Biloxi Policeman [image made at L&N Depot ca 1940? Courtesy of Tom Walker]
On July 27, 1841, Rene Lameuse introduced a proposal to create a night patrol at Biloxi to preserve peace and harmony in the village. Peter Flanagan was appointed Captain of the post. One of his duties was to arrest free negroes and slaves who were on the streets of Biloxi after 9 p.m., unless they had written permission from their master, mistress or overseer. Otherwise, Captain Flanagan was to punish the violators as directed by the law. He had the power to recruit as many citizens to assist him as necessary for the task.[Harrison County, Mississippi Board of Police Minute Bk. 1, p. 5]
In July 1842, Benjamin Holley was appointed Captain of the night patrol at Biloxi.[Harrison County, Mississippi Board of Police Minute Bk. 1, p. 26]
The Mayor planned to veto the action of the Town Council in reducing the cost of a bar room license from $125 to $50 unless the bar keepers agree to pay $20 each towards the expenses of the Police department.(The Daily Telegraph [Monroe, Louisiana], April 28, 1886)
In May 1888. J.C. DeLamarre, Biloxi town marshal, was appointed Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Florian Seal.(The Biloxi Herald, June 2, 1888, p. 8)
J.C. DeLamarre resigned as Marshal in April 1891 and was replaced by F.A. Caillavet. Mr. DeLamarre opened the WHITE ELEPHANT, a saloon, on the corner of Pass Christian Street and Main Street.[The Biloxi Herald, April 11, 1891, p. 1]
J.C. DeLamarre resigned as Biloxi's marshal effective 15 March. Charles W. Blake was appointed the new Marshal by Governor McLaurin. DeLamarre was complimented by the City Council for actions taken during his short tenure as marshal.[The Biloxi Herald, March 14, 1896, p. 8]
Marshal Charles W. Blake had three officers on the BPD: Robert M. Mosley, J. A. McKinley (1852-1920) and Tony Galletta (1830-1906). His salary was $50 per month and his patrolmen were paid $30 per month.(The Biloxi Herald, January 9, 1897, p. 8)
Marshal Mosley and Officer McKinley captured 10 white crap shooters at Point Cadet yesterday.They pleaded guilty in court and were fined $5 and court costs. Marshal Mosely had started to break gambling in Biloxi without regards to who indulges in it. Stir clear of alluring cards and fascinating bones, if you do not want to appear in city court.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 17, 1899, p. 8)
The Biloxi city council decided that the city would not pay for the new spring police uniforms. The Biloxi police were expected to acquire their spring uniforms at their own expense.(The Biloxi Herald, April 11, 1901, p. 8)
Marshal John A. McKinley (1852-1920)
When Marshal Robert M. Mosley resigned in the fall of 1902 to become Chief Inspector for the Mississippi Oyster Commission, John Augustus McKinley (1852-1920) was appointed the new Marshal by Biloxi's alderman to replace him. R.M. Randolph was his only opposition. Sardin George was added to the BPD at this time.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 1, 1902, p.1 and September 3, 1902, p. 1)
The Mayor and board elected R.M. Randolph, Sardin George and Peter Bellande to serve at policemen for Biloxi.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, Janaury 6, 1909, p. 1)
Police Chief Staehling issued instructions to his patrolmen, R.M. Randolph, Zudie Hightower, nee Julius Sablich, and Nat Bolton, to arrest proprietors of liquor joints and bootleggers. Public and private houses were also banned of alcohol. Staehling said, "there will be no favoritiism played." ? Hunt was arrested on Main Street with more than 300 quarts of beer and some whiskey. He was fined $50 by Police Judge Z.T. Champlin. Sheriff J.C. Elmer related that as many as 60 blind tigers and bootleggers in the area.(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1914, p. 1)
Police Chief Staehling had a staff of police officers consisting of Peter Bellande, Sardin George, Zudie Hightower and R.M. Randolph.
Chief Randolph was chastised by some members of the Police Committee and City Council because of his challenge to their interference into internal matters of the Biloxi Police Depatment.(The Daily Herald, January 9, 1917, p. 1)
The Biloxi city council discussed acquiring a conveyance vehicle for the police department. Although a motorcycle was part of the discussion, a patrol wagon was considered a possibility.(The Daily Herald, February 8, 1917, p. 3)
Mayor Edward Glennan (1854-1933) started his final year as Mayor of Biloxi with turmoil in the Police Department. In January 1918, when it was time to reappoint patrolmen, Walter H. Hunt (1887-1961), 1st Ward Alderman, opposed that Frank J. ‘Zudie’ Hightower (1890-1976), Peter Bellande (1871-1933), and John W. Mabry (1873-1940) continue with the force. The Board of Aldermen appointed Joseph Mattina (1889-1969), a barber; Willie Ryan (1876-1958), Biloxi Yacht Club keeper; and Martin Green Jr. (1875-1951), a boat dealer, to replace the three men. None of the City Council’s new policemen had any law enforcement experience and they had to be trained by Chief R.M. Randolph. Chief Randolph further stated that he was greatly surprised and was unwilling to part with Officer Bellande. He declares that Officer Peter Bellande has always proven himself a very efficient Police Officer. Officer Bellande also has a large number of friends in the city administration as well as among citizens who are nor connected with the city.(The Daily Herald, January 3, 1918, p. 1)
In June 1920, the Biloxi Police force was headed by Chief George Bills with Joseph Venus, a new hire, Alonzo Gabrich, and ? Michel as patrol officers. Since the resignation of Zudie Hightower, nee Sablich, Mayor J.J. Kennedy had not replaced him. Joseph Mattina (1889-1969) came on the force in July replacing Joseph Venus.(The Daily Herald, June 3, 1920, p. 3 and July 17, 1920)
John A. McKinley (1852-1920), former patrolman and Police Chief, expired at Columbia, Mississippi on September 7, 1920. Kate K. McKinley (1856-1921) died at Biloxi on .(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1920, p. 1 and
At the start of 1921, the Biloxi Police Department consisted of Chief George Bills and four officers: Richard Grady, Joseph Mattina, Alonzo Gabrich, and Charles Lowd (1891-1967).(The Daily Herald, january 15, 1921, p. 1)
In late March, Joseph Mattina (1889-1969), a Biloxi policeman, shot and killed Adolph Hunt (1884-1922) in downtown Biloxi. The incident was ruled as self-defense.(The Daily Herald, March 28, 1922, p. 1)
The night force in May consisted of Charles Lowd, Alonzo Gabrich, and George Mon. They protected the Riviera Hotel from looters during and after the conflagration of May 15, 1922.(The Daily Herald, May 15, 1922, p. 3)
Three Biloxi policemen, Evon Swetman (1902-1976), Richard Grady and Jake Stanovich, of the night patrol discovered a blaze at the Rosell bungalow on West Beach between Porter and Gill Avenues and awoke the tenant, Mrs. Albert Madding. Units from West End No. 1, Central No. 1 and Hook & Ladder No. 1 arrived on the scene and quickly arrested the incipient conflagration limiting damage and the loss of the structure. The five City firemen were aided by volunteers.(The Daily Herald, September 4, 1926, p. 1)
By early February 1928, the new police station on the first floor of Biloxi’s City Hall was nearing completion. Chief George Bills (1867-1945) had just hired Felix Mattina (1886-1946) and Frank Hecht (1901-1981) to the work with the night force to fill the void in his ranks created by the death of Officer Jake Stanovich (1891-1927). Mr. Mattina had prior law enforcement experience and had been a deputy sheriff. Frank Hecht had no police experience as he had worked for Standard Oil and the City Bus Company. With the new hires, the Biloxi night force consisted of the following men: Charles Lowd; Omer Graves (1886-1933); Evon Swetman;(1902-1976); Richard Grady (1891-1958); and Lawrence Stockton (1893-1956). Chief Bills and Alonzo Gabrich (1894-1948), City Detective, comprised the day force.(The Daily Herald, February 8, 1928, p. 2)
Chief Alonzo Gabrich announced schedule changes for his police officers: Joseph Randazzo; Alick Ewing (1876-1942); Harvey Chinn; and Charles Lowd.(The Daily Herald, May 2. 1932, p. 2)
Felix N. Mattina (1886-1946), police officer, deputy sheriff and former two term Beat 1 Constable (1928-1936), announced his candidacy for Beat 1 Constable in May 1939. Since 1936, Officer Mattina had served Biloxi as a city patrolman in the Mayor Louis E. Braun administration. He had also been a police officer during the Glennan and Kennedy mayoral years. Mattina would also run for Constable in 1943.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1939, p. 1 and May 31, 1943, p. 1)
in May 1940, Herbert McDonnell, uniformed officer, was appointed a plain clothes officer while Harry Jones, night desk sergeant, became a day force officer. Alick Eweing, officer, became the night desk sergeant.(The Daily Herald, May 6, 1940, p. 16)
Chief Gabrich announced that an air school program would be initiated. Henry Cook Jr., a two-year extra duty officer would become a regular policeman. Also Pat Jordan and Harry Jones would be assigned to the new 24-hour motorcycle servive.[The Daily Herald, June 16, 1941, p. 3]
Officers Louis Anglada and G. Lepre resigned from the BPD in August 1942. Lee Chinn, a fireman for 29 years, was dismissed from his duties.(The Daily Herald, August 3, 1942,p. 5)
Alonzo Gabrich retired as Police Chief on January 4, 1943 after 24 years with the BPD. His tenure as Police Chief totaled 14 years. Gabrich started with the City of Biloxi working as an office boy for W.G. Henderson and later collected street taxes and drove a fire wagon. By 1917, he had been the sanitary inspector; pound master; and special police officer. The Biloxi community in respect and appreciation for his long and faithful sevice to their city, presented Mr. Gabrich with gifts: a belt buckle with three diamonds; cash and bonds; and an Elks diamond ring.[The Daily Herald, August 14, 1917, p. 1 and January 4, 1943, p. 5]
Laz Quave became Police Chief on January 4, 1943 and Louis Anglada was named his assistant. Other members of Quave's staff were: Earl Wetzel, City Detective; Arthur Largilliere, Desk Sergeant; Joseph Mattina; Charles Comeaux; Vincent Fernandez; Albert Demoran; Oswald Chatham; Henry Cook; Al Boehm; S.O. Hall; John Labash; and Floyd Gill.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. 5)
Louis E. Anglada (1910-1955) was appointed acting Police Chief of Biloxi in July 1944. He joined the Biloxi force in 1935 and worked his way to assist chief from a uniformed officer and dectective. Chief Anglado is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Fishermen's Union, Mississippi-Tennessee Peace Officers and Back Bay Fire Company.(The Daily Herald, July 8, 1944, p. 3)
Captain Joseph Mattina Sr. (1889-1969), who was born at NOLA on January 13, 1889 and had been a resident of Biloxi since 1896, retired from the Biloxi Police Department in 1949. He had joined the force in 1927 [sic]. Captain Mattina was married to Sidonia Fayard (1897-1971). He expired at Gulffport, Mississippi on December 7, 1969 leaving three sons: Joseph F. Mattina (1920-2015); Dalton J. Mattina (1922-2005); and Roy Mattina, Justice of the Peace.(The Daily Herald, December 8, 1969, p. 2)
Biloxi Police Force in 1949
Earl Wetzel (1910-1962)-Acting Chief of Police and Henry W. Cook Jr. (1913-1951), Acting Assistant Chief of Police
Robert J. Castello (1913-1968), Captain and Louis J. Rosetti (1915-1971), Captain
Eddie R. Migues (1916-2003)
John J. Askin (1926-1950) of 403 Wisteria Lane expired on October 15, 1950. He had joined the Biloxi Police Department circa 1948 and left Bedola Seymour Askin (1926-2006), his spouse, and daughters, Betty Jean Askin and Patricia Ann Askin.(The Daily Herald, October 16, 1950, p. 12)
Michael 'Mike' Skrnich, former fisherman and US Army verteran of WW II, and Robert 'Bob' Bellman, Word War II veteran, were hired by Chief Earl Wetzell.(The Daily Herald, March 2, 1951)
Earl F. Batia (1929-1998), Fred Swetman and Rivers Loncon (1918-1989) were hired as police officers.(The Daily Herald, May 2, 1952, p. 6)
Herbert R. McDonnell (1902-1974) was named Police Chief in July replacing Earl F. Wetzell (1910-1962).(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1953, p. 17).
1950s BPD
Front row: L-R: Jack Breal, Henry Lechner; Al Hermes; Ven Lee; Ola Mae Balius; Herbert McDonnell; Walter Williams; Louis Rosetti; ?; Louis Feranda Sr.; Emile Rousseau; and Jack Robinson.Back row: L-R: Ernest Mladinich; Bill Marie; Leroy Bourgeios; ?; Alan Sandoz; Ed Rugg; ?; Preston Coleman; Melvin Cruse; Gerald Ferrill; Junie Tiblier; ?; ? Boudin' and ?[IDed by with kind assistance of Edward Ryan, former Biloxi Police Chief]
The Biloxi Police Union became affiliated with the AFL-CIO in October 1971. Captain Leroy Bourgeois said that the charter would be issued on October 29th at New Orleans and the local union would be called Local 673, SEIU, AFL-CIO. The Biloxi Police relinquished its affliation with the International Brotherhood of Police after holding membership for about a year and a half. Captain Bourgeios related that there were about 25 members in the local union.(The Daily Heral, October 27, 1971)
Rose Street was changed to Rosetti Street by the Biloxi City Council in May 1972 to honor Biloxi Police Chief Louis A. Rosetti. Residents of Rose Street petitoned the City for the change. Mayor Daniel Guice related that the name change was not only in recognition of the late police chief, but of the whole Rosetti family who had served Biloxi for many years. Guice stated also that "we all enjoyed a close relationship with Chief Rosetti. He was a person with a heart of gold. Not only would he enforce the law, but would give help whenever and wherever needed, especially to low-income groups. I hope this action will show younger persons that by living the good life and serving the community as Chief Rosetti did, they will not be forgotten."(The Daily Herald, May 9, 1972, p. 4)
Year of the 'Blue Flu epidemic' when 35 Biloxi policemen either resigned or were terminated and high ranking officials either retired or were transferred to other departments.

Julius M. Lopez Jr. [1908-1996] , a retired FBI AGENT, was named Biloxi's first Director of Public Safety. He was responsible for the police, firemen and recreation departments. Current Police Superintendent Leslie Montgomery was expected to resign and Fire Chief Frank Gabrich resigned 4 June.[The Daily Herald, June 8, 1973, p. 1]
Fourteen new police officers were sworn into service: Louis M. Atchison, James M. Besse, Thomas R. Curtiss, Wayne F. Garrote; Wayne E. Henning, Artis R. James Jr., Joseph B. Lesso Jr., Nicholas C. Martino, Lance C. McGill, Tommy Lee Moffett, Joseph C. Newman, James E. Pendergrass, Herbert L. Pickens, and Nickie F. Simmons.[The Daily Herald, October 2, 1973, p. 17]

Biloxi Mounted Police Unit
[L-R: Patricia Milligan; Louis Milton Atchison; Terry Pesch; James Earl Pendergrass; Wayne Erwin Hennig; and M. Landry]
In early February 1975, J.M. Lopez Jr. [1908-1996], former FBI agent and Biloxi’s Director of Public Safety and Recreation, proposed the creation of a six-horse, manned patrol unit to provide security at Hiller Park, Howard Avenue and Magnolia Mall. Additional utilization of mounted policemen were crowd control and public protection for Mardi Gras, football games, festivals and surveillance of Biloxi’s sand beach. A stable to shelter the horses at Hiller Park was under construction. The mounted police unit became known at "Lopez's posse".[The Sun, February 6, 1975, p. B-6 and February 25, 1975, p. 1]
J.M. Lopez Jr. [1908-1996] resigned his position as Biloxi’s Director of Public Safety and Recreation effective August 29th.[The Sun, August 12, 1975, p. A-4]
The Biloxi City Council approved the contract for the sale of the Biloxi City jail to the Harrison County Board of Supervisors. The City will pay $3 per day to the County to house and feed its prisoners in the contract.(The Daily Herald, October 2, 1975, p. B-1)
Police Chief Lester J. Thompson (1941-2010) submitted a 25-year growth study of the Biloxi Police Department to city planners. The eight-month study was funded by the Law Enforcement Assitance Agency. It attempted to predict population growth patterns, urban problems, and the necessities of an ideally equipped Biloxi police force through the year 2000.(The Daily Herald, October 10, 1975, p. B-1)
Police Chief Lester J. Thompson (1941-2010) submitted his resignation in June for medical reason. Mayor O'Keefe named Edward L. Ryan acting Police Chief effective 5 July.[The Daily Herald, June 12, 1976, p. 1]
The Biloxi City Council voted to sell Joe, Red and Blackie, three of the horses of the mounted police unit. This action essentially terminated the patrol. Golf Carts had replaced the horse patrols in the malls last year because the horse maintenance was expensive.[The Sun, July 14, 1977, p. A-4]
Carl Ferguson, stable proprietor at Ocean Springs, offered $800 for the three Biloxi police horses.The mounted horse patrol operations became to expensive and golf carts replaced the equines in their former duties.[The South Mississippi Sun, August 2, 1977, p. A-4]
Harvey Felsher, former Biloxi Police officer, was sentenced to 15 years in the State penitentiary in the 2nd JD Harrison County Circuit Court after pleading guilty charges ranging from burlary and receiving stolen property. He was relieved from duty in 1973.(The Daily Herald, August 15, 1977, p. A2)
The Biloxi Police Academy, the first organized on the Mississippi Coast, began its program in the summer to train Biloxi police officers as well as other Coast poliemen as a supplement to their training received at the Mississippi State Law Enforcement Academy near Jackson, Mississippi. Lt. Mike Green, chief training officer for the local academy, oversaw ten weeks of instruction both field and class room sessions for recruits. Police Chief Edward Ryan emphasized that the men received information about community relations; local ordinances-both city and county; media relations; and local geography.(The Daily Herald, October 9, 1979, p. A8)
Kevin Ladnier, Biloxi officer, was released from a lawsuit filed in January by Charles Sykes, Gulfport attorney, against the City of Biloxi and Ladnier and Biloxi Patrolman Elmer Eugene Willis. Ladnier and Willis were officers of the Police Benevolent Association, a fraternal society.(The Daily Herald, March 22. 1983, p. A-2)
Carl Wicker Short Jr. (1924-1989), Chief of Special Services for the Biloxi Safety Department retired in February 1985. Carl began his career with the Biloxi Police Department in 1947 as a desk sergeant and dispatcher. He was with the BPD for 32 years and was elected as a City Commissioner and served Biloxi from 1953-1957 as its Finance Commissioner.(The Sun Herald, October 28, 1989, p. C2)
Biloxi City Council elects George W. Saxon (1927-2018) as new Police Chief on 12 August. Richard West, Public Safety Director, retired on 1 September.(The Sun Herald, August 13, 1986)
Tommy Lee Moffett became Biloxi's first Black Police Chief on 1 September. He joined the department on 1 October 1973.(The Sun Herald, August 14, 1986, p. A-1)
Ernest J. Mladinich Jr. (1906-1990), retired Captain of the BPD with twenty years of service, died at Biloxi on April 5, 1990.(The Sun Herald, April 6, 1990, p. C2)
Richard Garry West (1937-1996), former Police Chief and Biloxi Public Safety Director expired on December 6, 1996.
Lester J. Thompson Jr. (1941-2010), former Biloxi Chief of Police from 1963 to 1976, died on June 4th.(The Sun Herald, June 5, 2010).
George W. Saxon (1927-2018), former MHP officer, Biloxi Chief of Police and Safety Director passed away on December 26, 2018 at Gulfport.(The Sun Herald, December 28, 2018)
Peter Flanagan (d. 1846)
William P. Murray (1868-1895)
Joseph C. DeLamarre (1855-1931)
Francis Arbeau Caillavet (1856-1909)
Andrew J. Meynier (1856-1907)
Charles W. Blake (1841-1899)
Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910)
John A. McKinley (1852-1920)-Police Chief 1902-1905.
Louis Staehling (1865-1938)-Police Chief in 1906, 1908, 1910, and 1911
Richard M. Randolph (1867-1930+)
George Bills (1867-1945)
Alonzo Gabrich (1894-1948)
Laz Quave (1910-1985)-Police Chief 1943-1947 under Mayor Chester A. Delacruz.
Alonzo Gabrich (1894-1948)-Police Chief
Louis E. Anglada (1910-1955)
Earl F. Wetzell (1910-1962)
Herbert R. McDonnell (1902-1974)
Earl F. Wetzell (1910-1962)-Police Chief 1949-1953 and 1961-1962.
Frank Duggan
Lester J. Thompson (1941-2010)
Darrell David 'D.D.' Cvitanovich
George Waldron Saxon (1927-2018)
Tommy Lee Moffett (b. 1950)
Bruce Dunagan (b. 1950)
John Miller
Although little is know about William P. Murray's origin, he was active in Biloxi politics as early as 1888, when he was City Marshal, Assessor and Tax Collector and became a candidate for Mayor representing the Knights of Labor. Mr. Murray was opposed by John Walker, Emile Laudner, and Raymond Caillavet, his father-in-law and former Biloxi Mayor. William P. Murray lost to John Walker 181 votes to 103 votes, but outpolled Caillavet and Laudner who between them got only 51 votes of the over 300 casts in the mayoral election. William P. Murray (1868-1895) obviously did not ingratiate himself to Mayor-elect, John Walker (1834-1907), as he resigned his Marshal's post during the last week of March 1888 and was replaced with the appointment of Joseph C. ‘J.C.’ DeLamarre (1855-1931).(The Biloxi Herald, March 31, 1888, p. 8)
In February 1895, former Marshal, W.P. Murray found employment a bailiff in the US District Court at Mississippi City. William P. Murray expired shortly after this appointment. His death came on February 27, 1895 at Biloxi and his corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.(The Biloxi Herald, February 23, 1895, p. 8 and March 2, 1895, p. 8)
William P. Murray had married Emma Rose Caillavet (1869-1955), the daughter of former Biloxi mayor, Raymond Caillavet (1838-1898), and Zelina Joucheray (1841-1903), on May 19, 1891 at New Orleans, Louisiana. Their marriage was blessed by Father Blanc on July 10, 1891 at N.B.V.M.(The Biloxi Herald, July 18, 1891, p. 4 and Lepre, 1991, p. 236)
The two Murray children were born at Biloxi, Mississippi: Edgar Samuel Murray (1891-1922) m. Camelle Giglia; and Robert James Murray (1893-1986) m. Antonia Mary Lascola.(Lepre, 1991, p. 235)
Emma C. Murray and her children remained at Biloxi after the death of her spouse. By 1910, they were in residence on West Jackson Avenue. Edgar S. Murray was employed as a drugstore clerk and Robert J. Murray worked in a hardware store. Blanche Caillavet and Louise Caillavet, her sisters, were also in the Murray household.(1910 Harrison Co., Mississippi Federal Census T624_740, p. 3B, ED 35)
Mrs. Murray and her sons relocated to New Orleans and Edgar S. Murray expired here in April 1922. She worked as a hotel maid in the Crescent City and died there on August 30, 1955. Emma C. Murray’s corporal remains were interred in St. Vincent de Paul No. 1 Cemetery at New Orleans. Robert J. Murray lived at New Orleans until his death in September 1986.(The New Orleans State, April 16, 1922, p. 2, The Times-Picayune, September 1, 1955, p. 2, and The Times-Picayune, September 12, 1986, p. 23)
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Diocese of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991)
The Biloxi Herald,“City News”, February 25, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald,“Official Municipal Vote”, March 10, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald,“City News”, March 31, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, "Local Happenings”, July 18, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald,“The old and the new”, January 14, 1893.
The Biloxi Herald,“City Council”, August 11, 1894.
The Biloxi Herald,“Local Happenings”, January 26, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald,“Local Happenings”, February 23, 1895.
The Biloxi Herald,“Died”, March 2, 1895.
The New Orleans States, “Deaths for week”, April 16, 1922.
The Times Picayune,“Deaths [Emma R. Caillavet Murray]”,September 1, 1955.
The Times Picayune,“Deaths [Robert J. Murray]”, September 12, 1986.
Joseph Charles ‘J.C.” DeLamarre (1855-1931) was born at New Orleans to Charles Davis Bougourd de LaMaire (1840-1909) and Louisa Godefroy (1833-1905). He was appointed Marshal of Biloxi in late March 1888, replacing the retiring William P. Murray (1868-1895). In late July 1888, Marshal DeLamarre collected $974 in real estate taxes for the City of Biloxi.(The Biloxi Herald,
J.C. DeLamarre had been in the bar and restaurant business at Biloxi. He opened the White Elephant on the corner of Pass Christian Street [now Howard Avenue] and Main Street in April 1891. J.C. DeLamarre also had a local baseball squad called the ‘White Elephants’. His brother, Emile DeLamarre (1871-circa 1893), called ‘Melo’, also had a team, the ‘Sporting Dudes’. Melo challenged the White Elephants to a ‘friendly’ game of baseball in June 1892. Melo was captain and catcher of his Biloxi nine.(The Biloxi Herald, April 4, 1891, p. 4 and June 25, 1892, p. 4)
J.C. DeLamarre resigned as Marshal in April 1891 and was replaced by F.A. Caillavet. Mr. DeLamare opened the WHITE ELEPHANT, a saloon, on the corner of Pass Christian Street and Main Street.[The Biloxi Herald, April 11, 1891, p. 1]
J.C. DeLamarre resigned again from his Marshal’s post on March 6, 1896. It became effective on March 15, 1896 much to the regret of the City Council and his friends. At this time, J.C. DeLamarre was domiciled on the east side of Magnolia Street in the first house south of Pass Christian Street. He vended fine and unusual flowering plants.(The Biloxi Herald, March 7, 1896, p. 8)
By 1898, the Biloxi Marshal was no longer appointed and had to run for office.
Joseph C. DeLamarre and family relocated to Bayou La Maire in coastal South Louisiana. They returned to Biloxi following the 1915 September Hurricane which destroyed all of their possessions. Mr. DeLamarre became caretaker of the J.M. Lopez bungalow.(The Daily Herald, December 22, 1915, p. 2)
Popp’s Ferry fish Camp
J.C. DeLamarre, a former Biloxi City Marshal and ferry tender, was probably the first to open a simple fish camp operation at Popp’s Ferry. He was here between 1919 and 1921. J.C. DeLamarre had been in the bar and restaurant business at Biloxi. He opened the White Elephant on the corner of Pass Christian Street [now Howard Avenue] and Main Street in April 1891. J.C. DeLamarre also had a local baseball squad called the ‘White Elephants’. His brother, Emile DeLamarre (1871-circa 1893), called ‘Melo’, also had a team, the ‘Sporting Dudes’. Melo challenged the White Elephants to a ‘friendly’ game of baseball in June 1892. Melo was captain and catcher of his Biloxi nine.(The Biloxi Herald, April 4, 1891, p. 4 and June 25, 1892, p. 4)
J.C. DeLamarre married Rosa M. Trahant (1867-1896) at New Orleans in June 1887. She expired at their home on Magnolia Street in Biloxi on February 29, 1896. Mr. DeLamarre was City Marshal at the time of her demise.(The Biloxi Herald, February 29, 1896, p. 1)
After the death of his spouse, J.C. DeLamarre wedded Annie Brewer Coleman (1887-1930) from Tylertown, Mississippi. She had a son, Robert H. Coleman who resided in Gulfport. After his fish camp closed, J.C. DeLamarre was employed at the Great Southern Golf Club in Gulfport from 1921 to 1928, and was superintendent of the Naval Reserve Park at Biloxi until his retirement. Annie Brewer Coleman DeLamarre died at Gulfport in late May 1930. J.C. DeLamarre expired on May 4, 1931 and his corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.( The Daily Herald, May 31, 1930, p. 6 and May 5, 1931, p. 8)
Joseph Rusk resigned his position as ferry keeper and was replaced in October 1916 by Joseph C. DeLamarre (1855-1931). Dutch Caldwell was made keeper of the Tchoutacabouffa Bridge at this time.(The Daily Herald, October 20, 1916, p. 1)
Joseph C. DeLamarre, ferry tender, remained at the ferry landing and opened a fishing camp. In September 1919, he married Annie Coleman of St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. J.C. DeLamarre stayed at Popp’s Ferry until 1921, when the County lost a law suit to W.H. Rich (1885-1971) and W.B. Swain of Gulfport and he and the County ordered to vacate the land by Chancery Court Chancellor Griffith. The denizens of the Popp’s Ferry and North Biloxi region had hoped that the judiciary would allow the ferry landing to have remained under the aegis of the Harrison County Board of Supervisors. It was believed that if the Back Bay Bridge from North Biloxi, now D’Iberville, to BiloxI were closed by a fire or hurricane that a ferry could be placed into service at Popp’s Ferry in short order.(The Daily Herald, September 19, 1919, p. 2. February 18, 1921, p. 1, and March 2, 1921, p. 6)
The Biloxi Herald ,“City News”, March 31, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, “City News”, July 28, 1888.
The Biloxi Herald, Latest City News”, April 11, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald ,“Latest City News”, March 7, 1896.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Latest City News”, August 20, 1898.
The Biloxi Herald,“”,
Francis Arbeau Caillavet (1856-1909) was born in Biloxi in 1856. His parents were Francois Caillavet (1815-1883) and Euranie Fayard (1818-1895).
On September 20, 1878, he married Marie Dodart (1858-1942) of New Orleans. This union produced thirteen children, but five died in early childhood: Marie Louise Caillavet (1880-?); Mark Latour Caillavet (1888-1891); Joseph Clarence Caillavet (1890-1893); Beulah Antoinette Caillavet (1893-?); and Ralph Caillavet (1897-1899).
Francis A. Caillavet was survived by eight children: Laura Caillavet (1877-1954) married Christian Armand Thompson (1895-1959); Viola Caillavet (1884-1968) married Frederick Philippe Abbley (1882-1940) and Jessie Jefferson Coffey; Anita Margaret Caillavet (1886-1975) married Percy James Wetzel (1882-1929); Francis Arbeau Caillavet (1881-1946) m. Margaret Cox; Sidney Caillavet (1892-1984); Albert 'Ish' Joseph Caillavet (1895-1939) m. Elizabeth M. Caillavet (1899-1994); Wilfred Christian Caillavet (1898-1953) m. Josephine DeGeorge (1906-1979); and Hilda Mercedes Caillavet (1900-1926) married Kenneth Ackley.(Lepre, 1991, p. 1 and pp. 45-47)
F.A. Caillavet served his fellow Biloxians as Marshal from April 1891 until 1893. He was chosen Marshal by the town council on April 6, 1891 to replace J.C. DeLamarre. Mr. DeLamarre opened the “WHITE ELEPHANT”, a saloon, on the corner of Pass Christian Street and Main Street.[The Biloxi Herald, April 11, 1891, p. 1]
Francis Arbeau Caillavet was a member of the Pilot's Association from 1900 to 1909. The Caillavet Family resided at 811 Jackson near Couevas Street. The last two years of his life were lived in poor health and he died from a heart ailment.[The Biloxi Daily Herald, "May 6, 1909, p. ]
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Diocese of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991)
The Biloxi Herald, "Town Council”, April 11, 1891.
The Biloxi Herald, "Removal”, April 11, 1891.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, "Necrology-Frances Arbeau Caillavet”, May 6, 1909.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Kenneth Ackley dies”, September 8, 1926.
The Daily Herald, “Arbeau Caillavet dies”, August 21, 1946.
The Daily Herald, “”, .
The Daily Herald, “”,
Personal Communication:
Letter dated February 7, 1976 from Eunice Abbley Brocato.
Charles W. Blake (1841-1899) was a native of Galway, Ireland. Circa 1885, he married Mary Blable Sokal (1854-1927), an 1872 Austrian immigrant and the widow of Joseph Sokal. In Pennsylvania, Mary Blable and Joseph Sokal had Mary Gertrude Sokal (1881-1956), a daughter, who was known in Biloxi as Mamie Blake. Mamie Blake married Charles Henry at New Orleans in early October 1901. They apparently divorced shortly after their betrothal.(
Charles and Mary S. Blake were the parents of children: Jefferson Davis Blake (1886-1940) m. Jessica L. Wilson (1889-1930); Winnie Blake (1889-1965) m. Albert Holliman (18-1929) and Ambrose Emile Berthelote (1893-1954); and Edward Blake (1893-1979).
Marshal Blake
The fall of 1898 was very pleasant in Biloxi for Marshal Blake and Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910), his patrolman. The Biloxi Daily Herald related that Marshal Blake was busy counting the street lights and Officer Mosley complained that there was 'no business'. The reporter opined of these halycon days as follows: "Biloxi is fortunate that her policemen have nothing to do but draw their salaries. It is the best way to earn their pay."(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 27, 1898, p. 4)
Marshal Blake became ill and retired from his position on December 31, 1898. He was lauded for his conscientiousness and faithfullness to his office and duties. C.W. Blake expired at his Lameuse Street residence on April 5, 1899. Robert M. Mosley (1865-1910) took his post as City Marshal (1865-1910).(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 1, 1899, p. 1 and April 5, 1899, p. 8)
Rooming House
Mary Blake was the proprietor of a boarding house at 131 Lameuse Street in Biloxi. Mary Sokal or Sokili or Dlable Blake (1854-1927), the widow of Marshal Blake, relocated to New Orleans [NOLA] between 1910 and 1920 with Mamie Blake and Winnie Blake Holliman, her two daughters. They were employed in a cotton mill there. Mary expired at NOLA on June 5, 1927. Her corporal remains were shipped to Biloxi for internment in the Biloxi Cemetery. Jefferson Davis Blake (1886-1940) and Winnie Blake Holliman (1889-1956), her children, and Charles Watson Blake (1841-1899), her spouse are also buried at Biloxi.(Smith, 1905, p. 62)
W.W.A. Smith, compiler, 1905 Biloxi City Directory, Volume I, (Biloxi Daily Herald Printery: Biloxi, Mississippi-1905).
The Biloxi Herald,“”,
The Biloxi Herald,“Local and Personal”, September 27, 1898.
The Biloxi Herald,“Local and Personal”, January 3, 1899.
The Biloxi Herald,“Local and Personal”, January 3, 1899.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Local and Personal”, April 5, 1899.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, October 5, 1901.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, October 6, 1901.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “On sloop’s topmast for twelve hours”, August 17, 1902.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Blake dies”, June 6, 1927.
The Daily Herald, “J.D. Blake dies”, October 1940.
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Times Picayune, “Faded souvenirs of Jefferson Davis”, June 21, 1953.
The Times Picayune,“Deaths [Ambrose E. Berthelote]”, July 15. 1954.
The Times Picayune,“Deaths [Louis W. Holliman]”, September 7, 1954.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths [Mamie Blake]”, May 9, 1956.
The Times Picayune,“Deaths [Winne Berthelote]”, November 22, 1965.
Robert Marion Mosley (1865-1910) was born in 1865 in Kemper County, Mississippi. He married Mary Elizabeth Naylor (1869-1948), the daughter of Louis Naylor and Cornelia Ramsay, and also a native of Kemper County. There only child was Dr. Robert M. Mosley Jr. (1886-1951).
Robert became a policeman at Meridian, Mississippi attaining the rank of Sergeant. The family relocated to Biloxi and he joined the BPD. Officer Mosley became Biloxi's Marshal upon the resignation of C.W. Blake in late December 1898.
Marshal Mosley and Officer McKinley captured 10 white crap shooters at Point Cadet yesterday.They pleaded guilty in court and were fined $5 and court costs. Marshall Mosely had started to break gambling in Biloxi without regards to who indulges in it. Stir clear of alluring cards and fascinating bones, if you do not want to appear in city court.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, January 17, 1899, p. 8)
Robert M. Mosley resigned as Biloxi's Marshal on 2 September 1902 to become the first Chief Inspector for the Mississippi Oyster Commission which had been created by the 1902 Bower's Bill.[The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 1, 1902, p. 1]
The Biloxi Daily Herald, Business and Professional Men, (The Biloxi Daily Herald: Biloxi, Mississippi-1902).
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Local and Personal”, January 17, 1899.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Mosley is [oyster] inspector”, September 1, 1902.
The Daily Herald, “Four hundred skiff licenses this year”, December 10, 1909.
The Daily Herald, “R.M. Mosley in dying condition”, November 21, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “R.M. Mosley passes away”, November 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Eulogy for R.M. Mosley”, November 24, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “Oyster Commission passes resolutions”, December 1, 1910.
The Daily Herald, “
John Augustus McKinley (1852-1920) was born April 27, 1852 at Lauderdale, Mississippi to Robert McKinley and Mary Daniels. He married Kate Kennedy Carroll (1856-1921). They were the parents of seven children of which five lived into the 20th Century. Known children are: Floyd McKinley (1872-1884); Ella Jane McKinley (1875-1933) m. Asa James Simmons (1859-1933); Mary Alma McKinley (1878-1936); Louis Fennel McKinley (1889-1931); and Augusta 'Gussie' McKinley (1893-1960) m. Houston Alonzo Mobley (1888-1953).
The McKinley family came to Biloxi in 1896 and resided at 557 Nixon Street. J.A. McKinley had served the town of Lauderdale, Mississippi as its Marshal for two years and had been a member of the Meridian Police Department for many years. He joined the Biloxi Police Department as a officer and was known to the citizenry as "Mr. Mac". The local journal lauded his as follows: "Mr. Mac stands high in social circles. He enjoys the good will and esteem of everyone-old and young.(The Biloxi Herald, September 3, 1902, p. 1)
When Marshal Robert M. Mosley resigned in the fall of 1902, McKinley was appointed by Biloxi's alderman to replace him. R.M. Randolph was his only opposition. Sardin George was added to the BPD at this time.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, September 3, 1902, p. 1)
The McKinley family left Biloxi circa 1915 for Columbia, Mississippi. Here he operated the McKinley Hotel until his death on September 7, 1920. Marshal McKinley's internment was in the Columbia City Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, September 9, 1920, p. 1)
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “For Marshall”, August 25, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “McKinley is new Marshal”, September 3, 1902.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Contest talked of”, December 15, 1904.
Louis Aloysius Staehling, age 72 years, chief oyster inspector for the Mississippi Seafood commission, died at 3:45 a.m. today at the United States Marine Hospital, New Orleans, where he had been for about two reeks. He had rallied considerably when pneumonia set in with fatal result(s). He was a native of Alsace-Lorraine where he was educated. He came to the United States in 1884, settling in New Orleans the same year, and coming to Biloxi four years later. He engaged in the bakery business for six years, then was in the livery business with the late R. M. Mosley until he was appointed city marshall in 1907, which position he held until 1918.
Louis served as deputy sheriff for a year and was appointed chief oyster inspector in 1919. His wife, Henrietta Hilderbrand, died in 1930. His children were: Louis A. Staehling, Biloxi; Percy Stealing , New Orleans; Noel Stealing, Biloxi; Mrs. Elizabeth Nauck, Mrs. F. A. Barthes, Mrs. Walter Schneller, Biloxi; and Mrs. Claude Simon (sic), New Orleans. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. George Reisbect, and a niece Florence Reisbect, Norwood, Ohio.
Mr. Staehling was a past exalted ruler of the Biloxi Lodge of Elks, also a member of the Woodmen of the World, Maccabees, West End Fire Co., Chamber of Commmerce, Knights and Ladies of Security, Knights of Columbus, Biloxi Benevolent Association, of which he was president, and also was president of the hospital board when the new hospital was built. Mr. Staehling spoke and wrote four languages. He was most interested in fraternal charity work and his hobby was football and baseball. During his long residence in Biloxi he was prominent in virtually all civic, political, fraternal and other activities and was widely known and beloved. He had been sick for over a year.
The funeral will be at 4 p.m. Sunday from the residence of Francis Barthes, 502 Seal avenue, with services at the Church of the Nativity by Father W. Leach, pastor. Burial will be in Biloxi Cemetery beside the body of his wife.
The Daily Herald, "L. Staehling Is Taken By Death", January 15, 1938.
Richard M. Randolph (1867-1930+) was born in Panola County, Mississippi in March 1867 to M.M. Randolph (1826-1909) and Cornelia K. Randolph (1836-1911), natives of Virginia and Alabama respectively. He was reared with his six siblings on a farm in the Popes and Knights Ferry Precincts and the family later resided in Courtland, Panola County, Mississippi.
The corporal remains of R.M. Randolph's parents and several siblings were interred in the Antioch Cemetery at Panola County. (1880 Panola Co., Mississippi Federal Census R661, p. 29, ED 1)
The Daily Herald, “Randolph victim of loose system”, June 12, 1917.
The Daily Herald, “Randolph visits Biloxi”, january 29, 1921.
Officers: Benjamin F. Ewing (1892-)
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “George Bills dies at Biloxi home”, July 18, 1945.
Alonzo Gabrich retired as Police Chief on January 4, 1943 after 24 years with the BPD. His tenure as Police Chief totaled 14 years. Gabrich started with the City of Biloxi working as an office boy for W.G. Henderson. He became Sanitary Inspector, collected street taxes and drove a fire wagon. [The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. 5]
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Daily Herald, “”,
Laz Quave (1910-1985) was born on October 31, 1910, in rural Jackson County, Mississippi, near Vancleave, the son of Joseph Quave (1859-1928), a farm laborer, and Della ? Quave. In 1930, Laz Quave was a seaman stationed aboard the USCG Cutter Tallapoosa, near Annapolis, Maryland.(1930 Anne Arundel Co., Maryland Federal Census R 844, p. 29A, ED11)
Venus and Quave
On September 4, 1968, the Biloxi Canning & Packing Company was chartered by D.J. Venus III, Gordon D. Venus, and Laz Quave with 150,000 shares par value at $1.00 per share.(HARCO, Ms. Chancery Court Charter Bk. 2, pp. 179-182)
On September 9, 1968, the Charter of Biloxi Canning & Packing Company was amended and the name changed to Rosalis, Inc. Roy Rosalis (1909-1984), president, and Rena LeBlanc Rosalis (1917-2004), secretary, 300 shares issued.(HARCO, Ms. Charter Bk. 2, pp. 175-178).
On October 10, 1968, Rosalis, Inc. conveyed to Biloxi Canning & Packing Company for $610,000, all improvements, buildings, warehouses, docks, wharves, with riparian and littoral rights. (go 413.4 south along east side of Anglada x Landers x 253' x Chartres Street (332.9) x 136' (Stanovich) x Back Bay to point of beginning on Anglada). The sale included the following brands: Negro Head, Biloxi, Sea Beach Canned Shrimp, Mobile Bay, Danny Boy, and Pueblo. Mr. Rosalis then retired and resided at 872 Central Beach Boulevard.(HARCO, Ms. Trust Deed Bk. 535, p. 47 and Bk. 535, p. 50).
Laz Quave was a Deputy Sheriff in Harrison County, Mississippi during the term of Raleigh Clifton 'R.C.' Edwins (1897-1960) from 1939 to 1943.
Police Chief
Laz Quave was named Biloxi's Police Chief by Mayor Chester A. Delacruz in January 1943. He replaced Alonzo L. Gabrich, long-time Biloxi public servant. Police Chief Quave named Louis Anglada his assistant. Other members of Quave's staff were: Earl Wetzel, City Detective; Arthur Largilliere, Desk Sergeant; Joseph Mattina; Charles Comeaux; Vincent Fernandez; Albert Demoran; Oswald Chatham; Henry Cook; Al Boehm; S.O. Hall; John Labash; and Floyd Gill.(The Daily Herald, January 4, 1943, p. 5)
Sheriff Quave
Laz Quave was elected Sheriff of Harrison County, Mississippi in August 1947 when he defeated Aubrey Beeson of Long Beach by about fourteen hundred votes. He succeeded Maxie M. Broadus (1906-1985) of Gulfport.(The Daily Herald, August 30, 1947, p. 1)
When Laz Quave placed his name in the race for Mayor of Biloxi, he was in competition with R. Hart Chinn, incumbent, Norman Levine (1918-1953+), poultry marketer, and Elmer Williams, owner of the DeJean Packing Company.(The Daily Herald, April 13, 1953, p. 1)
Supervisor Quave
From July 1962 to December 1971, Laz Quave served the people of Harrison County, Mississippi Beat 1, as their County Supervisor.(Sullivan, 2002, p. 581)
Laz Quave expired at New Orleans on December 20, 1985. His corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi City Cemetery. Bernice Thornton Quave followed her husband in death passing on February 26, 2000 at Gautier, Mississippi. Her corporal remains were also buried in the Biloxi City Cemetery.(The Sun Herald, February 29, 2000, p. A5 and December , 1985, p. )
Charles L. Sullivan, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College: A History, (McNaughton & Gunn, Inc.: Saline, Michigan-2002)
The Daily Herald, “New Police Chief”, January 4, 1943.
The Daily Herald, “May 12 ballot at Biloxi will have 19 names listed”, April 13, 1953.
The Daily Herald, "Coast Mayors take office", July 6, 1953, p. 1.
The Daily Herald, “Quave Grand Marshal, Ross East End Marshal”, July 8, 1954, p. 23.
The Jackson County Times, “Quave is elected in Harrison”, August 30, 1947.
The Sun Herald, "Biloxi leader Laz Quave dies", December 22, 1985, p. A-1 and p. A-12.
The Sun Herald, “Bernice Quave”, February 29, 2000, p. A5.
The Daily Herald, “New Police Chief”, January 4, 1943.
The Times Picayune,“Gabrich receives gift from friends”, January 5, 1943.
The Times Picayune,“”,
Louis Emmett Anglada (1910-1955) was born October 29, 1910 to Louis Anglada (1871-1955) and Lenora Duggan (1875-1948). He married Winona Ross. Children: Marvin Anglada and Patrick Anglada. Died June 13, 1955.
Assist Police Chief
Louis E. Anglado (1910-1955) was appoined acting Police Chief of Biloxi in July 1944. He joined the Biloxi force in 1935 and worked his way to assist chief from a uniformed officer and dectective. Chief Anglado is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Fishermen's Union, Mississippi-Tennessee Peace Officers and Back Bay Fire Company.(The Daily Herald, July8, 1944, p. 3)
FBI School
In April 1948, Louis Anglada, Chief of Police, and Sheriff Laz Quave sponsored a two-week, police training school at the Biloxi City Hall. FBI agents from Gulfport, NOLA, and Greenville, Mississippi worked with Biloxi policemen on the following law enforcement subjects: care and use of firearms; evidence in crime scene search; traffic; disarming and defensive tactics; and testifying in court. The classes were attended by by about fifty, Mississippi coast, law officers.(The Daily Herald, April 30, 1948, p. 10)
The Daily Herald, “Anglado appointed acting Police Chief”, July 8, 1944.
The Daily Herald, “FBI police school will close today”, April 30, 1948.
The Daily Herald, “”,
The Times Picayune,“Deaths”, June 14, 1955.
EARL F. WETZEL (1910-1962) [Courtesy of Thomas Walker-May 2011]
Earl Francis Wetzel (1910-1962) was born on January 2, 1910 at Biloxi, Mississippi to Percy James Wetzel (1882-1929) and Anita Caillavet (1886-1975), the daughter of Francis Arbeau Caillavet (1865-1909) and Marie Dodart (1858-1942). Percy J. Wetzel and Anita Caillavet were married in Harrison County, Mississippi on September 12, 1906. Their other children were: Percy J. Wetzel Jr. (1907-1980) m. Jacobina Sekul; Marguerite Anita Wetzel m. John Edwin Webb; and Albert Howell Wetzel (1913-1994) m. Dorethea Ann Grantham.(Harrison County, Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 18, p. 295)
Earl Wetzel married Helen Baker and they were the parents of three son: Earl Wetzel Jr.; John Wetzel; and
Earl Wetzel began his long tenure with the Biloxi Police Deoartment in 1937 as a part time desk clerk. Two years later he was promoted to a patrolman and pounded his Biloxi beat until 1943 when Chief Laz Quave appointed Earl as city detective. In 1944, Wetzel became acting assistant Police Chief, but in 1945 became city detective again. In 1948, Earl was named assistant Police Chief and in 1949 appointed Biloxi's acting Police Chief. He was named Police Chief in 1950 and was suceeded by Herbert McDonnell in July 1953.(The Daily Herald, June 7, 1953, p. 12)
When Daniel Guice was elected Mayor of Biloxi in 1961, he and William Dukate (b. 1941) and A.J. ‘Tony’ Creel (1901-1992), City Commissioners, appointed Earl F. Wetzel (1910-1962) as Police Chief to replace Herbert R. McDonnell (1902-1974). Freddie Fritz Steinwinder (1907-1987) was chosen as Biloxi’s assistant Police Chief.(The Daily Herald, July 3, 1961, p. 7 and The Times Picayune, July 4, 1961, p. 25)
The Daily Herald, "New Police Chief", January 4, 1943.
The Daily Herald, “Wetzel and Cook renamed heads of Biloxi Police”, January 5, 1951.
The Daily Herald, “New city judge; police heads reappointed”, January 5, 1951.
The Daily Herald, “Wetzel leaves Police after 17 years of service”, June 7, 1953.
The Daily Herald, "Steinwinder new assistant Chief of Police", July 3, 1961.
The Times Picayune,“Wetzel to head Police at Biloxi”, July 4, 1961.
The Times Picayune,“Chief of Police at Biloxi dies”, September 21, 1962.
1953 and 1961
Herbert R. McDonnell (1902-1974) became Biloxi's Police Chief on July 6, 1953 when he was appointed to this position by Mayor Laz Quave (1910-1985). Walter Williams (1909-1981), former Biloxi police captain, was appointed assistant police chief. He was formerly employed at Keesler AFB and the Westergard Shipyard. Williams has a wife and two children and is the proprietor of a grocery store on Caillavet Street. Chief McDonnell planned to make immediate changes in the department to increase it to maximum efficiency. His first dictum was that: "Every man will put in a full day's work."(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1953, p. 1 and p. 17 and July 7, 1953, p. 12)
Herbert R. McDonnell had been a painter and seafood worker until he joined the Biloxi Police Department in 1934 as a patrolman during the Mayor John J. Kennedy administration. He was a city detective when he resigned from the Biloxi force in May 1941 to run for the newly created post of Constable. He was elected Constable Beat I in June 1941 easily defeating beating George Mon and Felix Mattina.(The Daily Herald, June 11, 1941, p. 1, July 6, 1953, p. 1. and July 1, 1961, p. 8)
1953 BPD
In July 1953, the Biloxi Police Department employed thirty-six people. In addition to Chief McDonnell and assitant Chief Williams, the department was staffed by the following: Captains-Emile Rousseau (1921-1987), Vincent P. Feranda Sr. (1905-1976) and Charles Comeaux. City Detective-Louis Rosetti (1915-1971). Identification Officer-James Robertson. Desk Sergeants-Sam Ellzey, Edmond Boudreaux, and Alvin Ryan. Officers-Joe Demoran, Oswald Luxich, Vincent P. Feranda Jr. (1927-2007), Junie Tiblier, Joe Parsons, Henry Lechner Jr., Norwood Sandoz, James Kriss, Arnold J. Barras (1925-1999), George Wallis, Bill Marie, Elwood Cox, Cornelius Cruthirds, L.J. Bourgeios, Leslie Montgomery, Bob Breal, Jack Breal, Benton Jermyn, Melvin Cruz, George Emile, and Leo Richard. Jailers-Louis Lee and Fred Fountain. Parking meter inspector-Ernest Mladinich. Truant officers-Dominic Fallo and Ola Mae Wallis Balius (1914-1996), the wife of Frank Balius. Those released from the department were: Chief Earl Wetzell (1910-1962), Captain Norris Herring, Captain E.P. Vincent, Officers Hall, Arnold Martino, and Desk Sergeant Gill Moran. Officer Batia resigned and Mayor Chinn released traffic inspector Clarence Pitfield from service.(The Daily Herald, July 6, 1953, p. 17)
was appointed as assistant Police Chief at this time. Both men had an impressive resume in the law enforcement field. (The Daily Herald, )
The Daily Herald, “McDonnell named new Constable”, June 11, 1941.
The Daily Herald, “McDonnell, Clark are named heads of Police, Firemen”, July 6, 1953.
The Daily Herald, “McDonnell plans Police changes”, July 7, 1953.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Police Chief on retirement”, July 1, 1961.
The Daily Herald, “Steinwinder new assistant Police Chief of local police”, July 3, 1961.
The Times Picayune,“”,
LOUIS J. ROSETTI (1915-1971) [Courtesy of Damian Rosetti-December 2011]
Louis J. Rosetti (1915-1971) was appointed Chief of Police by the Biloxi City Commissioners in mid-December 1963. He had served as acting Police Chief for about a year. F. P. Vincent was appointed to chief of detectives and Leslie Montgomery was chosen as assistant chief of Detectives. Chief Rosetti has served on the BPD for 21 years working his way through the ranks. A native of Biloxi, Louis J. Rosetti resides at 202 Rose Street.(The Daily Herald, December 19, 1963, p. 1)
Louis J. Rosetti (1915-1971) was born on August 24, 1915 at Biloxi, Mississippi to Jake Philip Rosetti (1884-1959) and Paulina Pitalo. He married Ruby Broussard (1915-1969) in Harrison County, Mississippi on June 26, 1939. They were the parents of four sons: Louis J. Rosetti Jr.; Jake P. Rosetti m. Victoria Ann Rose; Richard Reid Rosetti m. Carolyn Haven Raley and Deborah Gail Upchurch; and Frank M. Rosetti (1956-1961).
Louis J. Rosetti served the people of Biloxi, Mississippi in law enforcement with the Biloxi Police Department for almost thirty years. He began as a desk sergeant and climbed through the ranks to be appointed acting Chief of Police in October 1962 and named Police Chief in December 1963. Mr. Rosetti was a member of the Mississippi Law Enforcement Association; Tennessee-Mississippi Sheriff's and Police Officer's Association; and the Slavonian Benevolent Association. He worshiped at St. Michael's Catholic Church and worked as a trustee of the New Biloxi Hospital to handle indigent care cases.
Louis J. Rosetti died on March 24, 1971 at his home at 203 Rose Street of an apparent heart attack. Ruby Broussard, his wife, expired on March 18, 1969.
Rosetti Street
Rose Street was changed to Rosetti Street by the Biloxi City Council in May 1972 to honor Biloxi Police Chief Louis J. Rosetti. Residents of Rose Street petitoned the City for the change. Mayor Daniel Guice related that the name change was not only in recognition of the late police chief, but of the whole Rosetti family who had served Biloxi for many years. Guice stated also that "we all enjoyed a close relationship with Chief Rosetti. He was a person with a heart of gold. Not only would he enforce the law, but would give help whenever and wherever needed, especially to low-income groups. I hope this action will show younger persons that by living the good life and serving the community as Chief Rosetti did, they will not be forgotten."(The Daily Herald, May 9, 1972, p. 4)
The Daily Herald, "Rosetti named Police Chief, City of Biloxi Dies", December 19, 1963.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi's Police Chief Dies", March 27, 1971.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi Council changes street name to Rosetti", May 9, 1972.
Leslie F. Montgomery Sr.
Leslie Francis Montgomery Sr. [1925-2002] was born October 30, 1925 at Biloxi to Joseph H. Montgomery [1892-1972] and Catherine Fountain [1896-1992].
Leslie attended Biloxi High School where he participated in football and baseball. He was the starting center on the gridiron and caught for the diamond Indians. Les also played tennis and softball for the Biloxi Tigers. He hit 2 home runs in March 1943 against a Gulfport nine with Cecil Montgomery, his brother, also slamming a four-bagger. It is note worthy to mention that Biloxi defeated Gulfport 7-0 in Montgomery’s last high school football game. He did not graduate with the Class of 1944 as he was called into the military.[The Daily Herald, March 30, 1943, p. 5]
As a teen in Biloxi, Leslie began training and flying carrier pigeons. Before he joined the military in 1946, he would take some of his birds to New Orleans and release them to return to Biloxi. On one occasion, Captain F. Smith while shrimping aboard the Marion W. sent Gay Neckand Whirlaway, two of Leslie’s favorite birds, from Mitchell Key in Louisiana to fly to Biloxi. He became president of Biloxi Racing Pigeon Association.[The Daily Herald, September 6, 1941, p. 3]
With World War II the salient concern of the nation, Leslie F. Montgomery enlisted in the US Navy in January 1944 and was selected to attend the Signal Corps School at San Diego, California. He was discharged May 4, 1946 with the rank of Signalman 2ndClass. He had served in the South Pacific theatre. [The Daily Herald, July 1, 1944, p. 8]
Returning from WW II, Leslie F. Montgomery found employment at the Moran-Kennedy Enterprises, a boat building facility, on Back Bay at Biloxi. At St. Michael’s Catholic Church, he married Mary Sylvia Simmons[1928-1989], the daughter of Howard ‘Red’ Frank Simmons 1901-1958) and Antoinette Hebert [1910-1989], in Harrison County, Mississippi on September 15, 1946. They were the parents of five children: Leslie F. Montgomery Jr. [b. 1948]; Joseph Montgomery; Nancy Montgomery [1951]; Jeanne Marie Montgomery m. [1981] Chester Marion Brooks; and Catherine Joy Montgomery [1951-1952].[Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court Bk. 72, p. 441 and September 19, 1946, p. 5]
Returning from WW II, Leslie found employment at the Moran-Kennedy Enterprises, a boat building facility on Back Bay at Biloxi.
Biloxi Police Department
With the conflict in Korea, many young Americans were called to active duty. The Biloxi Police Department lost
Died Wednesday, January 2, 2002, in Ocean Springs.
Mr. Montgomery was a lifelong resident of Biloxi and was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D'Iberville. He was a Navy veteran of World War II, a graduate of the FBI Academy and retired in 1976 as Biloxi police chief. He was a probation and parole officer for the Southern District of Mississippi, retiring in 1992. He was president of Biloxi Racing Pigeon Association.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Sylvia Simmons Montgomery; a daughter, Cathy Joy Montgomery; his parents, Catherine and Joseph Montgomery; a brother, James Montgomery; and a sister, Marie Montgomery.
Survivors include two sons, Leslie F. Montgomery Jr. of Saucier and Joseph "Joey" Montgomery of Woolmarket; two daughters, Nancy Harrison and Jeanne Brooks, both of Biloxi; a brother, Cecil Montgomery of Biloxi; three sisters, Catherine Butterfield and Doris Stojcich, both of D'Iberville, and Ursula Sherman of Latimer; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Riemann Memorial Funeral Home, 274 Beauvoir Road in Biloxi. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D'Iberville where friends may call one hour before service time. Burial will be in Biloxi City Cemetery.
The Daily Herald, '',
The Daily Herald, '',
[from The Daily Herald, October 10, 1975, p. B4)
Lester Joseph Thompson Jr. (1941-2010) died Friday, June 4, 2010, surrounded by his family and friends after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Born in Biloxi on June 2, 1941, he remained a lifelong resident and was preceded in death by his parents, Lester Joseph Thompson Sr. (1910-2002) and Rosalie "Georgette" Wink Thompson (1914-1978); grandparents, George B. Wink and Marguerite Stanovich Wink, Christian A. Thompson and Laure Clair Caillavet Thompson; sister Georgette (Clemmie) Thompson Gillikin; infant brother, Baby Thompson; mother-in-law, Janie Oglesby Jacquet.
He is survived by his wife of 30 years, Kathy Jacquet Thompson; sons, Lester Joseph Thompson III [1959-2017] (Christi), of Biloxi, Scott, Sr. of Brandon, MS, Dirk (Christine) of Biloxi; one sister, Joan Thompson Fink of Diamond Bar, Ca.; grandchildren, Jennifer, Charlene (Justin) Thompson Barnette, and Scott, Jr. all of Brandon, MS, Michael and Mason of Biloxi; one great grandson, Ryker, to be born in August, step-grandsons, Austin and Cody Freeman; Scott's fiance, Angie Goettel and daughter, Casey, of Brandon, MS; and his faithful Lab, Bailey; and numerous nieces and nephews. Lester cherished his family and friends and enjoyed the time he spent with the Biloxi Lunch Bunch.
Lester attended the Biloxi School System, Jeff Davis Jr. College, University of South MS, University of MS, MS State Bar Association, Zonn Institute of Polygraph, MS Judiciary College and he received a law degree from Blackstone School Of Law.
He was a member of numerous law enforcement organizations and a graduate of the F.B.I. Academy, as well as a member of The Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce, Biloxi Elks Lodge #606, and Slavic Benevolent Association.
He began his career walking the beat as a Biloxi Policeman in the early 60's and worked his way through the ranks serving as chief of police (1963-1976). He owned his own polygraph business, was court administrator in the Biloxi Municipal Court and retired from MDOT Law Enforcement Division.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 8, 2010, at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church where friends may visit from 9:30 a.m. until service time. Interment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery.
The Daily Herald, Police Chief Lester Thompson resigns', June 12, 1976, p. 1]
The Sun Herald, "Lester J. Thompson Sr.", March 4, 2002.
The Sun Herald, "Lester J. Thompson Jr.", June 5, 2010.
The Daily Herald, "Biloxi forms police academy", October 10, 1979, p. A8.
Richard Garry West (1937-1996) was born in Schell City, Vernon County, Missouri. He served in the USAF from 1954 to 1958. In 1964, Richard joined the Biloxi Police Department. He retired in 1986 and had worked his way through the ranks to become Directory of Public Safety in 1984. In 1983, Garry had been appointed Chief of the Community Relations-Staff Support Unit, a newly created position. After his retirement from the Biloxi Police Department, he became Director of Security at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum.
Richard G. West married Jewel Barker and they were the parents of: Darrell W. Barker; Rhondale L. Barker; Gary Thomas West m. Cindy M. Toncrey; Lentz O. West; Beverly J. Culpepper; Lawanda N. Ramage; Melonee L. Webb; Theresa Gayle West m. Charles V. White and Lawrence Carl Olson; and Natasha Charise West m. James Hills Perkins III.
Richard's life epitomized one of service to God, family and community. One of his greatest accomplishments in law enforcement was thesis that outlined what we know today as Neighborhood Watch. The Neighborhood Watch program is used by law enforcement agencies across the United States as an effective tool in crime prevention. Because of Richards's role in creating this program, in 1985, he was inducted into the American Institute's Directory of Distinguished Americans Hall of Fame for Outstanding Achievements. Richard was also interviewed by the Smithsonian Institute for his law enforcement accomplishes. He was also presented with Presidential cuff links from President Ronald Reagan.
Richard's love of family and for God brought him great joy. He was a member of First Pentecostal Church where he served on the Board of Trustees as Senior member. He was an accomplished Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, traveling as a national evangelist and in later years served as assistant pastor for the First Pentecostal Church.
Mr. West was survived by his spouse; children; nineteen grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren; three siblings: Eugene West of Colorado and Dean West and Evelyn West Hackleman (1929-2000) of El Dorado Springs, Missouri.
Richard Garry West expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 6, 1996. Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home directed his funeral services at the First Pentecostal Church on Popp's Ferry Road with internment in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery.
The Sun Herald, "Richard Garry West", December 8, 1996. p. B2.
The Sun Herald, 'Biloxi blacks, police look for better relations', August 13, 1986, p. A-1.
Darrell David 'D.D.' Cvitanovich (1933-2019) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on January 15, 1933 to Dominick Cvitanovich and Philomena Sercovich (1900-1985). He married Mary Hampton Teel, a native of Etowah County, Alabama and the daughter of Clyde L. Hampton and Mary Elizabeth Foster, on December 15, 1963.(Jackson Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 104, p. 49)
Darrell David “D.D.” Cvitanovich, Sr., Colonel – Mississippi Highway Patrol (Retired), born January 15, 1933 in Biloxi, Mississippi, passed away Saturday, March 9, 2019 in D’Iberville.
DD attended Dukate School, St. Stanislaus, Notre Dame Jr. High and graduated from Notre Dame High School in 1951 and immediately joined the United States Marine Corps. He spent one year in 1952 with the First Marine Division in Korea during the Korean War where he earned the Korean Service Medal with three battle stars. He was discharged from the Marine Corps as a sergeant in 1954 at the age of Twenty-one and then attended Perkinston Jr. College for two years where he played on the 1955 and 1956 Bulldog Football Teams.
He joined the Biloxi Police Department in January of 1958 and served for three years. He then attended the Mississippi Highway Patrol Training School in the fall of 1960 and was appointed as a Mississippi State Trooper on February 1, 1961.
After serving in Jones, Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties and other statewide assignments in the 1960’s, he was promoted to a Master Sergeant in 1972. He attended the 99th Session of the FBI National Academy at Quantico Virginia in the fall of 1974. After a large retirement in the agency, DD was appointed Chief of the Mississippi Highway Patrol and held two patrol schools to fill the ranks of those who retired.
In 1986 he initiated the Travel Criminal Apprehension Program (aka The Wolf Pack) within the Mississippi Highway Patrol which has resulted in thousands of drug courier and criminal fugitive apprehensions over the years.
After his tenure as Chief there were 600 troopers in 600 cars assigned to patrol the highways in Mississippi. After serving as Chief, in 1988 he returned to enforcement duty until his retirement in 1989 when he was appointed Chief of Police in Biloxi by Mayor Pete Halat where he served until 1993.
In January 1994 he began a career in the casino industry as a charter member of Grand Casino Biloxi and Harrah’s Gulf Coast Casino until retiring a few months ago.
He was a life-long member of St. Michaels Catholic Church. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Mississippi State Troopers Association and the Mississippi Retired Troopers Association.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Dominick and Philomena Sercovich Cvitanovich; three brothers, Andrew, Anthony and Earl; one granddaughter, Angel; and his beloved pet, Bugle who will be laid to rest with him.
Survivors include his loving wife of 55 years, Mary Hampton Cvitanovich; two sons, Dominick “Nicky” (Jennifer) and Darrell Jr. (Jennifer); four daughters, Deidra Cvitanovich (Fiancé Troy), Tina Cvitanovich (Gina), Lena Lee (Daniel) and Dorothy Payne (Wayne Jr.); sixteen grandchildren, Dominick “Nick”, Nathan, Cole, Chelsey, Daralyn, Danielle, Daisha, Brandon, Darrell III, Delaney, Kayla, Cassie, Amber, Christopher, Kaitlyn and Haily; seven great-grandchildren, Kenzlee, Wyatt, Maisie, Cameron, Bryceson, Ella and Kash; one sister, Barbara Lyons (Stephen); and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral Services will be held at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford O’Keefe Funeral Home Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 2:00 pm.
Friends may visit from 12:00 pm until service time. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery with full Military and Police Honors.
George W. Saxon
George Waldron Saxon (1927-2018), age 91 years, of Gulfport passed away on December 26, 2018, surrounded by his family. Mr. Saxon was born March 30, 1927 in Waynesboro, MS to John B. and Nora Saxon. He was the youngest of six children. He graduated from Waynesboro High School and was promptly drafted into the United States Army. Later, he transferred to the US Army Air Corps, where he served honorably during World War II. After returning home to Waynesboro, he attended Jones County Junior College. In 1947, he married Elizabeth Ann McRae, his next-door neighbor.
In 1955, he graduated from the Mississippi Highway Patrol Academy. His first assignment with the MHP was as a dispatcher in Hattiesburg. Shortly afterwards, he was transferred to the Mississippi Gulf Coast as a patrolman. For eight years, he patrolled Highway 90 between the Bay St. Louis and Ocean Springs bridges or, as he called it, the most beautiful beat in the world. In 1964, he was invited to attend the FBI National Academy in Washington, D.C. Upon his graduation from the Academy, he was reassigned as a Criminal Investigator with the MHP. After four years as an Investigator, he was promoted to District Inspector/Captain of Troop K, responsible for command of the six southern counties of the state. He served as Inspector for 12 years, until being promoted to Chief Inspector/Major where his command included the entire Southern Region of MS. His last position with the MHP was Assistant Commissioner of Public Safety / Chief of the MHP. As the Chief of the Patrol, he oversaw the day-to-day operation of the largest statewide law enforcement agency in Mississippi until his retirement in 1986. Following his retirement from the MHP, he was appointed as Director of Public Safety for the City of Biloxi, where he oversaw the city’s fire, police, and civil defense departments until 1989. George said he never worked a day in his life because he truly loved what he did and looked forward to it every day.
An avid pilot, flying was the joy of his life. His love for flying was developed early in life, where he paid for rides in crop-dusting airplanes as a young man. He became a licensed pilot in the early 1960’s and later was certified to fly helicopters, as well. During his tenure with the MHP, he was the pilot for the southern region, flying search and rescue, as well as routine patrol missions. In 1976, he began construction of an experimental, home-built aircraft called a Vari-Eze, which he completed in 1979 and first flew in 1980. He flew the plane regularly until he was 81, even making cross-country trips to major air shows in Oshkosh, WI and Lakeland, FL. He was never happier than when he was in the air, most often with a grinning grandchild in tow.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 56 years, Elizabeth Ann, infant daughter George-Ann, parents, one brother, and four sisters. He is survived by his daughter Jo Ellen Mechatto (Phil) of Gulfport; grandchildren Sam Maxie (Julie) of Vancleave, Katherine Shows of Waynesboro, Phillip Charles Mechatto (April) of Gulfport, and Todd Mechatto of Gulfport; great-grandchildren Mary Fullilove, Jacob Bachtel, Emma Maxie, Matthew Maxie, Alison Allen (Gavin), Victoria Raborn (Allan), Abigail Mechatto, and Wesley Mechatto; one great-great granddaughter Brynnleigh Raborn.
A visitation for family and friends will be held on Saturday December 29, 2018, from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM, at Riemann Family Funeral Home, 11280 Three Rivers Road, Gulfport. The funeral service will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church, 5007 Lawson Avenue, Gulfport on Sunday, December 30, 2018, at 3:00 PM, with honors to be rendered by the Mississippi Highway Patrol Honor Guard. A visitation for family and friends will be held from 2:00 PM until the service.
Burial will follow at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Gulfport.
The Sun Herald, 'George Waldron Saxon', December 28, 2018.
Tommy Lee Moffett (b. 1950) was born at Taylorsville, Smith County, Mississppi on March 2, 1950. He arrived at Biloxi, Mississippi in 1968 and found work as a building custodian at KAFB. Joined Biloxi Police Department in October 1973 and became Police Chief on 1 September 1986 and again in October 1993. Resigned 2002 and relocated to Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi and became Chief of Police there. Chief Moffett resigned his Police Chief's post in July 2009 and was employed in April 2010 as interim Police Chief of Indianola, Sunflower County, Mississippi.
Moffett ran the Vicksburg Police Department for eight years until July 2009, when he was ousted on a split vote of the city board following Mayor Paul Winfield’s election.
Previously, he had led the Biloxi Police Department for 16 years. In April 2010, Moffett was hired to lead and help reshape Indianola PD. “Law enforcement is my passion. It’s what I love to do,” Moffett said. “I felt like when I left the department here it was a top-notch department. When I left Indianola it wasn’t a top-notch department but it was a lot better than where it was.”
While working in Indianola, Moffett kept his home in Vicksburg and traveled the nearly 100 miles each day to the Delta city. All the travel began to take a toll and he wasn’t able to spend as much time with his grandchildren, he said.
Moffett and his wife moved to Vicksburg in 2001 and bought a home. They decided not to return to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, he said. “We like it here and made a lot of plans here,” he said. For now, Moffett said he just plans to take it easy and wait for deer season, but he hasn’t ruled out returning to work. “I don’t know what the future holds,” Moffett said. “This is my home. I care about this city, and I care about the police department that I helped shape.”[https://www.vicksburgpost.com/2012/07/20/former-chiefmoffett-retires-from-indianola-spot-keeps-home-in-city-i-care-about/]
The Sun Herald, 'Biloxi blacks, police look for better relations', August 13, 1986, p. A-1.
The Sun Herald, 'New Chief undestands problems in Ward 2', August 14, 1986, p. A-1.
The Vicksburg Press, “Former Chief Moffett retires from Indiana spot, keeps home in city 'I care about'", July 2o, 2012.
Bruce C. Dunagan (b. 1945) retired from the Biloxi Police Department in May 2009. He joined the force in 1972. Mayor Holloway appointed Linda Atterberry (b. 1950) as acting Police Chief.
John Miller was nominated for Biloxi Police Chief by Mayor A.J. Holloway and accepted by the City Council in late November 2009. Chief Miller began his career with the BPD in 1990 as a patrolman. His astute intelligence and ability to investigate narcotic cases led to an assignment with the Special Crimes Unit in 1995. Here Miller dealt with vice and drug related issues.
Chief Miller worked his way up the ranks making Sergeant and Lieutenant and later became the leader of the Special Crimes Unit and its personnel. In 2007, John Miller was again promoted attaining the rank of Captain and continued with his investigative leadership of the Special Crimes Unit. Soon thereafter, Miller was given command of the recently expanded Special Crimes Division and also the responsibilty for directing the the Cold Case Homicide Squad.(The Sun Herald, November 21, 2009, p. A1, December 2 , 2009, p. A2 and The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, June 27, 2013, p. 1)
The Biloxi-D'Iberville Press, "Biloxi Police Chief John Miller presented Heart of a Lion", June 27, 2013.
from Ed Ryan
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