 'Rick' Carter Sr. of Gulfport and Dewey Elise Brashier of Biloxi ruled the Biloxi Carnival Association's Mardi Gras on February 24th.(The Sun Herald, February 22, 2009, p. F1) 
Retired Fire Chief Guy B. Roberts (1926-2009) expired at Biloxi on February 24th.  He was with the Biloxi Fire Department for 32 years and retired as Fire Chief in 1988.  Guy was a former Deputy for the Harrison County Sheriff's Office; a charter member of the Moose Lodge; member of the Back Bay Volunteer Fire Department; and served in the National Guard.  Chief Roberts was married to the former Iris Dubaz (1929-2014).
Paul Harvey Aurandt (1918-2009), national news commentator and talk-radio innovator, died on February 28th.(The Sun Herald, March 1, 2009, p. C1)
The new D'Iberville High School on Lamey Bridge Road opened on February 25th.(The Sun Herald, February 26, 2009, p. A1)
The Popps Ferry Bridge was hit by a barge on March 20th dropping a sixty-foot span into Biloxi Bay.  No injuries occurred.  It reopened for road traffic on April 25th.(The Sun Herald, March 21, 2009, p. A1 and April 25, 2009, p. A1, and April 26, 2009, p. A2)
The new $4 million, Biloxi Yacht Club opened in on April 4th.  Walter 'Buzzy' Thetford Bolton, architect.(The Sun Herald, April 5, 2009, p. A7)

Most Reverend Roger Paul Morin (b. 1941), native of Massachusetts, was consecrated as Bishop of the Diocese of Biloxi on April 27th.(The Sun Herald,  April 26, 2009, p. A13, and April 28, 2009, p. A1)
The Kroc Center had its ground breaking on April 30th.(The Sun Herald, April    , 2009, p. A  )
May 15th-May 17th commemoration events were held honoring the 50th anniversary of Dr. Gilbert Mason (1928-2006)  attempt to integrate the beach at Biloxi with a small group of protestors.(The Sun Herald April 27, 2009, p. A1 and May     , 2009, p. A1) 
Victor Boyd Pringle II (1938-2009), Biloxi attorney, expired on May 24th.(The Sun Herald, May 27, 2009, p. A6)
Mayor A. J. Holloway was re-elected on June 2nd.  The new Biloxi City Council is composed of:  Ward I-George Lawrence; Ward II-Bill Stallworth; Ward III-Lucy Denton; Ward IV-   ;Ward V-  ;Ward VI-Tom Wall; and Ward VII-David Fayard.
Nicholas 'Corky' Hire (b. 1922) was named Shrimp King for the 80th Annual Blessing of the Fleet which was held on June 6th.  Stevie Cantrell (b. 1992) sponsored by Desporte & Sons Seafood was the Shrimp Queen.(The Sun Herald, May 31, 2009, p. F1)
Ray Mabus, former Governor, was formally sworn in as the 75th Secretary of the Navy at the Washington Navy Yard on June 18th.  Mabus was Governor from 1988-1992 and ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1994-1996.(The Sun Herald, June 19, 2009, p. A7)  
Ed McMahon (1923-2009), TV personality and celebrity, expired on June 23rd.
Farrah Fawcett (1947-2009), actress, and Michael Jackson (1959-2009), mega-rock star, both died on June 25th.
Walter Cronkite (1916-2009), CBS news anchor, died on July 17, 2009.(The Sun Herald, July 18, 2009, p. B1)   
1848 Biloxi Lighthouse

[Left image made circa 1937 depicts repainting by the Hall Bothers of Ocean Springs.  Right image made August 20, 2009 show beginning of $400,000, post-Katrina refurbishments.  Images courtesy of Ronald  'Bo' Hall and Ray L. Bellande]
Post-Katrina repairs began on the Biloxi Lighthouse by Collins Construction in early July.  A visitors center will be erected in the fall of 2009 opposite the structure north of US Highway 90.
The US Postal Service and philatelists held a 'first day of issue' ceremony on July 23rd at the Biloxi Lighthouse for the new Gulf Coast Lighthouse series of $.44 stamps.(The Sun Herald, July 1, 2009, p. A5 and July 24, 2009, p. A2)
Glen Nardi was named new Publisher of The Sun Herald, a McClatchy Company journal.  He replaced Ricky Matthews, who had been with the newspaper since 1982.(The Sun Herald, August 16, 2009, p. A1)
Jacob Davis Guice (1915-2009), Coast attorney, expired at his Lover's Lane residence on August 24th.  Joelean Ann Hornsby (1927-2010), daughter of Andrew Reese Hornsby and Sadie Virginia Hornsby and his spouse of sixty-three years died on November 21, 2010.(The Sun Herald, August 25, 2009, p. A4 and November 23, 2010, p. A4)
Edward 'Ted' Kennedy (1932-2009), Massachusetts senator, died on August 26th.(The Sun Herald, August 27, 2009, p. A1)
Jack Nelson (1929-2009), Pulitzer Prize winner, 1993 Biloxian Made Good, and long time journalist for the Los Angeles Times, died on October 21, 2009 in Bethesda, Maryland.  A memorial service was held at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Biloxi on May 30, 2010.(The Sun Herald, October 22, 2009, p. A1 and May 31, 2010, p. A4, and January 13, 2013, p. A1 and p. A9)
Edward 'Eddie' Bellman (1920-2009), Biloxi entrepreneur who befriended Elvis Presley, while the nascent star vacationed at Gulf Hills and Biloxi in the early 1950s, expired on November 6, 2009.(The Sun Herald, November 8, 2009, p. A12 and p. A 13)
John Thomas "Tommy" Munro (1931-2009), Biloxi businessman, entrepreneur, and former politician, expired on November 20, 2009.(The Sun Herald, November 21, 2009, p. A1 and November 22, p. A 12)
John Miller was nominated for Biloxi Police Chief by Mayor A.J. Holloway and accepted by the City Council in late November  , 2009.(The Sun Herald, November 21, 2009, p. A1 and December 2 , 2009, p. A2)
Lyle Bonge' (1929-2009), photographer, sailor, bon vivant, expired at Biloxi on December 7th.(The Sun Herald, December 9, 2009, p. A64)
Elmer 'Eddie' Lemien (1925-2009), native of Deer Island, local historian, and long time Latimer resident, expired on December 16th.(The Sun Herald, December 20, 2009, p. A12)
Umar Farouk Abdulmutalab, Nigerian national, attempted to destroy NorthWest Airline Flight 253-Amsterdam to Detroit, on Christmas Day.  Sentenced to life in prison in February 2012.
J.B. Richmond published World War II: Combat Wooden Boats Built at Westergard Boat Works of Biloxi, Inc.-A Historical Pictorial Narrative.
Kathy Springer was named Outstanding Citizen of Biloxi by the Lions Club.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 2010, p. A5)
The Ray and Joan Kroc Center bids were open in early January and a contract to build the structure could be awarded by February.(The Sun Herald, January 5, 2010, p. A6)
Haiti was devasted by a mega-earthquake magnitude 7.0 on January 12th, killing over 100,000 people and severely damaging Port-au-Prince, the national capitol.
The Antiques Road Show announced that their production taped in the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center on July 24th.(The Sun Herald, January 5, 2010, p. A1)
The Ohr-O'Keefe Museum planned to move from the Swetman House in West Biloxi to the Pleasant Reed Interpretive Center at 386 Beach Boulevard before January 16th.(The Sun Herald, January 6, 2010, p. A7) 
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
[Division Street near Lee Street.  Image made January 18, 2010 by Ray L. Bellande]     
The New Orleans Saints won the NFC Championship in the Superdome on January 24th with a 31-28 victory over the Minnesota Vikings in overtime.  They will meet Indianapolis in Super Bowl XLIV [44] at Miami on February 7th.  The SAINTS won 31-17.(The Sun Herald, January 25, 2010, p. A1 and February 8, 2010, everypage)
The Biloxi First United Methodist Church broke ground for their new sanctuary at 14220 Mississippi Highway 67 leaving their long time location on Hopkins Boulevard.  Strorm damage from Hurricane Katrina and escalating insurance premiums were some factors precipitating the move from the Biloxi peninsula north of U.S. Interstate 10.(The Sun Herald, January 25, 2010, p. A1)
The New Orleans Saints won the 44th  SuperBowl on February 7th with a 31-17 victory over the Indianapolis Colts at Miami.(The Sun Herald, February 8, 2010, p. A1)
Gerald H. Blessey (b. 1942), former Mayor, was named as the 22nd recipient of the Pat Santucci "Spirit of the Coast" Award on February 3, 2010 by the Mississippi Coast Chamber of Commerce.(The Sun Herald, February 4, 2010, p. B8 and February 10, 2010, p. A10)
Philip Martin (1927-2010), former leader of the Mississippi Band of Choctaws, expired on February 4th.(The Sun Herald, February 10, 2010, p. A10)
William 'Billy' Burdin Jr. (1928-2010), "unofficial town historian of Pass Christian, Mississippi", expired there on February 5th.(The Sun Herald, February 7, 2010, p. A16 and p. A17)
Jim E. Brashier, insurance executive, was named president of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum Board succeeding Larry D. Clark.(The Sun Herald, February 10, 2010, p. A8)
Kathryn Anne Bailey and John M. Hairston, both of Gulfport, ruled the 2010 Gulf Coast Carnival Association Mardi Gras on February 16th.(The Sun Herald, February 14, 2010, p. F1)
The BYC initiated a 'change-of-watch ceremony in mid-February 2010.  Gaylord Wilson, Commodore; Rocky Rhodes, Vice Commodore; and Jeffrey Ellis, Rear Commodore.  Board members: Barry Barq; Patrick Diaz; Mike Murray; Lois Richardson; Ronnie Tootle; and Jerry White.(The Sun Herald, February 13, 2010, p. A)
Glenn Edwin Endris (1938-2010), long term District 117 State representative, school teacher and restarateur, expired on February 13th.(The Sun Herald, February 17, 2010, p. A4 and February 18, 2010, p. A5)
The $400,00 restored Biloxi Lighthouse was relit on February 19th.  FEMA and insurance funds paid for the refurbishment.(The Sun Herald, February 20, 2010, p. A1)
The CanCan Casino's gaming site at D'Iberville was approved  by the Mississippi Gaming Commission on February 25th.(The Sun Herald, February 26, 2010, p. A1)
Chilean Earthquake 8.8 on February 27, 2010 killed about 500 people and damaged over 370,000 homes.
The Hibernia Marching Society chose Sarah Gant-Holleman and Ms. Senator Billy Hewes III, as Colleen and Grand Marshal of the St. Patrick's Day parade on March 13th.(The Sun Herald, March 7, 2010, p. F1)
Mark M. Seymour Sr. (1936-2010), former City engineer, civil engineering consultant andD'Iberville casino promoter, expired on March 7th.(The Sun Herald, March 8, 2010, p. A  )
Ray L. Bellande and Charles L. Sullivan recognized by Mississippi Historical Society
On March 6th, the Mississippi Historical Society, at its annual meeting held in Gulfport, Mississippi, awarded Ray L. Bellande of Ocean Springs its Award of Merit for his contribution to the history of Ocean Springs.  Charles L. Sullivan, emeritus history professor from MGCCC Perkinston, was awarded the prestigious Dunbar Rowland Award for his lifelong contributions to the preservation, study and interpretation of Mississippi history.(The Sun Herald, March 7, 2010, p. A 8)      
In early April, the Biloxi Maritime History and Seafood plan to open a temporary museum and gift shop in the Edgewater Mall.  Dr. Val Husley creator of the Katrina destroyed seafood museum on Point Cadet is building exhibits for the temporary 4500-square-foot mall space.(The Sun Herald, March 17, 2010, p. A2)
John Paul Gimma (1929-2010), native of Brooklyn, New York, sportsman, and automobile dealer on the Coast and in Louisiana, expired on March 27th at the Village, Lake County near Summerfield, Florida.(The Sun Herald, April 6, 2010, p. A4)        
British Petroleum No. 1 OCS Mississippi Canyon Block 252, Macondo Prospect, an 18,000 foot exploratory well blew out in 5000 feet of water on April 20th.  The rig burned and sank andsubsequently oil began flowing into the Gulf of Mexico creating a massive oil seep which seriously threatened the environment from Louisiana to Florida.[see The Sun Herald for daily reports on oil pollution and capture from April 20th to August      , 2010.]
On April 24th, Beauvoir celebrated Confederate Memorial Day with the dedication of a statue of Jefferson Davis with his two sons, Joe and Jim Limber.  The statue was created by Gary Casteel of
Pennsylvania who was commissioned by the National Sons of Confederate Veterans in 2008.  They had the intention of installing it in the American Civil War Center in Richmond, Virginia. When the Sons of Confederates couldn't decide on an appropriate site within the Civil War Center complex, they offered it to Beauvoir.(The Sun Herald, April 20, 2010, p. A2) 
On June 1st, Steven Palazzo of Biloxi defeated Joe Tegerdine of Petal in the Republican primary for US Representative.  He will face Gene Taylor, incumbent, in November.(The Ocean Springs Record, June 3, 2010, p. A1)
Sherman V. Canann (b. 1938) was chosen 2010 Shrimp King for the 81st Blessing of the Fleet held on June 5th.  His queen was Brooke Kuluz. (The Sun Herald, May 30, 2010, p. F1 and June 6, 2010, p. A2) 
John Wooden (1910-2010), the Wizard of Westwood and UCLA's immensely successful basketball mentor, died at Los Angeles on June 4th.
Lester J. Thompson (1941-2010), former Biloxi Chief of Police from 1963 to 1976, died on June 4th.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2010, p. A4 and June 6, 2010, p. A12)
[Under construction on East Howard Avenue-July 2, 2010]
Harold Conner Cain (1927-2010), native of Perkinston, Mississippi and long-time Coast businessman with interest in nursing homes, healthcare, hotels, touring and travel, expired at Gulfport on July 3rd.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2010, p. A4)
Joseph Augustus 'Joe' Bosco (1948-2010), author, writer and college professor, died on natural causes on July 8th in Beijing, China.  Joe was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on August 30, 1948 to Frank A. Bosco (1919-1975) and Wilma Annetta Snyder Bosco (1926-2006).  He graduated with the 1966 class of Ocean Springs High School and left this forward in The Greyhound, the school annual: "Beware! I may yet do something sensational."  Joe matriculated to USM and UNO where he earned Fine Arts degrees in 1972 and 1976 respectively.  His published works were: The Boys Who Would be Cubs: A Year in the Heart of Baseball's Minor Leagues" (1990); Blood Will Tell:A True Story of Deadly Lust in New Orleans (1993); and A Problem of Evidence: How the Prosecution Freed O.J. Simpson (1996).  Joe Bosco resided in New Orleans and Los Angeles before his demise in China.  While in Los Angeles, he reported on the ludicrous, O.J. Simpson Trial for Penthouse Magazine.  He had also written of the murder of Ennis Cosby (1969-1997), son of Bill Cosby, comedian and actor, as "In the Face of Death" for Nation  magazine (June 2, 1997).  Joseph A. Bosco,  a favorite son and friend of Ocean Springs, is survived by Linda Powajbo Bosco, a former wife, Joseph A Bosco II, a son, and Sylvia A. Bosco, his sister and a special education teacher at OSHS.[Ray L. Bellande, August 7, 2010]
Recreational fishing halted in the Mississippi Sound by the BP exploration well blow-out in Mississippi Canyon Block 252 resumed on July 20th.(The Sun Herald, July 20, 2010, p. A1 and August 1, 2010, p. A2) 
By mid-July, City employees began to reoccupy Biloxi's renovated City Hall on Lameuse Street.  The 9 month refurbishment of the old federal building was commenced by J.O. Collins in the fall of 2009.  The City Council Meeting Room was dedicated on August 23rd.(The Sun Herald, July 21, 2010, p. A2, August 19, 2010, p. A7 and ) 
Garry Marshall Welford (1946-2010), Sheriff of George County, Mississippi was killed in the line of duty on July 21st.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 2010, p. A1 and July 24, 2010, p. A4)
Larry L. 'Butch' Brown, MDOT Director, was arrested at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi on July 23rd for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.(The Sun Herald, July 24, 2010, p. A2) 
Michelle Obama, First Lady, christened the USCG Dorothy C. Stratton, a national security cutter, on July 23rd at Northruff-Grumann, Pascagoula, Mississippi.  The vessel is 418 feet in length.(The Sun Herald, July 24, 2010, p. A1) 
'Antique Road Show', a PBS production, appeared at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum on July 24th.  Three shows were developed to be aired between January 2011 and May 2011.(The Sun Herald, July 24, 2010, p. A12) 
British Petroleum's static kill procedure was successful in arresting the flow of crude oil into the Mexican Gulf on August 4th.  The exploration well blew out on April 20, 2010.(The Sun Herald, August 5, 2010, p. A1) 
The 5th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina of August 29, 2005 was remembered coast wide.  Governor Haley BarbourUS Senator Roger Wicker, and US Representative G.E. 'Gene' Taylor made appearances in Gulfport, while Wicker and Taylor also came to Biloxi.  President Obama was in NOLA.(The Sun Herald, August 30, 2010, p. A1)  
Victor Mavar received the Mississippi Medal of Service on September 28, 2010.(The Sun Herald, September 28, 2010, p. A6)
Jerry O'Keefe (b. 1923), native of Ocean Springs, former Mayor of Biloxi and key player in the development of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art, was honored with the Blossman YMCA Humanitarian of the Year award.(The Sun Herald, October 13, 2010, p. A10)  
Margaret M. Migues and Willie Doris Burneyco-conspirators in embezzling $2,386,452 from the Ocean Springs Branch of the Hancock Bank, were sentenced on October 12th in Federal Court at Gulfport, Mississippi to  8 1/2 years in Federal prison and pay more than $3.4 million in restitution.(The Sun Herald, October 13, 2010, p. A1) 
Grady Bird's Lill Cruso
[image made October 2010 by Ray L. Bellande]
Greg Moran, metal sculpture, was honored at Biloxi on October 14th for his for his bronze castings created from drawings made by fourteen local artists for the Biloxi Bay Bridge.  Wayne Brown, MDOT Southern District Commissioner suggested that metal from the old span be utilized for the castings.(The Sun Herald, October 15, 2010, p. A8)
[Images made October 23, 2011]
Ground breaking for the new $23.35 million Santa Maria del Mar apartment complex off Popp's Ferry Road occurred on October 15th.  Eley Guild Hardy, Gulfport architects designed the 210 structure to accommodate senior citizens.(The Sun Herald, October 16, 2010, p. A5)
St. Patrick's Catholic High School was named one of the fifty best Catholic High Schools in America.(The Sun Herald, October 16, 2010, p. A1)
The post-Katrina demolition of structures at the William Carey College Campus in Gulfport continues.(The Sun Herald, October 19, 2010, p. A2)
William Michael 'Mike and Fitz' Fitzpatrick (1938-2010), accountant and former, three term, Ward 4 Councilman, expired on October 21st.(The Sun Herald, Ocotber 22, 2010, p. A1 and October 24, 2010, p. A14)
Mildred Johnson (b. 1943) was named first female Commander of Biloxi's Charles L. Baudry American Legion Post No. 0033.(The Sun Herald, October 26, 20101, p. A1) 
Republican Steven Palazzo ambushed incumbent US Representative Mississippi District Four Gary Eugene 'Gene' Taylor on Novemeber 2nd to capture 52 % of the vote and send the 11 term U.S. Congressman back to Bay St. Louis.(The Sun Herald, November 3, 2010, p. A1)
The Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art was dedicated on November 6th.(The Sun Herald, November 5, 2010, p. A1, p.B1, p. B3)
T.J. Smith (1933-2010), former BHS educator and guidance counselor, football and tennis coach, Principal [1969-1975] and Jeff Davis Jr. College dean, expired on November 15th.(The Sun Herald, November  17, 2010, p. 11A)
The new $3 million Lodge of the Slavonian Benevolent Association of St. Nikolai, located near Howard Avenue and Oak Street,was dedicated on November 27th.(The Sun Herald, November 26, 2010, p. A2)
Mary Mercer Carpenter (1920-2010), native of Georgia and Biloxi resident since 1954, and former City Council person [1981-1988], expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 3rd.(The Sun Herald, December 5, 2010, p. 2A and December 6, 2010)
George Louis Simon Sr. (1921-2010), longtime Biloxi businessman, died on December 15th.(The Sun Herald, December 17, 2010, p. 4A and p. 5A)
In December, Hancock Bank and Whitney Bank agreed to merge.  The integration of the companies will form a bank with about $20 billion in assets with 305 branches in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.(The Journal of South Mississippi Business, January 15, 2011, p. 2)
Nash Roberts (1918-2010), NOLA meteorologist and legendary hurricane track forecaster, died on December 19th.(The Sun Herald, December 21, 2010, p. A2 and December 22, 2010, p. C4)
Biloxi will acquired the 'Old Public Library' at 124 Lameuse Street from Taylor Properties for $600,000.  It will be restored for utility as City offices now located in City Hall Annex also on Lameuse Street, which will be demolished.(The Sun Herald, December 22, 2010, p. A6)
The Biloxi School Board decided not to apply to the Kellogg Foundation for a $4.5 million grant to reopen Nichols Elementary School.  Paul Tisdale, superintendent said that the decision was based on budget concerns and lack of enrollment in this facility.  Race was not a factor.(The Sun Herald, December 22, 2010, p. A5)
The second decade of the 21st Century commenced with meterological and riverine woes. The Spring of 2011 saw the Mississippi River reach flood stages not seen since 1973. Both the Bonnet Carre and the Floodways were open to relieve pressure on levees above Baton Rouge and New Orleans.  In April, NE Mississippi and NW Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia saw killer tornadoes responsible for the demise of nearly 200 people.  SW Missouri [Joplin] was devasted in May with one twister killing over 140 people and damaging over 7000 homes.  In the War on Terror, Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan by US Navy Seals in May.  
Jimmy Buffet, singer, songwriter, author and well-know entertainer, and Tom Brosig, Biloxi casino consultant, announced plans for their Margaritaville Casino, a $48 million dollar casino-resort, to be built in the East Harrison County Industrial Park on Biloxi's Point Cadet.  In February, they will present plans for this development to officials of Biloxi and the Mississippi Gaming Commission.  The Biloxi Planning Commission unanimously approved the plans for the Margaritaville Casino on February 3rd.(The Sun Herald, January 6, 2011, p. A1, January 13, 2011, p. A1, February 4, 2011, p. A6)
The Charles Redding Building
The Charles Redding building on West Howard Avenue was fatally damaged by a large conflagration around midnight of January 18th. Three businesses, Up Stairs, Down Stairs; the Spanish Trail Bookstore; and Adventures Bar and Grill were the tenants.  Arson was not believed to be the cause of the fire.(The Sun Herald, January  , 2011, p. A1)
Casey Eure defeated Jim Atkinson in the February 1st runoff for the Mississippi House District 116 post.  Mr. Eure will replace  Steven Palazzo who was elected to Congress in early November 2010 beating long-time incumbent Gary Eugene 'Gene' Taylor.  Less than 15% of the registered voters turned out for the runoff.(The Sun Herald, February 2, 2011, p. A8 and Februay 4, 2011, p. A6)
Population of Biloxi estimated by 2010 Census at 44,054 persons, as compared with 50,644 in 2000.  Harrison County population was estimated at 189,601 people in 2000 and 187, 105 in 2010.(The Sun Herald, Febraury 4, 2011, p. A1) 
Green Bay defeated Pittsburgh 31-25 in Super Bowl XLV on February 6th at Dallas, Texas.
President Hosni S. Mubarak (b. 1928) was ousted after 18 days of demonstrations during the 2011 Egyptian revolution.  On 11 February, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak had resigned as president and transferred authority to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.  On that day Mubarak and his family left the presidential palace in Cairo and moved to Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Republican Dave Dennis, businessman of Gulfport, commenced his campaign for Governor on February 14th.(The Sun Herald, February 14, 2011, p. A1 and February 15, 2011, p. A1)
Libyan Civil War-Security forces of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi (b. 1942), who took power in Libya after a bloodless coup in September 1969 and has ruled with an iron fist, seeking to spread Libya’s influence in Africa, on February 25th used gunfire to try to disperse thousands of protesters who streamed out of mosques after prayers to mount their first major challenge to the government’s crackdown in Tripoli. Rebel leaders said they were sending forces from nearby cities and other parts of the country to join the fight.  By early March, rebel forces had control of Eastern Libya, including the major oil exporting port on the Gulf of Sirte.
Frank Buckles (1901-2011), the last American veteran of WWI passed in late February.(The Sun Herald, March 1, 2011, p. A2) 
On February 28th, Mayor Holloway gave his 17th State of the City address and boasted that 2011 willl be the year that Biloxi will cut ribbons on the Library, Civic Center, and Lighthouse Visitor's Center.  In addition, $355 million dollars of repair and replacememnt of Biloxi's infrastructure which was damaged or destroyed by Katrina [2005] will commence.(The Sun Herald, March 1, 2011, p. A1)
Biloxi City officials reviewed the $16.9 million dollar Kroc Center on Lee Street which is planned to open by mid-September.(The Sun Herald, March 2, 2011, p. A1)
Democrat Connie Marie Moran, Mayor of Ocean Springs, announced her candidacy for State Treasurer.(The Ocean Springs Record, March 2, 2011, p. 1)
The Dusti [Swetman] Bonge' Gallery opened at 132 Magnolia on March 3rd.(The Sun Herald, March 1, 2011, p. B5)
Laurel McKay Luckey, Queen Ixolib, and Butch Oustalet, King D'Iberville, ruled the Gulf Coast Carnival Association Mardi Gras celebration at Biloxi on March 8th.(The Sun Herald, March 6, 2011 and The Ocean Springs Gazette, March 9, 2011, p. 1)
Sendai, Japan Earthquake 9.0 and killer tsunami on March 11, 2011 kills thousands and critically damaged several nuclear reactors in northeastern Japan.
Emily Cutrer and Danny O'Keefe were Collen and Grand Marshal of the Hibernia Marching Society's St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 19th.(The Sun Herald, March 13, 2011, p. F1)
Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor (1932-2011), Academy Award winning actress and humanitarian, expired on March 23rd.
Geraldine Anne Ferraro (1935-2011), 1st woman vice-presidential candidate on a major political party ticket, expired on March 26th.  In 1984 she and Walter Mondale, both Democrats, ran unsuccessfully for the leadership of the American people.
In mid-March, Directors of the Northrop Grumman Corporation decided to 'spinoff' their shipbuilding division and called it Huntington Ingall Industries.  Shareholdres with six shares of NGC received one share of Huntington Ingalls.  Michael Petters was named CEO of the new company which was expected to commence trading on the NYSE on March 31st.(The Mississippi Press, March 16, 2011, p. 1)
In early April, British Petroluem acquired from the Boddie family, the eastern shore face of Cat Island to facilitate their clean-up following the Macondo oil spill of April 2010.(The Sun Herald, April 8, 2011, p. A1)
Margaritaville [image June 20, 2011 by Ray L. Bellande
Margaritaville Casino & Restaurant approval granted by Biloxi City Council in mid-February and by Mississippi Gaming Commission on April 7th.(The Sun Herald, February 15, 2011 and April 8, 2011, p. A1) 
Mike Sekul under construction at Clay Point in February 1992.  [Ray L. Bellande image]
Nelious Clarence "Neil' Covacevich (1920-2011), last of a long time family of Biloxi boat builders, expired on April 6th.  Neil's last vessel was the Mike Sekul, a Biloxi schooner, created for the Biloxi Seafood and Maritime Museum.(The Sun Herald, April 10, 2011, p. A and April 11, 2011, p. A4)
US District Judge Dan M. Russell Jr. (1913-2011) expired on April 16th at Gulfport, Mississippi. He served in the Southern District of Mississippi from 1965-1983.  The Federal Courthouse at Gulfport was dedicated in his honor on November 14, 2003.(The Sun Herald, April 17, 2011, P. A1 and April 19, 2011, p. A6)
Roy Anderson Jr. (1929-2011), Gulfport contractor who erected many Gulf Coast Casinos, expired on April 20th.(The Sun Herald, April 22, 2011, p. A1 and p. A4)
Dr. Lionel N. Eleuterius (1936-2011), retired botanist from the GCRL, expired on April 24th.(The Sun Herald, April 26, 2011, p. A6 and April 29, 2011, p. A4)
On April 27th, viloent tornadoes struck the southeast USA and left tremedous destruction and over 300 people killed in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia.
In Late April, Biloxi's City Council approved construction of a $7.8 million Walmart Super Center in West Biloxi and that Yankee Stadium on Lee Street would be torn down because it was structurally unsafe.  The property is now owned by the Salvation Army and a part of the Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center.  The Salvation Army related that they do not have the money to spend on Yankee Stadium at this time.(The Sun Herald, April 27, 2011, p. A1 and April 28, 2011, p. A5)

Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), Muslim revolutionary and matermind of many terrorists attacks against America, was killed by US Navy Seals in Pakistan on May 1st.(The Sum Herald, May 2, 2011, p. A1)
Patricia Diane Carpenter (1943-2011)-Known to all of us as Diane, passed on at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 4, 2011.  Diane had matriculated to USM after graduation.  She began raising horses and later became a trainer of thoroughbreds.  Diane ran the Sundance Stable at Churchill Downs, Lexington, Kentucky from the late 1970s to the late 1980s. Her ability to train and her alent to evaluate the potential of throughbred colts led to her success in the competitive world of horse racing.  Diane among her many career racing successes, had two horses run in the Kentucky Derby: Biloxi Indian in 1984 and Kingpost in 1988.  They  finished this classic event 12th and 14th respectively.  Diane was elected a Beauty in her 1961 Senior year at BHS.  In addition, she was secretary of Student Council, National Honor Society member, Vocal Music Club member, member of the Future Homemakers club and was co-captain of the Pep Squad.[Ray L. Bellande and Jackie Tabb-May 2011 and The Sun Herald, May 20, 2011, p. D1]
In May 2011, Brooke Orrison Lewis and Brad Orrison, her brother, and proprietors of the Shed Barbeque & Blues Joint in Ocean Springs/Vancleave, appeared on the nationally cable televised Food Network on May 8, 2011 to compete against nationally acclaimed pit masters in the $50,000 "Best in Smoke" challenge.(The Sun Herald, May 7, 2011, p. A2)
On May 18th, the Sandy Point, a 163-foot menhaden fishing boat, working for Omega Protein, Moss Point, Mississippi sank in 25-feet of water off the west end of Ship Island after colliding with the Eurus London, a 660-foot container ship en route to Freeport, Texas.  Three seamen from the fishing vessel were missing after the tragedy and later found dead.  The bow section of the vessel was raised in mid-June and by June 20th the complete vessel had been salvaged and brought ashore at Gulfport, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, May 20, 2011, p. A1, June 13, 2011, p. A1, June 21, 2011, p. A9, April 21, 2012, p. A4)    
Victor Mavar Sr., Shrimp King, and Mallory Gilson, Shrimp Queen, ruled over the annual Blessing of the Fleet on June 5th.(The Sun Herald, May 29, 2011, p. F4, June 12, 2011, p. F3 and June 19, 2011, p. F4)
Henry Francis 'H.F.' "Buddy" Fountain (1924-2011), architectural engineer, expired on June 5th.  Buddy was a 1951 LSU graduate, US Navy WWII veteran, and began his career as a professional architect in 1955.  His design work was responsible for: Mississippi Coast Coliseum; Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church; the 1961 BHS; the Biloxi Public Safety Complex; and many more.(The Sun Herald, June 7, 2011, p. A4)
 On June 14th, Arthur McMillan was hired for three years at $139,000 per year to replace Paul Tisdale as the Superintendent of the Biloxi School System.  He comes to Biloxi from the Enterprise School District, Clarke County, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, June 15, 2011, p. A11)
In June 2011, Larry Echo Hawk, assistant secretary for the Bureau Indian Affairs rescinded the 2008 moratorium issued during the Bush presidential administration which blocked an attempt by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians to open a casino on their lands in Jackson County, Mississippi.  Mr. Hawk stated.  "The 2008 guidance memorandum was unnecessary and was issued without the benefit of tribal consultation.  We will proceed to process off-reservation gaming applications in a transparent manner, consistent with exisiting law."(The Sun Herald, June 18, 2011, p. A1)
Vancleave icon, Clifton 'Kipp' Malachi Dees (1927-2011), creator of the Vancleave Special, a crabmeat po-boy with cheese that was first made at Rosetti's on the Point in Biloxi, expired in Gulfport on June 16th.(The Sun Herald, June 19, 2011, p. A12)
On June 17th,  Final Fantasy, a 54-foot, sports fisherman caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Mexico about 150 miles off of Biloxi and 7 miles north of the Ursa oil platform.  Ursa Field is located in Mississippi Canyou Block 854 at N 28.154 latitude and W 89.103 longitude in about 4000 feet of water and is operated by Shell Oil from a tension-legged platform. Edison Chouest Offshore Company rescued Jamie Sablich, his two sons, and Jordy Pitalo and his son.(The Sun Herald, June 20, 2011, p. A4)
On June 19th, Rory McElroy (b. 1989), Northern Ireland, won the US Open at Congressional in Bethesda, Maryland with a record setting 16 under par.  Lane Pippin won his second straight Coast Amateur Championship at the Grand Bear Golf Club.(The Sun Herald, June 20, 2011, p. B1)
The Gaslog Singapore delivered the first shipment of liquefied natural gas from Algeria to Gulf LNG at Pascagoula on June 18th.  El Paso Natural Gas operates the $1.1 billion facility.(The Sun Herald, June 21, 2011, p. A5)     
Dr. Malcolm L. Latour (1933-2011), a Louisiana native, resident of Gulf Hills and Coast psychiatrist since 1977, and former chief of staff at the Biloxi Hospital, expired on June 28, 2011.(The Sun Herald, June 30, 2011, p. A4 and July 1, 2011, p. A3)
Phyliss J. Anderson was the first woman elected a Chief of the Mississippi Band of Choctaws defeating Mingo Beasley Denson with 55% of the vote on July 5, 2011 in the run-off election.  Unofficial returns had Anderson with 1741 votes and Denson garnering 1408.  On July 8, 2011, the Mississippi Choctaw Tribal Council voted to hold another election after Chief Beasley Denson lot to Phyliss J. Anderson.  Voting line and timing irregularities of a prior election were cited as the reason for another election.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2011, p. A5 and July 9, 2011, p. A3)
Elizabeth 'Betty' Ann Bloomer Ford (1918-2011), former First Lady and widow of Gerald R, Ford  (1913-2006), 38th US President, died on July 8th.(The Sun Herald, July 9, 2011, p. B1)
The Biloxi Lighthouse Visitors Center and the Biloxi Civic Center and Public Library, representing $31 million dollars in new post-Katrina construction, were dedicated on July 14th.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2011, p. A1) 
David Perkes (b. 1957), architect and associate professor at Mississippi State University and founding director of the Gulf Coast Community Studio Design, was invited to the White House to be recognized through the Champion of Champions program for his efforts to lead 13 designers, post-Katrina in planning and designing affordable and sustainable housing initiatives in Biloxi while working with local, State, and Federal partnerships.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2011, p. A2)
Lyle Page (1932-2011), senior partner of Page, Mannino, Peresich and McDermott, a Biloxi law firm, expired on July 22nd.  Lyle was Biloxi's City Procecuting Attorney from 1961-1971 and was active in the banking, civic and social affairs of Biloxi.  The Lighthouse and Visitors Center was designed by Dale Partners Architects to resemble the Robinson-Dantzler House, which formerly occupied the same site.(The Sun Herald, July 24, 2011 and July 27, 2011, p. A9)
Maritime Industry and Seafood Industry Museum [Edgewater Mall] 
[image by Ray L. Bellande-August 18, 2011]
Edmond Boudreaux author of The Seafood Capital of the World-Biloxi's Maritime History (2011) had his book signing at the Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum in the Edgewater Mall on August 18th.  Mr. Boudreaux released Legends and Lore of Mississippi's Golden Gulf Coast in February 2013.(The Sun Herald, August 17, 2011, p. C9 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, February 7, 2013)
Joseph F. Baricev (1927-2011), long-time, Biloxi restaurateur, died on August 24th.(The Sun Herald, August 25, 2011, and August 26, 2011, p. A8)
On August 25th, William Wade Guice (1927-1996), former Harrison County, Mississippi Civil Defense Director, was the first person's name placed on the Mississippi Civil Defense-Emegency Management Association's Wall of Remembrance.  The Wall of Remembrance is located in Pearl, Mississippi at the MEMA State Emergency Operations Center.  Mr. Guice served his fellow citizens from 1961-1996 and is best remembered for his work before and post-Hurricane Camille of August 1969.(The Sun Herald, August 26, 2011, p. A1)
Tropical Storm Lee (TS-Lee) caused widespread flooding and wind damage from Florida to SW Louisiana between September 2-6. Rainfall totals ranged from eight to fourteen inches in the Mississippi coastal counties.
The $11 milion Biloxi Boardwalk Marina and Dry Storage on Back Bay at Point Cadet plans to open in November 2011.  It is being developed by Chris Ferrara of Holden, Louisiana.(The Sun Herald, September 3, 2011, p. A1)
The 10th Anniversary of 9/11, the Islamic terrorist destruction of the World Trade Centers at NYC was solemnly and emotionally remembered nationally and locally.
Biloxi's Yankee Stadium dedicated in 1959 on Lee Street was demolished in September 2011 by the Salvation Army.
By September 2011, post-Katrina development at Biloxi saw $311 million in construction projects underway or permitted.  Among those in progress were: Walmart's SuperCenter in West Biloxi; Margaritaville Casino in East Biloxi; McElroy's Harbor House at the Small Craft Harbor; Sharkhead's Souvenier Shop; the Beauvoir Library; Biloxi Boardwalk Marina; $24 million Santa Maria senior apartments off Popp's Ferry Road; and the Salvation Army's Kroc Center on Lee Street and Division.  A five-story, Comfort Inn and Suites Hotel east of the Lighthouse Visitors Center was under review by City planners.(The Sun Herald, September 15, 2011, p. A1).
The Salvation Army's $16 million, Ray Kroc (1902-1984) and Joan Kroc (1928-2003) Corps Community Center of the Mississippi Gulf Coast opened on September 18, 2011.(The Sun Herald, September 19, 2011, p. A1)
Health Management Associates [HMA] announced that a $132 million medical center will be built in North Biloxi on a 35-acre site at the termination of Tommy Munro Avenue.  It will be ajacent to the Cedar Lake Medical Plaza and the Santa Maria del Mar senior housing complex.(The Sun Herald, October 5, 2011, p. A1)
Charles T. Simon (1916-2011), Biloxi businessman and local historian, expired on October 4th.(The Sun Herald, October 6, 2011, p. A4)
Steve Jobs (1955-2011), co-founder of Apple Computer and Chairman of the Board, expired on October 5th.
Bayou Bridges, a new retail center proposed by the Woodmont Company and situated on the SE/C of Lamey's Bridge Road and US Interstate 10, was announced by the City of D'Iberville.(The Sun Herald, October 6, 2011, p. A5)
Libyan dictator, Colonel Moammar Gadhafi (1942-2011), was killed in Sirte, Libya on October 20th by Libyan insurrectionists to culminate a national revolution in the country which commenced in February 2011.(The Sun Herald, October 21, 2011, p. C1)
The John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi celebrated its 50th Anniversary on October 25th.(The Sun Herald, October 23, 2011, p. A1)
Charles Thomas Harrison (1943-2011), Biloxi realtor and civic leader, expired on October 21, 2011.(The Sun Herald, October 23, 2011, p. A11 and October 24, 2011, p. A. 6)
The $53 million Palace Casino expansion was dedicated on November 11th with Mayor A.J. Holloway cutting the ceremonial ribbon.  Keith Crosby is the general manager of the casino.(The Sun Herald, Novemebr 12, 2011, p. C6)
In November, Annalyn Swan (b. 1951), a 1969 BHS graduate and 2005 Pulitzer Prize co-winner in Biography for de Kooning: An American Master [Knopf], was named the 19th 'Biloxian Made Good'.(The Sun Herald, November 7, 2011 and November 13, 2011, p. C10)
Gerald H. Blessey (b. 1942), former Biloxi Mayor, State Representative and is currently the Gulf Coast Housing Director, was named the Mississippi Gulf Coast YMCA John R. Blossman Humanitarian Award recipient on November 17th at the annual banquet held in the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino.  Mr. Blessey was the 3rd winner of the annual award.(The Sun Herald, November 18, 2011, p. A2)
Former Mississippi Governor (1972-1976), William Lowe Waller (1926-2011), expired at Jackson, Mississippi on November 30th.(The Sun Herald, December 1, 2011, p. A1)
The USS MISSISSIPPI, SSN-782 and a $2 billion, Virginia-Class, fast attack, nuclear submarine, was christened at the General Dynamics Electric Boat yard in Groton, Connecticut on December 3rd.  The vessel was planned to be commissioned at Gulfport, Mississippi, but the site was changed for June 2, 2012 at Pascagoula, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, December 3, 2011, p. A1, December 4, 2011, p. A7, and February    2012)      
Phase I of Ocean Expo, D'Iberville's marine mammal institute, broke ground on December 9th.(The Sun Herald, December 10, 2011, p. A2)
The new, $14 million, 65,000 sq.-ft. Jackson County, Mississippi Services Complex was deidcated on December 15th.(The Sun Herald, December 16, 2011, p. A2)
The Iraqi War ended on December 15, 2011.(The Sun Herald, December 16, 2011, p. A1)
Phil Bryant (b. 1954) was sworn in as Mississippi's 64th Governor on January 10th.  Jonathan Tate Reeves (b. 1974) was the Lt. Governor.(The Sun Herald, January 11, 2012, p.A1)
Biloxi Council approved tax abatement for Golden Nugget, which is investing $100 million to renovate and enlarge the former Isle Casino Biloxi. (The Sun Herald January 17,2012  p.2A)
Coast casinos end year strong with the best December in four years; pushing revenue to just $2 million behind the total for 2011. (The Sun Herald January 25,2012  p.6D)
John McFarland, SunHerald MultiMedia executive and publisher of The Journal of South Mississippi Business et al, was named as the 24th recipient of the Pat Santucci "Spirit of the Coast" Award on February , 2012 by the Mississippi Coast Chamber of Commerce.(The Sun Herald, February 4, 2012, p. A1)
Christina Ann Carter and Mark Donlon Mavar ruled as Queen Ixolib and King d'Iberville on February 21st as The Gulf Coast Carnival Association celebrated Mardi Gras in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, February 19, 2012, p. F1)
The week of March 5th brought exciting casino industry news to the Mississippi Coast as Golden Nugget announced that they were acquiring the Isle Casino Biloxi.  Margaritaville Casino  held a job fair that attracted about 2000  individuals hoping for the 1000 positions that they were seeking to fill before their May 2012 grand opening. The CanCan Casino, later known as Land Holdings I LLC, was promised by the City of D'Iberville that $24M in tax increment bonds would be issued for infrastruture to assit their locating on Biloxi's Bay Bay.  In addition, Rotate Black officals announced a new casino for Gulfport.(The Sun Herald, March 11, 2012 p. A1)
Denise Dunnaway of Gulfport and Leo 'Chipper' McDermott of Long Beach were the Coleen and Grand Marshall of the 34th Annual Hibernia Marching Society parade at Biloxi on March 17th.(The Sun Herald, March 11, 2011, p. F1)
Curtis Lee Davis Sr. (1927-2012), native of Vancleave, Mississippi and first dean of the Jackson County Campus of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College [1964-1991] and long time Mississippi junior college educator [1950-1991], died on March 23rd.  Mr. Davis also coached junior college tennis and won many awards for his success in this endeavor.  His corporal remains were interred in the Ramsay Cemetery at Vancleave.(The Sun Herald, March 26, 2012, p. A6)
Gary 'Bubba' Watson, Bagdad, Florida won The Masters at August, Georgia on Easter Sunday.
Biloxi's new Super Walmart situated on C.T. Switzer Road west of Eisenhower Drive opened on April 11th.(The Sun Herald, March 15, 2012, p. A and April 11, 2012, p. A1)
The Infinity Science Center on US Highway Interstate 10 in Hancock County, Mississippi opened to the public on April 11th.(The Sun Herald, April  11, 2012, p. A1 and April 12, 2012, p. A2)
Rachel Nuwer, daughter of David Nuwer and Deanne Stephens Nuwer, Phd. and a 2003 graduate of BHS, was listed on the Scientific American Incubator, a blog dedicated identifying future, high potential science, health, and environmental writers.  Miss Nuwer earned science and journalism degrees from Loyola (NOLA), University of East Anglia (England), and NYU.  She interned at Audubon Magazine, the Scientist Magazine and the NY Times environmental desk.  Rachel now writes frrelance articles for: Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Science NOW, and The New York Times.(The Sun Herald, April 22, 2012, p. A2)
Zan L. Skelton (1928-2012), native of Shubata, Clarke County, Mississippi and former BHS English teacher and author, expired on May 15th.  Mr. Skelton taught at BHS from 1953 until his retirement in 1986.  Zan L. Skelton was a true gentleman and excellent instructor in the English language and its literature.(The Sun Herald, May 20, 2012, p. A13.
128 Rue Magnolia
[Image made June 28, 2012 by Ray L. Bellande] 
On June 28th, the Mississippi Craftmen's Guild opened a satellite store in the Henriques-Slay House at 128 Rue Magnolia.  The circa 1902 cottage was relocated from Reynoir Street and restored.(The Sun Herald, June 27, 2012, p. A1) 
The Biloxi Lions Club announced this year's recipient of the Father of the Year award, newly inducted Lion President Dr. Carl O. Nehlig.  He is a proud father of three.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press June 28,2012  p.1)
Matt Stebly, Ocean Springs'l artist, wins Biloxi Seafood Festival poster contest for second consecutive year.(The Sun Herald, July 19, 2012, p. A1)
The Eight Flags displayis back on US 90 at the entrance to Rue Magnolia where it often was photographed before Hurricane Katrina. The city spent about $7,000 for the flagpoles and installation that showcases the flags that have flown over Biloxi since 1699. The flags are the French, English, Spanish, Republic of West Florida, United States, Mississippi State Magnolia, Confederate First National and Mississippi. (The Sun Herald August 4,2012  p.D1)
" White House Hotel deserves a reprieve" Officials with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History are among those who have asked Biloxi officials not to order the demolition of White House Hotel.(The Sun Herald August 4,2012  p.2C)
Biloxi Lighthouse Visitors Center marks first year. It has hosted weddings, business receptions and live radio broadcast. In the first year, 55,994 people came through the doors. (The Sun Herald August 10,2012  p.2A)
"Casino 'Cutie' is 'stable and alert' after accident" Margaritaville Casino & Restaurant(The Sun Herald August 12,2012  p.2A) "Casino's 'Biloxi Beauty' still in hospital" The women's injuries were not life-threatening, but Margaritaville wants to make sure the safety of our employees comes first.(The Sun Herald August 14,2012  p.2A)
The Salvation Army cut the ribbon on the New Yankie Stadium in Biloxi which is also home to the Kroc Community Center.(The Sun Herald August 15,2012  p.3B)
Oscar Russell was awarded France's Legion of Honor medal for his part of the perilous first wave of sailors storming Normandy, France on June 6, 1944.  Nearly 70 years later, representatives of the French government has honored Russell, 88, with that country's highest military decoration for his part in liberating France from Nazi tyranny. (The Sun Herald August 16,2012  P.A1)
Bright casinos confuse loggerhead turtle hatchlings; Institute for Marine Mammal Studies steps in to help newly hatched turtles.(The Sun Herald August 17,2012  p.2A)
"Casino could be back on the table today" - Rotate Black MS (The Sun Herald August 16,2012  p.5A)
"After past ventures fail, Rotate Black bets on casino in Gulfport"(The Sun Herald August 16,  2012  p.1A)
"Rotate Black ready to build - Gaming Commission give go-ahead to build Gulfport casino"(The Sun Herald August 17,2012  p.1A)
"Gulfport hails 'magnificent' casino location"(The Sun Herald August 17,2012  p.1A)
"All coast casinos closed - mandatory evacuation ordered due to Hurricane Isaac"(The Sun Herald August 29,2012  p.2A)
"After the storm, Beau Rivage hustles to get reopened"(The Sun Herald September 1,2012  p.8C)
"Margaritaville Casino laying off 200 at end of summer-After May opening, it's been a bumpy three months"(The Sun Herald September 7,2012  p.1A)

David Staehling, principal adviser to Mayor A.J. Holloway will retire at the end of the year. (The Sun Herald, September 14,  2012, p. 2A)

On September 17th, Mayor Holloway ordered  that flags at all City buildings be flown at half-mast in respect for the recent deaths of two notable Biloxians-Mark A. Barhanovich (1957-2012)  and Sherman V. Canaan (1938-2012).(The Sun Herald, September 18, 2012, p. A2 and p. A4)


University of Southern Mississippi marks 100 years of classes at Hattiesburg, MS campus.( The Sun Herald, September 20, 2012 p. 2A)


"St. Pé saluted at his last Gaming Commission meeting - Wally Carter to replace him as chairman" (The Sun Herald September 21,2012  p.1A)


"Casino gets Planning Commission Approval in D'Iberville"(The Sun Herald September 25,2012  p.9A)


Nearly 90 WWII veterans take Honor Flight to Washington. The group made up the fourth Mississippi Gulf Coast Honor Flight.(The Sun Herald September 26,2012  p.1A)


Biloxi native, Chris LeDoux will get marker on music trail. The second marker on the Country Music Trail will be dedicated at the Biloxi Town Green. The first marker honors Nashville singer/songwriter Paul Overstreet in his hometown of Vancleave. (The Sun Herald September 26,2012  P.2A)


"Silver Slipper become a Full House casino" Sale of Silver Slipper Casino to Full House Resorts was finalized October 1, 2012.(The Sun Herald October 2,2012  p.11A)

Gary Collins, (1938-2012), native of Venice, California and an actor and television personality, died on October 13, 2012 at his Cherokee Street rental in Biloxi.  Collins was married to former Miss America (1959), Mary Ann Mobley, from 1967 until his death in 2012; they were separated in 2011,[3] but reconciled and he moved to her home state of Mississippi to be with her in 2012, while she battled breast cancer. They had one child: a daughter, Mary Clancy Collins. Collins was formerly married to Susan Peterson, with whom he had two children: Guy William and Melissa.(The Sun Herald, October 14, 2012, p. A1)
Hard Rock Hotel-April 20, 2013
In October, the Hard Rock Casino began construction on a $32.5 million, 12-story hotel.  Target opening December 31, 2013.(The Sun Herald, October 24, 2012, p. B6.


Biloxi Council member, Tom Wall, will not seek 6th term. Paul Tisdale, former Superintendent of Biloxi School District is among the first to announce he intends to run for the Ward 5 seat in the 2013 municipal election. (The Sun Herald, October 24, 2012, p. 2A)

Plans for the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum and Biloxi Waterfront Park need to be scaled back. The City has $8.2 million in combined funding to build but the bids came in $1.5 million over budget.(The Sun Herald November 10,2012  p.1A)
"Works in Progress-Biloxi has $80 million in construction, and more to come"(The Sun Herald November 15,2012  p.1A)
White Pillars owner recognized for tourism efforts. John Mladinich wins Don Jacobs Tourism Award in recognition of more than 40 years in the hospitality industry in South Mississippi.(The Sun Herald November 25,2012  p.2F)
"Biloxi's Isle Casino to become Golden Nugget - $45M Landry's purchase finalized."(The Sun Herald November 30,2012  p.1A)
"Rotate Black finalizes financing for Gulfport casino"(The Sun Herald December 8,2012  p.8B)
The commemorative sign for the Sherman V. Canaan Fishing Dock on the north end of Lee Street on Back Bay was unveiled on the afternoon of December 13, 2012.(The Sun Herald, December 13, 2012, p. A2)


David Nichols will return as Chief Administrative Officer for Mayor AJ Holloway. Nichols was CAO in Biloxi from 1994 to 2001 and Director of Community Development from 1991 to 1993.  He also served as CAO to Gulfport Mayor Brent Warr in 2006.( The Sun Herald, December 7, 2012 p.8A ),


David Nichols approved as new Biloxi Chief Administrator Officer.(The Sun Herald, December 12, 2012, p. 2A )


The Bolton property on US 90, across from the Biloxi Lighhouse, will be purchased for $1.7 million. The Mississippi Development Authority will reimburse the city next week with Community Development Block Grant money. (The Sun Herald, December 12, 2012, p.2A)


The Mississppi State Department of Health has approved a certificate of need to build a new medical center in North Biloxi. Harrison health Management Associates, owners of the old Gulf Coast Medical Center were given state approval December 20, 2012. The new hospital will be just off Interstate 10 in North Biloxi and will be known as The Hospital at Cedar Lake. (The Sun Herald, December 21, 2012, p.1A)

"Legal dispute grounds airplane bound for casino - Flight to Beau Rivage back on schedule after stop. (The Sun Herald January 9,2013  p.1A)
Biloxi will host a joint groundbreaking ceremony on February 1st for Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum and Biloxi Waterfront Park.  The two projects are side by side on Point Cadet at the eastern tip of the city.(The Sun Herald January 19,2013  p.2A)
"Out with the old, and in with the gold - Golden Nugget gives peek into Isle renovations"(The Sun Herald January 15,2013  AtThe Casino, p.8)

Biloxi City Councilman [Ward 5], Paul Thomas 'Tom' Wall (1937-2013), expired on January 7th.  Tom was born at Indianapolis, Indiana and a 22-year USAF veteran.  He was the proprietor of the Classy Chassis Car Wash, which had operations in several Coast cities.  Arlene Wall, Tom's widow, was appointed to assume his civic duties as Biloxi's Ward 5 Councilman.(The Sun Herald, January 9, 2013, p. C4, January  10, 2013, and January 12, 2013, p. A1 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, January 10, 1973, p. 1 and January 17, 2013, p. 3)


Mayor A.J. Holloway announced he will nominate Arleen Wall to fill the unexpired council term of her late husband, Tom Wall.  Tom Wall died January 7, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2012, p.2A)

Dr. William Walker, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, was fired by his governing board on January 15th.  Walker had been suspended without pay earlier following internal audits into the spending practices of the organization.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2013, p. A1)
"Rotate Black needs more time to proceed with casino"(The Sun Herald January 16, 2013  p.6B)


Biloxi Council hired Jimmy Gouras, Urban Planning Consulting to ask the federal government to forgive Biloxi's $11 million disaster loan from Hurricane Katrina. Until Katrina, the government never required municipalities to repay such loans.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2012, p.2A)


White Pillars restoration nearly complete; Marketing will begin soon to find restaurant operator.(The Sun Herald February 1,2013  p.6D)


"IP gives $200K to local foundation"  IP Casino Resort Spa present a check to Bacot/McCarty Foundation.(The Sun Herald February 5,2013  p.2A)


Maritime and Seafood Museum board members break ground on Point Cadet
[Ray L. Bellande-February 1, 2013 and April 26, 2013]
The Biloxi Maritime and Seafood Museum ground breaking was held at Point Cadet on February 1, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 19, 2013, p. A2 and February 2, 2013, p. A1)
The Gulf Coast Carnival Association announced its royalty for 2013, the organization's 105th year. King d'Iberville is James K. "Jimmy" Wetzel and Queen Ixolib is Analise Brashier. (The Sun Herald February 10,2013  p.F1)
Hattiesburg, Mississippi was hit by a tornado on February 10th damaging some buildings on the USM campus.(The Sun Herald, February 11, 2013, p. A1)
2013 King Iberville
Linda Analise Brashier and James K. 'Jimmy' Wetzel ruled as Queen Ixolib and King d'Iberville as the Gulf Coast Carnival association celebrated its Mardi Gras parading the streets of Biloxi on February 12th.(The Sun Herald, February 10, 2013, p. F1)
The City of D'Iberville celebrated its 25th incorporation anniversary [February 10, 1988] on February 19th.(The Sun Herald, February 16, 2013, p. A2)
Bill Holland, master boat builder, has built over 50 boats in his life. He built his first skiff at age 9 and his first cat boat at age 12. He continues to work on two cat boats whose elegance and craftsmanship draw the admiration of wooden boat aficionados everyone. His work, along with his crew and a few others along with the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum helps preserve the maritime history of Biloxi. (The Sun Herald March 12, 2013  p.7B)
On March 13th, Jorge Bergoglio (b. 1937), Argentine Cardinal, was elected Pope and chose the name Francis.
35th annual Hibernia Marching Society's St. Patricks's Day parade was held March 16, 2013. King Tim C. Holleman andQueen April Leigh Bullock. (The Sun Herald, March 10, 2013, p. F1 and March 17, 2013, p. 2A)
John M. Mladinich (1928-2013) died at Biloxi on March 28th.  He was the son of Croatian immigrants and made his livelihood in the restaurant, real estate and entertainment business.  John's Fiesta Club, The Hot Stop, and White Pillars Restaurant were very popular for several decades in the mid-late 2oth Century.(The Sun Herald, March 31, 2013, p. A  )
Charles E. Voivedich
Charles E. Voivedich (1938-2013), 'Charley V.', died on April 2nd at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Charley V. was one of the Coast's better known musicians and its ambassador singing our 'Coast National Anthem'-"Cherry Pie"!(The Sun Herald, April 7, 2013]
Keesler Air Force Basehas been named Best Air Force Base in the nation. A few examples of Keesler's efforts include expanding the recycling program, renovating dormitories, improving the medical evaluation board case completion time, and reducing errors in deployment out-processing by 20 percent.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press April 11,2013  p.1)
Dr. Harry Johnson Schmidt Jr.  (1936-2013), native of NOLA and son of  Dr. Harry J. Schmidt (1905-1997) and  Margaret Mary Heath Schmidt (1908-1983) died on April 22, 2013 at Ocean Springs.  Harry practiced medicine in Biloxi with his father, and two brothers, Dr. Robert J. Schmidt (1937-2000) and Dr. Richard C. Schmidt, at the Schmidt Clinic on Lameuse Street.  Ann Baltar Schmidt (1937-2012),  Harry's spouse, died at Biloxi on April 22, 2013.(The Sun Herald, April 24, 2013, p. A4 and April 25, 2013, p. A4)
The White House Hotel was acquired by Barrington Development LLC of Ridgeland, Mississippi and they plan a $7 million renovation and restoration of the 48,000 square-foot, historic structure.(The Sun Herald, April 24, 2013, p. A1)
Peter Halat Jr., former Biloxi Mayor, was released from the federal prison at Montogomery, Alabama in March 2012 and from a halfway house at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on April 24th.  Mayor Halat was incarcerated for nearly 16 years for his conviction in the 1987 murder plot of Judge Vincent Sherry and his spouse, Margaret Sherry.(The Sun Herald, April 25, 2013, p. A1)
KAFB won a $1 million and a 2013 Commander-in-Chief Award declaring Keesler AFB as America's best.  Brigadier General Brad Spacy, Commander of the 81st Training Wing, accepted the award.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2013, p. A1)
The Point Cadet fishing pier was dedicated on April 30th.  Mayor Holloway recommended that the new facility be named in honor of Nicholas "Corky" Hire (b. 1922), a local fisherman of Croatian ancestry.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2013, A3 and May 1, 2013, p. A2)
Coast casinos get new amenities and makeovers. Hard Rock Hotel & Casino  is adding a 150 room hotel tower that they hope to open by New Year's Eve.  The Isle Casino is undergoing a transformation and expansion. When Phase I is complete this summer, the resort will be rebranded by the new owner, as Golden Nugget Biloxi.(The Sun Herald May 5,2013  p.10B)
Officials from William Carey University and state legislators were guest speakers at a press conference to announce a new Health Care Industry Zone in the community of Tradition. (The Sun Herald May 14,2013  p.2A)
Jeanette Cerinich Capuanoreceives the Mother of the Year award from Biloxi Lions Club. A mother of five children. Jeanette Cauano was nominated by her sister, Patricia Powell; daughter, Laurie Erring and grandson, Jason Balius. Laurie Cauano Herring said “My mother is Mother of the Year because of her selflessness and unconditional love for her family, friends and community. She is married to the late Louis E. Capuano. She is employed part time at Sekul, Hornsby, Tuisdale Law Firm. She is an active and practicing member of the Cathedral of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Biloxi. . She is described by her family as someone who always puts other before herself. She followed in her mother’s footsteps and cooks and delivers food to people she knows cannot do so for themselves. She is also the first to deliver her chicken soup and a card to those who are sick. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013  p.1)
Pan American Clipperto celebrate 76th birthday at Wooden Boat Show. The Pan American Clipper is a 1937 65' Biloxi Lugger/Excursion boat built by John Toche, Sr. Included in the show is a 1939 Covacevich built 56' Biloxi Lugger/Chandeleur boat. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013  p.1)
Biloxi High Schoolwill become the first school in Mississippi to become a member of The National Math and Science Initiative, a non-profit organization launched in 2007  to transform math and science education in the U.S. (The Biloxi D'Iberville Press May 16,2013  p.1)
Gerald 'Jerry' Piltz (1925-2013), native of Greenwood, Mississippi and Biloxi accountant and civic leader, expired at Biloxi on May 24th.  Jerry was King Iberville of the 1976 Mississippi Gulf Coast Mardi Gras Association festivities.(The Sun Herald, May 27, 2013, p. A4)

A year after thousands danced at the May 22, 2012 opening of Margaritville Casino crowds have thinned and management has changed. Now Margaritville is moving aggressively with major additions, the first of which is a hotel and new slot games. (Mississippi Press May 28,2013  p.10M)

State of Mississippi pitches in $15 million for new baseball stadium with BP grant money. (The Sun Herald May 31,2013  p.1A)

AJ Hollowayfaces Jess Kennedy in bid for 6th term Mayor of Biloxi.(The Sun Herald June 1,2013  p.2A)

Richard Gollott and Laura Weems ruled over the Blessing of the Fleet at Biloxi on June 2nd.(The Sun Herald, June 2, 2013, p. A11 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, June 6, 2013, p. 1.)
Mayor A.J. Holloway was re-elected for a 6th term on June 4th easily defeating Jess Kennedy 2280 votes to 804.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2013, p. A10)
Former North Biloxian and Notre Dame High School graduate, Gordon Gollott, was elected Mayor of Gautier, Mississippi garnering 88% of the vote.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2013, p. A10)
Sue Burlesonof Long Beach is the first member from the Paul Lacoste Sports "100-Pound Club" from the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Before she began to lose weight, she weighed 311 pounds. She now weighs 205.(The Sun Herald June 8, 2013  p.2A)
St. Paul United Methodist Churchat 696 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Blvd is celebrating 150 years on the Coast.(The Sun Herald July 13,2013  P.4C)
Coast has history of UFO sightings.  Almost 40 years after two men said they were abducted by a UFO over the Pascagoula River, Coast residents still occasionally spot strange objects in the sky.(The Sun Herald July 21, 2013  P.2A)
Matt Stebly became the first person to win the competition for the Biloxi Seafood Festival poster for three consecutive years. (The Sun Herald July 25, 2013  P.3A)
One of the city's most colorful characters, Jean Guilhot, the "Hermit of Deer Island", was buried in an unmarked grave at the Old Biloxi Cemetery when he died in 1959. Five decades later, the Biloxi Bay Chamber has raised the money to erect a tombstone which will be dedicated October 22, 2013, before the Old Biloxi Cemetery Tour.(The Sun Herald August 8,2013  p. 1A)
Silver Slipper Casino Hotel on the way. $17.5M building to have 140 rooms. John Ferrucci, General Manager expects permission to proceed in the next 30 days. Full House Resorts is the parent company.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013  p.1A)
Biloxi Visitors Center marks 2 years. The city is acquiring more property to the east of the Visitors Center to provide outdoor space for special events as well as to the west across Porter Avenue, the city plans to have greenspace and trails and additional parking.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013,  p. 2A)
The University of Southern Mississippi in Long Beachsays the completion of five building projects on its Gulf Park campus in Long Beach signifies the return of the beachfront campus from the damage it sustained from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.(The Sun Herald August 9, 2013  p.2A)
Professional baseball team and Caillavet Park planned for downtown Biloxi.  Johnson Consulting of Chicago relates that proposed site is one of the best in nation.(The Biloxi D'Iberville Press, June 6, 2013, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, June 26, 2013, p. A1 and July 30, 2013, p. A1 and August 21, 2013, p. A1)
Santa Maria del Mar and plaque-[images made June 17, 2013]
The Most Rev. Roger Paul Morin on June 5th blessed the Santa Maria del Mar Retirement Community off of Tommy Munro Drive, which was rebuilt nearly eight years after Hurricane Katrina destroyed it. It is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi and Morin said it is a symbol of the diocese's "ongoing commitment of our service to our community and a testament to care and concern for our sisters and brothers, who long for a place to call home in a residential community designed with them in mind." The new $26 million retirement community was moved from the beach to Medical Park Drive behind the Diocese's Pastoral Center on Popp's Ferry Road. There are 208 units in the twin six-story towers, including 134 studio apartments and 74 one-bedroom apartments. The units are unfurnished but contain a stove and refrigerator. [The Sun Herald, June 6, 2013 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, June 13, 2013, p. 1.]
Paul Delcambre Sr. (1926-2013), native of Choate, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana and Biloxi resident since 1946, expired at Biloxi on June 6th.  Delcambre was owner of Del's Seaway Shrimp & Oyster Company and Seaway Freezing Company.  He was president of the local American Shrimp Processors and Canners Association and a member of the Mississippi Restaurant Association.(The Sun Herald, June 11, 2013, p. A7)
The Isle-Golden Nugget  during its makeover and renovation.[image made mid-June 2013]
Artists Die Best in Black, a Hollywood-type motion picture, with local financing began shooting at Biloxi on June 17th.(The Sun Herald, June 18, 2013, p. A1 and The Ocean Springs Gazette, June 20, 2013, p. 1)
On June 21st, the Golden Nugget Casino, formerly the Isle and Isle of Capri, celebrated its Grand Opening of the completion of its $100 million dollar first improvement stage.(The Sun Herald, June 16, 2013, p. A1 and The Sun Herald, June 22, 2013, p. A1 and The Biloxi D'Iberville Press, June   , 2013, p. 1)
Isaiah Canaan, Biloxi native, was selected by the NBA Houston Rockets in the 2nd round [34th overall selection] of the 2013 NBA draft.  Canaan prepped at Biloxi High School and averaged 21 ppg and 4 assists per game at Murray State University in Kentucky.(The Sun Herald, June 28, 2013, p. D1)
138 Lameuse Street-August 5, 2013
[view WNW]
In early August, the City of Biloxi demolished their former Annex Building at 138 Lameuse Street.  The  two-story structure was erected in 1953 by the Lyman C. Bradford Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW] Post No. 2434 at 212-214 Lameuse Street.  It was dedicated in late July 1953.  The building housed the Southern Life & Insurance Company and Barton, Pile & Wermuth on the first floor while the VFW occupied the second floor. (The Daily Herald, July 9, 1953, p. 8)
Robin Roberts, calling Pass Christian, Mississippi home and Good Morning America [ABC] co-anchors, accepted the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY Awards in Los Angeles on July 17th.(The Sun Herald, July 18, 2013, p. A1)
Julia Marie Cook Guice
Julia Cook Guice (1928-2013), author, 1st Civil Defense Director of the City of Biloxi [1957] and 1st Director of the Harrison County Civil Defense Council [appointed by Dewey Lawrence in September 1960] and Biloxi City Historian, expired on August 5th.(The Daily Herald, September 17, 1960, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, August 6, 2013, p. A4)
Harrison County supervisors agreed with Assessor Tal Flurry the Casino Magic tower on the beach has no value. The tower, which was valued at $40 million before Hurricane Katrina. The assessment on it was dropped to $9 million in 2006 and to zero from 2007 on. (The Sun Herald August 28, 2013  p.2A)
2013 Biloxi Sports Hall of Fame inductees: Doug Barber-BHS-1969Howard 'Dickey' Battle-MC-1990Peter Roy 'Lee' Elder-BHS-1964;Kenneth Lyons Sr.-BHS-1947Dennis Malpass-ND-1961; Henry 'Spud' Wieniewitz-MP-1970; and Richard Lew "Wimpy" Winther-BHS-1966.(The Sun Herald, August 25, 2013)
The Breakers Inn on Beach Boulevardwas destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.  The City Council voted to rezone the 7-acre site at 2506 Beach Blvd as requested by Anthony Lee and Lee Brothers LLC. They plan to develop the Beach View Apartments and Hotel.(The Sun Herald August 28, 2013  p.2A)
Plans for Oyster Bay Casino are off the table according to the developers, who say they are working to get a casino approved at the Back Bay Site by the end of the year. Pivotal Group Inc. is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the state Department of Environmental Quality to get a permit for the use of the property, the wetlands and drainage.(The Sun Herald August 28, 2013  p.2A)
Charles 'Dixie' Hollis (1928-2013)
Charles 'Dixie' Hollis (1928-2013) expired at Biloxi on September 6th.  Dixie was the son of Dr. Daniel L. Hollis (1893-1975) and Vola Elizabeth Cummings Hollis (1897-1994). He graduated from BHS with the Class of 1946 where he played football and ran track.  Dixie matriculated to the University of Alabama and graduated from Ole Miss where he lettered in track.  Mr. Hollis was active in the civic and social life of Biloxi and was Commodore of the BYC in 1964.  He worked for the Veterans Admnistration from 1955 until his retirement in 1992.(The Sun Herald, September 8, 2013, p. A12)
Beau Rivage hires veterans through Boots to Business, a 10 week employment training program. The Beau Rivage is working with American Red Cross to offer the program which currently has 12 veterans employed at other jobs in the area and 60 more veterans are becoming involved in the program. MGM Resorts International, Beau Rivage's parent company, provided a $250,000 grant to expand Boots to Business in Las Vegas and now at other MGM properties.(The Sun Herald September 6, 2013  p.2A)
Phase two of Golden Nuggett's renovations reveals Michael Patrick's Sports Café & Grille and concert venue.(The Sun Herald September 6,2013  p.8D)
Billy Ray Quave (1933-2013), former City Editor of The Daily Herald, expired on September 14th.  He was an Army veteran and graduate of Biloxi High School, Perkinston JC, and USM.(The Sun Herald, September 17, 2013)
Developers want to build a $220 million casino west of Interstate 110 on the Back Bay - what many consider "sacred ground" that can't be a casino site. Property owners are requesting a zoning change. (The Sun Herald September 17, 2013  p. 1A)
Edgewater Mall to mark 50 years. In 1963, it was the first mall between Miami and Houston.(The Sun Herald September 19, 2013  p. 1A)
Insurer USAA loses wind vs. water case.  Minor family wins $1.56M Katrina verdict.(The Sun Herald September 21, 2013  p. 1A)
The Biloxi City Council voted 5-2 to back a $21 million dollar GO bond issue to fund a minor league baseball stadium on Caillavet and Beach Boulevard.  The State of Mississippi will contribute $15 million dollars from a British Petroluem grant for the project.(The Sun Herald, October 9, 2013, p. A1 and A10)
D'Iberville statue back in Biloxi. The statue of explorer Pierre LeMoyne, sieu d'Iberville is back overlooking the water near the Biloxi Lighthouse. The statue, created by local artist Mary Ott Tremmel Davidson, was hoisted into place on its new concrete base on the west side of the Biloxi Visitor Center.  The statue was sent off for refurbishment "to get rid of the Katrina scars" and will be dedicated in December.(The Sun Herald November 1, 2013,  p. 3A)
The Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce through its Cultural and Heritage Committee re-dedicated the Twelve Palms Memorial on Veteran's Day 2014 in Business Men's Park on Back Bay Forrest Avenue.  The original Twelve Palms Memorial was created to honor the twelve Biloxians who lost their lives during World War I.  The Biloxi Cleophan Club in March 1919, planted twelve palm trees in the L&N Park on the SW/C of Reynoir and Railroad Street, now called Esters Boulevard.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, November 7, 2013, p. 1 and The Sun Herald November 6, 2013,  p. A2)
Logan Skelton (b. 1961), son of Zan L. Skelton (1928-2012), a native of Shubata, Clarke County, Mississippi and former BHS English teacher and author, was named the 21st Biloxian Made Good.  Logan graduated from BHS in 1979 and studied at Loyola University. University of Rochester, and the Manhattan School of Music.  He has received international acclaim as a pianist, teacher and composer.  Logan has worked on the faculties at the Manhattan School of Music, Missouri State University and is presently Proffesor of Piano and Director of Doctoral Studies in Piano Performance at the University of Michigan.(The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, November 7, 2013, p. 1)
Croatian folk and dance group of Biloxi-circa 1937
[courtesy of the Biloxi Public Library archives]
The Slavic Benevolent Association of St. Nickolai celebrated its 100th anniversary on December 7th at the new Croatian-American Cultural Center at Maple and 3rd Street on Point Cadet, once called 'Little Austria'.(The Sun Herald, December 3, 2013, p. A5)
Father Peter F. Mockler (1948-2014), native of Woodbrook, Newbridge, Ballinasloe, County. Galway, Ireland died on January 30, 2014 at Lizana, Harrison County, Mississippi.  He studied at St. Patrick College, Carlow, Ireland and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson on June 10, 1973. He arrived in Mississippi on Aug. 26, 1973.(The Sun Herald, February 1, 2014, p. A-4)
Fabin Joseph Ladnier (1926-2014), Biloxi native and longtime community volunteer and founder of St. Joseph's Community Meal service and who assisted in the development of the Twelve Baskets Food Bank and The Lord Is My Help soup kitchen and St. Vincent de Paul's Pharmacy, died at Ocean Springs on February 12, 2014.  Fabin Ladnier day was celebrated at Biloxi on February 10, 2009.(The Sun herald, February 13, 2014, p. A5)
Demolition of the Singing River Mall at Gautier, Mississippi commenced on February 26th.  It opened in 1980.(The Sun Herald, April 5, 2014, p. A-1)
Hibernia Marching Society St. Patrick's Day Parade
Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic-March 21-March 23, 2014
[L-R: Jeff Maggert, caddy, Fred Couples and Kenny Perry-image March 22, 2014 at Fallen Oaks CC]
Jeff Maggert [-11] in his first Champions Tour event won the Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic over Billy Andrade [9]; Jay Hass [-8]; Bernard Langer [-8]; and Fred Couples [-6].(The Sun Herald, March 24, 2014, p. A-1 and B-1)
James B. 'JB' Richmond Sr. (1925-2014), local historian, died on March 29, 2014.(The Sun Herald, April 2, 2014, p. A-4)
Emile L. Desporte Jr. (1926-2014), Biloxi retail seafood dealer, expired on March 30, 2014.(The Sun herald, April 1, 2014, p. A-1 and p. A-6)
Doris Cordelia Busch
Doris C. Busch (1906-2014), native of Natchez, expired on April 11, 2014.  She received her B.A. in Chemistry from Dilliard University and furthered her studies at Southern University, Atlanta University and Tougaloo College. An outstanding teacher and educator, Miss. Busch taught at Florida Memorial Junior College, Nichols High School and Biloxi Colored High School and was Librarian at Nichols High School and Bay St. Louis High School. Ms. Busch served as Service Club Director for a number of years at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi. Her internment was in Biloxi Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, April  16, 2014, p. A-)

James H. “Jim” Neirynck (1928-2014), native of Bloomington, Illinois, passed on June 2, 2014 in Biloxi.  He graduated from Quincy College in Quincy, Illinois, then served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. He was a longtime general contractor who built numerous homes and businesses on the Gulf Coast. Jim was a member of the Biloxi Yacht Club for more than 35 years where he was an avid sailor and served as Commodore for 2 years. Jim was also a member of the Mississippi Home Builders Association, Ocean Springs Rotary and St. Alphonsus Catholic Church.(The Sun Herald, June 11, 2014, p. A-4)

Andrew K. Gilich Sr. (1923-2014) passed away on Friday, June 27, 2014.  He was preceded in death by wife of 58 years Jacobina Sekul Wetzel Gilich; his parents Mike Gillich Sr. and Rosa Guich Gillich; his brothers, Joseph Gillich, Rudolph Gillich and Mike Gillich Jr.; his sisters, Anna Mae Gilich and Mary Agnes Gilich; son, Stephen K. Wetzel; and a grandson, Gregory Marco Gilich. Mr. Gilich was survived by sons, Jim Wetzel and Andrew “FoFo” Gilich (Serena); daughters, Andrea “Tot” Gilich Sr. and Jaye Gilich Brice (C.A. “Buddy”); daughter-in-law, Brenda C. Wetzel; sister, Lucille Gilich Barq, all from Biloxi; and sister, Frances Gillich Duke of St. Paul, Minnesota. Andrew was an avid golfer and with his spouse were the proprietors of Foodland Supermarket.  He was a truly good father, friend and Biloxian who was proud of his Croatian heritage.(The Sun Herald, June 28, 2014)



[images made November 13, 2014]

The Scarlet Pearl Casino in D'Iberville broke ground on July 13th.  Roy Anderson Corporation is erecting the $250 million structure on Central Avenue east of I-110.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2014, p. A-1)


Margaritaville Casino at Point Cadet announced that it would close in September.  The casino opened for business on May  22, 2012.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 2014, p. A-1)

 Donald Rupert Green (1926-2014)

Donald R. 'Don' Green (1926-2014), native of Sherwood, North Dakota and Coast resident since 1952, expired at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on July 19, 2014.  Don was a veteran of the USAF and graduate of Michigan Technical University.  He joined Ferson Optical at Ocean Springs after completing his military service and became president of the company in 1962.  In 1976, Don and Janet Swan Ferson Green, his spouse, founded PFG Optics, and he retired in 1996.  Mr. Green was active in civic affairs at both Biloxi and Ocean Springs.  He was a director of the Hancock Bank and the Jackson and George County Salvation Army.  Don was a fine athlete and participated in ball room dancing, tennis, golf, and skiing. He won a national ski event, gold medal in 2012 claiming the giant slalom title in his age group.  Mr. Green was an aviator and had flown in Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas and Central America.(The Sun Herald, July 22, 2014, p. A-6 and July 23, 2014, p. A-8)


The Biloxi Maritime and Seafood Museum opened very grandly on 2 August.  Its ground breaking was held at Point Cadet on February 1, 2013.(The Sun Herald, January 19, 2013, p. A2 and February 2, 2013, p. A1)

Dr. Thomas 'Tonk' Ransom Compton (1943-2014), Biloxi native and architect, passed on August 1st. Thomas held degrees from LSU and USM.  He was a principal in Compston, Bolton & Associates and an Architect Emeritus with the AIA.(The Sun Herald, August 5, 2014, p. A-6)


Lawrence C. 'Larry' Corban (1929-2014), age 85 years, life-long Biloxi resident and son of Judge Lawrence C. Corbanand Gene Sulivan Corban, died on August 4th.  Larry was an attorney educated at the University of Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, August 6, 2014, p. A-)


Dale M. Titler Sr. (1926-2014), author, miltary historian, and Historian at KAFB from 1978-1989, died at Gulfport on August 20th.(The Sun Herald, August 22, 2014, p. A-5)

Margaritaville on Point Cadet closed it doors on September 15, 2014.(The Sun Herald, September 16, 2014, p. A-1 and September 17, 2014, p. A-1.
Jake Mladinich (1926-2014), Biloxi entrepreneur and personality, died on December 18, 2014. Jake and John Mladinich, his brother, were known for their Biloxi buisnesses particularly the Fiesta, Hot Stop, CabanaBeach Motel, Sea-N-Sirloin Restaurant and Trader John's.(The Sun Herald, December 20, 2014, p. A-6)
Katherine T. Blessey, native of Ukraine, was selected by the Biloxi Lions Club as Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 2014.  Katherine is the proprietor of Chateau Blessey Bed and Breakfast.(The Sun Herald, March 12, 2015, p. A-3)
G.N. "Nicky" Creel (1929-2015) former Harrrison County Chancery Clerk, expired on January 15, 2015.  Nicky served the people of Harrison County as their Chancery Clerk from 1972 until 1996.  Creel was an innovator and commenced efforts to computerize county land records and established a system for the Chancery Court to work with the mentally ill.  Nicky was the son of J.A. 'Tony' Creel, for Biloxi City Commissioner, and Gladys Ward Creel.(The Sun Herald, January 16, 2015, p. A-5)
Chester A. Delacruz II
A true Biloxi talent passed on January 27, 2015 with the death of Chester A. Delacruz II (1934-2015).  Chester was a musician, artist and thespian.[The Sun Herald, January 30, 2015, p. A-4 and A-5  ]  
Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway checked into an alcohol treatment facility in Hattiesburg on January 29th.  Ward 2 Councilman Felix Gines was appointed by Mayor Holloway as acting Mayor.  Holloway is expected to return to office within 60 days.(The Sun Herald, January 30, 2015, p. A-1)
David Files Riemann, King d'Iberville, and Alexa Faye Carter, Queen Ixolib, ruled Mardi Gras Day, February 17th, at the Gulf Coast Carnival Association parade in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, February 15, 2015, p. F-1)
In February, Captain Louis Skrmetta, operations manager of Pan Isles Inc.-Ship Island Excursions, announced that Gulf Islands National Seasore had renewed its contract for ferrying passengers to Ship Island for ten more years.(The Sun Herald, February 24, 2015, p. A-6)
Mayor A.J. Holloway and Kenny Glavan
Mayor Andrew Joseph Holloway officially resigned from office on March 10th. At a special election held by the City Council on March 10th, Councilman Kenny Glavan was chosen as interim Mayor until a special election is held in the near future.  Councilwoman, Dixie Newman, announced that she would be a candidate to lead Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, March 2015,  March 11, 2015, p. A-1, March  2015)
Katherine T. Blessey, native of Ukraine, was selected by the Biloxi Lions Club as Biloxi's Outstanding Citizen for 2014.  Katherine is the proprietor of Chateau Blessey Bed and Breakfast.(The Sun Herald, March 12, 2015, p. A-3 and March 20, 2015, p. A-2)
Sal and Mookie's New York Pizza and Ice Cream Joint , a restaurant at 110 Lameuse Street, opened on April 13th.(TheSun Herald, April 13, 2015)
[L-R: Jane Shambra, Biloxi Public history and genealogy Librarian; Mr. Bellande; and Julia Marks Young, Deputy Coordinator of MHRAB]
On April 16, 2015, Ray L. Bellande was recognized by the Mississippi Historical Records Advisory Board with an Award for Excellence for his historical websites: <biloxihistoricalsociety.org> and <oceanspringarchives.net>.(The Ocean Springs Record, May 5, 2015)
Andrew J. Gilich Jr.
Andrew "FoFo" J. Gilich Jr. and Winfield "Windy" Swetman  III received 51 % of the vote in the April 28th Biloxi Mayoral election to replace former Mayor A.J. Holloway.  In a runoff will be held on May 12, 2015, Mr. Gilich outpolled Mr. Swetman 4319 votes to 2914 votes and became Biloxi's new Mayor.(The Sun Herald, April 30, 2015, p. A-1 and May 13, 2015, p. A-1.)

Sheriff Troy Peterson

Troy Peterson was elected Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi on August  25,  2015.  He defeated incumbent and his former boss, Melvin Brisolara, in a runoff election.  Sheriff elect Peterson had won the first primary held on August 4, 2015 but did not gain the majority of the 20,491 votes casts.  In the runoff, Brisolara garnered only 7237 votes [38%] while Peterson had 11,998 [62%].(The Sun Herald, August 28, 2015, p. A-5)



On August 6th, the Croatian-American Cultural Center, City of Biloxi and Dr. Gilbert Mason Jr were hosts to the Frank "Yankee" Barhanovich, 'The Music Mogul' and the 50th Anniversary of the August 5, 1966 Biloxi Municipal Stadium by James Brown.  


In December 2016, the State of Mississippi acquired the 492 acres that British Petroleum had bought from the Boddie family in April 2011.  The Federal Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program acquired the tract for $13.7 million and transferred title to the citizens of Mississippi at no cost.  The US Army Corps of Engineers planned to commence in February or March 2017 to "renourish" the eastern beach of Cat Island and restore Goose Point to its pre-1998 configuration and adding 40-acres.[The Sun Herald, December 10, 2016, p. A-1]




Former Biloxi Mayor Daniel "Danny" Dicks Guice (1927-2017) expired at his home on 13 April.  He attended Ole Miss and Tulane Law School.  Guice lead Biloxi through some of its most turbulent times-racial issues and Hurricane Camille.  A true gentleman and leader.(The Sun Herald, April 14, 2017, p. 6A and April 15, 2017, p. 6A)


Effective 2 January 2018, The Ocean Springs Record merged with The Ocean Springs Gazette.  The new journal became The Ocean Springs Gazette & Record.  Bay Corporation, owner of The Ocean Springs Record and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, sold these journals to Campbell Newspapers, LLC, owned by Tommy and Dee Ann Campbell.  The Campbells, owners of The Choctaw Sun-Advocate in Butler, Alabama, also acquired The Ocean Springs Gazette from James and Cindy Ricketts.[The Ocean Springs Record, December 28, 2017, p. 1 and The Ocean Springs Gazette & Record, January 4, 2018, p. 4]

Nina and Pinta arrive at Biloxi on 20 February 2020.
[The Sun Herald, June 18, 2020. p. A-1]
Dakia Entertainment Hospitality and Broadwater Development signed a formal letter agreement to develop a $1.2 billion casino music themed-resort on the former Broadwater Hotel property on Biloxi's West Beach.  Dakia will manage the resort as a joint venture with the Universal Music Group.[The Sun Herald, June 18, 2020, p. A-1]