Howard Memorial [Main] School
[Gift of Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) which was built and designed by John R. Harkness & Son in 1888 for $10,000]
Professor D.D. Cowan opened the Public School on 1 September.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, September 12, 1879)
The Gulf Coast College was incorporated and established at Handsboro, Mississippi in September 1884.(The Daily Picayune, September 29, 1884, p. 6)
John R. Harkness (1827-1903) has taken contract to build the new public school building, which was donated by the Howard family.(The Biloxi Herald, August 4, 1888, p. 8)
The new, modern Howard Memorial public school building on Main Street, a gift from of Frank T. Howard (1855-1911) and Harry T. Howard (1856-1930) to the citizenry of Biloxi, was dedicated on March 22nd. It was built and designed by John R. Harkness & Son in 1888 for $10,000.(The Daily Picayune, March 22, 1889, p. 8)
[The Biloxi Herald, July 30, 1892, p. 1]
Appointments to the Biloxi separate school district were as follows: Prof. J.L. Ladd, principal-$85 per month; Miss Josephine Santini, 1st asst.-$45 per month; Miss Luce Melancon, kindergarten-$45 per month; and Mrs. S. Booth, Miss Edna Holley, Miss M.T. Rodenberg, assts.-$35 per month. Z.K. Gowan, principal colored school-$45 per month. [The Biloxi Herald, October 22, 1892, p. 4]
The Seashore Academy was a private school founded in June 1893 by Laz Lopez, F.W. Elmer, S. Picard, John Walker, E.J. Buck, H.T. Graves, E.W. Morrill, H. Otto, J.R. Harkness, George H. Dunbar, and F.B. Dunbar. This private educational institution was situated about 500 feet west of the Biloxi Lighthouse. It opened in September 1893 with Dr. George S. Roudebush (1829-1921), a Presbyterian minister, in charge.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Chattel Deed Bk. 1, p. 6 and The Biloxi Herald, July 1, 1893, p. 8)

[The Daily Picayune, October 16, 1893, p. 8]
[from The Biloxi Herald, August 24, 1895, p. 8]
The textbooks, Metcalf & Bright Language Lesson, Metcalf English Grammar, and Waddy's Rhetoric, were adopted by the Biloxi School Board for the next five years.(The Biloxi Herald, September 28, 1895, p. 8)
The Forest Park School was donated to the City of Biloxi by Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903) and Julia Dulion Lopez (18-1918) on September 6, 1898. This school was situated on the SW/C of Porter Avenue and Cemetery Road, now Irish Hill Drive. The school was commenced for students below the 3rd grade that lived west of Couevas Street. It had one large room and two smaller ones, a spacious hallway, and a cloak room.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 10, 1898, p. 4)
BACK BAY SCHOOL [image made 1902]
The Back Bay Ward School was donated to the City of Biloxi on September 6, 1898. The land for the Back Bay school was donated by William F. Gorenflo (1844-1932). The building was erected with funds provided by William K.M. Dukate (1852-1916). A school in this section of Biloxi was desperately needed and sincerely appreciated by the Back Bay residents. The facility was located on Bayview Avenue and Main Street.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 7, 1898, p. 4)
MAIN STREET SCHOOL [image made 1902]
The Primary School or Main Street School was donated to the City of Biloxi by Harry Turner Howard (1856-1930) on September 6, 1898. It was erected on the corner of Main Street and Water Street and was built 8 feet above the ground in order that the children could use the area beneath it as a playground in inclement weather. The building had four class rooms and designed for fifty-two students.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 10, 1898, p. 4)
It was opined in The Biloxi Daily Herald that: 'The school facilities of Biloxi are second to none enjoyed by any city in the State. She is blessed with five excellent school buildings and one of the best corps of teachers in the South.'(The Biloxi Herald, September 24, 1898, p. 8)
By early October 1898, the furniture for the new public school buildings had not arrived and the old seats were placed in the West End and Back Bay schools. The new primary school will not be open until the new fixtures are in place.The Biloxi Herald, October 1, 1898, p. 1)
The cornerstone for the new East End School, donated to the citzens of Biloxi by Harry T. Howard (1856-1930), was laid on Thanksgiving Day by the Masons. The Biloxi Brass Band directed by John Ott performed for the ceremonies.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 28, 1902, p. 6)
The Barataria Mission School, also known as the Sabbath or Mission School, was a charitable. educational facility to educate children in the cannery camps on Point Cadet. It was overseen by Belle Gordon (1862-1925) and Maggie Bowman Gordon Mass,(1834-1907), her mother and a native of NOLA. The site for the school was provided by the Barataria Canning Company. The facility also taught night classes in reading, writing and arithemetic twice each week. In December 1903, the building needed a new roof, electric lights, and one volunteer to assist Miss Gordon. Mrs. Mass died at 1128 East Bayview Avenue, her home, in July 1907.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, December 3, 1903, p. 6 and July 18, 1907, p. 1)
Archie Ebenezer Perkins (1876-1946) of McComb was elected principal of the Biloxi Colored School. Mr. Perkins was born in June 1876, at Smithdale, Mississippi near McComb. In 1900, he was teaching school at McComb and in the household of George Currie (b. May 1842), his step-father. Perkins' mother, Phoeby Perkins Currie [b. 1851], was also a school teacher.[The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 11, 1904, p. 4]
On July 11, 1904, the Biloxi City Council approved the plans of J.E. Hebert, architect, for a four-room addition to the Howard Primary School No. 1. J.E. Green who was erecting the Biloxi Sanatorium at this time was awarded the contract with his bid of $2800. The addition would add another story to the school giving it two floors and an open basement. The shape of the roof would change and there would be two exits-one on Water Street and the other on Main Street. Additional land for the school playground was acquired from Miss Drysdale and Mrs. F.W. Elmer. The work of Mr. Greene was to be completed by September 15, 1904.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 22, 1904, p. 1 and July 12, 1904, p. 6)
Howard No.2 School
Mattie Forrest White (1876-1913), Principal of the Central School, died on May 7th. Her corporal remains were sent to Clinton, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana for internment in the Rosehill Cemetery. Miss White lived at the Kennedy Hotel. She became ill and was taken to the Biloxi Sanatarium and expired there.(The Daily Herald, May 7, 1913, p. 1)
In early September 1913, Helen G. Yerger replaced Mattie Forrest White (1876-1913) as principal of the Biloxi Central School. Mrs. Yerger was educated in the public schools of Nashville, Tennessee and at the Peabody Normal College. She had completed advanced studies at the University of Chicago. Mrs. Yerger intially stayed with Emma Hyatt Bragg (1868-1968) at 545 East Howard Avenue.(The Daily Herald, September 8, 1913, p.1)
Edwin W. Wetzel (1877-1953) was awarded the contract by the City of Biloxi to erect a 900 square-ft annex to the Back Bay School. An additional teacher for the next term will be added as many pupils were unable to attend the school due to lack of facilities and overcrowding in its two class rooms.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1914, p. 2)
The Gulf Coast College building at Handsboro, Mississippi burned on January 8th. The structure also housed the town hall.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1915, p. 9)
Principal of the Central School, Helen G. Yerger, resigned in April. She was replaced by Miss Edna Holley until the school session ended.(The Daily Herald, April 13, 1915, p. 4)
Ed Wetzel was the winning bidder against L.H. Manuel, R.E. Roberts and Son, E. Ahern and Chris Thompson to build an additon to the Back Bay School. His bid was $452 and completion of the work was expected by Septemebr 6, 1915.(The Daily Herald, August 6, 1915, p. 1)
William K.M. Dukate (1852-1916), native of Fredericksburg, Indiana and Biloxi seafood magnate, philanthropist and entrepreneur, expired at his Biloxi home on March 29th.(The Daily Herald, March 29, 1916, p. 1)
In December 1921, Dr. Alney Austin (1879-1934) under the auspices of the Mother's Club of the Howard Primary School introduced a dental clinic to appraise the oral health of the students. He was assisted by Dr. Roderick Seal Russ; Dr. Albert Brown Russ (1888-1953); Dr. M.R. Mosley; and Dr. H.C. Bloodworth. The dentists gave freely of their time and services evaluating the teeth of the school children for cleaning, extraction, filling, and irregularities.(The Daily Herald, December 8, 1921, p. 3 and December 13, 1921, p. 2)
Three new Biloxi public schools were dedicated between November 18th and 20th in this order: Dukate School on East Howard Avenue; Gorenflo School on Lameuse Street; and the Lopez School beween Benachi Avenue and Porter Avenue. The latter was being completed by A.C. Samford, contractor, Gulfport and Montgomery.[The Daily Herald, November 14, 1924, p. 1 and 2]
Theta Sigma, a girls' sorority was organized in December to provide entertainment and dances for local pre-debutantes. Charter members were: Dorothy Starks, Josephine Howey, Blanche Doty, Helen Eckles, Fleet Doyle, Lillian Janin, Lucretia Money, Elizabeth Levers, Martha Cooper, Inez Bourdon, Mary Francis Clark and Marie Busey.[The Daily Herald, December 13, 1924, p. 3]
Vera L. Dukate Chinn (1886-1977), the wife of R. Hart Chinn, filed an injunction in the Harrison County court to enjoin A.L. May and George Ditto, Superintendent of Biloxi Public schools and Principal Biloxi High School respectively, from enforcing an alleged school regulation requring all students to take their lunch in the school cafeteria or at their homes. W. Lee Guice, City Attorney, represented the city in these procedings at Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, January 14, 1928, p. 1)
Plans for the new gymnasium for the Biloxi High School have been received. The $15,000 brick and steel structure will be built on Washington Street behind the school.(The Daily Herald, September 7, 1928, p. 2 and January 17, 1929, p. 13)
Howard No. 1 placed first in the state in the recent George Washington Essay Contest sponsored by The New Orleans State newspaper. Miss Ethel Arguelles is principal of this school.(The Daily Herald, March 12, 1928, p. 2.)
Theresa Alexander Forbes (1881-1930), native of Louisiana and a lauded educator in the Colored school system, died 31 August 1930 at Biloxi. Committment was in Biloxi Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1930, p. 2)
William F. Gorenflo (1844-1932), native of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi and Biloxi seafood pioneer and philanthropist, expired on February 16th. His funeral procession left 925 Main Street, the home of Ernestine Gorenflo Meunier, his daughter, and rolled past the Gorenflo School where its students and faculty stood with bowed heads in respect.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1932, p. 2)
On May 24th, the American Legion Auxilliary dedicated a sundial situated in the south side school yard of the Gorenflo School in memory of the late William F. Gorenflo (1844-1932). Nina Lee Gorenflo, and Pat and Lonnie O'Neal, great grandchildren of the benefactor, unveiled the monument. The school orchestra under the supervision of Professor Carnovale played the Star Spangled Banner.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1932, p. 2)
The Biloxi Nutrition Board composed of Dr. G.F. Carroll, Mrs. Bernard Taltavull, E.E. Moore and Supertendent A.L. May met in December in the office of Superentendent May. Approximately 300 children are being fed lunch in the various city schools. The Federal Rel Fund is financing the program.(The Daily Herald, December 20, 1933)
Ethel Arguelles (1897-1938), principal of the Howard No. 1 primary school for 13 years, died at the Biloxi Hospital on July 28th. She had graduated from Biloxi High School in 1916 and began as a substitute teacher at the old East End School. Ethel had studied during the summers at Tulane, Peabody College, Loyola, and the State Teachers' College at Hattiesburg. She was the daughter of Joseph P. Arguelles (1866-1944 ) and Louise E. Bellman (1867-1958) . With her parents, Ethel was survivied by her five sisters: Florence Arguelles (1899-1979), Lillian Arguelles (1902-2000), Bernadine Arguelles (1904-1989), Cecile Arguelles (1908-1994) m. George Pavlov (1910-1963), and Louise Arguelles (1910-1983); four brothers: Warren Arguelles (1891-1972), Albert J. Arguelles (1893-1943), Frank Arguelles (1894-1943), and Donald Arguelles (1907-1969), all of Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1938, p. 1)
Dr. Robert Bruce McGehee (1884-1939), first president of the Gulf Coast Military Academy, died at Troy, Alabama on July 26, 1939.(The Daily Herald, July 27, 1939, p. 1)
In late December, $75,000 was allocated by the Defense Public Works to complete the Biloxi Junior High School building. The WPA had closed down the project several months ago due to a paucity of WPA labor at Biloxi. The WPA had already expended $27, 937 on the school's construction and the land cost was $15,000. Voter's had also approved $47,000 in funding for the new school. The plant was to have eighteen classrooms, as well as, home economics, science and manual training facilities. Work was anticipated to start in thirty days from a John T. Collins design.(The Daily Herald, December 31, 1941, p. 1)
On September 8th, the new Biloxi Central Junior High School commenced classes for 568 students in grades seven, eight, and nine. Cyril Carvin (1917-1943) was the principal.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1943)
City Commissioner A.J. 'Tony' Creel announced that final approval on the funding for new Negro School is expected shortly.(The Daily Herald, May 26, 1944, p. 6)
Professor Marshall F. Nichols (1882-1945), principal of the Biloxi Colored public school, expired on 26 January.(The Daily Herald, January 26, 1945, p. 2)
Superintendent George Ditto set school boundaries and expected srtudents to attend the public school in whose boundary they lived.(The Daily Herald, September 3, 1945, p. 5)
A bond election was held in Biloxi in early September to raise funds to construct three new school.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1945, p. 5)
Glen L. Swetman, auditor and trust officer of the Peoples Bank, was appointed to the Biloxi School Board. He replaced August Parker who resigned. Glenn will serve with Dr. Daniel L. Hollis, M.H. Toche, Stanley Butte, E.H. Tardy.(The Daily Herald, October 18, 1945, p. 12)
Marion Carpenter (1917-1983), Biloxi Central High School Band Director, resigned in May. He was a 1940 graduate of the Georgia Teachers' College and taught at Statesboro, Georgia before coming to Biloxi. Professor Carpenter was hired by the Sacred Heart Academy of Biloxi to organized an all-girl marching band in October 1946.(The Daily Herald, October 30 1946, p. 4)
On January 25th, the Biloxi School Board decided to make Mardi Gras a holiday for the Biloxi Public Schools.(Skeleton, 2002, p. 43)
The De LaSalle High School dance band of Chicago accepted the challenge of the Biloxi High School dance orchestra issued under the direction of Profesor Marion Carpenter (1917-1983) to any other high school dance orchestra to be judged by some outstanding musician.(The Daily Herald, April 19, 1946, p. 7)
In early October, a school bond issue to be voted on in December was proposed by the City to finance the construction of a new, $100,000, colored school at Biloxi. Mary L. Meaut Michel submitted her resignation as Principal of the Central High School.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1946, p. 1)
George A. Wimberly (1920-1996), a 1941 graduate of the Southwest Louisiana Institute at Lafayette, Louisiana was hired as the BHS Band Director in late October.(The Daily Herald, October 22, 1946, p. 4)
George W. Ditto (1895-1975), Biloxi Public School Superintendent, resigned his position in late October to be effective January 1, 1947. Mr. Ditto had been Biloxi's school superintendent since 1934. Prior to that he had been principal of the Central High School.(The Daily Herald, October 30, 1946, p. 1)
Mary L. Meaut Michel (1887-1952), acting Principal of BHS, was replaced by C.B. Barrett, a native of Winona, Missouri, in early June 1947.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1947, p. 5 and June 6, 1947, p. 5)
Coach William 'Willie' Carter, native of Laurel, Mississippi, who had joined the coaching staff at BHS in January 1946 after being discharged from the USAF at Keesler Field, resigned in June 1949 to study and earn a Master's degree in mathematics and physical education at Mississippi Southern College. Coach Carter graduated from Millsaps College in 1941. He became Biloxi's head football coach in the spring of 1948. Carter was suceeded by Edgar "Oscar" A. Wright. Oscar Wright came to Biloxi from Humphreys High School at Itta Bena, Mississippi. He was a 1941 graduate of Vanderbilt University and had been the wrestling coach there from 1946-1948. W.L.Crabtree came from Jackson High School to become Wright's assistant football coach.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1949, p. 6 and June 1, 1949)
Marshall Franklin Nichols Jr. became the first Mississippi Black to be awarded a fellowship to attend a medical school. Nichols went to the Mahara Medical School at Nashville and finished in June 1949. His intership was at the Homer Phillips Hospital in St. Louis. During the Korean War, Dr. Nichols was sent to Korea.[The Daily Herald, June 10, 1949, p. 7 and August 19, 1952, p. 6]
The student population in the Biloxi Public school system reached 2400. 360 of these pupils were Colored.[The Daily Herald, September 2, 1949, p. 1]
The M.F. Nichols Colored School was dedicated on November 9, 1949. Dr. Jacob Reddix, president of Jackson College, was the guest speaker. The facility is headed by Fannie T. Nichols, principal. She supervised thirteen well-trained teachers. The facility was a modern two-story building with 14 classrooms and auditorium, office rest rooms and store room, and a separate unit for cafeteria. Named for late Professor M.F. Nichols who served as principal for 30 years. In addition at this time, new colored public schools were erected at Belzoni, Carksdale, Hattiesburg, Hazlehurst, Laurel, New Albany and Yazoo City.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1949, p. 3 and November 7, 1949, p. 2)
The Biloxi Public School Board requested a $435,000 bond issue to pay for new school construction propsoed for Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 3, 1950, p. 1)
Catherine Foxworth Clower was named acting principal of Biloxi Junior High School by 1950-1951 school term by A.E. Scruggs, school superintendent, replacing Leo C. Muller who went to teach at Mississippi Southern College. Mrs. Clower was a graduate of Shorter College at Rome, Georgia and had done graduate studies at Tulane, Columbia University and Mississippi Southern College .(The Daily Herald, August 15, 1950, p. 8)
J.C. McClendon Construction Company of Gulfport was awarded the $142,990 contract for the new West End School on St. John Street between Miller and Wilkes Avenue. Henry L. Schwan of Biloxi won the electical contracting bid for $11,603 and Harr Plumbing and Heating Company of Vicksburg, Mississippi got the air conditoning and heat work for $23,138.(The Daily Herald, June 6, 1951, p. 1)
Mary L. Meaut Michel (1887-1952), long time Biloxi school teacher and spouse of Marshall L. Michel (1886-1954), former Biloxi City Commissioner, died at NOLA on February 17th. Her corporal remains were interred in the Carrollton Cemetery in the Crescent City.(The Daily Herald, February 19, 1952, p. 1)
In April, Coach Charles Galloway Walsh (1920-1993), BHS assistant football coach, was named to replace Coach E.A. 'Oscar' Wright who resigned and moved to Memphis. Coach Walsh was a native of Ripley, Tennesse and was educated a Murray State Teachers College in Kentucky and had flown in the P-51 in the ETO during WW II. He came to Biloxi from Vicksburg in August 1950 to become backfield coach for the Biloxi Indians.(The Daily Herald, August 21, 1950, p. 10 and April 16, 1952, p. 8)
Dr. Harris M. Cook (1896-1952), Gulfport resident and former BHS principal [1921-1923] died on June 7th at the VA Hospital in Biloxi. Mr. Cook was a native of Artesia, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1952, p. 1)
The City of Biloxi acquired ten acres of land from the Seashore Methodist Assembly to erect the Mary L. Michel Junior High School on Father Ryan Avenue in West Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, January 20, 1959, p. 1 and )
Albert Louis May (1892-1953), former Biloxi School Superintendent and president of Perkinston Junior College, expired at Wiggins, Mississippi on July 8, 1953. His corporal remains were interred at Southern Memorial Park in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1953, p. 1)
In late October, Shirley Scarborough was BHS home coming queen for the 1953 football season. She was escorted on the field by Richard Johnson, captain of the Indians. Maids to Miss Scarborough were: Angela Boone; Betty Scarborough; Barbara Seymour; Avis Vignes; Rose Mary Kettering; Nancie Niblack; and Barbara Bittle.(The Daily Herald, October 31, 1953, p. 7)
In late November, Coach C.G. Walsh announced his retirement as Coach of the Biloxi High School football team. He planned to wotk for the Federated Mutual Insurance Company beginning in January 1955. His territory was the Mississippi Gulf Coast.(The Daily Herald, November 26, 1954, p. 10)
Willie D. Wiles, native of Kosciusko, Mississippi, was named Coach of the Biloxi High football team in February 1955. Coach Wiles was a 1951 graduate of USM having played guard at Hinds Junior College. He began his coaching career in 1951 at Corinth High School under Coach Harold Wesson. Wiles came to Biloxi in 1952 to teach linemen when Coach C.G. Walsh was head coach.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1955, p. 14)
In October, the Biloxi School Board awarded a $437,370 contract to W.M. Craig of Gulfport to erect the Beauvoir Elementary School on Pass Road just west of the City limits. John T. Collins was the architect of the twenty-two. classroom facility.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1958, p. 1)
The Biloxi School Board awarded a $40,880 contract to T.L. Williamson of Long Beach for constructing a four classroom addition to the Perkins Elementary School. I.D. Gehr, local architect, planned the addition.(The Daily Herald, October 8, 1958, p. 1)
In January, the Biloxi Municipal School District, Dr. J.A. Graves, president of the School Board, acquired about 8 and 1/2 acres from the Seashore Methodist Assembly in West Biloxi contiguous with the Mary L. Michel Junior High School and bounded on the south by an extension of Father Ryan Avenue; on the north by Cemetery Street, now Irish Hill Drive; and on the west by Bienville Addition Subdivision. The Methodist received $90,000 for their land after a consent judgment was ruled in the Harrison County Circuit Court. Eminent domain proceedings to acquire this tract had began on Juky 12, 1958.(The Daily Herald, January 20, 1959, p. 1)
Robert D. "R.D." Brown, assistant superintendent of elementary education was elected superintendent of the Biloxi School system in mid-December. He will assume this position on 1 July 1960.(The Daily Herald, December 15, 1959, p. 1)
Earl Eugene Skinner Sr. [1924-1974], principal at Picayune High School, was selected to replace Frank Warnock, current principal at Biloxi High School. Mr. Warnock took a position at Greenville. John M. Norsworthy replaced Margaret Spiers as principal at DuKate. Bids for the construction of the Popp's Ferry Elementary School, designed by John T. Collins, were opened on May 23rd.(The Times-Picayune, April 21, 1960, Section IV, p. 10)
As a result of litigation describes as, "Gilbert R. Mason v. The Biloxi Municipal School District", a plan was submitted to Federal authorities to desegregate the 1st grade in Biloxi Public schools for the 1964-1965 school year. 15 Biloxi schools were effected. The pupil population in the 1963-1964 school year was 8169 students with 1255 students being colored.(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1964, p. 1)
Justin Thomas Meaut (1884-1970), 50 year public school employee, retired in late August.(The Daily Herald, August 24, 1964, p. 16)
The 1st Grade at Gorenflo (7), Dukate (4), Lopez (3), and Jeff Davis (2) elementary public schools at Biloxi were integrated on August 31st by 16 negro children-12 girls and 4 boys.(The Daily Herald, August 31, 1964, p. 1)
1964 addition to the new BHS
In early September, an addition to the new Biloxi High School was almost complete. The addition was in the same style as the original building. Cafeteria space was increased by 1/3.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1964, p. 1)
The four classroom addition to the Jeff Davis Elementary School was completed in February at a cost of $51,000. The classrooms were started in August 1965 and made of pre-cast concrete frame with fiber roof. The walls of brick and concrete block match the existing building. Additional toilet facilities were added to the contemporary structure to accomodate future additions as well as the present addition. A similar project is under construction at Popp's Ferry Elementary Schoool at a cost of $46,384 and a larger project at Perkins-Nichols for $131,600. H.F. Fountain Jr., AIA and Associates, of Biloxi are the architects and Alford Associates are the General Contractors for these construction projects. R.D. Brown, school superintnendent, announced that new classroom facilities at Jeff Davis Elementary will beoccupied this week. Occupancy at Popp's Ferry Elementary is expected March 1, 1966 and at Nichols on April 1, 1966.(The Daily Herald, February 2, 1966, p. 11 with photo)
The Gorenflo publc school on Lameuse Street caught fire on April ? The conflagration originated in the cafeteria and destroyed the cafeteria, library, auditorium, teachers' lounge, principal's office, and four class rooms in the main school building. Damages were estimated at $1 million dollars.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Repairs to the fire-damaged Gorenflo school were 40 per cent completed. The 508 students in grades 1-6 were attending classes in 19 classrooms with 20 teachers.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Forty Black students at Biloxi High School demonstrated against the school grooming policies of the school's administration. It was generally held that the Black students considered the "rule outlawing the plaiting of hair into 'corn rows', as the fashionable Black hair style is sometimes called, as 'discrimination against them". A disturbance the prior week when a Black student and White student had an altercation on campus resulting in a suspension for the African-American was also a salient feature of the student unrest.(The Daily Herald, November 7, 1975, p. A-2)
[The Sun Herald, March 4, 1987, p. A-4]
Late 1940s BHS principal, Dr. Wayne Thomas Sandefur (1914-2003), died at Gainesville, Florida on July 20, 2003. Sarah Rhodes Sandufer (1920-2006) , his spouse passed in May 2006.(The Gainesville Sun, July 22, 2003 and May 19, 2006)
Superintendent Larry Drawdy was verbally attacked by Gerald H. Blessey, newly hired Biloxi School Board attorney, alleging that Mr. Drawdy had mismanaged the school district and had kept salient infomation from school board members.(The Sun Herald, March 2, 2004, p. A1)
Charles Dunbar Lancaster (1841-1922) was born at Woodville, Wilkinson Co., Mississippi in October 1841. He married Caroline Hewes (1844-1878), the sister of Finley S. Hewes of Gulfport, Mississippi. They were the parents of four children: Rosina L. Lancaster (1868-1922+) m. T.J. Wharton Jr.; Fanny Hewes Lancaster (1870-1933); Anna L. Shanklin (1873-1922+); and Charles Dunbar Lancaster II (1876-1919).(1880 and 1900 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census R648, p. 35, ED 141 and T623_809, p. 11A, ED 34)
Before becoming involved in the public schools of Harrison County, Mississippi, Mr. Lancaster was an attorney. He also served in the State Legislature and was Harrison County Superintendent of Education.
Charles Dunbar Lancaster died in May 1922, at his farm on the Wolf River in Cuevas, Harrison County, Mississippi. He was survivied by three daughters: Fanny Lancaster of Cuevas, Rosa Wharton of Jackson, Mississippi, and Anna Shanklin of Puerto Rico.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1922 and May 20, 1922, p. 6)
Jacob Linn Ladd (1850-1900+) was born in Missouri in June 1850. He married Emma Sevalle (1856-1900+), a Mississippian whose parents were both French immigrants. They were the parents of eight children, six of who lived into the 20th century: Estelle Ladd (1881-1900+); Lillian Ladd (1884-1900+); Emma Mary 'May' Pettus Ladd (1887-1900+); Julien Alvin Ladd (1891-1900+); and Fay Ladd (1894-1900+).(1900 Matagorda Co., Texas T623-1657, p. 11, ED 35 and Lepre, 1991, p. 178)
In May 1891, Professor J. Linn Ladd was approached by the creme de la creme of Biloxi's citizenry and requested by them to be a candidate for the position of Harrison County, Mississippi School Superintendent. Some fo these fine gentlemen were: Lazaro Lopez (1850-1903); William Gorenflo (1842-1932) ; F.W. Elmer (1847-1926); W.K.M. Dukate (1852-1916); John Walker (1834-1907); Theo P. Dulion (1861-1907); Harry T. Howard (1856-1930); John Eistetter (1857-1904); Edward Glennan (1854-1933); William L. Covel (1826-1926); James J. Lemon (1825-1915); Henry T. Meaut (1856-1930); Zachary T. Champlin (1847-191924); Constantine Olivari (1841-1894); G. Edward Park (1854-1901); and John R. Harkness (1827-1905).(The Biloxi Herald, May 23, 1891, p. 4)
J.L. Ladd accepted the endorsement of Biloxi's finest and opposed Charles D. Lancaster, the incumbent, for the office of Harrison County School Superintendent. His platform was based on the premise that each race should pay its own taxes to support their respective public schools. He avered that the White citizen paid $10 in school tax while the Negro citizen paid only $1.(The Biloxi Herald, July 25, 1891, p. 1)
Jacob Linn Ladd was elected the Harrison County School Superintendent on September 5, 1891. At Biloxi, he received 112 votes to only 50 votes for Charles D. Lancaster, his opponent.(The Biloxi Herald, September 5, 1891)
J.L. Ladd was also elected Harrison County School Superintendent in 1892. He wrote a column for The Biloxi Herald titled 'Alliance and Education' which espoused his educational philosophy and kept the public informed of the progress and news of the county's scholastic programs. In regards to discipline in the class room, County School Superintendent Ladd believed that every county shouild have a reform school to which the 'bad boys' could be sent. This action would reclaim the classroom and free the 'good boys' from their negative influence and releave the school of this great burden.(The Biloxi Herald, December 17, 1892, p. 1)
(from The Biloxi Daily Herald: Historical and Biographical,1902, p. 58)
Jackson Herndon Owings (1869-1921), was born December 27, 1869 at Fayette, Missouri. He was educated at Central College in Fayette, Missouri earning a Ph.D. degree. Professor Owings had teaching positions at the Interstate College [1891-1895] in Texarkana, Arkansas and was School Superintnedent of the Port Gibson, Mississippi Public Schools [1895-1897] before arriving at Biloxi, Mississippi in September 1897. Circa 1895, J.H. Owings married Jane Preston (1873-1921+), probably at Texarkana, Arkansas. They were the parents of two children born in the Gem State: Thomas Jackson Owings (1896-1973) and Harold Preston Owings (1899-1977). In September 1897, Professor Owings came to Biloxi from Port Gibson, Claiborne County, Mississippi to be the Biloxi Public School superintendent. Here the Owings family lived on Water Street.(1900 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T623-808, p. 8B, ED 31 and 20th Century Coast Edition of the Biloxi Daily Herald, 1902, p. 58).
Jackson H. Owings resigned his position in May 1907. He informed the Board of School Trustees that he would not be an applicant for election for the 1907-1908 school session. Professor Owings would leave Biloxi for Natchez, Adams Couty, Mississippi where he was the Public School superintendent until 1920, when he became the Adams County Superintendent of Education. J.H. Owings expired at Natchez, Mississippi on March 22, 1921.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, March 24, 1921, p. 3)
Jackson M. Young (1873-1920+) was born in Alabama. In the spring of 1907, he was chosen from twelve applicants as Biloxi's new school superintendent. The Biloxi school board at this timed was staffed by: W.K.M. Dukate, president; F.W. Elmer, secretary; W.T. Harkness; L.R. Bowen; and John C. Bradford. In August 1907, Mr. Young arrived at Biloxi from Wesson, Copiah County, Mississippi where he had been the school superintendent. He stayed at the Kennedy Hotel until he was able to relocate his family from Wesson to Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1 and August 23, 1907, p. 1)
Circa 1901, J.M. Young had married Lillian Young (1878-pre 1920). They were the parents of Virginia Young (b. 1903); Jackson M. Young II (1907-1968); and Emily C. Young (b. 1908).
Thomas Kendall Boggan (1880-1920+) was born February 2, 1880 at Fulton, Itawamba County, Mississippi to Thomas H. Boggan (1846-pre 1920) and Mettie Mitchiner (1857-1920+). His father was a lawyer. Circa 1905, Thomas K. Boggan married Shirley N. Bogan (1882-1966). Professor Boggan was elected to be Biloxi's school superintendent in May 1908 and his spouse the principal. The Boggan family had relocated from Fulton, Mississippi to Tupelo when T.K. Boggan was a child as he received his early education there and his college education at Mississippi A&M College.(THe Biloxi Daily Herald, May 30, 1908, p. 1 and September 1, 1908, p. 1)
After leaving Biloxi, Professor Boggan and wife, returned to Tupelo, Mississippi and resided at 201 North Church Street. He studied for the bar and by 1917 was a practicing attorney in Lee County, Mississippi. Shirley N. Bogan contined as an educator teaching Latin in the Tupelo public school system. She expired at Oxford. Mississippi in 1966.(1920 Lee Co., Mississippi Federal Census, T625-884, P. 2A, ED 29)
Circa 1895, Robert Paine Linfield (1871-1920) had married Lurline Harper (1873-1930+), a native of Fayette, Jefferson County, Mississippi. He was teaching at Fayette in 1900 before he took the job as the Pascagoula, Mississippi school superintendent. At Pascagoula, the Linfield family were domiciled on Telephone Road. Edwin H. Linfield (1896-1935), their only child, was a student in the local public school sysytem.(1900 Jefferson Co., Mississippi Federal Census and 1910 Jackson Co., Mississippi T623-812, p. 16A, ED 85 and T624-743, p. 1A, ED 58)
Professor Linfield was elected by the Biloxi school trustees as its school superintendent on April 19, 1911. The Linfield family arrived at Biloxi in early September 1911 and settled on Benachi Avenue.(The Daily Herald, April 20, 1911, p. 1 and September 6, 1911, p. 8)
Robert P. Linfield left the Biloxi Public school system in May 1916 to head the Gulf Coast Junior Military Academy at Gulfport. The enrollment of this private military school was about forty students at this time. In September 1917, Colonel R.P. Linfield had built a new bungalow on West Beach near the Gulf Coast Military Academy.(The Daily Herald, August 8, 1916, p. 3 and August 14, 1916, p. 3 and September 8, 1917, p. 3)
Robert P. Linfield expired on June 5, 1920 at Oxford, Mississippi. His wife and son were present at his death. Edwin H. Linfield was an intern at a NOLA hospital at the time. Edwin had been educated at Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1920, p. 1 and December 23, 1915, p. 2)
Ned Kocher (1882-1956) was born December 19, 1882 in Illinois. Circa 1908, he married Nelle Kocher (1884-1975) , a native of Indiana. They were the parents of three children: Margaret I. Kocher (1910-1930+); Gordon D. Kocher (1915-1930+); and Marion L. Kocher (1917-1930+), who was born in Biloxi, Mississippi. In 1910, Ned Kocher made his livelihood as a school teacher at Peru, Miami County, Indiana. At Biloxi, the Kocher family was at home on 453 Water Street.(1910 Miami Co., Indiana Federal Census T624-371, p. 2A, ED 124 and 1920 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T625-876, P. 7B, ED 39)
Ned Kocher became prinicpal of the Biloxi Central High School in September 1915. At this time, there were about 150 students in the school. When Superintendent Robert P. Linfield resigned in 1916 to take the position of Gulf Coast Junior Military Academy at Gulfport, Ned Kocher became Biloxi's new public school superintendent.
Professor Kocher and his wife spent summers on their farm at Big Point on the Pascagoula River in Jackson County, Mississippi. They would depart after school closed in late May and return in late summer before the new school year in September.(The Daily Herald, May May 31, 1916, p. 4)
Ned Kocher resigned in March 1920 and was replaced by Claude Bennett (1879-1970), who was the principal of the Harrison-Stone County Agriculatural school at Perkinston, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, March 10, 1920, p. 1)
The Kocher family relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida where he initially taught in a private school. Ned Kocher expired in March 1956 in Palm Beach County, Florida. Nelle Kocher lived at Atlanta, Georgia until August 1975.(1930 Palm Beach Co., Florida Federal Census R 328, p. 4A, ED 18 and 1945 Florida State Population Census, S1371, R 32)
CLAUDE BENNETT (1879-1970)
Claude Bennett (1879-1970) was born on February 14, 1879 at Silver Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi to Drury Burton Bennett and Elizabeth Burkett. Mr. Bennett was educated at Trinity College (Duke) and George Peabody College (Vanderbilt) where he was awarded his B.A. degree in 1908 and M.A. in 1926 respectively. Before arriving at Biloxi, Mississippi in , Claude Bennett had a peripatetic career. His experience ranged from superintendent of education in Lincoln County, Mississippi to principalships at Hattiesburg and Moss Point, Mississippi to vice-president of Mississippi Woman's College (William Carey College) in Hattiesburg. His last post before becoming the Biloxi Public School superintendent was at Perkinston, Mississippi where he was superintendent of the Harrison-Stone Agricultural High School from July 1917 to 1920.(Sullivan, 2002, p. 71)
Claude Bennett had married Grace McVey (1891-1940) of Highland, Ohio in September 1914. They were the parents of three daughters: Margaret Nan Bennett (b. 1916); Grace McVey Bennett (b. 1920); and Mary Ellen Bennett (b. 1923). Grace McVey Bennet expired in August 1940 and in May 1943, Claude married Mary Bentley Gavin (1895-1982) of Stafford Springs, Jasper County, Mississippi. Claude Bennet died at Heidelberg, Jasper County, Mississippi in March 1970. Mary Bentley G. Bennett expired there in September 1982.(1930 Forrest Co., Mississippi Federal Census R 1145, p. 3A, ED 1)
Claude Bennett tendered his resignation as Biloxi's Public School Superintendent in late August 1923. He accepted a position with the State Superintendent Board of Education at Jackson, Mississippi to be the State Inspector of public high schools. In 1928, Mr. Bennett was named president of the Mississippi State Teachers College at Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He resigned this position in 1933 to accept a post with the US Treasury Department at Laurel, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, September 1, 1923, p. 3 and September 8, 1923, p. 3 and Sullivan, 2002, p. 71)
Claude Bennett finished his career in public education in June 1933, when he retired as President of the Mississippi State Teacher's College at Hattiesburg. He was presented with a 17 jewel, Hamilton watch by the college students.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1933, p. 5)
ALBERT L. MAY (1892-1953)
Albert Louis 'A.L.' May (1892-1953) was born on August 22, 1892 near Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Mississippi to William N. May (1866-1953) and Rebecca Elizabeth Carr May (1865-1957). In 1923, he received his bachelor's degree from the George Peabody College at Nashville, Tennesse. May's advanced degrees, Master's and specialist's diploma in school administration, were awarded at Peabody in 1933 and Columbia University in 1938. He had attended Mississippi College for two years before going to Nashville.(Sullivan, 2002, p. 121 and The Daily Herald, July 8, 1953, p. 2)
A.L. May was elected Superintendent of the Biloxi Public Schools and Edna Holley assistant principal in early September 1923 by the trustees of the Biloxi School Board: W.F. Gorenflo; Lily Rose Devitt (1884-1951); W.J. Grant; and Elbert L. Dukate. Professor May had come to Biloxi from Lyman, Harrison County, Mississippi where he had been the principal of the Wood High School. He had commenced his teaching career in the rural area near Holly Springs, Mississippi where he was a 1912 graduate. Albert was principal of the Holly Springs from 1913 to 1914 and of the Sontag School, Lawrence County, Mississippi from 1914 to 1916. (The Daily Herald, September 8, 1923, p. 1)
Professor May was named president of Perkinston Jr. College in 1941. He succeeded Cooper J. Darby who became Chancery Clerk of Harrison County, Mississippi. During his twelve years at Perkinston Junior College the valuation of the college property increased from $500,000 to over one million dollars. Mr. May was energetic in directing the post-War growth and construction at Perkinston JC. His tenure saw a new football stadium, apartment dormitory, boys' dormitory, infirmary and Little Theatre, the cafeteria-classroom building, War Memorial Chapel, and vocational building come to fruition. At the time of his demise, the swimming pool and dairy building with pasteurizing plant were being built.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1953, p. 1)
In addition to his superlative administrative qualities, A.L. May was an outstanding educator. He served as vice president of the Mississippi Association of Colleges in 1950 and as president in 1951. May was a member of the State Accrediting Commission and was formerly on the executive comittee of the School Administrators Association. In addition, he was a former president of the Mississippi Junior College Association. Mr. May was also active in civic and parochial affairs. He was past president of the Wiggins Rotary Club and a former Kiwanis at Biloxi and Jackson. Albert L. May was a member of the Magnolia Masonic Lodge of Biloxi. He was a Baptist and taught Sunday School at the Perkinston Baptist Church.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1953, p. 2)
Albert L. May expired on July 8, 1953 in the Stone County Hospital at Wiggins, Mississippi. His body remained at the Dees Funeral Home in Wiggins until the next day when it was taken to lie in state in the War Memorial Chapel on the Perkinston Junior College campus. Burial occurred on the afternoon of July 9th in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery at Biloxi, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1953, p. 1)
George W. Ditto (1895-1975) was born on September 4, 1895 at Albany, Morgan County, Alabama. He graduated from the University of Alabama (B.S.) and Columbia University (M.A.) at New York City. During WW I, Mr. Ditto enlsited in the ROTC program and received an honorble discharge to join the US Navy. He served with the 5th Naval District at Hampton Roads, Virginia until the conflict ended and then returned to school and completed his education.(The Daily Herald 50th Anniversary Souvenir Golden Jubilee Number Biographical and Historical 1884-1934, [The Daily Herald: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1934].
George Ditto was elected principal of Biloxi High School in August 1924. He had just completed the summer term at Columbia University and arrived at Biloxi in early September to assume his duties at the Central High School.(The Daily Herald, September 2, 1924, p. 3)
George W. Ditto resigned his position of Biloxi's school superintendent in late October 1946 to be effective January 1, 1947.(The Daily Herald, October 30, 1946, p. 1)
Arthur E. Scruggs
Arthur E. Scruggs (1897-1957) was the son of William Scruggs and Anna Shand and a native of Tate County, Mississippi. He was the Superintendent of Biloxi Public Schools from 1946 until 1957 At Biloxi, he oversaw the operation of the senior and junior high schools, five elementary schools, and the colored schools. Mr. Scruggs had matriculated to the University of Mississippi where he was conferred with two degrees, a B.S. and a M.S. in School Administration and History. He had also attended LSU working toward his PhD degree. A youthful A.E. Scruggs entered the teaching profession at Amory High School circa 1919, where he taught mathematics and coached. Circa 1926, Scruggs accepted the position of Principal and Coach at New Albany High School. About 1928, he relocated to Poplarville, Mississippi where he was the head of the History Department and Coach at Pearl River Jr. College for six years. Professor Scruggs arrived at Biloxi in August 1934 to serve as Biloxi Senior High School Principal. His tenure as Superintendent of Biloxi Public Schools, commenced circa 1946.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1934, p. 1 and The Jackson County Times, December 17, 1948, p. 1)
Arthur E. Scruggs was married to Gertrude Kelly Scruggs. They were the parents of a daughter, Anna Scruggs (b. ca 1941)
Both public and parochial schools in Biloxi closed a half day on October 10, 1957, the day of Mr. Scruggs (1897-1957) internment at the National Cemetery in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1957, p. 2)
In January 1945, Arthur E. Scruggs and wife conveyed the Sutcliffe-Mavar home to Mrs. Thomas C. Hannah (possibly Rosalee Hannah (1911-1990) of Petal, Forrest, Mississippi)
Gycelle Tynes (1910-1997) became Biloxi's school superintendent on 1 July 1958. His contract ended on 30, June 1961, but Tynes submitted is resignation to the Biloxi School Board on 19 October 1959 and asked that his contract be terminated on 30 June 1960. Mr. Tynes accepted a position as school superintendent Clarksdale, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, December 5, 1959, p. 1)
Gycelle Tynes expired at Clarksdale, Mississippi on November 12, 1997.
Robert D. "R.D." Brown, assistant superintendent of elementary education was elected superintendent of the Biloxi School system in mid-December. He suceeded Gycelle Tynes (1910-1997) who submitted his resignation on 19 October 1959. Mr. Brown became Biloxi's Public School Superintendent on July 1, 1960 with a salary of $11,000 per year. In late December 1960, Brown's two year contract was extened to June 30, 1963 by the Biloxi School Board.(The Daily Herald, December 15, 1959, p. 1 and December 20, 1960, p. 1)
Robert Dennis Brown (1912-1996), former superintendent of the Biloxi public schools, died 18 November 1996, following a lengthy illness. He was age 83 years. A native of Mize, Mississippi, Mr. Brown held several administrative positions in the Biloxi school system before becoming superintendent.
After WW II, Brown and wife came to Biloxi from DeLisle Consolidated School to Fernwood Elementary in September 1944. He became principal at the DeLisle School in September 1936. She began teaching in 1937.
Enlisted at Camp Shelby on 31 July 1942 and served in the US Army Air Corps during WW II.
In September 1944, replaced H.B. Longest as principal of the Fernwood School. He resigned in September 1949 to become supervisor of the cafeteria and teach mathematics at the Biloxi Junior High School. In December 1950, R.D. Brown was chosen to be the new principal at the new West End School situated on St. John Street between Miller and Wilkes Avenue.
Mrs. R.D. Brown attended Blue Mountain College and had a BS from, Mississippi Southern College. Carol Jean Brown, their first child, was born at Gulfport on April 30, 1946.
Among the posts he held were principal of West End Elementary, which later became Lopez Elementary. He was also an assistant superintendent before assuming the top job. R.D. Brown served as Biloxi’s school superintendent for 15 years before retiring in 1975.
Mr. Brown attended Copiah-Lincoln Junior College. He later received his Bachelor of Science degree from Mississippi State Teachers' College in Hattiesburg and his master's degree from Mississippi Southern College.
R.D. Brown was a former member of Sunkist Country Club, past president of Biloxi Civitan Club and a member of the board of directors of the Harrison County Mental Health Association. He was also a member of the original board of directors of the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra.
In 1974, Superintendent Brown was honored by the Biloxi School Board when the R.D. Brown Vocational Education Complex was named in his honor.
He was also a member of Phi Delta Kappa International and a member of Les Pierrots and Les Cavaliers carnival organizations. He was also a member of Seminary Masonic Lodge No. 461 and a Scottish Rite Shriner.
He is survived by his wife, Virginia Wilkes Freeman Brown of Gulfport, whom he married in Harrison County, Mississippi on 18 July 1961; two daughters, Carol Jean Brown-Brown of Biloxi and Beth Freeman Fleming of Gulfport; two sons, Otis Wayne Freeman of Gulfport and Terry Wilkes Freeman of Birmingham, Ala.; and one brother, A.J. Brown of Petal
Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Riemann Funeral Home at 274 Beauvoir Road in Biloxi, where friends may call two hours prior to service time.
The Daily Herald, ‘Program presented at DeLisle School’, December 21, 1936, p. 6.
The Daily Herald, ‘Fernwood School opens’, September 8, 1944, p. 5.
The Daily Herald, ‘School plans will; be ready for bids by first of year’, December 20, 1950, p. 7.
The Daily Herald, ‘Dedicatory service for new West End School’, December 4, 1952, p. 5.
Tom Burnham retired in July 1993. Virgil 'Buddy' Strickland, his replacement, was chosen in January 1993.
Virgil 'Buddy' Strickland (b. 1942), Superintendent of the 6600 students in the Biloxi Public school system, resigned in May 1994 after less than one year in this position. He was chosen for the job by the School Board in January 1993. Mr. Strickland was born at Cleveland, Mississippi.
Superintendent Paul Tisdale announced in late November 2010 that he would retire from his position at the end of June 2011.(The Sun Herald, November 22, 2010)
Arthur McMillan (b. 1964) began his ascent in the education arena after graduating from Newton High School. Superintendent McMillan was born at Newton, Newton County, Mississippi. He attended East Central Junior College at Scooba, Mississippi and went on to Mississippi State University to acquire in 1982, a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education. After seven years at Lake High School in Scott County, Mississippi where he taught and coached girls basketball, Coach McMillan in 1994 relocated to the Newton Municipal School Distirct to become an assistant principal. At Newton, he also coached girls basketball and was Federal Programs director. Arthur McMillan moved as principal to Carthage High School in 1998 and left in 2001 to become Superintendent of the Enterprise Public Schools at Enterprise, Clarke County, Mississippi. He earned a Master of Education degree from Mississippi State University between August 1989 and August 1992.
Mr. McMillan was hired as Biloxi's School Superintendent by the Biloxi School Board on June 14, 2011. His contract was for three years paying $139,000 per year.
Former Biloxi superintendent used school funds, resources for daughter’s wedding, lawsuit says
MARCH 23, 2020 12:22 PM
While working as superintendent, Arthur McMillan spent Biloxi School District money, and used district labor and equipment, for his daughter’s May 2018
Former school district employee Victoria Moon Conway says in her lawsuit that she tried to stop the “illegal activities” by reporting them to a school board member. Instead, she says, she was harassed and eventually fired. The lawsuit says Conway and her mother, longtime district employee Lee Ann Strangi Moon Dubaz, compiled a list that included Conway’s complaints and unrelated allegations from other employees. The list wound up in McMillan’s hands, Conway says.
Dubaz also reported the allegations to State Auditor Shad White, whose office launched an investigation. The State Auditor’s Office has since declined all comment on the investigation. Dubaz, a 38-year district employee, recently lost her job as administrative assistant to the superintendent. Current Superintendent Marcus Boudreaux, hired in January, moved her from administration offices to a nearby annex, where, the lawsuit says, she continues to work as school board clerk and district historian.
In addition to the school district and McMillan, Conway is suing district Business Manager Shane Switzer, who is responsible for finances; her former supervisor, Dixie Eleuterius, director of the Child Nutrition Program; and school board president Jim Wallis.
School district attorney Henry Dick said he could not comment on pending litigation. The district’s legal response is not yet due and is not on file in U.S. District Court.
In the lawsuit, Conway claims malicious interference with her job and civil conspiracy. Her attorney, Jim Waide of Tupelo, filed the lawsuit in federal court because, the lawsuit says, the district violated her First Amendment right to free speech. She hopes to include in an amended complaint claims that the district violated state and school whistle-blower protection policies. She is seeking compensation for lost income, mental anxiety and psychological damage, plus punitive damages. She also wants to recover attorney’s fees and reasonable expenses.
Conway says she worked for more than 10 years as administrative assistant for the department that manages the federally funded child nutrition program. Her job, she says, gave her “direct knowledge” of funds, equipment and employee labor for the wedding of McMillan’s daughter at Enterprise Baptist Church.
She went to Dubaz with the allegations. The women took Conway’s complaints, plus the allegations from other district employees, to school board member Jane Meynardie.
The lawsuit says: “The illegal activity of which plaintiff (Conway) had personal knowledge was the use of School District funds for the benefit of former Superintendent/Defendant McMillan to pay for supplies and equipment used in the wedding of Defendant McMillan’s daughter, as well as use of school equipment without recompense and the use of labor by school employees during school hours at the school’s expense to deliver and set up tables, and do other work for the wedding.”
Conway and Dubaz hoped the school board would investigate and stop “the illegal activities,” the lawsuit says.
Dubaz also notified the State Auditor’s Officer, which started an investigation in October 2018.
McMillan pinpointed Conway as the source of complaints about school resources used for the wedding, she says, because she worked in child nutrition and would have been one of the few employees with direct knowledge of what happened.
She says McMillan and Switzer retaliated against her through her supervisor, Eleuterius.
“Defendant Eleuterius’ harassment of Plaintiff consisted of refusing to speak to Plaintiff (Conway), slamming doors and file cabinets, tossing paperwork, shutting Plaintiff out of her office, and refusing to speak to her,” the lawsuit says. “The mistreatment became so severe that Plaintiff suffered psychological harm, necessitating psychological treatment.”
The auditor’s investigation has been public knowledge since November 2018, when the Sun Herald obtained a copy of a letter Conway wrote the School Board. In the letter, she outlined her attempts to stop “impropriety and Illegal activities,” and the retaliation she suffered.
The lawsuit for the first time publicly reveals her allegation that school resources were used for the wedding.
School Board discussions of the complaints have been held in executive session under the state open meeting law’s exemption for personnel matters.
The school board adopted its whistle-blower policy Oct. 24, 2018, according to a copy. The policy forbids retaliation against whistle-blowers and outlines action the board can take against any employee retaliating, including termination.
In a Nov. 13, 2018 memo to administration employees, the school board acknowledged the auditor’s investigation and made it clear employees should cooperate only through personnel director David Nichols.
Nichols, the memo said, was serving as the auditor’s district contact. The memo said, in part: “Do not take it upon yourself to locate for and/or provide information related to this investigation to anyone outside of the District. This will allow the District to preserve evidence, ensure confidentiality is maintained when necessary, and to use District resources efficiently and wisely.”
The letter also warns employees that they will face a school board investigation if they “intimidate or harass” another employee.
Meanwhile, Arthur McMillan remained in his job as superintendent. The board hired Gulfport attorney Tim Holleman to conduct an internal investigation of the allegations presented to the state auditor.
Holleman reported on his investigation in an executive session on May 14, 2019, school board minutes say.
McMillian joined the May 29, 2019, school board meeting by teleconference, board minutes say. The board held an executive session on personnel matters. By mutual agreement, the minutes say, the board then accepted McMillan’s resignation, effective two days later.
McMillan told the Sun Herald that he was retiring to take care of his mother. He has not been charged with any wrongdoing.
Former school superintendent Larry Drawdy stepped in to fill the job until the school board in January hired Marcus Boudreaux to manage the 6,300-student district. Boudreaux had previously served as principal of Biloxi High School and is a longtime district employee.
The Daily Herald, 50th Anniversary Souvenir, Golden Jubilee Number, Biographical and Historical 1884-1934,(The Daily Herald: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1934).
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, (Diocese of Biloxi: 1991)
Charles L. Sullivan, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College: A History, (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press: Perkinston, Mississippi-2002).
Zan Skelton, "Mississippi Teacher: A Biloxi teacher's account of four decades of teacning in Mississippi", (Skelton: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991). 147 pages.
Zan Skelton, "The Biloxi Public Schools 1924-2001: The Growth of the Biloxi Public School System", Volume II, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-2002). 282 pages.
Twentieth Century Coast Edition of the Biloxi Daily Herald: Historical and Biographical,(George W. Wilkes & Sons: Biloxi-1902).
The Biloxi Herald, "Don't want change", February 11, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "Superintendent Lancaster explains", September 15, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "School Matters", September 29, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "
The Biloxi Herald, "
The Biloxi Herald, "A Public Library", January 31, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "A call on Prof. J.L. Ladd", May 23, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "To the voters of Harrison Co.", July 25, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "Election Today", September 5, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "Additional Locals", December 4, 1897.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, "City News", June 26, 1908.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, "Professor Bogan now in Biloxi", September 1, 1908.
The Daily Herald, "",
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi Society and Personal Items", September 6, 1911.
The Daily Herald, "Back Bay school addition will be built by Wetzel", August 6, 1915.
The Daily Herald, "List of teachers for City School of Biloxi is out", September 3, 1915.
The Daily Herald, "Public schools begin new term", September 11, 1916.
The Daily Herald, "Schools to open Tuesday morning", December 30, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Big improvements at Coast school", July 31, 1917.
The Daily Herald, "Prof. Kocher is an adept knitter", December 13, 1917.
The Daily Herald, "Public Schools close tomorrow", May 30, 1918.
The Daily Herald, "",
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi teachers selected by board", March 10, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "State shocked by Linfield's death", June 7, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "Veterans are grieved", June 9, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "Chas. Lancaster dies", May 15, 1922.
The Daily Herald, "Tribute to the dead [C.D. Lancaster]", May 20, 1922.
The Daily Herald, "School opens here next week", September 1, 1923.
The Daily Herald, “Superintendent [A.L. May]", January 17, 1929.
The Daily Herald, "Ditto resigns Superintendent Biloxi schools", October 30, 1946.
The Jackson County Times, “Professor Scruggs is re-elected Superintendent of Biloxi Schools”, December 17, 1948.
The Daily Herald, "President A.L. May of Perkinston Junior College dies", July 8, 1953.
The Daily Herald, “Superintendent Biloxi Schools Expires At VA”, October 9, 1957.
The Daily Herald, “City Schools To Close Half Day Thursday”, October 9, 1957.
The Daily Herald, “Tynes retires?", December 4, 1959.
The Daily Herald, “R.D. Brown elected new superintendent at Biloxi", December 15, 1959.
The Daily Herald, "Extend contract of R.D. Brown until July 1963", December 20, 1960.
The Sun Herald, "Biloxi superintendent resigns", May 1, 1994, p. C1.
The Sun Herald, "Biloxi schools chief [Larry Drawdy] accused of deception", March 2, 2004, p. A1.
The Sun Herald, "", , p.
The Sun Herald, "Biloxi announces new superintendent", June 15, 2011.
The Sun Herald, "", , p.
Biloxi Public Schools
CLASS 1889
CLASS 1894
The first session of the Biloxi School opened on October 16, 1893 with the following staff: Charles D. Lancaster, principal-$85 per month; Josephine Santini-1st Assistant-$45 per month; Mollie Rodenberg; Edna Holley; Senhora Booth; and Rosa Andrews-all were paid $40 per month.(The Biloxi Herald, October 16, 1893, p. 1)
J.M. Taylor, Superintendent and Principal; Senhora Booth; Molly Rodenberg; Josephine Santini; Rosa Andrews; Edna Holley; May Brooks; and E.G. Smiley.(The Biloxi Herald, September 12, 1896, p. 8)
CLASS 1898
Professor Jackson Herndon Owings (1869-1921) arrived at Biloxi on December 3, 1897 to become the City school superintendent. At this time, Biloxi had four schools, Central School, Point Cadet School, Back Bay School, and the West End School. Their were only seven grades with about 450 pupils enrolled.(The Biloxi Herald, December 24, 1897, p. 4 and January 15, 1898, p. 8)
The BHS Class of 1903 graduated on May 30, 1904 at Dukate's Theatre. Professor Paul H. Sanders, Phd., lecturer in the Greek language at the University of Mississippi, delivered the commencement address to the graduating seniors.(The Biloxi Herald, May 23, 1904, p. 6)
Katie Lena Carson; Lottie Lucille Dunbar; Elsa Mary Hatlestaed; Katie Louise Henley; Addison George Jackson; Lucy Maclin Kimbrough; Carrie Bertha Levy; Elise Lyle Maxwell; Mary Louise Meaut; Blanche Picard; Ada Wallace; and Mary Laura Young.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 23, 1904, p. 6 amd May 3, 1904, p. 1)
In May 1908, Miss Lena Carson became principal of the Lake Avenue School at Pascagoula, Mississippi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 25, 1908, p. 1)
__________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1905
Mr. Roane; Miss Snell; Miss Holley; Miss Warren; Miss King; and Mrs. Whitaker.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 19, 1905, p. 1)
There were no Central School graduates in 1905 as the fouteen students who were to end their high school education had to wait until 1906, as an addtional grade was added.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 19, 1905, p. 1)
__________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1905
Jackson H. Owings, superintendent; Robert O'Neil Binford (1874-1930+), principal;
W.K.M. Dukate was petitoned to lead improvements to the Biloxi Public schools. In particular the citizenry felt the need for a larger Central School.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 4, 1906, p. 1)
__________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1907
Jackson Herndon Owings (1869-1921), Biloxi Public School superintendent for the past ten years [1897] resigned in May 1907. He informed the Board of School Trustees that he would not be an applicant for election for the 1907-1908 school session. Professor Owings would leave Biloxi for Natchez, Adams Couty, Mississippi where he was the Public School superintendent until 1920, when he became the Adams County Superintendent of Education. J.H. Owings expired at Natchez, Mississippi on March 22, 1921.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1 and The Daily Herald, March 24, 1921, p. 3)
Other teachers for the 1906-1907 school term were Robert O. Binford, principal Central School and teacher of 9th and 10 grade; Sue Snell-history, literature, grammar in advanced grades; Edna Holley-8th grade; Nell Hann-7th grade; Emma Chapman-6th grade; Edna Klare-5th and 6th grade; and Mrs. Mary Whitaker-4th and 5th grade.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 15, 1906, p. 4)
Robert O'Neil Binford (1874-1930+) was a native of Tennessee and was living at Shelbyville, Beford County, Tennessee in 1900. Professor Binford arrived at Biloxi, Mississippi from Portersville, Mississippi in August 1906 to assume his duties as principal. He had been educated at Richmond College [Virginia] and had an A.B. from Judson College of North Carolina. He had taught for ten years beginning at Judson College before entering public school education. Binford was qualified in Latin, Greek, German, French and English, as well as core subjects. By 1910, he had relocated to Athens, Alabama where he was teaching and here very probably met and married Julia F. Binford (1890-1986) circa 1913.(1900 Bedford Co., Tennessee Federal Census T623-1558, p. 7B, ED 10 and 1910 Limestone Co., Alabama Federal Census T624-15, p; 16A, ED 96 and The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 15, 1906, p. 4 and August 31, 1906, p. 4)
In the summer vacation, Miss Coates and Miss Cowan, primary teachers, attended the Normal session at Columbus. Mississippi. Miss Ramsay and Miss Ada Wallace studied at the University of Chicago and Miss Gorenflo attended the Peabody Normal at Nashville, Tennessee.(June 17, 1904, p. 4)
The 9th Annual Commencement exerecises were held on June 3, 1907 in the Dukate Theatre. Graduates were: Lena Emma Brander; Annette Carter; Clara Marie deMitt; Maud Irma Dukate; Eunice Alice Guidry; Lenora Macurdy Hann; Adele Mary Rantz; Gertrude Christine Ott; and Peter Mullholland (1889-1974). Departing, Professor Jackson H. Owings, was given with an umbrella by the 10th Grade class; a massive gold, headed cane from the faculty; and an Elks watch fob from the lower grades.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 4, 1907, p. 1)
The first baseball home game of the Biloxi High School season was played on the Oak Street grounds on March 9th. The team lost to Gulfport 18-6 last week at Gulfport. Biloxi lost the March 9th contest to Gulfport 5-0. McManus of Gulfport struckout 21 and gave up only 3 hits. Seventy-five people attended the game. Peter Mulholland (1889-1974) who pitched last year was asked to return to the squad. The Biloxi lineup consisted of the following: Bert Gunn, pitcher; Frank Schaffer, catcher; R.O. Binford, 1st base; Vester Wentzell, 2nd base; Osborne Hunter, 3rd base; Edward Elmer, ss; Francis Mathias, lf'; and George Body, cf.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, March 8, 1907, p. 1 and March 11, 1907, p. 1)
In September 1906, Archie Ebenezer Perkins (1876-1946) of McComb City was elected principal of the Biloxi Colored School. Mr. Perkins was born in June 1876, at Smithdale, Mississippi near McComb. In 1900, he was teaching school at McComb and in the household of George Currie (b. May 1842), his step-father. In addition, the family consisted of Phoeby Currie (b. January 1851), his mother who was also a teacher, and the following siblings: Eugene Perkins (b. November 1879); Emma Perkins (b. October 1886); Eunice Perkins (b. October 1889); and John E. Perkins (b. June 1893). [The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 11, 1906, p. 4 and the 1900 Pike County, Mississippi Federal Census R825, p. 6B-ED 111]
In late May 1907, the Reverend Henry W. VanHook spoke to a large audience at the Colored public school. Professor J.H. Owings said that the Colored school is in better condition than he has seen at anytime during his ten years as Biloxi's public school superintendent.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 27, 1907, p. 1)
__________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1908
In early June 1907, Jackson M. Young (1873-1920+) replaced Jackson Herndon Owings (1869-1921) as the new school superintendent and was paid $166 per month. Virgil C. Daniels was named principal of the Central School and paid $100 per month. Also elected with Professor Young to teach in the Biloxi public school system at this time were: Elsie Maxwell, a Biloxi girl and recent graduate of the Industrial Institute & College at Columbus, Mississippi; Edna Holley-8th grade-$60; Mary Lack-principal Point Cadet School-$65; Inez Hall, principal Howard Primary School-$65; Catherine Coates, principal West End School-$60; Mrs. M.A. Whitaker, 5th grade Central School-$55; Ada Wallace, 1st grade Howard Primary School-$50; Mary Meaut, 1st grade Point Cadet School-$45; Margaret Hann, 2nd grade Point Cadet School-$50; Edna Klare, 5th grade Central School-$55; Margaret Barrus, 3rd and 4th grade Point Cadet School-$45.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1)
The Central High School did not graduate anyone in May 1908. Superintendent Young because of a new requirement of universities that required entering students to have three years of high extended the tenth grade class for another year. About eleven students were expected to graduate in May 1909.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, May 26, 1908, p. 1)
A.E. Perkins, principal-$45 per month and Julia Hutchins, assistant-$25 permonth.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, June 3, 1907, p. 1)
Walter T. Bolton (1894-1964)*, Valedictorian; Zoe Hann*, Salutatorian; Lorena Bessey and Nelle Gunn, orators.
*Estelle Redding had the highest grade average and would have been class valedictorian, but requested that Mr. Boggan award honors to the W.T. Bolton and Miss Zoe Hann, who were ranked second and third academically in the class.
Estelle Cornelia Redding; Walter Thetford Bolton; Zoe Louise Hann; Margaret Lorena Bessey; Iris Wilma Johnson; Nellie May Gunn; Ethel Loretta Glennan; Edwin Rudolph Ott; and Ruth Andrew Guidry.(The Daily Herald, May 12, 1911, p. 1 and May 23, 1911, p. 1)
__________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1912
Soil tests were made in July 1912, by W.T. Nolan, architect of Nolan & Torre of New Orleans, and S.E. Dupree, contractor, at the site of the new Biloxi High School. Prepared to erect
Professor Franklin Marshall Nichols (1878-1945) was one of the first black teachers here. He taught at the Ocean Springs school from 1910 to 1916. Franklin Marshall Nichols was born on a farm near Decatur, Newton County, Mississippi. His father was a preacher. Young Nichols attended grammar school held in a rural church. He attended high school at Collinsville and Meridian, Mississippi. Nichols received a B.S. degree in Agriculture from Alcorn College, and a Master's degree from Atlanta University. He also studied at the Meridian Baptist College, and the Virginia Theological College at Lynchburg. Nichols taught for forty-seven years.
Professor Nichols married Fannie Birch (1894-1982), the daughter of Thomas Peirson Birch and Ella Campbell of Kemper County, Mississippi on January 28, 1914. She finished high school at the Baptist Seminary in Meridian, and got degrees from Rusk College and the Tuskegee Institute. She taught school at Ocean Springs in 1915-1916.
The Nichols moved to Biloxi in 1916, and taught there for many years at the black school on Nixon Street. This school was also constructed in 1909. Prior to this the City of Biloxi rented a house from the colored Baptist Church as a classroom for $17.50 per month. The street and middle school at 340 Nichols Drive in Biloxi dedicated in 1959, are named in honor and respect of Professor Franklin Marshall Nichols.
During the tenure of Professor Nichols, black children of the following families were being educated at Ocean Springs: Rochon, Carter, Green, Satcher, Williams, Ramsay, Bradford, Smith, Jones, Mayfield, King, Huff, Stuart, Thomas, Vincent, Seymour, Keys, Ford, Byrd, Washington, Stewart, Jenkins, Brown, Douglas, Malasham, McInnis, Jassell, Lyman, and Filassa.
William Harris, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, is the new principal of the high school. He taught at the Gulf Coast Militray Academy last year.(The Daily Herald, September 4, 1916, p. 1)
Robbie Smith, math teacher at the Central High School resigned in December. She was replaced by Farley Lee who came to Biloxi from Union Springs, Alabama.(The Daily Herald, December 30, 1916, p. 1)
Ethel T. Arguelles (1897-1938); Ellen M. Bagot; Edgar Hyatt Bragg; Catherine Jane Brooks; C. Miles Chaffee; Teresa H. Champlin; Bertha Collins; Katheryn Collins; Myrtle Helen Dulion; Fred B. Ferson; Katheryn Janin Fleming; Edith Phyllis Hatlestad; Isadora H. Henderson; Abbie Mae Johnson; Phillip Alexander Jouillian; Irma Elloise Harvey; Ethel Overstreet Quave; Hazel L. Royce; Emery Sadler; Martha Glenn Shaw; Mary Louise Stanovich; and William F. Willingham.
_________________________________________________________________________________CLASS 1917
M.F. Nichols, A.B. Morris, H.H. Lowe, Edwina C. Blake, and Samantha Palmore taught at the Biloxi Colored public school in 1918-1919 term.(The Daily Herald, August 29, 1918)
CLASS 1919
Marion Winkler, Valedictorian and Vivia de Milt,Salutatorian
29 graduates
The Daily Herald, 'Commencement at Central School', May 23, 1919.
The Daily Herald, 'Signal excercises many graduates', May 24, 1919.
CLASS 1920

Mary Louise Tyler, Valedictorian and Helen C. White, Salutatorian.
Evelyn Desporte, Valedictorian and Vivian Dacey, Salutatorian.
Lillian Arguelles; Leslie Curet; Vivian Dacey; Evelyn Desporte; Evelyn Druiding; Robert Druiding; Robert Eskald; Ulysses Fayard; Yvonne Frentz; Marion Friedhoff; George Harlitz; Pearl Harvey; Christine Howard; Helen Montoli; Myrtle Rose; Julius Saucier; Ferd Tyler; Mary Tyler; Rita Unger; Sylvia Wachenfeld; Rambeau Williams; and Catherine Wright.
[Seated,L-R: Homer Ryan (1905-1977), cf; Reuben Benson, rf; Ullyses S. Fayard (1902-1978), catcher; John Tujaque, ss; and George E. Wentzell, 3b. Kneeling, L-R: Julian Spotswood, rf; and Wallace Bloom, pitcher; Standing, L-R: Coach Percy C. Scott; Harry R. Lee (1903-1951), 1b; John T. Collins (1904-1985), lf; and Quinton Winkler, 2b]
The BHS 1921 baseball was outstanding. On a road trip in early April, they beat the Perkinston AHS 14-5; Brooklyn AHS 11-5; and lost 3-2 to Ellisville. Returning to the Coast, the squad lost a squeaker to the Sea Shore Campground nine 3-2, but came back the next week to beat them 11-0.(The Daily Herald, April 9, 1921, p. 3, April 15, 1921, p. 3, and April 20, 1921, p. 3)
In early May, the BHS team journeyed east to Moss Point and beat their high school nine 4-0 in the morning. In the afternoon, Biloxi visited Pascagoula and downed them 10-1. Shortly thereafter Biloxi beat the Seashore boys 7-3 and the Gulf Coast Military Academy 9-8.(The Daily Herald, May 4, 1921, p. 2 and the New Orleans States, May 7, 1921, p. 10)
The salient objective of any Biloxi athletic team was to beat GULFPORT. The 1921 baseball boys had at least two victories against their neighboring rivals besting them 10-0 in early May and 9-2 eleven days later. The BHS team dominated a local Biloxi baseball club, the Bankers, by 18-5 on May 22nd.(The Daily Herald, May 10, 1921, p. 2, May 19, 1921, p. 2, and May 23, 1921, p. 2)
The BHS baseball team planned a post-season tour to southwest Mississippi and was contacting teams at Hazlehurst, Brookhaven and McComb to schedule two-game series in each city.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1921, p. 3)
CLASS 1922
Ethel Redding, Valedictorian and
Frances Gertrude Rush, Valedictorian; Edward Assad Khyat, Saltutatorian; Victor Pringle, Class Orator. Edward Khyat-Millsaps College Scholarship. Class Officers: Granville 'Stag' Foster, president; Florian Seal Lopez, vice-president; Vera Leola Bond, secretary; and Ryland Edmonds, treasurer.
Louise Almena Arguelles (1910-1983); Frank Bass; Marcel J. Bellande (1909-1982); Vera Leola Bond; Hazel Burnside; Irma Cochran; Haywood Cook Jr.; Hannon Cousins; Houston Craig; Nora Alma Cumbie; Ryland Edmonds; Granville Foster; Ora Belle Galloway; Mary Grayson; Hildegard Gunderson; Mary Odin Haas; Clare Haas; W. Brooks Higdon; Helen Hogan; Henry Janin; Edward Assad Khyat; Lee Kostmayer; Leo Kostmayer; Helen Dolores Latimer; Bob Lawler; Dorothee Wilna Lee; Florian Seal Lopez; Kathryn Lopez; Mary Jane Lundy; Burnett Mabry; Lucille Manuel; William Frederick Marsh; Clara Pons Masters; Earl Mattina; Willie Gladys McGinty; Johnnie Merle McKinnon; Nancy Theresa Morice; Fred D. Negretto; Mary Louise Pickens; Victor Pringle; Frances Gertrude Rush; Mildred Maggie Seymour; Estella Sheridan; Grace Bernice Snyder; Jane Margaret Taltavull Smith; William Addison Thomas; Edward C. Tonsmeire; Elise Trochesett; Ruth Wentzell; Jeanette Wescott; and Clarence Williams.(The Daily Herald, May 26, 1928, p. 8)
M.F. Nichols, Principal.
Mercedes Bradford and Rudolph Staples received gold medals for their excellent record in school activities.
Mercedes Bradford; Elizabeth Graves; Ida L. Hand; Earlice Jackson; Leonard Jackson; Theresa Lee; Almeda F. Lewis; Earlice Jackson; Rachel Murdock; Vertia M. Reid; Eliot Spears; Rudolph Staples; Joseph C. Walker; M.L. Washington; and Winnie Williamson.(The Daily Herald, May 30, 1928, p. 2)
Florence Susanna Kornman, Valedictorian; James Kline Coquet, Salutatorian; Class Officers; William Vernon Joyce Jr., president; Miriam Wiltz, vice-president; and Louis Carron, secretary-treasury.(The Daily Herald, June 1, 1929, p. 2)
Inez Ursula Ackeridge; Elizabeth Allen; John William Atkinson Jr.; Elizabeth Eran Beeman; Annie Lou Bond; Nick Cefalu; Charles Edward Clark Jr.; Samuel Lee Dawson; Chester Louis Delacruz; Lydia Elizabeth Dowling; Marjorie Dukate; Elmer Elberton Ebersole; Egdar Howard Farrar; Thelma Graham; Guy Frank Green; Thelma Hammers; Victor Roland Harvey; Lionel Joseph Holley; Ethel Standish Jackson; Mary Louis Kelly; Alice Lee Latil; Mary Elizabeth Latimer; Frances E. Lioenhardt; Marguerite Lucille Lowd; Verian Elizabeth Mahr; Jessie Mae McElroy; Macy B. McGinty; Ella Mae McKinnon; Marshall Louis Michel Jr.; Norbert J. Navarro; Nedra Almeda Nelson; Albert J. Pickich Jr.; Vivian Pringle; Bina West Ramsay; Theodore M. Ryan; Ura Cecelia Scarborough; Elva Mae Shove; Willioam Gray Slay Jr.; Sybil Marion Smith; Ralph Eugene Stillman; John Sekul; Thomas Gambus Sparks Vignes jr.; Walter N. Wentzell; Thomas J. Wiultz Jr.; Marguerite Florence Wink Fayard.(The Daily Herald, May 31, 1930, p. 7)
Rose Hartstein, Valedictorian; Esther Lou Shove, Salutatorian; and Robert W. Daray (1913-2002), Class Orator.
Bernice Armistead; Edna Ask; Woodrow Joseph Atkinson; Juanita Baltar; Lula Frances Batson; Whillamene Lunda Bond; Loren James Bosarge; Russell J. Braun; Alice Lee Byrnes; Lloyd Caillavet; Freddie Paul Carron; Louise M. Carron; Tom Henry Clower; Joseph Charles Coquet Jr.; Isabel M. Curtis; James Joseph Danaher; Robert William Daray (1913-2002); Regina Drey; Irene Belle Entrekin; Juanit Abbey Eckles; Marie Louise Fountain; Curtis Paul Galle'; Frances Sullivan Gaudet; Harry Joseph Gautier; Horace Patrcik Gautier; Mary Maxine Glennan; Wilfred J. Gorenflo; May Harrison; Rose Harstein; Edith Patricia Holley; Robert Joseph Howard; Joe Hudson; Harold Henry Hunt; Thelma Estelle Jacquot Wallace Anthony Jacquot; Mark Gillen Joachim (1913-2011); Rhyley Wade Johnson; Isabel Jones; Chester Juanico; Irma L. Kelly; Ione Kelly; Eleanor Latil; Jessie Inez Ladnier; Ruth H. Latimer; Edna Estelle Lewis; Troy Lewis; Arthur Edward Levine; James O'Gorman Lopez; Leo E. Manual; Sam Mavar; Catherine McCormack; Willaim E. McDonnell; Alma Lucille McElroy; Allen F. Merritt; Ralph M. Moniot; Timothy Murray; Delphine Navarro; Hyman Dudley Schneider; Henry L. Schwan; Jacobina Sekul (1913-2003); Esther Lou Shove; Verlie L. Stafford; Jessie Lee Terry; Mary Ola Terry; Mary Virginia Tuttle; Harriet Sue Venus; Hewitt Walton Wallace; Gray Weaver; Katherine Kling Webb; Ann Weeks; Avis Linnelle Welch; Helen Gale Welch; Barney S. Wescott; Howard W. Wheeler; Rosalie Gertrude Wink; Mattie Nell Worthy; Gertrude A. Yousko.(The Daily Herald, May 21, 1931, p. 3)
Lillian Ackridge; Rene Armistead; Alney Austin; Alton L. Bellande (1912-1970); Irma Bosarge; Roberta Browne; Charles Brumfield; Malton 'Red' Bullock; Egdar Byrd; L.D. Byrd; Carl Carvey; Ernest Carvin; Mary Alice Chinn; Mary Virginia Colson; Marjorie Cousans; Ferdinand Curtis; Edna Mae Delacruz; Leah Duggan; Eula Dukate; Harold Elder; Dominic Fallo; Howard Fayard; Dorothy Fickes; Annabell Frentz; Mary Joyce Garber; Paul Gilly; Donald Gormly (1910-1980); Elizabeth Gormly (1914-1996); Grover Graham; Jacob Guice; Emelda Guillotte; Sammy Lane Hair; Dorothy Haneman; Vember Harvey; Milstead Hevelston; Virginia Huggins; Felix Johnson; Warren Jones; Carol Joullian; George Juanico; Frank Keegan; Elwood 'K.O.' Kelly; Ethel Kennedy; Virginia Latimer; John Lee; Nick Mavar; Edward McDonnell; Malcolm McEachern; Velma McElroy; Hazel Meaut; Eleanor Merritt; Helen Michel; Vincent Morice; Lucille Negrotto;Wilda Parker; Steve Pitalo; Woodrow Pringle; Hervey Purcell; Arthur Richards; Hans Richards; Stephanie Rodolfich; Grace Rose; Tony Rosetti; Walter White Sadler; Sidney Saucier; Jules Schwan; Linwood Slay; Alfred Stillman; James Thacker; Chris Thygesen; Eleanor Wiltz, Alice de Ybarra.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1932, p. 2)
Dorothy Arguelles; Francis J. Barthes; Edgar Benny; Frances Besse; Emily Bodden; Alan Braun; June Braun; Edgar Breaux Jr.; Mary Byrnes; Ruth Clark; Donald Collins; George Collins; Clement Cornibe; Ramona Cornic; Alfred Dantzler Jr.; T.K. Devitt; Frederick Dick Jr.; Sarah Dickey; Ethel Dowling; Frank W. Drey; Clair Duggan; Wilda Dunn; Fernand DuRocher; Odette DuRocher; Ella Keener Friedhoff; Arsene Galy; Edward Lionel Gardner; Lavelle Gardner; Marguerite Gautier; Upton Gautier; Miriam Haas; Viola Harder; Hazel Hood; Jack Hood; Irma Irwin; Rames Khayat; George King; Glenn Krohn; Margaret Lechner; Angel Lesquin; John Lopez; Joseph Lyons; Mae Inez Manning; Retta Miller; Lillian Newman; Elizabeth Parlin; Bennett Pearson; Roderick Russ Jr.; Lurline Schnieder; Mary Rose Simon; Lucille Slay; Julius J. Strayham; Maxine Swetman; Linwood Switzer; James Mason Tuttle; George W. Wilkes.(The Daily Herald, May 27, 1933, p. 2)
John Elmer Dacey (1916-1991) would graduate from the US Naval Academy in June 1938 as No. 1 in his Class of 439 Midshipmen.(The Daily Herald, May 3, 1938, p. 1)
Doris Lea Billings; Verta Lee Agnes Bosarge; Adle Mae Brisbi; Verna Mae Elizabeth Cannette; Lille Kathryn Chinn; Mary Corrine ; Collen Cornic; John Dacey; Dorothy Carlyle Frentz; Charles Traylor.(The Daily Herald, May 26, 1934, p. 1 and p. 10)
Geraldine Trochesett, Valedictorian; Mary Antonia Lund, Salutatorian; and Elizabeth Lightsey, Class Orator; Catherine Benedict, perfect attendance; Joseph Wallace, Elliott Jewelery Award for outstanding football player; Lydia Elder, 1st place in State in Home Economics; and Glenn Murchey, Junior Class-Gorgas Memorial essay prize.
Glenwood Bryant Achorn Jr.; John Brander Anderson; Anthony Anglado; Frances Pauline Balius; Earl Byrne Blessey;Frances Anita Brandt; Charles Harold Braun; John Hugh Brumfield; Catherine Clough Cannon; William Floyd Carroll; Phillip Carl Carvin; Julia Alphonsine Chinn; Alvah Eugene Clark; Elton John Cox; Jack Daray Jr.; Irene Henrietta Darsse; Ernest Francis Desporte Jr.; Kenneth George Doty; Elbert L. Dukate Jr.; Irma Beulah Ellzey; Daniel W. Ellzey; Barbara Mary Erskine; Julian Albert Ferguson Jr.; Vera Helen Fountain; Vivian Catherine Fountain; August Glenon Frentz; Genevieve Elizabeth Gallott; Helen Louise Galy; Doris Aimee Gautier; Thomas Hosea Glass; Elizabeth Collins Greene; Frank George Gruich; Richard B. Harrison;
Verda Mary Abshire; Billie Jean Akins; Wilton Jackson Anders; Alethia Aufdemorte; Anna Lee Bayly; Alvin Hale Bloodworth; Warren Joseph Boney; George Elmer Booker; John Edgar Bond; Martha Wilburnett; Inez Marie Byrd; George D. Cazeaux; Joseph Coga Clower; Dempsie Elizabeth Coleman; Daniel Elwood Collins; Julliette Cousans; William Barger Cross Jr.; Uloa June Curren; Ella Mae Dalgo; Ferna June Daniel; Nettie Leise Davis; Audrey Claire Dick; Ernest Edward Dunnavant Jr.; Roy Lee Elder Jr.; Roy Wilfred Fountain; Frank Allen Gautier; William Warren Gillis; Wilfred Elton Gollotte Jr.; Anne Amelia Gray; Edna Irene Greve; Stephen Louis Guice; Bert Oran Gunn Jr.; Joseph John Hartmann Jr.; George Albert Hesse Jr.; Audriana Harriet Holliman; Mona M. Hudson Smith Hunt; Ruth Mary Huls Hunt; Irma Lucille Jacquet; Iris Elaine Joullian; Evelyn Ada Kennedy; Francis Mary Kovacevich; Adele Winona Latimer; Pearl Josephine LeBatard; Jean Zoe Lewis; Elgin Cecil Lightner; Eura Mae Lightner; Elsie Joy Lindh; Albert Louis Mangin Jr.; Jane Dukate Matthes; Raymond V. Mayes; Mary Ellen Mon; George E. Moore Jr.; Elizabeth Ann Murchey; Louis Navarro; Stephen E. Newman Jr.; Shannon Paul Pickich; Elva Anne Rushing; Simon August Salter; Jessie Murray Scarborough; Clare Beatrice Sekul Hornsby; Nancy Sharp; Betty Margaret Spier; Beatrice Ann Lelia Steen; Clifton Thomas Switzer; Iris Lucille Trochesett; Vernon Anthony Trochesett; Guy Walter Walsh; Barbara 'Peggy' Welch; and Barbara Isabell Wells.(The Daily Herald, May 28, 1938, p. 2)
Marjorie George, Valedictorian; Mary Catherine Riddle Bennett, Salutatorian; Class Officers: William Clarnce Huls, president;
John Ross Amari; Alberta Josephine Arguelles; Henry Eikel Baltar; Beverley Beardslee Beggs; Shirley Elizabeth Anne Bessey; Erena Mary Branecki; Janet Elizabeth Braun; Wesley O. Broussard; Juliet Shirley Bosarge;Robert M. Bueter; Elizabeth Eileen Burns; Linne Gray Burnside; Melba Mary Burdine; Marion Eloise Craig; Dorothy Lee Cruthirds; Elena May Curtis; Anthony Cvitanovich; Verna May Davis; Noreta Marie Dellenger; George Denegre; Yvonne Mae Donne;Curtis Nelson Ellzey Jr.; Arnold Wilfred Entrekin; John Bernard Fallo; Mildred Mary Fayard; Floyd George Fountain; Kathryn Josephine Freiberg; Leona Mae Frentz; Miriam Guice; William Neal Gunn; Charles Raynor Hamrick; Charles Louis Hartman; Billy Hartzog; Andrew Melvin Herbert; Bert Holland Jr.; Lillian Marguerite Hollingworth, Gloria Carolyn Keller; Richard Paul Kennedy Jr.; Frances Vivian Kuluz; Clifford John Kostmayer; June Alda-Rae Lightner; John Chris Longest; Audrey Mercedes Lund; Nellie Ruth Mainer; Charles Eugene Mangin; Margarette Edwina Mattina; William Lee McLeod; Peter L.J. Menard; Julius Mladinich; Catherine Wilda Montogomery; Warner Oland Moore (1922-1994); Alvin I. Morrison; Robert Rich Moseley; Richard Lamey Neossis; Paul Irving Newman; Evelyn Rae Peresich; Dorothy Clarmonce Ann Petro; George McNeil Quave; George Aaron Quint; Alberta Gwendolyn Rich; Lucille Marie Rushing; Elvina Dorothy Ryan; Edith Theola Scarborough; Leonard Mark Schneider; Charles Marcel Schmidt; Wallace Steve Sekul; Covington Sharp; Vera Louise Squires; Annette Marie Simmons; Lois Slay; Eddie Eugene Stafford Jr.; Annie Strangi; Helen Elizabeth Pearl Sumerlin; Jacobina Surian; Anthony Joseph Swansine Jr.; Irmo E. Tolbert; Marion Marie Trochesett; Mary Louise Tubre; James James Gibbons Tucei; Genevieve Elizabeth Welch; Dorothy Elena Wetzell; John Gautier White; and Mary Theresa Yousko.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1940, p. 5)
William Alvie Moore, Valedictorian; Mary Elizabeth Scholtes, Salutatorian; Mark Joseph Ellzey, Class Orator. American Legion contest-Hulda Velma Cousins; Herf Jones Co. scholarship and Reader's Digest award-William A. Moore; Activities medal and honor school plaque-Mark J. Ellzey; (The Daily Herald, May 24, 1941, p. 2)
John 'Jack' Richard Arguelles; Frank Louis Aufdemorte Jr.; Margaret I. Barbre; Charles Walton Blake; Albert Adam Blanchard; Beatrice Dolores Boney; Marie Louise Boney; Norma Ellen Boney; John Marion Bosarge; Mary Margaret Bosarge; Norma June Boudwin; James Franklin Brent; N.G. Brown; Earl William Michael Cassanova; Helen Louise Cassanova; Rita Margaret Cazeaux; Marion Ellen Chinn; Georgia May Coleman; James Herman Cook (1920-1997); Joseph Lee Creel; John William Cruso; Allie Camille Dean; Philip Paul Dellenger; Christine Dement; Lillian Harrison DeMiller; Fern Scott Demoran; Florence Louise Desporte; Katheryn Louise Dick; Ethleen Hammet Dillard; Arthur Raymond Egan Jr.; Mark Joseph Ellzey; Lurline Veronica Foretich; Joyce Catherine Fountain Wiltz; Eric Vance Freeman; Jacqueline Margaret E. Frentz; Louise Virginia Frey; Lorie Decatur Gollotte Jr.; Floyd Gonsoulin; Helen Hayes; James Malcolm Holcombe; Jacinto Baltar Holland; Elizabeth Anne Hughes; William Mark Keegan; Glen Barkley Kruse; Raymond Lunn Laasko; Annie Mae Lamey; Arthur A. Largillere Jr.; Robert Emmett Lee; Althea Louise Lowd; Mary Louise Luther; Beverly Elizabeth Meaut; Emily Vivian Meaut; Louis Harold Meaut; William Alvie Moore; Morris Taylor Mount; Carl Otto Hor; James Clifton Palmer Jr.; Anne Glennon Pearce; Anthony Pickich Jr.; Martin Anthony Quave; James Wilson Raley; Olive Rodolfich; Howard Ray Schneider; Mary Elizabeth Scholtes; Douglas Ignatius Smith Jr.; Shirley Mae Stanley; John Joseph Stanovich; Francis Gustav Steen; James Stewart; Alvin Sumerlin; Sandford Oris Swanson Jr.; Joycell Ruth Argonne Thensted; Dorothy Gertrude Tiblier; Alice Jean Tubre; William Lyod Vierling; Vivian Marie Voivedich; Clara Elizabeth Wagner; Mary Rita Weems; Louis Elbert Wentzell Jr.; Eugene Richard Welein; Wilda Mary Williams; James Joseph Wilson; and Helen Bernard Wink.(The Daily Herald, May 24, 1941, p. 2)
Isaac Henry Adams; Ina Catherine Alberty; Anna Florence Duncan; Vera Louise Edwards; Joseph Danile Grafford; Isabelle Jeanette Griffin; Richard Clifton Hamilton; Frank Jones; Theodore Jordan; Valena Benzenia Major; Annie Mae McCleary; Robert Nance; Juno Gwendolyn Nicholls; Carroll Robinson; Maisie Beatrice Smith; William Spencer; and Altha Irma Staples.(The Daily Herald, May 29, 1941, p. 5 and p. 12)
CLASS 1942
CLASS 1943
CLASS 1944
CLASS 1944
George Ditto, Superintendent; Arthur E. Scruggs, Principal.
Fairie Lyn Carter and June Lawrence
Fairie Lyn Carter, valedictorian; Myrtle June Lawrence, salutatorian; Jacquelyn 'Jackie' Pearl Logan, class orator.
31 members of this class, 25 in their Junior year and 6 in their Senior year leftschool to join the military. Service men graduating but not present were: Raymond Terry Jr.-Navy; David Scruggs-Navy V-12 program; and Clarence Blanchard. Neil McInnis, a Guadalcanal veteran, who was honorably discharged, and Louis Lee Jr., who was a Marine on leave, received their diplomas.
Eloise Anderson; Maria Genette Anticich; Mary Jean Barnett; William Vernon Bass; Estell Berry; James Ray Billingsley; Clarence Joseph Blanchard; Velma Adelaide Boone; Fairie Lyn Carter; Patricia Louisa Collins; Dorei Mae Cooke; Mary Clemoise Cooper; Lois Catherine Cummins; Lillian Catherine Dubaz; Dorothy Merie Elliot; Homer Glen Ellis; Jesse Bob Ferrell; Vivian Garec; Mary Mercedes Gerdis; Helen Rose Gollotte; Patricia Ruth Grantham; Lee Paul Gutierez Jr.; Louise Hancock; Coleeen Eugenia Harper; Ivy Joseph Hebert; Eweather Joyce Hickman; John Murray Humphreys Jr.; Barbara Patricia Hutchinson; Frank Young Jeffards; Read Johnson Jr.; Joan Mary Jumonville; Doyle Kennedy; Ruby Mae Keyes; Francis J. Ladnier; Mary Theresa Lamey; Myrtle June Lawrence; Louis Jefferson Lee Jr.; Martha Isabelle Lestrade; Shannon Rita Lestrade [Covich]; Jacquelyn 'Jackie' Pearl Logan; Patricia Ann McCreedy; Carolyn McGee; Neil 'Red' McInnis; Doris Rita McClean; Antonia Mary Misko; Patricia Nill; Ursula Pitalo; Betty Lou Radovich; George Templeton Rutherford Jr.; Eleanor Rita Ryan; Shirley Mae Ryan; Annie Mae Ryan; Charles David Scruggs; Mary Antonia Sekul; Lawrence Peter Semski; Patrica Adelaide Sharp; Gerson Sherak; John Anthony Simmons; William Arnot Smith; Mary Ruth Stevens; Mary Juilette Strong; Doris Edna Stojcich; Raymond Terry Jr.; Elizabeth Ann Tierney; Henrietta J. Usey; Elizabeth Woods; Billie Loyce Williams; and Mary Ellen Ziz.(The Daily Herald, May 21, 1944, p. 9)
Vernon Alexander, Nancy Alley, Betty Joy Balius, Sammy Joe Barker, Barbara Ann Bellais, Herman Bellais, Patricia Anne Bennignus, Charles Edward Bodie, Robert Lee Bosarge, jack Bosarge, Clarence James Boudwin Jr., Shirley Bourque, Steve Braun, Dolores Broussard, Betty Faye Brown, Lloyd Brown, Ellzey Burch, Buddy Burdine, Nancy Francis Burgess, Jacqueline Gloria Burrus, Barbara Burt,

CLASS 1949
CLASS 1950
James Edward Alexander; Harold Watson Allen; Bernice Anderson; Rosemary Anderson; Patricia Anne Andress; Dorothy Carol Andrews; Elton L. Balius; Jock Wayne Barhonovich; Linda Anne Barnette; Willis A. Barras; Lee Jeanette Bellande; Shannon Theresa Beverin; Patsy Gray Blake; William Alonzo Boon Jr. (1931-2010); William Charles Boone; Norman C. Broussard; Shannon Rose Brown; Alice Joyce Burgess; Marcia Jane Cantwell; Lela Belle Champagne;Elizabeth A. Chinn; Magruder Sullivan Corban; Nancy Lee Corley; Rudolf Joseph Covich; Jo Ann Cox; John Elliott Davison; Claude Dawson Dennis; Barbara Ann Fallo; William Munson Felsher; Kathleen Garlotte; James H. Garner; Helen Louise Gartman; Norma Jean Gilbert; Betty Jean Gondolf; Juanita Graves; Susan Angel Gryder; Frederick W. Haise; Barbara Frances Harrell; Arthur U. Hathorn; Christine A. Hickman; James Roger Holland; Margaret Hollier; Mary Jane Hood; Ethylyn Ellamae Howard; Marilyn Margaret Howe; Nettie Mae Jenkins; Glenna Janell Jones; James Bert Keyes; Ione Knebel; Steve Gerald Kovacevich; Ralph Anthony Ladnier Jr.; Carroll Joseph Landry; Catherine Delores Lee; Betty Ann Lepre; Rosemary Ann Lizana; John W. Lunday III; Lois Marie McVay; James C. Moran; Edward James Murphy; Marlene Clare Meyers; Rosalie Nall; Kottom Ray Nelson; Peggy Margaret O'Neal; Ellen J. Ott; Carolyn Pieri; Charles T. Pihl (1931-2007); Frances Elizabeth Powell; James D. Powell Jr.; Leslie John Quave Jr. John G. Radich; Delores Romero; Ernest Eley Ross; George Elliott Ross; Charles Richard Russell; Ellsworth John Sacks Jr,; Larry Santa Cruz; Mary Frances Scarborough; William Lloyd Sconiers; Richard Keith Sewell; James Ernest Seymour Jr.; Margaret Elenora Sherrell; Carolyn Frances Smith; Delores Mae Soljan; Gus Lamont Stanton; Charles Anthony Stojcich; mary Katherine Suter; Nancy Louise Swetman; Mary Evelyn Tarbutton; George Joseph Theriot; Betty Jean Thompson; Henry Toche; William R. Toche; Lawrence P. Tucei; Bettye Nell Turner; Donald James Viator; William Bernard Webber; Dixie Lou Weinberger; Joan Marie Wentzell; Margaret Elizabeth West; Phyllis Mae West; Louis Wetzel; Helen Carter Wilder; Alice D. Williams; Doris Williams; Rowena Inez Wise; and Robert Louis Wold.(The Daily Herald, June 2, 1950, p. 8)
CLASS 1952
Seventeen colored students were graduated Friday in exercises at M.F. Nichols School in Biloxi. Dr. Arenia C. Mallory, president of the State Industrial and Literary School at Lexington, was guest speaker. The program for the evening was dedicated to Mrs. M.C.S. Williams, a teacher of long service to the school. Principal Nichols presented her with a corsage. Arthur E. Scruggs, Biloxi School Superintendent, stressed the advantages of students remainnig in school and reminded parents that it was their obligation to enforce academic attendance of their children. The Biloxi Public School Board and Mayor R. Hart Chinn were also in attendance.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1952, p. 6)
Elton Carll; Willie Dickerson; Marjorie Elzy; Frank Gill; Herbery Haynes; William Hilliard; Geraldine Johnson; Audry Knight; Venetta Lay; Joanna McCray; Carrye Nelson; Willie J. Pearson; Barbara Reed; James Edward Reed; Geraldine Riley; Julian Saucier; and Ireniece Vance.(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1952, p. 6)
Three graduates were recognized as Class Orators: Marjorie Elzy-"Youth today Citizens Tomorrow"; Geraldine Riley-Home Influences on Chaacter"; and Joanna McCray-"Responsible Citizenship, our Challenge".(The Daily Herald, June 5, 1952, p. 6)
The Clarion [Jackson, Ms.], "The State", September 29, 1886.
The Clarion [Jackson, Ms.], "The State", December 15, 1886.
The Daily Picayune, "Mississippi", September 29, 1884.
The Daily Picayune, "Handsboro", May 24, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "Gulf Coast College", August 18, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "Superintendent Lancaster explains", September 15, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "School matters", September 29, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "To the Honorable Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Biloxi", October 6, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "Our Public School", July 26, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, "Local Happenings", November 8, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, "Public School Report", December 6, 1890.
The Biloxi Herald, "Public School Report", June 6, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "Public School Report", April 9, 1892.
The Biloxi Herald, "Public School Report", December 3, 1892.
The Biloxi Herald, "Public School matters", October 14, 1893.
The Biloxi Herald, "A card to our Colored citizens of Biloxi", March 17, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald, "School Matters", September 28, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald, "Latest City News", October 5, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald, "Report of Back Bay School", March 7, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, "Latest City News", September 12, 1896.
The Biloxi Herald, "Additional Locals", June 4, 1897.
The Daily Herald, "All in readiness for commencement in Biloxi school", May 23, 1911.
The Daily Herald, "Preparations made for commencement Biloxi High School", May 26, 1911.
The Daily Herald, "Public Schools close tomorrow", May 30, 1918.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi teachers selected by Board", March 10, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi Public School close today; commencement exercises tonight", May 28, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "Inspiring exercises mark the close of the Biloxi Public School", May 29, 1920.
The Daily Herald, "Prof. J.H. Owens died Tueday", March 24, 1921.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi High School graduating exercises held before big crowd", May 28, 1921.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi High School graduation excercises held before big crowd", May 28, 1921.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi Negro receives appointment", February 14, 1923.
The Daily Herald, "Forty-three graduates Biloxi High", May 26, 1923.
The Daily Herald, "Commencement of Biloxi High", May 31, 1930.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi High School Graduate", May 31, 1930.
The Daily Herald, "Largest Class in history finishes", May 21, 1931.
The Daily Herald, "Death takes Wm. Gorenflo", February 17, 1932.
The Daily Herald, "Patriotic theme at graduation", May 24, 1940.
The Daily Herald, "Diplomas for 84 Biloxi Seniors", May 24, 1941.
The Daily Herald, "Seniors Biloxi Colored School Program Friday", May 29, 1941.
The Daily Herald, "92 Seniors to get diplomas tonight", May 26, 1949.
The Daily Herald, "Know your Policeman, Fireman and Teacher [Wayne T. Sandefur]", September 14, 1949.
The Daily Herald, "Seven new teachers elected at Biloxi", May 30, 1950.
The Daily Herald, "Leo Muller submits resignation as head Biloxi Junior High", May 31, 1950.
The Daily Herald, "Optimists [Club] back bond issue for Junior Hi site", June 25, 1952, p. 12.
1898-BACK BAY WARD SCHOOL ‘Gorenflo School’-
Located on the west side of Main Street between Bradford Street and Bayview Avenue. In August 1893, W.F. Gorenflo was adjudicated two parcels of land on Main Street by the Chancery Court of Harrison County, Mississippi. The future Back Bay school site was situated on the tract, which was described as: 550 feet north-south on the west side of Main Street and 76 feet east-west, bounded on the north and west by the Estate of F. Moran, on the south by Gaspard Didier, and on the west by Main Street. (HARCO, Ms. Minute Bk. 4, p. 529)
The land for the Back Bay school was donated by William F. Gorenflo (1844-1932). The building was erected with funds provided by William K.M. Dukate (1852-1916) and donated to the City on September 6, 1898. A school in this section of Biloxi was desperately needed and sincerely appreciated by the Back Bay residents.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 7, 1898, p. 4)
In early October 1898, Mrs. Senhora Dodd Booth was the first teacher assigned to the Back Bay school. The new furniture for the structure had not arrived and old seats were temporarily installed in school.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 2, 1898, p. 8) Attendance at the commencement of the school in October 1898, was forty-seven students.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 5, 1898, p. 8)
Miss Alma Ritch began her teaching career in September 1910, at the Back Bay School. She was one of four new instructors in the Biloxi School System. Her salary was $40 per month. Miss Ritch taught first and second grade. At this time, Miss Winnie Gorenflo was the Principal. Miss Ethel Dismukes, the other instructor, taught art.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1910, p. 4)
Edwin W. Wetzel (1877-1953) was awarded the contract by the City of Biloxi to erect a 900 square-ft annex to the Back Bay School. An additional teacher for the next term will be added as many pupils were unable to attend the school due to lack of facilities and overcrowding in its two class rooms.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1914, p. 2)
In September 1915, faculty consisted of Miss Katie Henley, principal, and Miss Alma Ritch, Ione Dulion, and Caroline Gilbert.(The Daily Herald, September 3, 1915, p. 1)
In September 1921, faculty consisted of Miss Alma Ritch, principal, Miss Priscilla Ritch, Miss Grace Hightower, Miss Ione Dulion, and Miss Veronica Lacaze.(The Daily Herald, September 12, 1921, p. 1)
1929 Sale
In August 1929, John J. Kennedy, Mayor of Biloxi, conveyed the school building occupied as a school by the City of Biloxi and known as the “Gorenflo School” to Rt. Reverend Bishop R.O. Gerow, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Natchez, for $250. The sale included all of the fixtures, attachments, plumbing, lighting, etc.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 182, pp. 510-511)
In September 1926, prior to the sale, the Roman Catholic parish of St. John’s commenced utilizing the building for a parochial school. It was staffed by the Sisters of Mercy from their Reynoir Street convent. This marked the fourth Roman Catholic school in Biloxi, as the Sacred heart School and Academy, Our Mother of Sorrows, and St. Michael’s had opened previously. A fifth, St. Theresa’s, was to be built shortly.(The Daily Herald, August 28, 1926, p. 2)
The City of Biloxi sold the Back Bay Ward School to Bishop R.O. Gerow, Bishop of the Natchez Diocese, for $250 in August 1929. In the deed the structure is described as “The Gorenflo School”. The sale included all fixtures, attachments, pluming, lighting, etc.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 182, pp. 510-511)
In September 1926, prior to the sale, the Roman Catholic parish of St. John’s commenced utilizing the building for a parochial school. It was staffed by the Sisters of Mercy from their Reynoir Street convent. This marked the fourth Roman Catholic school in Biloxi, as the Sacred heart School and Academy, Our Mother of Sorrows, and St. Michael’s had opened previously. A fifth, St. Theresa’s, was to be built shortly.(The Daily Herald, August 28, 1926, p. 2)
The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 2, 1898, p. 8
The Biloxi Daily Herald, October 5, 1898, p. 8
The Daily Herald, September 9, 1910.
The Daily Herald, "Back Bay school building going up", July 28, 1914.
The Daily Herald, September 3, 1915.
The Daily Herald, September 12, 1921.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi has new school”, August 28, 1926.
The Biloxi Herald,“”, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald,“”, , 190.
The Biloxi Daily Herald,“”, , 190.
The Daily Herald,“”, 1900.
The Biloxi Herald,“”, June 5, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald,“”, , 190.
The Biloxi Daily Herald,“”, , 190.
The Daily Herald,“”, , 19.
The approximate 6.5 acres that would become the site of the 1924 Gorenflo School on Lameuse Street was once the John Comstock Bradford (1855-1928) homestead. He acquired this parcel from his mother, Burrisa Jane Elder Bradford (1830-1917), for $200, in February 1898.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 37, p. 475)
In June 1923, J.C. Bradford conveyed his large Lameuse Street tract to the Trustees of the Biloxi City Schools, W.F. Gorenflo (1844-1932), W.J. Grant (1875-1932), Elbert L. Dukate, Susan Snell Tonsmeire (1879-1953), and Lille Bourdon Devitt (1884-1951), for $10,000.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 138, pp. 466-467)
Here in 1923-1924, a school building designed by architect Carl E. Matthes (1896-1972) was erected. Called Back Bay Elementary School. Its area of educational responsibility included: All north of the L&N Railroad from Caillavet to Lee Street, including the east side of Caillavet and the west side of Lee; north of Division bounded by Caillavet and Seal.
The First School Year
When classes commenced in early September 1924, the faculty consisted of Miss Alma Ritch, principal and 1st grade; Miss Evelyn McShane, 1st grade; Miss Pricilla Ritch, 2nd and 3rd grades; Miss Lizette Mackie, 3rd and 4th grades; Miss Irma L. Harvey (1898-1965), 4th and 5th grades; Miss Veronica LaCaze, English, geography, spelling, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; Miss Inez Rich, arithmetic, history, writing, 6th , 7th, and 8th grades.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1924, p. 3)
Faculty-Miss Alma Ritch, principal, 1st grade; Evelyn McShane, 1st and 2nd grade; Prisicilla Ritch, 2nd and 3rd grades; Lizette Mackie, 3rd and 4th grades; Veronica LaCaze, penmanship, spelling, physical education, and music for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; Mrs. H.H. Roof, arithmetic, geography, hygiene, and civics for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; Mary Will Dent, English and history for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.(The Daily Herald, August 31, 1925, p. 3)
As a result of litigation describes as, "Gilbert R. Mason v. The Biloxi Municipal School District", a plan was submitted to Federal authorities to desegregate the 1st grade in Biloxi Public schools for the 1964-1965 school year. 15 Biloxi schools were effected. The pupil population in the 1963-1964 school year was 8169 students with 1255 students being colored.(The Daily Herald, July 15, 1964, p. 1)
The 1st Grade at Gorenflo (7), Dukate (4), Lopez (3), and Jeff Davis (2) elementary public schools at Biloxi were integrated on August 31st by 16 negro children-12 girls and 4 boys.(The Daily Herald, August 31, 1964, p. 1)
The Gorenflo publc school on Lameuse Street caught fire on April ? The conflagration originated in the cafeteria and destroyed the cafeteria, library, auditorium, teachers' lounge, principal's office, and four classrooms in the main school building. Damages were estimated at $1 million dollars.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Repairs to the fire-damaged Gorenflo school were 40 per cent completed. The 508 students in grades 1-6 were attending classes in 19 classrooms with 20 teachers.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1975, p. C-1)
Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “”,
Bids were opened at the auditorium situated in the Mary L. Michel Junior High School for the new Biloxi High School in early December 1959. The School Board awarded the $1,455, 363 contract for its construction to G.E. Bass and Company of Jackson, Mississippi. The new high school was one of many building projects in the School Board’s long range agenda.
Classes commenced at the new Biloxi High School on Father Ryan Avenue on March 1, 1961 with an attendance of about 930 students. New courses will be added in basic electricity, automotive mechanics, semanship, Latin III.(The Daily Herald, March 4, 1943, p. 1)
The Daily Herald,“Awards contract for $1,455,363 for High School”, December 4, 1959.
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “Students begin first week at new high school”, march 4, 1961.
"our old school'-now site of the Biloxi Publix Library and Civic Center
The Biloxi High School Class of 1961 had the distinction of being the last class to attend the 'old' Biloxi High School on East Howard Avenue and the first to graduate from the 'new' Biloxi High School on Father Ryan. Neither school exists today in the capacity as a High School. The Howard Avenue campus was demolished and is now the site of the 2011 Biloxi Public Library and Community Centre. The Father Ryan Avenue school converted to a Junior High School, when the 'newest' Biloxi High School opened on Popps Ferry Road in 2003? It may be hard for today's students to grasp that the Howard Avenue campus was never air conditioned or integrated!
Mr. BHS-Kent Friedman and Miss Mary Carolyn Bennett
[from The Daily Herald, December 22, 1960]
[The Daily Herald, June 3, 1961, p. 8]
Gerald Lynn Adams (1943-2015) age 72 years, was born March 23, 1943 at Pascagoula, Mississippi to Nolan Edwards Adams (1912-1982) and Alma A. Saucier (1923-2016). He passed away on July 8, 2015. Gerald was preceded in death by his father, Nolan Edward Adams. Survivors include his mother, Alma A. Adams, a son, Jarvis Adams, and 2 siblings, Kim Adams and Larry Adams. Mr. Adams served 4 years in the Air Force where he was trained as a mechanic. He owned and operated his own battery service business and alternator and starter rebuilding service. He was of the Presbyterian faith and enjoyed listening to higher positive thinking preachers, especially Robert Shular who wrote the book “Power of Positive Thinking.” Mr. Adams enjoyed tending to cats and strays, woodworking, various pet projects, and listening to “Zippo” on a morning radio show. He had a special interest in Space and he wanted to be an astronomer. He was also excited by technology and future tech like robots. A graveside service will be Thursday, July 16, 2015, at 9:00 AM in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.(The Sun Herald, July 15, 2015).
Betty Rose Allen Suarez (1942-2004). Born on September 30, 1942. She wedded John Roy Suarez on March 23, 1965 in Harrison County, Mississippi. They were the parents of: Kevin Suarez; John Roy Suarez Jr.; Michel Suarez; and Angel Suarez.(HARCO, Ms. MRB 129, p. 50)
Betty Rose Allen Suarez expired at Las Vegas, Nevada on December 14, 2004. Her corporal remains were interred in the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery.(The Las Vegas Review-Journal, December 19, 2004, p. B6)
Lee Anna Allen Tesch (1943-1983). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on September 18, 1943, the daughter of Overton Allen and Elizabeth Carroll. Lee Anna married Reginald Gotjen at Biloxi on December 17, 1961.(HARCO, Ms. MRB 120, p. 488). One son, Mark Gotjen. Married ? O’Neal. Two sons, Joe O’Neal and Rafe O’Neal. Married Thomas Tesche. Expired on February 22, 1983, at Canton, Connecticut of cancer.
Anthony Rufinus Barhonovich Jr. (1943-2016), age 73, of Biloxi died Saturday, April 30, 2016. Mr. Barhonovich was a lifelong resident of Biloxi. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and retired as a Senior Chief. He also was a civil service worker at the Seabee Base. He is preceded in death by his parents, Anthony and Ruth Barhonovich; and brother, Alan Barhonovich. Survivors include his two brothers, Glen Barhonovich and Laverl Barhonovich; several nephews; a niece; and great nephews. A graveside service will be held on Friday, May 6, 2016 at Biloxi National Cemetery at 10:00 a.m. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.(The Sun Herald, May 3, 2016)
John T. Bloodworth
John Thomas Bloodworth was the son of James Curtiss Bloodworth (1915-1968) and Pearl Blair (1921-1999). He was probably a native of Arkansas. John was survived by Curtis Eugene Bloodworth (1949-2016), a brother.

Dovel Boles Jr.
Dovel Boles Jr [1943-2024], age 81, of Biloxi, MS, died Thursday, September 19, 2024 in Gulfport, MS. Dovel was born on August 15, 1943 to Dovel Boles and Mabel Powell Boles in Greenville, AL.
Dovel came to Biloxi with his parents when his father was stationed at Keesler AFB. He graduated from Biloxi High School and attended the University of Southern MS and graduated with a B.A. Degree. His career started at Notre Dame High School and continued at Biloxi High School. He was the Head of the Drivers Education Department and worked to get some of the most advanced training equipment available for the school. He loved teaching and creating a fun learning space for students (many loud pans were thrown during the simulator) while emphasizing defensive driving which he believed would save lives. He retired in 2005, after over thirty-five years of teaching. Dovel married the love of his life, Mary Wallace, on August 15, 1968 in Biloxi. They were married 54 years.
Dovel achieved the honor of 33rd Degree Mason and member of Magnolia Lodge F&AM. He was a longstanding member of Mithras Mardi Gras group. Dovel was a lifelong member of the Biloxi Yacht Club and won 2nd place in the Race for the Case. He also enjoyed being a member of Lions Club of Biloxi. Dovel loved working on and enjoying cars and motorcycles. He was a generous giving person and always first to lend a friend a helping hand.
He was preceded in passing by his wife, Mary Wallace Boles; his son, Donel Wallace Boles; and his parents, Dovel and Mabel Boles.
Dovel is survived by his children, Jennifer Boles (Jeff Whitten) and Dr. Nathan Boles; and his grandchildren and their mother, British Boles, Bruce Boles and Mandy Bishop. He will be truly missed by his children, cousins, and friends.
Funeral Services will be held at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home on Howard Avenue in Biloxi on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 12:00 pm. Friends may visit from 11:00 am until service time. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery.
Published by The Sun Herald from Sep. 20 to Sep. 22, 2024.
Stephen 'Steve' P. Bowen (1943-2005). Born October 24, 1943 to Stephen Bowen and Violet Puzz Bowen (1924-2006). Steve lived Memphis, Tennessee and retired to Sardis, Panola County, Mississippi where he expired on July 25, 2005. His mother died here on February 10, 2006. Her corporal remains were passed through St. John's Roman Catholic Church and interred in the Rose Hill Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, February 14, 2006)
Hillman Q. Breland (1929-2005) was born August 31, 1929 at , Mississippi. He expired at Columbia, Mississippi on April 26, 2005. Coach Breland came to Biloxi Central Junior High School in the late 1950s and coach football and taught Physical Education. He later became linebacker coach for the Biloxi Indians and taught driver's training.
Jerrilyn Marie Broussard Barrett (1943-2006). Born Biloxi, Mississippi, the daughter of Mr. Broussard and Susan Audrey Migues Broussard Moore (1923-2002), age 63 years, died Saturday, December 9, 2006 at Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. Jerrilyn was an avid bridge player. She was a Life Master with the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). Mrs. Barrett is preceded in death by her parents, W. Oland Moore (1922-1994) and Sue Moore of Biloxi, Mississippi. She is survived by husband, Warren Barrett of Pearland, Texas; two brothers, Randy Moore of Picayune, Mississipppi and Scott Moore and his wife, Carol, of San Antonio, Texas. A Celebration of Her life will be held at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 12, 2006 in the Chapel of SouthPark Funeral Home. Rite of Committal will follow in SouthPark Cemetery. SouthPark Funeral Home and Cemetery 1310 North Main Street Pearland Texas 77581 281-485-2711. (The Sun Herald, December 11, 2006, p. A ).
Carol Dianne Fortenberry Bosarge (1943-2011). Born Biloxi, Mississippi? on November 24, 1943. Married Ellis Bosarge in Harrison County, Mississippi on May 4, 1964. Carol expired on January 23, 2011 at Newberry, Alachua County, Florida.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 126, p. 570)
Dean Alexis Boudreaux (1943-2018)- Born Biloxi, Mississippi? Dean Alexis Boudreaux, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, age 75 years, passed away Fri., May 18, 2018. Visit: Thur., May 24, 12pm-1pm, Ocean Springs Chapel of BRADFORD O'KEEFE, followed by 1:30pm graveside, Biloxi National.[The Sun Herald, May 22, 2018]
John D. Byrd
John D. “Johnny” Byrd, T.N. [1943-2020], age 76, of Biloxi, passed away at his home on February 3, 2020. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edgar and Helen Byrd; and 2 brothers, Curtis Byrd and David Byrd. He is survived by a daughter, Tara Pease (Chuck); a son, Jonathan Byrd (Ginger); his siblings, Pat Byrd (Terry), Laurence Byrd, Marguerite Allen (Scotty), and Nancy Phillips (David); 4 grandchildren, James Edgar Douglas Byrd, Emma Annette Byrd-Barnes (Tim), Helen Elizabeth “Lizi” Byrd, and Faith Scarlett Byrd; former spouse, Dorothy A. Byrd; 2 sisters-in-law, Lila Byrd and Susan Byrd; and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.Mr. Byrd was a lifelong resident of Biloxi and was a graduate of Biloxi High School, USM (history and science) and a M.Ed from William Carey University. He was a teacher at Fernwood Middle School, St. Martin Middle School, and Mercy Cross Catholic High School and served as a guidance counselor at D’Iberville Middle School. He was an active member at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, member and Past Master of Magnolia Lodge #120 in Biloxi, and Anne Grayson Eastern Star Chapter in Biloxi. He was an avid reader and had a love and passion for astronomy, history, and studying the Bible. He enjoyed sharing these loves with everyone and he never met a stranger.Visitation will be on Friday, February 7, 2020, from 5 - 7 pm at the RIEMANN FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 274 Beauvoir Road, Biloxi. A mass will be celebrated at 10 am on Saturday at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 1904 Popps Ferry Road, Biloxi. Masonic Rites will be administered following the service in the church.
Patricia Diane Carpenter (1943-2011)-Known to all of us as Diane, she passed at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 4, 2011. Diane had matriculated to USM after graduation and married a gentleman from New Jersey. She began raising horses and later became a trainer of thoroughbreds. Diane ran the Sundance Stable at Churchill Downs, Lexington, Kentucky from the late 1970s to the late 1980s. Her ability to train and her alent to evaluate the potential of throughbred colts led to her success in the competitive world of horse racing. Diane among her many career racing successes, had two horses run in the Kentucky Derby: Biloxi Indian in 1984 and Kingpost in 1988. They finished this classic event 12th and 14th respectively. Diane was elected a Beauty in her senior year at BHS. In addition, she was secretary of Student Council, National Honor Society member, Vocal Music Club member, member of the Future Homemakers club and was co-captain of the Pep Squad.[Ray L. Bellande and Jackie Tabb-May 2011, The Sun Herald, May 20, 2011, p. D-1]
Billy Welch
[image made 1986 and courtesy of Jackie Tabb]
William T. ‘Bill’ Castanera (1943-2010), also known as Billy Welch. Born Biloxi, Mississippi on August 28, 1943 to Theodore B. Castanera and Bessie P. Welch (1914-1989). Bill expired at the Tidelands Hospice from cancer at Pawleys Island, South Carolina on April 18, 2010. Married Patricia ? Castanera. Retired to Pawleys Island from northern Virginia. Veteran of the USAF and father of two daughters, Candelyn Sue C. Bond and Gina Marie C. McDaniels.(The Sun Herald, April 20, 2010, p. A ).
William Henry "Billy" Creel (1943-2001). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 7, 1943, the youngest of the six sons of J.A. “Tony” Creel and Gladys Ward. Married Leila Ellen Smith in February 1965 and the father of Kena Kaye Creel, Kristen Creel, Lauren E. Creel, William H. Creel II, and Jamie Keith Creel. Coast tourism leader. Senior Director of Operations at the Isle of Capri at the time of his demise on November 24, 2001. Burial in the Biloxi City Cemetery.
Troy M. Davis (1943-2006). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi, the son of Rufus Frank Davis and Eva Ladnier Davis Wells. Survived by Wayne Davis and Gwen Davis Guice, siblings. Expired on September 14, 2006 at Biloxi, Mississippi. Corporal remains interred in the D’Iberville Memorial Park Cemetery, D’Iberville, Harrison County, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, September 17, 2006, p. A12).
Carolyn M. Broadus Lynch
Linda Mae Broussard Gavin (1943-1999). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 30, 1943, the daughter of Neonce J. Broussard and Nellie J. Marlborough. Married and divorced Jerry Gavin. Expired at Biloxi on January 10, 1999.
Virginia Crawford Parker (1943-2021). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on March 4, 1943 to Edgar Crawford and . Virginia married Milton Parker in 1965.
Arnell Jacobina DeSilvey Knowles (1942-1986). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on July 1, 1942, the daughter of John A. DeSilvey and Domena Gospodinovich. Expired at Key West, Florida on November 3, 1986. Interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery.
Margaret Dore' Compton [1943-2022]
Claudette M. Doucet Van Winkle
Don Wayne Dubaz-(1942-1996). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on September 10, 1942, the son of Luke J. Dubaz Jr. (1922-2001) and Irene Theriot (1924-1984). Two children: Ann Dubaz and Donald Wayne Dubaz II. Navy veteran and retired from Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. Expired from a heart attack on 11-16-1996. Remains interred at the Biloxi National Cemetery.
Mary Ann Dunn Acevedo (1943-2014). Born 1943 at Biloxi to Otto J. Dunn (1913-1981) and Mamie Holland (1917-1982). Mary Ann Acevedo, age 70, of Biloxi passed away on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Mary Ann was a lifelong resident of the Coast. She was preceded in death by her parents, Otto and Mamie Holland Dunn; ex-husbands, Howard Earl Monk Sr. (1934-2005) and Robert Michael Acevedo (1932-1992); and son, Pete James Acevedo (1963-2003) m. Shawn Marie Glass.
Mary Ann was survived by her children: Belene Anita Acevedo m. Ronald Truitt Meeks; Paul Acevedo; Robin Lynn Acevedo; and Yvette Acevedo m. Dominick Cvitanovich and Michael ?; and grandchildren, Matthew, Megan, Lauren and Devon; and former husband, Anthony Christopher Taranto. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.(The Sun Herald on Apr. 13, 2014, p. A-13 and April 2, 2003, p. A-8)
Henry Dutil Jr. [1942-2024] , age 82 , of D'Iberville, Mississippi passed away on Saturday, March 30th, 2024 in Biloxi.
Henry Dutil Jr. is preceded in death by his father and mother Henry Sr. and Mabel Romero Dutil, sister Josephine Dutil, mother and father in laws Edwin and Louise Firth, sister in laws Kimberly Alexander and Shirley Holmes.
Survivors include his loving wife of 54 years Gail Dutil. Sons Darren (Angela) and Mickey (Josette) Dutil. Grandchildren; Brittany (Patrick) Dutil, Jennifer (Bre) Dutil Desporte, Dillon (Meagan) Dutil, Leah (Trent) Dutil, Dane Dutil, Mason (Kennedy) Rich, Trey, Marcus, Kamille, and Morgan. His sister in laws Debbie Conway, Wanda (John) Toothman, Stacey (Henry) Parker, Candy, Lance, and numerous nieces, nephews, and friends.
Henry also known to others as Henry Jr., Lou, Dad, Paw, PawPaw and Bone man was a Biloxi High School graduate and then he served in the US Navy. Everyone knew him from his father's pool hall on Howard Avenue in Biloxi. Henry was a member of the VFW, American Legion, Biloxi French Club, and the Golden Age Club. He also enjoyed being the King of Les Belle Fleurs Mardi Gras krewe. He loved teaching his sons how to pitch and play baseball when they were younger and then loved watching his grandchildren play sports.
The family will receive friends from 10:00am - 11:00am at Sacred Heart Catholic Church 10466 LeMoyne Blvd. DIberville, Mississippi 39540 on Thursday, April 4,2024. Services will be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church 10466 LeMoyne Blvd. DIberville, Mississippi 39540 with interment following at D'Iberville Memorial Park.
Southern Mississippi Funeral Services is honored to serve the Dutil family. Share your memories and send condolences to the family at www.smfs.us
Wayne Eleuterius [1943-2018] was born at Biloxi on November 10, 1943. He is believed to have expired at Shreveport, Louisiana in the fall of 2018.
Deanna Marie Fayard Windom (1943-2008). Born 1943 at Biloxi, Mississippi the daughter of Marshall Fayard (1910-1957) and Helen Ibele Fayard (1913-2007). Deanna was reared on Bradford Street between Reynoir and Church Street. She married Harold A. Windom of Biloxi circa 1962. Their children were: Terri Windom Flowers; Celeste Windom McNeil; Harold A. Windom II; and Michael Windom. Deanna expired at Biloxi on August 21, 2008. Her corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, August 23, 2008, p. A4)
Gloria Ferrill Kornman (1942-2012) was born November 18, 1942 at Biloxi, Mississippi to Herbert Ferrill (1909-1961)and Lucille Marie Olier Ferrill (1916-1998). Following graduation from BHS, she married Charles Edward Kornman in Harrison County, Mississippi on October 21, 1961. They were the parents of Charles E. 'Chuck' Kornman Jr.; Paula Kornman m. Bruce Jerome Rogers; and Charlene Kornman m. Mr. Young. Gloria was preceded in death by her parents; and siblings: Charles Herbert Ferrill (1934-1967) m. Patrica Ann Barnes; Glenda Ferrill (1936-1936); and Loralye Ferrill Ladner (1939-2009) m. Edward 'Donald' W. Ladner. Gloria F. Kornman was survived by her children and a sister, Janet Marie Ferrill Thiroux, m. James Albert 'Billy' Thiroux, Her corporal remains were interred in the family cemetery called 'Almost Heaven'.(The Sun Herald, May 15, 2012, p. A6)
John Hollister Field (1941-2013)- age 72 years, of Biloxi, Mississippi, passed away Sunday, March 17, 2013, in Biloxi. John was born March 3, 1941 in Galveston, Texas to Eugene and Kay Field. He spent his early childhood traveling with his family throughout the U. S. and Europe due to his father's service in the U. S. Air Force. He graduated from Biloxi High School in 1961 and received a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology from the University of Louisville. He married the love of his life, Becky, and together they raised thier children in their lifelong home on Bay Vista Drive. John was a Bell South technician in the 1960.s. He was a lieutenant in the Biloxi Police Department, which was the profession he cherished the most. He served as an investigator for the district attorney's office in the mid 1980's. Alongside his beloved wife, Becky, he owned and operated Tri City Communications. John loved his children, grandchildren and pets and enjoyed the time spent with them. He cherished the time he spent watching them grow up and playing sports. He loved taking long drives along the coast to admire it's beauty, as well as fishing and keeping company with his family and friends. One of his favorite things was attending Biloxi High School football games and cheering for the University of Alabama. Roll Tide! John was a loving and caring friend to all he met. He had soft, warm and gentle eyes and an inviting smile for everyone. John was preceded in death by his wife of 36 years, Rebecca "Becky" Land Field, and his parents, Eugene H. and Kay Field. Survivors include his son, Gregory H. Field; daughter, Tamara McNeil; sisters, Carol Beachem, Gena Dougharty and Carla Marie Field; five grandchildren, Justin Gunther, T. J. Bell, Justin McNeil, Zachary McNeil and Dylan McNeil; and his adored dog, Q-Tip. A special thank you to his extended family, Harry and Dana Moskowitz and their children for all the love and care they provided throughout the years. Funeral services will be 12 noon Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home, 2511 Pass Road, in Biloxi where friends may visit from 10:00 a.m. until service time.
Atha M. Foster (1928-2008). Born April 10, 1928 at Maben, Mississippi. Atha matriculated to Mississippi State University after serving in the US Navy and received a Master's degree in Education. At Biloxi High School, he taught U.S. History and Government for many years. Mr. Foster was preceded in death by Elizabeth Foster. Atha's corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi National Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, September 28, 2008, p. A12)
Lonnie Steve Gabrich (1940-2010). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 9, 1940, the son of Alonzo L. Gabrich (1894-1948) and Vetsie Sekul (1915-2002). Alonzo L. Gabrich was police chief of Biloxi when he died in 1948. Lonnie was a Biloxi police officer from 1967 until 1974. He married Lenka Alena Bakulich in November 1967 and had three children: Ellen M. Gabrich Zorich, Alonzo 'Peter' Gabrich, and Diana Gabrich. Memorial Mass was celebrated for his life on June 14, 2010 at the Marian Chapel of N.B.V.M. Cathedral in Biloxi, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, June 12, 2010, p. A10)
Robert 'Bob' O. Garrison (1928-2001). Born at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Bob Garrison played varsity basketball for USM in the 1950s. Coached basketball and physical education at Biloxi High School from the late 1950s until the late 1960s? Coach Garrison died April 15, 2001 at Raymond, Mississippi. He had married Gaynell Sumrall (1934-2003), a native of Sumrall, Mississippi, circa 1957. Probably interred in the First Baptist Cemetery in Sumrall, Mississippi with Gaynell.(The Sun Herald, September 21, 2003, p. A9).
Jerry Lawrence Gavin [1943-2021]. Jerry L. Gavin, age 77, died on Tuesday, April, 27, 2021. Mr. Gavin was born in Biloxi, MS on May 10, 1943. He attended Biloxi schools and grew up on Back Bay and "The Point”. He served in the United States Army during the time of the Vietnam War and was honorably discharged in 1970. He then began a varied career which included steeplejack work on the Greater New Orleans Bridge and the Superdome. He also worked with Bechtel Corporation where he became a foreman in the application of extreme temperature paint systems. Those projects included mobile oil drilling rigs to be employed in Alaskan waters, and rocket launch pads at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, and Cape Canaveral in Florida. His Bechtel employment resulted in jobs in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Borneo, South Korea, and several sites in the United States. He enjoyed traveling and playing golf. Mr. Gavin was preceded in death by his parents, Howard “Dudie” Gavin and Leila Reid Gavin Hebert; and by his wife, Linda (Broussard) Gavin. He is survived by siblings: Donald Gavin (Judy), Michael Gavin (Demple), Jeanette Gavin-Delahoussaye (Jerry), Carroll Hebert (Millie), and Sandra Hebert-Locke (Casey); and many nieces and nephews who dearly loved him. As per his request, there will be no formal services. Family will conduct a private celebration of life at a later date. Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home, Biloxi, is honored to serve the family of Jerry Gavin.
Toni Darlene Ellis Glavin (1944-1970)
“Joe” Gill (1941-1976).
John Paul “Joe” Gill (1941-1976). Born December 4, 1941, at Biloxi, Mississippi. Joe was a fabulous football and track and field athlete. He played quarterback for Biloxi Central Jr. High School and end on the Biloxi High School team. Joe married and divorced Barbara Costello. They were the parents of three children: Shea Gill, Shellie Gill, and Cherrie Gill. Joe Gill married Sandra Kaye Jones Gill English [1941-2006] while Barbara wedded Walter Nixon Jr. Joe Gill expired November 14, 1976. His corporal remains were interred in the Serenity Memorial Gardens in Pascagoula, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, November 15, 1976, p. A-2)
Zenobia "Nobi" Gill (1943-2017)
Zenobia "Nobi" Gill Faul (1943-2017), age 73, went home to her Lord and Savior on Monday, January 2, 2017, while surrounded by her loved ones, near and far, at her home in Gulfport. Nobi was born at Biloxi on 13 March 1943. She was reared on Caillavet Street abd attended Gorenflo Elementary and graduated from Biloxi High in 1961, and later moved to Gulfport to start a family and raise her three beloved sons. She was retired civil service, working 30 years at Keesler Air Force Base. Mrs. Faul was a member of Handsboro United Methodist Church, and used her lovely voice to sing God's praises with the choir. She held dual memberships with the Order of the Eastern Star (Ann Grayson Chapter in Biloxi and Harmony Chapter in Gulfport). Nobi was preceded in death by her Father, Floyd Gill; her mother, Zenobia Gill; her brother, Arthur Gill; and four step-brothers, Joseph, Irving, Vernon, and John Gill. She is survived by three brothers, Charlie Gill, Jerry Gill, and Russell Gill; her husband of 51 years, Carlos Faul Sr; three sons, Carlos Faul Jr (Nancy), Floyd Faul, and David Faul (Beth); and seven grandchildren, Ashley, Mary, Lexi, Gregory, Claire, Bryan, and Maggie. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, February 5th, 2017, at First Baptist Church Gulfport. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials made to Alzheimer's / Dementia research.
Edward E “Ginger” Gingerella Jr. (1943-2013), age 69, passed away on October 9, 2013 in Tazewell, Tennessee. Ginger was born on October 11, 1943 in Biloxi, Mississippi. He was a graduate of Biloxi High School, Class of 1961. He served in the United States Navy and retired from Ingalls Shipbuilding. Ed “Ginger” lived in Tazewell, TN for several years where he enjoyed fishing, hunting, gardening and other outdoor activities in the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains. Ed “Ginger” was preceded in death by his parents Edward E Gingerella Sr and Bernice Burton Gingerella and son-in-law Ferris J DeRouen. He is survived by his wife: Wanda Yeary Gingerella, Tazewell, TN, Son: Edward E Gingerella III and wife April, Gautier, MS, Daughter: Tammy Gingerella DeRouen, Broken Arrow, OK, Step-son Josh Nix and wife Lydia, Grabill, IN and four granddaughters. He is also survived by an uncle Floyd Burton, Lucedale, MS and an old Navy Buddy Jim Morris, NC. Due to extended illness, the family requests that in lieu of flowers, make donations to Coffey Funeral Home to help family with funeral expenses. The family will receive friends from 12:00 Noon until 2:00 P.M. Sunday October 13, 2013 at Coffey Funeral Home Chapel with funeral service to follow at 2:00 P.M. Sunday in the Coffey Funeral Home Chapel. Burial in the Yeary Family Cemetery.
Francis Ray Gollott (1942-1993). Born July 10, 1942, to Luther Daniel “L.D.” Gollott and Mary Lawrence Gollott Foster. Died November 16, 1993.
Dolores Ann Gonsoulin
Ann Gryder Bryant Anderson (1942-2015)
Mrs. Ann "Annie" Gryder Anderson, age 72, of Biloxi, Mississippi, passed away on Friday, February 13, 2015, in Gulfport. Mrs. Anderson was born in Biloxi and was a lifelong resident of the coast. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs. She was preceded in death by her parents, W.C. Gryder Jr. and Annie Jewel Brown Gryder. Survivors include her daughter, Elizabeth Ann Bryant, son, William Gryder Bryant, and grandchildren, Bruce Joel Sledge, Gabriel Neil Bryant, William Gryder Bryant Jr., Christopher Harold Bryant and Jody ?. Graveside service will be held at 11am on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at Evergreen Cemetery in Ocean Springs. The Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.(The Sun Herald, February 17, 2015, p. A-4)
Maynard V. Hacker II (1943-2003) II was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on August 14, 1943, the son of Maynard Hacker (1919-1973), from El Centro, California, and Gloria Ozella Lee Hacker Robertson (1926-1994). His parents married on October 2, 1942 in Harrison County, Mississippi.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 57, p. 352)
Maynard was an outstanding debater while at BHS and Millsaps College. He was retired advertising executive at the time of his demise at Birmingham, Alabama on January 20, 2003. He attended Millsaps College and was a member of the Order of Demolay. Maynard was survived by a sister, Kathryn H. Stankovic, of Richmond, Virginia.(The Daily Herald, November 23, 1962, p. 16 and The Sun Herald, January 25, 2003, p. A-9)
Ron Hargett (1943-2013)
Ronald Lloyd Hargett (1943-2013), age 69 years, passed away at his home in Little Rock, Arkansas on June 11, 2013. He is predeceased by his parents, Lloyd and Betty Hargett and his grandparents. Ron is survived by his loving wife, Belinda Massey Hargett; two daughters, Tracy Alexander (Randy); Elise Hargett (Rob Teston); three grandchildren, Savanna and India Gonzales, Cruz Rigler; one sister, Lynn Murden (Jim); cousins, Jim Lumpkin (Jelaine); Mickey Mangun (Anthony) and Tanya Nordstrom. Ron was born in Columbus, Georgia on November 2, 1943, graduated from Biloxi High School and attended the University of Southern Mississippi. He worked at Jones Floor Covering in Pensacola, Florida, living in Gulf Breeze for 20 years. He later retired to Little Rock, Arkansas. Visitation and funeral services will be at Word Aflame Fellowship, 7800 Interstate 30, Little Rock, Arkansas, Friday, June 14, 2013. Visitation will be 10:30 a.m.- Noon with the celebration of his life immediately following. Reverends James Lumpkin Jr. and Larry Webb will officiate. Interment will be in Maumelle, Arkansas at Riverwood Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Word Aflame Fellowship. Arrangements are being made by Roller-Drummond Funeral Home, 10900 Interstate 30, Little Rock, Arkansas 72209.
Charles Thomas Harrison, Sr. (1943-2011). Born on October 29, 1943 at Biloxi, Mississippi, the son of Curtis Richardson Harrison Sr. (1910-1978) and Blanche Fayard Harrison (1915-2000). Charles married Euple Kathleen Broom at Biloxi on August 19, 1964. They were the parents of Charlotte Harrison Newman and Charles T. Harrison Jr. At Biloxi, Charles T. Harrison continued in the Harrison family traditional business of real estate and commercial and residential leasing and rentals. Charles expired at Biloxi on October 21, 2011. He corporal remians were interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, October 23, 2011 and October 24, 2011, p. A6 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 127, p. 443)
Douglas A. Hebert (1942-2014). Douglas Anthony Hebert, age 72 years, passed away, Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Doug was born in New Orleans, LA, on December 20, 1942, but was a lifelong resident of Biloxi, MS, growing up on Point Cadet. Doug graduated from Biloxi High School. He served in the US Army and served a tour of duty in Vietnam. Doug had a long work history in the shipbuilding industry for several shipyards on the coast. He was recently a self-employed property investor. Doug loved fishing, being outdoors and in recent year walking the Ocean Springs bridge because he did not want to get old like his friends. Doug enjoyed spending time with family and especially his two grandsons, Chris and Brennan. Doug is preceded in death by his mother, Leona Derouen Richie; his father, Vallex J. Hebert Sr.; brother, Vallex J. Hebert, Jr.; and step-mother, Leila Hebert. Doug is survived by his wife, Mary Nathalon Hebert; son, Chris Hebert (Janna); daughter, Sheila Hebert; grandsons, Chris Kangas and Brennan Hebert; sisters, Mary Bailey (Robin) and Sandra Locke; brother, Carroll Hebert (Millie); sisters-in-law, Jeannie Doser (Gene), Cindy Saxton (Billy), Dorthy King (Terry) and Connie Marodis (Ted); and also many nieces, nephews and many friends. Doug never met a stranger and was always caring for others, and he will be greatly missed by family and friends. He was loved by all. Visitation will be held on Sunday, August 17, 2014 from 5 to 8 p.m. A service will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, August 18, 2014 all at Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home on Howard Avenue in Biloxi. Interment will follow at Biloxi National Cemetery in Biloxi.
Reginald 'Reggie' M. Hebert (1943-2015). Mr. Reginald Michael Hebert, age 71 years, of Mobile, Alabama passed away on Monday, June 8, 2015, in Mobile. Mr. Hebert was a lifelong resident of the coast. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sandra Miller Hebert, parents, Augusta Williams Hebert and Edwin (Shine) Hebert, granddaughter, Amanda Stringfellow and sisters, Carolyn Hebert Fowlkes and Janelle Hebert Bass. Survivors include three daughters, Angela Meeker, Regina Nelson and Shellie Roy, son, Benjamin Michael Hebert, sister, Brenda Hebert Elmer, brother, Edwin Mark ( Mary Jo) Hebert, 4 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Visitation will be on Saturday, June 13, from 10am until 11am at the Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home. After the visitation there will be a graveside service in Evergreen Cemetery. (The Sun Herald, 'Reginald M. Hebert', , June 10, 2015)
Ted Louis Hebert [1943-2018] passed away peacefully on Friday, December 7, 2018. Ted was born in Biloxi on May 20, 1943 to the late Louis and Bertha Hebert. He is survived by wife, Sharon Schultz Hebert; sister, Charlotte Clarke (Freeman) of Laguna Hills, CA; brothers, Harry Hebert (Peggy) and Mark Anthony Hebert; nephews, Eric Clark and Jim Clark (Pam); and nieces, Stephanie Hebert Spinucci (Nick) and Amy Hebert LeRoy (Andrew). The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. [The Sun Herald, December9, 2018]

August Henning [1943-2022]
August Hennig
December 14, 2022
Biloxi, Mississippi -
August "Augie" Hennig departed this earth on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, after his long battle with Parkinson's. A fighter until the end and surrounded by his family, Augie passed away at the age of 80. Augie was a lifelong resident of Biloxi, fitting for a man who enjoyed the City of Biloxi and its rich history, especially that of the Maritime Seafood Industry.
Augie was taught the art of welding by his grandfather at the family shop on Oak Street. Welding became his life's work and most that knew him knew he could be found at his home on Hoxie Street in Biloxi. Augie's intellectual and creative skills while performing and mastering his craft made him a well-known and indispensable asset to his community. The craftsmanship in Augie's works of art, both seen and unseen, is spread all along the Mississippi Coast.
When not working or at his shop, you could find Augie on the Bay or out by Deer Island, casting his large fishing net in search of that "good ole' Biloxi Bacon."
Augie is survived by his wife, Donna; his son, Scott (Brooke); two precious grandchildren; and many more loving friends and family that will celebrate him eternally.
Always the humble man and not one that wanted to be the center of an extravagant celebration of life, Augie requested he be cremated and his ashes scattered in one of his favorite fishing spots.
Published by The Sun Herald on Dec. 23, 2022.
Robert W. Hickey (1942-1991). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 28, 1942, the son of Robert E. Hickey (1916-2004) and Kathryne Jane Langenberry (1921-1997). Robert married Cheryl Hanson (1945-1997). He expired at Biloxi on June 28, 1991. She passed on June 15, 1997. Both were interred at Southern Memorial Park Cemetery in Biloxi, as well as his parents.
James C. Hickson Jr. (1943-). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 23, 1943.
Ron Hulbert (1943-2008). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on October 15, 1943. Died at Gulfport, Mississippi on June 12, 2008, the son of Billy Hulbert and Sarah Cooper. Two children: Sara Hulbert of Biloxi and Chris Hulbert of Baldwinsville, New York.(The Sun Herald, June 14, 2008, p. A8)
Gaston J. 'Bud' Hungerford (1943-2016). Born Biloxi, Mississippi on March 28, 1943 to Edward A. Hungerford and Marjorie Hungerford Toups and died August 17, 2016 at Biloxi. Bud was a graduate of Biloxi High School and the University of Southern Mississippi. He also served in the US Army. In addition to his parents, Bud was preceded in by his sister, Carolyn Burton; and niece, Margaret Burton. Survivors include his brothers, Edward A. (Deanna) Hungerford Jr., Charles R. (Dorothy) Hungerford both of Biloxi; sisters, Judy Rhodes of Biloxi and Barbara (Tony) Lovretta of Bradenton, FL; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to express special thanks to the Biloxi VA for the ongoing care he received at home and while he was a patient in the Hospice Unit and to all the staff members a special thanks and appreciation. Funeral service will be held on Monday, August 22, 2016 at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home at 11am. Family and friends are invited to visit one-hour prior. Interment will follow at Biloxi National Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, August 20, 2016)
Jackie Hunt
Jackie "Fuzzy" Hunt (1943-2016) was born July 9, 1943. He expired on 26 November 2016 at age 73 years while a resident of Irving, Texas. Jackie left behind his chef pants and Hawaiian shirts on in the comfort of his Irving home surrounded by his loved ones. In addition to his unique fashion sense, he had a love of life fueled by an inexhaustible sense of humor and a giving spirit. He reveled in hearing and telling a good story and a good joke. He was the master of the “Dad joke” and the occasional prank. If there was laughter around, he was usually in the middle of it. He had a compassion for the less fortunate, and he was willing to, and on occasion actually did, give the shirt off his back to help others.He graduated from Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, where he played on the football and baseball teams. And there, he met the love of his life, Sandra Johnson Hunt. He grew up in Biloxi, Mississippi, one of six children of Bartlo and Mona Hunt. Growing up on the Gulf Coast gave him a love of fishing and the open water, a good celebration and Barq’s root beer. He was the well-respected owner of Hunt Consultants, a commercial roofing company in the DFW area, for many years before his retirement. He was a man of strong faith, a long-time member of First United Methodist Church in Irving, where he served in many leadership roles and continued as part of the “Wednesday Work Crew” until his declining health prevented his participation. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Sandra Hunt; three children, Scott and wife Valerie, Andy and wife Michelle, and Amy Evans and husband Adam; two granddaughters, Abby and Alex Evans; brothers William, Clyde and Bartlo Hunt and sisters Phyllis Grant and Romona Huffstetter; and numerous nieces and nephews.The family requests memorial contributions be donated to Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Services are scheduled at 11 a.m. Thursday at First United Methodist Church of Irving.[The Sun Herald, November 2016]
Joan Marie Hunt Gilbert
Joan Hunt Gilbert, January 23, 1943 - April 30, 2019, passed away at home peacefully surrounded by her loved ones. Joan was a native and lifelong resident of the Gulf Coast and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket. She was previously employed at Newberry's Department Store and Bell South as a telephone switchboard operator and dispatcher. She enjoyed countless happy times with family and friends on Biloxi Beach and Tchoutacabouffa River. Joan was an avid bird watcher, a hobby that she loved and passed down to younger generations. She also enjoyed searching for Genealogy and leaves behind priceless pieces of family history. Joan had a fun loving and an outgoing personality. She loved to dance and sing. A classic favorite, "Cherry Pie" was often heard at family gatherings. Joanie Bolonie, easily entertained people with her quick-witted one-liners and funny jokes that sparked joy and laughter in those around her. She was the life of the party and a true comedian, cracking jokes until to the very end. Joan never met a stranger and anyone she did meet quickly became her friend. To know Joan was to love her, she left a lasting impression. Joan lived life the way she wanted too and did not make excuses for it. Her children, lovingly called her Frank. Because, she often said, "I did it my way." Yes, she was stubborn, but most of all, she was loving. She above all things valued God, family, honesty, and hard work. If you asked Joan, she would tell you without a doubt her children, grandchildren and great granddaughter were her greatest joy in this life. She was preceded in death by her parents, George Francis Hunt III and Myrtle Olier Hunt; sister, Barbara Thibodeaux (Kenny); grandson, Andrew Gilbert; and great-nephew, Tristan Thibodeaux. She is survived by her children, Kristy Gilbert (John Patterson)), Trudi Johnson (David), George Gilbert (Jenny); her grandchildren, Garrett Johnson (Alex White), Taylor McGuire(Chris), Grant Johnson, Autumn Gilbert, Kannon Gilbert, Wendy Smith (Kyle Porter); great-granddaughter, Collins McGuire; sister, Sherilyn Saggus(Gerry); and brother, George Hunt(Lola). She is also survived by countless beloved nieces, nephews, Godchildren, friends and extended family that she dearly loved. Special note of thanks to Mom's running buddies, Jimmy Gilbert and Sherry Ladnier. We greatly appreciate your love and commitment to her. We couldn't have done it without you. The family also would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the entire staff at Kare-in-Home Hospice and The Singing River Hospital, SNIFF Unit and Rehab for their hard work, dedication and kindness. She is walking in heaven now. May you all be blessed for the care you gave our Mom, In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in her honor be made to CASA of Harrison County to advocate for abused and neglected children and Gulf Coast Women's Center for Nonviolence. A private family Mass was celebrated May 2, 2019 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Robert W. Jackson
Robert 'Bobby' Wayne Jackson (1943-2016) expired 23 November 2016 at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Bobby married Mildred 'Millie' Ann Demourelle, a classmate, in Harrison County, Mississippi on 21 April 1963. They were the parents of two sons, Shane Jackson, and Heath Jackson. Bobby grew up on Back Bay on Lameuse Street. He was a good athlete and was a miler on the BHS track team under Coach Brown. Bobby learned the plumbing trade while working with his father-in-law. He and Millie founded Guaranted Plumbing at Ocean Springs and lived on Jackson Avenue. After they divorced, Shane and Millie Jackson continued in the plumbing business. Bobby was elected an Alderman from Ward at Ocean Springs and served one term.
Linda Louise Jermyn Gibson Braun (1943-2013). Born June 29, 1943 in Indiana. Died at Biloxi, Mississippi on October 9, 2013. Linda married Ted William Gibson in Harrison County, Mississipii on August 31, 1961. She married Robert Eugene Braun (b. 1943) also in Harrison County on June 29, 1985. She was a resident of the Gulf Coast for over 68 years. Linda was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer and a former employee of Beneficial Finance Company. Linda was a member of the "Thursday Card Club". She was preceded in death by her parents, Jason T. Jermyn (1918-1990) and Florence Oehms Jermyn (1921-2004). Linda is survived by her husband of 28 years, Bobby Braun; daughters, Tammy (Gary) Gibson Freeman and Jill Braun (Curtis) Beam; son, Trent (Lene) Braun; sister, Brenda (David) Szumigala; brothers, Jason "Zeke" Jermyn, Matthew (Stephenie) Jermyn and Mickey (Lynn) Jermyn; six grandchildren, Colt (Angele) Beam, Austin Freeman, Blake Freeman, Sara Beam, Ty Braun, and Alayna Braun; and one great grandson, Liam Beam.(Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 119, p. 527 and 2nd JD MRB 30, p. 4 and The Sun Herald, October 13, 2013, p. A-12)

Gary Lynn Maniscalco [1943-2023] , age 80, of Ocean Springs, Mississippi passed away on Friday, November 3, 2023. He was born in Biloxi on July 13, 1943 and has been a lifelong resident of the coast. He was a passionate model boat builder and antique car enthusiast. He retired from Ingalls Shipbuilding as a HVAC Designer. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Ocean Springs. He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends and being involved in church activities. Gary was preceded in death by his parents, Peter and Anna Maniscalco; and step-mother, Marie Maniscalco.He is survived by his wife, Ann Maniscalco; daughter, Lee Ann Murschel; son, Joe (Lynda) Maniscalco; sister, Elaine Tanner; brothers, Frank Maniscalco, Joe Maniscalco, and Mike Maniscalco; and grandchildren, Grace Anne Maniscalco, Elissabeth Maniscalco, and Rachel Murschel.A funeral service will be held at 11:00am on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home, Ocean Springs. Friends may visit from 9:00am until service time. Burial will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery. Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Homes is honored to serve the family of Gary Maniscalco.
Xavier Joseph Maumus [1943-2024]
William "Randy" McElroy (1942-2021).Randy was born at Biloxi on November 2, 1942. Here is William McElroy’s obituary. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. It is with great sadness that we announce the death of William McElroy in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, born in Biloxi, Mississippi, who passed away on July 29, 2021, at the age of 78, leaving to mourn family and friends. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of William McElroy to pay them a last tribute. You may also light a candle in honor of William McElroy. He was predeceased by his parents: James McElroy and Emrick McElroy. He is survived by : his wife Pam McElroy of Ocean Springs; his children, Karen Ramsay (Sonny) and David McElroy (Heather) of Ocean Springs; his siblings, Mickey McElroy (Jane) of D'Iberville and Carol Ann Crowninshield of West Columbia, SC; and his grandchildren, Leigh, Beau, Lacey Ducharme and Conner McElroy. He is also survived by several nieces, nephews and extended family.[The Sun Herald,
Rita Johnson Miller (1943-2002). Born at Hattiesbirg, Mississippi on March 27, 1943, the daughter of Laban L. Miller and Frances Ruth Campbell. Married Joe R. Miller. Two daughters: Lynn M. Brown and Kimberly M. Wilson. She passed on February 15, 2002 and was interred in the Southern Memorial Park Cemetery at Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, February 20, 2002, p. A-7)
Judith Nolan Sparkman (1944-2010). Judith "Judy" Sparkman, age 65, died Tuesday, December 29, 2009, at Citrus Memorial hospital. Judy was born in Miami, Florida, on July 14, 1944, to the late Earl Chester Nolan and Eula (Cole) Cotton Nolan. Judy was a homemaker and volunteered at "Jesus Is!" Ministries in Inglis for over 30 years. She enjoyed art, pencil sketches and oil painting; was a member of several local artist's guilds, as well as garden and nature clubs. Her survivors include four sons, Frank (Michelle) Peterlin, Evansville, IN, John Peterlin, Crystal River, FL, Robert (Ann Marie) Peterlin, Sandy, UT, Earl Barkley Cummings-Peterlin (Heather), Evansville, IN; and two daughters, Margaret Judith Ann Peterlin (Daniel Keniery) Alexandria, VA and Zelda Grey, NY, NY. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Myrtle. A Celebration of Life Memorial Service will be held at the "Jesus Is!" Ministries, 42 Daisy Street, Inglis FL, on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010, at 11:30 A.M. The family requests donations to "Jesus Is!" Ministries Inc. P.O. Box 1110, Inglis, FL 34449-1110 in lieu of flowers. Chas. E. Davis Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.[The Citrus County Chronicle from Dec. 30, 2009 to Jan. 5, 2010]
James Wayne Kenney (1943-2018). Jimmy Wayne Kenney, age 74 years, of Gulfport, Mississippi passed away Sunday, February 18, 2018 in Gulfport. He was November 20, 1943 in Biloxi, Mississippi to Edward John and Beatrice Louise Manuel Kenney. He attended Biloxi Schools and was manager for the National Food Store. He is preceded in death by his father, Edward John Kenney; and his son, Rickey Wayne Kenney. Mr. Kenney’s survivors include his mother, Beatrice Louise Kenney; and his siblings, Barbara Kaderli, Linda (Keith) Hall, John Kenney, Cheryl (Craig) Andrews and Danny (Cathy) Kenney. Funeral Services will be held at the Pass Road Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home Friday, February 23, 2018 at 2:00 pm. Friends may visit from 1:00 pm until service time. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, February 21, 2018)
Beverly Juanita Lopez (1943-2000).
Xavier Joseph Maumus [1943-2024] expired June 20, 2024 in Texas from Alzheimer's disease. He was born at BILOXI on August 25, 1943 the son of Joseph Faucon Maumus and Lillian Holley.
Joyce E. Melvin Davis (1942-1992). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 31, 1942, the daughter of Lawrence Joseph Melvin and Ola Mae Harbison Melvin Eustache. Married James Harvey Davis Jr. on August 19, 1961. Made her living as a bank teller. Four children: Gina D. Lehman, Joyce M. Davis, Angela D. Jimerson, and James L. Davis. She expired on February 13, 1992 and was interred in the D’Iberville Memorial Park.

Warner Oland “Lanny” Moore Jr. (1943-1991). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi to Warner Oland Moore (1922-1994) and Eda Mae Delacruz (1915-1999). Lanny matriculated to the Univesity of Southern Mississippi where he earned his BS and Master's degrees. He was awarded his doctorate degree from the University of Alabama where he taught in the History Department and was in charge of Special Student Services. Lanny married Katherine Mitchell and was the father of two sons: Warner Olan Moore III and Brendan Moore. He died at Tuscaloosa, Alabama on July 13, 1991 and his corporal remains were interred in the Tuscaloosa Memorial Park cemetery under the auspices of the Episcopal Church.
Patricia Ann O’Brien Ford (1943-2004). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on August 20, 1943, the daughter of Fred Damon O’Brien (1895-1958) and Winnie Morris (1900-1980), the widow of George H. Arguelles (1896-1934). Pat graduated from Mississippi State College for Women with a degree in Foods and Nutrition. She made her livelihood as a dietician. Married William Ford. They lived in Texas. After his demise, she returned to Biloxi in 1986 and volunteered in the history and genealogy section at the Biloxi Public Library. Her siblings were: Joseph Arguelles, Jack Arguelles, Ivon Arguelles, and Morris Arguelles. Pat expired at Biloxi on December 30, 2004. Her corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery.
Mary Joanne Olsen Ballard (1943-2000). Born at Clearwater, Florida on September 21, 1943, the daughter of Harold Olsen and Ethel Creel. Married Paul Ballard and resided at Wiggins. Expired at Biloxi on November 5, 2000. Buried Biloxi National Cemetery.
Linda Pevey Castelin Tate (1943-2015) age 71 years, passed away Sunday, February 1, 2015 in Gulfport, Mississippi. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Tate; her mother, Willie Pevey Paxton; her sister, Ginger Medford; and her brother, Sonny Pevey. Linda is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Judy Castelin; her granddaughter, Samantha Castelin; and her nieces, Kelly Edge and Dana Durham. She was the owner of Linda's Tap Lounge in D'Iberville, Mississippi for 16 years. Although she is gone, she will forever live on in our hearts. She was an inspirational and hard working person. She now will be peacefully with her late husband and no longer be suffering from sickness. We will always feel her loss deeply within our hearts, but we know that we will see her soon in heaven. There will be a graveside service on Friday, February 6, 2015 at Biloxi National Cemetery at 12:30PM. Riemann Family FuneralHome, 11280 Three Rivers Rd., Gulfport served the family.(The Sun Herald, February 3, 2015, p. A)
Bobby Joe Penton Sr. [1941-2019], age 77, of Biloxi, Mississippi passed away Wednesday, July 24, 2019 in Gulfport. Mr. Penton was born in Biloxi, Mississippi on December 28, 1941. He was a high school graduate and employed in the seafood industry. Mr. Penton enjoyed riding his tractor, dancing, singing, riding his dog around in his truck and especially taking care of his family. He was preceded in death by his parents, Eugene and Bernice Penton; his son, Bobby Joe Penton, Jr.; and his siblings, Geraldine Alexander and Felix Wilson. Mr. Penton’s survivors include his wife, JoAnn Penton; his children, Kim (Rev. Joe) Reynolds and Sharon (Dalton) Parker; his sister, Catherine (Ray) Williams; 13 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; 1 great-great-grandchild; and his pet dogs, Annie Lou, Blue and Dee Dee. Visitation will be from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm on Sunday, July 28, 2019 with funeral services at 10:00 am on Monday, July 29, 2019, where friends may visit from 9:00 am until service time, all at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Coalville Cemetery. A reception will be held at the Penton home immediately following the interment.
Anthony Earl Perez Jr. (1942-2006). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi, the son of Anthony Earl and Maggie Perez. U.S. Navy veteran and member of Carpenters Local 1667. Anthony retired from the Civil Service at KAFB. He died at Biloxi on September 19, 2006. Corporal remains interred Biloxi National Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, September 21, 2006, p. A4)
Everett Henry “Lightning” Redam Jr. (1943-2002). Born on June 12, 1943, at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to Everett H. Redam and Lillian Ladnier Redam. Married Shirley Jean Ford (b. 1938), probably a Kansas native and the daughter of Burley O. Ford and Leomia Ford at Biloxi on December 12, 1969.(HARCO, Ms. 1st JD MR Bk. 2, p. 276)
Everett expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on May 25, 2002. He had worked for Home Auto Supply for thirty-four years and was employed at the Grand Casino at the time of his demise. His corporal remains were cremated.
Donna Robbins Acevedo (1943-2010). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on July 12, 1943, the daughter of William Robert ‘Willie’ Robbins Sr. (1914-1960) and Aleta Bell Robbins Melvin (1919-2005). Donna was reared on Biloxi’s Back Bay on Braun Avenue near the Bay View housing projects. She attended Biloxi public schools commencing with Gorenflo. After graduation, she married John Jack Acevedo on July 14, 1961 in Harrison County, Mississippi.(HARCO, Ms. MRB 119, p. 401 and William R. Robbins III-January 2011).
Donna was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, William R. Robbins II (1942-1999) and Gary W. Robbins. Donna and Jack were the parents of Jonda Maria Acevedo (d. April 2018) m. Frank Francis Seymour; Dina Kay Acevedo m. Donald Ray Coblentz; and John Gary Acevedo. Donna Robbins Acevedo expired on August 12, 2010. Her corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, August 14, 2010, p. A4 and August 15, 2010, p. A12)
H.L. "Hill" Rouse
Hillrie Lassette “Hill” Rouse [1943-2018], age 75 years, of Saucier passed away Tuesday, November 6, 2016 in Ocean Springs. Born September 17, 1943 in Lucedale, Mr. Rouse was a lifelong resident of the Gulf Coast. He is preceded in death by his parents, Roy Rouse and Gertrude Whittington Rouse, both of Lucedale; three brothers, Dean Rouse (Willie), Jim Rouse (Hilda Jo), McKerrin “Karo” Rouse (JoAnn), and one sister, Janie Rouse Hodges (Jewell). He is survived by his wife Debra Devine, two sons, Brian Rouse (Tammy) of D’Iberville, Patrick Rouse of New Orleans; two grandchildren, Karley Jane Rouse and Cooper Brian Rouse, both of D’Iberville; Stepson Joseph Coffey and stepdaughter Amanda Coffey. Service will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. at Shady Grove Baptist Church in Lucedale. Friends may visit from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home.{The Sun Herald, November 6, 2018]
Frank Sabbatini was born at Leland, Mississippi and graduated from Mississippi State University in 1957. He was co-captain of the 1956 MSU Bulldogs football eleven with Ronald Bennett, also from Leland. Frank played fullback for the Bulldogs at 195 pounds and led the squad to a 32-13 win over LSU in November 1956. Coach Sabbatini came to Biloxi High School in 1959 to teach physical education. He was an outstanding coach and people person.
[The Sun Herald, March 4, 1987, p. A-4]

Harold W. Schultze
[circa 2019 and 1961]
Harold Walter Schultze, age 76, passed peacefully in his sleep early in the morning of October 20, 2019. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Ann, and his three children, Rudd (Stacy), Beth Ann, and Robert (Lucy). He took particular joy in his four grandchildren, Lauren, Cooper, Jacob, and Eliza. Harold was born on June 13, 1943, in Dunedin, Florida, and spent his childhood in Biloxi, Mississippi, with extended family visits in Queens, New York. He studied at Ole Miss, where he received a BS and Master’s in Microbiology. Harold began his career teaching microbiology at USM, then worked at Puckett Lab in Hattiesburg, finally going back to teaching at Pearl River Community College in his semi-retirement. He and Ann were members of Hardy Street Baptist Church. Harold was an inveterate storyteller, and some of his stories were actually factual. However, he understood to never let something as trivial as the truth stand in way of a great tale. Having never met a stranger in his entire life, he was always eager to talk and listen (mainly talk) to anyone and everyone, and was loved for his ability to break the ice and keep the conversation flowing in any social situation. Harold was uncannily smart, with the ability to have deep conversations on virtually any topic. He was skilled in comic timing and could get away with saying things no one else could (or should.) A Renaissance man at heart, Harold enjoyed hunting and fishing, reading, painting, cooking, woodworking, writing, and general mischief making.His family would like to thank the kind staff at Asbury Hospice House who provided not only tender care to Harold, but also were wonderful with his family through his final days. There will be a visitation for Harold onThursday, October 24, 2019, from 5-7pm at Hulett-Winstead Funeral Home, with a graveside service in Ripley, Tennessee on Saturday at 11am. Memorials may be made to St. Jude’s Children Hospital or Presbyterian Christian School. Dad will be remembered and loved by all.
Dr. Ronald H. Simnicht [1943-2019] was born in Wisconsin the son of Millard H. Simnicht [1912-1972] and Florence Hubbard Simnicht [1913-1993]. The family came to Biloxi in the late 1950s from Amite, Louisiana where Ron's father, a retired high school band director and music teahcer, had a tung oil orchard. In 1959, he bought the Deluxe Motel on West Beach in Biloxi. Ron was an alumus of USM and the Loyola School of Dentistry [NOLA]. He served in the US Army from 1967-1969 and achieved the rank of Captain. He married twice: Betty Jeanne Pomierski and and Charlene Moberg. Children: Stephanie Noreen Simnicht; Ronald Simnicht.
Joseph J. Simonich (1943-1993). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on April 7, 1943 to Joseph Anthony Simonich (1907-11-1965) and Audrey Sterne Simonich (1917-11-1988). One child, Shelly S. Walters. Expired at Pensacola, Florida on April 16, 1993.
George William Skrmetta (1943-2015)
Services for George W. Skrmetta will take place on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 2:00 PM at Webb Funeral Home in Meridian with visitation at 1:00 PM. Mr. Skrmetta, 72, died on December 25, 2015 at Anderson RMC surrounded by his family. He is survived by a daughter, Georgia Skrmetta Storey and her husband David of Ocean Springs, MS; a son, Ronald William Skrmetta of Meridian; two grandchildren, Matthew Byrne Storey and Rachel Abigail Storey; and his brother Ronald Skrmetta, along with many loving and supportive in-laws, nieces and nephewsHe was preceded in death by his wife Brenda Reece Skrmetta, his parents Mike and Florice Skrmetta and a brother, Larry Skrmetta.

Michael Skrnich [1943-2024]
Ronald H. Simnicht
Dr. Ronald H. Simnicht [1943-2019] was born in Wisconsin the son of Millard H. Simnicht [1912-1972] and Florence Hubbard Simnicht [1913-1993]. The family came to Biloxi in the late 1950s from Amite, Louisiana where Ron's father, a retired high school band director and music teahcer, had a tung oil orchard. In 1959, he bought the Deluxe Motel on West Beach in Biloxi. Ron was an alumus of USM and the Loyola School of Dentistry [NOLA]. He served in the US Army from 1967-1969 and achieved the rank of Captain. He married twice: Betty Jeanne Pomierski and and Charlene Moberg. Children: Stephanie Noreen Simnicht; Ronald Simnicht.

Michael W. Soljan [1943-2022] of Biloxi, Mississippi passed away Saturday, April 23, 2022. Michael was born October 8, 1943 to Mato and Mary Soljan. Michael received a drafting degree from MGCCC-Jeff Davis Campus. He worked in the engineering field at Northrup Grumman and retired after 34 years. He was in the National Guard and received medals for his bravery during Hurricane Camille. Michael was a lifelong member of Our Lady of Fatima Church and in his free time, he enjoyed coaching little league baseball and girls' softball. He also had a lifelong love/hate relationship with golf. He is preceded in death by his parents, Mato and Mary Soljan; and by his siblings, Selima Castle, Marie Sullivan, Toni Willis, Delores West, and Raymond Soljan. Survivors include his children, Scott Soljan and DeeDee Hooker; grandchildren, Sami Soljan, Carson Hooker, and Blake Hooker; and his beloved Yorkie, Sophie. A graveside service will be held at 10am on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at Southern Memorial Park. Friends and Family are invited to visit on Monday, May 2, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home, Howard Avenue in Biloxi.

Charles Sherrell "Mickey" Stanley [1942-2020]. Mickey, age 78, passed away December 20, 2020. He was known to family and friends, was born September 26, 1942 to N B and Ruth Stanley. He was a 1961 graduate of Biloxi High School. After graduation, Mickey enlisted in the United States Army, where he attended helicopter flight school, and received numerous awards including the Distinguished Flying Cross as well as the Silver Star for his service in Vietnam, and also achieved the rank as Captain. Mickey later continued his helicopter flight training with the Army National Guard before retiring from service as a Lt. Colonel. Mickey was also a charter boat Captain-deckhand for the family owned charter boat Becuna as well as the owner of Biloxi Bonding Company. Mickey was preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by his wife, Terry Miller Stanley; his children, Yvette Grayson and Ross Stanley; grandchildren, Lauren, Matthew, and Erin; great-grandchildren, London, Benjamin, Riley, and Nathan; sister, Sandra (Rick) Gunter and brother, Danny (B.J.) Stanley; many nieces, nephews, and former wife, Anne. Visitation will be 9AM and Services will begin 10AM, Monday, December 28, 2020 at Marshall Life Center, 810 Division St., Biloxi, MS. Visit www.marshallfh.com for his complete obituary.

Syble Faye Theriot McGowan [1943-2018]. Syble, age 75, passed away in Wiggins on Sunday, October 28, 2018. She was born in Tylertown, Mississippi on March 2, 1943 to Robert Lee Theriot [1931-2017] and Myrtle Theriot [1925-2008]. She spent 45 years in the banking business and was a past matron of Long Beach Chapter of Eastern Star. McGowan is preceded in death by her parents, Robert and Myrtle Theriot, son Robert Crosby and grandson Ryan Boyd. Survivors include her husband George O. McGowan, children Anthony D. Crosby, Jennifer Longwell (Mike), Jeff and Misty McGowan, grandchildren Lauren Boyd (Fred) of California and Courtney Longwell. The O'Neal Road Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Louise Tauzin Davis (1944-2003). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi in 1944, to Murphy A. Tauzin and Cecile Hebert. Married Richard M. “Rick” Davis. Three children: Rick Davis II, Charlotte D. Hayes, and Christine Davis. Died in Gulfport from cancer, on July 15, 2003. Buried at Biloxi National Cemetery on July 16, 2003.(The Sun Herald, July 16, 2003, p. A-6)
Sherry June Tiblier Helveston (1943-2014), age 71, of Biloxi, died Friday, July 11, 2014. She was a graduate of Biloxi High School who enjoyed yard sales and was an avid Saints fan. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Her family was her life and she enjoyed spending time with them. She is preceded in death by her parents, Junnie Tiblier and Ivy Bosarge Tiblier. Sherry is survived by her loving husband of 52 years, Lloyd Helveston, Sr.; sons, Lloyd (Deanna) Helveston, Jr. and Junnie (Sandi) Helveston; daughters, Vicky (Joey) Taranto, Melinda Hunter, Sharonda (Jerry) Ledet, and Sharae (Vince) Fowler; brothers, Gordon & Mark Tiblier; sister, Sandra Fallo; grandchildren, Lloyd Helveston, III, Tori (John) Hattula, Taryn Helveston, Junnie Helveston, Jr., Jordan Helveston, Joseph Taranto, Christy Taranto, Rachael Taranto, Alexandria Hunter, Olivia Hunter, Elliott Hunter, Jared Ledet, Brett Ledet, Vince Fowler; and one great grandchild, Elijah Frazier. Burial will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Interment will follow in Bosarge Cemetery all under the direction of Southern Mississippi Funeral Services of Ocean Springs.(The Sun Herald, July 2014, p. A-)

Bobby Clifford Taylor (1942-2017), age 74 years, of Biloxi, Mississippi passed away on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 in Biloxi, Mississippi. Mr. Taylor was born in Jackson, Mississippi on May 13, 1942. He was a longtime Biloxi Insurance Executive and majority owner of Taylor-Carraway Insurance, Southern Marketing Services and American Benefit Administrators of Biloxi, Mississippi, with offices in Baton Rouge, LA, Jackson, MS, Brentwood, TN and Gulf Breeze, FL all specializing in group medical and dental products. Mr. Taylor was an active member of First Assembly Church in Gulfport, MS. He was preceded in death by his parents, John E. Taylor and Ora Hutchins Taylor; and his sister, Merry D. Taylor, all of Biloxi. Mr. Taylor's survivors include his children, Terence "Terry" (Cristine) Taylor of Biloxi and Michelle (Andy) Haggenmacher of Baton Rouge, LA; his grandchildren, Tristen Hoover, Carly Taylor, Matthew Taylor and Jacob Taylor; his sisters, Libby (Buddy) Gunn and Johnnie (Jeff) Bodouin; and his brothers, Charles (Alice) Taylor and John (Melanie) Taylor. Visitation will be from 12:30 pm until 1:30 pm followed by a 1:30 pm funeral service on Saturday February 4, 2017 at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Southern Memorial Park. (The Sun Herald, February 3, 2017)
Helen F. Thomas Wood (1942-2000). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 13, 1942, the daughter of Edward H. Thomas and Fay G. Manuel. Made her livelihood as a nurse. No children. Expired September 9, 2000. Buried at Biloxi City Cemetery.
Robert L. ‘Bobby’ Thompson Jr. (1943-2008). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi the son of Robert L. Thompson and . Bobby expired at Biloxi on May 21, 2008. He was survived by Barbara T. Starr, a sister, and Ronnie Thompson, brother. Bobbywas a lifelong resident of Biloxi, a former Biloxi Firefighter, and an instructor for a local gaming school. He was a member of B.P.O.E. # 606 in Biloxi and was Elk of the Year in 1991-1992. Celebration of his life was held at the Biloxi Elks Lodge on June 19, 2008.(The Sun Herald, June 1, 2008, p. A12)
Sherry A. Wallis Sullivan (1942-1998). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 26, 1942, the daughter of Willie August Wallis and Irwine Fayard Wallis. Married Nathan Sullivan III. Two children: Jeff Sullivan and Dr. Patricia S. Davis. Made her livelihood as a cardiac nurse. Expired at Biloxi on July 25, 1998.
Adrian Michael Weill (1943-1976). Born at Biloxi, Mississippi on June 30, 1943, the son of Adrian Weill (1903-1971) and Jeanette Dees Weill (1916-2002). Three sisters: Jacqueline W. Glascow Bernstein, Jolene Weill Manuel, and Donna Weill Minton. Died at Biloxi on April 17, 1976. Corporal remains interred at Southern Memorial Park in Biloxi.
W.D. “Willie” Wiles (1923-1998). Born September 23, 1923, at Kosciusko, Mississippi, the son of Dee Wiles and Inez Caldwell. W.D. Wiles, was named Coach of the Biloxi High football team in February 1955. Coach Wiles was a 1951 graduate of USM having played guard at Hinds Junior College. He began his coaching career in 1951 at Corinth High School under Coach Harold Wesson. Wiles had married Virginia Sue Thompson of Jackson, Mississippi and came to Biloxi in 1952 to instruct offensive and defensive linemen when Coach C.G. Walsh was head coach. He expired at Thibodeaux, Louisiana on February 9, 1998.(The Daily Herald, February 22, 1955, p. 14)

Hilda “Sue” Windham Jones, age 80 years, of Ocean Springs, MS, passed away Sunday, February 4, 2024, in Gulfport, Mississippi.
She was born July 20, 1943 in Laurel, Mississippi to John Hilton Windham and Betty Sue Windham. Sue was a 1961 graduate of Biloxi High School and the University of Southern Mississippi. She worked as an elementary school teacher in Ocean Springs, Biloxi, and Pascagoula and enjoyed her time in education. Sue enjoyed spending time with family and friends, entertaining guests at her home, and most importantly, spending her days with Moreno.
She was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Moreno, her parents, and her sister, Patricia Ann Windham.
Sue is survived by her precious children, Susan Jones, David Jones (Jenine), Kevin Jones (Ann); grandchildren: Elizabeth Lizana (Joseph), Patrick Jones (Amanda), Gabe Jones (Rachael), Hope Estes (Conner), Zach Jones, Lauren Rodgers (David), Jonathan Sutera (Maddy), Tyler Kostal (Ryan), Megan Jones, Anthony Wisdom; great grandchildren: Logan Lizana, Silas Lizana, Amelie Jones, Alyse Jones, Eli Jones, Drew Rodgers, Thomas Rodgers, Riley Sutera, Harper Sutera, Elinor Kostal and Winsor Kostal.
Funeral service will be Friday, February 9, 2024, 11:00 AM at Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home, 911 Porter Ave, Ocean Springs, MS, with visitation starting at 10:00 AM. Interment will follow in Crestlawn Memorial Park, Ocean Springs, MS. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Joseph Hospice Center in Gulfport, MS.

The Daily Herald, “Biloxian will be in debate in Iowa”, November, 1962, p. 16.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Betty Rose Allen Suarez”, December 19, 2004, p. B-6.
The Sun Herald, “Adrian Michael Weill”, April 18, 1976, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Biloxian (Michael Weill) found dead outside apartments”, April 18, 1976, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “John “Joe” Paul Gill, November 15, 1976, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Mrs. Lee Anna Allen Tesch”, February 23, 1983, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Robert W. Hickey”, June 30, 1991, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Dr. Warner Oland Moore”, July 14, 1991, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Ms. Joyce Elzada Davis”, February 15, 1992, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Joseph John Simonich”, April 23, 1993, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald,“Ray Gollott”, November 18, 1993, p. A-2.
The Sun Herald, “Don Wayne Dubaz”, November 19, 1996, p. C-2.
The Sun Herald, “W.D. Wiles”, February 11, 1998, p. A-9.
The Sun Herald, “Sherry Sullivan”, July 28, 1998, p. A-7.
The Sun Herald, “Linda B. Gavin”, January 11, 1999, p. A-9.
The Sun Herald, “Helen T. Wood”, September 11, 2000, p. A-5.
The Sun Herald, “Mary Jo Olsen Ballard”, November 7, 2000, p. A-7.
The Sun Herald, “Bob Garrison, one of Coast’s top basketball coaches dies”, April 18, 2001, p. A-7.
The Sun Herald, “William H. Creel”, November 25, 2001, p. A-10.
The Sun Herald, “Coast mourns ‘Mr. Tourism’”, November 25, 2001, p. A-1 and A-6.
The Sun Herald, “Rita Miller”, February 20, 2002, p. A-7.
The Sun Herald, “Ester Shutt”, May 12, 2002, p. A-8.
The Sun Herald, “Everett H. Redam Jr.”, May 28, 2002, p. A-5.
The Sun Herald, “Maynard Hacker”, January 25, 2003.
The Sun Herald, “Louise Tauzin Davis”, July 16, 2003, p. A-6.
The Sun Herald, “Gaynell Sumrall Garrison”, September 21, 2003, p. A-9.
The Sun Herald, “Patricia Ann O’Brien Ford”, January 5, 2005, p. A-9.
The Sun Herald, “Violet P. Bowen", February 14, 2006.
The Sun Herald, “Troy M. Davis”, September 17, 2006, p. A12.
The Sun Herald, “Mr. Anthony Earl Perez Jr.”, September 21, 2006, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, “Mrs. Jerrilyn Marie [Broussard] Barrett”, December 11, 2006.
The Sun Herald, “Mr. Noah J. Saunders Sr.”, February 3, 2007, p. A10.
The Sun Herald, “Robert L. ‘Bob’ Thompson”, June 1, 2008, p. A12.
The Sun Herald, “Ron Hulbert”, June 14, 2008, p. A8.
The Sun Herald, “Deanna Marie Windom”, August 23, 2008, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Atha M. Foster", September 28, 2008, p. A12.
The Sun Herald, "William T. 'Bill' Castanera", April 20, 2010, p. A.
The Sun Herald, “Patricia Diane Carpenter”, May 7, 2010, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, “Legendary horse trainer [Diane Carpenter] from Biloxi dies at age 68”, May 20, 2010, p. D1.
The Sun Herald, “Charles Thomas Harrison, Sr.”, October 24, 2011, p. A6.
The Sun Herald, “Gloria Ferrill Kornman”, May 15, 2012, p. A6.
The Sun Herald, "Zan L. Skelton", May 20, 2012, P. A13.
The Sun Herald, "Eugene Paul 'EP' Stanley", March 4, 2013.
The Sun Herald, "John Hollister Field", March 18, 2013.
The Sun Herald, "Linda Jermyn Braun", October 13, 2013, p. A12.
The Sun Herald, "Douglas Lee Ruffin", March 30, 2014, p. A.
The Sun Herald, "Mary Ann [Dunn] Acevedo", April 13, 2014, p. A-13.
The Sun Herald, "Sherry June Tiblier Helveston", July 14, 2014, p. A-.
The Sun Herald, 'Douglas A. Hebert', August 16, 2014, p. A-6.
The Sun Herald, 'Linda Peavey Castelin Tate', February 3, 2015, p. A
The Sun Herald, 'Ann Gryder Anderson', February 17, 2015, p. A-4.
The Sun Herald, 'Reginald M. Hebert', June 10, 2015.
The Sun Herald, "Gerald Adams", July 15, 2015.
The Sun Herald, 'Anthony Rufinus Barhonovich', May 3, 2016.
The Sun Herald, 'Gaston J. "Bud' Hungerford', August 20, 2016.
The Sun Herald, 'Robert Wayne Jackson', November 27, 2016.
The Sun Herald, 'Jackie Hunt', November 29, 2016.