“Discovering the "Queen City"
There are many things germane to the culture and history of a place. Some might be considered fact and others trivia. Hopefully all are interesting and entertaining to the reader. Presented are some sources, which should provide some of the above criteria:
From the literature we gain knowledge of the past. The author highly recommends the following list of books, pamphlets, and newspaper columns to anyone interested in various aspects of the history, genealogy, and culture of Biloxi, Mississippi:
Mary Louise Adkinson, Bousage-Bosarge Family, Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society-Special Issue 4 (June 1986), and 2nd Edition (January 1991), 321 pages.
Anderson, Ellis, Under Surge-Under Seige: The Odyssey of Bay St. Louis and Katrina, (University Press of Mississippi: Jackson, Mississippi-2010), 271 pages.
Klaus J. Meyer-Arndt and Rudi Hartman, editors, Casino Gambling in America: Origins, Trends, and Impacts, (Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York-1998).
William Bartram, Travels of William Bartram, (Dover Publications: New York-1955), 414 pages.
Edwin C. Bearss, Historic Resources Study-Ship Island, Harrison County, Mississippi Gulf Islands Natioal Seashore-Florida/Mississippi, (US Department of the Interior-National Park Service: Denver Service Center-1984).
Ray L. Bellande and Heidi Balje Good, From Marseille to Mississippi (1813-1990), (Bellande: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-1991), 69 pages.
Anna-Lena Berg, Blood on the Ocean-The Forgotten True Story of the Veronica Mutiny [Ship Island-October 1902], Countyvise Ltd.,United Kngdom-2012, 287 pages.
Biloxi Houses: As time keeps turning, (Biloxi Jr. High School and USM-Katrina Research Center: Long Beach, Mississippi-2008), 98 pages.
John H. Blitz, C. Baxter Mann, and Ray L. Bellande, Mississippi Archaeology, Vol. 30, No. 1, June 1995, “Fort Maurepas and Vieux Biloxi: Search and Research”, 36 pages.
John H. Blitz and C. Baxter Mann, Fisherfolk, Farmers, and Frenchmen, (Mississippi Department of Archives and History: Jackson, Mississippi-2000).
Edmond Boudreaux, The Seafood Capital of the World-Biloxi's Maritime History, (The History Press: Charleston, South Carolina-2011, 126 pages.
Jamie Bounds Ellis and Jane B. Shambra, Images of America-Biloxi, (Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, S.C.-2009, 128 pages.
Carl A. Brasseaux, A Comparative View of French Louisiana, 1699 and 1762: The Journals of Pierre LeMoyne d'Iberville and Jean-Jacques-Blaise d'Abbadie, (The Center For Louisiana Studies, USL: Lafayette, Louisiana-1979), 159 pages.
Laville Bremer, Biloxi Historical Sketch, (General Printing Company: New Orleans-1931), 42 pages.
Laville Bremer, Amichel, Gulf Coast History and Guide-Book One-To the closing of the French Period.
Martin D. Britt, Spain and the Mississippi Sound-Exploration to the Louisiana Purchase (1519-1804), Volume I, (Next Step Publishing: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-2011).
Martin D. Britt, Spain and the Mississippi Sound-The Final Years (1805-1813), Volume II, (Next Step Publishing: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-2011).
The Buildings of Biloxi an Architectural Survey, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-1976), 172 pages.
The Buildings of Biloxi an Architectural Survey, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-2000), 182 pages.
Cyril E. Cain, Four Centuries on the Pascagoula: History, Story, and Legend of the Pascagoula River Country,(The Reprint Company: Spartanburg, South Carolina-1983), Two volumes.
Margaret Rose Carraway, "The Cornerstone of Old Fort Maurepas", Journal of Mississippi History, April, 1951. pp. 101-104.
Earnest A. Carvin, The Harrison County, Mississippi 1880 Census, (Mississippi Coast History & Genealogical Society: Biloxi, Mississippi-1981)
Joe Casey, The Magnola Route: 1923-1927, (Southeastern Press: Mobile, Alabama-2005), 76 pages.
Nap L. Cassibry, II, Early Settlers and Land Grants at Biloxi, Volume I (Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society-Special Issue 5 (November 1986), 180 pages.
Nap L. Cassibry, II, Early Settlers and Land Grants at Biloxi, Volume II (Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society-Special Issue 5 (November 1986), 159 pages.
Nap L. Cassibry, II, The Ladner Odyssey, Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society-Special Issue 6 (January 1988), 931 pages.
Jean Andrews Cecil, That Fifty-Foot Lot, (Cecil: Rosholt, Wisconsin-2010), 43 pages.
Charting Louisiana: Five Hundred Years of Maps, (The Historic NOLA Collection-New Orleans, Louisiana-2003), 383 pages.
Oliver J. Counce, The Sesquicentennial of the Southern Yacht Club, (Franklin Southland Printing-Metairie, Louisiana-2000).
John Cuevas, Cat Island: The History of a Mississippi Gulf Coast Barrier Island, (McFarland-2011).
The Daily Herald, 50th Anniversary Souvenir, Golden Jubilee Number, Biographical and Historical 1884-1934, (The Daily Herald: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1934). 104 pages.
The Daily Herald, "100 Years -1884-1984", (The Gulf Publishing: Gulfport-Biloxi, Mississippi-1984).
Bennett Doty, Legion of the Damned, (Garden City Publishing Company: Garden City-1928)
Charles L. Dufour, Ten Flags in the Wind-The story of Louisiana, (Harper & Row, Publishers-New Yorj-1967), 307 pages.
M. Le page Du Pratz, History of Louisiana, (Claitor’s Publishing Division: Baton Rouge, Louisiana-1972), 366 pages.
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, (Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971. Originally published 1895, 60 pages.
Jamie B. Ellis and Jane B. Shambra, ‘Biloxi’, (Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, South Carolina-2009), 127 pages.
Robert B. Fisher, The French Invade the South and Lose, (Shaugnessy & Co.: Biloxi-1984), 50 pages.
Alcee Fortier, A History of Louisiana (4 Volumes), (Manzi, Joyant, & Co.: New York-1904).
Henri A. Gandolfo, Metairie Cemetery, An Historical Memoir, (Stewart Enterprises: New Orleans, Louisiana-1981)
T.H. Glenn, The Mexican Gulf Coast on Mobile Bay & Mississippi Sound Illustrated, (Delchamps: Mobile, Alabama-1893), 100 pages.
Dale Greenwell, Views of D'Iberville and St. Martin, (Arcadia Publishing Company: Charleston, South Carolina-2014).
Dale Greenwell, Twelve Flags Triumphs and Tragedies: A Complete documented, detailed history of the Mississippi Coast and its people, (Published by Greenwell-1968), 175 pages.
Bonnie L. Grimstead, Cemeteries of Harrison Co., Mississippi, (Southern Heritage Press: St. Petersburg, Florida).
Julia C. Guice, Lagniappe-City of Biloxi [notes on public officials, voter registration and tax rolls], (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-circa 1966)
Julia C. Guice, 1850 Census of Harrison County, Mississippi, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi:)
Julia C. Guice, 1860 Census of Harrison County, Mississippi, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi:-1982), 109 pages.
Julia C. Guice, 1870 Census of Harrison County, Mississippi, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi:-1981), 166 pages.
Julia C. Guice, Marriages-Harrison County, Mississippi, [1841-1899], (City of Biloxi, Mississippi:), 103 pages.
Jean-Baptise de la Harpe, The Journal of the Establishment of the French in Louisiana, (University of Southwestern Louisiana: Lafayette, Louisiana-1971), 272 pages.
Robert W. Heck, Biloxi Central Business District- Historic District Study, (Eskew, Vogt, Salvato and Filson Architects: New Orleans, Louisiana-July 1986)
Nollie Hickman, Mississippi Harvest: Lumbering in the Longleaf Pine Belt (1840-1915), (The Paragon Press: Montgomery, Alabama - 1962), 306 pages.
Jay Higginbotham, Fort Maurepas: The Birth of Louisiana, (Colonial Books: Mobile-1968), 93 pages.
Jay Higginbotham, The Journal of Sauvole, (Colonial Books: Mobile-1969), 70 pages.
Jay Higginbotham, Old Mobile: Fort Louis de la Louisiane (1702- 1711), (Museum of the City of Mobile, Publication No. 4: Mobile-1977), 585 pages.
Louise C. Hoffman, An Artist Vision-Josephine Crawford, (The Historic New Orleans Collection: NOLA-2009), 159 pages.
H. Grady Howell, Jr., To Live and Die in Dixie, A History of the Third Mississippi Infantry, CSA, (Chickasaw Bayou Press: Jackson, Mississippi-1991), 644 pages.
H. Grady Howell, Jr., The Button Jar-Memories of My Childhood on Back Bay Biloxi, (Howell: Madison, Mississippi-2010), 112 pages.
Edward Humes, Mississippi Mud, (Gallery Books: New York-1994), 434 pages.
Val F. Husley, Keesler Air Force Base: A History of the Site and Its Environs”, (USAF, Office of History, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB Technical Training Center: Biloxi, Mississippi-1996).
Val F. Husley, Maritime Biloxi, (Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, South Carolina-2000).
Val F. Husley, Biloxi: Three Hundred Years, (The Donning Company: Virginia Beach, Virginia-1998).
Journal of the Frigate "Le Marin"(September 5, 1698-July 2, 1699), (Blossman Printing Company: Ocean Springs-1974), 70 pages.
Journal of the Jackson County Genealogical Society, Pascagoula (published quarterly since 1984).
Helen Kerr Kempe, The Pelican Guide To Old Homes of Mississippi, Volume 1: Natchez and the South, (Pelican Publishing Company: Gretna, Louisiana-1977).
Fred J. Klein III, Remembering the Biloxi Bakery-sixty delicious years 1913-1973, (Klein: Biloxi, Mississippi-2008 and 2nd addition-2009).
Fred J. Klein III, Biloxi is beautiful-wish you were here! Postcards of days gone by, (Klein: Biloxi, Mississippi-2010).
Darlene Krohn, The Descendants of Jerome Ryan, (Krohn: Latimer, Mississippi-1995).
John H. Lang, History of Harrison County, Mississippi, (The Dixie Press: Gulfport, Mississippi-1936)
Edward J. Lepoma, A Passion for People: The Story of Mary Mahoney and her Old French House Restaurant, (Quail Ridge Press: Brandon, Mississippi-1998).
Jerome Lepre, The Caillavet Family, Volume I, (Lepre, NOLA: March 1984), 105 pages.
Jerome Lepre, The Heritage of Francois Fontaine, (Lepre-NOLA-1987), 92 pages.
Jerome Lepre, The Krohn Family, (Lepre: New Orleans-1989).
Jerome Lepre, Santa Cruz Family, (Lepre, NOLA: July 1990), 160 pages.
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
Jerome Lepre, Index to the Records of Old Mobile-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception-Mobile, Alabama [1704-1891], (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1992), 495 pages..
Jerome Lepre, The Fountain Family, (Lepre, NOLA: 1992), 279 pages.
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume II, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1995).
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume III, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1995).
Jerome Lepre, Seymour Family, (Lepre, Biloxi, Mississippi: 2001), 457 pages.
Main Street Through Mississippi on the Old Spanish Trail, J.H. Jacque, compiler, and A.A. Heldt, photographer, (Gulfport Printing Company: Gulfport-circa 1925). Larry Cosper at Local Color Gallery has the only copy in Ocean Springs.
Earl Chapin May, The Canning Clan, (The MacMillan Company-New York-1937).
Mexican Gulf Coast Winter Resorts(Illinois Central Railroad Promotional Pamphlet circa 1890), Biloxi Public Library Archives.
Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams, Fleur de lys and Calumet, The Penicaut Narrative, (LSU Press: Baton Rouge-1953), 281 pages.
Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams, Iberville's Gulf Journals, (University of Alabama Press: University, Alabama-1981), 195 pages.
Elaine Ryan Miller and Virgil D. Miller, The Ladner Odyssey Index, (Miller-Ocean Springs, Mississippi-1996), 23 pages.
Mississippi Coast History and Genealogical Society, Biloxi (published three times a year since 1968).
Mississippi Gulf Coast Yesterday & Today (1699-1939), Federal Writers Project in Mississippi Works Progress Administration, (Gulfport Printing Company: Gulfport-1939), 162 pages.
Lu Hartley Morehead, Old Spanish Trail Along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, (Dixie Press: Gulfport, Mississippi-1955 and 1958).
Deanne Stephens Nuwer, Plague Among the Magnolias, (University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa, Alabama-2009).
Nola Nance Oliver, The Gulf Coast of Mississippi, (Hastings House: New York-1941). Approximately 100 pages.
Patricia E. Parrish and MSgt. Linda C. McFarland, Keesler Air Force Base The and Now: For Half Century, a Leader in Technical Training, 1941-1945, (USAF, Office of History, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB Technical Training Center: Biloxi, Mississippi-October 1991).
Dawson A. Phelps, Research Report on Fort de Maurepas, Mississippi, (US Department of The Interior-National Park Service, 1939)
James J. Pillar, O.M.I., The Catholic Church in Mississippi, 1837-1865, (The Hauser Press: New Orleans, Louisiana-19?).
J.B. Richmond, World War II: Combat Wooden Boats Built at Westergard Boat Works of Biloxi, Inc.-A Historical Pictorial Narrative, (J.B. Richmond: Biloxi, Mississippi-2009), 70 pages.
Stephanie C. Richmond and David A. Wheeler, The Growth of the Biloxi Public School System, Volume I, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-1979), 103 pages.
Bernard Romans, A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida, (reprinted Pelican Publishing Company: New Orleans, Louisiana-1961), 291 pages.
SSgt. Gail R. Russell, Keesler Field: The War Years 1941-1945,(USAF, Office of History, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB Technical Training Center: Biloxi, Mississippi-October 1986).
75th Anniversary of the 1st National Bank of Biloxi: 1893-1968, (FNB of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1968), 56 pages.
Flora K. Schieb, History of the Southern Yacht Club, Pelican Publishing Co., Gretna, Louisiana-1986).
Theresa Arnold-Scriber and Terry G. Scriber, Ship Island, Mississippi-Rosters and History of the Civil War Prison, (McFarland & Company, Inc.-Jefferson, North Carolina-2008).
Michael D. Seymour, Seymour Family Genealogy, (Seymour: Porterville, Kemper County, Mississippi-2002, 395 page.
David A. Sheffield and Darnell L. Nicovich, When Biloxi was Seafood Capital of the World, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-1979).
Collen C. Sholtes and L.J. Scholtes, Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast: A Pictorial History, (The Donning Company: Norfolk, Virginia-1985), 219 pages.
Zan Skelton, "Mississippi Teacher: A Biloxi teacher's account of four decades of teaching in Mississippi", (Skelton: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991). 147 pages.
Zan Skelton, "The Biloxi Public Schools 1924-2001: The Growth of the Biloxi Public School System", Volume II, (City of Biloxi, Mississippi-2002). 282 pages.
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Census, Tax Rolls, and Petitions, Book 1, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-1995)
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Book 2, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-199 )
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Book 3, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-199 )
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Book 4, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-19 )
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Book 5, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-199 )
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Book 6, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-199 )
Jean Strickland and Patricia N. Edwards, Residents of the Southeastern Mississippi Territory: Records of Spanish West Florida (1806+), Book 7, (Strickland: Moss Point, Mississippi-1999)
Julie Suarez [compiler], The Biloxi Cemetery,Special Issue 7, (Mississippi Coast Historical & Genealogical Society: Biloxi, Mississippi-August 2002), pages 286.
Charles L. Sullivan, The Mississippi Gulf Coast: Portrait of a People, (Windsor Publications: Northridge, California-1985).
Charles L. Sullivan, Hurricanes of the Mississippi Gulf Coast-1717 to Present, (Gulf Publishing Company: Biloxi-1986), 139 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College: A History 1911-2000, (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press: Perkinston, Mississippi-2002), 606 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, "Building The 'Old Spanish Trail': The Story of a Modern American Highway", (Mississippi Department of Transportation-Jackson, Mississippi-2003), 38 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, "Down South with the Dixie Press", (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press; Perkinston, Mississippi-2006), 81 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, "Down South with the Dixie Press [2007 Revised Edition]", (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press; Perkinston, Mississippi-2007), 81 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, "Down South with the Dixie Press [April 2008 Revised & Expanded Edition]", (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press; Perkinston, Mississippi-2008), 111 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, Hurricanes of the Mississippi Gulf Coast-Three Centuries of Destruction, (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press: Perkinston, Mississippi-2009), 174 pages.
Charles L. Sullivan, Gulf Coast Album: A Journey in Historic Photographs 1899-2011 From NOLA across the Mississippi Gulf Coast to Mobile, (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press: Perkinston, Mississippi-2011), 240 pages.
Gerald W. Sweitzer and Kathy M. Fields, The 50 Best Small Southern Towns, (Peachtree Publishers: Atlanta, Georgia-2001)
Ray M. Thompson, "Know Your Coast", (Biloxi Daily Herald-1955-1956), Biloxi Public Library Historical and Genealogical Section.
Dale M. Titler and SSgt. Gary M. Murphy, Keesler Field: Inception to Pearl Harbor 1939-1941, (USAF, Office of History, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB Technical Training Center: Biloxi, Mississippi-April 1981).
Dale M. Titler, Gulf Tempest: Major Hurricanes and Their Effects on Keesler Technical Center, (USAF, Office of History, 81st Training Wing, Keesler AFB Technical Training Center: Biloxi, Mississippi-1986).
Twentieth Century Coast Edition of the Biloxi Daily Herald: Historical and Biographical,(George W. Wilkes & Sons: Biloxi-August 1902), 100 pages.
R.A. Wilkinson, "The Gulf Coast", letters written for The New Orleans Times Democrat, (Passenger Department L&N Railroad: Louisville, Kentucky-1886), 63 pages.
John H. Blitz, C. Baxter Mann, and Ray L. Bellande, Mississippi Archaeology, Vol. 30, No. 1, June 1995, “Fort Maurepas and Vieux Biloxi: Search and Research”, 36 pages.
Martin D. Britt, Spain and the Mississippi Sound-Exploration to the Louisiana Purchase (1519-1804), Volume I, (Next Step Publishing: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-2011).
Martin D. Britt, Spain and the Mississippi Sound-The Final Years (1805-1813), Volume II, (Next Step Publishing: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-2011).
Jeffery P. Brain, Indians of North America, The Tunica-Biloxi, (Chelsea House Publishers: New York-Philadelphia-1990), 103 pages.
Jeffrey P. Brain, Tunica Treasure, (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University: Cambridge, Massachusetts-1979), 329 pages.
Carl A. Brasseaux, A Comparative View of French Louisiana, 1699 and 1762: The Journals of Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville and Jean-Jacques-Blaise d'Abbadie, (The Center For Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana-1979), 159 pages.
Gail Alexander Buzhardt and Margaret Hawthorne, Rencontres sur le Mississippi, 1682-1763, (University Press of Mississippi-Jackson, Mississippi-1993), 250 pages.
Margaret Rose Carraway, "The Cornerstone of Old Fort Maurepas", Journal of Mississippi History", April 1951, pp. 101-104.
Volney J. Cissna, Jr., "Reconstruction of Fort Maurepas", (The Gulf Regional Planning Commission Report: Gulfport, Mississippi-1973).
J.F.H. Claiborne, Mississippi as a Province, Territory, and State, (The Reprint Company: Spartanburg, South Carolina-1978), 591 pages. Reprinted from an 1880 edition.
Charles L. Dufour, Ten Flags in the Wind: The Story of Louisiana, (Harper & Row: New York-1967).
Antoine Simon Le Page Du Pratz, The History of Louisiana, (Claitor's Publishing Division: Baton Rouge, Louisiana-1972), 366 pages. Reprinted from a 1774 edition.
Robert B. Fisher, The French Invade the South and Lose, (Shaugnessy & Company: Biloxi, Mississippi-1984), 50 pages.
Dale Greenwell, Twelve Flags Triumphs and Tragedies, (Dale Greenwell: Biloxi, Mississippi-1968), 175 pages.
Peter J. Hamilton, Colonial Mobile, (Reprint by Heritage Books: Bowie, Maryland-1991). Two volumes. Originally published in 1910.
David Hardcastle, "The Military Organization of French Colonial Louisiana", from The Military Presence on the Gulf Coast, (Gulf Coast History & Humanities Conference: Pensacola, Florida-1978).
Virginia C. Harrell, Vicksburg and the River, (University of Mississippi Press: Jackson, Mississippi-1982), 112 pages.
Jay Higginbotham, "The Chaumont Concession: A French Plantation on the Pascagoula (River)", Journal of Mississippi History, November 1974, pp. 353-362.
Jay Higginbotham, Fort Maurepas: The Birth of Louisiana, (Colonial Books: Mobile, Alabama-1968), 93 pages. (may have been reprinted by the University of Alabama Press)
Jay Higginbotham, The Journal of Sauvole, (Colonial Books: Mobile, Alabama-1969), 70 pages.
Jay Higginbotham, Old Mobile: Fort Louis de la Louisiane (1702-1711), (Museum of the City of Mobile, Publication No. 4: Mobile, Alabama-1977), 585 pages.
Elbert R. Hilliard, "The Establishment of the Fort Maurepas Historical Site", A Report from the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History: Jackson, Mississippi-1973).
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1989), 438 pages.
Louise C. Hoffman, An Artist's Vision: Josephine Crawford, [The Historic New Orleans Collection; New Orleans, Louisiana-2009]
Journal of the Frigate "Le Marin" (September 5, 1698-July 2, 1699), (Blossman Printing Company: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-1974), 70 pages.
Jo Merle Kennedy, Dauphin Island, Alabama: French Possession 1699-1763, (Coffee Printing Company: Selma, Alabama-1976),
Richebourg G. McWilliams, Fleur de lys and Calumet, The Penicaut Narrative, (LSU Press: Baton Rouge, Louisiana-1953), 281 pages.
Richebourg G. McWilliams, Iberville's Gulf Journals, (University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa, Alabama-1981), 195 pages.
James H. Malone, The Chickasaw Nation, (John P. Morton & Company-Louisville, Kentucky-1922).
Francois Xavier Martin, History of Louisiana (1892).
C.E. Schmidt, Ocean Springs French Beachhead, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1972), 142 pages. (out of print, but available at all local libraries)
Truman Stacey, Louisiana's French Heritage, (Acadian House Publishing: Lafayette, Louisiana-1990).
Julie Broussard Suarez, Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Records, Burial Books 33 thru 42, (1945-1960), (Suarez: Biloxi, Mississippi-1999).
Charles Sullivan, Hurricanes of the Mississippi Gulf Coast-1717 to Present, (Gulf Publishing Company: Biloxi, Mississippi-1986), 139 pages.
Charles Sullivan, The Mississippi Gulf Coast: Portrait of a People, (Windsor Publications: Northridge, California-1985), 200 pages.
Daniel H. Thomas, Fort Toulouse: The French Outpost at the Alabamas on the Coosa, The University of Alabama Press: Tuscaloosa, Alabama-1989), 90 pages.
Greg A. Waselkov and Diane E. Silva, Archaeology at the Krebs House (Old Spanish Fort), Pascagoula, Mississippi, (University of South Alabama Center for Archaeological Studies: Mobile, Alabama-1995), 85 pages.
Samuel Wilson, Jr., Gulf Coast Architecture, (Historic Pensacola Preservation Board: Pensacola, Florida-1977), 49 pages.
The following maps are old and give one an idea of the local geography from the French Colonial Period to the Civil War.
Specific Map of Fort Maurepas and the Bay of Biloxi and the Surrounding Area (c. 1700). Scale (1"=570'). Copy available at the Biloxi public Library.
New Biloxi (c. 1720). Copy available at the Biloxi Public Library.
Map of the Coast of New Biloxi (1"=3 1/4 miles). Copy available at the Biloxi Public Library.
Map of Part of the Coast of New Biloxi With Surrounding Islands (1"=7200').
US Coast Survey (1851) Harbor and Back Bay of Biloxi (1:10000) by W.E. Greenwell and W.M. Johnson. Biloxi Public Library.
US Coast Survey (1858) Biloxi Bay (1:40000) by W.E. Greenwell and S.A. Gilbert. Biloxi Public Library.
Sanborn Maps 1893, 1898, 1904, (2 sheets), 1909 (3 sheets), and 1925 (4 sheets).
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