Benjamin F. Joachim
Benjamin Franklin “Ben” Joachim (1847-1925), a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Rosa Madeline Bokenfohr (1861-1934), also a native of the Crescent City, were the progenitors of the Joachim families of Ocean Springs and Biloxi. Ben’s parents, Peter Joachim (1819-1862) and Barbara Dauenhauer (1822-1894), were natives of Bavaria, Germany.
Barbara Dauenhauer was born at Dahn, Sudwestpfalz, Rhine-Palantinate. She expired at New Orleans on November 30, 1894.(The Daily Picayune, December 1, 1894, p. 4)
Magdalena Gerentz Merkel Bokenfohr (1823-1913)
Rosa’s parents were William Frederick Bokenfohr (1823-1886), a German immigrant, and Magdalena Gerentz Merkel (1823-1913), a native of Gegenwort, Alsace, Germany. B.F. Joachim and Rosa M. Bokenfohr married at New Orleans on February 24, 1881. From this union five children were born: B.F. “Frank” Joachim II (1882-1970), Josephine E. Joachim Lee (1884-1927), Frederick W. Bokenfohr Joachim (1886-1887), Uriah S. “Jack” Joachim (1888-1970), and Elizabeth B. “Queenie” Joachim Potin (1891-1932).(Ellison, 1991, pp. 71-73 and Laura Joachim via Ancestry.com)
New Orleans
Ben Joachim began working at the age of nine as a messenger boy for the Quartermaster’s Corps at the Government barracks in New Orleans. When the Civil War ended, he and his brother established the Joachim Brothers, an organization that oversaw the distribution of all daily-published newspapers in the Crescent City. By the late 1880s, B.F. Joachim had been financial successful but his health was in shambles from years of toil and stress. Like many others, he sought the salubrious environment of Ocean Springs to recuperate and restore his ailing physical and mental maladies.(The Jackson County Times, January 24, 1925, p. 1)
Fourth Street Fire
On March 30, 1894, a large conflgration on Fourth Street in the Crescent City destroyed several Joachim properties. Peter M. Joachim (1857-1927) owned a double, one-story frame house at No. 89 and No. 91 Fourth Street. He was domiciled at No. 89 Fourth Street and it was totally destroyed and insured for $2600 [building and contents]. Barbara Joachim, his mother, owned No. 97 and No. 99 Fourth Street and it suffered only $20 in fire related damages. She did not live here.(The Daily Picayune, March 31, 1894. p. 14)
Ocean Springs-The Joachim Cottage
In January 1887 and June 1887, Ben Joachim began acquiring land from John M. Hollingsworth (1814-1891) and Dr. Milton Clay Vaughan (1832-1903) along LaFontaine Avenue west of the present day Ocean Springs Harbor. Here he built a tourist home called the Joachim Cottage.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 8 , pp. 723-724 and Bk. 11, p. 88)
Mr. Joachim advertised his enterprise in The Pascagoula Democrat-Star on August 10, 1894 as:
JOACHIM COTTAGE B.F. Joachim, Proprietor Board by the Day, Week, or Month
The Joachim Cottage was also advertised in The Daily Picayune as follows:
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
High and Healthy location; undivided attention to excursionists.
(June 29, 1894, p. 5)
In early August 1895, Peter Joachim and spouse left NOLA to spend two months as guests of the Joachim Cottage at Ocean Springs.(The Daily Picayune, August 4, 1895, p. 7)
In 1898, in addition to being the proprietor of a resort property, B.F. Joachim was employed by his brother-in-law, Jac Bokenfohr, as his Mississippi Gulf Coast sales representative. Mr. Bokenfohr was a produce merchant based in New Orleans. Ben Joachim worked seven years for the Bokenfohr firm before retiring.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, July 8, 1898, p. 3 and The Jackson County Times, January 24, 1925, p. 1)
The Joachim Cottage at Ocean Springs appears to have ceased operations in the spring of 1899. The Daily Picayune related-"Many people in NOLA will regret to know that the Joachim Cottage so long a summer home, will not be open to guests this summer.(The Daily Picayune, June 25, 1899, p 3)
In June 1902, Ben Joachim vended the Joachim Cottage property on LaFontaine Avenue at Ocean Springs, Mississippi to Dr. O.L. Bailey (1870-1938).(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 24, pp. 633-634)
B.F. Joachim House [in background]
Originally, No. 13 Bowen, on the northwest corner of Bowen Avenue and Kotzum, the Joachim house was demolished in the late 1940s. The young man in the fore ground is Earl Brumfield.
1902 B.F. Joachim house
It appears that after selling the Joachim Cottage, Ben Joachim erected on the northwest corner of Bowen and Kotzum what was described as, “one of the most attractive homes at Ocean Springs”. The Joachim home at 13 Bowen Avenue was a large, two-story, frame dwelling with a cross-gabled roof, which featured imbricated shingles in the gables. It had large wrap around, ballustraded galleries, which were supported by turned posts. The B.F. Joachim lots, Lot 4 and Lot 6 of Block 1 in the Kotzum Addition, were acquired from Dr. O.L. Bailey, in June 1902.(Ocean Springs, Ms.-1915, JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk.25, pp. 17-18)
The Joachim house was acquired by William P. Spiers (1898-1960), a native of Carriere, Mississippi, and Mary Tyress Spiers (1900-1976), his spouse, in December 1941, from the Ocean Springs State Bank. The Spiers conveyed it to Noel C. Wells in January 1949.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 72, pp. 35-36; Bk. 104, pp. 310-311)
Noel C. Wells (1907-1987) came to Biloxi from Harahan, Louisiana and operated the Biloxi Sewing Machine Shop at 434 Reynoir Street. He had the old B.F. Joachim home demolished and contracted with Clarence E. Galle (1912-1986) to build a four unit apartment building.(The Gulf Coast Times, January 21, 1949, p. 5)
Dr. Richard T. Furr, the current owner of this property, bought it from the Wells family in March 1983. The Furr family owns a two-story, tenement house here today at Bowen Avenue.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 758, p. 263)
The Builder’s Supply Company
The Builder’s Supply Company was incorporated in the State of Mississippi in 1905, by George W. Davis (1842-1914), E.S. Davis (1859-1925), Dr. Jasper J. Bland (1850-1932), J.L. Clark (1850-1914), Peter Geiger (1858-1923), W.H. Bell, Frank Marquez (1840-1914), George E. Arndt (1857-1945), Joseph A. Wieder (1877-1960), John Burr (1875-1916), B.F. Joachim (1847-1925), Narcisse Seymour (1849-1931) and H.C. Seymour (1876-1913). B.F. Joachim was the manager of this local enterprise, which was situated on Old Fort Bayou, just north of Dr. Powell’s Bayou Inn, now Ronnie Hamilton’s Aunt Jenny’s Catfish Restaurant. Here Ben Joachim sold lumber, shingles, molding, brick, and associated building products. Two local lumber mills supplied the wood products for Mr. Joachim’s bayou lumberyard. Some of the local extant buildings at Ocean Springs that utilized the Builder’s Supply Company materials for their construction were: The 1912 Albert C. Gottsche grocery store, now the Blossman Gas Building at 809 Washington Avenue; the 1913 Farmers and Merchants Bank Building at 929 Washington Avenue; and the 1913 Joseph E. Catchot-Sam Guagliardo residence formerly at 1109 Ames Avenue, which was demolished by Maria Mavar in 1990.(Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 1915, p. 37)
The land in Section 19, T7S-R8W, where the Builder’s Supply Company was located Old Fort Bayou was acquired in June and July 1905, by George W. Davis and E.S. Davis. They bought approximately .65 acres from William Eugene Shaw and Sarah S. Shaw of Winneshiek County, Iowa. The parcel had a frontage on Old Fort Bayou of one hundred forty-two feet and the sale included the warehouse and wharf on the Shaw tract. This plot was once owned by Antonio Franco (1834-1891) and his spouse, Jane Rodriquez Franco (1844-1915), who conveyed it to Jesse B. Shaw in May 1890. The Widow Franco sold Messrs. Davis a narrow tract, fifty feet by one hundred sixty-eight feet in July 1905. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 33, p. 4; Bk. 11, pp. 149-150; Bk. 33, p. 5; and Bk. 33, p. 6)
In October 1907, the Davis Brothers conveyed these lands to the Builder’s Supply Company for $630. In general terms, the Davis lands conveyed were described as: bounded on the north by Old Fort Bayou; east by Jane Franco and E.M. Westbrook; south by Iberville Avenue; and west by Dr. O.L. Bailey.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 33, pp. 6-7)
In September 1915, Mrs. Emma A. Powell sold Builder’s Supply a small strip of land on their eastern boundary with her. It measured twenty feet by sixty-six feet.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 57, pp. 568-569)
Before his demise in January 1925, B.F. Joachim had acquired all the stock of the Builder’s Supply Company. In June 1925, his legatees conveyed the Builder’s Supply Company to Captain Ellis Handy (1891-1963) for $5500. The sale included: sheds, machinery, and improvements.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 55, pp. 629-630 and The Daily Herald, June 3, 1925, p. 5)
In late May 1925, Captain Handy announced his purchase of the business and planned to take over the daily operations on June 15th. He planned to enlarge the business and trade in multiple types of building materials.(The Jackson County Times, May 30, 1925, p. 3)
Ellis Handy advertised his business in early June 1925, as follows:
The Builders Supply Co. Will endeavor to maintain a high standard of service and expand to meet the desires and demands of the community, advancing with the progressive growth promised to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. PHONE 74 Ellis Handy Ocean Springs, Miss. |
Joachim’s expire
Rosa B. Joachim expired at Ocean Springs, on January 19, 1934. She was survived by two sons, B.F. “Frank” Joachim Jr. of New Orleans and U.S. “Jack” Joachim of Biloxi; two sisters, Elizabeth B. Brand and Lena B. Burgunder; and two brothers, J.B. Bokenfohr, and Jack Bokenfohr. In addition, Mrs. Joachim had thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Her corporal remains were sent to New Orleans for burial in the Joachim family tomb in the Metairie Cemetery. Ben Joachim had been interred here after his demise on January 13, 1925, at New Orleans, Louisiana.( The Jackson County Times, January 20, 1934, p. , The Daily Herald, January 20, 1934, p. 2 and The Jackson County Times, January 27, 1934, p. 3)
B.F. Joachim II (1882-1970), called Frank, was born at New Orleans, Louisiana on December 19, 1882. He married Magdalena Schmidt (1882-1971), called Lena, who was born March 10, 1882, at Ocean Springs. She was the daughter of Charles E. Schmidt (1851-1886) and Laura Coyle (1857-1931). Their children were: Mark Oscar Joachim (1904-1955), B.F. Joachim III (1908-1974), and Mary Frances Joachim Milner (1916-1987). In April 1903, a young Frank Joachim had a close call with the grim reaper at Gulfport. While attempting to board the moving Coast Train, he fell sustaining acute contusions to his face.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, April 10, 1903, p.3)
The Riviera Livery and Transfer Company
This transportation company was owned by Frank Joachim and was organized after his partnership in Joachim & Toler had ended. Joachim & Toler were in business as early as May 1914, when they added a Ford touring car to their taxi fleet which had previously consisted of one Ford and a Studebaker.(The Ocean Springs News, May 23, 1914)
Dan C. Toler (1876-1939) had been born in Alabama of North Carolina parentage. He married Dora Ramsay (1871-1941), the daughter of Sardin G. Ramsay (1837-1920) and Lula Ramsay (1851-1886). Mr. Toler acquired the Government Street feed store and livery stable of Calvin E. Dees (1877-1954) in February 1909. In December 1910, Mr. Toler sold his business to Dr. O.L. Bailey (1870-1938) who turned it quickly to T.J. Ames (1876-1927). This transaction left Ocean Springs with only two stable owners, J.J. O’Keefe (1859-1911) and T.J. Ames, which were considered adequate for the population and commerce. By 1920, Mr. Toler and family had moved to Vancleave, Mississippi where he was a superintendent of a logging railroad.(The Ocean Springs News, February 27, 1909 and December 24, 1910)
By 1915, Frank Joachim was operating as Joachim’s Livery and Transfer Company and advertised as follows:
Joachim’s Livery and Transfer CompanyB.F. Joachim, Jr. Prop. Automobile service by the day, hour or tripSpecial attention given to country tripsTelephone, 59 Ocean Springs, Miss. (from: Ocean Springs, Mississippi-1915) |
C.E. Schmidt (1904-1988), former Mayor and author of Ocean Springs French Beachhead (1972), related in 1967, that his father, Frank E. Schmidt (1877-1954), circa 1910, built a two-story building on the northwest corner of Washington and Desoto for Frank Joachim to house his livery operation. Mr. Joachim remained here as the local Ford dealer post-1920. The business here was called “Joachim’s Livery-autos, carriages, and wagons”(The Ocean Springs News, February 16, 1967, p. 3)
Ice price war
In April 1920, Frank Joachim began vending ice on the streets of Ocean Springs. A Biloxi dealer was his supplier. The local icehouse sold ice for $1.00 per 100 pounds of ice. Joachim cut the price to $.70 per 100 pounds commencing an immediate price war with the Ocean Springs iceman. Instantly, the price of ice was dropped to $.40 per 100 pounds of ice by the local ice supplier.(The Jackson County Times, April 24, 1920, p. 5)
Ford and Fordson Dealer
In mid-1920, Frank Joachim acquired the Ford dealership at Ocean Springs. It had previously been franchised to Helveston & Bell who operated from the Horton building on Washington Avenue. Mr. Joachim planned to set up a Ford service center and sell automotive parts for Ford vehicles. (The Jackson County Times, January 12, 1918, p. 5, March 6, 1920, p. 5, and December 25, 1920, p. 3)
Notice To The Public I have been appointed the authorized Ford dealer for this territory and can make prompt delivery. A carload due this week. Full line of Ford parts. Ford Service Station to be installed. FRANK JOACHIM (The Jackson County Times, December 25, 1920, p. 2) |
1920 Auto facts
At this time, there were approximately 55,000 motorcars in Mississippi. Hinds County with 2008 automobiles lead the State. On the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Harrison County had 1300 cars; Jackson County 700; and Hancock County only 350.(The Jackson County Times, March 6, 1920, p. 5)
On January 1, 1920, Henry Ford of Detroit issued an $8,000,000 bonus to his 80,000 automotive workers. Skilled employees who earned $10.80 per day and with five years tenure were given $270. Laborers who were at the $6.00 per day pay scale received $50. This remuneration was in addition to that earned in Mr. Ford’s profit-sharing plan.(The Jackson County Times, January 17, 1920, p. 5)
Joachim garage notes
In April 1921, Frank Joachim sold two Fordson tractors to locals in time for springs plowing. Gus Nelson and the Hamill Farm were the recipients of this fine machine, which could perform all tasks that its advertisements proclaimed.(The Jackson County Times, April 6, 1921, p. 3)
In July 1921, Frank Joachim reported that he has been unable to make Ford motorcar deliveries because the national demand for Ford automobiles had created a shortage. Mr. Joachim expected a carload of Fords within the next few days.(The Jackson County Times, July 2, 1921, p. 5)
In January 1922, Frank Joachim advertised his auto sales inventory as follows: Touring Car $348; Regular runabout $319; Regular chassis $285; Coupe $580; Sedan $645; One-ton truck $430; and the Fordson tractor $625. All prices f.o.b. Detroit.(The Jackson County Times, January 28, 1922, p. 5)
In March 1922, The Jackson County Times, reported that Frank Joachim led all Ford dealers in the district in percentage of sales in February 1922, and that it appears that he will excel his previous month record.(The Jackson County Times, March 11, 1922)
In June 1922, the Joachim Livery Stable acquired a seven passenger Buick.(The Daily Herald, June 17, 1922, p. 7)
Early December 1922 saw Frank Joachim install a modern radio set in his Washington Avenue garage. He invited everyone to visit in the evenings and listen to concerts broadcast from Forth Worth, Houston, Atlanta, and Jefferson City, Missouri.(The Daily Herald, December 6, 1922, p. 2)
In May 1923, Harry R. Lee (1903-1951) joined the sales staff of the Joachim Ford agency.(The Jackson County Times, May 12, 1923, p. 5)
In March 1924, Ford representatives rated the Joachim dealership at Ocean Springs as Class A, the highest rating possible.(The Jackson County Times, March 22, 1924, p. 5)
Joachim Building
The Joachim building was located on the northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Desoto on the west three-quarters of Lot 6-Block 24 (Culmseig Map-1854). Originally, the large home of R.A. VanCleave (1840-1908), pioneer entrepreneur at Ocean Springs and namesake of Vancleave, Mississippi, was situated here. It was erected in the winter of 1891, and burned circa 1905.(The Biloxi Herald, February 7, 1891, p. 1)
In January 1906, the VanCleave family sold their family residence property on Washington Avenue to Hannah Johnson, the spouse of William Johnson (d. 1922), an L&N conductor. In 1904, the Johnsons had built a home at present day 306 Washington Avenue, popularly known as the Holloway house.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 30, pp. 455-456)
Mrs. Johnson conveyed her Washington Avenue corner lot to B.F. Joachim II in March 1916, for $3250. Here sometimes in the early 1920s, Frank Joachim erected a large two-story masonry building to house his Ford dealership. In Late March 1931, Mr. Joachim vended his building to Frank B. Faessel (1870-1953) for $7500. It appears that the Joachim Ford agency failed during the early years of the Depression. The depressed economic situation during this era was reflected in July 1936, when Mr. Faessel sold the Joachim building to The United Poultry Producers, a co-op of poultry and eggs producers, he took a large capital loss as the selling price was only $3250.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 58, p. 440, Bk. 64, pp. 229-230, and Bk. 69, p. 151)
It is believed that Frank Joachim relocated to New Orleans for many years, before returning to Ocean Springs after WWII.(Mark G. Joachim, January 6, 2004)
Texaco dealer
Frank Joachim took over management of the local Texaco dealership in early July 1947. This station was situated on the old J.P. VanCleave property on the SE/C of Washington and Porter. Texaco acquired this parcel from W.S. VanCleave in June 1930.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 63, p. 479)
Mr. Joachim advertised his new venture in the local journal as follows:
TEXACO SERVICE STATIONHaving taken over the management of the local Texaco Service Station as of July 1st, I shall appreciate your patronage. FRANK JOACHIM“Will You Please Give Me A Trial? I Will Try To Please You” (The Jackson County Times, July 6, 1947, p. 8) |
In November 1948, Frank Joachim remodeled his Texaco service station. Two new subterranean storage tanks with a 10,000-gallon storage capacity were installed. Gasoline distribution to patrons was supplied by two new pumps, which were approached on a newly resurfaced driveway. In addition, Mr. Joachim had two sanitary restrooms for the convenience of his customers.(The Jackson County Times, November 24, 1948, p. 1)
Texaco sold this station to Clovis H. Barnett in March 1977. Howard R. Barnett acquired it in November 1983 and vended it to Mohler Tidy car in December 1986. The Robert Mohler family still manage and operate the station and will soon open a deli-diner, to compliment their mini-mart.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 586 , p. 342, Bk. 777, p. 192, and Bk. 877, p. 100)
Youkey-Joachim house
The Frank Joachim home is extant at present day 1208 Porter Avenue. It is situated on Lot 8 and a part of Lot 7 in Block 2 of the H.F. Russell Subdivision. John K. Youkey (1848-1922), the builder, and family came to Ocean Springs from Cottage Hill, Florida in October 1911. Initially they rented the Meyers’ cottage on Church Street. The Meyer’s cottage, now owned by Laura Ederer Bolton, is more familiarly known to today’s older generation as the Scharr house.(The Ocean Springs News, October 7, 1911, p. 5)
In late December 1911, Mr. J.K. Youkey acquired several lots in Block 2 of the Russell Subdivision fronting on Porter Avenue from H.F. Russell. Consideration for the parcels was $350. It is assumed the Youkey’s erected their home here in 1912.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 37, p. 525)
Mr. Youkey was a native of Ohio. He married Helen M. Douglass (1856-1928), an Indiana lassie, and the daughter of Jackson Douglas and Mary Lee. Youkey was a War of the Rebellion veteran having served with Co. H of the 135th Indiana Infantry.(Bradford O’Keefe Burial Bk. 17, p. 39)
Frank Joachim acquired the Youkey house from Walter G. Armstrong (1878-1945) in May 1944. It is believed that Mr. Joachim had been in New Orleans since the collapse of his automobile business at Ocean Springs, during the Depression.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 85, pp. 378-379)
The Heirs of B.F. Joachim Jr. conveyed their parents’ home to Neil H. Ballard (1920-1984) in July 1971.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 410, p. 528 and JXCO, Ms. Chancery Court Cause No. 17286)
Joachim Farm
In April 1925, A.E. Olsen sold his 16-acre lot, orange and pecan grove and residence at Bayou Puerto to Frank Joachim (1882-1970) and Uriah Sylvester “Jack” Joachim (1888-1977) for $8000. This was the old homestead of Thomas N. Hanson (1810-1900), a Dane who became locally renown for his wine making. The Olsen place was situated in Section 24, T7S-R9W in US Government Lot 3. Here the Joachim brothers produced the “Giraffe” pecan.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 55, p. 80 and The Daily Herald, October 12, 1925, p. 1)
The Joachim brothers turned this venture into a handsome profit when they conveyed this site to H.W. Branigar of Gulf Hills for $45,000 in November 1925.( JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 55, p. 80 and Bk. 57, pp. 88-90)
B.F. “Frank” Joachim II expired on March 12, 1970. Less than a year later, his wife passed on February 18, 1971. Both were interred in the Evergreen Cemetery on Old Fort Bayou.
Children of Frank and Lena Schmidt Joachim
Mark O. Joachim
Mark Oscar Joachim (1904-1955), called Oscar, made his early livelihood at Ocean Springs with his father in his Ford auto sales and service organization. He was a graduate of the Soule Business College at New Orleans. In 1929, Oscar Joachim was elected city clerk after the retirement of long time city clerk, James Lynch (1852-1935). He served in this capacity until he was replaced in 1942, by Sadie Catchot Hodges (1894-1973). At the time of his demise in July 1955, Mr. Joachim was bookkeeper for Blossman Gas. He was also a public accountant.(Schmidt, 1972, pp. 135-136 and The Daily Herald, July 18, 1955, p. 2)
Oscar Joachim had married Miss Mary Gough (1902-1978), the daughter of Mrs. A.E. Gough of Malvern, Arkansas, at St. Alphonsus Church in early June 1927. Miss Gough was an alumnus of the University of Arkansas. She was a teacher in the local grammar school. Miss Amy Quick attended Miss Gough.(The Jackson County Times, June 11, 1927, p. 3)
In July 1929, Mrs. L.A. Wilcox of Tulsa, Oklahoma, the sister of Mary Gough Joachim, came with her spouse and mother, for her first visit to Ocean Springs.(The Jackson County Times, July 20, 1929, p. 3)
Mrs. Joachim ran for political office in 1965, and was elected alderman for Ward 4 defeating former mayor, Charles Ernest Schmidt (1904-1988). She passed at Grand Bay, Alabama in late November 1978. Mary G. Joachim had taught elementary school at Ocean Springs for thirty years as a classroom instructor and six as a substitute teacher.(The Ocean Springs Record, November 30, 1978, p. 2)
Oscar and Mary G. Joachim were the parents of: Mark Oscar Joachim II (1928-1994) and Ann Joachim Donaghey (c. 1932-c. 1986).
Oscar Joachim bungalow
The Oscar Joachim bungalow is situated at present day 300 Washington Avenue. This structure was built in 1917, by Carrie Johnson Garrard (1886-1968), the widow of Joseph B. Garrard (1871-1915). Mrs. Garrard purchased the lot, which is on the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Ocean, from Mrs. Albert G. Tebo (1853-1918) in August 1916.( JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 42, pp. 516-517)
In 1924, Carrie Johnson Garrard (1886-1968) married Alexander Fleet Everhart (1881-1957). According to local realtors, the house was utilized for rentals until Mark O. Joachim, Sr. (1904-1955) purchased it in 1943.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 83, pp. 275-276)
The Oscar Joachim home burned on December 17, 1946. Young Ann Joachim was rescued from the second story by her father. He suffered facial burns and smoke inhalation. The house was severely damaged, but not destroyed.(The Jackson County Times, December 21, 1946, p. 1)
First Presbyterian Church
In December 1955, shortly after Mr. Joachim's death, his widow, Mary G. Joachim, sold the house to the First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs for $18,500. Mrs. Joachim relocated to a smaller home on Jackson Avenue. At this time, the Joachim home became known affectionately as "the Manse", the home of the minister.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 83, pp. 275-276)
The Manse became embroiled in controversy in the spring of 1992, when the Ocean Springs Historic Preservation Commission denied the request of the Presbyterians to remove the old structure in order to erect a new sanctuary on the site occupied by the Joachim house. After many months of discussion and compromise, the 1917 Garrard bungalow on Washington was saved and the new Presbyterian sanctuary was built on Ocean east of the 1887 church. On August 20, 1995, the First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs dedicated its new sanctuary on Ocean Avenue.( The Mississippi Press, April 10, 1992, p. 4-A and The Ocean Springs Record, August 17, 1995, p. 3)
Mark Oscar Joachim II
Mark Oscar Joachim II, called Oscar, was born at Ocean Springs on September 6, 1928. After completing Notre Dame high school at Biloxi, where he was an outstanding quarterback, Oscar attended the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. In July 1947, Cadet Oscar Joachim embarked for a South American voyage aboard a United Fruit Company vessel.(The Jackson County Times, July 6, 1947, p. 8, Ann S. Joachim, January 12, 2004 and M.F. “Bud” Hodges, January 13, 2004 )
After completing his studies at Mississippi State University, Oscar married Catherine Ann Saucier of Pascagoula (b. 1934) on July 6, 1958. She was the daughter of Clifton Saucier (1896-1981) and Catherine Scholtes Saucier. They were the parents of Valerie Joachim Dedeaux.(JXCO, Ms. Circuit Court MR Bk. 97, p. 194 and Ann S. Joachim, January 12, 2004)
Circa 1956, Oscar Joachim became a resident of Pascagoula. Here he was employed as the County purchasing agent before becoming purchasing manager for Mississippi Chemical, where he remained for twenty-eight years. Oscar had served his country during the Korean War and was a Roman Catholic. He passed on November 15, 1994 at Pascagoula. Mr. Joachim’s corporal remains rest in the Jackson County Memorial Park cemetery in Pascagoula.(The Sun Herald, November 16, 1994, p. A-2)
Ann Joachim
Ann Joachim was a 1950 graduate of Ocean Springs High School where she was elected Miss OSHS, most popular girl, and senior class vice-president. Ann was extremely active in all phases of her school as she was in the band, led cheers, edited the school paper and annual, and played on the basketball squad.(Hi Daze, 1950, p. 5)
Pre- July 1955, Ann Joachim married Charles Donaghey. They resided at Oil City, Pennsylvania before relocating to Houston, Texas.(No further information)
B.F. Joachim III
Benjamin F. Joachim III (1908-1974), called B.F., was the second child of B.F. “Frank” Joachim II (1882-1970) and Magdalena “Lena” Schmidt (1882-1971). He was born at Ocean Springs on February 17, 1908. B.F. attended local schools until he went to Spring Hill College in Mobile for his higher education. He graduated from the Jesuit institution’s preparatory department in June 1927.(The Jackson County Times, June 11, 1927, p. 3)
In November 1932, B.F. Joachim shipped out of Mobile on the steamer, City of Alma, for London and other European ports. His ship was expected back in Mobile in January 1933. In April 1933, Joachim sailed aboard the steamship, President Harrison, owned by the Dollar Ship Line. The eight month voyage circumnavigated the planet disembarking at twenty-two ports in fourteen countries.(The Daily Herald, November 12, 1932, p. 2 and The Jackson County Times, December 23, 1933)
Aviation Radioman 1st Class, USN, B.F. Joachim married Kathryn Elizabeth Ernst (1906-1993), the daughter of John J. Ernst and Julie Ann O’Neil of Quincy, Illinois, on May 24, 1944, at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Ocean Springs. The wedding breakfast was at Dale's in Ocean Springs. After a brief honeymoon, B.F. Joachim returned his duty station at Pensacola, Florida.(The Daily Herald, May 25, 1944, p. 4 and Jackson County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 41, p. 115)
B.F. Joachim expired in January 1974, at Quincy, Illinois. Mrs. Joachim died at Quincy on March 24, 1993.(No further information)
Mary Frances Joachim
Mary Frances Joachim (1916-1987) was the last child of B.F. “Frank” Joachim II (1908-1974) and Magdalena “Lena” Schmidt (1882-1971). She married Walter Dermy Milner (1917-1980) of Gulfport, in early June 1939, at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The young couple made their home in Jackson, Mississippi.(The Jackson County Times, June 10, 1939, p. 4)
The Milners had two children: Martha Milner, RSM, and Joseph Milner. Mary Frances Milner expired at Biloxi on April 5, 1987. Her remains interred in Evergreen Cemetery.(The Ocean Springs Record, April 9, 1987, p. 3)
Josephine Eleanora Joachim (1884-1927) was born at New Orleans, Louisiana on August 21, 1884. In 1904, she graduated from the Soule Business College in New Orleans. Josephine married Robert Eugene Lee (1887-1927) of Vancleave, Mississippi in June 1909, at her father’s home in Ocean Springs. Houston Martin was the best man and Miss Queenie Joachim, attended her sister.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, July 1, 1904, p. 3 and The Ocean Springs News, June 19, 1909)
Josephine and R.E. Lee were the parents of: Rosemary Lee, Robert E. Lee Jr., Gretchen Lee (1917-1927), Helena Lee (b. 1921), and Jane Lee (1923-1927).
Family tragedy
In early November 1927, a devastating incident occurred in the Joachim family at New Orleans, when the car driven by Robert E. Lee was struck by the Sunset Limited, a fast passenger train of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Mr. Lee, his spouse, and five children were in the motorcar when it was rammed at the grade crossing on Shrewbury Road adjacent to Jefferson Park. Ironically, they had come to New Orleans from their suburban Southport home to place flowers on the grave of B.F. Joachim Sr. who was interred in the Metairie Cemetery. Rosemary Lee and R.E. Lee Jr. survived the crash while Mr. Lee, Josephine Joachim Lee, Gretchen Lee, Jane Lee, and Bernard Potin Jr. (1921-1927) were killed. Bernard Potin Jr. was the son of Queenie Joachim Potin, the sister of Josephine J. Lee. He had taken the place of Helena Lee in the car as she stayed with her Aunt Queenie in the Potin home situated at 410 Old Homestead Avenue, Bonnabel Place, Metairie. The Lee family members who died in the accident were all interred in a single tomb in the Metairie Cemetery.(The Jackson County Times, November 12, 1927, p. 1)
Frederick William Bokenfohr Joachim (1886-1887) was born at New Orleans, Louisiana on July 27, 1886. He expired on October 10, 1887. No further information.
Uriah Silvester “Jack” Joachim (1888-1977) was born on March 13, 1888 at Ocean Springs, Mississippi. He attended Soule Business School at New Orleans graduating in 1906. Joachim found employment as a bookkeeper for the Dantzler Commissary, a subsidiary of the L.N. Dantzler Lumber Company, at Vancleave. Later he worked with the J. & S. Company there. In 1908, U.S. Joachim relocated to Biloxi where he became an employee of the L. Lopez Company as a bookkeeper.(Lepre, 1991, p. 160 and The Daily Herald, January 31, 1977, p. A-2)
On November 14, 1912, at Nativity B.V.M. in Biloxi, U.S. Joachim married Stella Angelina Gillen (1892-1963), a native of Biloxi and the daughter of Mark J. Gillen (1840-1925), from County Mayo, Ireland, and Ellen Sheehan (1854-1931), a native of New Orleans. U.S. Joachim and Stella G. Joachim were the parents of Mark Gillen Joachim (1913-2011), Clare Joachim Maddox (1915-2009), John Schappert “Jack” Joachim (1916-2012), Harry Joseph Joachim (b. 1920), and Ruth Marylyn Joachim Janca.(1925-1989).(Mark Joachim, August 27, 1999)
Combel Hardware Store
By March 1918, U.S. Joachim had been promoted manager of the L. Lopez & Company operation on West Howard Avenue in Biloxi. At this time, he resigned incorporated with Leon F. Janin Jr. (1912-1957) and J.O. Clark, the Combel Hardware Company. The Combel store was founded at Biloxi in May 1902 by Joseph E. Combel (1853-1938), a native of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Mr. Combel reasoned that Biloxi had a stronger potential for commercial growth than his natal city. At Biloxi, Joseph E. Combel had rented the Hagan Building at 217-219 West Howard Avenue on the SE/C of West Howard Avenue and Magnolia Street. He opened for business on May 1, 1902 and remained in business until March 1918.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, April 8, 1902, p. 8, The Daily Herald, March 25, 1918, p. 3, April 22, 1918, p. 5, The Jackson County Times, March 20, 1918, p. 7
Improving Combel store in 1922
In November 1922, Christian A. Thompson, Biloxi contractor, was hired to make vast improvements to the store building of the Combel Hardware Company on West Howard Avenue and Magnolia Street. Ninety linear feet of canopy sheds were installed on the building facing the two thoroughfares for appearance and pragmatically to afford pedestrian and customer protection from the elements. Four merchandising show windows were also installed by Mr. Thompson’s carpenters.(The Daily Herald, November 22, 1922, p. 3)
1927 Lease
In June 1927, U.S. Joachim, vice-president of Combel Hardware Company, took a five-year lease commencing on April 1, 1928 for $250 month from James V. Hagan (1874-1929), proprietor of the Hagan Building.(Harrison Co., Mississippi Land Deed Bk. 175, p. 370)
Avelez Hotel Company
The Avelez Hotel Company was chartered in June 1946 by Uriah S. Joachim (1888-1977), Richard R. Guice, Adrian Weill (1903-1971), and Albert Sydney Johnston Jr.(Harrison County, Ms. Charter Bk. 93, p. 162)
Riviera Hotel
In December, Wilhelmina ‘Billie’ Sewell Roberts Sherrill Morse (1886-1982) vended the Riviera Hotel at Biloxi to the Avelez Hotel Company.(Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 403, p. 171)
Combel’s Merchandise Mart
The Combel Hardware Company was managed and partially owned by U.S. Joachim evolved in 1948, into his wholly owned Combel’s Merchandise Mart. In April, Uriah S. Joachim announced plans to erect Combel's Merchandise Mart, a 4200 square-foot, commerical building, situated on the Lucille Caillavet property at West Howard Avenue and Thomas Street. The structure was designed by John T. Collins with G.C. Gardner of Ocean Springs as contractor. Joachim related that Combel's Hardware and Suppply Company at West Howard avenue and Magnolia Street will remain at its location of fifty years.(The Daily Herald, April 5, 1952, p. 9)
In addition to his hardware interests, U.S. Joachim was president of First Federal Savings and Loan and the Avelez Hotel. He was also a member of the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, Elks Club, and Church of the Nativity of the B.V.M. Mr. Joachim expired in late January 1977. Stella Gillen Joachim, his wife of over fifty years, preceded him in death expiring on September 12, 1963. They rest eternally in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, January 31, 1977, p. A-2)
After the death of Stella G. Joachim, Mr. U.S. Joachim married Marie Ruth Hagan Brielmaier (1902-1977), the daughter of James Vinton Hagan (1874-1929) and Leila Marie Bousquet (1875-1936). Their nuptial vows were said on June 29, 1970 in Harrison County, Mississippi. Ruth Hagan had married Paul Rosell Brielmaier (1900-1958) in Harrison County, Mississippi on May 2, 1921. Ruth died on June 11, 1979 and her corporal remains were also interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery.(Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Circuit Court MRB 3, p. 107 and Circuit Court MRB 33, p. 156)
Children of Uriah S. Joachim and Stella Gillen Joachim
Mark G. Joachim
Mark Gillen Joachim (1913-2011) was born at Biloxi on November 24, 1913. On September 3, 1939, he married Lillie Catherine 'Putta' Chinn (1917-2002), the daughter of Richard Harvey Chinn and Edwardine Cannette (1889-1968). They were the parents of: Gary P. Joachim, Richard M. Joachim, David Joachim, and Cathy J. Bryant.(Harrison County, Mississippi Circuit Court MRB 50, p. 184)
Mark G. Joachim graduated from Biloxi High School in 1931 and attended Draughon's Business College. During WWII, he served his country as a Captain with the US Army Air Corps in the South Pacific. In September 1944, he had to bail out of a military aircraft, which developed engine trouble over West Virginia.(The Sun Herald, September 14, 1999, p. C-1)
Mr. Joachim made his livelihood in Combel's Hardware, the family hardware business in Biloxi, and in the Civil Service system at KAFB. In this capacity, he and Catherine relocated to the Nation's Capitol from 1938-1941 when he was employed with the Federal Housing Administration. Mark celebrated his 90th birthday at his Windsor Porte home in mid-November 2003. He was joined by siblings, children, and friends.(The Mississippi Press, December 31, 2003, p. 1)
Lillie C. Joachim after rearing her children returned to college and enriched her life with the new knowledge gained from computer science, voice, piano, and drama. In 1985, she commenced her career as a actress on local stages. Her theater resume included more than forty plays, musical, and concerts. In 1991, Lillie C. Joachim was awarded a Bravo Award for her best supporting actress role in the Biloxi Little Theater’s “Girls of the Garden Club”. Lillie expired on July 5, 2002. Her corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemtery in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2002, p. A-9)
Mark Gillen Joachim passed on while residing with Cathy Joachim Bryant, his daughter, at Marietta, Georgia on July 22, 2011. He had left Ocean Springs after his home in Windsor Porte had been damaged by Hurricane Katrina. His corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemtery in Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, July 26, 2011, p. A-4)
Margaret Clare Joachim
Margaret Clare Joachim
Margaret Clare Joachim was (1915-2009) born at Biloxi on March 15, 1915. On February 3, 1940, she married Augustus Carl Maddox Jr. (1912-1996), a native of Magnolia, Arkansas, in her family home at 115 Hopkins Boulevard in Biloxi. Miss Joachim was very popular as a student at Biloxi High School serving as band sponsor in her junior and senior years. In April 1933, she won the honor in competition with Lucille Gutierrez, Sarah Dickey, and Gertrude Galle.(The Daily Herald, February 3, 1940, and April 20, 1933, p. 2)
The children of Margaret Clare and Carl Maddox were: Mike Maddox m. Mary Camille Traweek; Steve Maddox m. Faith Ohlmeyer; and Tim Maddox m. Diane Lirette. On February 18, 1950, their third son, Timothy Scott Maddox was born at Greenwood, Mississippi.(The Daily Herald, February 20, 1950, p. 8 and The Sun Herald, November 29, 2009, p. A14)
Margaret Clare Joachim Maddox expired on October 24, 2009 at Baton Rouge, Louisiana.(The Sun Herald, November 29, 2009, p. A14)
A. Carl Maddox
Carl Maddox, called “Clipboard”, attended Northwestern State University at Natchitoches, Louisiana from 1932-1934, before commencing a career in athletics for the remainder of his life. Carl successfully taught mathematics and coached high school football in Louisiana and Mississippi before going to LSU in 1954, where he coached football for five years and was on the staff that won the 1958 NCAA National Championship under Paul Dietzel.
While at Gulf Coast Military Academy, Carl Maddox made a very positive influence on the life of Kinnaird R. McKee (1930-2014), a young man, that went on to graduate from the US Naval Academy and become a four-star, Admiral in the US Navy and become Superintendent of the Naval Academy. Admiral Mckee graduated from the Gulf Coast Military Academy in 1947 and lauded Coach Maddox as follows: "To this day, I know that I got into the Naval Academy because of that man [Carl Maddox]."
Mr. Maddox became Athletic Director at LSU in 1968 and served in this capacity for eleven years. He went to Starkville and was the AD at Mississippi State from 1979-1984. Carl Maddox was honored by LSU in 1975, when they named their new indoor track facility, The Carl Maddox Field House. He also left a legacy at Mississippi State University, as that scholastic institution bestowed the name of Mr. Maddox on the running track at W.O. Spencer Stadium.
Another sports world honor came to Carl Maddox when the United States Sports Academy instituted The Carl Maddox Sports Management Award. It is granted annually to an individual for his/her contribution to the growth and development of sport enterprise through effective management practices. Vince Dooley of UGA received the Carl Maddox Sports Management Award at the presentation ceremony in conjunction with the annual meeting of the US Sports Academy's board of trustees in Daphne, Alabama on January 16, 2004. LSU also had a Carl Maddox scholarship.
Carl Maddox has been inducted in the Sports Hall of Fame in Louisiana, Mississippi (1989), LSU, and Mississippi State University. He expired at Baton Rouge, Louisianan on February 16, 1996.
John S. 'Jack' Joachim
John Schappert “Jack” Joachim (1916-2012) was born at Biloxi on December 25, 1916. On March 3, 1934, he married his high school sweetheart, Rose Navarro (1916-1999). Rose was the daughter of Salvador N. Navarro (1869-1953) and Eusebia Cabrera-Rojas (1891-1980). Jack and Rose N. Joachim were the parents of twenty children: Harry Louis Joachim (d. 1939); Gerard O'Connell Joachim (1955-2010) m. Judy Fay Smith; John Schappert Joachim Jr. m. Elizabeth Ann Corso; Robin Jude Joachim m. Kay M. Moran; Francis Joseph Joachim m. Patricia Conner and Andrea Puzz Lynch; William Dennis Joachim m. Vickie Lynn Kuljis; Michael Raymond Joachim m. Jackie?; Mary Martha Joachim m. Salvatore 'Sam' Anthony Caruso; Harriet Louise Joachim m. James Wayne Leckich; Georgette Clare Joachim m. Rodney Mattina (1942-2007); Rose Ann Joachim m. Gerald Henry Blessey; Marylyn Theresa Joachim m. Robert McGinn Jr. and Dallas Gibson; Nancy Helen Joachim m. John Barry Gollott; Mary Jane Joachim m. George Baxter; Margaret Joachim m. David Pepper; Maria Adrienne Joachim m. Frank Pellegrino; Marian Virginia Joachim m. Edward Francis Burdine (1952-2006); Mary Daniel Joachim m. William Whittle; and Patricia Regina Joachim m. Roland Michael Creel. Eighteen of their progeny, six sons and twelve daughters, survived to adulthood.(The Sun Herald, September 14, 2012, p. A4)
Francis Joseph Joachim
Francis Joseph Joachim [19-2024], age 82, of Biloxi, Mississippi passed away on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 in Gulfport. Mr. Joachim was a native and lifelong resident of the coast. He retired from Bell South in 1991. Mr. Joachim enjoyed classic cars and Cruisin’ the Coast. During his retirement, he worked at Barry’s You Pull It.
He was preceded in death by his parents, John S. Joachim, Sr. and Rose Navarro Joachim; his stepson, Edward “Eddie” Lynch, Jr.; his brothers, Harry Louis Joachim and Gerard O’Connell Joachim; and his sister, Mary Elizabeth Joachim.
Mr. Joachim’s survivors include his wife of 32 years, Andrea “Ann” Joachim; his sons, Randall “Craig” (Beth) Joachim and Brian Connor Joachim; his stepdaughter, Lyndsay Lynch; his grandchildren, Morgan Elizabeth Joachim, Mason Conner Joachim and Audra O’Boyle; his sisters, Martha Caruso, Harriet Leckich, Georgette Mattina, Ann Blessey, Marylyn Gibson, Nancy Gollott, Jane Baxter, Margaret Pepper, Maria Pelligrino, Marian Burdine, Mary “Dee Dee” Whittle and Patricia Creel; his brothers, John “Jack” Joachim, Jr., Robin Jude Joachim, William D. Joachim and Michael Joachim; and the mother of his children, Ethelyn “Pat” Sustendal.
The family would like to thank Dr. Allison Wall and staff for many years of care and Greg Sullivan and his staff at A Connected heart.
Bradford-O’Keefe Funeral Home is honored to serve the family of Francis Joseph Joachim.
Jack Joachim graduated from Biloxi High School in May 1934 and began his career with Southern Bell Telephone Company, now AT&T, in 1936. He retired in 1983 as the local plant manager. Jack devoted many hours to community service working with the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce and Biloxi Kiwanis Club-serving a president of both organizations. He was a founding member of the Biloxi Fishing Rodeo; charter member of 'The Bell Ringers', a ham radio club of active and retired, telephone, industry employees. In addition, Mr. Joachim was known by his family derived moniker, 'gadget man', for his keen sense of understanding mechanical systems. He had the inate abilty to repair any type of motor, which bode well for his advocations-automobiles, motorcycles, and flying. Jack was an avid fisherman, professional phtographer, and a 'techno' enthusiast.(The Sun Herald, September 14, 2012, p. A4)
Jack Joachim expired on Rose's birthday, September 11, 2012. His corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery in west Biloxi.(The Sun Herald, September 14, 2012, p. A4)
Rose N. Joachim expired on October 31, 1999, leaving fifty-five grandchildren and twenty-six great grandchildren. Mrs. Joachim’s corporal remains were interred in the Southern Memorial Park cemetery in Biloxi.(The Daily Herald, August 16, 1934, p. 3 and The Sun Herald, November 2, 1999, p. A-7)
Harry Joseph Joachim (1920-2012)
Harry J. Joachim
Harry Joseph Joachim (1920-2012) was born at Biloxi on March 8, 1920. After WWII, Harry and his brother, Mark G. Joachim, were in the appliance and hardware business in Biloxi. Harry married Patricia Streiff (1921-2005) of Gulfport on September 14, 1947. She was a native of Freeport, Illinois, but came to Gulfport, Mississippi with her parents William A. Streiff and Teresa M. Streiff in 1927. The Streiff family in America was founded by Fridolin Streiff, a Swiss immigrant, who settled in Wisconsin creating the community of New Glarus.
Harry J. Joachim and Patricia S. Joachim were the parents of five children: Patricia Ann Joachim (1948-2011); Cynthia Joachim m. Ernest Trahan; Harry B. Joachim m. Rhonda ; Cheryl Joachim; and Robert Joachim m. Brynn . In later life, Harry J. Joachim became synonymous with real estate on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Biloxi in particular. He remained active in the business with daughter, Cynthia Joachim, until he became ill.(Harrison Co. Ms., Circuit Court MRB 75, p. 379, Mark G. Joachim, January 19, 2004, and The Sun Herald, April 5, 2005, p. A6)
Harry J. Joachim died at Gulfport, Mississippi on November 21, 2012. His corporal remians were interred in the Southern Memeorial Park cemetery at Biloxi, Mississippi.
Ruth M. Joachim
Ruth Marylyn Joachim (1925-1989), called Marylyn, was born May 1, 1925. On November 23, 1948, she married Frank Luke Janca (1924-1998), who was born October 18, 1924, at Yoakum, Texas. During WW II, Frank had served aboard the U.S.S. Sequoia as Chief of the ship’s office and radioman. Their children were: Linda Frances Janca (b. 1950), Louis Kent Janca (1951-1993) m. Trula Moncrief; Frank L. Janca Jr.; Terrance Joachim Janca (1955-2012); Anton J. Janca m. Reagan ?; Keith M. Janca m. Nita ?; William R. Janca m. Sheila ?; and Michele Roberta Janca m. Dudley Joseph Labat and Thomas Stevens. Marylyn J. Janca died on January 27, 1989. Frank expired on May 19, 1998. Both were interred in the Biloxi National Cemetery.(Harrison Co., Ms. Circuit Court MRB 78, p. 353, The Sun Herald January 29, 1989, p. A-4 and May 20, 1998, p. A-15)
Louis K. Janca
Louis Kent Janca (1951-1993) was born on Octboer 22, 1951 at Bethesda, Maryland. He married Trula Moncrief in Harrison County, Mississippi on January 7, 1976. Louis and was the father of Brannon Janca. He expired on May 28, 1993 at Pascagoula, Mississippi. Mr. Janca was an accounting supervisor with Chevron at Pascagoula. He was survivied by his father; sons, Brannon Janca and William Shannon Moncrief; two sisters, Linda Janca of Biloxi and Michele J. Labat of Dallas, Texas; and five brothers, Frank L. Janca Jr. of New York; Terry Janca and Anton Janca of Biloxi; William Janca of Vancleave; and Keith Janca of Hurley. Internment was in Vancleave Cemetery No. 2. with Holder-Wells Funeral Home of Moss Point in charge of his funeral.(The Sun Herald, May 30, 1993, p. A-2 and Harrison Co., Mississippi 2nd JD Circuit Court MRB 14, p. 226)
Elizabeth Barbara Joachim (1891-1932), called “Queenie”, was born at Ocean Springs on September 5, 1891. She attended local schools and graduated from Ocean Springs High School in May 1909, when O.T. Harper was the principal. Miss Joachim was Class Historian and played basketball on the 1908-1909 Gulf Coast Championship team.(Lepre, 1991, p. 160 and The Ocean Springs News, May 15, 1909, p. 1)
In May 1917, at Ocean Springs, Miss Joachim married Bernard Potin (1893-1981), a prominent businessman from New Orleans. His father was born in France and Mr. Potin’s mother was a Louisiana native of German heritage. At New Orleans, Bernard made his livelihood as a sales engineer with A.M. Lockett.(The Daily Herald, May 19, 1917, p. 3 and Gretchen P. Mortimer, January 19, 2004)
Bernard and Queenie Joachim Potin were the parents of three children: Bernard Potin Jr. (1921-1927), Elizabeth P. “Betty” Pittenger (1918-1972), and Gretchen P. Mortimer (1932-2014). Mrs. Potin expired in childbirth on February 9, 1932. After her demise, Bernard married Leah Anderson (1897-1968). They had a son, James B. Potin (1934-1996).(Gretchen P. Mortimer, January 19, 2004)
Regina Hines Ellison, Ocean Springs 1892, 2nd Edition, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1991).
Jerome Lepre, Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi (1843-1900), Volume I, (Catholic Diocese of Biloxi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
Ocean Springs, Mississippi-1915
The Biloxi Herald, “Ocean Springs”, February 7, 1891.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “New Orleans Advertisements”, January 1, 1899.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, April 8, 1902.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”, May 2, 1902.
The Daily Herald, “Potin-Joachim”, May 19, 1917, p. 3.
The Daily Herald, “New Hardware Corporation”, March 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “D.J. Venus in charge of Lopez store”, March 25, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “The Charter of Incorporation of Combel Hardware Company”, April 22, 1918.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs”, June 17, 1922.
The Daily Herald, “Making improvements to [Combel Hardware Company] building”, November 22, 1922.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs reports several realty transfers”, June 3, 1925.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs”, November 12, 1932.
The Daily Herald, “L.A. Joachim”, December 2, 1933.
The Daily Herald, “Named Band Sponsor”, ?
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Joachim Dies”, January 20, 1934.
The Daily Herald, “Joachim-Navarro”, August 16, 1934.
The Daily Herald, “Joachim-Maddox”, February 3, 1940.
The Daily Herald, “Joachim-Ernst”, May 25, 1944.
The Daily Herald, “Janca Birth”, February 20, 1950.
The Daily Herald, “Maddox Birth”, February 20, 1950.
The Daily Herald, "New buildinh to be erected in downtown Biloxi", April 5, 1952, p. 9
The Daily Herald, "Oscar Joachim Fatally Stricken", July 18, 1955, p. 2
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. U.S. Joachim”, September 13, 1963, p. 2.
The Daily Herald, "Oscar Joachim observes his 80th birthday", March 13, 1968, p. 18.
The Daily Herald, “U.S. Joachim”, January 31, 1977, p. A-2.
The Daily Herald, “Ruth Hagan Joachim”, June , 1977, p. A-2.
The Daily Picayune, “Fourth Street Fire”, March 31, 1894.
The Daily Picayune, “Summer Resorts”, June 29, 1894.
The Daily Picayune, “[Barbara Dauenhauer] Joachim”, December 1, 1894.
The Daily Picayune, “Personal and General Notes”, August 4, 1895.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, January 12, 1918.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, March 20, 1918.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, January 17, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, March 6, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, December 25, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News Items”, December 25, 1920.
The Jackson County Times, “Local and Personal”, December 2, 1922.
The Jackson County Times, “Local and Personal”, March 22, 1924.
The Jackson County Times, , January 17, 1925.
The Jackson County Times, “Civic and Business Leader Is No More”, January 24, 1925.
The Jackson County Times, “Local and Personal”, May 30, 1925.
The Jackson County Times, “Joachim-Gough”, June 11, 1927, p. 3.
The Jackson County Times, “Five Die In Collision At RY. Grade Crossing”, November 12, 1927.
The Jackson County Times, “Local and Personal”, July 20, 1929.
The Jackson County Times, “Mrs. B.F. Joachim, Sr.”, January 27, 1934, p. 3.
The Jackson County Tim.es, “Milner-Joachim”, June 10, 1939, p. 4.
The Jackson County Times, "Joachim injured in Rescuing Daughter from Burning House", December 23, 1946.
The Jackson County Times, “Local News”, July 6, 1947.
The Jackson County Times, “Texaco Service Station”, July 6, 1947.
The Mississippi Press, “The Ocean Springs Press”, Joachim celebrates 90th birthday, December 31, 2003, p. 1.
The New Orleans Item, 'Lived [Magdalena Markel Bokenfohr] 81 years in New Orleans', August 19, 1913.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Mary Joachim”, November 30, 1978, p. 2.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Mrs. Mary Milner”, April 9, 1987.
The Ocean Springs News, “Graduating Exercises a Brilliant Success”, May 15, 1909.
The Ocean Springs News, “Lee-Joachim”, June 19, 1909.
The Ocean Springs News, “Local News”, May 23, 1914.
The Ocean Springs News, “Local News”, February 18, 1911.
The Ocean Springs News, “Automotive Row”, February 16, 1967.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, July 8, 1898.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, April 10, 1903.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, July 1, 1904.
The Sun Herald, “Mrs. Ruth Janca”, January 29, 1989.
The Sun Herald, “Louis Kent Janca”, May 30, 1993.
The Sun Herald, “Mark Oscar Joachim Jr.”, November 16, 1994.
The Sun Herald, “Frank Luke Janca Sr.”, May 21, 1998.
The Sun Herald, “Downed pilot ‘rescuer’ chat 55 years later”, September 14, 1999, p. C-1.
The Sun Herald, “Rose Joachim”, November 2, 1999.
The Sun Herald, “Janca painting to aid Tullis-Toledano”, March 17, 2002.
The Sun Herald, "Mrs. Patricia Streiff Joachim", April 5, 2005.
The Sun Herald, "Margaret Clare Joachim Maddox", November 29, 2009.
The Sun Herald, “Patricia Ann Joachim”, May 4, 2011.
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