Biloxi Cemetery
The progenitor of the Davidson family of Biloxi, Mississippi was Calvin M. Davidson (1825-pre-1870), a native of Maine, and Elodie Ryan (1831-1900),the daughter of Jacques Ryan (1783-1849) and Elizabeth LaForce (1793-1850+).
Jacques Ryan acquired 2 ¼ arpents of land on East Beach at Biloxi, Mississippi in June 1812 from Jean-Baptiste Carco (1771-1823). Although several law suits were filed disputing ownership and sales by the Carco family of their 10 arpent tract, which ran eastward from present day Lameuse Street to a point 90 feet east of present day Bellman Street and north to the Back Bay of Biloxi, the Jacques Ryan settlement was never challenged in the courtroom. (Cassibry, Vol. II, p. 124 and p. 1)
Jean-Baptiste Carco (1771-1823) was the son of Nicolas Carco II and Catherine Ladner. Carco had been awarded a land grant of ten arpents, or approximately 160 acres, on the Biloxi peninsula from the King of Spain in 1790. The Carco land donation at Biloxia, preceded those of the Ladners, Fayards, and Dorsette Richard.(The American State Papers, 1994, p. 38)
The Jacques Ryan tract on the Biloxi Channel opposite Deer Island consisted of about forty-acres. It had a front on the Biloxi Channel of 2 and ¼ arpents, or about 432 feet, and ran north 30-40 arpents, or about 5760 feet to 7680 feet, to the Bay of Biloxi. Peter Dubuys was on the east and John Nixon claimed the western perimeter of the Jacques Ryan land at Biloxi.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 1, pp. 342-343)
Here on East Beach on the site that would become the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Jacques Ryan and Elizabeth LaForce reared their children: Basile Ryan, Pierre Ryan (1812-1853+); Anastase Ryan (1814-1853+) m. Francois Meaut; Pauline Ryan (1815-1899) m. Charles F.N. Bellman (1806-1868); Jerome Ryan (1823-1853+); Victor Ryan (1828-1853+); Corastie Ryan m. Benito Mon; and Elodie Ryan (1831-1900) m. Calvin M. Davidson (1825-pre-1870).
Jacques Ryan’s Land Partition
In June 1855, the living heirs of Jacques Ryan divided his remaining 250 feet of land fronting on the Biloxi Channel at East Beach, Biloxi, Mississippi into six lots-each about forty-one feet in width. From West-East, the owners were: Jerome Ryan with the Heirs of John Nixon to the West; Victor Ryan; Anastase Ryan Meaut; Corastie Ryan Mon; Pierre Ryan; and Elodie Ryan Davidson with Charles F.N. Bellman, her brother-in-law, to the East.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 7, p. 521)
Bellman Street and Charles F.N. Bellman
Bellman Street was originally called Ryan’s Road, after Jacques Ryan, who acquired land in the Jean-Baptiste Carco land claim in 1812. It was a six-foot wide footpath on the western perimeter of the Dorsette Richard land claim. Ryan’s Road was cut in 1843 and went north to the Pass Christian and Point Cadet Road, now East Howard Avenue.(Cassibry, Vol. II, p. 131, p. 142, and p. 143)
Charles F.N. Bellman (1806-1868) was born at Kiel, Germany on May 30, 1806, as Carl Friedrich Nicolai Bellmann, the son of Carl Gottilieb Bellmann (1772-1859+) and Friederica Christina Krause (1775-1860), the daughter of Otto Wilhelm Krause of Kiel. His birth was recorded in the Lutheran Church on June 7, 1806, at Schleswig-Friedrichberg.
Carl G. Bellmann was a musician and composer from Muskau, in Saxony, now in eastern Germany. He was the composer of “The Song of Schlewig-Holstein”. Carl G. Bellmann and Miss Krause were married on December 9, 1800, in Schleswig-Friedrichberg. In addition to Charles F.N. Bellman, their other children were: Carl Adolph Eduard Bellmann, born November 10, 1801; Friederika Henriette Adolphine Bellmann, born May 25, 1803; and Carl Friedrich Fedor Bellmann, born December 29, 1811 and died May 29, 1874 in Kiel, Germany.(research of Felicia Bellman Tucker, March 14, 2002)
Charles F.N. Bellman (1806-1868) was a pioneer settler of Biloxi, Mississippi. He arrived at Biloxi in 1835, and circa 1836, married Pauline Ryan (1815-1899), the daughter of Jacques Ryan (d. 1849) and Elizabeth LaForce (LaFauce) (17 -1850+). At Biloxi, Charles Bellman made his livelihood as a boarding house proprietor, druggist, and doctor. Bellman Avenue, which strikes north-south from East Beach Boulevard to Howard Avenue, in Biloxi is named for Charles F.N. Bellman.
Charles F.N. Bellman and Pauline Ryan Bellman brought nine children into the 19th Century world: Theodora Bellman (1838-1901), married Louis L. “Toon” Ryan; Adolphine Bellman (1838-1893), married Moses Seymour (1838-1893); Charles W. Bellman (1841-1885), married Louisa Wilhemena Egan (1851-1881); Edwardine Bellman (1843-1921), married Benjamin F. Noel (1841-1910+); Harro Bellman (1847-1920) married Euphrosine “Frazine” Ryan (1852-1904); Bertha Bellman (1851-1932) married Ernest M. Beaugez (1862-1903); Ada Regina “Lida” Bellman (1854-1870+); Ralph Charles Bellman (1855-1899); and Pauline Josephine Bellman (1857-1933) married George W. McCary (1848-1925).
Calvin M. Davidson and Elodie Ryan married on September 29, 1851, at Nativity BVM in Biloxi, Mississippi. They were the parents of seven children: Mary Elizabeth Davidson (1852-1942) m. John Connelly (1854-1914); William M. Davidson (1855-1905) m. Margaret Ledden (1863-1925); Emma Davidson (1856-1936) m. George W. Redding (1854-1878); Calvin Davidson; Amelia Davidson; Alice Davidson (1860-1947); Estelle Davidson (1864-1938); and Henry J. Davidson (1865-1948) m. Cora Mathieu (1877-1948+).
When Elodie Ryan Davidson expired in July 1900, she was eulogized as follows: “The late Mrs. Elodie Davidson was really one of the land marks of Biloxi, having resided here since her birth 67 years ago. She was here when Biloxi was a mere hamlet; and in her death, our city loses one of the few remaining links with the past. Kind and gentle, a true, devout Christian, she beautifully molded the characters of her four daughters and three sons, in whom are reflected the many noble virtues of this sweet old lady.” (The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 22, 1900, p. 8)
Mary Elizabeth Davidson (1852-1942), called Elizabeth, was born married John Connelly (1853-1914) at N.B.V.M. in Biloxi on December 12, 1880. John Connelly was born on October 25, 1853 at New Orleans, the son of Michael Connelly and Ann Colwell or Dillon. Their children were: Mary Lillian Connelly (1882-1954) and Alice Catherine Connelly (1885-1948).(Lepre, 1991, p. 79)
John Connelly made his livelihood with the US Revenue Cutter Service. His career brought him to Mobile, New Orleans and his final posting at Arundel, Maryland where he retired after thirty years service as a boatswain in 1908. Post retirement, Connelly returned to Biloxi in poor health. In the winter-spring of 1914, the John Connelly family built a new, six-room home at 616 East Howard Avenue on the corner of Keller. The Collins Brothers of Biloxi were their building contractor. Unfortunately John Connelly did not live long to enjoy the comforts of his new domicile. He expired on May 28, 1914 after being an invalid since his retirement.(The Daily Herald, February 21, 1914, p. 2 and May 29, 1914, p. 1)
Elizabeth Davidson Connelly lived at 616 East Howard Avenue for over thirty years after her husband’s demise.
[L-R: Olga Davidson (1899-1920); W. Sydney Davidson (1893-1941); Margaret Ledden Davidson (1863-1925); Calvin Arnold Davidson (1901-1971); and Harold James Davidson (1894-1982)] and Margaret Ledden Davidson. [Courtesy of Sue Davidson Dame-October 2011]
William M. Davidson (1855-1905) was born August 15, 1855 at Biloxi, Mississippi. He married Margaret Ledden (1863-1925) at N.B.V.M. on April 29, 1888. Margaret Ledden Davidson was a native of New Orleans and the daughter of Jeremiah Ledden and Margaret O’Brien. She had come to Biloxi circa 1885. The William Davidson family resided at 514 Bohn Street. When she expired on April 4, 1925, Mrs. Davidson was survived by four children: Alethia E. Davidson (1890-1965) married Alfred G. Brunet (1890-1948); William Sydney Davidson (1893-1941) married Viola Genevieve Comfort (1908-1999); Harold James Davidson (1894-1982) married Louise Faye Bellande (1898-1974); and Calvin Arnold “Skinny” Davidson (1901-1971) married Audrey Virginia Harrison (1912-2003). Margaret L. Davidson's corporal remains where interred in the Biloxi Cemetery. A daughter, Olga Davidson Smith (1899-1920), preceded Mrs. Davidson in death having expired on January 20, 1920.(The Daily Herald, April 6, 1925, p. 3)
[L-R: Arnold 'Skinny' Davidson (1901-1971) and Alethia Davidson Brunet (1890-1965).[Courtesy of Sue Davidson Dame-October 2011] and Alethia Ellen Davidson.[Courtesy of Sandra Hufstetler-Istre, Hammond, Louisiana-December 2011]
Alethia Ellen Davidson (1890-1965) was born September 29, 1890 at Biloxi, Mississippi. She married Alfred George Brunet (1889-1948) of New Orleans on December 7, 1915 in Biloxi, Mississippi. Mr. Brunet was employed with the Armour meat packing company at Mobile, Alabama. Alethea had worked at Wachenfeld's Department Store prior to her nuptials.(Lepre, 1991, p. 80, The Daily Herald, December 8, 1915, p. 2 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 27, p. 470)
[Courtesy of Sandra Hufstetler-Istre, Hammond, Louisiana-December 2011]
[Courtesy of Sandra Hufstetler-Istre, Hammond, Louisiana-December 2011]
Alfred G. Brunet was the son of Alfred Louis Brunet (b. 1866) and Georgiana Marie Duncan (b. 1864). He grew up on Decatur Street in the Crescent City where he father made his livelihood as a carpenter. At Mobile, Alabama, Alethia and Alfred G. Brunet reared their three children on South Hallette Street: Mary M. 'Mitzi' Brunet (1916-1984) m. John D. Pepperman (1915-1989); William J. Brunet (1922-1923); and Robert J. 'Stompy' Brunet (1926-1974) m. Carol Nunmaker (1931-1985). At this time, Alfred G. Brunet was the manager of the smoke house in a meat packing plant.(1900 Orleans Parish Federal Census T623_573, p. 11A, ED 82 and Mobile Co., Alabama R 41, p. 22A, ED 51)
Alfred G. Brunet expired at 2913 Lepage Street in the Crescent City on November 19, 1948. Alethia Ellen Davidson died on May 9, 1965, also at NOLA. Their corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery with those of their infant, William J. Brunet, who passed on August 28, 1923.(The Times-Picayune, November 20, 1948, p. 2)
Viola Comfort Davidson and William Sydney Davidson
[Courtesy of Joycelyn Davidson Barlow-October 2011]
William Sydney Davidson (1893-1941), called Sydney, was born March 29, 1893 at Biloxi, Mississippi. He married Viola Genevieve Comfort (1908-1999), the daughter of Edward Comfort (1883-1969), a carpenter and native of Louisiana, and Louise Milles (1888-1989), a native of Mississippi, and the daughter of Joseph Milles (1855-1900), an 1870 Austrian immigrant, and Louise Knoch (1866-1920+), native of NOLA and the daughter of John Knoch (1830-1913) and Christine Weiss (1825-1923). John Knoch was born at Hamburg, Germany and lived at NOLA for 57 years. Christina Weiss was a native of Hesse-Darmstad, Germany. They were living at 4914 Constance Street in the Crescent City when they expired on January 19, 1913 and June 26, 1923 respectively.(Lepre, 1991, p. 80 and The Daily Picayune, January 26, 1913, p. 22 and The Times Picayune June 28, 1923, p. 22)
Louise Knoch had married Joseph Millis (1855-1900) or Milles at NOLA in September 1883. He was known as 'Mexican Joe' and was killed in an accident at Ship Island in July 1900, while loading lumber on the Teodora de Larriniga, a British steamship out of Liverpool, England. The Joseph Milles family lived on Magnolia Street. He was a member of the Gulf Coast Timberman's Association and the Spanish Benevolent Association. Louise Knoch Milles remarried in January 1902 to Julius Ferlan (1871-1931), an Austrian immigrant oysterboat captain.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, July 21, 1900, p. 8 and Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 13, p. 344)
William Sydney Davidson and Viola Comfort made their home at 209 Keller Place in Biloxi, Mississippi. Here he made his livelihood as a lineman for the Mississippi Power Company. Mr. Davidson was a WWI veteran having served in the 119th Field Artillery, 32nd Division in the Aisne-Meuse and Meuse-Argonne Campaigns in France.(The Daily Herald, July 28, 1941, p. 5)
Louise Knoch Milles and Edward Comfort
[Courtesy of Joycelyn Davidson Barlow-October 2011]
[L-R: 133 Comfort Place A & B, pre-1928 Comfort; 131 Comfort Place, built in the 1930s; 133 Comfort Place, built 1950 by George Barlow and Edward Comfort. George Barlow and Joycelyn Davidson Barlow-October 2011. Images by Ray L. Bellande, October 2011]
In August 1939, Viola Comfort Davidson acquired for $500 Lot 24 of Square No. 1 of the John H. Keller Estate Subdivision from J. Stump Jr. and Aldora Forrest Oren of Coles County, Illinois. Viola conveyed this property to Joycelyn Davidson Barlow, her daughter, in August 1951. Keller Place became Comfort Place in 1987 when the City of Biloxi installed the 911 Emergency System to avoild confusion with Keller Avenue.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 288, p. 437 and Bk. 350, p. 196)
Viola Comfort Davidson and William Sydney Davidson were the parents of two children: Joycelyn Louise Davidson (1928-2022) m. George Earl Barlow (1928-2012) and Kenneth Comfort Davidson (1930-2023) m. Mary Elizabeth Fabacher (b. 1932) and Mary Ott Tremmel.

Joycelyn Louise Davidson
Joycelyn Louise Davidson married George Earl Barlow (1928-2012) at Biloxi, Mississippi on June 20, 1948. They were the parents of Craig Sydney Barlow m. Pamela Jame Pisarich and George E. Barlow Jr.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 77, p. 317 and Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Circuit Court MRB 23, p. 232)
Joycelyn Davidson Barlow
Joycelyn Davidson Barlow, age 94, passed away on Saturday, February 19th in D'Iberville.
Joycelyn lived her life on the Comfort Place family compound, an East-Biloxi Street named after her grandparents. Joycelyn was a graduate of Biloxi High School before meeting her husband, George, when he was stationed at Keesler Air Force Base.
Joycelyn is preceded in death by her parents, Sidney and Viola Davidson; and her husband, George. She is survived by her brother, Kenneth (Mary Ott) Davidson; two sons, George "Butch" Barlow Jr. (Kathy) and Craig (Pam) Barlow; grandchildren, Bradley (Samantha) Barlow, Brennan Barlow, Mike Barlow, and Amber (Aaron) Morris; and great-grandchildren, Conner Barlow, Caroline Barlow, and Adalynn Morris.
A visitation will be held from 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM on Tuesday, February 22,2022, at the Biloxi Church of the Redeemer located on 1904 Popp's Ferry Rd. A funeral service will follow. Interment will be at Biloxi City Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the Biloxi Church of the Redeemer.
Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes is honored to ser
Kenneth Comfort Davidson
Kenneth Comfort Davidson attended Biloxi schools and matriculated to Loyola University at NOLA where he studied dentistry. He married Mary Elizabeth Fabacher (b. 1932), the daughter of John Birchman Fabacher (18-1982) and Edna Wade (1899-1988) on September 3, 1955 in the Most Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church at NOLA. Dr. Davidson served two years in the US Army in the dental corps at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. He and Mary Beth and their two children returned to the Mississippi coast in July 1959. The Davidson family settled in Gulf Hills and Kenneth built a dental office at Ocean Springs. By December 1970, the family relocated to 1364 West Beach to the William Wilson Sutcliffe (1850-1934), 1898 home at 1364 West Beach in Biloxi. Known children: Stephan Fabacher Davidson m. Charlotte Leone Kirkpatrick.(The Times Picayune, August 25, 1955, p. 63 and The Daily Herald, July 21, 1959, p. 14)

Dr. Kenneth Davidson
October 9, 1930 — August 23, 2023
Dr. Kenneth Comfort Davidson, age 92, passed away on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.
Kenneth was born in Biloxi, MS on October 9, 1930. He was a member of the 1949 graduating class of Biloxi High School. In 1957, he graduated from Loyola University Dental School in New Orleans with a degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Following graduation, he served in a US Army dental unit in Fort Chaffee, AR.
He is preceded in death by his parents, Sydney and Viola Davidson and his sister, Joycelyn Davidson Barlow.
He is survived by his wife, Mary Ott Davidson, who had the privilege of being his wife for 47 years; his daughter, Cynthia; sons, John (Joseph), Harry (Patti), Steve, Christopher (Abigal) and eleven grandchildren.
Dr. Davidson was a parishioner of St. Joseph Catholic Church where he and his wife were commissioned to design the interior furnishings following the post Katrina renovation. He was an active member of the Biloxi Kiwanis Club and served as president from 1972-74. After 25 years in private practice in Ocean Springs and Biloxi, Ken joined forces with his wife to establish a craft shop and dental practice under the same roof.
Always eager to share his newfound interest in his latest sport of snow skiing, he expanded the small downtown shop to include snow ski equipment and clothing and offered tours nationally and internationally. In an effort to help southerners learn the art of skiing before they were at the mountain slopes, he purchased a British made Mogelslope and lessons were offered in the shop.
His medical background was captured by Catholic Social Services and he directed a program for the homebound elderly. After Katrina, he and his wife conducted bronze casting workshops in various states. For a total of 20 years, they conducted bronze casting workshops in the summertime at various art schools in Door County, Wisconsin.
Visitation will be Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. followed by a service at 12:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Gulfport, MS.
Bradford O’Keefe Funeral Home, O’Neal Road, Gulfport, is honored to serve the Davidson family.
Harold James Davidson (1894-1982) was born at Biloxi, on December 28, 1894, the son of William Davidson (1855-1905) and Margaret Ledden (1863-1925). As a young man Harold J. Davidson was an outstanding long distance runner. He never had a trainer or coach, but would accept suggestions from them when given. Davidson’s training regime consisted of running from the Davidson home on Nixon Street near Howard Avenue to the beach and then to Beauvoir and back, a distance of slightly more than six miles. His speed for 4.3 miles on the Biloxi streets, was once measured in twenty-three minutes.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1990, p. 20)
An article in The Daily Herald of September 28, 1916, stated: Harold Davidson, a local boy and well known amateur long distance runner, is training for a five mile race, the annual event of the Young Men’s Gymnastic Club of New Orleans, to take place in that city on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Davidson has won two medals for his running and this time he is going in the race to try and lower the record for the south in the five-mile distance. He captured a gold medal for coming in first in the race held by that club on Thanksgiving Day last and on March 4 of this year he received a silver medal for coming in a close second in a similar race. Mr. Davidson stated that the present record is 28 1-8 for the five miles. A number of excellent runners will take part in the race to be held this year and the Biloxian expects to give them a hard run for their money. In the race run on last Thanksgiving Day he lead sixteen other entries and received a big ovation. These events prove interesting to sportsmen in the Crescent City and are witnessed by large crowds of spectators.
Harold J. Davidson also did well at New Orleans in the mid-November 1916 road race. He placed a close second to southern champion, Willie Davis, a teammate, on the Young Men’s Gymnastics Club. Davis covered the five- mile course in twenty-six minutes and fifteen seconds besting Harold by ten seconds. Twenty-four other runners followed them across the finish line. Davidson planned to run in the Thanksgiving Day Race also scheduled for New Orleans.(The Daily Herald, November 20, 1916, p. 3)
During WW I, while serving in the Quartermaster Corps, US Army at Rahway, New Jersey, Harold won a 2.5 mile race. He was the chief electrician for the U.S. General Hospital No. 3 at the time.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1960, p. 20)
Harold Davidson Family
Harold J. Davidson married Louise Faye Bellande (1898-1974) on July 18, 1927, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in North Biloxi. This union produced three daughters: Mildred Davidson (1928-1940), Fern Cecilia Davidson (b. 1933), and Trilla Davidson (b. 1935).(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 39, p. 391)
Louise Faye Bellande was born in her family home on Lameuse Street at Biloxi, Mississippi, on February 15, 1898, the daughter of Peter Bellande (1871-1933) and Alice Cailavet (1872-1955). She worked for the telephone company, where she met Harold Davidson. Faye and Harold built their family home at 714 Church Street in the spring and summer of 1927. They remained here until their deaths in 1974 and 1982 respectively.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1927, p. 2)
Mildred Louise Davidson
Mildred Louise Davidson (1928-1940) was born on July 29, 1928. She attended school at St. John’s, a parochial facility, near her home. Unfortunately, Mildred was robbed of a full life, as she died in her late childhood from pneumonia on February 25, 1940. Her funeral was attended by her classmates and the Sisters of Mercy at St. John’s Catholic Church. (The Daily Herald, February 27, 1940, p. 3)
Fern Cecelia Davidson
Fern Davisdon Dubaz O’Neal (1933-2018) resides in D’Iberville, Mississippi. She was widowed in February 1996, when her second husband, Felder Blake O’Neal (1931-1996), expired. He was from McHenry, Stone County, Mississippi, and retired from the Baptist ministry. Brother O’Neal had been pastor of the Tuxechena Baptist Church at Perkinston, Mississippi.(The Sun Herald, February 25, 1996, p. B-2)
Fern is divorced from George B. Dubaz (1931-1992). George B. Dubaz was born March 15, 1931, in Biloxi. He was the son of Luke Dubaz (1893-1985) and Inez Gable (1902-1994). The Dubaz family of Croatian heritage were pioneers in the Biloxi seafood industry. Their children were: George B. Dubaz Jr. (b. 1951), Stephen J. Dubaz (b. 1954), Brian J. Dubaz (b. 1957), Robert C. Dubaz (b. 1959), and Gary A. Dubaz (b. 1961).
After divorcing Fern, George B. Dubaz, called Bunny, married Christine Mitchell (1937-2002), a native of Attapulgus, Georgia and widow of Jerry Britt. Bunny expired at Biloxi on May 5, 1992, and his corporal remains interred in the Biloxi National Cemetery. Christine died at Gulfport on January 21, 2002.(The Sun Herald, May 6, 1992, p. and The Sun Herald, January 24, 2002, p. A-5)
Fern's obituary
Fern Dubaz O’Neal, age 84, of D’Iberville, Mississippi passed away Tuesday, May 15, 2018 in Biloxi. Fern was born in Biloxi on November 22, 1933 to Harold J. and Fay Bellande Davidson. She grew up attending St. John Catholic Church, St. John School and Sacred Heart High School. Fern married George “Burnett” Dubaz in 1949 and raised five sons. She remained an active parishioner at St. John until moving to D’Iberville in 1986. Fern joined Sacred Heart Catholic Church where she was a member of the Bereavement Committee and active with the Rosary group. She was also a charter member of the L’Bonheur Social Club. Fern retired from the Biloxi Veterans Administration as a Nursing Assistant. She was married to Felder O’Neal until his death. She was preceded in death by her parents; both husbands; her sister, Mildred Davidson; her daughter-in-law, Janice Dubaz; and her niece, Sharon Guthrie. Fern’s survivors include her sons, George “G.B.” Dubaz Jr., Stephen J. Dubaz, Brian Joseph Dubaz and his wife Rose Marie, Robert C. Dubazand his wife Betty Sue and Gary A. Dubaz and his wife Lee Ann; her sister, Trilla Davidson Hanson and her children, Terri, Gerri and Richard; her grandchildren, Anthony (Angela) Dubaz, Stephanie (Kevin) Davidson, Sarah (Jason) Fisher, Adam (Camille) Dubaz, Jared Dubaz, Briana Dubaz, Elizabeth Dubaz, Victoria (Joshua) Conway and Lloyd Moon, III; her great-grandchildren, Izabella, Luke, Nicholas, Jordan and Gary; her daughter-in-law, Theresa Dubaz; and numerous extended family members and friends. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Nativity BVM Cathedral on Friday, May 18, 2018 at 1:00 pm. Friends may visit from 11:30 am until mass time. Entombment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.[The Sun Herald, May 17, 2018]
Trilla Davidson
Trilla Davidson Guthrie Ramirez Hansen (b. 1935) lives in Larkspur, California with her third husband, Phil Hansen (b. 1945). She was born at Biloxi on April 18, 1935, and was named for Trilla, Illinois, the birthplace of Al Morgan (1881-1979) who married Louise Caillavet (1881-1965), the sister of Trilla’s grandmother, Alice Caillavet Bellande (1872-1955). Like her sister, Fern, she is widowed from her second husband, Rafael “Ray” Ramirez (1922-1995), a native of Puerto Rico, and former San Francisco, municipal, civil engineer. Their twenty-year marriage ended in 1995, with Ray’s death. Trilla is divorced from Richard S. Guthrie (b. 1934) of San Francisco. He is the father of their children: Teresa Gaye Guthrie Bowen (b. 1957), Sharon Guthrie (1959-1974), Geraldine Guthrie Parker Fanfler (b. 1960), and Richard Guthrie Jr. (b. 1962).
Faye B. Davidson had a bout with cancer in her early fifties and it eventually took her life on April 2, 1974. I will always remember the kindness and concern she had towards me and my family. We spent many days at 714 Church Street playing in the yard, visiting Grandma Alice C. Bellande, and listening to the armchair philosophy of Uncle Harold Davidson.
Harold worked his entire career in the electrical field, commencing in 1915, with the Mississippi Coast Traction Company, the predecessor of the Mississippi Power Company. Harold retired from the Mississippi Power Company on December 31, 1959, after a twenty-three year career primarily as a “trouble shooter”.(The Daily Herald, January 1, 1960, p. 20)
After a long retirement from the Mississippi Power Company, Harold Davidson passed on in September 1982. His and Faye’s corporal remains were interred in the Old Biloxi Cemetery.
Olga Davidson (1899-1920) was born at Biloxi, Mississippi in 1899. She married Herbert C. Smith from New York circa 1919. Mr. Smith was in the US Navy and stationed at the Gulfport Naval Training Station at Gulfport when they became acquainted. After his discharge, they relocated to San Antonio, Texas. Olga Davidson died here on January 29, 1920 after a brief illness. Her corporal remians were sent to Biloxi for internment in the Biloxi City Cemetery.(The Daily Herald, May 5, 1919, p. 3 and January 29, 1929, p. 4)
Calvin Arnold Davidson (1901-1971), carried the moniker ‘Skinny’. He was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on December 6, 1901. On February 22, 1941*, Skinny Davidson married Audrey Virginia Harrison (1912-2003), the daughter of Charles Thomas Harrison (1863-1948) and Lula Reeder (1870-1954). Audrey was born March 9, 1912. She graduated from Mississippi Southern College in 1933 and taught in the elementary public school of Biloxi, Mississipi for thirty-one years. Audrey Harrison Davidon expired at St. Charles, Missouri on December 13, 2003.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 52, p. 71, and The Sun Herald, December 18, 2003, p. A9)
*The Daily Herald reported that Calvin Arnold Davidson and Audrey V. Harrison were married May 29, 1941 By Judge Campbell with Mrs. Curtis Harrison and Mendum H. Dees as witnesses. After a Florida honeymoon, the newly weds settled at 626 Bohn Street in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, May 29, 1941, p. 5)
Calvin A. Davidson and Audrey Harrison were the parents of Audrey Sue Davidson (b. 1943), called Sue. She married Frank Harlan Davis at Biloxi, Mississippi on August 24, 1963. Sue Davidson had graduated from Biloxi High School in May 1961. They were the parents of two daughters: Angela Davis Gunnell and Cheryl Davis Tanferno. Sue later married James Dame, a school teacher, in St. Louis, Missouri.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 125, p. 165 and The Sun Herald, December 18, 2003, p. A9)
Arnold 'Skinny' Davidson
[Courtesy of Sue Davidson Dame-October 2011]
Calvin A. Davidson made his livelihood as an electrician. At one time, he had been a Biloxi fireman and later served the City of Biloxi as its electrician, electrical inspector, and for seventeen years was a building official with the city. Mayor Daniel Dicks Guice eulogized Mr. Davidson as follows: "We have lost a very loveable, devote friend and dedicated public servant in the late C.A. Davidson. Mr. Skinny's life has been colorful. During his lifetime, he has displayed a remarkable loyalty and love for both family and community. I truly belive that his community service was highlighted by his unexcelled stamina in assisting his fellow citizens during Hurricane Camille and its aftermath, including our rebuilding program. Actually I feel that because of this unusual effort during Hurricane Camille that he might be regarded as one of Camille's delayed casualities. In memory of Mr. Skinny his office, the building department and the entire City Hall will be closed Friday."(The Daily Herald, July 22, 1971, p. 2)
EAST BEACH BOULEVARD-Image made October 2011.
"Mayor Danny Guice and the City of Biloxi dedicated a fountain on the beach to my dad but it was seriously dammaged from Katrina. I am talking with city staff about it's restoration. It was dedicated to him a little while after his death and before Guice was out of office. At home I have the article and pictures from the Herald of the dedication."-Sue Davidson Dame-October 2011.
Arnold Davidson and first night football in Mississippi
Biloxi High School played Mississippi's first night football game [including college] on September 26, 1930 defeating the Lamar County Aggies 58-0 before a crowd of about 2000 spectattors who came from all Coast points to seee this inaugral sporting event. Captain Chester Juanico led the Indians. Walter H. Hunt, Eddie Janin and Arnold Davidson headed the committte to erect the lighting scheme. The 26 lights were placed on seven forty-foot poles were placed five feet from the field on each side of the playing surface. The 1500-watt globes produced about 56,000 candles of light.(The Daily Herald, September 22, 1930, p. 3 and September 27, 1930, p. 3)
Emma Davidson (1856-1936) was born in February 1856. She married George W. Redding (1854-1878), the son of Walter Redding and Elodie Necaise, at N.B.V.M. in Biloxi on September 16, 1878. Unfortunately, George W. Redding expired on September 29, 1878, less than two weeks after their nuptials. One child, Georgina Redding, was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on April 14, 1879. She married Stephen H. Ross at Biloxi, Mississippi on November 24, 1903.(Lepre, 1991, p. 80 and p. 265)
Alice Davidson (1860-1947) was born May 3, 1860. Alice never married. She expired on May 8, 1947.(Lepre, 1991, p. 79)
Mary Estelle Davidson (1864-1938), called Estelle, was born April 15, 1863 at Biloxi, Mississippi. She never married. Estelle expired on April 2, 1938 at the Mississippi City home of Georgina Redding Ross, her niece. Her corporal remains were interred in the Biloxi Cemetery.(Lepre, 1991, p. 80 and The Daily Herald, April 2, 1938, p. 5)
Henry Joseph Davidson was born at Biloxi, Mississippi on March 18, 1865. He married Cora Mathieu at N.B.V.M. on November 19, 1894.(Lepre, 1991, p. 80)
Children: Henry Joseph Davidson Jr. (1894-1914) m. ; Albert J. Davidson (1895-1986) m. Zola Mathilda Cousins Riviere (1963); Cora Maude Davidson (1898-1973) m. Edward J. Appel (1893-1945); Genevieve Davidson (1904-1954) m. Schley DeRoche and William Simon; and Steven Davidson (1908-1910+).
Cora Maude Davidson (1898-1973) was born at Morgan City, Louisiana in February 1898. She married Edward J. Appel (1893-1945), the son of John P. Appel and Anna M. Sale (1872-1960) at New Orleans on June 2, 1917. He joined the New Orleans Police Department on September 8, 1920 and served twenty-four years retiring from the 4th Precinct on September 1, 1941. The Appel family was domiciled at 2615 Bienville where they reared their five children: Edward J. Appel Jr. (1918-2006) m. Naomi Leehans; Floyd Appel (1920-1979); Marion Appel Long (1922-1983); Audrey Appel Evans (1923-2006+); and Shirley Appel Counts (1927-1977).
Edward J. Appel died at his residence on May 24, 1945, after a lengthy illness. His corporal remains were interred in the Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans.(The Times-Picayune, May 25, 1945, p. 3)
Cora D. Appel expired at New Orleans on October 23, 1973. Her corporal remains were interred in the Greenwood Cemetery in the Crescent City.(The Times-Picayune, October 25, 1973, p. 16)
Genevieve Davidson (1904-1954) was born circa 1904. She married Schley DeRoche circa 1922 and they were the parents of three children: Dorothy DeRoche (1924-1984) m. G.M. Canman; Phyllis Deroche m. Clifford J. Loisel (1924-1997); and Richard James DeRoche (1929-1942). Richard J. DeRoche was killed on June 6, 1942 in an automobile accident while attending the Lakeview School. His corporal remains were interred in the Greenwood Cemetery.(The Times-Picayune, June 8, 1942, p. 2)
It appears that Genevieve D. DeRoche and Schley DeRoche divorced and she married William Simon. They had apparently no children. Genevieve Davidson Simon expired at New Orleans on January 30, 1954. She was domiciled at 6133 Bancroft Drive. Her corporal remains were interred in the Greenwood Cemetery at New Orleans.(The Times-Picayune, February 2, 1954)
Nap L. Cassibry II, Early Settlers and Land Grants At Biloxi, Volume 1 and Volume II, Special Issue No. 5, (Mississippi Coast Historical & Genealogical Society: Biloxi, Mississippi-1986).
Nap L. Cassibry II, Ladner Odyssey,
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, Volume I, (Catholic Dioceses of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City Paragraphs”, July 22, 1900.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City Paragraphs”, May 29, 1905.
The Daily Herald, “New home for East Howard Avenue”, February 21, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “John Connelly died yesterday”, May 29, 1914.
The Daily Herald, “Brunett [sic]-Davidson", December 8, 1915.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi Runner To Compete In Race”, September 28, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Davidson Wins Loving Cup”, November 20, 1916.
The Daily Herald, “Mr. Smith recovering”, May 5, 1919.
The Daily Herald, “Olga Davidson Smith dead”, January 29, 1920.
The Daily Herald, “Death of Mrs. Davidson”, April 6, 1925.
The Daily Herald, “Davidson-Comport (sic)”, October 8, 1925.
The Daily Herald, “Biloxi April building permits”, May 5, 1927.
The Daily Herald, “Mildred Davidson Funeral”, February 21, 1940.
The Daily Herald, “Wm. Davidson dies”, July 28, 1941.
The Daily Herald, “Davidson-Harrison”, May 29, 1941.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. John Connelly said to be the oldest native Biloxian dies”, June 29, 1942.
The Daily Herald, “H.J. Davidson dies”, August 21, 1948.
The Daily Herald, “Retired chief operator[Alice C. Connelly]dies”, October 14, 1948.
The Daily Herald, “Miss Connelly [Mary Lillian Connelly] dies”, February 3, 1954.
The Daily Herald, “Dr. [Kenneth Comfort] Davidson returns [from Army]”, July 21, 1959.
The Daily Herald, “One Time Marathon Runner ends career as Electric Serviceman”, January 1, 1960.
The Daily Herald, “Rites set for builder”, July 22, 1971.
The New Orleans Item, “Fail to find body of boy washing into Lake”, November 27, 1914.
The New Orleans Item, “Recover son’s body”, December 8, 1914.
The Sun Herald, “Felder B. O’Neal”, February 25, 1996.
The Sun Herald, “George B. ‘Bunny’ Dubaz”, May 6, 1992.
The Sun Herald, “Christine Dubaz”, January 24, 2002.
The Sun Herald, “Audrey H. Davidson”, December 2003.
The Daily Picayune, "Deaths of the Week", January 26, 1913.
The Times Picayune, “Youth [Henry J. Davidson Jr.] is drowned in Pontchartrain”, November 27, 1914.
The Times Picayune, “Vital Statistics", June 28, 1923.
The Times Picayune, “E.J. Appel retired policeman, expires”, May 25, 1945.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, November 20, 1948.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, February 2, 1954.
The Times Picayune, “Society”, August 25, 1955.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths [Cora Maude Appel]”, October 25, 1973.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, May 15, 1974.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, June 14, 1982.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, April 23, 1984.
The Times Picayune, “Deaths”, October 15, 1985.